Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 May 2000, Classifieds, C5

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Wednesday, May 3, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN W H B Id e n tific a tio n S o lu tio n s In c. is lo o k in g fo r a C re d it & C o lle c tio n s C le rk fo r a o n e y e a r c o n tr a c t p o s itio n . C red it & C o lle ctio n s C lerk (One Year C ontract Position) T h e su c c e ss fu l c a n d id a te s h o u ld h a v e a h ig h s c h o o l d ip lo m a a n d 3-5 y e a rs o f re le v a n t e x p e r ie n c e o r a c o m b in a tio n o f e d u c a tio n a n d e x p e r ie n c e . PC sk ills a re r e q u ire d , a s are e x c e lle n t in te r p e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n sk ills a n d th e a b ility to w o rk in a te a m e n v ir o n m e n t. Boehringer lllll^ Ingelheim tPrivatefy m vned,jjlohtilhj driven, zinth a healthcare tradition spanning over 1 0 0 years, ` B oehrinjjer Ittgefhcim (C anada)Ltd. is c o m m itted to e\ceffenee in the c fc itin a fie ld o fh u m a n pharmaceuticals, anim alhealth, seff-medication nutritional supplements, a n d fin e chemicals. of s a lo n s r e q u ir e s Experienced * - HAIRSTYLISTS v IN OAKVILLE AND BURLINGTON W e o ffe r g re a t c o m m is s io n s ; c a re e r advancement th ro u gh o ut N orth Am erica; flexible w ork hours and a solid benefit program . TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 skilled & technical help skilled & technical help KITCHEN] STUFF PLUS I TEAM PLAYERS FOR HIRE We are searching for talented people with retail experience fo r our new Superstore in M ississauga. We are recruiting dynamic individuals fo r the follow ing positions: J · F/T & P/T Sales Associates · F/T Receivers If y o u a re a te a m p la y e r, w a n t to be recognized fo r y o u r hard w ork, and can o ffe r e xc e p tio n a l c u s to m e r service, we offer: 515 515 n YOU... Q u a lifie d c a n d id a te s a r e a s k e d to fo rw a rd t h e i r r e s u m e s , in c o n f id e n c e , to: Investigational Supplies Assistant B oehringer Ingelheim (C a n a d a ) Ltd. has a n im m ediate opening for a n Investigational S upplies A ssistant on a full-tim e, one-year c o n tra c t. P rim ary responsibilities will include shipping, receiving a n d re tu rn s o f investigational supplies in o u r w arehouse. Som e h eavy lifting is required. A p p lican ts should have previous o rd er processing/w arehouse experience com bined w ith basic MS Office skills to assist in the c o o rd in atio n an d inventory control o f investigational supplies. T h e successful c a n d id a te will have a high school diplom a, excellent c o m p u te r an d organizational skills, an d be a team player. P h a rm a c e u tic a l experience is a n asset. P lease s u b m it resu m e by M ay 18, 2000, to: H u m a n R e so u rces - File No. C D 01, B o e h rin g e r Ingelheim ( C a n a d a ) L td , 5180 S o u th S ervice R oad, B u rlin g to n , O n ta r io L 7 L 5H 4. F ax: (905) 637-4278 Visit our Web site at w w w .b o ch rin g er-in g elh eim .co m for inform ation about our com pany. Only those applicants selected fo r an interview will be contacted at this rime. No phone calls or agencies, please. C LA SS A H E A V Y T R U C K M E C H A N IC Required Immediately. Union rate of $20.30/hr. after probation, Overtime after 40 hours. Must have own tools. WHB H um an R esou rces D ep artm en t W.H.B. Identification S olu tion s Inc., Fax: (905)764-3138 E-mail: elaine_m oulton@ bradycorp.com · Competitive Wages · Flexible Scheduling · Career Opportunities Please fax resume to (416) 944-2768 Please indicate position applying for. Air brake and Hydraulic experience required. MAIL/DROP RESUME OFF AT RECEPTION TO: Safety-Kleen, Ltd., 1790 Ironstone Drive Burlington, 0n.L7L 5V3 or Fax: (905) 332-5405 No Phone