EHaIton religious groups join hands to sponsor Syrian refugees N1"! AI“! 8: Berlis LLP Borden Ladner Gervais LLP City of Burlington Town of Halton Huls Thank you to our 2015 Supporters PRESENTED BY . WHILL £- Halton ,Awm fl[ Me to We NALCO Canada R & M Construction R. V. Anderson Associates Ltd. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH OAKVILLE Storage Solutions Terrapure coming to our country, where all the Abraha- mic religions bond together out of the act of With previous refugee sponsorship experi- ence, her group has helped the sponsorship application for the family in Jordan, which is Shaarei-Béth El Congregation of H§|{5\ Rabbi StephenAWIse sits in the synagogug. He has‘joined 'haï¬ds with other Halton-based religious groups to'supipo'rt Syrian refugees. “kW/MSW afï¬liated with a member of the ISNA mosque. Together, all three congregations help raise money, collect donations and secure volun- teers to support the family upon arrival. While ï¬nding time to meet around each group's religious calendar can be a chal- Ifl-‘IflaflflfllUfl‘I- h ’5