Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1914, p. 7

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?5^S> % * ■ '• • : ■-■'.' G ri L -■ -' : ■ v ?'-' J V! ■ ■- •'-' ' --- i---' ' -T ..i>'" r ^: f ;- - ^ r -; ■: - .. '-r^^E W ; ' ? f- v taÇgt r ';-'• j T J^' E. JIcLAÏÏGSUN; Barrister. Solicitor and Conveyancer omc«--Bleaklev Block. Kin* BowmanYllU. koney <• 1«« » t 2SS? able rates. X r bowmanvillf. . ONT « G old mm at i' 5 ' r of ~* n . l *£_« r ; iverMty, Tomrto; Tonr A-ggSL» 1 , PhjBlcUr ai d SvTgeon at Mt. Oaresl Hoapi l K?***?* Residence Wellington »»■ Terr Terr ( K<~. 1 n g . TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Tos Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really w ° r "J $18 to 520. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead • of wearing a misfit readv-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav TREK» WORK SOON TELLS ON YOB Business Men and Breadwinners Breadwinners the Victims of Nervous Exhaustion EACE OF BLACK GIANTS Men TAILOR MOVED. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where lie will be pleased to attend to the wants of all pis old customers and any new ones requiring suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or repaired. repaired. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. satisfactorily. 28tf. PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. *1 When worry is added to overwork men soon become tihe victims of nervous exhaustion--neurasthenia- the doctor'calls it. Some have no reserve strength in their systems to bear the. strain ; others overtax what strength they have. If y°p- find that you are nervous and not sure of yourself, that you sleep badly, and wake up tired and aching, aching, your nerves are out of order. Other signs are inability to take proper interest in your work, > ou 1 * appetite is fickle, your back feels weak, and you are greatly depressed depressed in spirits. One or more of these signs mean that you should take prompt steps to stop mischief by nourishing the nerves with the food they thrive on, namely, the rich, red blood made by Dr. Williams , Pink Pills. These Pills have cured thousands of cases of nervous disorders, disorders, including nervous prostration, prostration, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and partial paralysis. Here is an example. example. Mr. Jas. A. McDonald, Springhill, N.S., says : "In the summer. of 1912, as the result, 1 think, of hard work, I was completely completely run down and found it ne- ^ v . •. T rxnnr- Who Rest on One Leg Fight With Lions. A tribe of black giants known as "Jieng, 5 ' inhabiting a district of the White Nile, in the Sudan, a thousand miles south of Khartoum, has been described by the Rev. • Lea-Wilson, the leader of a medical mission. There are about 8,000 people in the tribe and they live in the neighborhood neighborhood of the Bahr-el-GhazeV the lagoon east of Lake Chad. _ They are among the tallest tribes in the world," says Mr. Lea-Wilson. "They are jet black, typical _ negroes, negroes, and do not practise either cannibalism or human sacrfiices. 1 have never seen among them a case of cruelty to women or children. For some reason apparently unto* unto* themselves, all STANDARD MUEE MORTGAGE known even --. - -, adults have six of-their lower teeth Last Year's Earnings Over 11 Per Cent.--Aggregate Net Earnings for the Period Ending December December 31st, 1913, $351,336.55. In another column of this paper will be seen the annual financial statement of the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation. This is one of the best statements issued by any financial corporation for the year 1913, and was highly commended commended by the shareholders who were present at tfye annual meeting held at the company's offices, 82-88 King Street East, Toronto, on Monday, March the 2nd. The net earnings, amounted to of the paid-up DOG THAT CHEATED. over removed. They have a - substantial sum of $1,985,104.00. at rest of standing on one too j deducting interest on deben- storks. ,1 , x-Up j tur es and deposits, amounting to Mr. Le a-Wilson states that the ! <5loo ko1 nn tes, rninoceiva, , -- x-i. • j potomi, lions and leopards abound. P^ ^ ^ r$serv6 "During the last wet season eight The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on gar- ments that makes it impossible for grease > £ eClSarv to quit work. I slept poor and dust to remain. Old clothing reno- ~ \ v t B leen I did get did not vated and made to look like new. Leave I ly, and what sleep 1 g ^ nr j pr5 - I- Scott's Grocery if no one is in , seem to rest me, as 1 was-consua j Thos. Peate, King-st., tired. My appetite was poor and fickle, and my nerves unstrung had treatment from a doctor for some time, but it did not seem to help me, and having l\eard a great deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills decided to try them. In the course of a few weeks after beginning beginning the Pills I picked up wonder- and was able to return to when you call. Bowmanville 11 per cent r X'n ' capital, which now amounts to the I This Cocker Spaniel Was Very a habit wnen f ,._.x.