Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Mar 2000, D04

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Halton Classic The Halton Classic 2000 boys allstar high school basketball game is on tap this Friday (M arch 24) at Blakelock high school in Oakville. The junior game kicks off the night at 7 p.m., followed by the three-point and slam dunk competitions at 8:30 p.m. and, finally, with the senior game at 9 p.m. Admission is $3 plus one canned good. Here are the rosters ... JUNIOR VOLPE Burlington Central: Ryan Baillie and Boyon Jokic. Oakville Trafalgar: Alonzo Thornhill and Sean Seguin. Loyola: Paul Dawson Aquinas: Chris Hornby Assumption: Mark Tagliaferri White Oaks: Agbeko Awundo Iroquois Ridge: Manny Mukkar Q.E. Park: Gord Robertson Blakelock: Doug Taylor. COACHING STAFF: TBA RICHARDSON M.M. Robinson: Kyle Adam Nelson: Graham Dow Milton Jim McCollum Pearson: Brandon Morphet Notre Dame: TBA Bishop Reding: Allen Lovrenco Lord Elgin: Dave Walker E.C. Drury: Ron Massey Aldershot: Dave Marcone Acton: Shane Kilgour Georgetown: Ted Morris COACHING STAFF: Corey Trodd (Nelson) and Darrin Curtis (Lord Elgin) SENIOR VOLPE Oakville Trafalgar: Brandon Hale and Curtis Morris Burlington Central: Adam Peaker and Kevin French Loyola: John Manlucu and Rich Leyva Wh.ie Oaks: Mitch Mitchell Blakelock: Velimir Radinovic Aquinas: Ryan McNabb Assumption: Jeff Felker Iroquois Ridge: Kwesi Thomas COACHING STAFF: Anthony Cordeiro (Aquinas) and Tony Piccoli (Aquinas). RICHARDSON Notre Dame: TBA Nelson: Jon Behie M.M. Robinson: Bryan Nichol Lord Elgin: Ryan Park Pearson: Sean Gligor Bishop Reding: Jodie St. John Milton: Ian Robinson E.C. Drury: Mike Maynard Acton: Sandy Chapman Georgetown: Scott Graham Aldershot: Doug Cooper COACHING STAFF: Dave Nelson (M.M. Robinson) Backs were against the wall against Halton Hills last night The O akville Rangers novice trip le-A rep team absorbed a tou g h overtim e 1-0 loss on Saturday to fall behind 3-1 in their O ntario M inor Hockey Association (OM HA) series with the Halton Hills H urricanes. It was the type of game in which it's a shame any team has to lose. Oakville, however, didn't have any time to pout over the loss as they were right back in Brampton last night for a do-or-die fifth game (that game went beyond our Wednesday edition press deadlines). The fourth game continued the tight defensive hockey. Early in the second, Oakville: goalie DiSalvo added a couple of spectacular stops to the mix which gave the host Rangers some momentum in the lat ter stages of the period, although they couldn't turn on the red light. Both goalies played some great hockey in the third to earn regula tion time shutouts. The stalemate was finally broken by Halton Hills three minutes into overtime. Halton Hills moved ahead 2-1 in the series with a 4-0 win in the third game of the series on Tuesday of last week. It was a gutsy performance by the Rangers who could not mount any offence against a stingy defen sive team. Halton Hills built a 3-0 lead after two periods en route to their 4-0 win. MOHA house league hockey report (M arch 18) N O V ICE W HITE RED LO B STER V IKIN G S 5 (goals to Austin Heffelfinger, D