Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 May 2000, Community Update, B3

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Wednesday May 3, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Community Update An Oakville Beaver Feature Contact Wilma Blokhuis: 845-3824 Ext 250 Fax: 337-5567 Email: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Please forw ard announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, Fax 337-5567 or email to blokhuis@haltonsearch.com BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. Tulips, Tulips, Tulips: Oakville Royal Canadian Legion is selling tulip bulbs, 10 for $6, or a box o f 100 for $55, available to June 15th. Call Bill Allan at the Legion, 845-627*, or 847-2626. Coffee and tea at 9:30 a.m. All woman teachers are welcome. Call 270-3896. Mississauga Camera Club will meet at 8 p.m. to present Salon Competition Results at the Port Credit Library, 20 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga. Call 905-625-3071. Red Cross Babysitting Course, must be 11 or older, starts May 4th, 6:15 to 8:15 p.m... W hite Oaks Library, May 13th and 14th, 12:30 to 4:30 at Red Cross building. Cost: $35. Call 845-5241. Halton Central Chapter, BNl, meets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, 399 Dundas W,, 7 to 8:30 a.m., visitors wel come. For information and reservations, call John Seaga, 257-9463. The Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers Toddler Time, a drop-in program for parents and their toddlers, 12 to 18 months offered every Thursday, 9 to 10:30 a.m. at 1500 Sixth Line; and Cabin Fever a drop-in pro gram for parents and caregivers every Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 1240 Old Abbey Lane. Call 849-6366. Navy Week. White Ensign flag raising at Burlington City Hall on May 5th with Royal Canadian Naval Association, Burlington, president William Shields and Colour Party. Proclamation remember the loss of 31 RCN Ships, 75 Merchant Navy ships, 2024 naval personnel and 1466 merchant seaman will be read. Call 634-9927. John Howard Society, fundraising auc tion o f artworks by Marc Chagall, Salvadore Dali, Pablo Picasso and others, 7:30 p.m.. Days Inn Downtown, 30 Carlton St., Toronto. Tickets $10 - $15 couples, $5 for senior, students. Call 416-604-8412. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refresh ments. Dress code. Call 845-6271. Bereavement Self-Help Group for par ents grieving loss o f a child, meets Fridays, 9 to 11 a.m., at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. Call 845-3152 or 844-0573. WEDNESDAY M A Y 3 Halton Health Services-M ilton District Hospital site has free breast self-examination workshop, Mammae heck, 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Loblaws, Milton. Call 338-4379. Parents o f Children with Cancer, selfhelp support group, 7 p.m.. Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51. Call 8423682. Wednesday Film Festival presents Top o f the Food Chain, backwater town recov ers from shutdown of nut factory, 7 p.m., Famous Players, Dorval and QEW. Tickets, $8 - $6 for arts groups members, at door prior to show at 6:30 p.m., or in advance at Bean There, B ooker's, Chapters, and Oakville Place Information Kiosk. FRIDAY M AY 5 Spring Into Song - Oakville Choral Society presents favourites by Gilbert & Sullivan - Penzance, Pinafore, Mikado, and Gondoliers, May 5th and 6th, Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 8 p.m. Narrator Michael Burgess. Tickets, $15, call Barb, 847-7726, or Penny, 845-5359. Erinoak's 15th annual Crystal Ball din ner dance, at LeParc, 20 North Rivermede Road, Concord. Tickets, $125, includes food, beverages, taxes and gratuities. Cocktails start at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m. Call Erinoak, 820-7111 Ext. 2358. May 5th to 12th is Royal Canadian SATURDAY M AY 6 Halton Regional Police Service and Nickel's Restaurant host A Mile o f Money to benefit the athletes in Ontario Special Olympics, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Nickel's, 2345 Trafalgar Rd. Garage Sale, 8:30 to noon, SENACA Day Program for Seniors, at Oaklands Regional Centre, 53 Bond St. Baking, crafts and treasures. THURSDAY M AY 4 Retired Women Teachers o f Ontario, Oakville Branch, annual meeting, Oakville G olf and Country Club. Speaker, Julie Mather o f Sheridan College, on Colours. Come wearing your hat creation. Prize for most creative, unusual hat. Call 845-4918. Mississauga Branch, Retired Women Teachers o f Ontario, annual general meet