Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1914, p. 7

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JL. E. McLAUGHXJN. Barri.tor. Solicitor and CenweyMeer Oece:--Dleaklev Block. K.tag BewmanvlUe. Money loan at w**®T nkle rate*. Rt. Te B.J.Paziewood»M»D.»Cl.' l$ Bovm awvïIjLf. « G 01U M6 Î AÏ I*' r Of -/ ; Ivereity, Tormto; Tonr Physician and Bi 1 geor at Mt. Oa-wel Hoepl Pittsburg. Kf. Of co ardKesiaence Welll^gto IcrtNc. iof. fïxtürëT & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about- the lighting of your home, your office or your store. H. HUMPHRIES, K, WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Klec - u v Phone 210. Horsey Block, Temperance-s TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Tos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days itching up with orders for their Famous lilor-made Suits at.$i5-reaily worth Sl8 to 520. They have an excel ant selection of worsteds and tweed sul ^"8 to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MAKE WOMEN WELL woman ; t Dungarvan, TAILOR MOVED. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all his old customers and any new ones requiring 6ui£raade, clothes pressed, cleaned or re- pa: factdrily. Li Cf L1 v_/ Liico ^ Work done promptly and sa. is 28tf. PE ATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. The cleaning and pressing works * n Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing renovated renovated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is in when you call. THOS. PEATE, King-st., Bowmanville. I PROMPTLY SEGÜR6B MARION & MARION. S64 University St., Montréal. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Just because she is a there are times when every woman needs help and -strength in the form of a blood-building tome To thousands of girls and women Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved a blessing, -because, they enrich the blood, give strength and restore tone to the aching nerves The anaemic girl who is languid and pale, the wife whose back feels like breaking; the matron whose health fails as she reaches middle age--for all such sufferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are invaluable because ill health in woman is usually caused by poor blood oi insufficient blood. These pills have cured thousands of others, why not you? Mrs. D. Morine, W allbrook, N.S. says:--"It is impossible for me to say too much m praise of Dr Williams' Pink Pills. I have been a great sufferer from those troubles that make the life of so many women an almost constan misery. Pains in the back and side racked and tortured me. My nerves seemed to give out, and at times i could do no house work, and only women who have similarly suffered know what I endured. I tried medicine after medicine without any benefit, and was finally persuaded persuaded to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Soon after -starting the puls I found an improvement, and as I continued their use my health and strength returned, and I now feel as well as ever I did in my Me, and I am relating my experience merely in the hope that it may lead' some other suffering woman to renewed health. I may add that my mother suffered from rheumatism so badly that she had to use a crutch, and Dr Williams' Pink Pills completely completely restored her to her usual good health. . . , Always get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Palo People, on the wrapper a-round each box. If your dealer does not keep them, the pills will be sent post paad at oO cents a box or six boxes for ®2.o , by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine .Co., Brockville, Ont. -- . , and two of them vere shot by a man who went out n a boat. . , The epidemic of scarlatina is star prevalent in Clonmel, seven fresh Pa, ses having been admitted to hospital, hospital, making 24 being treated there altogether. ■ . , , A purchaser acting on be halt or. the King-, purchased two Aberdeen Angus crosses at the Dublin Winter Winter Show, the property of Miss Staples, Staples, Dunmore, Durrow. ' /' t The death has taken place m the Ballindine district of- Mrs. Mary Rhatigan. at the age of 109 years. She was the mother of the Rev. Father Father Rhatigan, U.S.A. Militant suffragettes have again been at work in Dublin where uncorked uncorked bottles containing corrosive fluid has been dropped in letter boxes. Much damage was done. At Ballymena the trustees of the Independent Order of Rechabites prosecuted a