Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1914, p. 4

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' ,. y^ -r.-.:^-^.;':. 1 : üp x-^-/ I :- g . - ■ p ■ssSS^L 1 .--- ~-i^S- y : SgSPÎg : , K- r 7 1 r JLV %11IP F Hello ! Phone 92, Mitchell's Drug Store & I Ml Q No need of going out these cold days when you can order your Drug Store Requisites by phoning 92. We deliver goods in country at your post office or by rural route. Spt cial delivery delivery in town. "301 Cough Syrup" will check that cough. Mitchells Witch Hazel Cream is best for chapped skin. BOWMAN VILLE, JAN. 15, 1914 R.M.Mitchell & Co. Druggists &lOpticians Phone 92 - Bowmanville ■tnc Choice Groceries Our stock of groceries is fresh, clean, and ot the best quality and at prices that will stand comparing. When you want the best in groceries, fruits, cooked and smoked meats, teas, confectionery, sugars, oatmeals, breakfast foods of all kinds. Let us fill your order. Prompt deliveries to all parts of the town. HARRY ALLIN 0pp0 ^ 0 a ° n d v Te r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 t CHOICE MEAT for the SEASON As is Our custom, we have bought for the coming holiday season 40 of the choicest heifers and steers which we are already servie servie ; to our customers. They- include : IT choice heifers and steers from Frank Symons, J. H. Werry 3, Charles^Ailing 3, Wesley Allin 3, Samuel Allin & ton 3, Thomas Moffat! 2, Geo. Mitchell 4, and Wm. Bennett 2. - We are also well supplied with choice ewe lambs, veal calves and pigs. A TON OF THE BEST POULTRY WANTED ^ We are now prepared to buy at least a ton of the best--it must be the best because we guarantee it to our customers as such-- turkeys, geese, ducks and chicken. Bring good quality^and get the highest price in cash. $ C. M. CAWKER & SON k - Purveyors of Fine Meats - Bowmanville e*e#e*#*^se**#*eeeee#e#i POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Jarvis Presented His Annual Report to Council. Chief Jarvis' complete and very iMer- esting annual report was presentedTo the Town Council at its inaugural session on Monday forenoon. We consider it of sufficient importance to present in its entirety entirety to our readers, as follows : To His Worship The Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Bowmanville, GENTLEMEN,--I beg to submit my annual annual report for your consideration upon the Police Department foi the year 1913- It is with a good deal of satisfaction that I draw your attention to the undermentioned undermentioned conditions and enforcement of of the different By-laws also the Criminal Department during the year ending December December 15th, 1913, You will notice by the schedule hereunder hereunder that there has been quite a number of thefts, shop-breaking, stealing and petty larceny, damaging property, disorderly conduct, assaults and other breaches of By-laws. But I may say in nearly ail of the cases reported, the criminal has -been caught and brought before the Police Magistrate and disposed of according to law. There has been an increase of 25 cases over last year heard in the Court. Truant Officer My duties as Truant Officer during this year has- not been overly hard as a number number of notices served on parents of delinquent delinquent children being the small number of twelve. Number of calls made on parents of Truant children where no notices have been served were thirty. ,1 am pleased also also to report to you that I have not found any children under 14 years employed in factories during school hours as provided" by the Truant Act. This may be accounted accounted for largely owing to better condition condition of times, more steady employment and good wages, parents are now more able to. provide for their families without the aid of child labor. Sanitary Inspector Under this heading I may say that the past year has been rather a busy one in in sanitary work. Notices served IOO, asking citizens to clean up their premises. I also made a large number of inspections of yards and out houses. The great difficulty difficulty being to keep their premises in a sanitary condition in most cases is the lack of proper drainage which I trust will in the near future be remedied when the present sewage and pure water supply is fully installed within the town. Local Option By-Law. Under this heading I wish to draw your attention to the very satisfactory working of this By-law. We have had no convictions convictions for keeping for sale or selling liquor during the year within the town. There were three seizures of liquor while in transit which I am sure you will say