Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 May 2000, Classifieds, C4

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C4 THE O A K V ILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 3, 2000 T h e Oakville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C lassified houses for sale BRANT Hills. Raised ranch. M a tu re q u ie t n e ig h b o u r hood. Large lot, lush land scaping. 5-bedrooms, large sepa rate liv in g & d in in g rooms, eat-in kitchen, familroom w/log burning fire place, 1.5 b a th s , c /a ir. $209,000. (905)335-6551. OPEN House: Sat. May 6. S un. M ay 7, 1 1 a m -6 p m , 1503 Oakhill Dr. (off Maple Grove) Beautiful bungalow in SE Oakville. Landscaped lot. m ature trees, pond. 3bdrm s, fin is h e d recroom , 1.5 baths, e a t-in kitchen , A/C, gas fireplace, recent u p -g ra d e s . No a g e n ts please.____________________ NORTH Burlington 2 storey, 3+2 bedroom s, 3.5 baths (ensuite w/Jacuzzi), Heated pool, large pie shape lot, 211 6 S a lm a C re s c e n t.. $224,900. View at: http:// members.home.net/dr3j1 or 905-319-0980_____________ BU R LIN G TO N . Tuck Area. 4 bedroom s, den. 3 b ath room s. G ra v e lle kitc h e n , ceram ics, hardw ood, C/A, C /V , fin is h e d b a s e m e n t, pool sized yard. $325,000. (905)637-9665. F O R E S T C h a s e . 1 -b e d room with den. 5 applianc es. parking. Available June 1st $ 8 9 9 ./m o . + u tilitie s . First/ last. (905)335-1086 The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 -Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 ` Services 700-800 Would you like to staple Booklets fo r $2500.00 weekly? Avg. $5/ Booklet, w orking at hom e (free delivery). No experience necessary F T /& P /T Call l -800-445-9956 / Famtfcf lilf-i/tp ! houses for rent C U M B E R L A N D V ILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited World Wide Express 24hrs/ day, 7 days/ week. B R O N T E im m a c u la te 3 bedroom , 2 bath, finished basem ent, no pets, refe r ences. June 1st. $1,350/ mo. 338-8834_____________ SHARP 3 -b e d ro o m s , b u n g a -lo w . Q u ie t S o u th -. Burlington, C ul-de-sac. 2B aths. F a m ilyro o m . F ire place. C/A. 6- appliances. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $1295/mo. Nigel Maunder, A s s o c ./B ro k e r S u tto n Group (905)681-7900 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative finan cing a vailab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, A ssoc. B roker, (905)6395258 Re/M ax Escarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor________ B U R L IN G T O N N o rth : Court location, 4 bedrooms, c/a, gas fireplace, rec room, 5 appliances, $1250./mo. + utilities. 332-7124._________ A L D E R S H O T 3 b ed rom farm house, bam and 4 acr es. $1225./mo. plus utilities, refernces. 634-9668.______ B U R L IN G T O N S o u th : 4 bedroom executive home, $ 2 0 0 0 ./m o . or fu lly fu r nished, $2500./mo. Utilities e x tra . 1 y e a r le a s e , C a ll Alicx Liu, Associate Broker, Re/Max Garden City Realty. 333-3500.______________ 2 -B E D R O O M S , b e a u tifu l n e w k itc h e n & b a th , fu ll b a s e m e n t, p riv a te y a rd . West Burlington near QEW/ 403/ GO. Zoned & perfect fo r hom e business. $900/ m o. J u n e ls t. ( 9 0 5 )6 3 9 3639 5210 Westbrook Rd. Binbrook, O N Antique farm primitives, trunks, hutches tables, collectibles and much more. Also, reproduction furniture, beautifully finished with patina, distressing and unique staining. 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible, V6, Yellow, black top, black leather interior. C D M a ch S y s te m , s ta n dard, A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. A sk in g $ 2 5 0 0 0 o r b e s t o ffe r (905) 333-9171____________ 19 9 2 M A Z D A P re c id ia Black, V6, excellent condi tion, extre m e ly w ell m ain tained. as is, $4,700 firm . (905)633-8386.____________ 199 8 J E E P G ra n d C h e r o k e e L im ite d - A b s o lu te s h o w ro o m c o n d itio n , 3 5 ,0 0 0 k m , le a th e r, CD , m o o n ro o f, f u lly lo a d e d . $ 3 1 ,5 0 0 D an (9 0 5 )8 4 9 3303.______________________ INTREPID 94: Sold by own er. No GST, ABS, pow er everything, Remote control starter, New tires, suspen sion & battery. J 39.000km C e rtifie d . M int con d itio n . Must see. Any day/time 471 V a n g u a rd C re s. O a k v ille (off Bridge Rd. Bronte.) 1 9 9 5 G M C J im m y S LT 4X4. G ree n w ith ch a rco a l leather interior, autom atic. V 6 . PW . P D L , P /s e a t. P /m irro rs, air, c ru ise , tilt, o v e rh d c o m p a s s /e x te rio r temperature, keyless entry, trailer hitch. 127K $15,900 (905)849-1934.____________ 1995 CH R Y S LE R C o n corde - 3.5L, V6, Autom at ic, L o a d e d , N e w tire s , 1 00 K , o rig in a l o w n e r, $12,500. (905)827-4123. 