Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1914, p. 4

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'.3-" •~.V_ r<- ^g&rr v™ : ;>'-;,r-:^ "•*'•' "• i*fV. e V-. Çÿfî |gj •< V c : < f 5- <. < > 9 X Ç y V , > r- i SECOND FLOOR OFFICES TO RENT Good Light - Steam Heat Decoratectto Suit 7 enant Centrally ^Located If you ,are looking for an office do do not fail to see these. Royal Bank Building <BOWMcANVILLE -- SBH2 YOUR EYES and their care EACH WEEK sees a steady increase in our Optical Department. Why ? Because of the •'EFFICIENT SERVICE RENDERED" and the satisfactory and lasting results obtained by our customers. We test eyes scientifically and guarantee our work Don't be careless. OUBc GRADUATE OPTICIAN is at your service. ÎV No Charge for Testing Rod'k M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians Phone 92a Bowmanville Night Calls 92b %3%%gg88s%i One Moment Please ! D id YOU EVER STOP TO THINK, when asked about the" time how often you have to reply "about 10 o'clock I think, my watch is not just right." This answer would not be necessary if you carried one of our South Bend or other high- grade watches, or possibly your own only needs a little oiling and adjusting in order that you can answer with confidence and accuracy. Come in and let us show you our line of watches or repair your own See how much better you will feel to be able to answer 9,48 exactly without excuses. Remember we use only the best material and guarantee all w r ork. C. H. Haddy, Jeweler Selling Agents for South-Bend Watches One door west of Bank-of Montreal BOWMANVILLE S3 'I 1 Erzf-I Choice Groceries Our stock of groceries is fresh, clean, and of the best quality and at prices that will stand comparing. When you want the best in groceries, fruits, cooked and smoked meats, teas, confectionery, sugars, oatmeals, breakfast foods of all kinds. Let us fill your order. Prompt deliveries to all parts of thejtown. 5^* HARRY ALLIN 0ppos B i * e W mÆi a e r Club Central for Independent Phone. BeUPhone 186 | J r X JL 0 BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 19, 1914 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. J. W.Totten, Prince Albert, has been invited by his official Board' to remain remain another year. Rev. E. B. Lancely, Toronto, mil conduct conduct anniversary services in the Tabernacle Tabernacle Church, Belleville, Sunday. Cobourg Epworth League visited Port Hope League Monday evening and presented presented a Missionary Mock Parliament. St. Paul's Young People's Guild enjoyed a valentine entertainment Monday evening evening when all had a most pleasant social time. Mrs. (Rev.)A.L- MoFadyen. Dunbarton, President of Whitby Presbyterial Women's Women's Foreign Missionary Society, died last week. Miss Lilian Morton, organist St. Sav- iour's Church, Orono, was presented with a purse in recognition of her services the past year. Women's Association of St. Paul's church intend holding a bazaar and tea in the School room on St. Patrick's Day, March 17. Particulars later. Cambridge-st. Methodist Church, Lindsay, Lindsay, has invited their pastor, Rev. Dr. S. T. Shorey, to remain for a fourth year which he has consented to do. C. J. Thornton, M.P., Orono, was appointed appointed a delegate by the Quarterly Board to represent Orono circuit Methodist Methodist Church at the Social and Moral Reform Reform Convention at Ottawa. Simcoe-st. Methodist choir, Oshawa, presented their leader, Mr. Geo. Henley with a beautiful ebonv baton with ivory handle and silver engraved band,^ in recognition recognition of his services. Missionary services held in Stirling Methodist Church Feb. 8 were, very successful. successful. Rev. Dr. Shorey, Lindsay, delivered delivered two very able addresses and they were listened to with interest.--Argus. Rev. J. J. Rae, Chicago, a former pas- tar of Bowmanville Methodist Church, will preach in Simcoe-st. Methodist Church, Oshawa, Sunday March I, and give a lecture Monday evening, March 2. An illustrated lecture on China will be given in the Methodist schoolroom Wednesday Wednesday Feb. 25 under auspices of the Mission Circle. Good musical program with Chinese chorus and recitation; admission admission 10c. Sunday, Rev. T. Albert Moore, Secretary Secretary of the Temperance and Moral Reform, Reform, preached in Cobourg Methodist Church. Sunday morning and Rev. A. H. Going, B. A., pastor of Port Hope Methodist Methodist church, in the evening. Rev. Chas. Adams, Cherry Valley, lectured in Bloomfield Methodist church Jan. 30, to a large and appreciative audience,on audience,on *'Ten Thousand Miles by Land and Sea." Mr. Adams is much appreciated appreciated as a lecturer and is in much demand.-- Picton Times. Sunday next in the Methodist Church Pastor Kenny will take for his morning subject "The Immanence of God" and in the evening "The Sacredness of the Human Body" -- VII Commandment. Bible school at 2.3Ô p.m. to which all young people are invited. Rev. G. H. Copeland, pastor of Methodist Methodist Church, who has been in poor health, has intimated to officials his intention to take a year's rest from active work at the close of this Conference year. He has been gradually regaining strength but feels the need of further rest to complete restoration.