may not quite have celebrity status, they deserve to behthespotiightforalitheyhaveaccompiished. â€"Whoarethey? gmeyareourï¬uureleadersâ€"Ontario'syouth. -These individuals are working hard to make their §commw1ityabetterplacebyvolunteeflngforvari- morganizations,makingdonations.savinglivesand .maintairï¬ngtopgradeaverages. gflieyareeverywhereâ€"inyourhomesatschooimn meï¬eidandatd'ourch. “ ifyou know someone who deserves a large pat on diebadnnominatethemtodayfortheOnurioJunior gEvery community has young stars, and while they oGoodkidswhoshowacommitmenttomakelifebet- terforothersanddomore than is normally expected ofsomeonetheirage UptolZnomineelelbechosenastheï¬nalrecipients oftheprovlnclalawardandwillbeinvltedtoaspecial ceremonyheldinthespringonOiéinToronto. Nominate a deserving Burlington young person to- dayandwewlllpersonallypiesentthemwimacertiï¬- moirecognltlonandshowcasetheircontnbutions inthlsnewspaperï¬elpuspaytr'ibutetoourleaders of today and Wm. Nomination deadline for the 2015 Ontario Junior Citi- zenAwardslsMonday,Nov.30.Nominationlormsare available at www.ccnaprg/Juniorcitizen or by calling OCNA at 905-639-8720, ext. 4438. -Anindeualwhohasperfomndanactofheroism inthepastyear ommhadmmsuchasinflnamorath- c _ meow 6N Bag examples of leaders in our community. Theawanxlsprogram isco-ordinatedbytheOntario Commity Newspapers Association (OCNA). of wilchweareamember,andsponsoredbyTDBank Groupandtl'ielnsuranceBureauofCanada. AnyOntarioresidentage6-l7.(mustbeatleastsix butnoolderthan17byNov.30,2015)iseligibletobe chosenasalinal recipient of this award. Pleasehelpushonourthembynominatingalocalinâ€" dividualinoneofï¬veareas: oAperson involved in worthwhile community service - A special young person contributing to their com- munity while living with a physical or psychological lspend an entire day mm lights. hang- ing ornaments and singing along to my fa- vourite holidaytunes. While some homeowners, like Paul and Barb Singleton of Campbeiivllle and Mll- ton's Mllow Avenue residents David and Donna Geall, go all out when it comes to decorating their home's exterior, i like to tt's starting to look aï¬ like Christmas photoskndyourstoedmwfton- desaiptionofdvephomindudingmelocation WWW which raised‘ 32.29632 «me " )3 keep things simple for fear of running up my hydro bill. Still, I appreciate the efforts others put into brightening their neighbourhoods and look forward to this time of year, whenlcangetbehindthewheelofmy vehicle and enjoy a leisurely evening drive to check out spectacular festive sights â€" and sounds. if you’re like me, you'll surely delight in the Champion's latest initiative: the Milton Christmas Light Tour. We‘re encouraging you, our readers, to submit the addresses of homes that re- allysparkie.Youcandosobyï¬llingout thembfonnpostedontheChampion’s websm Whaltoncom. by De- cember 14. We‘ll take those addresses, tions soyou lean m the ammunity‘s best-dressed homes. For more information, please see page 21. WBWMMWMMWMU n W error, that pomon of the Mn; space occupï¬ed a the erroneous Rom, W with a tumble allowmkwslmoture.wmmbechamdlonbtnmm «mammomemwmbepoldforatmeappucaueme.m publisher reserves the rim: to Win advertisements or 53° W ‘ 7mm 555 Industrial DIM. Milton, Ont. L9T 551 )Mmuonmm Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classiï¬ed: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 IOPC Whmw VJ? â€" Group Publisher mum DiracmrofAdVemslng Mn. aw DAY