1 9 8 8 T A U R U S , E m is s io n te s te d , o n e o w n e r. W ill c e r tify $ 1 7 0 0 . C a ll 847-8046__________________ 1994 Saturn SL2. Auto, air, alloys, power group, original o w n e r. 177 K hig h w a y. D ealer serviced. Excellent c o n d itio n . $5,800. em iss io n s a n d c e rtifie d . 4 6 9 0892______________________ C A R S a n d T ru c k s from $500. Call for Information: Toll Free. 1-888-346-0700. Ext. N200_________________ 1995 GMC Jimmy SLT 4x4, G reen w /charcoal leather interior, auto. V6. pw/ p/dl. p /s e a ts , p /m irro rs , air cruise, tilt, overhead com pass/ ext. tem p., keyless, e n try, tra ile r hitch. 127k. $15,900. (905)849-1934 1997 BMW 528 iA - leather, g la s s ro o f, CD , 80K. $ 3 9 ,0 0 0 . C a ll 3 3 2 -6 3 9 7 , evenings._________________ apartments & flats torrent ap artm en ts i flats torrent Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e F U R N ISH E D ' Furnished Designer Apartm ents 1Fully Equipped Kitchens 1Magnificent Indoor Pool 1Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. D o n Q u ix o te C o -o p e r a tiv e Maple Crossing Blvd. Burlington · 632-1428 JL articles for sale B IC Y C L E , 'M u d s lid e r', b ra n d new , n e v e r used. Won in draw. Asking $175. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. B L A C K 3 s e a te r s o fa , $150. m atch ing loveseat, $ 1 5 0 . H o n e y oa k 42in ro u n d ta b le & 4 c h a irs . $150. 637-5674___________ B O LEN S 17hp lawn tra c tor,. Koler engine, hydrastatic drive, 4' m ower deck, g o o d c o n d itio n . $19 00. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. $10/mo. extends your local calling area. Talk forever.... w henever! Share the long d is ta n c e sav in g betw een friends. A b ility Tel, since 1994. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -3 7 3 8 , (905)631-8202_____________ B U N S of S te e l S te p p e rwith video, $30. 319-6336 SIT On I t- Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t foam fo r c u s h io n s . R e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l. F ie ld s U p h o ls te ry , 9-9 , 7 d a y s / week! 632-9090___________ C A R P E T S , H u n d re d s of C o lo u rs / styles, Including 'StainmasterV Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un d e rp a d / in s ta lla tio n . 905510-0589._________________ C A R P ET · I have several 1,000 yds. o f new S tainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 D IN IN G R O O M b u ffe t, hutch, oval table w/2 leafs, good condition, $250; wall m ount sw ivel TV bracket, $35. 639-3206.____________ D R Y E R - goo d c o n d itio n , $50. Woodstove- new pipe, $300. Roller Blades, man's7 / la d ie s -9 , $10 0. C a ll (905)335-9133____________ E.C.DRURY Annual Spring C ra ft S a le. M ay 6 & 7. 2000, 10am-4pm. 215 O n tario St.S., Milton. Over 100 vendors. Admission $2.00. $1,00 off with ad- children free.______________________ FOR Sale: Fridge, $250.; S tove $25 0.; D ishw a sher $ 1 5 0 .; Lo ve s e a t $ 1 7 5 .; T e a k c o ffe e /e n d ta b le s $ 1 0 0 .; M ic ro w a v e $ 5 0 .; Ping pong table $60.; Sin g le bed $ 5 0 .; C o t, $35. 257-0938._________________ FR ID G E , V iking , 2-door, s e lf-c le a n in g s to v e , a l mond, excellent condition, $650./both obo. 332-0636. G O LF balls. T itle is t HVC, new $22/doz., Soccer nets, brand new, fu ll size. $65/ each. 829-3467.__________ GOLF clubs- set (8) Wilson 'F a t s h a ft* iro n s , N e ve r used. Right. "Buick PromoR e ta il $85 0. s e ll $450. 632-5528._________________ G U ITA R , Yam aha APX10 sem i- a c o u s tic , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , p ro fe s s io n a lly se t-u p , w ith case, $350.; rifle s c o p e , to p o f lin e T a s c o , 10 x4 0 , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , a d ju s ta b le parallax corre ction, $125. (905)632-3564____________ KITCHEN C a b in e ts - Cha teau style oak. Best offer. 637-7451. evenings only! LAWN tractor. Sears 8hp, e lectric start, good c ond i tio n . $550. P h one 6 3 2 0068 after 6pm.____________ L IT T L E T y k e s C o u n try Kitch en- in clude s dishes, pots, pans & m ore. $125. E xce lle nt c ond ition. 3 3 9 1254______________________ O A K Pool Table, 3 years old 4X8 surface, cue rack, 6 cues, bridge Snooker and Billiard balls, overhead light $1700. You rem ove 8494089 EV7 S 7 If . * - a^ " 6 9 2 -3 6 1 7 + Visit our quaint village in the country setting of Binbrook. ft's a home away from home! H o u rs: W * l l k l cars wanted 4 0 3 A u to p a rts -- C ity of B u rlin g to n B u sin e ss Lie. environm entally compliant. S c ra p c a rs w a n te d . We pay cash. 905-637-2319 Pick-up/Drop-off. M-F. 8-5 2-Bedrooms, $981/mo.+ utilities: fridge, stove, laun dry hook-up, garage, fenced yard. Two playgrounds & laundry facilities. Near shopping, schools & transit. Easy QEW access! No subsidy available. BttmtAt/StorSl -- » » --------- M R A ----------> GREAT FAMILY LIVING! n 10 pm lS or call for an -4 Tues.