I u '1 lirJtr Hi O' A. E. McLAUGHLIN. TÎRrrlütor, Solicitor and Conveyaacef • Office:--Dlaaklav Block. King atree 3* Bowwanvill*. Money Le loan at I '*** oa ' able raU*. *® -l7r ' IN MISERY AT MEAL TIME B. J.Hazlewoocl, M.D.,O.M BOWXANVILLE. . OUT. OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Un. iversity, Toronto; Tonr years Atteeoir* G Indigestion Can Be Cured By the Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Physician auti Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg. K.«, _ ,,, Or cr Xd Residence WeUirgtoa at. 1 tr (N. Of. Te* z> lf ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting of your home, your office or your store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. * HY I e s T>.„t Contractor. Mgr. Llec. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey Block, Temperance-st TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav TAILOR MOVED. 4 Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all. his old customers and any new ones requiring nils made, clothes pressed, cleaned or reaired. reaired. Work done promptly and satis- faciorily. 2 8tf. PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing renovated renovated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is in when you call. THOS. Peate, King-st., Bowmanville. E PROMPTLY osGUREDI In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, Î64 University St., Montréâ!. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2. $3; No. 3. *5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent ville, Unt. prepaid on receipt of ^ price F: If your digestion is weak you cannot cannot derive proper nourishment from your food. The pain and distress distress you suffer is & protest from your stomach that it is unable to do its work. It is then that you lose all appetite, have dull j iea yT aches, acute pains in the chest and abdomen, heartburn and other distressing distressing symptoms. You cannot cure indigestion by the use of laxatives, and pre-digest- ed foods only make the stomacn more sluggish. Indigestion can only be cured by giving tone to and strengthening the nerves, that control the stomach. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured indigestion times without - lîumber, because they purify and enrich the blood. In this way they improve the appetite, appetite, dispel the torments of indigestion indigestion and enable you to derive benefit from the food you take. The following is proof of these statements. statements. Mrs. George Brien, Great Shemogue, N.B., says : "A. . few years ago I was taken down with a fever which, left me suffering from nervous stomach trouble. I apparently apparently got over it, but the trouble trouble could not have been wholly eradicated, as during the summer of 1912 I was taken down with it again. I took many medicines, and was attended by two different doctors, but instead of getting well seemed to be growing worse. . I could not eat without suffering the most intense pains ; even a drink of milk seemed to upset me. I slept poorly and at last dreaded to see night come. In this condition I saw in a newspaper the story of a woman who had similarly suffered and was cured through the use 'of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I decided decided to try the Pills and found by the time I had taken three boxes that they were helping me. I continued using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes, when the trouble had disappeared, and I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for restoring restoring my health after I had practically practically given up hope of ever being well again." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Sfedicine Co., Brock- kidney Trouble Is Hereditary ? BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ALWAYS CURE IT. MEN and if she has found the means thereto thereto she is irresistable at thirty-five, and a friend of every man at any age when she has not to be packed up at nine o'clock and fed with a spoon. It largely depends on a woman how her age is taken, but directly she begins age to "act young all is up with her. The Hon. Donald Howard, son and heir of Dr. J. W. Bliss Howard and his wife, who wa-s Lord Stratbcona's only child. On the death of his mother, who is now Baroness Strathodna, Hon. Donald Howard will be Lord Strathcona. 1 i WOUNDS IN BATTLE. v r ee pamphlet. Address ; THE COOK MEDICINE CO4 TORONTO. ONT. (Fireerfj Wiiiw.) A. Large Majority Are Received In the Head and Hands. Dr. O. Laurent, a surgeon who served as a volunteer during the Balkan War, has rendered recently to the French Academy of Medicine a very interesting interesting and instructive report concerning casualties in battle. His statistics shew that, in modern warfare, 82 to 84 per cent, of the wounds inflicted are caused by bullets, 15 to 17 per cent, by shrapnel, and 1 per cent, by cold steel. The penetrative penetrative force of shrapnel-bullets is, he declares, very much less than that of rifle bullets never are. On the other shrapnel bursts at some distance from the soldier; for, whereas, shrapnel is often found embedded in clothing, rifle bulets never are. On the other hand, complications^ arise very much more frequently from shrapnel wounds than from rifle bullet wounds. Dr. Laurent has observed that nowadays, nowadays, since the soldier usually fires under cover, lying either prone or in a trench, a large majority of wounds are received in the skull and the hands, especially the left hand. To combat this, he suggests the use of a light, resistant shield to protect the head, and that another shield should be fixed to the left hand or the rifle itself. A third might be placed in the region of the heart. Indeed, many of our own soldiers who fought in the Boer War owe their lives to the chance presence of a cigarette case or wad of papers in the left breast pocket." Dresden Maii, Who Inherited Trouble. Trouble. Finds Speedy Relief and Permanent Permanent Curb in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dresden, Out., Feb. 2.