--Norwood Register. Rev. Wm. Limbert, Oakwood, President President of Bay of Quinte conference . and Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A.-, B. D., Canning- ton, Secretary, were guests over night at the Tabernacle Methodist parsonage, returning returning from Napanee where they met the conference program committee to arrange for the Conference in fune-- Btlleville Ontario. Over twenty thousand meals so far been provided to the unemployed in Toronto Toronto by the Salvation Army. Over five thousand men have also accepted the Army's invitation to sleep on the floor in one of their halls. Dest tute families were provided with 275 baskets of food during the month of January and in the same period 1515 pieces of clothing were given away to the deserving applicants. Monday evening Rev. H J. Nind, who is staying with his brother, the Rector of St. John's Church, while on his way home to England, gave a most interesting account account of missionary work in some of the islands in the South Pacific. A large audience was present and listened attentively attentively to the description of the work. At the close the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary Auxiliary served light refreshments. The ladies entertained at the Methodist League Monday evening when a program of an entrelv social nature was enjoyed. Alter devotional exercises by President Snowden, Miss McLean took charge and for over an hour the young people were most pleasantly entertained by an impromptu. impromptu. program by representatives of the different British nationalities, contests, contests, etc. Refreshments were served at thé close. A hearty vote of thanks moved by Elmer Beckel and seconded by R. W. Redman was extended to the ladies for their entertainment. The congregation of Kirby Methodist church was highly favored Sunday Feb. 8 when Rev. H. B. Kenny, Chairman Bowmanville Bowmanville District, exchanged pulpits with Rev. R. A. Whattam. This was his firs.t visit to our church but it must not be the last, tor he captivated his hearers from the very first. He congratulated the young people of Kirby League who so excellently excellently entertained the large convention at Bowmanville. Mr. Kenny's oratorical powers are of a high order and his excellent excellent illustrations show him to be a master artist in descriptive faculty .--Newcastle Independent. Mrs. J.* B. Mitchell very kindly entertained entertained the members and friends of the Christian Women's Board of Missions of tfcie Disciple Church at her home Tuesday evening Feb. 10th. A short musical program, program, which was very enjoyable, was rendered rendered as follows: piano duet, Misses Rhea Manning and Helen Mitchell; vocal duet, Mis? Florence Allin and Mr. R. M. Mitchell; Mitchell; solos, Miss Florence VanNest, Miss Florence Allin and Mr. R. M. Mitchell; Mrs. Mitchell, accompanist. . Miss Clara Windatt gave a very interesting and instructive instructive report of her trip last summer to the British Isles and the continent. Dainty refreshments were served at the close. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S TOR LA THAT JUDGESHIP. A well-known barrister, member of a firm of four barristers, and a Conservative writes us as follows : Dear Mr. James :--I j read with much interest your. article m The Statesman on the question of the appointment of Judges. Your stand is absolutely sound as it is altogether wrong the principle of appointing a man in his own district and if that principle is going to be followed it will sooner or later shake the public confidence in our Judiciary. Judiciary. I am a Conservative but have no hesitation in saving the present Government Government is following the wrong track m that regard. I would be glad to see other papers take it up with you. CLARKE S. S. TEACHERS Held A Successful Convention At Kendal. Clarke Township and Newcastle Sun day School Association held their annual convention in Kendal Methodist Church Feb. loth. Good attendance and great interest were shown by the reports of the schools. Mr. Preston G. Orwig, Provincial Provincial Superintendent gave two splendid addresses addresses and conducted a Round Table Conferences. Mr. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Orono, and Mr. Chas. Thompson, Kendal, gave fine addresses, the former on "The Child," and the later on "Influence and Prayer of the teacher." Delegates were royally entertained by Kendal friends. New Officers are: President--John Stewart, Kendal. Vice-Pres-- H. J. Souch. Sec- Treas -- Aldolph henry, Orono. Superinendents:-- Elementary Dept.- Miss Eva Rickard, Bowmanville. Secondary Secondary Division--J. C. Young, Orono. Adult Dept--Dr. Tucker, Orono. Home Dept--S. HallkLy, Orono. Missionary Dept--Miss Thomas, Newcastle. Temp- erane Dept--Jno.