42 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, January 13, 2006 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent FACING Burlington mall. Lovely 1&2 BR. Refined tenants. Marble lobby. Parking/ hydro included. Princess 905-639-8009 or Regency 905-681-8115 FREE Rent for a limited time only! Oakville, Kerr/ Speers Rd. New reno Bachelor, 1&2 bedrooms From $700/mo. 905-3391154 GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 1&2 bedrooms available Jan./ Feb./ Mar. Starting $745/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Bur lington. 905-632-4265 ASK About Our 1 Bed room Special. Burlington Towers. Call . now 905639-8583 www. burlingtontowers.com apartments & flats for rent OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms 1 ,1 from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr St: 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 PRIME Downtown Bur lington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New win dows. Modernized eleva tors. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 SPACIOUS, bright 1 bedroom apartment, facing ra vine. North Oakville. Split-level lower apart ment, walkout to yard, 1 person only, separate en trance, parking, non smok er/ pets. Quiet person pre ferred, $850, hydro ex cluded. 905-845-8685. STUNNING view of the lake and Niagara Escarp ment. Newly renovated 1 bedroom, ideal location in Oakville. Available Feb. .& March! Free parking and collect airmiies! 1-866499-1607 TRENDY Burlington Ad dress. Large 2 bdrm avail able from $1080. Clean, quiet and comfortable. 505 Locust St. 905-333-9008. WATERDOWN/ Flamborough Centre. 2-bedroom unit, Mar. 1st. 1.5 baths, recroom, $850/mo. in cludes cable. No pets. 905-689-7237. condominiums for rent_________ APPLEBY Line/ Upper Middle, New Orchard Up town/ Burlington. 2nd Floor, ravine, 2-bedroom, 2 baths, 6 appliances, win dow shades, A/C, indoor parking, locker, fitness fa cility, shopping mall, bus/ GO, Immediate. $1395/mo utilities included. 905-3389825 APPLEBY/ Upper Middle. $1050/mo +utilties. 2 bed room suite. 5 appliances, C/A, non-smoker, 1yr. lease. Call Mark Davidson (Sales Representative) Whitehouse & Whitehouse Realty Inc. 905-634-6873 APPLEBY/ Upper Middle. 2 brand new suite with in credible ravine view. 2bdrm, 2 bath corner suite. $1250/mo +utilities. Top floor 1-bdrm +den, $1100/mo +utilities. Both include 5 appliances, C/A. Call Leigh Anne Davidson (Sales Representative) Whitehouse & Whitehouse Realty lnc.905-634-6873 BURLINGTON The Palace: 2-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, A/C, parking, 24-hr security. No pets. Utilities included. 905-632-1913 BURLINGTON West, Warwick Court, large bright 1bedroom, available Feb.1, $800/mo. includes utilities, cable, underground park ing. 905-631-7669 houses for rent $1570/M0 + utilities. Im mediate possession, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 sto rey. LR/ DR walks out to fenced private yard. 5 ap pliances, C/A, hardwood No pets/ non smokers. Call Barbara Beers, Assoc. Broker Royal LePage Bur loak R.E.S. 905-634-2335 or 905-634-7755 detached 2-STOREY home with mature ravine setting in ideal private lo cale, within great school district. Updated kitchen, flooring, bathrooms. 4-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, C/A. $2095/mo. Michael O'Sulli van, Sales Representative, Royal LePage Burloak. 905-634-7755. BURLINGTON Plains Rd. and King area. Detached bungalow. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, appliances, A/C, window coverings, large recroom, attached garage, no pets/ no smoking, im mediate possession. $1375/mo +utilities. Jim 416-822-3444 BURLINGTON3 years n e w !. Large 3-bdrm, 5 ap pliances, quiet court. $1400/mo-f. Short term available. 905-335-2075. BURLINGTON. 3 bedroom central air, 5 appliances. Feb 25th, $1295/mo. First /last, plus utilities. 905973-8011 BURLINGTON/ Palmer area3+1 bedroom, 2 baths, recroom, garage, 4 appliances, fenced yard. $1400/mo +utilities. Feb.1 or March 1st. Willie Brown, Sutton Group Re sults 905-332-4111 CENTRAL Burlington, 4bdrm, 1 bath, no appli ances, fenced yard, 2 car driveway. Immediate oc cupancy. $950/mo. +util. Tel./ fax 905-335-2241 GLEN Abbey- 3 bedroom +loft, fenced, porch, 5 ap pliances, immediate. No pets/ smoking. $1650/mo. 905-844-9022 OAKVILLE Westmount 3bedroom semi, large deck, 5 appliances, A/C, gas BBQ, 2-parking. No smok ing/ pets. $1350/mo +utilities. 905-469-6066 OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% Fi nancing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905=681-2800 SAVE 50% off first months rent! Southwest Oakville $13007mo utilities included Main floor 3-bedroom bun galow Suit profession a ls ). No-smoking/ pets. 905-467-1926. SOUTH East BurlingtonCharming 2 bedroom home, large kitchen, Sep arate living & dining +den. Lot's of parking, $995/mo. + utilities. 905-631-0778 UNIQUE Residence with separate Studio. 3-Bed rooms, 2 full baths, fire place, eat-in kitchen, laun dry room, very large drive way, Private treed back yard. Walk to Fairview GO. $1250/mo.+ hydro. 905-528-7520 WALKERS/ Upper Middle, detached 3+1 bedroom, master ensuite, main floor ·Jaundry, garage, Fireplace. Feb 1. $1395/mo. No smoking/ pets. 1-905-8741311 WATERDOWN core cozy bungalow. 3+1 bedroom, 4 new appliances, large yard, garage, A/C, new re no, no ' smoker/ pets. $1300/mo +utilities. Avail able Mar/1 st 905-689-8451 townhouses for rent townhouses for rent townhouses for rent_________ OAKVILLE- 3&4 bedroom townhouses available im mediately through April 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-8763336 OAKVILLE- Falgarwood. Large 3-bedroom end unit available. $1590/mo. in cludes utilities and cable. 905-827-2594 EXECUTIVE townhome by the lake, Burlington, brand new, 3000sq+, over the top with luxury, granite, marble, hardwood, whirl pool, FP, 3.5 baths, 3bdrm, formal dining, mas sive kitchen/ grate room, double garage, security. Feb.1. $3000/mo. 1335-8 Ontario St. Marcella 905208-0681 Realtors wel come.. ( SOUTH West BurlingtonSpacious 3-bedroom townhome , w/garage, appli ances, w/o to deck. Walk ing distance to all amen ities. Including GO. Just seconds from QEW. $1300/mo. +util. Available immediate. 905-693-8525 ext.221,905-638-1789 TRAFALGAR Road/ McCraney, Oakville. 3bedrooms, 5 appliances, garage, C/A, available Im mediate occupany. $1225/mo. Call Gail, 905338-7482 TYANDAGA Area3bdrm, full basement, at tached garage, small well kept complex, close to shopping/ schools/ golf course. Discount available Jan./ Feb. Call 905-3360015, 905-336-0016 UNFURNISHED: 2 executive townhome units avail able, immediately and march 01/06. Call Mark Kirton at 905-825-4948. WATERDOWN- spotless, freshly painted 3 bedroom townhome with finished basement tucked away in quiet condo complex. In cludes appliances, c/air & garage. $1250/mo + util ities. Call 905-520-3683 OAKVILLE. College Park, Semi furnished rooms for rent in clean quiet house in walking distance to Sheri dan, easy access to busI GO. $450-$500/mo. In cludes utilities, phone, cable, internet, kitchen, laundry. Available immedi ately. 