--(Special). --Whether Ividney disease is hereditary hereditary or not is a matter of opinion. opinion. V Mr. Samuel Burkett, a well known resident of this place, is convinced that he inherited . his front his parents. He knows that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. "I inherited my Kidney Disease from my parents," Mr. Burkett states. "I was treated by a doctor, and tried various medicines, but it was not till about eighteen months ago when I started to use -Dodd s Kidney Pills that I got any permanent permanent relief. "Since then I have not felt any effect of my old trouble, and I feel that anybody troubled with Kidney Disease will be benefited by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills if they follow follow directions closely. • <'I hope that others may be helped helped by Dodd's Kidney Pills. I am well known here, and anybody who wishes more particulars of my cure can have them by writing me and enclosing stamps for reply." Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure any form of Kidney Disease. A X WANT SPECIALISTS NOW. The Old Family Doctor Seems to Be Out of Fashion. hrT Snduld use CUTICURA SOAP A Single Thought. John, a rather backward lover, Constantly for all toilet purposes, purposes, especially shaving and shampooing, with occasional use of Cuticura Ointment, because so effective in removing slight irritations, irritations, redness, roughness, pimples, pimples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and scalp and promoting and maintaining skin and hair health. sat at-one end of the sofa, and his sweetheart at the other. Both minds were too full to carry on conversation, conversation, but at last the lady spoke : "John, what are you thinking about?" John, awakened from his dreams, answered with a drawl, "Oh, just the same as.you are," and was surprised surprised to get the retort ; "If you do I'll box your ears Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample ot each, with 32-page Skill Book, sent post-free. Address Potter Drug A Ohem. Corp., Dept. 6K, Boston. U. 8. A. Specialization, which is a sign of the times, threatens some old customs., customs., \ Among the most, significant changes of to-day is the lessening field of the family doctor. - To l him, as immortalized immortalized by Balzac, were confided the secrets, hopes and woes of many a household. Modern medicine with its many branches, its specialties and sub- specialties, has perceptibly reduced the scope of operation of this old standby. Each ailment now suggests suggests its own specialist. One might almost divide life into the "seven ages of medical treatment," from the obstetrician at birth, the pediatrist of early infancy, the orthopedic surgeon to correct the natural deformities of childhood, the oculist to prescribe the • glasses of adolescence, .the surgeon for the traumatisms of manhood, the metabolist for the digestive troubles of middle life, the aurist for the deafness deafness of old age. And though the change brings with it a higher degree of efficiency, there is much to regret in the loss of continuity continuity oil the friendship and counsel of the family doctor. . His interest in the patient was personal. He knew the physical weaknesses as well as the disposition of each'member of the family. He had followed them from j birth. 0 He was more than a physician, i He was a guide, philosopher and j friend. ---- ' (V TURK'S WITHTOH^ 1 SAW* 2^%<8K MO Quality •perfc' flavour, and perfect cooking, combined. The maximum of nourishment and palatahility. Just heat -- then serve minimum trouble and cost. 4 It's cheaper to raise colis than to buy horses. But it's costly if you lore the colts. Keepabottleof Kendall's Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-five years has proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ringbone, ringbone, bony growths and lameness from many causes. is sold by druggists everywhere at ÿl a * " ■ foi " " ' " ) ; CLOCK HAS ONLY ONE HAND. OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable,- Communies, lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents gent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. through Munn. & Lo. receh Patents taken througi tpedal notice, without charge, In the ,ve Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. " rul&tlon of any scientific journal. .Largest clr-' Terms for ads, f'd.75 a year, postage prepaid, Sold, by, dea' A new clock face, or dial, has been patented which may he placed on any clock and by removing the hour hand and placing the minute hand on the hour spindle transforms the clock into into a one-hand easy-to-read time teller. teller. Children have difficulty in telling the time by two-handed clocks, and those who have occasion to send a child into the house for the time can hardly