ing at 10 a.m. at St, Patrick's Church A uditorium on Flagship, M ississauga. Oakville Bereavement Centre/Halton Family Services has bereavement group for anyone who has lost a loved one, running 8 weeks starting in May. Call 845-3811 for National Scrapbook Day workshop at Chartwell Saturday May 6th is National Scrapbook Day across North America, a day set aside to appreciate the importance of documenting and preserving family photos and stories in a safe, mean ingful keepsake album. This involves quite a bit more than just sticking pic tures in a photo album. Creative Memories, an international direct-selling company specializing in the creation of photo-safe and acid free scrapbook albums, is holding a National Scrapbook Day workshop on Saturday at Chartwell Baptist Church, 228 Chartwell Rd., from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. An introductory class will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants will every thing from cropping their photos to creative layouts, how to arrange sections for stories, and how to add colourful accents. Participants are asked to bring 20 to 30 photographs. The workshop will include lunch, hourly prizes, handouts and album display. The workshop will cost $30 - the Introductory Class only is $15. For information call Dena Hill, 639-8719. information and to register before May 6th. Indoor Garage & Plant Sale, Oakville Seniors Centre, 263 Kerr, 9 a.m. to noon. Yard & Bake Sale, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., 615 Parkside Dr., at Bridge Road and Fourth Line, to raise funds for Ronald McDonald Children's Charities and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Part of Iroquois Shore M cD onalds' M cHappy Day fundraising activities. Oakville Suzuki Association informa tion session for parents interested in enrolling their children in Suzuki musical education in piano, violin, viola, cello, flute, or guitar, 2:30 p.m., Oakville Central Public Library Auditorium. Demonstrations, teach ers, and information. Call Pierre Gagnon (844-8718) or Jean Grieve (827-6737). Are you a graduate or teacher o f T. A. Blakelock High School in 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990? Reunion on May 6th. Email tabreunion@ hotm ail.com or call Sekey Wong 416-820-9597. Kids Story Time, Village Bookshoppe, 11 a.m. Bring your kids for a story with Char. Also face painting. Suitable for kids 5 to 7. Space is limited. Call 845-7060. Free. Halton Healthcare Services Milton District Hospital hosts free health education sem inar Actions 4 Asthma: A sk the Experts. Guest speaker: Dr. Zeba Ansari, pediatrician. Call 338-4379.to reserve seats. Big Band Dance 2000 at Sir John Colbome Recreation Centre for Seniors, Lakeshore and Third Line, 7:30 to 11 p.m. Tickets, $8, at the centre. Music by Kerr Street Big Band. Call 827-7394. M other' s Day Tropical Paradise, Sears Oakville Place, 7 to 9 p.m., enter through lower east doors. Food, drink and prizes. Tickets $10, redeemable on first purchase. Grand prize, $250 shopping spree. Call Sears, 842-9410. Garage Sale, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., parking lot o f St. C uthbert's A nglican Church, Maplegrove at Oakhill. Treasures, bargains, bake table, and more Red Cross Childsafe (including infant and child CPR), May 6th and 7th, 1 to 6 p.m. Cost: $35 each, $50 couple, 845-5241. SUNDAY M AY 7 Burl-Oak Naval Veterans hold Battle of the Atlantic Sunrise Service, 7:30 a.m., at Naval Ships M em orial, Spencer Smith Park, Burlington. 55th anniversary of Liberation of Holland, May 5th, and VE Day on May 8th, 1945, to be celebrated. Naval Veterans Parade from Elgin Street police station, Burlington, at 12:45 p.m., to Naval M emorial M onum ent in Spencer Sm ith Park for B attle o f the Atlantic Remem brance Service at 1 p.m. / Love to Read: M ilton's Literary Festival for Children, afternoon in storyland with presentations by nine authors, illustra tors and storytellers at Milton District High School, noon to 5 p.m. Call (905) 8751NFO or visit www.town.milton.on.ca Celebrate Spring with a guided Bruce Trail hike along Escarpment bluffs. Hike leaders will start two-hour hike at 10 a.m., leaving from the Glen Eden Ski Chalet. Pre registration only. Cost is $5. Call 875-2200. M ONDAY M AY 8 Meet Vlasta van Kampen and her camel as she treks through The Last Straw and Muddle Cuddle. Illustrator will share her original artwork and display her art sup plies, at Woodside Library, Rebecca and Woodside, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., and