mm ■CSHI» rsi BjS|gg! JHWSSfcG rSMOp&ffii ;,.^-r,v'«.Sb- v>" . -• - '- ' - '~ umBfgSÇ: a® Bas r<' T *<5"- : • : ^ 7 - : y't NOTES AND COMMENTS E$r |;g^ From Girlhood woman id u* «.. - ««*■«.« •■-- - -- . , --fainting apella--emotional -frequently bine and dissatisfied with life. Such girls, should be helped over this distressing stage in life--by a woman e tonic and nervine--that has proven successful for over 40 years. Dr. Pierce^MFavorite Prescription ir^cHn^nemv to the phy sicalwS^ncssesofwoman. A medicine prepared by Every woman may write fully and Dr. Pierce and hi. staff of physicum. and SjnsiMmtM at thé Invalids' Hotel and Suryical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.. and may be sure that her case will receive careful, careful, conscientious, confidential consideration, and that experienced medical advice will be given to her free. DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS r.gulatm and invigorate rtomocA, Itvmr mnd kowelrn. ISmgar seated, tiny granules maty to tako at candy.. to r omanhood \ ALLAN LIN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers are equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling.^ A delightful journey from the commencement - of the trip to the last hour on board. 1 Tor rates, salllnz dates and beautiful descriptive booklet» apply to 1«$*1 agents or THE ALLAN LINE, 98 King SL, West. Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steauroh ip Agent, Bowmanville. Sir. William Ramsay ' is not the first eminent scientist to - raise a question which, on its face, points to shocking indorsement of the Nietzsche notion that benevolence, kindness and charity are ( 'slave virtues'^ virtues'^ unworthy of strong and true men, and that contemptuous indifference indifference to the fate of the infeiioi and unfit is a mark of real superiority. superiority. But few of the scientists really "mean business." They may raise the question academically, but they drop it like a hot stove practically. Should not the unfit be allowed to die ? asked Sir William, and then he predicted that the fit would have to take over the children of the unfit "entirely," since compulsory education education without proper feeding and housing is too often a mockerv. This shows that Sir Vv T illiam does not expect' expect' Nietzsche an doctrines to pre- Hére' Indeed Constipation Is the bane of old age--harsh cathartics aggravate, aggravate, avoid them and use Chamberlains Chamberlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest of laxatives--best for the young, the middle aged and the old. 25c. bottle--Drucsista/and Dealers, or by mail. & Cksatats'm Hedidae Ce. Tarent». $ HEALTH BIGGEST INDIAN RESERVE. W. J. Dilworth Has 1,200 Indians Under His Care at Slide Out. W. J. Dilworth, the man appoint- , . . ■ i n-r.j'l ed to control thè largest India-n. re vail over our developing moral and ^ ry6 ^ Cana ^, has entered upon religious ideas. And the truth is, his duties at the agency at Slide our ideas are as scientific as they Out, Alberta. Mr. Dilworth will are human. have some 1,200 Indians under his -- care, besides a dozen or more re- Letting the unfit die ? But liow serve officials who do the actual are the unfit to be identified? Are | work of. superintending the several ? t>u ! activities of the band. The Bloods are a sub-band -of the Blackfeet OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man's door. She's knocking at your door now--so take heed I Ask us to send you our big 80-page Catalogue Catalogue of Seeds, Bulbs, Fruits, Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Poultry Poultry and Bee Supplies. A post card will bring It/to you. Write today. DARCH a HUNTER SEED CO. LTD. 1223 Z.OTOON, OUT., CANADA. 1« Valuable Premium given--a b s o- lately FREE--- with each order. Page one of Catalogue tells how to get it. the children of the poor idea is absurb and revolting. Many of our greatest ' historical figures were born in poverty and squalor, and many who are so born to-day will govern us, carry on great enterprises, enterprises, write bookrr, invent labor-saving labor-saving devices, compose splendid music, paint remarkable pictures, ,-hen they reach manhood and womanhood. womanhood. The world is doing very well under its progressive moral and religious svsterns, and "letting the unfit die' 7 is an after-dinner piece of nonsense. 