omenic Palmieri, Tim Pastink, Ian Foster 2. A ssists to Tyler Kok, Phillip Bradley. Shut-out to R obinson Inkster); N A TIO N A L C A R REN TA L GATORS 0. HALTON R O LLER H O CK EY EA G LES 2 (goals to Paolo Sabatino, D rew M ooradian); PIN N A CLE HOUN D-D O GS 1 (goal to M itchel Cook. A ssist to Daniel Tomlinson). A STRA CAPITAL W IN G S 4 (goals to N ick Frid 2, Dylan Husar, Connor Percy. A ssist to D aniel M acgillvray); P IN N A C L E H O U N D D OGS 3 (goals to N icholas Leyer 2, Jordan A dam s. A ssists to M ichael Richardson, G reg Lister). C O R N IN G W R A N G L ER S 12 (goals to Daniel Boudreau, Jason Rebelo, N ick Jew itt 2, M atthew Blake, M ike Verrisimo 2, Justin Fauteux, M ark Taylor. A ssists to Blake, D avid Collins, Taylor 3, Fauteux, Rebelo, M ichael Statham, Jew itt 2, D eBellis, M atthew D iederichs); C A L IB E R IN D U S T R IA L L U M B E R JA C K S 1 (goal to Blake Spurrell). N O V IC E RED HUB G R O U P W OLFPACK 8 (goals to Shane W ilton 4, Kevin Denley 2, M itchell Houlahan, D uncan D 'Arcy. A ssists to Nathan Banton 4, Taylor M cM anus 2, M ichael L edgerw ood, M ichael M agnacca, D rew D ickson, Denley, Wilton. Shut-out to Jeffrey Burton); D ISCO U N T CA R RENTAL W INGS 0. C A SSELS BROOK & BLA C K W ELL ICE DOGS 2 (goals to Steven M cD onald, Bradley Coates. A ssist to M cD onald); G RIFFITH S M CB URN EY & PARTNERS EA G LES 2 (goals to Jeffrey Peer 2). R EG A L C A PIT A L PLA N N ER S V IK IN G S 2 (goals to Jonathan Grennan, Chris M cG uire. A ssists to A lex Short, M ark Swant, M cG uire); ROYAL BANK LU M BERJACK S 1 (goal to Joel G age. A ssists to Eric C harron, Taylor Dunn). N O V IC E BLU E LU M BERJACK S 9 (goals to Jam es M iller 4, Greg Inn, Kristian Johansen 3, Scott W alker); EA G LES 6 (goals to M . Trinz 2, S. Bow en 2, J. Tudor 2). W IN G S 7 (goals to C hris P enney 2, Jake Dutkiewicz, Phil Cox, Rob Parkin, M att Harper, Jeff K otchie); H OU N D-D O GS 1 (goal to Stephen M orton). V IKIN G S 5 (goals to A dam Laquintana, Andrew Lee, Francois Toupin 3); W OLFPACK 2 (goals to D. Lee 2). (M arch 11) N O V ICE W HITE R ED LO BSTER VIKINGS 1 (goal to Ian Foster. A ssist to Stephen Hale. Shut-out to Christopher Parkes); HALTON RO LLER H OCKEY EA G LES 0. C O R N IN G W R A N G L ER S 3 (goals to M ark Taylor, Daniel Boudreau, M ike Verrisimo. A ssists to Domenic DeBellis, Verrisimo); PIN N A C LE HOU N DD OGS 2 (goals to N icholas Leyer, M ichael Richardson. A ssist to Leyer). A STRA CAPITAL W IN G S 7 (goals to N ick Frid 2, M atthew St. Jean 2, A aron Percival, Ryan Godfrey, Jordan Szekely. A ssists to M atthew Thom son, Dylan H usar 2, M ichael M eguid, Cam eron M cCam ey, Connor Percy, St. Jean, Godfrey, Percival); C A LIB ER IN D U S TR IA L LU M BERJACK S 2 (goals to Jordan Bruder, Dan Bohnsack-Zillinski. A ssists to B ohnsack-Zillinski, Stephen Parker, Bruder, Corey Beacom). NATIONAL CAR RENTAL GATORS 2 (goals to Taylor Houston, A dam Zamora. A ssist to Zamora); IM AX W OLFPACK 1 (goal to N icholas Edw in. Assists to Bruce Watson, Luke Richard). N OV IC E RED CA SSELS BROOK & BLA C K W ELL ICE D OGS 2 (goals to Steven M cD onald, Scott Benzoni. Assists to Chris Desrosiers, M cD