Calls Please W A N T E D ! ! ! Executive Assistant w ith 21 st C en tu ry S kills Thrive as the "right hand' of a fast moving, creative and not-so-organized entrepreneur Have an outstanding grasp of how to use technology (including desktop publishing, presentation software and the internet) to organize and support your team Have a flair for creative business writing, including marketing materials and newsletters Love to work with a minimum of supervision, as a key member of a small, high energy, high performance, entrepreneurial team where your contribution really counts Want to be part of an organization that is rapidly growing and becoming recognized as the very best\n its field in Canada / Want above average financial rewards, based in part on a Performance Bonus. Sound like you? If your answer is "YES'* then e-m ail your story to: The Oakville Club 56 W ater Street requires a GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LTD. A leading electrical distributor located in Oakville is currently seeking experienced in-dividuals to fill the following positions ALL FULL-TIME POSTITIONS AVAILABLE Competitive starting wage, benefit package available. Apply in person to: KFC 3500 Dundas Street West, Burlington or 1235 Fairview Street Burlington ASSISTANT MANAGER/ CAKE DECORATOR We Want You as an Assistant Manager/ Cake Decorator, fulltime. We offer a fun work environment and an industry competitive wage. SUBMIT RESUMES TO: PERSONAL TRAINER Fax Tracey Pridham at 905-845-3186 Fulltime ORDER DESK / COUNTER SALES Full/Part-time RECEPTION / OFFICE ASSISTANT Please mail or fax your resume to: also TENNIS STAFF required for on court and booking help. Fax Steve Taylor at 905-845-3186 Attn: Jodi Kershaw 1110 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 Fax: (905) 849-4525 No phone calls please Office Clerk REQUIRED FULLTIME Duties incl: inventory, data entry, filing, etc. Computer and A/P experience necessary. Call: John Bloom, 2-4, Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd. Oak. (905) 8 4 5 -2 1 1 8 . FASTSIGNS. INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Enjoy helping people and problem solving? If you can evaluate customer needs and provide solutions, join our team in the fast-paced sign industry as a Customer Service Rep/Inside Sales Consultant. Primary responsibilities include managing existing accounts and prospecting for new customers. The ideal candidate w ill be enthusiastic, organized and have strong communication skills. Previous sales experience a plus. Attractive compensation. Resumes: joe@baumanconsulting.com Ba um an co n s u l t in g i n c L A N D S C A P E contracting company requires foremen and labourers. Sound knowledge of hard and soft landscape installations, Bobcat operating, carpen try, experience in general construction/ renovations an asset. Good driving record; clean, neat ap pearance, Independant, team player. Paramount Landscape C ontractors ph #905-690-0267. fax: 905-690-0612____________ 4155 Fairview St, Burlington L7L 2A4 office-clerical office-clerical (Between Appleby & Walker's) RECEPTIONIST required immediately for full-time position. G ood te le p h o n e and ty p in g s k ills re q u ire d . K n o w le d g e o f ERA syste m beneficial. Noon to 9pm, Mon.-Thurs. & 10am-6pm, Friday. Fax resume in confidence to: ; JO IN O U R CREW Now Hiring Full Time BROIL COOKS PREP COOKS We offer competitive wages, gratuities & a great atmosphere. Apply in person or call The Br o ke r P r of i t B u i l d e r s ' IN TRANSIT PERSONNEL INC. Bring your license & abstract t:o Display Attendants Required Part-tim e. $ 9 ./hour Sales Experience an Asset. Call Peter 4031 Fairview Street B urlington, O ntario L7L 2A 4 Fax: (905) 631-7471 P ainter/ Sandblaster to work in the Toronto/ H am ilton area. Must have transportation and be a good worker. Call Dan. (905)331-4595 IN D U