905-337-8228 RIVIERA Motel located in downtown Burlington. Weekly rates starting from $205 +Tax. Call 905-6372338 BURLINGTON Downtown, near lake, 1 & 2 bedrooms, available, balcony, park ing, starting $750/mo. Feb. 1.905-631-0191 BURLINGTON Downtown1366 Elgin Street. Large 2 bedroom, $775/mo +hydro. Feb.1. Parking in cluded. Brant/ Lakeshore 905-870-5115 BURLINGTON Downtown. 2-bedroom. Clean, quiet small building. Laundry. Near parks/ recreational facilities/ lake. On bus route. Feb/Mar. 905-6349681;905-643-8979 BURLINGTON Downtown. Quiet 1 bedroom apart ment. Balcony, elevator, $750/mo. (+$30 parking). 905-634-3635 or www.smar.ca BURLINGTON, Lake shore/ Guelph Line. Quiet, professional building. Beautiful 2-bedroom, new hardwood, ceramics, eat-in kitchen. 905-484-0990 BURLINGTON- Fully reno vated, 2&3 bedroom apart ment, new appliances, util ities & cable included, ex cellently maintained build ing. Close to downtown. 905-639-1960 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spa cious 2-bedrooms. From $1050/mo. Utilities in cluded. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. 905-6325258 BURLINGTONLake shore/ Guelph Line area. 1&2 bdrm, quiet building, available Feb.1. 905-6310010 BURLINGTON. 1-bed room apartment. Ground floor. Private home. Own entrance. Parking. Laundry facilities. Suit single nonsmoker. $695/mo. inclu sive. First/ last. No pets. Available February/1 st. 905-333-4978. BURLINGTON. Basement apt, 1-bdrm, 1 car parking, separate entrance, clean, close to Upper Middle/ Guelph tine, no pets / smoking': Utilities in cluded. Available immedi ately. 905-320^8282 BURLINGTON. Newly decorated 2-bedroom apartment in 4-plex. Gas fireplace, private deck, parking. $800/mo. 905637-2532. BURLINGTON. Quiet wellmaintained building on cul` de-sac. 384 *St. Paul Street, 2 bedroom avail able March 1st, $902/mo., utilities/ parking included. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-6397072 BURLINGTONDown town, across from Lake. Attractive ground floor of house. 2-bedrooms, gar age . +2 parking. No pets/ smoking. $1000/mo -futil ities. 905-634-1012 BURLINGTONlarge bright 1 & 2 bedroom with deck & yard. Coin laundry, parking, a/c, $800$950/mo+. March 1st. Call Steve 905-309-4162 BURLINGTONNew basement apartment, $800/mo., garage, utilities laundry included, available Feb. 1st. Non-smoker. 905-631-7835 _ CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1&2 bedrooms available Febru ary/ March. 5220 Lake shore, Burlington. 905632-5486 (No dogs) DON'T miss... Bronte & Lakeshore. Large, newly renovated designer suites. New appliances. Big bal conies. Utilities & parking incl. Great Neighbourhood 1-bedroom $995/mo avail able Jan/15th or Feblst, 2bedroom available Feb15th/ or Mar/1 st $1145/mo 905-827-6783 DOWNTOWN -Burlington. Large 3-bedroom, parking and utilities included. Available immediately. 905-634-1149 DUPLEX North Burlington, newly renovat ed 2-bedroom, skylight, jacuzzi, 2 bathrooms (en suite), 5 appliances, park ing, heat/ hydro, large fenced backyard, deck, mar. 1st. $1500/mo. 905975-8208 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $995/ mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit »4 appls.*Eat-in Kitchen*Basement*Parking shared accommodation 3RD Line/ Upper Middle share townhouse and facil ities includes laundry. Fe male only $450/mo Call 416-509-3932, 905-9010152 APPLEBY/ New area. Share house. Bus, GO +parking. All amenities Non-smoker $450/mo. First/ last. 905-632-2714. BURLINGTON East' share townhouse w/single professional, furnished, clean, non-smoker. $450/mo. Immediate. Fe male Preferred. 