at Oakville Central Library, Lakeshore and Navy, 1 to 2 p.m. For children 5 to 7. Oakville chapter, Breast Cancer Support Services, 7 to 9 p.m., Alternatives, Kerr Street. Call Vi M clsaac, 827-7926. Iroquois Ridge High School - School Advisory Council meeting, 7 p.m. All par ents and students welcome. Red Cross Emergency First Aid, May 8th and 13th, and Standard First Aid. May 8th, 9th, 13th and 14th, (including Basic Rescuer Level C CPR), 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost: $60 (Emergency) and $99 (Standard). Call 845-5241. H a lto n Region REQUEST FOR PUBLIC IN P U T Proposed N oise A tten u atio n Po licy fo r existing resid en tial areas (R etro fit situations) along Regional Roads. Halton Region, in conjunction with SS Wilson A ssociates and the local area municipalities, is currently developing a Retrofit Policy for Noise Attenuation along Regional R oads in response to public requests for funding and installation of noise barriers. A draft policy has been prepared and at the direction of Regional Council, staff is seeking input form property owners throughout the Region. Public and community associations are invited to participate in the public consultation process by submitting written briefs to the Region and/or attending the planned Public Information Centres in their respective municipality. Your input is very important. Your are invited to attend one of the following sessions: · · C ity o f B urling ton - Monday May 15, 2000 @ MM Robinson High School Yjfie I 1N V ID IA T A| 1 lIE A M i 1 MILLENNIUM 2000 w /m oJmtoam REALTY C O R P . iM C A fO K R U N oiodh u m (cafeteria), 2425 Upper Middle Road. Town o f O akville - W ednesday May 17, 2000 @ Oakville Municipal Offices (Oakville Room), 1225 Trafalgar Road. · · Town o f M ilton - Tuesday May 23, 2000 @ Hugh Foster Hall - next to the Town Municipal office, 43 Brown St. Town o f Halton H ills - Thursday May 25, 2000 @ Halton Hills Civic Center present REALTY CORP., REALTOR (council cham bers), 1 Halton Hills Drive. Please note th a t all m eetings start w ith an open house at 6:30 p.m. fo llo w e d by a presentation at 7:15 p.m. TheMiHemim2 0 0 0 mm I OK Run 5K Family Walk IK Challenge for under 12's and Special Olympians To receive a copy of the Council report, and the Draft Retrofit Noise Attenuation Policy or to obtain additional information please contact: Nick Zervos, C.E.T Transportation Co-ordinator Region of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, O N L6M 3L1 Phone: (905) 825-6161 X7632 Fax: (905) 825-8822 zervosn0region.halton.on.ca Hazem Gidamy, P. Eng. Principal. S S Wilson Assoc. 9011 Leslie St., Suite 307 Richmond Hill, O N LAB 3B6 Phone: (905) 707-5800 Fax: (905) 707-5801 sswilson Gpathcom.com SATURDAY MAY 6,2000 IO kRun Route 9:00am start time 9:00am start time 10:20am start time / Rebecc i St mm a c jjiU * w w w .region.halton.on.ca ------------- YMCA LateshoreRd A T T E N T IO N ! NEW EATERY IN OUR AREA SUhDAY BRUNCH to tv n s ! Registration forms are available at the YMCA of Oakville, The Running Company (118 Thomas St, Oakville) and the The InvidiataTeam office (83 Reynolds St, Oakville). Runners and walkers can obtain pledges. Pledge information is contained in the Run Brochure. Great prizes for those who obtain the most pledges. Refreshments, entertainment and prizes. Lunch available at minimal cost FREE Child Care provided by YMCA Child Care staff for children of participants. C e /e frra te P h e A A f/te H H /M H f r t / /? a rP /c //? a P /n g m o n e o fP h e f/r s p ru n s o fP h e y e a r 2 0 0 0 / GUARANTEED * JOIN THE W M nV uH a Join us for great Canadian food ana atmosphere! LITTLE MOUKTIE CLUB ENJOY OUR TWO SEPARATE DI NINO AREAS LA ROE SMOKE-FREE DININC ROOM . A . Sponsors Brooks,The Oakville Beaver Alternatives Market Fantasy Fruit Market Oakville Shiatsu & Massage Therapy Centre Oxford Wealth Management Pure Water, Sharkey's Dockside Cafe Sid's Trophies, SmithKline Beecham,The Great Canadian Bagel Company The Running Company,The Second Cup,Tina's Granola Bars just An Olde Fashion Butchery FEATURES M ONDAY AU-U-Can-Eat Pasta Night WEDNESDAY 1 pound night featuring 1 pound fajitas Prime Rib Dinner Special ( m m m m i» m a w m s m nm m > Located inside the SATURDAY/SUNDAY » YMCA of OAKVILLE 4 10 R ebecca S tre e t, O a k v ille , O N L6K IK 7 · Phone: 8 4 5 -3 4 17 w w w .ym cao fo akville.co m LAKESIDE SHOPPING PLAZA 5353 Lakeshore Road, Unit 4 631-5959

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