number of that Society dor imitating a doctor's signature on a certificate of sickness. The- Registrar-General for Ireland Ireland reports that the number of emigrants who left Irish ports during during November wa-s 6,151, of whom 698 were males, over 553 females, a decrease of 123 persons over last yea-r. The strike of the cabinetmakers of the Cures Old Doesn't Disturb the Stomach, Eases ât Once and ; Cures Thoroughly. "CATARRHOZONE" A BOON W MANY THOUSANDS. Because you are. old is no reason for sùffering with everlasting cough: i nS j those terrible 1 chest -troubles: and. difficult breathing can he thoroughly, cured with Catarrhozone. You simply breathe the healing vapor of Catarrh- ozone, and instantly Its .rich balsamic fumes are carried by your breath into the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, chest, bronchial tubes and lungs Just think of it--a direct breathable medicine, full of soothing antiseptic pine essences that reaches every sore, congested membrane in two seconds. No drugs to take--nothing to harm or sicken the stomach, because ? Catarrh- ozone is the purest, safest cough, catarrh catarrh and cold remedy ever devised. «For many years," writes Richard McCallum, Stirling, Ont., "I have suffered suffered from Catarrh, and continually hawked and coughed,, so that my throat was always in ai) Inflamed, Irritable Irritable condition. "Doctors' medicine did not help me In the least, and'all other remedies I used were quite useless. In one case It was time wasted In snuffing powder up the nose; in another using a greasy ointment, and so on. Not one of them was the least bit of good. "I heard Catarrhozone favorably •-/ dug, tasty, deal meal.' A nourishing economic A time and money saver. - ( A strength producer. IKS. ParK & ' C t/«RK Play Straight--Play Fair. When I was young and thin and . small, Not half so stout, nor yet as tall As people tell me I am. now, We had a sort of schoolboy vow That, come what may, we used t-o hold As dearer than the purest gold, And much more rare. And woe to him who broke the «-rule, Debts of the. Nations. The national debts of all the nations nations of the worlds have reached & total of $42,000,000,000, according bo figures compiled by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in Washington. This represents an increase' of 20. per cent., in the last ten years, and 100 per cent, in the last__forty years. The interest charges in 1912 amounted' to $1,- 732.000. 000. The debts of the principal principal countries of the world are as follows: -- France, $6,284,000,000; Russia, $4,552,000,000; the United Kingdom, $3,486,000,000 ; . Italy, $2,707,000,000; ': Spain, $1,815,000,- 000,000; British India, $1,470,000,- 000 ; Japan, $1,242,000,000 ; United States, $1,028,000,000; German Empire, Empire, $1,178,000,000; the German States, $3,736,000,000; Austria- Hungary, $1,051,000,000; Austria, $1,434,000,000; and Hungary, $1,- 268.000. 000. t£i - * A Nova Scotia Case of Merest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. working on the premises Sligo Iron Company has been successfully successfully settled, the men returning to work after an absence of five weeks.' A deputation representing the goods agent, station-master and clerks of the G. S. & W. Ry. waited waited on the directors at Kingsbridge-, seeking improvements in salaries and conditions. Owing to the satisfactory operations operations of the Clancy Act, the Ath- lone Urban Council have been enabled enabled to reduce the rents of the working class houses by 12 cents per week each. The postal authorities have commenced commenced a big development in the Midland Telephone service, the construction of trunk connection between Athlone, -Galway and Ros- carron having been started. An overflow public meeting was held in the Cork City Hall for the purpose of forming a Cork Ci y Corps of tiie Irish Volunters, and stormy scenes were seen, many of the speakers being violently assaulted. assaulted. * flted me more In a few hours Ahan years of treatment with doctors' and other so-called remedies. "Receiving such Immense benefit, 1 continued using Catarrhozone, and in a few weeks I was completely cured of tiatarrh and throat trouble." Get Catarrhozone to-day. Large size costs $1.00, and lasts two months. Smaller sizes 25c. and 50c. All dealers dealers or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. : * -- FEET HEAVIER WHEN ASLEEP Head is Lighter and Feet Much Heavier on Awakening. spoken of, and tried It. Really it bene- This steadfast motto of the school : . _ ----- i ■*-' Play straight; play fair. When I grew up and left the school I vowed to keep our golden rule. To be a sportsman just the same ; I'd play to win, yet play the game. But in the fight of life I -sought In vain, for decent, cleanly sport Was truly rare. , And people seemed to stand aloof f Who should have yelled in stern reproof reproof : , ,, "Play straight; play fair. though, blessed in j iviey A soft, reliable, regulating medicine,. Bold In three decrees decrees of streneth---No. 1, Hi No. 2, 13; No. 3. 