is very favorable for a Town of this size with the amount of construction work going on. We have had though, quite a number of drunks before the Police Magistrate Magistrate but in every case it was clearly shown in evidence that the persons so charged had obtained the liquor in Municipalities Municipalities not under restriction. , Noxious Weeds and Black Knot, Etc Under this branch of my duties there has been a number of notices served on owners of orchards, requesting them to cut out or destroy trees and to burn the parts affected with Black z Knot also the cutting and destroying of noxious weeds within the Town. I am pleased to say I find the citizens very willing to assist me in this part of my duties, especially iq the destroying of Black ^ n0 t in fpiu trees. Twish to thank HU Worship the Mayor and chairman of Police Committee and all member ÔÎ the town council for their assistance and kindness toward myself and other members of this department. Receipts and disbursements for the year ending December 15th, 1913» as follows : Receipts..... .$1236.68 To town treasurer $ 684.38 Receiver Generaf of Canada, fines 70.00 Provincial License Dept 200.00 Sundry damages. • • 62.85 Witness and other fees 1 54-00 Cash on hand. 65-45 $1236.68 number of A RUBY WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stonhouse of South Glendale, Man., celebrated their ruby wedding as the advent .marking 40 years of married life,-Wednesday, December 24 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Stonhouse were married married in Cavan, on Dec. 24, 1873. They came west in 1891 and settled a. year later on the farm they are now living retired. Both are well and hearty, living a quiet, retired life, after the struggle of adversity incident to farm life and raising a family.. They were recipients of presents suitable to the occasion. Their many friends extend extend to Mr. and Mrs. Stonhouse their hearty congratulations and wish them "many happy returns of the day.- Neepatua Press. Mr. Stonhouse is a brother of Messrs Chas. and Frank Stonhouse, Hampton. GOLDEN WEDDING. A golden wedding anniversary of interest interest to many friends was celebrated Oct.15, 1913, by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackman, who went to Victoria, B. C., from Bowmanville, Bowmanville, almost thirty years ago. Their three children, two of whom are living in this city and one in Seattle, were present at a big reunion 'recently held, as also were thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A number of friends made up a very enjoyable party. T. L Irving read a letter of congratulation to the pair and presented them on behalf of the guests present with a purse of gold, and a gold photo frame engraved "1803-- 1913." All enjoyed a very happy reunion. Mr. Jackman is a < brother of our worthy townsman, Mr. William Jackman, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. We join with the numerous relatives and old friends here in hearty congratulations. WEDDINGS Grills--Allin. The marriage of Miss Bertha M. Allin, only daughter of Mrs. W. C. Allin, and Mr. Howard A. Grills, was solemnized at the home of bride's mother, Bowmanville, at 12 o'clock Wednesday. Dec. 31st. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor of the Methodist Church, in the presence of the immediate relatives. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white embroidery with lace and satin trimmings, and was attended by Miss Ella Grills, Oshawa, sister of the groom, and Mr. Roy Allin, brother of the bride, acted as best man. After the ceremony the company was called to the dining room where a sumptuous sumptuous wedding dinner was served the table being daintily decorated with white carnations. carnations. Later the young couple left amid showers of confetti on the afternoon train for points east. The bride-travelling in a blue silk, dress and blue hat ' with white-ostrich mount. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held by their many friends. On Saturday previous a number of the bride's friends assembled by invitation invitation at the home of Mrs. George Frank and gave the bride a kitchen shower after which a very enjoyable time was spent. On the return of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Grills a reception was held at the bride's mother's on Wednesday January 7th. Mrs. Wm. Manning, Miss Ella Grills and Mr. Wilmot Warder, Oshawa, Miss Vera Van- stone, Whitby, Miss Sophia Allin, Orono, Mrs. fhos. Allin, Miss Mabel Allin, Mrs. Fred Couch rnd Mrs. Norman Samis and daughter, Newtonville, were among the guests. ODDFELLOWS' NIGHT Interesting initiation, Installation and Social Event. i I 8 m 1 t STILL MORE 4 For The January Sale J UST to make it a little more interesting to you we offer a few more very Special Bargains. The crowd is here. Come along and join n the rush and get your share of the good things. 