905-6392799 EXECUTIVE furnished room for rent, $550/mo. in clusive. share kitchen/ bath/ laundry/ familyroom/ parking. Maid service. Walk to lake. Immediate. 905-334-9035, 905-4699035 FEMALE to share 2-bedroom apartment near downtown, lake, nice and quiet place. Share kitchen and bathroom. $450/mo. Please call 905-637-0246 between 10am-4pm. FURNISHED or unfur nished. cable, internet, phone included. Seeking mature, quiet, non-smoker professional female. Must like dogs. Rent negotiable for dog sitting. 905-6901623. OAKVILLE- near Upper Oakville Shopping Centre. Share large house, heated pool, a/c, bus route. Suit working male. $450/mo. 905-337-3848. OAKVILLE. 1-bedroom, laundry, parking. Must be dog lover, $550/mo. util ities not included. 289-2425763. REALSTAR w w w .r e a ls t a r .c a WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Reatstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and townhouses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TO D A Y ! KERR/ Speers. Renovated bachelor, 2 bdrm from $650/mo and up +hydro. Well maintained. Free parking. 416-635-5191 x206 LAKESHORE & Bronte. 1-bedroom from $925/mo. utilities included. Dec.1. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905825-0816 LAKESHORE elegance. Walk to Joseph Brant Hos pital, excellent Lakeshore location. Suits doctors, nurses, paramedics. Quiet, secure professionally man aged, huge 1 bedroom suite from $899/mo. Call 905-637-8431 LARGE 2-bedroom. Total remodelled. Central Bur lington. Includes parking, laundry facilities $850/mo +hydro Available Feblst 905-338-2169 LARGE 3-bedroom apart ment, bottom of farm house, 5th Cone. Waterdown. Jan.1. $1100/mo. includes heat/ hydro. 905-689-6473 MAPLE Crossing 1-bedroom +sunroom, corner unit with great views. Close to GO, Lake and shopping. Incl. Washer, Dryer and Dishwasher. $1050/mo. Available Im mediately Michael O'Sulli van, Sales Representative, Rpyal LePage Burloak, 905-634-7755 NEAR Lake, East Burling ton 1-bedroom basementl, non-smoker, a/c, fireplace, cable. Private entrance. $800/mo., inclusive. First/ Last. Mar/1 st 905-5158712 NO LMR deposit required Dec/ Jan/ Feb only. 1&2 bedrooms plus 3-bedroom townhouses with 5 appli ances. Close to Oakville Place, QEW and GO sta tion. 905-845-7545 NORTHSHORE 1&2 bedroom Feb/ Mar/ April parking). Utilities No pets. Quiet Diane, 9am-6pm, 1307, Burlington Towers, available (+$33. included. building. 905-681- Georgian Court Estates 905-632-8547 (townhouses) 611 Surrey Lane (King & Plains) WATERDOWNCentral _^<BURLINGTON, Grande location, walk every Regency. 1-bedroom where 1 &. 2 bedrooms +den. Breathtaking lake $785/mo.; 75 John St: view! 24-hr. security. Avail 905-690-4454; 50 John able Jan.15th. 905-632St.: 905-689-1647; water8354; 905-632-6189. downrenters.com BURLINGTON. $1650/mo, WINSTON Churchill/ QEW 2-bedroom condo at Wa large bright 1-bedroom terford Place. Shows like a basement walk-out. Separ model with 2 full baths. ate entrance, laundry, No Luxurious living, available pets/ smoking. $900/mo. immediately. Call Verna Inclusive (+cable). Feb.1. Robson, Associate Broker, 905-829-3615 - Remax Garden, 905-3333500. 