15 per box. Sold bv all druggists, or eent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. 1 Address $ THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO. ONT. (Firmrly Wliiwr.) OVER OS YEARS' EXPERIENCE ERIN'S esta ISLE BABY'S OWN TABLETS ARE SAFE AND SURE NEWS BY MAIL FROM LAND'S SHORES. IRE- Happenings In the Emerald Isle ol Interest to Irish men. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. special notice, without chfcrg», lu ths \ pecial notice, without charge, ln tne Stkuttlk fleerkM. leomeiy illustrated weekly. largest oti m of any scientific joornai. Terme ft b, Aa?T5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold t all nirwede^iers. ai it i New York ingteo. D. C. Jfl 363 Breadway, œ F SL. Waahtngtenû TheWHITESTAR* DOMINION UNE Saturday Sailings B ET WISH Portland fclWerpiol 6 Special , Sailing from ,tJohn,N.B. eutonic" Wed.Fib.il CALUKS AT HALIFAX, WEtTseBWP "TEUTONIC" - "CANADA" "DOMINION" "ARABIC" "CYMMC" Peter Davey, a laborer of Drum- kirkaboll, -county Sligo, was cut to pieces on the Midland Railway near Sligo. . . A donation box, estimated to con L a-in about $15, ha» been stolen from the Catholic Church at Ln- nistymon. A fire occurred at a flax mi-1 at Lower Beltooney, near ^ Newton- stewart, the property of Mr. Aiken. The entire mill was destroyed. A stir has been created m Carden Carden by the fact that the doors and showboards of hoiises of prominent residents in the town have been tarred. . . -n A miller, named Patrick Reilly, residing at Dramcar, near Dunleer, had one of his arms almost torn away by being caught in the cogs of a wheel. During the past week some large seals made their way to the shore Mothers wanting a safe and sure remedy for their little ones can depend depend upon Baby's Own Tablets. They are absolutely guaranteed by a government analyst , to contain neither" opiates, narcotics or other injurious drugs. Concerning them Mrs. G. L. Bonham, St. George, Ont., says :--"I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets as a safe and sure medicine for little ones, have raised four babies with_ their aid and would not be without them" The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents, a box from The -Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A *-- You often hear a person complain of his head feeling "heavy" after_a long sleep. As a matter of fact, his head is considerably lighter -and his legs and feet just that much heavier when he gets U P than when he goes to bed. . Experiments have shown that if a man goes to sleep on a bed suspended suspended exactly at middle point of hi/5 weight his head begins to tip slowly up and his feet go down. This is due to the fact that when we sleep the blood in the brain goes off to the other parts of the body. The moment the brain wakes to life again it draws the blood back. Another of the curious facts brought to' light by the scientists who are fond of trying to solve the mystery of sleep is that when one is fast asleep some part of his bxam or several parts of it, may at the same time be awakeA-A man may walk, talk, sing or solve mathematical mathematical problems, and yet at the same time be safely in the land of -Nod. It seems hard or impossible to decide what part of the brain really does sleep. Our sense of time, for instance, is stronger when we sleep than when we are awake. Lx periments conducted some yeais ago on & number oi men and women And, so it is, i health, I have not garnered heaps Success ; as most consider such, of I have not met with overmuch. But I am happy, for I've tried (When others would have moped and sighed) A smile to wear. And still I -hold myself repaid If I can say that I have played Both straight and fair. -V- Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.