-_v ~r ai q»n m4 nn 1 Fond of Sugar. That one dog at least not only depose, amours « been known actu- , balance _ available j . g ^ «^tion o£ a army officer who cocker spaniel. funL'and 'the I Among other tricks, the officer has , vn t 7! C „reriën" 1B bÿ balance carried forward to the ere- ' '"- J * people were killed and eat n ?, dit o£ Loss and Gain account. lions. The Jieng people r phe present, corporation is an markably brave and they hav amalgamation of the Standard ed two of these man-eaters Loan Company and the Reliance spears alone This means tha ^ 1 Jx)an and Savings Company of On- îe r rïa™!y ktlltd before ^ the anSgamat.on having nn/, ripcnn.T, , ,n i w The president, yens, stated that the net earnings of the corporation for 1913 exceeded exceeded the combined net earnings of the two companies prior to the amalgamation amalgamation by over $30,000. This re- FACT AND FANCY. Missionaries always go to the bad. Wotsa-y ? T^iere are no swear words in Japanese. Take the conceit out of some men and you've hardly got a greases spot left. Chinese gourmets eat baked fish lips. Women are fonder than men of flattery, yet they believe it less. Holland's railways kill on ,the average only one person a year. The 'golden rule is a measure of conduct that we lay down for other people. The world has more republics than monarchies. An ounce of prevention usually means a pound of useless fear for the future. * -- Suffered Seven Years. Itching and Burning. Did Not Sleep Half the Night. Cured Completely by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 982Yi Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. My sister suffered for seven years with eczema. The trouble began on her arms and legs m water blisters and she scratched. Her clothes were rough around her legs and she suffered from itching and burning and loss of Bleep; she did not sleep half the night. "We used- and O-nt- ment and they did not seem to do any good until -we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment by which, she was completely cured.^ , (Signed) Miss Bessie McManus, May 17,; 1913. Joints'Quit AcMhe Hemline Drives Soreness Aiaj NO MORE STIFFNESS, PAIN OR MISERY IN YOUR BACK OR SIDE OR LIMBS! -, • nnH^esuatch i taken effect on the first of May last, panions can rush m and despatch ^ nreaidenti Mr . N . H. Sfce- the wounded animal. * CANCER CURES. St. John--Bristol From St. John, N.B. Steamer Royal George Wed. Mar, 25 Royal Edward Wed. Apr. S Royal George Wed. Apr. 22 Royal Edward to Montreal Foil particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Agent Wed. Mar. 11 Wed. Mar. 25 Wed, Apr. 8 Wed. Apr. 22 frily, work feeling like a new man have not had a day's sickness since, and naturally am now a li-sver in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will work Old and Modern Methods of Treatment Treatment Compared. It is evident that medical science, in its determination to master disease, disease, has found in radium a powerful powerful weapon against cancer, and the call upon the Government to retain its radiurq fields in the West, and the proposition of distinguished physicians to aid the general Government Government in a plan to cheapen the ubstance and universalize its trea ruent, is beautiful in the extreme. trained the dog to answer "letter call," and fetch his owner's mari to the mess table. Pleased with the dog's intelligence, the officer fel into the habit of giving him a lump of sugar from the breakfast table. One morning, soon after the trumpeter had sounded ] 'letter call," the spaniel came in with neither neither papers nor letters. Tins was unusual, for the officer subscribed to a daily paper that invariably arrived arrived in the morning's mail, but he thought little of it at the time. About eleven o'clock, however, the cord is well worth noting, as 6h ^ d r dog entere d his master's quarters, Cook's Cotton Root Compound* the same beneficial results m any Hezekiah, King of Judah, who lived tired, worn-out worker if 700 years B.C., had a growth on fair trial. If you cannot lds body, which may well have been a other given - - . , obtain the Pills from your dealei they will be sent post paid at 50 is cents a box or six boxes for A safe, reliable regulating by writing The Dr. Williams Medl- medicine. Bold m three de- • n Q Brockville, Ont. grecs of strength--No. 1, SI; Cine VU., No. 2, $3; No. 3. So per box. * Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE cook medicine co^ TORONTO. ONT. (Fweerif WlHw.) Summer Service from Montreal and Quebec beguiling May 2nd TheWHITE STARTS DOMINION LINE 8 SatuidaySaillngs BETWEEN Portland & Liverpool AUSTRALIA'S BIG HARVEST. There is much elation in Australia | xx,, 7.). about the record wmeat harvest. AI- a cancer, called in the record a boil. It was Divine power that wrought the