2418 GLENWOOD GLENWOOD SCHOOL DRIVE I0W NH0M ES 905 * 639*9212 Gt W HITE OAKS BLVD. TOW NHOMES NOW AVAILABLE 3 Bedroom 1-1/2 Bath Storting at $895 per month Fridge, Stove, Washer, Dryer incl. BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm~4 Appl. Lake front property at furnished apartments 1-BEDROOM basement, furnished, Kerr & Felon, newly decorated. $800/mo. 905-319-0341 DOWNTOWN Oakville ex ecutive suite, short term available. $1795/mo every thing included. Call 905330-2770 or 330-1566 BRAND New! south Bur lington, 2 baths also 3bdrm available, 2 bdrpi, 6 appliances, granite, FP, C/A, beautifully decorated, great location, close to * QEW. $1300/mo. Avail able immediately. Also 3bdrm large townhome, $1585/mo. Available Feb. Marcella 905-208-0681 FABULOUS one bedroom condo plus den, in Harbourview, Downtown Bur lington across from the lake. $1400/mo. Call Diane McCurdy, Sales Rep., Homelife Applepark Realty Inc. 905-681-3000. BURLINGTON, ^ b r ig h f 2bdrm corner suite condo. Walkers/ Upper Middle. Very spacious, 9ft break fast bar, 2 full baths (mas ter bath ensuite). I^Sf.Ist. $1195/mo. +utilities.v Won't last! 905-331-8004.. PARKHILL manor- 2 bedroom unit in well estab lished private residential neighborhood. Close to transit and major high ways. Available February 1st. Requires 1st and last months deposit. $990/mo+. Call L. Davies Real Estate 905-333-4347 SEASIDE Village- Fabulous 2 bedroom unit in Stoney Creek. Unob structed views of the lake, open concept with cathe dral ceilings. Access to all major highways. Flexible occupancy. $1375/mo also available for sale $219,900. Call L. Davies Real-Estate 905-333-4347 SPECTACULAR ta k e view! "The Palace", 1-bed room +den, 5 appliances, parking, fabulous rec. cen tre, "Immediate". From $995/mo, Page us, 905-681-7355 UPPER level, 2 bedroom, single garage. Appliances. Almost new. Close to Bur lington Mall. $1295/mo + utilities. Available immedi ately. Tamer Fahmi, Bro ker, Hearth & Home Realty Inc. 905-333-5000 x 222. WALKERS/ Upper Middle- 1 bedroom +den, 5 appliances, parking, stor age, carwash, $1050/mo inclusive. Feb.1. 905-3355033 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appli ances. Available Feb.1 Near Oakville Place and GO. Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 905-842-0254 3-BEDROOMS Burlington. East of Appleby, Creek Way. Quiet 2 years new,. appliances. Parking (2cars), No smoking/ pets. $1285/mo. +utilities. Credit check. 905-466-3189. 4-BDRM townhouse, $1295/mo. +util, walk to lake, Immediate. Oakville 905-334-9035, 905-8445000, APPLEBY/ Fairview, 3bedroom townhouse, near GO, 5 appliances, C/A, garage, fenced yard, deck, alarm. Immediate $1350/mo futilities. 905335-9497 BR AN TTyandaga. Beautiful 2 & 3 bdrm . Townhomes available Immed & Feb from $1100. Also 3-bedroom suite available immed, hydro incl. 1420 Tyandaga Pk. Burlington. 905-335-3001. BURLINGTON executive 3-bdrm townhouse, 5 ap pliances, FP, A/C, garage, ceramics, ensuite, immac ulate, near GO/ lake/ shop ping/ - schools/ QEW. $1395/mo.+ Immediate. 905-466-6305 BURLINGTON, Brant St. North, renovated 2 or 3bedroom, hardwood,, yard, laundry, $840/mo. Janlst/ Feb. 1st 905-336-7207 BURLINGTON, steps to Appleby GO, near park land, Executive 2-large bedrooms, walk-out fin ished basement, balcony, luxurious ensuite, bath room, fireplace, c/air, vaulted ceiling, 5-appli ances, garage, private yard. Immediate. $1350/mo. 905-467-8186 Don't miss out! BURLINGTON- Large 2 bedroom Maisonette, North Brant St., parking in cluded, private backyard. Laundry, $775/mo. +util. Feb.1. 905-616-8873 CAVENDISH Co-op Homes waiting list open. For an opportunity to live in a 3-bdrm townhouse with garage, backyard, 2 appliances, $926/mo +utilities. Attend our orientation evening January 16th, 7pm. RSVP by January 12th to cavendish@cogeco.ca or 905-335-0280. Subsidy list closed. 