onald, Scott Gallant); ROYAL B A NK LU M BERJACK S 1 (goal to W illiam Hyde. A ssists to M ichael N om ura, M atthew Carrique). H UB G R O U P W OLFPACK 3 (goals to M itchell Houlahan, Drew Dickson, Steven Blaylock. A ssists to T aylor M cM anus, Shane W ilton, K evin D enley); R EG A L CAPITAL PLA NN ERS V IKIN G S 2 (goals to David Bum s, M ark Swant. Assist to Andrew Truchet 2). G R IFFITH S M CBURNEY & PARTNERS EA G LES 4 (goals to Luke Knel 2, Ethan W ithers, Sean Stansfield. A ssists to Joshua Rice 2, Andrew Harvey, D avid Nasu, Jeffrey Peel, Jam es Peebles, M atthew Butler); D ISCO U N T C A R RENTAL W IN G S 1 (goal to A nthony Creo. A ssist to Kevin Degruijter). M INO R ATOM W HITE A L L SEA SO N S SPORTS W IN G S 4 (goals to Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen, Daniel Prevost. A ssists to Prevost, K yle K ostyk 2, Robin Funk, Jordan Erhardt, Tim Ziegel); PW C H OU N D-D O GS 2 (goals to Chris Edw in 2. A ssist to M ichael Hanlon). G & G TO O L INC. W RA N GLERS 4 (goals to Doug Izon, D ylan Falco, Zach G oldstein, M atthew M cG rath. A ssists to Falco, Stephen Springgay 2, Blake Stacy, Ian S abatino, C h ris E lliot, T yler M alen fan t); V OLVO C A N A D A LU M B ER JA C K S 1 (goal to G reg Richard. A ssists to Justin Tang, R aym ond Brusca). R ED LO B STER V IK IN G S 3 (goals to M atthew H agglund 2, B randon K ing. A ssists to C hris M cD ougall 2, Jam es Rippin); SO B E Y 'S GATORS 2 (goals to R ick Carley, C harlie M unro. A ssists to M att H anson, Chris M cC racken, Jeff Jam es). H ILL'S PETS & N U TRITIO N EA G LES 4 - (goals to Paul Rom ano, A lex G ranger, Justin Gray, Steven Peters. A ssists to Rom ano, Troy Bell 2, K evin Fyfe, Pat Torrance); H A N N A H , H EN D ER1 SON EA G LES 2 (goals to M ark Kastiw, Andrew M ijatovic. A ssists to Gillian A rfin, Jerem y A quino, M ike Paton). M IN O R ATOM RED ROLTEK W O LFPACK 6 (goals to Chris C anham 2, A lex B oum a 2, M ichael Syer, D anny Francis. A ssists to D avid M cC am us 3, Ryan Foley, C anham , M att K etcheson, A dam D avidson, K yle Watkinson 2, M ichael Syer); M O O R E 'S FIR ESTO N E TIR ES V IK IN G S 3 (goals to D avid Josefik 2, Stephen Craw ford. A ssists to A ndrew N ovakow sky 2, Stephen Craw ford, D avid Josefik). F R O N T IE R /W E S T B U R N E W R A N G L E R S 4 (goals to M atthew Gulliver, Todd W oodm an, Philip C om eau, Patrick Christie. A ssists to Zachary M cR ae 2, A ndrew K avanagh, Christie, G ulliver, Scott D onnelly); C O R R ESPO N D EN T N ETW O R K W IN G S 2 (goals to D aniel D esjardins, Justin Peel. A ssists to Zachary H older, Brennan M oore, Jacob Bayard, B randon Pasta). N AIM SA LES & M A R K ET IN G LU M B ERJA C K S 4 (goals to Jesse H erm an, C hris Patterson, Jason Buckley, M atthew G runwald. A ssists to Chris Patterson, Buckley, Ryan M allough, Herm an, R obert M cLeod); SU Z U K I C ITY H O U N D -D O G S 3 (goals to Riley M oore, G reg M cK ay, B rett West. A ssists to Brett M arshall, N athan Caughlin, D aniel Cudm ore, M oore). T.D. BA N K GATORS 1 (goal to N eil Revell); A CRO B A T EA G LES 1 (goal to Jam ie M acN icol. A ssists to M ichael Tuske, M ichael Trbovich). (M arch 4) M IN O R ATOM