Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1914, p. 3

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■-fry *-• T**' r -• - t-.- ■-- ^ * '■ _ _ ... -,. ■ ., • ■-; ■■•.-. ../.t ■'. .• - . v *-* .... ^--'ÿ^z^L' *> --■ ' •-- •;■■■.'. . w '*. ■ /-t »-*• * --6 • ' v-^rs vr» W In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, S64 University St., Montréal. YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE. An Asset To Evèry Woman Gray Hairs A Source of Discontent, Every woman wishes to look young always. always. Gray hairs mean the passing of youth's charm. They are the source of many a heartache to many and many a woman. But they need not be. _ Hays Hair Health restores gray hair to its natural natural color. It is not a dye. By its tonic qualities, by promoting a new vigorous, healthy growth of the hair, by removing dandruff, by furnishing to the scalp and hair-roots a new life it brings back the real color and lustre of the hair. If after a fair trial according to directions. directions. it fails to do this we will refund your money. $i.oo, 50c, 25c. Get it at our store. Sold and recommended by Jury & Ont. Selected Recipes. Horse-Radish Sauce.--This sauce is especially good for roast beef. Grate a tablespoonful of horse-radish, horse-radish, mix it with three tablespoonfuls of cream, a teaspoonful of mustard, the same amount of vinegar and of sugar, with, salt according to^taste. Potatoes and Cheese.--Peel and slice thin six raw potatoes. Put. a Layer on the bottom of a baking dish, and sprinkle it with salt and cayenne pepper, Cover with a" layer layer of cheese sliced verv thin. Fill the dish with alternate layers of potato and of cheese, and let the top layer be of cheese. Blanquette of "Veal.--Cut breast veal into small squares. Make a blanquette sauce as follows : Melt a large lump of butter in a dish, and as it softens stir in a spoonful of flour ; continue to stir, adding little Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanvillc, kephaldol COMES TO CANADA. Originated by Dr. Stohr, a famous phy sician of Vienna, Austria, Kephaldol is stuff and_ sew. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and brown in hot fat. Place in small deep baking baking pan, half cover them with boiling boiling water, cover closely, and bake slowly two hours. It may be necessary necessary to add more water. Remove hearts from pan, and thicken the liquor with flour, made smooth with cold water. Season with salt and pepper, and pour around heart before before serving. 4. 4 ; V German Apple : Cake.--Sift tor ge-ther two cups flour, one-half teaspoon teaspoon salt and three and one-fourth- level , teaspoons baking powder. With tips of fingers work' in onè- fourfch cup butter. Beat one egg, add three-fourths cup milk and stir into the dry ingredients. Spread the mixture in a shallow baking i pan. Have ready pared, cored and sliced four or five apples. Press these in even rows down into the j dough, leaving an edge of dough j all around the apples ; sprinkle the : apples with dried currants and the . edge of the dough quite thickly with powdered, s^gar. - Bake'a bout twen- ey-five minutes. Serve hot with sugar and cream or with hard sauce. Rico Pudding.--Let one-half cup rice be brought quickly to,the boiling boiling point in a. quart or more of cold water and boil three minutes. Then drainf rinse in cold water and drain again. Put over fire in a .double boiler with two cups milk, one- quarter cup sugar, one-quarter of candied orange peel, shaved fine, and one-hklf .teaspoon salt. Let cook until the milk • is absorbed and the rice tender, then stir in three well- beaten eggs and turn into a mould,- well buttered and dredged with sugar. Steam or cook in the oven on several folds of paper arid surrounded surrounded with boiling water about half an hour. Have ready about one-third cup blanched almonds split in halves. Turn the pudding on to a serving dish and press into Il (J lli « COU HH UC 'VU û J- v v # « Ti ll i 1 j 1 bv little, two glasses of hot water, it, spacing regularly the halved ai MOST PERFECT MADE THE INCREASED NUTRITIOUS NUTRITIOUS VALUE OF BREAD MADE IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL YEAST CAKES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE TO THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE TO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION TO WHICH IT IS JUSTLY ENTITLED. ENTITLED. HOME BREAD BAKING REDUCES REDUCES THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. BY LESSENING THE AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE MEATS REQUIRED TO SUP* PLYTHE NECESSARY NOURISHMENT NOURISHMENT tO THE BODY. WELCOME GEESE. E. W. GILLETT CO.