905-681-0259 DUNDAS St/ 6th Line ar ea. 3&4 bedroom family townhouses. Stove, fridge and basic cable included. Unfinished basement and 1 car garage. 905-8428353 FURNISHED short/ long term executive rentals. All inclusive. Call Mark 905825-4948 LARGE 2&3 bedrpom Mar./ Apr. 4 appliances, hardwood, Park like set ting. Very large 3-bed room, 5 appliances, gar age, pool, Feb.1. All plus utilities. Arlington Blvd/ Longmoor Dr., Burlington. 905-681-0070 www.viewit.ca #4591 #4592 LOVELY 3 bedroom townhouse. Oxford Road near Burlington Mall. Beautiful, large finished basement, 1.5 baths, c/a, 4 appli ances, attached garage. Non-smoking, $1300/mo + utilities. Available March 1st. 905-339-9324 NORTH Burlington 3-bed room freshly painted, pool rjn complex $1200/mo +utilItie s . Immediate. 905-8758166 NORTH Burlington- 1, 2&3 bedroom townhouse mai sonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. From $720/mo +utilities. Immediate and March. 1. 905-319-9104. OAKVILLE Glen Abbey, very clean, large 3 bed room townhouse. Enjoy English garden, I'll look after it. 5 appliances, basic cable incl. $1,595/ mo. 905-337-8326. OAKVILLE, immaculate condition, Pleasant se cluded area, overlooking parkette. 5 years old, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floor ing/ carpeting, 3 wash rooms, fireplace, A/C, 5 appliances, finished base ment, private garage/ driveway, deck & fence, private backyard. $1650/mo. Call 905-2577843. OAKVILLE. Glenabby. 3 bedroom 2.5 baths, gar age, fireplace, C/a, appli ances, $1400/mo +util. Immediate 905-338-9749; 905-339-3813 SHORT-TERM Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location... Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!... "New" Luxury Corporate Residences, 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++- locations! Daily, Weekly, Monthly! From $49.95*/ night!! M/CardVisaDiner's "Guaranteed Lowest Rent!" Page Us 24/7 at 905-681-7355 WWW.PREMIERESUITES. COM Furnished 1-3 bed room condominiums and townhouses throughout Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. 905-469-3330 BURLINGTON New/ Ap pleby condo, one room, share common area with two young responsible pro fessionals. $350/mo. Ex ceptionally clean & quiet. Feburary/ Immediate. 905639-2676. pictures@ h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c it ie s . com/matrix_1 w1 /index _ho using.htm BURLINGTON. Rooms in renovated 3-level ranch, Burloak/ Spruce. $550/mo. per room. Utilities/ cable included. 289-259-5909. BURLINGTON/ Oakville Room(s) furnished (op tional) private bath' share kitchen suitable for stu dents or single working male. Non-smoker. Imme diate. $600/mo negotiable 905-681-7515 DOWNTOWN Burlington large two-room studio available immediately. Liv ing/ Office area with shared kitchen. Separate entrance. 905-637-9566. DOWNTOWN Burlington. Room for rent. Quiet, nonsmoker. $450/mo. First & last 905-634-6673. FOR rent in 2-bathroom house, ground floor fur nished bedroom, suit non smoking professional. Kitchen privileges, laundry, A/C, cable, garage. $135/wk. 905-634-0622 FURNISHED bedroom w/ balcony, bright TV area w/ fireplace, share bathroom/ kitchen, female only. Tra falgar/ Glenashton. 905257-8282. LARGE room- fridge and pantry, digital cable in cluded. Share bath, kitch en, laundry, parking, avail able $600/mo. First/ last required. 