- Thompson, Kirby. Teacher Training--Rev. R. A. Whattam, Orono. Delegate Provincial Convention-- Convention-- Adolph Henry. WE5T END HOUSE Gard Of $ I i ¥ 6 I I 1 DOMINION PERMANENT LOAN GO, Had A Large Net Profit The following clipped from Toronto Saturday Night is of interest to many in Bowmanville and vicinity: The Dominion Permanent Loan Company, Company, according to its twenty-third annual report, made good headway last year despite despite the general depression. The dividends dividends paid by the company during the year amounted to $71,748,58, and there was also transferred to the reserve fund the sum of $35,000, and $555,95 was written off office furniture and fixtures, leaving a balance to the credit of profit and loss for further distribution of $55,421.04 The assests of the company amounted to $4.127,670.89, made up principally of mortgages and other securities. The liabilities to the public including debentures debentures and deposits, amounting to $2,393,7- 851.84, leaving a surplus of $1,738,819 05. Of this latter sum, there ,is t $1,200,653.49 on the capital stock, a reserve fund of $438.000. and dividends payable on January January 2, 1914, of $33,734 84, which leaves a balance of i$55,42i,04. Hon. J. R. Stratton was re-elected president, and D. W. Karn vice-president. Debentures bearing five pep cent interest for terms of trom one to five years are sold by the Company's representative representative in this town by Mr. W. W. Taberner at Hotel Bowman, or L. Cornish, Jewler or J. H. Hallowell, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. This is now the end of our business year and after stocktaking we find that it has been the best year we have ever had. Thanking you for the confidence you have placed in us in the past and we hope for a continuance in the future. ... . s We will continue to give you the best values for your money as we always have done. Our spring goods are coming in now and we will be pleased to show you the newest newest from home and foreign markets. r GOLDEN WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pascoe, Whitby "Chestnut Grove" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pascoe, Whitby township, was the scene of a happy family gathering Wednesday Jan. 28 when about one hundred hundred relatives and friends assembled to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. A sumptuous repast was served at five o'clock, the brothers and sisters of the happy couple sitting at the bride's table, which was tastefully decorate ed. After the party had done justice fcf the wealth of good things before them. Mr. Richard Pascoe, Enfield, brother of the groom, proposed the toast to the happy couple, and Mr. Jas. T. Ruudle of Solina proposed the toast to the bride, to both of which the bridegroom of fifty years ably responded. 1 he company then repaired repaired to the sittingroom, where Mr. Thos. Pascoe occupied the chair, and'called and'called upon Miss Velma Pascoe> Creelman, bask., granddaughter of the venerable couple, to read an address and Miss Pearl Pascoe and Mr. Gordon Annis presented their grandmother with a pair ôf gold, rimmed spectacles in an inscribed gold case; and their giandfather with a handsome handsome gold watch suitably engraved. A dainty set of gold band china and some pieces of silverware were also received. A program of speeches, recitations, vocal, instrumental, mouth organ, and music on the bells was then given. The children present were : Mrs. Elgin Annis of Oshawa, Oshawa, Mr. Oliver and Mr. Edgar Pascoe, Whitby township; the eldest son John of Creelman, Sask., being unable to be present, present, but a pleasant feature was the reading reading of a telegram of congratulations sent by the son absent in body, but present in mind. After singing "A jolly good fellow" fellow" and "Auld Lang Syne" the company separated with the wish that they might meet-again at the diamond wedding. s After being through the stock find a few lines which we will clear out at very low prices before starting into our spring busi ness. Come early and often and have a look \ round. There is lots here to interest you. 'J* I A- McNlurtry & Co- Ltd The Big Departmental Store Phônë 83 Bowmanville mmm « X*Î*!*X*X*X<*X*X» WZZSZ&ZZïZZT m ■ ■ Value in Shoes is made up of many elements--the elements--the leather, the workmanship, the fit, and the style. We study the market in the interest of our customers customers to secure the best combination in these that the shoe world turns out BOWMANVILLE MARKET Corrected VA/edne»day Flour ÿ 100 lbs $2 30 to $2 90 Wheat, Fall, bush ... -- 0 00 to o 90 " Spring 0 OO to 0 85 " Red Fife.... o 00 to 0 90 " Goose... O 00 to 080 Barley, ÿ bush, No. 1 0 00 to 0 60 Oats, white " 0 00 to 0 36 rye, " o 00 to o 60 Buckwheat " . 0 00 to 0 60 Peas, Blackeye, $ bush.... 0 00 to o 00 " Canadian Beauties.... 0 00 to o 00 " Small . 0 00 to 0 00 " Blue 0 00 to 0 oo Clover Seed. 5 00 to 900 Timothy Seed--. 1 50 to 2 50 Butter, best table, & lb... .0 25 to o 25 Eggs, 1? doz............. o 00to o 30 Potatoes # bu« 0 00 to o 60 Hay,ton w,...- 00 to 14 00 HAMPTON MILLS BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN, OATS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. o eeeeeeeeeee e»»ee#ee«e##ee^ Order Coal Now As to Pricés Well, when they make better shoes than ours for the money we'll have them. Fred. R. Foley I PARLOR BOOT SHOP Bowmanville "On the Sunny Side" e e s $ $ 1 s : s Se LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery *9s *l' &> # E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sfcs., opposite High School. Phone 177. r w * rys - . I

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