--When interviewed interviewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid, and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was. so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick headache headache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Evéry day I improved. In six w r eeks I "was a well woman, cured completely after different' different' physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or digestive digestive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton s Pills " Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strengthen strengthen the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing t e blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and di sease - Good for young or old, for men, >or women, for children. All defers seh Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. * In Little Blotches. ScratchingCaused It to Spread. Hands Had to Be Tied. Cried Day and Night. Cuti-, cura Soap and Ointment Cured, : Enniskillen, N. B. -- "The trouble started when my baby was four mouths old. Her head, neck and shoulders were a mass of sores. They broke out at first in little blotches, only watery, Avblch the child scratched and caused to spread and form a mass of sores. Her bands had to bo tied to keep her from scratching the sores. The eczema caused her to itch and burn and to be cross and peevish. She was disfigured for 6 the time she had it. She cried day and night from the Irritation. Neighbors said she would never be cured. "She was given some mediciue to take inwardly but without success. Then a friend told me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment which I did. I washed the child with Cuticura Soap, dried well, then applied applied the Cuticura Ointment every day and in a week's time the burning sensation left, the child scratched no more, and when she was eleven months old she was completely cured." (Signed) Mrs. John J. McCann. Nov. 27, 1012. Although the Cuticura Soap and Ointment Ointment are most successful in the treatment of affections of the skin, scalp, hair and hands, they are also most valuable for everyday use in the toilet, bath and nursery, because they promote and maintain the health of the «kin and hair from infancy to age. Sold by druggists and dealers every^where. For a liberal free sample of eax;h, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug <fc Cheuu Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U, S. A. W. DAW SON i Toronto. Ninety Celttorne Street, Farffl^ F YOU- WANT TO BUY OR BELL [ Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or Colborne Rt., Toronto. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronto. W E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS- paper properties tor aale in On- tario towns at right prices. Apply quickly as subscription renewal time is ,iust opening.' opening.' Wilson Publishing Company. '■> W> = t Street. T r >r^nf.n. ITRAWBERRIES, raspberries fifty Varieties. Free Catalog. McConneil & Son, Grovesend, Ontario. NAS A CORN ANV ROOTS ? Can^t b e ^c ured 7° ^ *Y e e , n b y S apply fng Put Extractor; lt 0 s p a mlese. t sa^ Sfy ,n Putnim ? = ^Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. » - Do It Now. Rix--I've had this umbrella eight years. , Dix-- That's long enough, you ought t-o return it. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. in any Little Worth Noting. "My efforts to keep a diary convinced convinced me of one thing. •"What's that.V' "That there are mighty few days the year on "which a man does vthing really worth recording. Liniment cures Garget in Cows, After a Good Meal. Hostess---Another piece of min ce pie, Géorgie? Just a email piccej Georgie (reluctantly) j- thanks. I could chew it, Lut couldn't swallow it. eilSCELLANEOIIl Mlnard's C ancer, tumobh. lumps, eto.„ internal and external, cured with- cm pain by oar home treatment. WHie U6 before tefo late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Oollingwood. Ont. Hard Luck. "Wasn't Jack a suitor for Miss Riehleigh'-s hand V' /'Yes, hut he didn't, what I" He Meant Well. Hostess (at the party)--Miss Robins Robins has no partner for this waltz. Would you mind dancing with ner instead of with me. ,1, The Man--On the contrary, I shall be delighted. Files Cured In 6 to 14 *>*** „,- money if PAZiV alâo •UtJBEimC" ant 'HEfiAHTlC" Beginning Miy 9th, 1914 Tickets Issued (desinated 'Prepaid') to bring Old Country friends ont. to Railway and Steamship Acentsfor rates, soUines <r tickets Offices: Montreal, Portland. Me.,, Toronto, Halifax and deehee. V X- A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction gives relief. refund Blind, * BANDITS PREVENT WRECK. ol a CANADIAN NORTHERN bowmanville time table (Effective Sept. 15th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Station? P.15 a. m, 7.41p.m. For Trenton. Belleville, Deseronto, Napane» »nl Intermediate Points; also C. O. B. Station! between Trenton and Picfcou. (Bally except Sunday) l),)0a- m. 7.21p.m. J-orCoe Hill and Intermediate Station! . 