ever be sure that the young- A QBARAKTEED REMEDY . FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are- the only medicine for little ones that are sold under a guarantee to be perfectly perfectly safe. These Tablets are backed by the guarantee of a government government analyst to be strictly free from opiates, narcotics and other ster does not confi .e the "long" and j harmful drugs. The mother may newsdealers. MUNN 8 Co= 63B -= a ' J<av ' New York Branch Office, 626 F BU Washington, D. C. - TheWHITESTAR* DOMINION LINE Saturday Sailings ■ITWKIN. PortlaRd&Liverpeol "short" hands. By this device neither dark days, glare on the glass of the clock face or a child's inability to distinguish between hour and minute hands can prevent correct time reading. reading. In this there is no possibility of one mistaking, for instance, 12.05 for 1 o'clock.--Popular Magazine. it is is a It is Special Sailing from St. John, nj. WgTj P.lh U 6 V v ü : t v>r l 11 CALL1N5 AT HALIFAX, WESTBtUXD "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" "DOMINION" "ARABIC" "CYMRIC" also "LAÜRENTÎC" "MEG ANTIC" Beginning May 9th, 1914 Tickets issued (designated 'Prepaid') to bring Old Country friends out. A.-pply to Railway and Sttamship A £tnis for rales, sailings tickets GRAINS OF GOLD. Always laugh when you can; a cheap medicine. Merriment philosophy not ?,well understood, the sunny side of existence.--Byron. Say one more little prayer, "God give me love of my work," and don't believe the people who say porridge isn't good for you.--Mr. Martin Harvey. If a man has a right to be proud of anything it is of a good action done, as it ought to be, without any base interest lurking at the bottom of it.-- Sterne. • Be such a man, live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life such as yours, this earth would be a paradise.--Phillips Brooks. There are many people in this world who are like perfumed vases from which the perfume has fled, all the surrounding objects attracting it--and so their life is not in themselves, but in their things.--Ward Beecher. rest assured that she can give them to even the new-born babe with perfect safety. Thousands of mothers mothers uee no other medicine for their little ones, and from actual experience they all say nothing can equal the Tablets in banishing childhood ailments. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brock- ville, Ont. ' * Gin Pills for Women Bead What Mr». Harris Says About Them. Mrs. T. Harris, of Tyneside, Ont, knows all about GIN PILLS. I am taking my third box of GIN PILLS, she writes. "The pains across my back and kidneys has almost gone. I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism •but it has all left me. I strongly advise advise all women, who suffer from Pain in the hack and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS." 60c. a Box, 6 for $2.60. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. * Flossie--"You have a wonderful memory, mamma. ' ' Mamma -- "Why so, my child?" "Because you're always remembering to remind remind me of thing® T "forget." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Enforcing the Rules. Mr. Ju st wed--I'll be back in a moment, duckie. What is it, janitor janitor ? The doctor of an "English mill town had swiftly and cleanly > extracted extracted a tooth of his patient. "How much?" said the victim. "A •shilling," replied the doctor. "A shillin'," " echoed the man with amazement--"a shillin'! Why, it's only took you 'alf a minute. Last tooth as I 'ad out I went to X, in th' village. He wur 'alf an hour at me. Ho pulled me out o' t chair a-n' 'alfway across t' room, an' he nobbut charged, me sixpence. "Ah," said the doctor as he picked up thé forceps, "sit down again But the grumbler paid up GRAFT1N G IK SURGERY. Has Been Practised Since the Remotest Remotest Antiquity. The art of transplanting or replacing replacing human tissue has been practised since the remotest antiquity, antiquity, states a writer in Paris L' Illustration. In India a caste existed existed that was renowned for its skill in replacing cut-off noses, and had a great practice, because the removal removal of the nose was a very common common punishment inflicted on certain certain criminals. From India this sort of surgery found its way to Italy, where, in the fifteenth century, two itinerant Sicilian eurgeons, the Brancas, father father and son, enjoyed quite general fame as re adjusters of the human anatomy. Similarly, _ in the sixteenth century, century, a Bolognese surgeon. Caspar Tagliacozza, who died in 1599, became became a celebrity through his at- fieihpts engrafting and transplanting transplanting animal organs or members from one individual to another. . * Pleurisy Pains Vanish ! Chest Colds Cured! bottle, G bottles lor $5. Get a free copy of our book "A Treatise on the Horse" vt your druggist's or write us. 85 Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO., EnosburjFalls,XU FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. NERYULIXE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. I F YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson, Odlborne St.. Toronto. Brampton, or M If you Avant to hear powerful language language ask a barber Avhat he thinks of a safety razor. ■* Evil of Substitution Exposed. Don't suffer! Nerviline Is your relief. Nerviline just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "I caught cold last week while motoring" motoring" writes P. T. Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of congestion, congestion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Nerviline for all our minor ailments, ailments, and remembering y what confidence confidence she had in Nerviline, I sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then-got into a pers- peratlon under the blankets. This drove the Nerviline in good and deep, and I awoke up next morning fresh as a- dollar and absolutely cured. Nervi- j- line is now always part of my travelling travelling kit, and I will never be without it." ' The large 60c. family size bottle is the most economical, or you can easily easily get the 25c. trial size from any dealer. * : he H W. DAWSON, Colborne 81., Toronle. I ACRES -I W v.onvei stadt, Ontario. 'GOOD LAND. ALT, conveniences. D. J. Kerr, Neu- WANTED. W ANTED.--ALL KINDS OF WT1.D Animals. Box 46, Cookshire, Quebec. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. TIT E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS- \\ paper properties for eale in On. lario .towns at right prices. Apply quickly ae subscription renewa' time If just opening. opening. Wilpou Publishing Company Wrst ' A ri<=1 n'de Street. Tnrnnt.i 73 NURSERY STOCK. TRAWBERRIES. RASPBERRIES, FIFTY A'arietiee. Free Catalog. McConnell Son, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS he C ancer, tumors, lumps, eto.. internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Medio») Oo., Limited, Colling:wood. Ont. "When a man tells his wife wishes to speak to her it means he i. j ; is going to be apologetic," says an [ 3 ) hastily. Nova Scotia "Lumber King" LINIMENT ""Well, madam?" inquired the shop-walker. "I wish," she said, "to get a present for my husband." "How long married ?" the man asked. asked. "Eleven years," was the reply. reply. He pointed to the lift. "Bargains "Bargains down that side," he said. Offices: Montre*!, Portland, He.,, Toronto, Halifax and Qucfctc. M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache Only One "BROMO QUININE" That la LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day, Curee Grip in Two Days. 25c. . ->T< The 8a "i : consider MINARD'S the BEST liniment in use. I rot my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT LINIMENT and it was as well as ever next dal ' Yours very truly, t. g. mcmullen. WISHING WELLS. Where the Passerby May Have His Wish Fulfilled. BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept. 15th) TRAINS LEAVE y oi Toronto and Intermediate "-Lvtlo.n P.J5 a. in. 7.41 p. m. Tc i Trenton. Belleville, Descronto, Nap a uee an! Intermediate Points; also C. O. R. Station< between Trenton and Piéton. (Dailv except Sunday) , 11.10 fx. in. 7.21 p. m. y nr c-oe Hill-and Intermediate Station! 11.10 a. m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowarmth, Sydenham and Intermediate Stations on Bay of Quint# By, 11.10 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Station! 11.10 a. m. 7.21 p. m. Troni Nananee, Belleville, Trenton and Into r médiat effi: also Piéton and 0.0.R. Points) 7.41 p. m. 9.15 a. m. From Maynooth (0. 0. R.) 7.41 p. '<&■ From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, rto. 7.41 p. m. Trams rnn daily except Sunday unless otherwise otherwise marked. Tor further particulars see other alra itisement appearing In this paper, or apply JL M. WILLIAMS, Bowmanville Agent There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting famil3 r , women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of Kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hâmil-/ ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so successful successful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any substitute substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake Mandrake and Butternut All over Europe there are to be found springs and wells, the waters of which are supposed to possen some healing quality or some magical power. Throughout the northern part of England England there are "wishing wells," where the passerby may breathe his . wish Geraldine--"You haven't been to see me since you asked my father for my hand." Gerald--"No ; this is the first time I've been able to get about." a rtpnir-r substitutes because inAces more profit on an inferior ; l s going . . - article, a local citizen T l v ^ Q i K <1 fl uce ^ 0 ^ : observer ; but "when a woman m- Bxyra= a tor U wnh U u% re=uYt thl" t'he 1°b- forma her husband that she has Btitute burnt bis toes and *5 ! something to sav to him he can be Always" 3 Putiafn's I sure of a sbvere scolding. Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. ttlhen buying your Piano insist on Kavinç an OTTO NIGEL Ptarxo Actiorx it ♦> PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS jet- will refund money if PA.ZO fail» t-0 cure any case of Itoh- that he used blank cartridges when i ng . Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to u.4 .days. ovc. Many a man's failure in this world may be attributed, bo the fact j ointment'faii* to firing at the target of success. * Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Evelids. Doesn't Smart .--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists- Sell alcohol Always Hoard. "Now they say that causes deafness." "Maybe so. I never knew, any- Marine Eye Liq^Sç, . 