-Sun. appointment. C j | j f j Items under $100. AD JUS TAB LE hitch head. 10,000 lbs for 2 ' receiver. $100. 315-8204.___________ AUTOMATIC pool cleaner. 'Kreepy Krauly" new pleated seal. $75. 634-4451. BED, double boxspring & m attress, good cond ition. $40. 842-7072.____________ B IK E , la dies 10 speed in good condition, $50. 8 4 4 4701______________________ C O U C H & c h a ir, goo d condition, $70. 681-9215 D E H U M ID IF IE R fo r sale. $100. Call 631-7995. D O W R IG G E R a c c e s s o rie s : 2 -c a n n o n s w iv e l mounts, 2-cannon covers, rod holder, weights, releas es and more. $50./package. 631-1158_________________ DSS cleaned Heards $50. Call 335-4735_____________ END tables & coffee table. $70. 681-9215____________ EVEN FLO Ultara P rem ier c a r s e a t. $65. E x c e lle n t condition. 634-0335_______ FREEZER, large, good condition, $100 obo. 337-7699. GE W a s h e r- C o n c e p t II Heavy Duty, white, exceltent condfon. $100.637-5189 G R A C O P a ck 'N ' P lay P laypen w ith snap on toy bag. Excellent condition. $60. 905-336-5833 HUM IDIFIER for sale $50. 631-7995 ._________________ KENMORE Heavy duty dry er, $50. Very good condition. 634-7330____________ O A K c offee table - 23in x 54in., refinished last year, $100. firm. 632-1379 P A T IO ta b le , te m p e re d g la s s . 4 8 'x 4 8 \ e x c e lle n t condition, $50. Call after 5. 338-625 6 _________________ PIN G p o n g ta b le - $100. 339-093 3_________________ silk pink blossom tree in pot a p p ro x . 6* h ig h , $75 (905)331-1096____________ R O L L E R B la d e s, B auer, never used, still in box, size 8, m en's. $75. Call 6320068 after 6pm.____________ SU DE: 8' plastic, like new. $60. 336-2809.____________ SOFABED, 3-seater, blue, $100.681-8898___________ STOVE, G .E., white, new oven element, good condition, $100 obo. 337-7699. SWING s e t- 4 piece, 'Heds tro m '. $ 10 0. C a ll (9 0 5 ) 632-367 2_________________ SW IN G SET w ith clim bing tower and slide. Good con dition. $100./best offer 4 6 9 3250._____________________ W ASHER & D ry e r- GE. 7 c y c le h e a vy duty, beige, 8yrs old. $ 100/both. 8 4 7 8456, after 5pm.___________ W A S H E R , M ayta g, good condition, $50. Phone 335 2325. PINEDALE/ Appleby 3 bed rooms, 1/12 baths, finished basement, garage, $126,000 No agents (905)335-3032 639 · 8583 M on-Fri: 9am -8pm Sat.: 10am -5pm Sun: lla m -5 p m w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e rs@ la ra .o n .c a snj 310 articles for sale i---- L -- £ 1 articles for sale 1993 M ercury Villager LS. E x c e p tio n a l c o n d itio n . $7.000. 634-4555.________ 1997 Grand Cherokee Lar edo red. lo aded, leather, 80K, e x c e lle n t cond ition. $25 ,000 . M ust See! 2 5 7 6909, evenings.___________ 1997 W hite D odge Grand Caravan SE- Im m aculate, loaded, captains chairs. CD p la y e r. 92K M $ 1 5 ,5 0 0 . 905-331-6348_____________ 199 7 W IN D S T A R - e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , 105K (highw ay) Q uad seats, all pow er equipped. $15,900. Call Caesar (905)844-4067 motorcycles 1981 Yamaha 850 SpecialExcellent condition, $1600. (905)543-1555 PINEDALE E s ta te s - spa c io u s "S im c o e M o d e l" 2 bed ro o m s. 2 b a th ro o m s , e a t-in k itc h e n , e n s u ite la undry w /sto ra g e , s o la r ium, balcony, 5 appliances + upgrades. Features 24/hr s e c u rity , e x e rc is e room , sa u n a s, ho t tu b , in d o o r pool, tennis court + parking. A s k in g $ 1 6 4 ,5 0 0 . C a ll w o w a s -a s s . Walk to Spencer Smith Park oh the Lake & JBMH SPACIOUS 1.2 & 3 BEDROOM Apartments & Townhomes from $725/mo. All freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets please. FACTO RY O P E N T O T H E P U B L IC 480 Maple Ave., Burlington Tel: (905) 639-5079 TEXAS USA PROPERTIES Take over 30 acres in prosperious West Texas. Assume $150.monthly payments on $9,995. balance 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted · · · · PH · Lofts · Studios · 1-Bdrm + Den All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access NE W 3 B e d ro o m T o w n house available July 1st,4 appliances. 3rd Line/Upper Middle. Close to amenities. 827-9584 4 DAYS ON LY W H OLESALE P R IC E S Thurs. May 4, 5pm-9pm Fri. May 5, 5pm-9pm Sat.May 6, 10am-5pm Sun. May 7, 11am-5pm Lots of Pictures and Mirrors FREE D R A W -$ 2 5 0 . VALUE! 1980-B UICK CENTURY, 4 doo r, V8, cre a m 148,000 km. Florida car 16 years. V e ry go o d c o n d itio n , w ill c e r tify $ l,4 5 0 /o b o . 4 6 5 2922______________________ 1989 M ercury Topaz, 4-dr, 4-cyl. automatic, new tires, battery, alternator, tune-up. E m ission/ C ertified. 131K. G re a t c o n d itio n . $ 3 ,0 0 0 / obo. 338-0135, evgs/wknds 1994 Ford Probe GT V6. 5speed, 2 doors, air. black. 120K. C ertified/D rive clean $9500 (905)849-7951 1989 CAMRY V6 LEX. air, A M /F M / c a s s e tte . 