11.10 a.m. Varker Tweed, Harrowsiuith. Sydenham Tnd Intermediate Stations on Bay oil Quinte Ry. 11.10 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Sbationi 11.10 a.m. 7.21p.m. Belleville, Trenton and Inter mediateEu: also Picton and C.O.R. Points) 9.16 a. m, 7.41 p. m. From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.41 p. BE. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, ete. 7.41 p. m. Trams, run daily except Sunday unless other ^ ■ * wise marked. For further particulars see other adryfaeuienb appearing in this paper, or ripply A. M. WILLIAMS, Bowirxnvillc Agent In a bowl of Post Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of Indian Indian Corn -- cooked and toasted so that they have a delicious flavor--• Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve - ^-Hsold by Grocers everywhere. everywhere. Canadian Festmm Ore*l Oo, Windier, Ontario. Ltd. When They Shoot Engineer Mail Train. How an attempt by bandits to rob a mail train on" the Manchurian Railway unwittingly averted a wreck is reported in. a story from Pogranichwaia-, Russia. A freight train was slowing up for à crossing when the people- at the station noticed that the mail train was rapidly overtaking the freight train, the driver of the mail train apparently being unaware of the train ahead. Just as a collision seemed inevitable there was a grinding of brakes and the mail train came to a stop: Upon investigation investigation the engineer wa,s found unconscious unconscious in his cab, with a bullet hole in his chest-. The fireman had disappeared. x Upon recovering consciousness the engineer said that as the .train was approaching Pogranichwaia his fireman, a mew man on the road, had suddenly produced a revolver.. At the same time he noticed armed.. i'B the woods and realized that, his fireman was in league with the robbers. Ignoring the -order to. stop he put on all possible speed, when the fireman polled the trigger, trigger, shot the engineer in the chest and jumped from the train. The, engineer knew he was badly wounded, wounded, and before lapsing into uncon sciousness pulled the whistle and set the brakes. He knew nothing nothing of the train ahead. "... -x -- ---- - While workmen were employed in the erection of the municipal dwellings dwellings in Wellington Street, Lurgan, they excavated à number of coins of the reign of George IH. between the ages of twenty and thirty «hewed that 60 per cent, of rA^r-xpedJt, the resolve seems to wind up something something in the subconscious brain and *wben the hour has arrived tins someteTng gives in mysterious way the alarm and the eyelids open Another curious fact about sleep is that the further the part-of the body » away from the bram the less soundly it sleeps. A touch of the toe will awaken one much more readily than a touch on the shoulder. shoulder. 'Didn't what % "Suit her." Minard's Liniment Co. a M™" e / tt ack of n Qulnïy* wSïhTtid m.; tor two week. '"•mndlM th! tom» n aeain. form.,, my throat. I bathed AIMENT, liniment freely with MIN a""DTVR LYnIMENT, and saturating a brnin, cWh B wUh N the liniment left it on all nl I?ext morning the swelling was gone and I attributed the warding off of an attack of Quinsy to the free use of MIN ARD'S liniment. ^ f W qRDEN. St. John. Aroused Her Curiosity Marie--I wonder how old you are 1 Julia--I just told you my age. Marie-Yes ; that's what set me wondering. How some men do hate other men because of their superiority. It is hard luck that comes easi est- One Thing at a Time. Hub (anxiously) -- But if you buy this costly fur, .'how are we ever going going to pay for it? Wife---N-ow, Tom, don't let's talk about-two things at once. Let's >alk about the coat. TO Cure a Cold in One Day _ , t axativb bromo quinind Take DAXAixvja rp f un d money if it Tablets. Druggl ^ ts -,v GROVE'S signa- falls to cure E ture is on each box. ~5C. Doing Well, Bix--How are you making out on vour resolution to economize./ v Dix-- Fine ! I've got my running expenses slowed down to a walk- Mlnard's'Liniment Cures Distemper. Perfectly