cure, but a material instrument was used in the P° ui " tice, the primitive remedy. And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered." (II. Kings, ing not only the efficiency seen by the combination of the two companies companies under one management, but it shows also what may be accomplished accomplished in the way of reduction of expenses of operation. It vyill be noted from a perusal of the statement that the total assets! assets! now amount to $5,110,332.00. The position obtained in the financial financial world by the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation places it amongst the largest and most prosperous prosperous financial institutions in the Dominion. The conservative policy pursued by this corporation is an feature for the consideration er's and deposited a muddy paper upon the floor. The officer did not understand understand the situation, but he gave the dog a lump of sugar. Half an hour later the dog appeared again with a very muddy and crumpled letter in his mouth. Then the own's own's suspicions were aroused. He gave the dog another lump of sugar, and watched him. He soon found that the dog had buried the morning's mail in the rear of the officers' mess, and was digging it up a letter at a time, apparently with a view to a lump of sugar for important I each piece of mail. of 1 :-- Wonderful "Nerviline" Is the Remedy. A marvellous pain reliever. Not an ordinary liniment--just about five times more powerful, more penetrating, more pain-subduing than any thick, oily or ammonia liniment. Nerviline fairly eats up the pain and stiffness in chronic rheumatic joints, gives quick relief to those throbbing pains, and never burns or even stains the skin. "Rheumatism kept my joints swollen swollen and sore for ten years. My right cnee joint was often too painful to alow alow me to walk. In this crippled tortured tortured condition I found Nerviline a blessing. Its warm, soothing action brought- relief I had given up hoping for. I rubbed on quantities of Nervi- line. and improved steadily. I also took Ferrozone at mealtime in order to purify and enrich my blood. I am today today well and can recommend my treatment most conscientiously. (Signed) C. PARKS, Prince Albert. Not an ache or pain in the muscles or joints that Nerviline won't cure. It's wonderful for lumbago and sciatica, for neuralgia, stiff neck, earache and toothache. Nerviline is simply a wonder. wonder. Best family liniment known and largely used for the past forty years. Sold by dealers everywhere, large familv size bottle 50c., small trial size 25c. Refuse a substitute, take only "Nerviline." -->> HANDS ROUGH, BADLY CRACKED, Muldoon, Que.-- " During the cold - inter 1 ■weather I waa troubled, with, chappeu bends and also à rash on my face caused by -' .arp cold winds. My hands were very rou^h and were badly cracked open and if I went out In the cold air they always bled. I could not do my regular work:. I used salvo, cold cream and other remedies and still they were left unhealed. At last a friend advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I sent for some and applied It to the affected parts and immediately found relief. My hands and. face were cured within a week. . (Signed) Miss Jennie Findlay, Jan. 9, 1913. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp that torture, Itch, burn, scale, and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free, with 3--p. Skin Book. Address post-card Potter Drug « Chem. Oorp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. farms for sals. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Ninety Colùorn» Street» I F YOU Fruit, write H. W, Colborne fit. OR BELL A Dairy Farm. WANT TO BUY BW Daw < ^n! n * Brampton, or » Toronto. Toronto. W. DAWSON, Colborne . .SKATCHEWAN IMPBOJRD WANTED. gov GENTS Dominion , Ontnrio. WR'"- WE WANT YOU. Shade Adjuster Go., u We will pay you $120.00 to distribute relÿ:oue literature^i^y^r fiM'/vrrmt.mn. snare uujp . those looking for substantial an< * Killed by Blood Poisoning safe investments. The debentures of the corporation ^ are issued in sums of $100.00 or iiore, and inter five CAUUNO AT HALIFAX, WESTBOUND "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" "DOMINION" "ARABIC" "CYMRIC" though the returns are not yet com- j Y OUR BABY A GOOD BABY? plete, it is certain that in iNev South Wales and Victoria especial- Mothers, ask yourself the ques v there has been a marked advance tioI1 . Is your baby a good baby ( in the yield. Last year New South not he is not weU, for it is tho Wales put up a record with 32,500,- na t ure c f all babies to be good 000 bushels. This season the P r °" only the sickly baby is cross duct is some 10,000,000 bushels Lj to mind. If baby is cross and greater. Heavy crops were general, cr - s continually give him Baby s and farmers have enjoyed large pro- Q wn Tablets and he will soon be fits. And there is every prospect happy again. The Tablets act as a that- the crop