W H ITE PW C H O U N D -D O G S 5 (goals to Chris Edwin, Jonathan N ew ton, M arc Henley, Ryan Watt, Brandon Sm ith. A ssists to Edw in, Stephen Jensen 2, Ben Hobbes, M ichael Hanlon, D avid Robertson, N ate Ferguson); H ILL'S PETS & N U TR ITIO N EA G LES 1 (goal to Paul R omano. A ssist to Steven Peters). H A N N A H , H EN D E R SO N W O LFPACK 2 (goals to Peter Henry, N olan M ass. A ssists to Jerem y A quino, D aryl B lackboum , A ndrew M ., Jerem y M ills); VOLVO C A N A D A LU M B ER JA C K S 2 (goals to Philip Luhouy, R aym ond B rusca. A ssists to Justin Tang, Greg Richard). G & G TO O L IN C. W R A N G L ER S 7 (goals to Andrew Lypko 2, Zach G oldstein 2, Tyler M alenfant 2, Ian Sabatino. A ssists to Kelvin O h 3, D ylan Falco 2, Rob H unter, B lake S tacy); A L L S E A SO N S SPO R TS W IN G S 3 (goals to C olin Griffiths 2, Shaw n Fitzpatrick. A ssists to Jordan Erhardt 2, Jonathan Sw eeney-Bergen, Eric Johannson). R ED LO BSTER V IK IN G S 6 (goals to Bradley Rusheleau 2, M atthew H agglund, P alm er Taylor, Rory Stack, Jam es Rippin. A ssists to Jonathan K avouris 2, C hris M cD ougall, C hris Dickens, K evin Edwards, M ark Tamasakas, Charles N adeau); SO B E Y 'S GATORS 5 (goals to M ichael Zavarella 3, R yan Lai 2. A ssists to Chris M cC racken 3, Rick Carley 2, M atthew Lem, Brett Kelly). M IN O R ATOM RED N A IR N S A L E S & M A R K E T IN G L U M B E R JA C K S 6 (goals to R obert M cLeod 2, Taylor M acLellan 2, A lex H uras 2. A ssists to Ryan M allough 2, M ichael R obinson 2, Benji Card, A lex Huras, M ichael B akaic); M O O R E'S FIR ESTO N E TIR E S VIKIN G S I (goal to Stephen Craw ford. A ssist to D aniel Kerestec). A C R O BA T EA G LES 4 (goals to M ichael Tuske, C onrad Klassen, Taylor W ood, Scott Johnston. A ssists to J e ff B ingham , W ood, Tom S cim a, K lassen, Karl Feltm ate); T.D. B A N K GATORS 3 (goals to Bradley Tasker, Jam es Savelli, M atthew O zim ec. Assists to O zim ec, M ax Luburic). F R O N T IE R /W E S T B U R N E W R A N G L E R S 5 (goals to M atthew G ulliver 2, Philip C om eau, Philip W robel, A ndrew K avanagh. A ssists to K avanagh 2, F.X. Sheal, M arvin Lima, Justin Di Trani, P atrick Christie, Gulliver. Shut-out to G arrett M ott); SU Z U K I CITY H OU N D -D O G S 0. ROLTEK W O LFPACK 4 (goals to M ichael S yer 2, K yle W atkinson, C hris Canham . A ssists to Jordan D aniels 2, W atkinson 2, D avid M cC am us, A lex Bouma, Ryan Foley, Syer); C O R R ESPO N D EN T N ETW ORK W IN G S 1 (goal to Daniel D esjardins. A ssists to Jeff Hartford, M athew W ildbore). BMFA holding registration for new bantam rep team The Burlington Minor Football Association (BMFA) is fielding a bantam (aged 15-17) rep team this year. Registration will be held this Saturday (March 25), 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Nelson Equipment Centre at Nelson Stadium. The team will also have a second registration at Nelson Stadium on Sunday, April 9 at 9 a.m. with their first workout to follow. The season will be run during the summer with the opening game at Ivor Wynne Stadium on Sunday, June 11 and the final championship game on Labour Day Weekend. The league consists of six teams