The Champion’s Facebook fans have spoken. Congtatulatlons to Stephanie On, the winner of the Falling for Milton photo contest. Ontmogphotowithhersonllyanatxelso Cm Ana with colourful foliage in thebédébmmdwasthe most popular,gar- neringï¬stoverZOpercentofthetotaInum- badm- STIRLING MONTESSORI 905864-6000 mix-Jugsturlingmontessorixom Thé Facebook photo contest, which kickad Off onOctobersandwrappedupMondayM. 2). encouraged local shutterbugs to capture Mimn's fall splendor. In total, 33 spectaqu photographs taken atound town were sub- ‘=. . EOVER “was an} ""iiiiï¬iiévâ€"L- urn-u nanny-an III-u. nun-I