S T R IA L J u d y H u n t, (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -9 1 0 9 ® I ^ p © (905) 639-4084 950 Walker's Line, Burlington 7025 Tomken Rd. in Mississauga between 10am-2pm, Sat. May 6 and meet with our recruiters. We are currently looking for Established Lum ber Reload C entre requires K l V l l f office-clerical 1 7 5 W y e c r o ft R o a d , O a k v ille Class AZ & DZ Truck Drivers full & part time, all shifts, local work, on call. 1-800-465-0593 Ext. 224 T iH tM o tfo tti. 1 (888) 937-8233, ask for Mike or Lauri STOREFRONT T EC H N IC A L S A L E S REPRESEN TA TIV E Selling specialty chemicals and adhesives to the FRP, rubber and plastic industries. 3-5 years experience to the FRP industry preferred. Additional experience related to spe cia lty c o a tin g s a b e n e fit. R e ply in confidence: Box 6263, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 Heavy Equipment Operators Fork Lilt Operators General Labourers Good wages, benefits after 3 months, Split Shifts Fax Resume: 905-875-2818 Entrepreneurial Manager The Apartment Database Company Passion, Flexibility, Excitement, a resultsoriented Manager to develop & market specialized database, 3-5 years business experience in an entrepreneurial environment. Expertise in MS Word, Excels Access. Custom er Service/ O rd e r Desk World class manufacturer of valves for the global industrial and petrochemical markets has an imme diate requirem ent fo r a high energy, team oriented in d ivid u a l in C ustom er Service. Ideal applicants should have a technical background with 3-5 years sales experience in valves, pressure vessels or related industry. Computer literacy essential. C om pensation based upon experience and capabability. Experienced Full or Part-time needed for busy sports pub.Wage to fit experi ence w ith benefits. Drop off resume at: LINE COOKS C T T j l painting M U J & decorating FO R all your painting needsl 20 years experi ence, residential or com mercial. Call Mark (905)578-5914 MONAGHAN'S 1289 Marlborough Court, Oakville, ask for Fred/ Claudio/ Anthony ph-842-4435 1A- All Moving & Storage, Big Small, insured, reliable, fast local or long distance. Free boxes, storage & estimates. 634-3721_________ Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 PR O Movers. Full/ Part-time -A ll ShiftsEnjoy a friendly, caring fast paced environment. Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville FU LLT IM E Dispatcher re Forward resume by FAX to (905) 842-1785 or, E-MAIL: 112663.316@compuserve.com KFC FULL-TIME POSITION Apply in person to: quired to operate the LINK. Must have experience w/ re fe ren ce s/ com puter know ledge. Top salary+ commission. Forward re sume: (905)693-9272 or ca ll (905)693-1143 attn: Doug. Come join our team , w ork for a fast grow ing com pany w/a dedicated team of drivers. a vailable Qualified truck driver with truck mounted crane ex perience to collect and load trees in the nursery. Person to assist shipper to service customers, knowledge of plants preferred. M. Putzer Hornby Nursery Ltd. Phone: (905)878-7367, 1800-377-3663 Fax: (905)878-9745.___________ P O S IT IO N S W AN TED : Mature individ IN T E R T E C S E C U R IT Y "We are actively seeking persons to w ork in the B ram pton/ M ississauga/ w est Toronto areas. W e offer training, $9.00-$11.00/hr and a comprehensive benefit package.To arrange for an interview in the w est end contact: Contact Valerie: Tel: 319-2524 Fax 319-2528 S U M M E R h e lp n e e d e d - S S T iT sales help & agents KFC 330 South Service Rd., Oakville B A R TE N D E R / Manager & Experienced Line Cook re quired by The Dickens. Apply with resume, 2-4 pm d aily, 423 E lizabeth St., Village Square, Burlington. D IS H W A S H E R S required full/ part-time day & evening shifts. Apply in person to Country Squire, 165 Cou ntry Squire Lane, Oakville. Call (905)845- 