2 4 6 K $1300 as is (905)319-3951 1997 Chrysler Grand Cara van ES, fully loaded, leath e r, w e ll m a in ta in e d . 6 0 .0 0 0 K M . C e rtifie d . $19,900 (905)777-8498 1 9 9 6 S a tu rn S C 2, 73K , g re e n w /b e ig e in te rio r, auto, loaded, 2-dr, lady dri ven. $ 1 1 .0 0 0 ./b e s t o ffe r. 1996 Toyota Tercel Sport, 63K. red w/grey interior, 2dr, 5-spd, a/c, am /fm , CD. Balance factory warantee to 2 0 0 2 o r 12oK . $ 1 1 ,5 0 0 ./ best offer. C e rtiied/em ission tested. 336-8163. 1993 JEEP G rand C h e ro kee Ltd V8, leather interior, loaded, keyless entry, great c o n d itio n , $ 1 3 ,8 0 0 . (905)825-5399.____________ 1996 Pontiac Grand Am GT V6, b la c k , 4 -d o o r, 7 7,000km s., im m aculate, c e rtifie d , new b ra k e s , 4w in te r tir e s , $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 . (905)849-3851. NO FEE! Career Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. FOR MORE INFO. AND TO REGISTER CALL Grace at Mariposa Co-op · co-op liv in g · 3-B drm Townhomes 1-1/2 Bathrooms 1150 Gable Dr.,Oakville $1142/mo + 'utilities No deposit Available Immediately (905) Call toll-free 1-800-875-6568 I dumpsites B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E ( 9 0 5 ) 639-4677 M on-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm 829-5294 CELADON 4 3 5 0 M a in w a y D r., B u rlin g to n Just N. of QEW Btwn Walker's/ Appleby Line 3 3 5 -6 4 4 4 O F F IC E fu rn itu re , d e sks and filing cabinet. Antique oak d in in g s e t., in c lu d e s buffet. 689-3748.__________ PEG Perego Classic Stroll e r- European (Pram Style), large rubber tires, excellent condition. $250. 634-0335 POOL- above ground. 24` d ia m e te r. N e w pu m p . 4 'x 8 ' ce d a r deck w ith re movable stairs. Includes all pool equipment. Must dismantle. $650.. 333-6723 PROM Dress- 5/6, altered, Lilac, full legnth, ZumZum la b e l, w o rn o n ce , p a id $ 3 0 0 ., a s k in g $20 0. obo 333-9100 (Janet)__________ F R ID G E , 2 -d o o r; S to v e , 3 0 '; A u to m a tic W a s h e r/ Dryer also apartment size. R easonable. U nder w arranty. Call (905)-549-1911 SOFA and love seat (taupe a n d cre a m w /w ild g ra s s patte rn, $600.; Tub ch a ir with diamond pattern back ground $300.; Kitchen table and chairs green ceram ic ta b le w /w o od trim , $200. 332-6252._________________ S O F A bed , Ikea k itc h e n set, end tables, microwave stand, kitchen accesories, lo ts m ore. P ager: 1-888445-4122._________________ S O FA'S , dressers, chairs, kitchen table, beer stiens, bikes, crutches, doors- in te r io r / e x te r io r s c re e n / sh o w e r/ bi-fo ld , .reco rds books,- m agazines. G reat deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W /Th/F1 2 -8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; Sun12-4pm.___________________ T R E A D M IL L , $350; e x e r cise bike $125; patio furni tu re $350; BBQ $125. All e x c e lle n t co n d itio n . 6 3 9 2480.______________________ W A L L -U N IT , M a h o g a n y, glass door on top, drawer and cupboard underneath. 32* wide X 72" high. Excel le n t c o n d itio n . A s k in g $700.. 825-8480 DUMPSITES wanted: clean fill or excavation materials. W ill grade. Call 634-2684 or 844-4330 2500 sq.ft. office space with dock available immediately, prim e Burlington location. High quality turnkey to suit. For m ore in form ation call (905)332-0163 I industrial /commercial space TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVIUE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors trom $689.' 1-Bdrm from $ 7 7 9 / Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 DOWNTOWN Burlington 2bedroom apa rtm e nt ava il able June 15th. $863/mo. a ll in c lu s iv e . C a ll (9 0 5 ) 335-7929 or leave message. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1&2 BDRM APTS Avail. May & June Ravine View! Includes utilities. Parking Available O AKVILLE, Glen Abbey 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fin ished basement, fireplace, 4 appliances, C/A. Immacu la te . J u n e ls t. $ 1 575/m o. C h ris C larke, Sales Rep., Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc.. (905)338-1130 FAIRVIEW/ Maple, ` Brownstones'. Bright 3-bedroom, 2 baths, F/P, 4 appliances, garage. J u n e ls t. $1100/-*utilities. (905)972-1395 BURUNGTON Plains/Fran cis, 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, gas fire p la c e , s p lit level, garage, carpeting, redeco rated, 4 appliances. A vail able May 1st. $1,000/mo. + utilities. (905)803-3267. B U R L IN G T O N : J u ly : 2b e d ro o m fro m $ 9 1 5 .6 0 / mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances. 1.5 b a th s . O n e o u ts id e p a rk in g . N e a r s c h o o ls , shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._________________ L A R G E 3 -b e d ro o m from $ 1129/mo. (+ utilities), July 1st. 