^LTD. TORONTO, ONT WINNIPEG MONTREAL Captain Mikkelscn Tells of His Delight Delight Oil Seeing Them. Noah in his ark could not have been more delighted over the return return of the dove than were 'the members of Ejn&r Mikkelsan's party, party, in the desert of Greenland ice, with the sight of a flock of wild geese. In "Lost in the Arctic" Captain Mikkelsen tells of their need of food, of the fatigue of a long sledge journey, and of his own illness. He had become so weak that he was obliged to ride on the sledge. Consequently, their progress progress was very slow. We drive on between a lot of little islands or banks of glacial ice. Suddenly. Suddenly. Iverson makes a snatch at the sledge, causing the dogs to halt in astonishment, and whispered eagerly, "Look ! look ! What's that 2" He points to something that looks like a lot of round stones, and 1 can scarcely believe my eyes. It is a big fi'ock of geese, sitting there sound asleep. They have not heard us. In a few seconds Iverson is on his way towards them. I, of course, remain where I am on the sledge He takes aim, fires, and the whole flock rises. Stop a minute ! Isn't there one on the ground 2 I snatch up the glass. Not one, but two are left upon the field, and after following following the shrieking flock-• a little way, Iverson returns, beaming with joy, a big fat goose in either hand. We are delighted, and drive off southward in the best ~ of spirits. Iverson even stops every now and then to feel the' splendid fat bodies A For Infants and Children. The Prepnefory or FÜLlhMcineAd The Kind You Have Always Bought If milk or anything cooking on a birds, and we do nothing but i- I kuown and used throughout Europe and Great Britain. Now, backed by the endorsements of hundreds of physicians and hospitals, it comes to Canada to relieve pain and cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Headache, LaGrippc, Fevers and similar troubles. Kephaldol has received the highest commendation commendation from the medical profession because of its direct strengthening action on the nerves, without injury to the heart, and its lasting regulative and curative effect effect upon the whole system. Unlike other pain-killing remedies, Kephaldol Kephaldol is absolutely harmless. It causes no intestinal irritation, and has no depressing depressing effects. Kephaldol will now bring to pain- wracked Canadians the untold blessings which it has already conferred in the Old Country--joy of perfect life again to those who, perhaps for many years, have drag- through a tormented existence. Get a 50c tube of Kephaldol tablets at your Druggist's. Kephaldol, Limited, 3* Latour Street, Montreal. Fond of Hers. The two women were discussing the fashions. "Did you say your husband was fond of tiiose clinging gowns']" •'Yes, indeed, he likes one to din a- to me for about five years. salt and pepper, parsley, and bashed bashed chives. Put the meat in this sauce, and let it cook a quarter of an hour over a hot fire, then two hours Over a gentle fire. Boiled White Potatoes and Tomatoes.--Boil Tomatoes.--Boil Irish potatoes until almost done. Drain and slice thin. Butter a baking dish, and put into it a layer of potatoes with two tea- spoonfuls of grated onion, and a layer of strained canned tomatoes with salt and pepper. Add layers of potato and onion, and tomato with seasoning, until the dish is nearly full. . Cover with bread and crumbs and tomatoes, add two ounces of butter in smalt pieces, and bake. Serve hot. Old-fashioned Hard Gingerbread. --To two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, add one cupful of molasses with which two teaspoonfuls _ of soda have been mixed. Rub into this mixture two ta bleep oon fuis of. lard, and one tablespoonful of ginger. Add two-thirds of a cupful of cold water, and enough flour to make the batter the right consistency to roll. When this is rolled thin, cut in squares, and crease each square in parallel lines with the brack of a knife. Bake in a buttered tin in a moderate oven until the color becomes becomes a golden brown. Daube a L'Italienne. --In a piece of beéf about three inches thick out slits, and insert strips of fat ham and bits of mashed garlic. Brown this daube on both sides in hot lard. When done, add sliced carrots, carrots, onions, and enough water to