5E ! body fail to hear an invitation to Murine Eye Salve ' in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic (load tor All Eye* that Need Cere Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago drink." Give Your Bush a Chanca and Make Money with It Cease using old-fashioned methods. methods. Be up to date and install a "Champion" Evaporator and mane, more and better syrup with less time and fuel. More revenue at reouccd cost. Write at once for free booklet /and catalogue giving full information and prices. THE ©SIMM MrG. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington fit., Montreal, Que. Grandmother Says: THE CHARM OF AGE. women. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. and rest assured of its fulfillment if i a year off. Facts and Fancy. Men, like watches, are judged by their work. Asparagus is good for rheumatism. The only thing most people ever achieve is old age. A ship's life' is 26 years. Some girls celebrate the anniversary of their birth by taking a day off--the more popular idea, however, is to take he only drops a crooked pin Into the water. A curious custom is still to be witnessed witnessed in Cornwall. Two pieces of straw, about an inch long, are crossed and the pin run th -ough them. This cross is then drop- ed into the water and the rising bubbles carefully counted, counted, inasmuch as they are held to mark the years c ■ months or days that will pass before the happening of the event which is of concern to the wisher. In the old days auguries were drawn from these , crosses in other ways. They were made so as hardly to float. Then, as the cross swam, the thrower was to outlive theyear; if it sank he was to die within that period. Other matters were to be learned from the position the cross took as it floated on the surface. Golf was forbidden by law in Scotland Scotland in 1841. By the time a man's daughters get old enough to help him, they decide to help some other man. Those men who pay as they go usually usually find the going good. Dr. Morse's Indien Root Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated attempts attempts have been made, by physicians physicians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pilla. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- ' cut the world, for Constipationjand all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and ^ nse th« System It Largely Depends On a Woman How Her Age Is Taken. What rubbish It 'is to try and lay down any rules about the age at which a woman is most charming. Woman--and, for that matter, man too--must combat with certain physical physical disabilities when once they have come " to their fourth decade. They may be good-looking, active, children at heart, and all the rest of it, but old Nature will have her" way, and willy-nilly we have to give in to her. It is true she can be held at bay. to some exilent, and it is no use giving in too roadily, but there are various ways in which she will assert herself. One need not particularize her disagreeable disagreeable methods. But to come back to the point, of what use is it to tie one to a particular decade wherein it shall bè said that so far and no further shalt thou proceed with the art of fascination? Obviously sweet seventeen has the mere charm of childishness. But that- sort of thing is wholly out of date. At five-and- twenty a woman begins to find herself. At thirty she is assured. She can think, she is not carried away by illusions, she has more or less found her balance, she knows what the world, as represented by man, expects of her. If she is wise she has suffered all angles to be rubbed down, she has learned the use of artifice, she has cultivated, if she is still wiser, the art of charm. So it comes about that between her third and fourth decade she is a wiser, saner woman, a more agreeable companion, than the callow maiden. However, to fix forty as a woman's most charming age is nonsense. She is no more charming than she is likely to be at sixty if she does not go the right way about It, Ed. 4. ISSUE 6--'14. Only verv young men understand j He thm ^ uateu tear»; fooie »u« ; bob-o-links are poor listener*. a»u5 h»v* ! but o-ne soity:. _ _ „ on. NOT A IWIXH f brings within reach of every- UllX NATURE'S tiVfK REISER if FOR RHEUmnsm, ECZEMA And Kindred Troubles.^ C rnfi-ular use of LIQUID SULPHUa © THGall B, niivA * , i . > _ you all the benefits of a to HOT SULPHUR SPRIHfl Do cot suffer another day. Gel a bottle from your druggist, and prove It for jour self. I rUe, SO cents. Sulphur Products 1M Bar Street, Toronto. "Licks the Backet Clean Blatchford's Cali Meal is As good as New Milk at half the Cost* Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ets. tcctive germs already in the wound, and prevents others entering. Its rich healing herbal essences then budd up from the Bottom, fresh tissue > ssd in a wonderfully short time the wound is hesded! Zsm Buk'e popularity le hseod on merit. Itoltt.1 jns nerer week caree. Bo sure end get the reel thing. ."Zem-Bnk" is printed every pocket of the genuine. Refuse ■ Ml others, 60c *H druggists aad stores de Buk Oo., Toronto. v 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute. Send for pamphlet, "How to Raise Calve* Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk. At your Dealers or STEELE, BRIGGS CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada. The richer a man is the richer he wants fcs to be. Ilinard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. L'-sE M&SÉiSt 4 1 \ ii