20 Per Cent Discount off all Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Goods r 1 ip give a During our January Sale we will special discount off all our lines of the Famous Jaeger Pure-Wool goods. Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Sweater Coats, Socks, Gloves, Scarfs, Caps, Slippers, Rugs, Blankets, etc. etc. 20 PerCent Special Discount Ladies' Print Aprons "No Bib," fine nice pattern*. Ladies' Print Waist Aprons English print, fast .colors, January Sale, each 32c. Ladies' All-over Aprons, large assortment of patterns, best English, prints. January Special, each 65#, G lovés Ladies' knitted wool gloves, with gauntlet, splendid for driving or skating. Keep the wrists warm as well as the hands. Cardinal or white. Reg. 50c and 60c., January special a pair 35c. % Men's Underwear Men's ribbed Wool Underwear, mostly' large sizes, shirts and drawers. Reg. $1.00 garment. January Sale per garment...60c. Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Underwear, all sizes, reg. $1.25 and $150. January Sale per garment o- . . . . . • •• 85c There's A Reason ! W HY we have installed^ 25 Pease "Economy" Furnaces in Bowmanville and vicinity since Sept. 1st. It's not because it is a cheap furnace or due to our salesmanship, but on account of the Pease reputation for satisfaction and economy. Most of the 25 furnaces were sold thru the recommendation recommendation of people who are already using the Pease Furnace. That s, the reason reason why it is so easy to sell the Pease. Let us solve your heating problem by installing a Pease Economy Furnace. Our large staff of workmen insures work done promptly. Rice & Co. 0pp. Post Office - Bowmanville How disposed of : Total cases in the Police Court 114. Number paying fines and costs 76 Sent to jail without option of fine.... .' 5 Committed for trial 6 Let out,on suspended sentence 6 Made restitution for damages and costs 5 Cases withdrawn 8. Cases dismissed 8 Offences. Disorderly conduct Drunk and disorderly. .. Discharging firearms in corporation. Assaults, common Drunk while in charge of horse Permitting cows to run at large Keeping liquor for sale (township) Selling liquor without licence " Breach of bicycle by-law Breach medical health act Peddling without a license Running motor cars without lights.... Breach of fruit act. , Neglecting to pay dog tax Breach of early closing by-law ........ Grossly insulting language Breach of building by-law Neglecting to support family Vagrancy. • > • • Defilement of female under 14 years-- False pretence 2 Perjury - -- \ Theft 6 Horse stealing. » • 1 Breaking, entering and theft 5 Incest ^ Pointing loaded revolver I Damaging property -- • 4 Setting fire to building. • I Assault with intent I Indecent assault I Seduction of girTunder 16 years... I The amount of dog tax for which tags were issued by this department and the proceeds paid over to the town treasurer for use of town was $189.00. Statute labor tax collected by this dept and proceeds paid to town treasurer for use of town was $200.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Richard Jarvis, - Chief Constable. .10 .19 • 3 • 13 .. 2 . 1 1 1 5 5 2 3 6 I 1 6 1 3 4 1 Mr. W. H. Letcher, Port Perry, District Deputy Grand Master of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, received a hearty and enthusiastic fraternal reception Wednesday Wednesday evening when he made his first official visit to Florence Nightingale Lodge, No 66, IOO F, for the special purpose of installing the new officers. The large beautiful Oddfellows' Hall was packed, several members having to occupy occupy adjoining rooms and a finer and more respectable body of young men with a few grey-headed sires is seldom seen in any lodgeroom. The room was brilliantly brilliantly lighted -and, with the brethren wearing prettyiegalia. it presented an inspiring scene. Mr. Chas. Adams, Noble Grand, conducted conducted the routine business with neatness and despatch his term in the chair having made an efficient presiding cfficer of him. One candidate was initiated by the Degree Degree Team in such excellent manner as to draw forth unstinted praise from the District District Deputy. The installation ceremony was splendidly performed. District Deputy Deputy Letcher gave the charges admirably withoùt the agenda and was