cover. Season with salt, cloves, and strong pepper. Cook slowly for eight "hours in a covered pan, but monds. Serve hot with foamy sauce, in a separate dish. Hints for the Home. Flowers have a direct influence on health and beauty. Spare ribs are much improved by par-boiling before roasting. Meat broths should be rnade only in porcelain or agate ware utensils. A raw-beef poultice, kept on all night, is the latest recipe for a rosy, fresh complexion. To beat the whites of eggs stiff, always ha,ve them cold and add a pinch of salt. . Camphorated oil will clean the marks rnade by hot dishes on the polished table. Open canned fruit or vegetables and pour into a dish several hours before they are served. - A gas "stove should be wiped off each time it is used and washed with turpentine once a week. To remove staine from paints, rub them with a soft cloth wet with alcohol alcohol Prunes are greatly improved if a little cider is added to the water in which they are cooked. To clean pewter, wash it with hot water, rub it with fine sand and when dry polish with leather. If the skin is oily, try wiping the face off occasionally with diluted alcohol, alcohol, 25 per cent, strength. Creamed cauliflower served in green shells makes a dish as tasty as it is satisfying to the eye. A very good substitute for the hot water bag is shelled field corn heated heated and put into a bag. Mattresses should be sunned as range boils over, bums and smokes, the disagreeable smell can be prevented prevented from going through the house by lifting the lid of the range slightly to one side and letting the smoke draw into the fire. Should the smell of burnt food permeate the house, immediately put vinegar on to boil, and the odor will be counteracted. Wash your glassware in two waters waters if it becomes dusty, using an old toothbrush to clean places which are obstinate about becoming clear. If regularly used one water is sufficient. sufficient. Pour a; dishpan full of hot water,* and wash the glass with a clean cloth, using plenty of good soap. Keep the water hot, and let the glass lie in it until hot also. Dry quickly on a dry. soft cloth. Soap is essential to secure clearness and brilliance. Every little crease and talk of what a feast we are to have when they are cooked. The dogs are doing Î their best ; Iverson marches at the rear of the sledge, singing at the top of his voice, and even I feel a little better. &E AVegefsb!?. Preparation furAs- sim Mating iheFood and Reculai jing the Stomachs and Bowels of iNF^NTSYCmtDta Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful ness and Rest.Coiilains neither Ophmi.Morphinc nor Mineral: Not Narcotic. ■•r" JRedpe of Odd DcSdiMUELriTCBER Fhmpkiii Seed " jilx. Senna + JRmhtUcSalts- AniseSad ■ --Xfipmt - TCnconakSté;* Jtinri Seed- prifiti/ St/mr • eeriTtam'. Slstayreeni Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms.Convùisions.Fevenslv ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of TVe Cr.N tau r Cr-M pany. MONTREAIANEW YORK Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. T H n C t NTAU W COr •A MV. N C V Y O « K CITY. A CORRECTOR OF PULMONARY TROUB- A Wonderful New Bullet. ive inv ent re jection will glitter and scintil- pr< „ late with varying colors, a pleasure to behold. Time for a Change. Old Roxleigh--Marry my daughter? daughter? Why, you are supported by your father. * Suitor--Yes, sir ; but my guv nor i 5 tired of supporting me, he says, and I thought I'd get into another family. often as possible. This makes them do not turn the meat. . Now burn ! sweet and free from germs. a butter and a spoonful of ! To prevent eyeglasses ."steam- sugar in a pan, stir in a spoonful of j ing" in cold weather, rub with va- flour, and wet with the sauce of the seline and polish with a silk hand- Queen Mary of England never appears appears an public without an umbrella." umbrella." meat. Pour this on the daube. Spread over the top a half-cupful of capers, and serve with macaroni, boiled and drained. Sprinkle with^ butter and grated cheese. Stuffed Calves" Hearts.--Wash the hearts, remove veins, arteries and clotted blood. Make a bread dressing highly seasoned with sage ; les. --Many testimonials could be pre- __ ^ Spaniard claims to lia «d » marvellous new- bullet, destin- of the respiratory pooesses. but the best ed to revolutionize tile ait o vai- testimonial is experience and the Oil is fare ; for, fired from an old srnooth- reçommended to all who suffer- from bored gun of 1830 pattern, with a these disorders with thé certainty that c j iar g e Q f but nine grammes of pow- they will find relief. It wi.14 allay in- j ^ can destroy walls or houses qualities, The Telegraph says, is that, though fired with black powder, powder, not the faintest breath of smoke issues from the gun at its.discharge. its.discharge. There are no flames. 