4% 5% >•* *» v V tribe, the last to be subdued and induced to taket treaty and settle upon a reservation. Mr. Dilworth is likely, in the early months: of his super in tende tende nee to be called upon to deal Shortness of Breath. The words do not mean difficult breathing, which usually comes from some obstruction in the air passages, but a quickening of the respiratory movements, because the person who is affected feels the need of more air. There are many ways in which shortness of breath may arise. It is often one of the symptoms of illness ; sometimes the illness affects the blood, so that it cannot carry oxygen enough for the I needs of the body ; sometimes the heart does not maintain a sufficiently sufficiently rapid circulation of the blood ; sometimes the lungs are so wasted that they have not enough surface left to receive the air that is breathed in. In some cases the chest' is deformed or undeveloped, so that the lungs suffer from mechanical mechanical obstruction. In considering the cases where the blood is at fault, remember that shortness of breath is always found in connection with anaemia, whe- ' ther it be chronic or temporary in character, and whether it be caused caused by disease or by mere loss _ of blood. When the symptom arises in diabetes or uraemia, it is a sign of the serious blood ■ changes that occur in those diseases. When a person begins to complain TU. It Lasts. Its Clothes Last. Friends Last. THE REWARD _0F. SERVICE f< An Opportunity For Larger Service Which Cannot Be Taken From You "Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it."--Revelation iii., 8. and had abandoned forthwith l i* cause which they had espoused. And yet, what better and mhA-r reward could these snms hicli God have asked than just this which G-d ises to the ancient church in gave into their hands '? When ba\p the brave and true ever craved an\ thing more than just this price lev boon of new opportunity for <■<%.- Here is the rewar promise w J Philadelphia for all that it has done in His behalf. "I know thy works, says -the Most High, and "Behold, I have .set before thee an open door, and no man can . shut _ it ! inter p r eted. i's : I Which being interpreted, rs of habitual shortness of breath, it J have given you as a reward for ser is important to have a physical ex- ■ vice an opportunity for larger sc j. amination made without delay. One vice which cannot be taken from -►S' il! of taffeta or moire extend to meet the jackets. The daintiest bonnets for little girls are made of lace and tulle and the favored trimming consists of narrow bands of tailless ermine fastened fastened with small satin flowers. Children's colored wash dresses are of cotton crepes, ratines, and plain colored linens, chambrays, and piques. The long waisted effect effect is as much favored as ever. Almost any dress can be brought down to date by removing the old collar, cutting the neck in a "V," and filling it with airy folds of tulle. Always there must be the little decollete decollete front. A distinct fluff incss begins to show in the lighter costumes, but the size of the solhouette is increased increased less than one might suppose, simply because the ruffles are so Almy. . -- * . To Asthma Sufferers. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy comes like a helping hand to a sinking swimmer.. It gives new life and hope by curing his trouble--something he has done to believe believe impossible. Its benefit is too evident io be questioned--it is its own best argu- ! ment --its own best advertisement. If you Fashion Hints Seen, in Paris Shops. The gown that is shirt waisted the back has gone out of fashion. Hats with flower trimming and edges of fur are worn by. many smart women Young girls are wearing white velvet hats, the edges bordered with a fluted ruffle of moire ribbon. Embroidery with colored dots is one of the -features of novelty underclothes. underclothes. The colors are not delicate, delicate, but strong. Clear, fresh, flowery colors are said to be about) to follow the b i il-- liant futurist effects. They are sweet pea.shades. The tango nightgown is the newest, newest, and resembles a chemise and Turkish trousers combined. It is said to be comfortable. Sashes and belts are a feature of children's dresses.^ Sashes are quite ! suffer from asthma get this time tried wide. Belts -are of suede and coloi- | rem e(jy and find help like thousands of ed and patent leather./ others. H is .said that since i aigre ts . are *- barred Parisian milliners are turning turning their attention to flowers and ribbon trimmed hats. .At the theatre women are adorn- ^ ing - their heads with wonderful Egyptian bandeaux, set with amber or jade,and very flexible. "The woman, who is well dressed wears the jersey silk or jersey woolen woolen top petticoat. They take up small space and do not wrinkle. Some of the new bolero coats of the street costumes just reach the waist line at the back. Broad belts While military authority has lately lately gained ground in Alsace-Lorraine, Alsace-Lorraine, it appears to have lost correspondingly correspondingly in Hungary. A certain field marshal in charge of affairs at Budapest- stretched his authority so far as tu prohibit the ladies of the citv from appearing at a garrison garrison ball in slit skirts. The ladies stayed away. The ball was called off. The whole social season Budapest is imperilled. mi - '...V *' " M MM at Hie ladies. have unmistakably indicated indicated that they are under the control of a higher power than that exercised by anybody representing the Austrian army in Hungary. They bow loyally to the awful dominion dominion of the modistes of .Paris. The silly