8642 CO O KS wanted for Deer field Golf Club, Bronte Rd. & QEW area. Experience preferred. Call Ken for appointment: (905)847-5555 S E R V E R S - Experienced. CUSTOM -M ADE valances, Recruiter 416-424-2002 H A L T O N R E C Y C L IN G L IM IT E D in Burlington Ontario is now recruiting POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY P/T SHOW ROOM SALES M-F + Saturdays Flexible hours, No Evenings Position Available Immediately person with good te le phone skills, computer ex perience preferably-w ith some prior office experi ence. Must be well organ ized and com petent. Please reply Box 1750, c/o Burlington Post, 2321 Fair view St., Burlington L7R 2E3_____________________ P E R S O N F rid a y - some typing, medical knowledge helpful. Duties include: an swering phones, booking appointments & filing. After noons only, Monday- Thurs day. Reply to box#6271, O akville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., OakvilleON L6K3S4_________________ RECEPTIONISTS (two) re quired in Burlington office to answer phones, book ap pointm ents and general office work. Part-time. Must be willing to work evenings & weekends. Must possess pleasant phone manner. Fax qualifications (905)6393771.____________________ F U L L T IM E B ookkeeper/ Acct. Payable/Receivable clerk required for a busy transportation company. Must be highly experienced with references. Please for ward resume to (905)6939272 or call (905)693-1143 attn: Julie.________________ B O O K K E E P E R required RETAIL REPRESENTATIVE Permament Part-time Coverage of Retail Accounts Travel Throughout Oakville and Burlington Area Must Have Own Vehicle Internet Access Preferred FAX: 1-888-690-1194 or E-MAIL: hrcanada@crossmk.com CROSSMARK, Inc. www.crossmk.com draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab rics, table/ chair a c c e s s o ries.C atl Sherry. 634-6706. r £ l landscaping G R A S S C U T T IN G full range of services. Mature, experienced employees. Capable of large property care. 905-690-0314 (Bur lington)__________________ DZ DRIVERS · 4 d ay w o rk w eek · C o m p a n y b e n e fits · C o m p e titiv e w a g e level · M u s t b e ab le to lift u p to 501bs · M u s t p r o v id e u p -to -d a te a b s tra c t W m I \ \ daycare available MOTHER of 2 has full-time PART-TIME STUDENT Shipping/ R eceiving M-F + Saturdays Positions available immediately P le a s e se n d reS u m es to: G E R R IE E L E C T R IC W H O L E S A L E L IG f tT I N G S H O W R O O M spaces for ages 2+ Sum mer only welcome. Lunch es. snacks. CPR. Headon Rd. 319-7405____________ G L E N Abbey. M other & 445 Inglehart Str. Oakville, On L6L 3J5 Attention: Sherri No phone calls please Gentek Building Products Limited, Burlington Plant, manufacturer of vinyl siding has openings for: uals who are interested in w orking with children or adults with developmental disabilities. Provide parent relief or teach a child new skills: Part-tim e contract p o sitio n s in the Halton Region, 4-15 hours/week. Parent directed. Fax re sume: (905)849-6980, call (905)849-8000____________ LO O K IN G Back Farm has Please fax resume with covering letter to: (905) 336-3034 309 Lakeshore Rd., Oakville ON L 6 J 1J3 Apply with resume attention Sandy or Chris, Sonoma C ounty W ine Bar, 3135 Harvester Road, Burlington BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Excellent wages. Must be availa ble wee kends. Apply 8am-3pm, 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant) B IS H O P and Firkin Pub Experienced Sales Associate Full-time salaried position for an enthusiastic professional seeking a career in fine jewellery. Strong computer skills are an asset. d aughter team . Spaces a vaila ble J u ly 1st for summer & or full-time year round. Lots of TLC. (905) 825-1811._______________ L O V IN G childcare avail Hendrix/Joplin/Grateful Dead N O W HIR ING GENERAL LABO U