20 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday January i3 , 2006 Speaker tells parents sex education necessary in schools eaching of sex education in the schools was urged by Dr. John Rich, clinical director of Canada's first hospital for emotionally disturbed chil dren at Thistletown, in a talk to members of the Lome Skuce Home and School Association Wednesday evening. Speaking with great frankness Dr. Rich criticized some of the present-day attitudes towards sex education and the methods of imparting it. "Much of the sex education that is given in books and films has attempted to evade the main problem by concentrating on T anatomy and physiology," he said. "This doesn't help very much. Another mistake we make is being shy when we're trying to be out spoken. We set up a great frank discussion, and when the time comes we evade discussion." Dr. Rich pointed out that the Kinsy Report stated that one out of four woman investigated had had extra- marital affairs, yet they have to teach from the orthodox point of view," he said, "This is dif ficult." There was a wide difference of opinion as to which facts of opin ion should be mentioned in the teaching of sex, he said. Pictures illustrating sexual acts could not be used because they were held to be obscene, and this tended to handicap the teach ing. Dr. Rich told about the teach ing of family life as practiced in schools in Evanton, Illinois, start ing in Kindergarten. "There's no reason you should n 't tell a Grade 5 kid what sexual intercourse is all about and how it is carried out," he said. "I believe this gives them a more healthy attitude than evasion. I have a strong suspicion that trying to mislead them about the reliability of contraceptives doesn't work." "I would put a strong plea for more sex education on the grounds that sex is here to stay/' concluded Dr. Rich. "Children will become involved in marriage and parenthood." A question period followed the address. The association presi dent, Alan Poole who presided, then called for an expression of opinion from the members as to whether the association should conduct further investigation into the matter of sex education. The majority were in favor of the pro posal. -- Jan. 13,1966, Daily Journal Record The perfect Solution for every HUGE SAVINGS ON FEATURED ITEMS Resolution NOW D y : DON'T PAY TIL 2007 NO Interest NO Payments N O W M Jl J J Reg. $ 899 Bremshey Elliptical Smooth Magnetic Resistance ' Reg. $ 1399 Vision 1400x SAVE s2 0 0 NOW J J J n o w J _ Reg. *2799 Vision 9500HRT · Orthopedic belt · 3.0 HP Continous^ Duty Motor Consumer Report Reg. *1499 Keys H T7 5 T Treadmill . Reg. *1999 Series · 2.5 HP Continous Duty Motor · 20"x 60" belt { · 2.5 HP Continous Duty Motor · 20"x36" Running Deck d .BEST BUY THORNHILL (905) 747-0802 M ARKHAM (905) 471-4116 TORONTO (416) 440-0244 VAUGHAN (905) 660-4888 HAMILTON M eadowlands Power Centre (905)304-5919 NEW MARKET (905)836-7618 M ISSISSAUGA (905)755-9000 OAKVILLE (905)815-0123 PICKERING (905)426-5700 ( f i t n e s s s o u r c e ) ext. 2 7 3 mgallagher@oakvillebeaver.com www.fitnesssource.ca *0AC on selected merchandise. Must be paid in full at the end of term. All admin/taxes/delivery due at time of purchase. Adm in, fee of $99. See store for details. Selection may vary by store. FO R A L L T H IN & S F IT N E S S ENDS SOON SAVE UP TO $300 ON OUR TOP SOFA STYLES Up to 40% OFF select floor models Up to 50% OFF select accessories EQ3 Burlington 1220 Brant Street North Service Road west of Brant T 905 335 6077 Store Hours Monday to Friday: 10am to 9pm Saturday: 9:30am to 6pm Sunday: noon to 5pm w e reserve the right to limit quantities. Some restrictions apply. Prices subject to changes without notice. Some items may require assembly. Details in store SALEMA sectional sofa SAVE UP TO $849. Other models also available at sale price. 6 Q3 C0 IT 1