old man who tried to tyrannize tyrannize over them--though a field- marshal, a baron, and what all besides--ought besides--ought to have known better. There are powers ahd powers. They may be swords and bayonets in one place, needles and scissors in another. We sympathize with the hectored citizens of Zabern and we congratulate the high-spirited amazons of Budapest. ' -- v >< ^ ' - -V V-s's mm reason is that tuberculosis often begins with no other symptoms than shortness of breath and a slight cough. If these cases are seen and diagnosed very early, it is not hard to arrest them. The symptom is, of course, present present in such troubles as pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, and pleurisy, which attack the organs of breach directly. Violent exercise naturally causes temporary shortness of breath. In the case of healthy people, people, it disappears quickly when the exercise ceases. If it does not do so, it is a good plan-to have a care ful examination, in order to find out what is wrong. Young people sometimes persist in a. favorite form of exercise after they have begun to notice their shortening breath ; in that they may do themselves lifelong injury. -- Y onth's Companion Work for Your Health's Sake. The best 'health is enjoyed only by hard workers. The athlete's arm attains its size by virtue of the you To those of us "who have no conception conception of rewards beyond the glittering glittering baubles of the "world it must seem as though this valiant church was given a miserable recompense for all that it had endured .and achieved for the cause of -Christ. Here was a little group of Christians Christians who had sacrificed property, friends, reputation, and s icia. standing ; "who were suffering constant constant re vilement and Occasional Persecution at the hands of their fellow citizens, and who, in the face of every temptation temptation to recant and thus return to the easy ways of conformity, had kept God's word and had not denied denied His name. And now, instead of promising them, in return their fidelity, power and fame, large numbers and abundant wealth, success success . and happiness and prospenty in all that the world holds good, God does nothing more than assure them that their reward is the oppor or cl tinued service <' The gi'eat artist asks not money or fame from contemporaries, but only the î r-oc- dom to spread upon his canvass the crowding dreams and visions »>f lus sou-1. The eager scientist is m,t indifferent indifferent to the degrees and emoluments emoluments of the world of scholar-1 i.y. but he would not exchange even the greatest of these for the nnd>- tracted leisure to pursue Ins studies in laboratory and closet. The True Servant of Humanity looks not for bays or laurel or p.'a-i- dits of multitudes, and cares not ut a-11 whether lie gain or lose them: the one tiling lie asks is Ine^opp*' 1 "- tunity to go on leading man>und ■ new 'heights of righteouumm and peace, rtr Mr. W. J. Dihcorth. greater quantity of nourishing tunitv to" go right on serving Him, blood attracted to it by the severe pr<) bably under conditions of even exercise which it undergoes. The greater peril and more cruel suite i- m entai athlete accomplishes his ex- ing. What wonder if in the face, o traordinary amount of brain-work suc h treatment as these Philadel- ETHERIZING PLANTS. French Horticulturist Has Obtained Obtained Excellent Results. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature of Forcing plants by the vapor of ether seems to have proven one of the most successful methods yot tried. A French horticulturist-, G. Bui tel, has experimented with ether as a means of obtaining early strawberries, and reports berries much in advance of those obtained by any other method In the v/inter of 1911-12, Mr. Bul- tel compared a lot of 300 plants treated with ether with an equal number submitted to hot baths. Of the first lot, 107 were in bloom on Jan. 8, and blooming ended on Jan. 16, while the first berries were matured matured on Feb., 21, and the last on March 15. In the second lot, with only thirty-three in bloom on Jan. S, blooming ended on J an. 29, maturity maturity being reached "from March 6 to April 15. The best time of exposure to the ether, fumes seemed to be about forty-eight hours. Of the treated plants, 150 were exposed for this j length of time, and 150 for sixty hours, and the eariine^ss- of the latter latter was only slightly greater than that produced with the shorter exposure. exposure. , " A young gentleman with a very plain- face was rather annoyed because because his view of the stage was obstructed obstructed by the bat o£ a pretty girl who was. sitting in front, of him m the gallery. Wishing to get ^a glimpse of the performance, he plucked up courage and, in a nerv- ous voice j exclaimed :, ^ See here, misa, I want to; lock as #Wll aa you " Stop that i'Ch in two seconds with D. D. D. No remedy that I have ever sold for Eczema, Psorasis, and all other diseases of the skin has given more