1 he bullet proceeds oven from a smoo flamation in the bronioal tubes as^no other preparation can. bore gun m a o a straight thine. thine. not in series of loops, as it apparently e lit. to do, according to the laws FLASHES. Sick Headache and relievo all the troubles Inci dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Gvj i TYmwiinAflB Distress alter 'Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. eating. Pain in the Bide, to. While their most rem&rkabls succese has boon shown m outing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pill* equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correctalldisordersoîthestomnnhAtimulatetha liver and regulate tly> bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be aim os t priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but f ortunately ortunately their goodness does notend hero.an d those who once try them will And these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will notj *?o wit ling to do without them. But afier all eick head Unfortunately the sweetness of victory never lasts as Long as the bitterness of defeat. Fame proves that a man .has to be dead and buried, without being buried in oblivion. Perhaps m-oney used to go. farther than it does now, but it didn't go so fast. The fellow who was born tired should look out for punctures. The greatest paradox would be a girl who blushes for her own cheek. Don't judge by appearance. The jollier doesn't always have themiost fun. Mighty few people _ get nervous prostration from their efforts in trying to make the world better. It is never too late to mend, but it is just as well if you don t have to. at a distance of 1,200 yards, or discharged discharged from a modern rifle, at a distance of over 3,000 yards. The bullet- is 7 inches long, pointed like an arrow, and weighs some 7 ounces. It is rather a diminutive shell than a bullet. One of its manv of "ba.'ihtics."" Medicine- A ejected Un î; poll Hat alderman was from the Council Chamber yp £ 1 ism to vote w imn called and refusing to apologize to f. y A "•C- ' -.-IX-ci •I ;i 1 y mnÈMsê. Do you feel constantly t i ml so that everything is Cone with an eiTorl ? It is au i lira'ion that the Kv.itieys n; c not doiu^ their work of filtering the impurities 1 : out Ih.e u'.o- > i GIN PILL: will help you. They restore the Kidneys to -their normal healthy condition and give you hack your ohl time energy and desire to be up and doing. From ail Druggists, ;wis. per box or 6 for $2.511, or direct Iront National Drag and Chem. Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto. Y~our vtottev back if Gin Pills do vot cure. 1 °.f< CLUBBING LIST. S' I Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware-- easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished--absolutely clean. For every kitchen use Panshine is equally effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless. Panshine is a pure, white> and clean powder without any disagreeable smell-- kerchief. . To ir-on embroidery, the iron should be applied on the wrong side and a thick ironing blanket used If a piece of paraffin paper is wrapped around the knife blade it will cut butter without making it crumble. Tomatoes filled with minced pine apple, celery and chopped nuts mixed mixed with mayonnaise make a delicious delicious salad Ink stains on handkerchiefs, etc., may often be soaked out in milk, but the sooner they are dealt with the better. It is not a bad idea for the mother mother of a family of children to ha^e a rainy day closet. Into this closet she' puts .all manner of odds and ends of interest to children. A spoonful of whipped cream is a tasty addition to any" cream soup. Add it to the top of the cup just before before serving. . •• To remove odor of fish or onions from the frying pan, put in vinegar and heat until scalding, and then wa-sli out. All sauces except those having a chopped ingredient, # such as parsley, parsley, should be strained-before'being strained-before'being sent to table. In using ammonia to soften water put it in cool water instead of hot, as the latter would evaporate the IB the bane of bo many Uves that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. ,, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. CABTBB aiDICDJB CO-, iTSW 70BX. H S W : hill fncii The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1913 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe $4 00 Dally Mail & Empire 4 00 Toronto World 3 50 Daily News 2 5° Daily Star, in country 2 50 Daily Star, in town 3 50 Weekly Mail & Empire I 75 Weekly Witness 1 °° Weekly Sun 1 b 5 Farmers's Advocate ^ ••• • 2 50 Farm and Dairy I 85 Family Herald & Weekly Slav ..... 