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr. B u rlington. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 0070______________________ UPPER Middle/ Third Line. 3 -b e d ro o m s , 2 .5 b a th s , la rge e a t-in k itchen , fin ish ed b a s e m e n t, c /a ir, 5 appliances, parking, $1395/ mo. July 1st. 825-3196. $ 1 7 5 0 /M 0 . 3 2 0 0 s q .ft.. backing onto golf course, 3 d o u b le b e d ro o m s , 2.5 bathroom s, fireplace, A/C, double garage, appliances. Immediate. 639-9898. (905)333-3499 (905)878-1240 The Centre M ils D e v e lo p m e n t A T Y u in tn g SYMS TRAVEL SCHOOL '(2% disc, included) ALDERSHOT. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, fridge, stove, 2 parking, $850/mo. includes w a te r. J u n e ls t . C h ris C la rk e , S a le s R e p., T ra fa lg a r O a k v ille R e a lty Inc. (905)338-1130________ CENTRAL B u rlin g to n Spacious, carpeted 2-bedroom, quiet low-rise. Bal cony. a v a ila b le June 1st. $825/mo. all inclusive 905466-6032._________________ O A K V IL L E - B A C H E L O R , basem ent a p a rtm e n ts ava ila b le im m edia tely for non-sm oking m ature w ork in g p e rs o n (s ). no p e ts $585 & $ 7 8 5 , (9 0 5 )4 6 9 8814. TRAVEL & T O U R IS M Call for info today! Financial assistance may be available 1 8 7 0 S Q .F T of p rim e modem office space. Clean, a ttra c tiv e , g ro u n d flo o r access, fre e p a rk in g . DorvaJ/ Q EW $12 a ll inclusive. By O wner (905) 338-3444_________________ W A T E R D O W N - C e n tra l s trip p la za , b u s ie s t H am ilton St., 1345sq.ft., available for office or retail. call 416-823-4697_________ DOW NTOW N O akville for lease, 2 units, $550/mo. & $625/mo. Call Forbes 416420-3952 or (905)842-9275 (905) 6 9 0-18 96 B U R L IN G T O N - a v ailab le im m e d ia te ly , 1 b e d ro o m luxury apartment. Amenities in-clude pool, fitness centre, underground parking. $995/ mo including heat, power & cable. 905-633-8724 for de tails_______________________ O AKVILLE Bronte area. 2 bedroom apartm ent in du plex. June. 1st. $800/mo. plus hydro. 905-847-3564 PENTH O U SE 3 bedroom G u e lp h L in e @ N e w St. $975/mo. utilities included. 639-5761_________________ UPPER Middle/ Brant St. 2b e d ro o m 2 -s to re y a p a rt ment. Clean, extra large. 11/2 b a th s . A /C . 2 a p p l iances. (905)331-3136 or 1877-622-9819_____________ 2 -B E D R O O M S u ite s am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry b u ild in g s c lo s e to Burlington Mall. C all 'T h e Princess*. 639-8009 or "The Regency* 681-8115. B A S E M E N T a p a rtm e n t, quiet building, 1-bedroom , Guelph/ New. a/c., separate e n tra n c e , p a rk in g , $ 5 9 5 / mo. inclusive. 681-8880. NEW St./ Dynes, basement a p a rtm e n t w /b a th ro o m , s h a re k itc h e n & la u n d ry facilities, $550/mo. parking. Avail. June 1st. Call 6 8 1 0459.______________________ 2 -B E D R O O M a p a rtm e n t, S t. P a u l S t., B u rlin g to n . J u n e 1st, $ 7 6 9 /m o . in cludes u tilities & parking. Call 639-7072._____________ 1 -B E D R O O M b a s e m e n t a p a rtm e n t. P riv a te e n trance. Fridge, stove, c/air, $650/m o. River Oaks. No p e ts . P a rk in g a v a ila b le . (905)257-0138.____________ 2 bedrooms available June 1st. No pets, References. S p e e rs Rd. & K e rr area. (905)-842-2153.___________ DO W NTO W N O akville, 2b e d ro o m s a v a ila b le June 1st. $1050/mo. Call Forbes, ( 4 1 6 )4 2 0 -3 9 5 2 o r (9 0 5 ) 842-9275_________________ T A N S L E Y G ard ens- June 15th. 1-bedroom +den, 4 a p p lia n c e s , a /c ,, u n d e r ground parking. $950/mo. includes cable. 319-1533 W ANTED All-China, Silver, Crystal, sewing machines... Doulton, M oorcroft. Quilts. Glass. Watches, dolls, es tates, C o lle ctibles. John/ Tracy-905-331-2477 P A IN T IN G S , A n tiq u e s W anted: F urniture, G lass. C hina, S ilver Ring Boxes. A d d is o n r a d io s , E s ta te s purchased. Karl (9 05)6816939 Burlington.___________ AN TIQ U E S w anted- furn i tu re . g la s s c h in a , s ilv e r, je w e lry , clo cks, w a tch e s, p a in tin g s , o ld p h o to s . cane s B est cash! (905)-522-4727____________ W A N T E D - W h e e l C h a ir adult size, good condition. Reasonable. Call 331-4708 * 335-0125 2049 A MountForest Dr., Burlington ' JO B IF ORIENTE TRAINING M S O ffice Internet/E-mail ® r o iy « '1 , Certified Courses: · M icro Computers · · · · Accounting Office Administration M edical/Legal Asst. Dental Receptionist A S S O C IA T E S - C lu b s Entrepreneurs. A 2000 year old natural product is going global. Call 1-888-733-0335 (24 hours) 1-800-262-6028 Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1,2,3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695. ! Evening ! ! Sessions ! K f / l l pets, supplies · H j mortgage, loans Access Money -P rivate Fi n a n c ia l A s s is ta n c e , re q u ire d to be a p p ro v e d $10,000 and up financing. R.R.S.P., Lira. Rif. Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call toll free; 1-888-657-1062. Toll Free Fax 1-888-7031492, W e act as c o n s u l ta n ts on y o u r p ro je c ts . 7 days per week. CFM FREE to good home: 1-yr. old male part-beagle. Hap py, friendly, neutered with kennel. 631-7995._________ LOVING fam ily wanted for Jack Russel mix. Female, a ll s h o ts . 4 m o n th s o ld . G re a t te m p e rm e n t. 905 631-5516._________________ (905) 690-4454 (905) 689-1647 G H E N T A v e . S p a c io u s , c le a n 2 -b e d ro o m , frid g e , stove, parking. Newly reno vated. Central, quiet. Imme d ia te . $74 0/m o. A ls o one bedroom. $590./mo. Imme d ia te . Je ff days 905 -33 33720.______________________ PR IV ATE hom e, la rge un fu rn is h e d b a c h e lo r b a s e m ent apartm ent, separate kitchen/ bathroom, Walking distance to O akville Place, S heridan College, bus ro ute. Non-smoker. $500/mo. First/ last. 845-3443._______ A very large 3-bedroom unit available June 1st. 2 baths, 2 b a lc o n ie s , r e fin is h e d h a rd w o o d flo o rs th ro u g h out. $1400/m o. incl. heat, h y d ro & p a rk in g . Q u ie t building on B ronte Rd. by the Lake. (905)827-6783 FR ESH LY D ecorated 2&3 Bedrooms available May & Ju n e . L o w -ris e b u ild in g , Garden like setting. Private la ndscaped patio s. Tyan daga T errace, B u rlington. 336-0015 or 336-0016 O A K V IL L E . Q E W / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $779.; 3-bedroom from $959/m o. P a rk in g in c lu d e d . W e ll m a in ta in e d b u ild in g . (905)338-2276_____________ 2-B E D R O O M in 6 -p le x on N o rth S e rv ic e R d ., n e a r O akville Place. (905)3383480, evenings Q UIET, C onvenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. V ery spa c io u s O ne 1-bedroom , J u ly 1 St.; O ne 2 -b e d ro o m J u n e ls t, O ne 3-b e d ro o m July 1st. 637-3921__________ B E A U T IF U L a du lt 4-plex. 2 -b d rm s , 2nd flo o r. B a c k y a rd . P riv a te e n tra n ces. W h irlp o o l. A p p lia n c e s . N o p e ts . J u n e .1st, $895/inclusive. Sam- cell#516-6733, 634-2600. Brant area,. Burlington SHORT-TERM Rentals, 3+ m o n th s . S p a c io u s O ne Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor P o o l, W o rk -o u t R o om . B u rlin g to n T o w e rs . 6 3 9 8583______________________ H A LTO N BUSINESS IN S T IT U T E (9 0 5 ) 637-341 5 I 460 Brant S t., Burlington Registeisd Ministry of Education anil Training (1982)j y ROOM fo r rent. Furnished room in e x e c u tiv e hom e. Heated pool, all inclusive. R e s p o n s ib le In d iv id u a l . $400. Trafalgar/upper middle. 338-5956_____________ BRIGHT/ Immaculate Nan n y S u ite w / b a th . E n tire lo w er le vel. Q uiet 3 -leve l to w n h o u s e . B u rlin g to n / Oakville border. Suits pro fessional, sensible female. No smoker/ pets. $525/mo. in c lu s iv e . Im m e d ia te (905)333-3115____________ F U R N IS H E D room a v a il able, Hammond @ Maple. N o n -s m o k e r p re fe rre d . First/ last. Immediate or later. 631-0644______________ O AKV ILLE: Bronte-on-thela ke 1 bed roo m , new , all in c lu s iv e , w a s h e r/d ry e r, parking, appliances. Exec utive professional. $1,100./ m o. E v e n in g s ( 9 0 5 )8 2 7 2266._____________________ UPPER M iddle/ Sixth Line area. Large room in base m e n t, p riv a te b a th ro o m . N e a r S h e rid a n C o lle g e . 845-8693. 1 W H ITE O a ks. O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2 -b d rm + den , $1190- $1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . W e ll- m a in ta in e d com plex, full rec. facilities in c lu d in g in d o o r p o o l, sunken livingroom ... some w ith fire p la c e ! C a ll Jeannette, (905)815-1628 R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt ments. Downtown Burling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1 ,2 4 3 Bedroom A partm ents with spectacular view. 634-9374 * 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in cluded). 238 6 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 DOW NTOW N, B u rlington. 1 .2 6 3 B e d ro o m s fre s h ly painted with new cabinetry a v a ila b le M a y ls t . W e ll maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321____________ A 2 bedroom availab le on Martha St. near Lakeshore & D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n . Call (905)634-1047 G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . June/July/Aug. 1.2&3 Bed ro o m s. H e a t/ h y d ro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BURLING TO N Downtown Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. N e w ly d e co rated 1.263 Bedroom Apartments with scenic views. 6 3 2 - 1643 1&2 Bedroom Suites avail able June 1st. Q EW / Tra falga r Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. 