thorough satisfaction than the D. D. D. PRESCRIPTIONS Jury & Lovell druggists, Bowmanville. * Wasted Energy. A man who had never been duck hunting, shot a-t a duck in the air. The duck fell dead to the ground. "Well, you got him 1" exclaimed the amateur's friend. "Yes," replied the amateur, "but I might as well have saved my ammunition--the ammunition--the fall would have killed killed him." * There is nothing repulsive in Miller's Worm Powders, and they are as pleasant to take as sugar, so. that few children will refuse them. In some cases they cause v uniting through their action in an unsound stomach, but this is only a manifestation manifestation of their cleansing power, no indication indication that they are hurtful. They can be thoroughly depended upon to clear all worms from the system. --* The Silencer. The Magistrate (to offending motorist)--You motorist)--You are fined ten dollars. The Motorist--All right, .old. man 1 You must take it out of this $20. The Magistrate--You are now fined..$20. fined..$20. Anything more to say? The Motorist--By jove, Sir, no. You're too quipk at repartee. with some very important, questions. questions. The matter of cutting the reserve up into small glazing leases is earnestly pressed now by the small ranches south and east of the tract. The actual sale of the southern portion of the tract is also a question which", undoubtedly, undoubtedly, will be voted on. ■ The new agent was born at Ethel, Ontario, in 1877. He is of Irish parentage on his mother's side, and Scotch IT. E. Loyalist on his- father's. father's. He is a graduate of Lis- towol, Ont., High School. Moving to North Dakota he completed three years of the four years Arts course in the University of North Dakota, teaching school -at the same time. He then entered into ! the implement business at Fargo, North Dakota, as a salesman, continuing continuing till 1904, when he , became a farmer in Ward County of thq same State. In the autumn o 1808, Mr. Dilworth came to Mac- leod, again entering the implement business, and continuing till his appointment appointment as Indian Agent. Mr. Dilworth has grown up with the West, has had practical experience experience in all Western conditions, and will no doubt make good in his new work with the red men. and this uppor l iin it; would purchase gladly even at- tin- price of a new cress on another ta - vary 1 Not wealth, or lame, ;| t plause. or ease, or power--nvi. an> - thing that the world can ofier--<i such as these want, but only inf- chance to continue nidefinAel.y . -t 1 u! for if possible oil larger lines, tlm W'.rK which they have begun. "The open door" which "hm man can •,-nm this is the reward which they a-k. And this, as happens, is just me reward which God alw ays g* a.v hp% unto his servants. The rc v. ai- l one duty is the power to fuiiii.a.o ■ other. •M)o right," said the giyt English preacher, Robertson. God's recompense to you will power to do more right. iie only after years of mental training and effort. Sir Walter Scott, whose work stands as.a monument to his industry as well, as to liis genius, was most indefatigable. in his pursuit pursuit of physical exercises of all kinds in many of which he excelled, and in which he could tire most men as easily as he could excel them in feats requiring long-sustained long-sustained mental effort. Much the same thing is told of Goethe. These men fulfilled to the utmost the advice advice of the adage, "Work while you work and play while you play.. Those whose enjoyment of life is largest, and whose accomplishment •of w ? ork is greatest for the longest time, are those who go into their work and play in a whole-hearted fashion, or, as it is often expressed, "for all they are worth." For such health is supplied in greatest measure. measure. SUCH T-recLL-meuu « ^ -- i g „ tt. phi ans had become disheartened John Haynes-Homms Learning that his friend had fall en off a roof on which he was 1 at work, the scientific chap hastened to his bedside. "I have an oppor tunity to prove an old theory here, he said, after obtaining all the details. details. "They say that when a man falls from a great height he thinks of all his sins before he hits the ground. Now, is that true ? Did you do that?" V'Well, I didn't have time to think Of^quite all of them. You see,-1 only feTEfive stories. An told in the Russian ranks. The soldiers soldiers told one another also how the Japanese infantry, in one -assault, exhausted and with ammunition spent, refused to retreat, and remained remained and threw stones at then enemies until the last man was killed. killed. The great dread in every division division of the Russian army was that Nogi himself would be thrown against them. When at last the attack came, there could be no doubt of w hei e and how Nogi "was striking. At the first point of contact .the" veterans of Port Arthur, who thought fighting fighting in the open was nothing after storming the grisly heights of the beleaguered fortress, appeared suddenly, without warning, on the Russian flank and well toward the rear. Their first assault crumpled up the Russian defense like paper. With characteristic Japanese sub- tilty their officers had taught them the battle cries in the Russian language, language, and they advanced, screuni- of men who knew that victo) > impossible. IT.