sown for 1914 will g en tl e laxative, regulate the bow- And begroaint inApril tke"LAURENTIC" and "MEGANTIC" Tvo of the tartest Canadian finers. Ticket*iwued (designated 'Prepaid') to bring Old Country friends out. A&fdy to Railway and Steamship Agents for rales, sailings àr tickets OScm: Montreal, Portland, Me., ( Teronto. Halifax and Qnekec. M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville r* < LOW RATES To California, Florida and the Siinny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulai sat G rand Trunk Ticket Offices or write C. E. Homing, D.P. A., Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. JURY, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 78. greatly exceed the one which has just been harvested. "While a, yi of nearly 42,000,000 bushels -of wheat," says the Sydney Sun, is a record for New South Wales, and will be of great value, it is only the fringe of our possible production. New South Wales has an area of 310,000 square miles, and 'grows 42,000,000 bushels. In Europe there is a little country called Roumama, with only 50,000 square miles, or one-sixth the size of New South Wales, and its usual annual wheat yield is 90,000,000 bushels. Over the whole of Australia wheat production production is comparatively so small that this continent does not count seriously in the world's total, the Balkan Peninsula harvests nearly three times as much wheat as the whole Commonwealth. .* Stops a Cough IN ONE NIGHT ° N A 1w R CU R ED H O U T TaÎ' LOWING DANGEROUS DRUGS. els, sweeten the stomach and cure all the minor ills of little ones. Concerning them Mrs. J. P. ard, St. Norbert, N.S., writes: 1 have found Baby's Ovm Tablets all that is claimed for them. My baby suffered from his stomach and bowels bowels and the Tablets cured hum They are sold by all medicine dealers dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. --* A married woman says the way to be happy with a husband is to learn to be happy without him most of the time. Files Cured in 6 to 14 Days ■nme 1 erists refund money if OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, ?r Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. est at the rate of five per cent, per annum on these amounts- is payable by coupon every six months. The corporation invites correspondence correspondence with reference to the safe investment .of funds at remunerative remunerative rates. All communications should be addressed to the head office, 32-88 King St. East, Toronto. * An Irishman -fell from the roof of a house where hè was at work. A passer by rushed up to him and asked 'Are you hurt V ' ' 'It s all right," said the Irishman, I had to come down for nails, anyhow. By Breathing the Soothing, Healing Vapor of Catarrhozone All Throat and Catarrhal Trouble Quickly Cured. is Only One "BBOMO QUININE" m n o-pt the genuine, call for full name, T °- §r *---- BROMÔ QUININE. Look W. GROVE. Cures 26c. Used an old razor for paring his corni. Foolish, because a 25c. bottle of Putnam e Corn Extractor will cure all 'the corns in a family for a year. Safe, because purely vegetable. Use only Putnam's Extractor, 25c. at an dealers. --*- Father's Ultimatum. The father of a large family of children was trying hard to read the evening paper. What s that terrible racket in the hall, Martha Martha 1 , . i h "Orfe of the children just ieil downstairs." 'Well," he replied, turning over another page of the paper, "you tell the childi-en if they can t fail downstairs quietly they'll have stop it." LAXATIVE for signature of n«. Cold in One Day. Lawyer--"The cross-examination did not seem to worry you.. Have you had any previous experience ? Client--* f Six children." - to Recognized Him. "I saw my boyhood chum to-day. one that has become a millionaire.' "Did he recognize you 1 ?" "I guess so. He turned a corner when he saw me coming." * Women Need Gin Pills FOR WEAK BACKS AND HEADACHES. Misa Ethel Balc-ombe, of Port Dufferin, N.S., writes: "I was troubled with Kidney disease for several years. My back was weak I had. terrible Headaches and was so reetlees that I could not sleep at night. At last a friend told me about GL PILLS I at once got a box, and alter taking them, I felt better-after taking three boxes I was cured." 50c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada- Limited, Toronto. Vanity W promotion• .^g^^pkny, n,-c-cl. International Bible vre..n 182 Snadina. Toronto. SAl G NEWSPAPERS for -- D AVEKK1.Y York County. Business in $4,000. Terms liberal, ing Company Toronto. Stationery and Book connection. Price only Wilson Publian te m. " **• " West Adelaide Street, nursery stock. C't TR A W BERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFTY S Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell Son. Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER TUMORS. LUMPS, ETCB, * internal and external cured -IUj. cm pain by our horn? treatment. Writ- ne before too late. Co., Limited. c Dr. Be'lman Collingwood. Ont. Medical Canadian Hair Restorer one j ? Min ard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,-My daughter, 13. years old was thrown from a eloigh and injured her #alhcw so badly it remained stiff and very Snl fcr three years. Four bottles of MInIrD^S LINIMENT completely cured her, and she has not been two years. ff It- is said that more than person has been killed by kissing, f'Yes, but isn't it great if you live through it?" Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn t Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Muriue Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, oc r cnn Eye Books Free by Mail. kn Cya Tonic a.- for AH Eye* tMt C.« Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago he 1 In the Air. "So he praised her singing, di ni} "Yes ; said it- tv as heavenly. did ? ; "Well, Before and After Using. Re-tores Grey Hair to original color. Two might ehb:sli : E1Sï "Did he really say thaU'- n fXDi«asJs, VoduMÏNew Growth, not exactly; but he probably meant gatisfact ; on guaranteed or money bach- that- He said it was unearthly. Price75 cents or two for One Dollar (postage panU Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Not sold in stores, address Canadian Hair Restorer Co., WINDSOR, ONT. troubled' for St. Joseph. Yours truly, J. B. LIVESQUE. P.O., 18th Aug., 1900. w>- >v B0WMANV1LLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept- 15th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Station? r.15 a. m, 7.41p.m. l>r Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanco and Intermediate Points; also C. O. R. Stationj between Trenton and Picbon. fDaily except Snmlay) 11.10 à. in. 7.21 p.m^. tv>t roe Hill and Intermediate Stations - 11.10 a. m. vnrker Tweed, Uarrowsmitli, Bydenham and Intermediate Stations on. Bay ol Quinte Ky. 11.10 a.m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Station} 11.10 a.m. 7.21p.m. It's simply wonderful to think how quickly a bad throat or catarrh can be cured with Catarrhozone. Its rich balsamic vapor is carried along with the breath into the innermost recesses of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and i chest, making it impossible for the germ of "any disease to live. Thus soreness in the chest is at once alienated--phlegm alienated--phlegm is loosened and ejected' ejected' from the throat, old-standing coughs are removed. suffered from an Irritable, weak Belleville, Trent™ and Inter also p, 15 a. m meditiS-tinÜ: tiro BÏitonMd O.O.B. Point,) "I a severe constant In m |Hkj From Napanee, v ' L ": îu?u x iv■ 7.41 p. JU. From Maynooth (C. 0. R.) 7.41 p. I 4 i From Sydenham, Twood, Ya'rker, etc. 7.4l p. m. T'fJn# mn daily except Sunday unless other- J irise marked. . throat for- three years. I had cough, pain over the eyes, bad taste In my mouth, and noises my ears. It was chronic catarrh. Nor thing gave permanent relief tUI I used Catarrhozone. In one hour It relLv cd, and in a.few weeks drove all trace of catarrh from my system/' "TIMOTHEUS A., SALMON. "No. 6 Lopez street, Kingston, Ja." REMEMBER THIS--You breathe Catarrhozone- and " It will cure any throat, chest or bronchial cold Large size, guaranteed, costs $1.00, and lasts two months; smaller sizes, 26c. and S0c Beware of Imitations and Insist ' "CATARRHOZONE" only. By mail from Catarrhozone^Co., Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y„ and Kingston, Ont. An Important Invention. Any person who has followe-d the sea for any length of time^ will have experienced, especially in rough weather, the annoyance which _ is caused by the incessant working and banging of doors, due to the rolling and pitching of the vessel. To ensure quietness the door of a stateroom, for instance, must be shut. To place it on the hook would mean the rattle of the door, which is intolerable, even to those who spend the major portion of their lives on the briny. Many ideas have been put forward, and many inventions inventions formulated, with the object of. obviating this nuisance, but none have been successful so far. A new device, which is expected to be on the market at an early date, is the invention of Mr. Breigan, one of Liverpool's foremost Scotch engineers. engineers. His patent is simplicity it self, and adapts itself to any pre sent class of cabin or saloon door. It is noiseless, ta^es up no room space, and presents no obstructions. obstructions. : He--"For Heaven's sake, woman, stop that perpetual nagging. If you keep on much longer I'll shoot myself." myself." She--"You do, you wretch! You dare fire off a revolver in this house ! You'll wake the baby ! Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Food adulteration in Germany is a prison offense and involves severer severer sentences than theft. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Probably nothing could have _ a more powerful effect ' upon social, domestic and individual welfare, than the widespread diffusion of the spirit of truthfulness. It underlies underlies all honest and faithful work, all right fulfilment of relations, all independence independence and self-respect ; for he who is in this high sense faithful to the truth will be faithful to himself and to others. He Stakes Him. "Yes, indeed, times Lave greatly | changed in the past few years. ' "I suppose so. F't instance s "Well, r r instance. A once autocratic autocratic plumber,, up in my neighborhood neighborhood now goes to the haughty butcher round the corner to borrow money to keep his business alive.' "Did you have a bad toothache % ' "I think so ; but if you know of any other kind of toothache, perhaps it was that kind I had. Found--Mrs. Clarke came running running hurriedly into her husband ^ office one -'morning. 'Oh, Dick, she cried as she gasped for breath, "I dropped mv diamond ring oil my finger, and I * can't find it ^anywhere ^anywhere " "It s all right, Bess, ie plied Mr. Clarke. "I came across it in my trousers pocket. We often say to ourselves, 1 would gladly do my duty if I knew what it is." Doubtless there are cases in which it is hard to decide, but a remark of Goethe on the su iect is well worth remembering. "How- can we -know ourselves. Never by reflection, but by action. Do your duty and you will find out the sort of man.you are. But what is my duty 1' What to-day asks of you " Do not consider too far, too deeply, too seriously. Do the plain present task, and do it veil. It is amazing how pleasant you feel u hep it is done--i.and it is not woolly u. pleasant- even in the doing. * Etc. Zam-Buk Poes Cure Piles Hanson, wife of the pro- Mrs. C. prietor Poplar, B.C Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, of the Commercial x Hotel, Alleging that her husband knocked knocked her down with a bound of butter butter a Calgary woman is seeking a separation. . a waterworks and sewerage system. At Brandon, Man., one-man operated operated street cars were stated to; have been a success, though it was admitted that light traffic did not cause the one-man system to be severely severely tested.' '~ FOR THE HAIR Restores the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not a dye. At. ell Dru*«l*ti 500 • Bot says, Wettest Spot on Earth. Baguio, in the Philippines, has ne x , been strengthening its claim to be suffered from piles for; the wettest place in the world, un Went to doctor after doctor in ; j u i y 29 the precipitation was 31. <0 inches, which nearly equals tne world's mean rainfall for a year. But Baguio lias done better than made-a world's record in and months years. .. -- „ . vain. Finally went to Spokane had an operation. Twelve afterwards she was as had again. She « one day I read about - ^pHOU SANDS I of farmers and horsemen have saved money by using Kendall's Spa- _ vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Splint, Bony Growths and La meness from many other causes. It keeps horses working. A $1 bottle may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold hy druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6 for £.5, also ask for a copy of our book ' * ATreati on the Horse' '--or write to Dr. B . KENDALL COMPANY En burg Falls, Vermont An old Scotch body who had entered entered a first-class compartment in a train, with an unwieldy basket on her arm, was asked very frigidly by one of. the occupants of the carriage if she did not observe that it was first-class. "Ay, ay." was the retort; retort; "but the it-her carriages is all fu', so I'll just hae to put up wi' ony accommodation I can get !" Buk and thought I would try It. The] j > 1911 w ith 91.53 inches in four | first one or two boxes gave nm more , ' w hich 33.70 inches fell in a 1 ease than anything else I had tried, so . ^ ' d ■ When 7% feet of water I went on with the teeatmmt. In a to one B Wnn it i» «rân» I slw that to look alter the shingling of the short time I began to feel altogether comes t El T ISSUE 10--'14. different and better, and I Zam-Buk was going to cure me. wely ark. I 5 went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes I was. delighted to find-myself entirely cured." • It you suffer from this painful Miment, Miment, or from eczema, ulcers or any skinr disease, don't wBsto tiino* -Try , ^nbn4Buk. À '*■* r At Edmonton an attempt is being 1 made to have all. Hospitals t^ken from, the control of.", the- hospital board and placed under the admin- j istration of :ihe• city cb-uncih-'y } Dr. Morse*» Indian Root Pill* are just the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated --when their kidneys are out of orc V --when over-indulgence in s °. favorite food gives them in ^V> es '... --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pdls " quickly and surely put them g • Purely vegetable, they n ^ lthe f yat : vcs j weaken or gripe, like harsh pu g< Guard your chüdren's 'heakh by alwayskeeping a boxofD . n^ey PiUti in the house, > n j b! Indian Root Pills in the the Cl** ldr * n Well

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