844-1106 LARG E 2-bedroom - close to lake, G uelph Line/N ew St. area. June . 1st. $ 78 0/ m o.+ h y d ro . N o do g s. (905)634-0865_____________ FR EE E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6 3 2 9090______________________ 2 sleeping bags, $15./each, Shopvac $30. Sigma guitar, $50. PalmPilot llle w/ clearcase, 4 mo. old. $140. 331 1141 or last leg @bigfoot.com.______ 2 N u m a rk D ire c t D riv e Turntables, excellent condi tion. Less than 1 year old. w /s ta n to n 680 c a rtrid g e s and needles. Slipm ats in clu d e d . $750 O BO (905) 827-1799._________________ ANTIQUES & Collectibles. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W / T h /F -1 2 -8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; Sun-12-4pm.______________ ANTIQUES. Best selection of b e a u tifu l dinin g ro o m s, b e d ro o m s , a c c e s s o ry p ie c e s , e tc .+ G a rd e n S tatuary for M other's Day! R ock C h a p e l A n tiq u e s & S ta tu a ry , O pen D a ily , Hwy.5, 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel G olf Centre, (905)639-3639____________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e , 2 d o o r; S to v e ; a u to m a tic w a s h e r & d ry e r. A ls o , apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footboard & frame. New , in p la s tic . C ost $1225. sell $550. W ill deliv e r. (905)-304-7775 BE D R O O M set- 7 piece, Cherrywood, all Dove-tail & m e ta l g lid e d ra w e rs , 4 Poster Rice bed w/rails, trid re s s e r & m irro r, c h e s t, n ig h ts ta n d . N e ver used, still boxed. Cost $7.500.. sell $3.500. 905-304-5573 BE D R O O M su ite - double bed w/headboard, night ta bles, highboy, dresser w/ mirror, excellent condition, walnut finish, $500.335-6551. B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te : D o u b le , $22 0; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496 E 19111 cars tor sale STOVE, F rigidaire, white, 2-yrs. old, excellent condi- * 1993 Chrysler Intrepid ES, tion, $400. Must sell. C all 335-6390._________________ lo a d e d , g o o d c o n d itio n . B la c k on b la c k . 163K. SUM M ER furn iture : table, $6700/obo. Certified. 3 1 9 u m brella, 4 chairs. $100; 6559______________________ m eat slicer, $30., W heelb a rre l, $ 1 0 ., la w n ro lle r. 1991 H o n d a C iv ic DX, $10. 336-0416.____________ black, 4-dr, standard, ster eo cassette , 200,000km s. SUPER Special. Save up to $3,500. Phone 847-4449 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G S J ! L o v e y o u r 1985 M azda G LC h a tc h fu rn itu re ... h ate y o u r c o back, 4 doors, auto., low lo u rs ? S o fa & m a tc h in g km s., no rust, $900. Must chair from $788. Loveseats see! 335-6893.____________ fro m $ 4 4 8 . C h a irs fro m $19 9. F re e E s tim a te s . 1998 Ford W indstar GL- 3.8 S e n io r D isco u n ts. F ie ld s engine. 85,000km ., Term i Q uality Custom U pholster n atio n o f lease. S p ecial ing. 9-9, (905) 632-9090 p ric e $ 1 3 ,2 0 0 . c a ll 905 842-3824 - .H .I E E auctions, sales HALTON WOMEN S'PLACE an organization providing safe shelter services for abused women and their children is seeking interested applicants for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Halton Women's Place is about to undertake a capital campaign to replace the shelter in the North. Board members play a dual role in policy governance and fund raising promotion. There are monthly meetings. We are looking for a three year commitment. For application forms please contact: auctions, sales f ESTATES & MAJOR LIQUIDATION Under instructions received we will sell & supplement in detail lots by ^ Linda Willis, Administrative Assistant HALTON WOMEN S PLACE 2025 Guelph Line, Suite 223 Burlington, ON L7P4X4 A U C T I O N SUNDAY, MAY 7 at 1 p.m., (Preview: 12 Noon) LeDome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. Oakville (E of Trafalgar) N O B U Y E R S P R E M IU M S O R H A N D L IN G F E E S UNIQUE COLLECTIBLE: Swarovski silver crystal Annuals, Hand made nostalgia decorator items, Disct. Royal Doulton. Decorative table lamps, Hand made Tiffany glass lamps, Dinky, Matchbox, EFE, Die cast collection. Royal Dux line porcelain animals, Bronze statuary by masters, Satsuma porcelain vases, comports, planters, Limoge France Porcelain. Hand made Dragonfly Tiffany lamps. Samurai swords, RCA Victor Gramophone, Hand carved jade sculptures and trees, Bankers desk lamps. Framed Postmaster Disney and Nostalgia stamps, Antique gold showcase, stone carvings, etc. MAJOR ART COLLECTION: Group of Seven Tribute art collection, Robert Bateman decor prints, Sports art. A.J. Casson signed collection of Ontario's. Casson Casson, Platinum, and single releases. (Note: A.J. Casson's have been signed by the late A.J. Casson and are not reproduction signatures. Selection from the Last known projed of A.J. Casson