Agreeable. She to rejected suitor-- V T'11 be a sister to 3 x)U, A lphonse. He (briskly)-- All right, kiss your brother. Try Murine Eye Remedy If vou have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes nr Granulated Eyelids.. Doesn't Smart MurTnÏ Eye E rem P edt LiqX^ sL *■2^ "t:^dr-cr -sas. Of Vital Interest to Syrup and i/aple Su^ar . Makers Wlde-Rwnk* Mavle Syrup makers will consult their best Interests by ordering ordering their supplies now instead of delaying delaying until March--our busiest time. "Write for free booklet telling about our "Champion" Evaporator, made In 22 BiBes, suitable for large or small groves. THE GKRIMM MPC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington 8t., Montreal, Qne. POTASH -i Come for Crops On *!1 Soils POTASH is an In dispensable PLANT FOOD. No Boll will raise a Maximum Crop that docs not contain an AVAILABLE supply, supply, , sufficient for the crops needs'. MUHIATB OP ^OTA*H and 8J7DPHATX OP POTASH can be obtained from the leading fertiliser dealers and seedsmen. Buyere of "ready-mixed fertil- ieers should insist on brands or HIGH POTASH CONTENT. AVRITE for our FREE, educative bulletins on the importarit subject of FERTILIZING. ■ CFBBMAH POTASH STHDXCATB, lOlO Temple Bldg., TOHOHTO. 25c, A* I Murlni Eye It Was Discouraging. Mrs. Gadd--Dear me, I've had such a discouraging hard-day of it, making calls. _ -G acid-- W liât was the difficulty ■ Mrs. Gadd--Why, I found nearly every one of t-liem at- home. PRIVATE OFFICE "ïST SO'V 8 1 -- i Cramming down ill-chosen food, and rushing back to., work, leads straight to dys-r pepsla, with sill it means inr. misery. . 1 Proper habits of eating, with a Na-Dru-Co Dys-Ç, pepsla Tablet after each* meal, restore good dlgcs-* tion, health and happiness, A box of Ns'Dru-Cd Dys^ : pepsla Tablets costs but^i fcc. at your Druggist'a#x National Drug and Chemr : > leal Co. of Canada, Limiteirti Wauted. Wanted.-- Twelve well-educated, conscientious ^x)ung women as pupil nurses in City Hospital,'Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by graduation. graduation. Unusual variety of experience. experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed Finest contagious disease building in the State. Children's Children's Ward and Maternity Department. Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. ' Address marry a Miss Frederika K. Gaiser, Princi pal. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some men are nothing more than animated threats. Those who pay as they go usually find the going good. ' "All life is set to music, says a poet. And the life of a tramp to ragtime % Wo are sometimes inclined to think there are not enough square deals to go around. "> The fool , and his money are soon parted, and" the fool and her money You will find relief m Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? AU 5toreSe ~ Same thing. The Baby's Birthday. Among the innumerable superstitions superstitions about babies is the old &a.w about the day of birth : Monday's child is fair oi face ; Tuesday's child is full of grace ; Wednesday's child is sour and sad ; Thursday's child is merry and glad,; Friday's child is loving and giving; Saturday's child must work for a living ; But the child that is born on the Sabbath day ' ' Is blithe and 1 bonny, and good and g»y,« - minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. What, Again? "Has your wife gone shopping "Alas, I'm afraid not ! I'm afraid ' she's gone buying." ' S? DO.OO Ifi CASH AND 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS ÙIVEN AWAY « «SO OO In Cash. 3rd Prize, $38.0d in Cash. 2nd Prize*. $40.00 In Cash. s 4th .Prize, $25.00 In Oaah. Sth te Oth Prize*, each $10.00 in Cash. Below will be found six sets of mixed or jumbled letters.^ Can you armnee these six sets of letters in speh order that each set will spell Se nfme of a well khown vegetable. •. By ending » Pi-o^r aivang^ *nn«i+ mu have an oonortuinty of winning a cash prize. Write these 5x Words plainly andneatly on a slip of paper, as in the case of ties, both writing g.nd neatness will be considered factors In this contest.^ nPATOt (NIOONl BACEQABlNKUTPI 1 RACTOKibF 'nd vour answer at once; we will reply by Return Mail telling y on whethe/yonr answer is correct or hot, and we will send you a com- Prize List together with the names and addresses oUpersona vhohfv"rAntWr«leiv=dTwo Thousand dollar. In Çaù PrOM from I gQVflL building

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