905-333-0067 anytime OAKVILLE East. Private entrance, furnished bed room. C/A, pool, parking, cable, laundry. Non-smoking. Immediate. $495/mo inclusive. First/ Last 416262-7394 OAKVILLE excellent fur nished accommodations in large home. Responsible mature individual. All inclu sive, many extras, $500/mo. 905-338-6444 vacation properties 1-BEDROOM condo, Beach front, Gulf of Mexi co, Fort Myers Beach. $600.US/ Week 905-2575876 lost & found FOUND Child's wallet at the Bishop and Firkin on or around Christmas Please contact Kelly/ Tracy 905331-3110 FOUND: 2 large Christmas lawn ornaments, in 4th Line/ Rebecca area. - 905845-7038. FOUND: Black cat - RBG, we call Rose. Call 905637-7325 FOUND: Black lon^ haired cat- Brant & North Service, ' We call Eaton. Call 905-V 637-7325 FOUND: Tabby ( i£ young, we call Bud, R BG area. Call 905-63.7-7325 ;'| FOUND- Torti cat 5th aridf Walkers. We call it Daisy. Please call 905-637-7325 -: LOST: 2 keys on leather fob, marked Marjorie. Ap pleby Mall/ Lakeside Plaza . 905-827-6148, reward! OAKVILLE Place area. 2bedroom apartment, $875. 1-bedroom $775. Heat, hot water, parking included. Immediate 905-847-1138 OAKVILLE South East basement suite, suitable for single professional. Nori*-smoker, separate en trance, laundry, $850/mo. inclusive. 905-815-1799. OAKVILLE, 4 1 5 ' Kerr Street. 1 bedroom apart ments, balcony. Immedi ate/ February $825/mo, 2bdrm, $925 and. bachelor $700. Call 9am-8pm, 905339-2437. OAKVILLE, Dorval/ Re becca1-bedroom $740/mo +hydro. Quiet small building. Available Immediately. Call 905-3383113. OAKVILLE, Trafalgar, 2. bedroom. Looking to share with young professional, similar to myself. $565/mo., inclusive. 905466-2968 OAKVILLE- Spacious 3bdrm main floor of house, laundry, parking, near schools/ YMCA/ GO. Im mediate. $1150/mo. 647895-2115. ' OAKVILLE. Bright new 1bedroom basement, large kitchenette, separate en trance, 1-parking. Cable, utilities included, $800/mo. No smoking/ pets. 905- short term rentals FURNISHED East Oakville 4-bedroom bungalow, long/ short term. Profes sionally decorated. Fully equipped, turnkey. Imme diate. $3400/mo. 905-842- furnished rentals BURLINGTONroom for rent, large bright room, share kitchen, 2 wash rooms. Cable, internet, laundry included. Female $400./mo 905-332-8287 personals LIVE-IN caregiver for eld erly care, light housekeep ing & taking care of pets. 905-639-3628. condominiums for rent ABBEY Oaks in Oakville. Ground level suite. Spa cious 1 bedroom +den. 5 appliances, C/A, under ground parking, club house/gym. $1150/mo +utilities. Call Leigh Anne Davidson (Sales Repre sentative) Whitehouse & Whitehouse Realty Inc. 905-634-6873 CONDO for lease. Trafal gar, near Sheridan. 2+1 bedroom, 1.5 baths. 1 parking, Annual lease, no sublease. Immediate. $1300/mo inclusive. 905337-0947 townhouses for rent **1 Month free*** 3 bed room, 1.5 baths, brand new ceramic floors, refin ished hardwood floors, 4 appliances, freshly painted, garage, updated bathrooms, private- patio. Available immediate $1,150/mo + Utilities. Call Elaine Muir, Sales Rep., Prudential By The Lake Realty 905-639-6111 1 month free! Burlington 2 & 3 bedrooms. Freshly painted, centrally located, across form Sobey's Pow er Centre. Start $800/mo+ 905-336-9842 houses for rent BURLINGTON Beach, 1 bedroom house on beauti ful waterfront. $725/mo+, 416-580-228, 705-7391907 LOVE DANCING? I am a widowed lady, tall, slim, sophisticated. Would like a respectable gentle man (55+) to accompany me to an elegant society ball soon. Please call 905467-1598 NOTICE to creditors Ellen M. Duivenvoorden will not be responsible for debts incurred by Erick F.M. Dui venvoorden