signed by the Estate. Christine Marshall W ildlife Collection. James Lumbers. Trisha Romance, Alan Kingsland, Estate Collection original oil paintings 24x36-36x48 panels, studio prints and decor art. Various framed hand made and carved gallery and loyer mirrors. Original Oil paintings on board, also collection of Master Artists Renoir, Claude Monet, Rembrandt, on Canvas, rare Picasso L.E. Prints and more HOUSEHOLD & OFFICE FURNITURE: Carved desks, occasional tables, consoles, mirrors, dining room tables and chairs, plant tables, Chippendale tables, serving carts, corner chairs, love seats, china cabinets, bow front cabinet, what nots, washstand, nesting tables, deacons bench, hall stand, colonial tables, tea cabinets, vitrines, quilt rack, rx k in g chair, office desks, room dividers, cedar chest, jewelry armoire, benches, etc. JEWELLERY: Diamond, precious & semi precious stone rings, diamond earrings, gold chains, bracelets, necklaces, bracelets, pearls, Estate Jewelry, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, & Sapphire Jewelry. Designer watches, diamond solitaires, and more ESTATE COINS: Gold coins, proof sets, world sets, mint sets, silver dollars, framed stamps, framed coins, Mint items, notes, collector sets, estate lots, bank notes, book lots,, etc. GENERAL ITEMS: Home stereo systems, V Tech Cordless Phones, Sports memorabilia and-collectables Wayne Gretzky, Booby Orr, Tie Domi, Sundin, Joseph items, rare 50th All Star items. Outdoor cast iron planters, fountains, bronzes, Pentium Computer, Printers, Scanners and more Auctioneers note: An extremely large sale, arrive early limited seating. TERMS: Cash, Visa, M/C, Amex, as per posted & announced. No Buyers Premiums, additions & deletions apply. Information call 416- 298- 1762. www.proauction.com (905) 332-1200, ext. 221 lwillis@haltonwomensplace.com W ALK ER 'S/ Upper Middle. Share upscale townhom e, Use of all facilities. Parking. $ 4 7 5 /m o . in c lu s iv e . Ju n e ls t. (905)331-0012. B U R L IN G T O N : non s m o k in g p ro fe s s io n a l fe male wanted to share con do, includes parking, utili tie s . A v a ila b le A .S .A .P . $450./mo. (905)319-3017. O A K V ILL E - near Sheridan. R o o m s to s u b le t, 4 b e d ro o m c o n d o , s e c u re building, laun-dry. $400/mo. Available May-August. 3390637 I shared accommodation Halton Women's Place A shelter for abused women & their children require W AN TE D 1 or 2 bedroom apartment, (no basements) downtown Oakville. Sublet considered for travelling fe male professional. Up to $ 1000. C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -9 9 8 6 leave message.____________ C O U P L E ne e d lo w c o s t apa rtm e nt for June 1st in Burlington area. W illing to do yard work for part rent. Call Pat or Chris 335-9133 W AN TED : short term (2-3 months-*-) fu rn is h e d , n o n s m o k in g p ro fe s s io n a l c o u p le , 4 0 's , to p re fe r ences. C o m m encing M ay 15th approx. F lexible C all collect O ntario tim e, 9pm10pm . (2 5 0 )3 8 0 -4 6 6 6 or leave message anytime. RELIEF CRISIS INTERVENTION COUNSELLORS The successful candidates must possess a warm genuine personality, well-developed crisis interven tion skills, have knowledge of violence against women and an understanding of its effects on women and children. Shift work is involved. Candidates must be available to work on an on call basis, seven days a week in both the M ilton and Burlington locations. Post-secondary education in Social Work is required. Must be eligible for certification with the Ontario Col lege of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. Mail, email or fax resumes by May 20,2000 to: 1992 FLAGSTAFF camper, awning, sleeps 5-6, 8' box, som e equipm ent included, excellent condition, $3200. 681-6703. BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 1&2 Bedroom Apart m ents. S o m e w ith la ke view s! R e fu rb ish e d , P re stigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701, (416)9260926 BACHELO R Apt. 2nd floor, separate entrance. South of . BURUNG TON M all- 2 bed L a k e s h o re on C h is h o lm . room , ground floor, 4 ap $55 0/m o.+ utilities. A v a il p lia n c e s . $82 0 /m o . 6 3 2 a b le Ju n e 1st. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. 8681 after 5pm Realtor. Theresa Greer, Executive Director Halton's Women's Place 2025 Guelph Line, Suite 223 Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 Fax: (905)332-1155 Em ail: tgreer@ haltonw om ensplace.com BOAT, 14' alumunium, floa tation seats, 15HP Mercury, 2-w heel trailer. Com plete/ ready to go... $3400/obo. (905)632-6555 PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC. V 416-298-1762 - 1-888-PRO SALE_________________ y No telephone calls please. Only those selected lor an interview will be contacted.

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