--There are Sores Flee Before man> who have been afflieeed with soils onH psvp driven them aw;>y with Dr. ing between their banzais, are - j Barrie." N<ie-vs men from Port Arfchui ! . „ - , , ^ • i, You know the terrible affliction that comes to ma~y homes from the result of a drinking husband or. son. You know of the money wasted on "Drink" that is needed in the home to purchase food and clothing. ORRÏNE has saved thousand- ands of drinking men. It is a home treat ment and can be given secretely. Your money will be refunded if, after a trial it fail ed to benefit. Costs only $i oo a j ÿ whole great army was in boy. Come in and get a free booklet and reT.reat of sheer let us tell you of the good ORRINE is retreat, not the retreat ot sneei and cave driven them aw;>y Thomas' Electric Oil, which acts like magic. All similarly troubled shonlu lose no time in applying the splenuid îeiuedi , as there is nothing like it to be had. It u cheap, but its power is in no way expresea by its low price. * Bashful Barrie. Ralph Connor once attended -r reception at Free St. George- -e Edinburgh. It was given by vac young people of the-church in in- nor of the rising nov^ in late he met the Drummond. "Have you seen Barrie V Drummond Drummond asked., "No, but I should like io, vr __ plied Connor. "Well," advised Drummond, just- look around until yon hole, hook- dowm that li-'le disfc. Coming H eni y "you find, a Nogi's men from The instant this fear-inspiring cry was heard on the Russian flank, the battle was lost. The spirit of despair despair spread like a prairie fire, and doing. Jury & Lovell, Bowmanville. DREAD OF NOGI'S MEN. In the retreat, panic, but the stubborn withdrawal Connor found Barrie later in a quiet corner evidently looking 1 * 1 v a hole and somewhat distressed at not finding it. * But the man with money tu burn may not love the smell of smoke. oy^ stex nsadashé» 'Oh, do ycr ?" she replied in. a. rich ! tipn# it seldom fails; Cockney accent, as she turned roun.4 and looked at him square in the eye. * "Then you'd better run r ome and change yer face. Steal a March on Father Time Don t let e ey Hair make you look ppematurely old. Nothing will so quickly and surely rob a womàn of her charm as grey and faded hair, and nothing is so easily preventable. A few applications of Hay's Hair Health-will.restore, grey hair to its natural natural color-ancHuxuriance. It is not a dve. it is a tpn^ ttaWimulatM and ,n- vlgoràtcs the scalpi«hd nair-rroots. to the proper performance of tlreir functions The ease with which corns, and thereby brtngihg back the otiguid color warts can be removed by Holloway's of the hair. ; H eures dandruff.- ^ Corn Curé is its strongest recommenda- i Your money, will be refujided ij it fails . a.? -- - . loll® À. 3 3 The clean tableci<*fch catches the • early grease spot. v to do this. $1.00, 50c, 25c. Get it,at our store. So d and recommended by Jury Lovell, druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. the Russo-Japanese War Russians Feared Them. It often happens that the reputation reputation of a successful general and his men hag a great effect in winning other battles. Such" was the case with Baron Nogi and the third Japanese Japanese army, which he commanded. This daring and relentless officer led the famous flanking movement on the Russian right at Mukden. Says' Mr. Stanley Washburn in "Nogi" : v To- the privates of the Siberian steppes and the peasants drafted from the valleys of the Volga and the far-off Neva, this man Nogi w as the incarnation of fury, the demon of-war. His men were pictured by camp fires at night as devils of blood and fire, who would stop at nothing, who eagerly sought death in their, efforts to reach a hand-to- hand encounter with th-eir - foes. A^a-in'- and 'agfthi thé ; .$$Èorÿ d£" 203- Meter Hill, where the Japanese sacrificed. 15,000 men in order to | gain an obs.cryat.ipn „ station, was Better Than Wealth is perfect health; but to enjoy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defective defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, --ailments which spoil life, dull pleasure, and make all sufferers feel tired, or good lor nothing. (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine la the Werld) have proved themselves to be the best corrective or preventive? preventive? of these troubles. They insure better feelings and those who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong they are Mtter able -to. wbrk . and 'enjoy life. For that reason alone, Beecham?s Pilla,; are Oil! TkcÜMction widi tTwy tw are Tory^rahiaMa wmi liHy t»' v Prepared ohttfey Thomas Beech*ia; St Hèbi», Luanhirt, Eo* • Sold eveivwhrre in Ceâad* **d 1). LXuuiim. ta boxes. 25 ctma :