deservedly praised by several of the older brethren at the close. Bro. Ed. Osborne was grand Marshal and the installation team certainly certainly carried thru the ceremony to a degree approaching perfection, Complimentary speeches were made by Past District Deputies F C Pethick and M A James and by Rev. H B Kènny, Robt Adair, Robt Deyërell and Harry Basker- ville. Bro. Letcher also made a rattling good speech, telling of a four years' residence residence in Bowmanville before^ moving to Port Perry and expressed his gratitude for the cordial welcome he had received on this visit and his delight at finding Florence Nightingale Lodge flourishing with 237 members. An oyster supper was served in the refreshment room at the close and a very pleasant two hours was spent.- The newly elected and appointed officers are :--Lou G Tapson, N. G. ; Stanley Davey," V, G. ; W J Bennett, R S. ; Frank Burden, F. S. ; W m Edger, Treas. ; W J Jeffrey, Warden ; Harry Spencer, Conductor Conductor ; D Harrison, Chaplain ; J Miller, I. G. ; Jas Johnston, O. G. ; Geo R Mason, R.S. N.G.; K O White, L. S. N. G. ; Harold Tucker, R. S. V. G. ; Luther Nichols, Nichols, L. S. V. G P Williams, R. S. S. ; B Bennett, L. S. S. Boys' Underwear Lot Boys Scotch Knit Shirts and Drawers. January Special a garment 18c. Braces Lot Men's Braces, good heavy elastic webb. January special per pair 15°' Ankle Supports For the hockey players and fast skaters, Steel Ankle Supports. With these you cannot go-over on your ankle--ladies or gents, Reg. $1.00 a pair, January Sale 50c Overshoes 36. pairs Men's Fine Jersey -Overshoes. 1 Buckle high. Regular $2.00. January- Special ..$1.4# Men's Caps All our stock of Men's Tweed and Knitted Wool Caps at the following reduced prices, 50c. January Sale 35c 75c. " " 50c. $1.00 and $1.25, January Sale 75c Regular r< U Keep this list along with our large circular for reference. McMurtry & Co. Ltd. The Big Departmental Store Phôné 83 Bowmanville Children Cry , FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA COBOURG ELECTION NOTES 3 Sparks from\The World Geo. Gummow is Mayor of Cobourg for a fourth term. A record vote was polled--1236 for mayor and 1219 for and against local option. option. , E ectors gave 93 majority for local option option but were 76 votes shy of three-fifths majority. Reeve Jas. F. McCullagh is a clean man. Cobourg will now be well represented at Counties' Council. D. Denton's past record made his election election as deputy-reeve a certainty.--World. The last word has not been heard on the money question. HAMPTON SCHOOLS .V»ViV>V»V»»V«>V*V»V»>V*V* HE* xTx-i-x 1 rrvT'trc im? x-x-xvx TxTxx'. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Report for term ending Dec. 22, 1913. names in order of merit : V--Evelyn Wh te, Albert Cole, Frank Cryderman; Sr. IV--Vierle Cryderman, Frances Clat- worthy, Lloyd Ward, Orville Clarke; Jr. IV--Morley Hastings, Milton Avery, Cora Clarke, Lome Hastings, Harold Salter; Sr. Ill--Marjorie Cole, Winnie Robbins, Everett Robbins, Marion Stephens, Arthur Pearson, Oscar Ward, Minnie Winnacott; Jr. Ill--Helen Johns, Louise Johns, Melville Melville Clarke; Sr. II--Elva Peters, Albert Living, Walter Jones, Co an Stephens, Thomas Thompson, Olive Brock, Harold Alim, Jesse Jones, Ruth Johns. (The last named has been out the most of term on account of sickness.) Jr. II--Marion Warder, Vera Carr, Shirley Gay, Ruby Clatworthy, Nelson Winnacoft, Albert Gay, Hazel Clarke, Frank Trenouth, Gordon Gordon Brock; 1st--Albert Allin, Gordon Barrett, Eleanor Cook; Pr. C. -- Myrtle Brock, Marjorie Pascoe, Blanche Cryderman, Cryderman, Percy Cowling, Emmie Niddery, Ernie Gay, Clifford Allin, Warrick Winnacott; Winnacott; Pr. B--Mabel Carr, Mary Peters, Margaret Nicol, Charlie White, Laverne Clarke; Jr. Pr.--Ross Trenouth, Audrey Clarke, Laverne Clemens, Upton Stephens, Stephens, Lizzie Robbins, Effie Robbins. F. J. CROAT J 1 Teacher® Blanche Hales j l eacner - Alone in the Lead Stands the Happy Thought Range 1 mmiÆÊSm Even if Vi could alone' 'worrv w ith common ranee why should" y o u ? T ! ; 1 ■ "PI A P P V THOUGHT" . et urns y ou daily dividends i n economy, comfort, con- venience'-go oc currency, eh >' No one ever hot a "Happy Thought" but was " delighted -- a positif» fact. Remember that there is no substitute for this range, no equal. There can be no "just as good" until perfection to match; ■ -, . FOR SALE BY Phone 74 . H. Dustan Quality Hardware ' Bowmanville WËÈÊÊÊÊÿÊMMMzm -"T"_• --5T. ^-y-*--! ,gU -W V- --"--- .-'V.--I,'" - 3 séSÜsüi ÉfSBP® Basra

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