The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 13, 2006 - 23* Diversity committee helping Halton with services review Over the coming year, the Halton Diversity Advisory Committee is looking to assist Halton Region in conducting a review of its services and how they're delivered. This was one of the things committee members recently told Regional Council in a pres entation designed to update its members on what the group has been doing and what it plans to focus on in 2006. The organizational review comes as part of the Halton Region Diversity Strategy, a three-year initiative that con sists of three phases to help identify, remove and prevent barriers experienced by ethnoracial, cultural, religious and culturally diverse communities in accessing regional services. The committee is already part way through its work for the strategy and has identified short-term actions to better engage Halton's diverse com munities. "Halton Region is one of the fastest growing regions in Canada," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, who's also a committee member. "We know how important it is that all Halton residents have access to our programs and services, and the committee' s observations are helpful as we look for new ways to reach our diverse audiences." The committee has been active working in the communi ty for the past three years, including conducting recent public consultation as part of its outreach to diverse groups. The group was established as an advisory body to regional council to assist them in making informed deci sions. In addition to Savoline, its mem bers include regional councillors Rick Craven and Mike Lansdown, citizensat-large and representatives from the school boards, Halton Regional Police Service, multicultural agencies, com munity groups and faith groups. 'T m l BOTANICAL GARDENS w w w .rb g .c a ROYAL ExtraSpecials Saturday, January 14th to Friday, January 20th only. W hile q u a n titie s la s t. Sem inars, sam pling, and d em on stration s. This s h o w has e v e ry th in g y o u need to reach y o u r goals fo r h e a lth y liv in g -- fro m tra d itio n a l to a lte rn a tiv e , s p iritu a l h e a lth to physical fitn e ss, stre ss-re d u ctio n to .fu n . Plus co o kin g d e m o n s tra tio n s w ith Elizabeth Baird fro m C a n adian L iv in g on Saturday. ARRIVE EARLY -- FREE GIFT BAG to th e firs t 1 ,0 0 0 guests each day. RBG CENTRE S a tu rd a y a n d Sunday, J a n u a ry 14 a n d 15; 10 a .m . to 4 p .m . ADMISSION: $8 ADULTS . $6 SENIORS AN D STUDENTS RBG MEMBERS FREE SPONSORED BY 6 8 0 Plains Road W est, H a m ilto n /B u rlin g to n 9 0 5 .5 2 7 .1 1 5 8 , ext. 520, events@ w w w wh FOODS. 5l e CHRISTIE COOKIES 350g Selected Types 149 I >A ) ring warmth back to the bedroom CASHMERE 2-PLY BATHROOM TISSUE (16 Roll) or DOUBLE (8 Roll) Limit 4. After Limit 4.99 each. BABY-DRY SUPER MEGA DIAPERS 5 2 's - 8 0 's Selected Types Limit 4. After Limit 25.99. HUGGIES o r PAMPERS Available at this location only H O PEDALE M A LL 1515 R E B E C C A S TR E E T 905 - 827-4141 SPEERS R D . R EBECCA S T . M o n d a y - F rid a y 8 :3 0 a m - 9 p m S a tu rd a y 9a m - 6 p m S u n d a y 11 am - 5 p m Burnharr SHOPPERS DRUG MART ir Dundas