RERS To qualify, you m u st have a Gr. 12 education and be fluent in English. Plastic extrusion and sh ift-w ork experience w ou ld be an asset. We currently o ffe r $1 2 .5 8 /h r + sh ift prem ium s and a g e n e ro u s b e n e fits p a cka g e in c lu d in g a dental and drug plan. In te re ste d ca nd id ates are invited to m ail o r fax th e ir resum e before May 15th, 2000 to: position available for Show Groom for summer employ ment to start immediately. Experience with hunters & jumpers an asset. Must be willing to travel, have own transportation. Please call Looking Back Farms Sandi (905)878-7839, or fax (905)878-0420___________ THE WORLDS BEST TIE DYERS We need 4 cool people ASAP Must be creative, hardworking, dependable, previous work/art-design experience preferred. Please fax resume to: (905) 631-5167 or e-mail to info@rippleillusions.com No phone calls please. G E N E R A L Labourers re able. Fun a c tiv itie s for 12mo +. St. Raphael's/ Ascension area. Kim 634-5717 LOVING, qualified caregiv er, ECE & Educational As sistant Diplomas. Worked 5-yrs. in classroom. Home daycare available for child ren 2-5 years. Lots of fun & TLC. Convenient location (Mainway/ Wakers). 335-6883 Resume and cover letter can be faxed to the attn o f : Todd H. Williams, (905) 815-8845 looking for wait staff. Please drop off resume in person to 1220 Brant St. Hygiene Coordinator/ Dental Assistant Certified Dental Assistant needed to coordinate our hygiene department. The position will include assisting hygienists, sterilization, order supplies, maintenance equipment. Report to both Dentist and Hygienist at monthly meetings. The chosen applicant must be highly self-motivated, organized, accept responsibility and multi-task oriented. Salary will reflect the importance of this position. If you feel you are up to the challenge then please send resume to Box 6270, c/o O akville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, O akville, L6K 3S4 S tudent work $13.05 to start. 77 flexible positions to fill. No experience neccessary. Tra inin g provided. S cholarships available. 905-389-9448 Ham ilton, 905-949-0745 Mississauga workforstudents.com/on S U P E R IN T E N D E N T , quired. Burlington. Various shifts available. Apply in person: CWC, 3040 New Street, Burlington, (E. of Guelph Line) Fax: (905) 632-7118________________ R E Q U IR ED immediatelyfull time position available for Oakville based land scaping / maintenance co mpany. Good pay. Call (905)257-5619 after 6pm P IZ Z A D elivery Drivers Needed immediately. Full and part-time Hourly + - not per delivery! Various locations in the Burlington & O akville areas... Call (905)979-1231____________ W A R E H O U S E positions a vailable in O akville. $ 10/hr, students welcome. Call (905)333-2692 LO O K IN G for work? Are you 16-24yrs old? Out of work & school? We can help! Call (905)681-1140 TOP part-time for small business (Burlington). Knowledge of simply accounting required. Call 905-333-5520 or fax (905)333-8164____________ EN ER G E TIC experienced dance instructor needed for Flam borough studio, for postitio n in Sept. 2000. Send resume to: 185 Waldoncroft Cres., Burlington, L7L 3A6._________________ LA N G U A G E Teachers re W M L f i daycare wanted R E SP O N SIB LE, fun care giver required for 2 school aged girls, permanent parttime, 2 days/ week- Tues. & Thurs., 1:30pm- 9:30pm, Non-smoker. Own car or drivers license. References please. Central Burlington. (905)639-6237___________ B A B Y S IT T E R required evenings & some w ee kends for three pre-school children. Approx. 