This box weighed maybe ï¬ve lbs., probably welghed between 50 arid 100 lbs. Yet, my article did not meet requirements? It's no wonder people throw garbage along the side of the road. When I came home, much to my sur- prise,thepel|etswerealloverthe driveway. The box was tipped over and had a sign on it that read that its contents did not conform to the pick- up requirements. Resident ‘ shares bulk pick-up woes Dear Editor, During our area's recent bulk pick- up day, I noticed people had placed couches, chairs and other pieces of furniture at the curb. Whenthetruckcameby,lspokewith the worker and said I had a box of Sty- rofoam pellets used forshipplng to be picked up. The gentleman explained that it would be picked up by the gar- Readers’ Comer A box containing Styrofoam pellets did not meet the bulk pick-up require- Rick Matchett, Campbellville 0K BLUE JAY: A blue jay visits Chanpion reader Douglas Robinson‘s garden, located in the Savoline Boulevard and Pringle Road area recently. Do you have a unique, interestingfun or cute photo taken in Milton that you would like to submit to be considered for Snapshot? Send submissions (minimum 600 KB resolution) to editorOmiltoncmadianchmnpianeom. Please include the name of the photographer (for publication) and a description of the photo including the location when it was taken. The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no more‘than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed with ï¬rst and last name for publication, and the address and the telephone number of the writer included for Letters welcome veriï¬cation purposes only. Emall your letters to edhoerlltoncanadlonchampimcom or send by mail to 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 551, or leave them at our ofï¬ce. Our ofï¬ce hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am. to 4 pm.