2 00 Home Journal - 1 75 Christian Herald 2 5° Christian Guardian. 2 50 Canadian Farm Canadian Countryman Saturday Globe Sunday World RAISE YOUR CALVES Bv raising them'and choosing the best you will be able to improve the audard of vour herd and make bigger prouLs iioni i<-. standard INTERNATIONAL GROEAST CALF-MEAL enables you to do it without using up your milk for the purpose purpose Tt is a scientihc preparation preparation that contains all the nourishing elements needed by the calf. Mix it with skim-milk and you save your cream or butter for sale, thus feeding' the calf without the revenue from your dni costs but a fraction of the the whole milk that woul ' be required. Write for our booklet ou raisin calves. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY, LIMITED, ÎRONTO, CAN. m 'iT? What He Didn't Like. A horse dealer wa-s trying to sell a horse afflicted with heaves, and .said to the prospective buyer: 'Hasn't he a fine coat-2 Isn't he a dandy 2' ' . "His coat's aU Tight, but I don t Alike liis pants." j /Tt Is sr^A 1 .dore I nmat 'Well, sonny, th M IK' i tv tfWS Asthma Cannot Last when the greatest of all asthma specifics is used. 'Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy assuredy deserves this exalted title. It has conntless cures to its credit which other preparations liad failed to benefit. It brings help to even the most severe cases and brings the patient to a condit- I ion of blessed relief. Surely suffering 7 from asthma is needless when a remedy like this is so easily secured. A tere is nothing as good tor a cold or sore throat as tins Capsicum Capsicum "Vaseline." "just rub that well into your chest--and swallow a teaspoonful of plain White 4 ' Vaseli ne/' In th e morning you'11 feel fine-- soreness all gone." Capsicum its 1" the magical kitchen cleanser. Sold in handy l /X - sifter top can l vv* At All-Gbroper* y t .... P3. ammonia. To prevent onions from sprouting, sprouting, let the onions^dry, heat a poker I <- red-hot and with it singe the roots. Put in a dry -place, and you will find they "will keep perfectly. While suet is quite fresh remove the skin 5 cut the euet iptp. piece*, ànd to every pound add a small teacupful of salt and half a jxjund of flour. Ohop it fine, rising II as much flour as the euet will take ggjy In . this way every particle.-is coated, and should keep. good, for » longtime. « , THE OKHCEST SUGAR No choicer or purer eu<ar ota i* produced tlnim 8t. Lawrinot Orwutotod White FuieOime Sugar. Mod* fnMt ekoUe ««leoted mu ir L by the ta* mod em. u4 JtiiHwvimd ■Imi •f *neia-- itho< S' A A: „ îebibyisib, IBS** mm ■ad mr ho Mai il dl **-*>»^ . "Tommy," said Tommy's mother, i"I am afraid you will make yourself • ill. Do stop eating.- How is it.that you can possibly eat so much? •yl'm sure I dbn'.t know," said Tora- thoughtfully, taking another TKADK MARK REGISTERED my kite, "guess it's just good luck ; > Capsicum "Vaseline" is splendid for all pains in the ckest, rheumatism, neuralgia, gouty complaints, etc. More - efficient than the old mustard plaster; easier to apply, and clef per ; will not blitter the skin. Apply externally only. *Fhcre are other "Vaseline" vr-i^nitions that should oe in every mm jtlfubl in ^Vdselere.'. ST. LAWima SIGAp; *Dl«ElBS -),x- ' 'uhthd. ewiroiiç-y Mothers can easily know wheii their children are troubled with worms, and hey lose no time in applying the best it remedies--Mother Gi'aye's Worm Exterminator. home--eaoh specially made f< we to show y<m them. uses'. Ask.your druggist All the family will be interested in in our free "VaseKnc* ' booklet. Y ov - receipt of your address. Write today. M»4* ~ Imsltt on ~'Va**lln*" ictical home hints giver. L y will be mailed you on -- mmmm \-s«a ^-A -, ' -il s Out of a population of 33,130 in h Mu5t»ph&, Paslia, there are only 4,000 male». ~ CMESEBROUGH"MFCL 18SO Chabot XtsL (CwwBJiM) only by CO. MONTREAL -'ïsdr. - "i 'iTiT - -a.:"!»'. , Ail. f J.

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