20hrs./ week. Perfect for student. Headon Forest area. 3193293____________________ DOWNTOWN Oakville Re- ^ sales help & agents quired part-tim e. French, Italian, German, P ortug uese, Spanish, ESL. Bronte 847M O N TES SO R I School re- G e n te k B u ild in g P ro d u c ts L im ite d 1001 C o rp o ra te D riv e B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio L 7 L 5 V 5 F ax: (905 ) 319-5 6 00 Please no phone calls Gentek Building Products is an £ O.E Live-in, required for luxury O akville condo highrise. Fully experienced with HVAC, fire systems, pool, cleaning, supervising. At tractive salary, benefits. 2bedroom apartment. Fax resume: (905)827-6278 $$$ Supervisors & C an vassers needed for door to door canvassing crew and door to door chocolate sales for national charity. Call anytim e 1-877-7185950 ask for Jacqueline, or leave message.___________ PET Hotel needs energetic, WAGES paid for Full/Part Time landscaping positions, Labourers and Crew bosses. Call 8447685____________________ U N IV E R S IT Y Pool Serv (gim gj fm M U N ICIPA L aoir COUMI TYANDAGA. Hand C leaning position available, Oakville, night shift 11pm-7am, Mon.Fri. Vehicle a must. Please fax resume to: (905)5460747____________________ LE AD FURNITURE manufacturer ice is busier than ever. We are looking for post-secondary, motivated individ uals for our service crews, and office staff. Experience is not necessary but pre ferred. Forward resume to: 481-14 North Service Rd. W., Oakville, On. L6M 2V6, Fax:(905)827-4535. UN IVER SITY Student for Gardening/Yard work on weekly basis. Experience required. Call 849-9996 W Y L D E W O O D Golf and tailer seeks part-time sales A ssistant to work in low pressure comfortable envi ronment. Must be friendly, energetic, reliable, able to work most Friday evenings, Saturdays & Sunday After noons. Please call 905338-5181________________ SALES Rep.- Full-time po a Casa Director or Suires irectress for Sept. 2000. Please fax resume to: 905319-0851 F/TGOLF SHOP CLERK (until November 13) Experience in golf environment/ Retail sales preferred sition for a professional, well knowledged flooring sales representative. This is an extremely busy retail outlet and we require a strong individual to start immediately. Fax resume to: Sales Manager, (905)332-7076___________ LEADER in high ticket re creational products needs aggressive people for in store sales in Mississauga. Sales experience neces sary, we will train the right people. Excellent income opportunity. Fax resume: (905)270-9228.___________ S A L E S person (experi- RN's, RPN s and HCA's needed immediately for staff relief and private duties in Oakville and Mississauga. CALL BETWEEN 9AM-4PM, FOR APPOINTMENT MONDAY -FRIDAY A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Friday now a vailable. Phone 637-6974._________ ladies w ill help you do Spring Clean ing, houses and office. Vera. 693-9721; Katerina 631-5211.________________ EUROPEAN FULL-time childcare requ ired in your home fo r 2 children ages 10 and 8. Falgarw ood P.S. area. Please call Lori or Ron 849-3781._______________ WE are looking for a ma ture caring person to look after our 2 girls, ages 5 & 2 in our North Burlington home. Part-time 1-2 days/ wk. Must be flexible. (905 )3 1 9-2 9 0 9, please leave message.__________ CAREGIVER required for 2 DIVOT REPAIR CREW (Volunteer) Applications & Resumes may be dropped off at: weekend and holiday staff. Own transportation neces sary. Hours 7am-12noon approx. Suitable for senior/ students. Animal exper ience an asset. East B urlington. Fax resume: (905)336-3687____________ LEASE Rental Position for requires showroom office person. 4-5hrs. daily, oc casional Saturdays. 