from Oshawa to North York. There will be a full 10-game schedule with exhibition games. The tryouts are open to 15, 16 and 17 year olds. There are no weight restric tions except for the 17-year-old players who turn 17 before June 1 and it's 165 pounds at the beginning of the season. For more info, call Larry Guarascia at 335-4626. Sign up for Around the Bay road race The R unning Company is again making it easy for Oakville and area runners to enter this year's 106th running o f the `A round the B ay' road race which will be held in Hamilton this Sunday (M arch 26). The Running Company is the only location outside Hamilton accepting entries for both the 5K and 30K runs, but the deadline is tonight at 7 p.m. It is the oldest race on the conti nent, first run in 1894, three years before the Boston M arathon. Rich in tradition, it has been won by the best from around the world, including B oston M arathon w inners and Olym pic gold medallists. As it has for the past couple of years, the store is displaying race history and mem orabilia dating back 106 years to the first Around the Bay race. All runners, in fact, anyone inter ested in sports history, will find this a most interesting presentation. BEGINNERS CLINIC The Running C om pany's Saturday morning clinic is proving to be popular with beginners of all ages. There is still some room for the clinic which runs Saturday at 9 a.m. out o f their Oakville location. The store is located at 118 T hom as Street, in dow ntow n Oakville. For more information, call 815-1952. ( C a r r ie r ) i Pre-Season Air Conditioning Sale | All B ra n d N e w Y ea r 2000 M o d els !Save $ 500< h > _ TAKE A BITE OUT OF US FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE * M 1R athletics* Summer Camp 2 Boys/Girls ages 8-14 nc. R CONDITIONING W mW J / 1 1 J R I Georqetowr Georgetown/Brampton 905-455-4403 Toronto / Etobicoke 416-233-4525 PPLEWOOD Jfc Since 1968 Mississauga 905-275-4500 Oakville / Burlington 905-825-1950 Surrounding Areas 1-808-788-8080 Toll FREE · Golf · Soccer · Tennis · Baseball · Volleyball PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY presents the 11th A nnual Space is limited Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Early Drop Off & Late Pick-up Available LUNCH PROVIDED See Pro Shop for Details 1333 North Service Rd. W. (THE DOMES) 905 847-3663 - ^ ulij 24th - 28th/ 2000 SHELL PARK, OAKVILLE 2000 T FITNESS CENTRE c Jc ta s Featuring co-ed programs for young beginners, house league, Rep, team groups and Goalkeepers. "The quality of our programs and dedication of our professional coaches enables Premier Soccer to consistently present camps of the very highest calibre" 'lO ildt. AouUtKCf. 'Dvtcct&i. Further information and color brochure available from (905) 337 0799 or visit us at www.PremierSoccerAcademy.com ! Vukc< lk a? Free Weights C? Lifecycles & Step M ill & Nutritional Councelling s? Babysitting 3? Hair Salon c? Saunas & Nautilus 0 ^ Stairmasters a? Tread Mills cy* Liferower Nordic Track o? Reg'd Massage Therapists Esthetician & Daily Aerobics Classes & Sunbeds 849-1 467 SPEERS RD. (W OF DORVAL) jV 1 «

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