8 55 3878____________________ THEATRE person available (10yrs. exp.) for cleaning offices. Please call (905)560-9727___________ C L E A N IN G Box Office Cashier required evenings. Apply with resume: 5 DriveIn Theatre, 2331 Ninth Line, Oakville._________________ CARPET Layer/ helper ap C.C. is currently seeking employees for the following p ositions REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY - Cooks, line cooks, w ait staff, dishw ashers. Call (905) 878-4848 or fax (905) 8784760 ________________ B e l I I telemarketers (905) 338-5611 F/T PHARMACY ASSISTANT required for Shoppers Drug Mart, 5353 Lakeshore Rd E,, Burlington. Healthwatch experience an asset. Fax resumes 905-637-0070 or mail to above address. Also P/T Cashiers needed F/T Pharmacy Technician required. Previous dispen sary experience an asset but not essential. Flexible hours. Wage commensu rate with experience. Ben efits package. Please apply or send resumes- Shop pers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr St, Oakville. H C A 'S , PSW's, N ursing H C A /P C A required parttim e / casual fo r luxury retirem ent residence in downtown Oakville. Must be available all shifts including weekends. Fax resume to Carole at (905)338-7117 FULL-TIM E Office assistant G AM BLING Problem? Pro grams for individuals/family m em bers. Treatm ent for gambling and/or substance abuse. Free/confidential. Call Adapt(905)639-6537 W H O 'S Maggy? She's an expert at making Mother's Day shopping easy & fun. Visit her product fair. Open House at 2033 Laurelwood Drive, Oakville. Sat. May 6 8 am-3 pm. 338-6226. YOU deserve to share your boys (5yrs. & 7yrs.). My home or yours. Fairview/ Appleby area. 333-6209 or 416-367-1608 ext.306 1265 T y a n d a g a P ark Dr, B url, or faxed to (905)-336-0008 Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! a busy Tra cto r T railer Rental Sales Facility. Or ganizational & com puter skills required. Fax resume: Tiger Lease Inc., 500 In dustrial Dr., Milton. 1-905693-9158________________ G E N E R A L Labourer, full prentice required fulltime immediately. Non-smoker. C all Frank at (9 05 )3 3 3 5928____________________ CREW people required for FULL/PART-TIME MERCHANISERS Experienced merchandisers wanted, week days. Positions available immediately for mature, energetic individuals to assist within store merchandising. Be well spoken and have an aptitude for numbers. Attractive salary. Own transportation a must. Fax resume: North 51st Merchandising day work dropping/ picking up catalogues. Call Philip @ 336-8373 for more infor mation;__________________ 1-877-801-4238 //W 7 z 7 /V Z o 7 / tim e. for busy locksm ith CERAMIC Tile & Bath Renshop. Benefits/ uniforms. . ovations Helper required. $10.-$14/hr. commensurate Experience preferred. Own with experience. Apply in transportation. Call 905person at Active Lock & 616-0585 (no Sunday calls) Safe, 2380 Speers Rd., C LE A N E R required (Oak Oakville ville), part-time, 3-4 days/ C L E A N IN G company re week. Flexible hours. Early quires experienced retail morning preferred. Fax infloor cleaner for the Bur formation: (905)844-5127 lington area. Part-time night D R IV E R / Fleet Managerposition available. Wage Clean 'G* licence to drive n egotiable. Own tra n sp and maintain 4 small local o rta tio n required. Fax delivery dump trucks, call resume: (905)688-5122 905-257-6366____________ Labourer required for ind u stria l janitorial compa-ny, Sun-Fri. evenings, approx. 35-40 hrs/w eek. Heavy lifting required. Will train. Start: $8/hr. Fax: (905)632-0012 GENERAL F IT N E S S enthusiasts needed part-tim e wee kends and days. Preferred personal trainer with sales experience. Fax resume to: (905)844-5127. , PE R S O N experienced in 59/HOUR + bonusLeads & training provided. U ltram atic requires ap pointm ent setters. 5pm10 pm. Monday to Friday. Mrs. Farr 333-1737 after 1pm. enced)required for Oakville children's boutique. Parttime, 2 evenings/week & al ternate w eekends. Fax: (905)825-3858, Phone: (905)825-8419.___________ R E A L Estate Sales. Li censed or not. Training. Free commission advanc es. Retirement Plan. Call Lloyd, Exit Realty .Negotiators. (905)465-1010 MASSAGE therapist or es- required fo r B urlington Cardiologist. Experience in o ffice set-up. N ursing would be beneficial. Call 905-337-3702____________ D E N T A L A ssista n t re quired full or part-time for friendly Oakville Office, no experience required. Fax: 416-783-9185____________ RN'S required fulltime. Ex L O V IN G and energetic live -in nanny required, starting June/July for 3 children. Experience and drivers licence required. Call Lisa 332-4712. L IV E -O U T nanny wanted KS^yB^aiTbeauty W f j salon help R E C E P TIO N IS T required life with someone special. Misty River Introductions, Ontario's traditional match maker. In T oronto (416) 777-6302 or South/W est (519)658-4204.___________ I companions S IN G L E Search Toronto- evenings and Saturdays for Burlington salon/ day spa. For appointm ent call (905)681-0277___________ S T Y L IS T , Jr. stylist, and assistants wanted for salon in downtown Oakville, drop resume off in person to Woman, 128 Reynolds St. thetician to rent space in beautiful downtown Oak ville spa. Also needed parttime nail technician. Call 842-8222._______________ G O LF shop sales/ repairs perience in a nursing home environment is preferred. Fax resume to: 1-905- 3325871_____________________ A ssistant. Experienced, required ap prox. 30 hrs/wk busy two doctor Oakville office. Fax resume: (905)849-6990 O P T H A L M IC RPN'S required- Maternity immediatly. 2 children ages 15 month /newborn. 40 hours/week. Near Oakville Place Mall. Own transporta tion to /from home. Refer ences. C ontact Sally (905)338-9080___________ N A N N Y needed full-tim e needs retired person for weekends, days. Will train. Puma Golf, call 905-3390438 SE R V IC E A D V ISE R Full time position in busy dealership Reynolds or ADP experience is preferred. Good wage and health plan. Contact Service Manager carpentry and drywall re quired for renovation company. Call 825-5740 M O T E L 6 Burlington is now hiring full and part time housekeepers. Apply at 4345 N. Service Rd._______ PAINTER'S Helper required with minimum 3-5 years experience. Working with high pressure lam inate required. Please call D. Norman. (905)822-0068 C A B IN E T M A K E R LICENSED Technician re RN'S & RPN's required im (905)878-8808 im m ediately. Experience preferred. Call (905)8449124, Leave Message k quired for progressive dealership, Volvo of Oak ville. Apply in person: 770 Pacific Rd. mediately- Schedule your own 40hrs of work. Educa tion also provided while you do hospital staff relief in Burlington fit Oakville. Pri vate Duty shift-work also available. We Care Home Health Services, 789 Brant St., Fax: (905) 634-6066 Students & Homemakers required for the O akville Burlington area. Apply to: We Care Home Health Services, 789 Brant St. Burlington, ON L7R 2J3 or Fax 634-6066____________ B U S Y O akville Dental Office has 2 new full-time positions available. One for Dental Reception & other for Certified Dental Assis tant. Please call (905)8276102 or fax (905)827-4235 What the world needs now is love sweet lovel We'll show you how to find it by matching you with compat ible singles in your area. Over 350 items of compa tibility. Call 905-607-5614 · info. Mondav to Friday, 8:306pm (Summer position June 1st) in our home to care for 2yr. old boy/girl tw ins & 9-yr. old boy. Driver's license required. Non-sm oker. Southeast Oakville. (905)844-7229. LIVE-IN nanny for 5 child ren, live in during the week, and gone on weekends. Busy household, please call (905)616-4438 relief. Apply Vistamere Re tirem ent Residence, 380 Sherin Dr., 905-847-1413 \ lost & found FO UND: portable cassette player on April 29th at Berton Ave. park. Call 3327645. T A L E N T E D Cook- part- M O N E Y Problems? Gar tim e- experienced and quality conscious, positive, a ttitu d e required. Call Martha or Julie, Pearl Street Cafe, 905-639-9450. JUST Fences. For free es timate, call Dave or leave message. 469-9242. nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600

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