Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, A04

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday February 23, 2000 Chartwell Road residents soon to be in for bumpy ride FITNESS CENTRE c? Free Weights G? Lifecycles G? Step M ill O? Nutritional Counceliing a? Babysitting G? Hair Salon cs? Saunas a? Nautilus G? Stairmasters G? Tread Mills G? Liferower G? Sunbeds G? Nordic Track Reg'd Massage Therapists G? Esthetician G? Daily Aerobics Classes S peed bum ps w ill soon becom e part o f the C hartw ell R oad landscape thanks to M o n d ay 's C ouncil decision to install them in the m onths ahead. T he one-year pilo t p roject w as given the green light as a w ay to slow dow n drivers w hile gathering inform ation on the effectiveness o f such m easures. T he m ajority o f the C hartw ell R oad resi dents w ho have ex p ressed an opinion say they are in favour o f the speed bum ps. A handful o f hom eow ners on adjacent streets opposed them on the grounds they w ould im pede fire and am bulance vehicles and interfere w ith snow clearing. H alton R egional P olice and the O akville F ire D ep artm en t both su p p o rt the p ilo t project, as does H alton H ealth care S ervices. Som e c o n cerns by the D istrict o f H alton and M ississau g a A m bulance S ervice, how ever, w ill be fo llo w ed up by the Town. Public W orks D irecto r R ay G reen has said th at if any p ro b lem s arise, the speed bu m p s can be rem oved im m ediately and not left fo r the full length o f the pilo t program . T he Tow n is also lo oking into ex p ed itin g the sidew alks plan n ed fo r C hartw ell fro m 2001 to som etim e this year. 4 6 7S P E E R SR D .(WO FD O R V A L ) Hwy. 407 developers assure Town Trafalgar Rd.Hwy. 403 interchange will open by year-end The Hwy. 403 exit to Trafalgar Road - sched uled to be closed effective Wednesday, M arch 1 to accom m odate w ork on the 407 ETR Extension will be re-opened by year's end. A lbert Sweetnam, project manager with SLF Joint Venture, made that com m itm ent in a letter to O akville D irector o f Public Works Ray Green after concerns were raised about the closure. This is required to com plete construction o f the 407's full six-lane cross section and the basketweave structure between the 407 alignment and the Hwy. 403 to 407 ramp. The new extension will run from the Hwy. 403 Freem an Interchange in H am ilton to the Hwy. 403/407 E T R Interchange in Oakville. A ccording to Green, the Town was concerned with the plan to close the Trafalgar Road connec tion permanently until the 407 opens in the sum mer o f 2001. In his letter, Sw eetnam said SLF intends to com plete the 407 construction from T rafalgar to the O akville L ink prior to the end o f this year at w hich tim e the ex istin g traffic m ovem ents betw een T rafalgar and Hwy. 403 will be reinstat ed. In addition to advanced notification signage on the Q E W and D undas Street, SLF had also planned to sign B um ham thorpe Road in O akville and L ow er Base L ine in M ilton as alternate routes to Trafalgar for 403 and 407 traffic. G reen explained that neither o f the latter tw o routes are "high order" roads that should not be signed as detours and said that arrangem ents have now been m ade not to sign B um ham thorpe and L ow er Base Line. SLF Joint Venture is a consortium com prised o f S N C -L avalin Inc. and Ferrovial-A grom an Internacional S.A. O a k v i l l e 's B e s t S e l e c t i o n o f D e s i g n e r L a b e ls ! STRELLSON · CK · SAVILLE ROW DESIGNER SUITS COMPARE UP TO $895 WARDROBE LEATHER PACKAGE D i A T c p c SPORT COAT · DRESS PANT DRESS SHIRT · TIE REG. U P T 0 S 3 9 5 EA. `P i p e ' h o t l i n e s e t u p f o r c o n s t r u c t io n p r o je c t $625 VALUE * 3 4 9 " *0 **2 9 9 " * STARS ' * M E N 'S S H O P S * Oakville Place Mall 339-0180 w w w .starsm enshops.com A new hotline and website have been established to keep residents and businesses up to date regard ing the "big pipe" construction through Oakville into Milton. Coinciding with the construction o f water and wastewater pipelines into north Halton, the region is operating a 24-hour, pre-recorded hotline (6931166) which provides residents and businesses along the route with the latest information regarding the construction schedule. Those in the area will be notified when construc tion approaches their property and project managers say impacts to access will be kept to a minimum. The project website can also be accessed at www.thebigpipe.ca. Construction will occur in stages, starting from the Highway 407 right-of-way between Dundas Street and Bumhamthorpe Road, and is expected to be completed by this fall. The initiative will vastly expand water and wastewater capacity in M ilton, allowing fo r the con struction o f 6,700 residential units. Between 500 and 700 acres o f em ployment lands can also now proceed. * F H R Inc. R e a d th e n e w s , A A · GOLFERS New Hours! M onday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. b o o k a c r u is e ? far**** Get your game in shape with these March Specials WEEKDAY MORNING MEMBERSHIP . n iy S 1 2 0 0 0 WEEKDAY ALLDAY MEMBERSHIP $ i6<r Price includes Unlimited Golf Balls & Free Instruction from Clublink Instructors every Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. -11:00" a.m. - 1333 North Service Rd. W. 905-847-3663 (THE DOMES) Looking for a winter escape? Look no further than COGECO@Home high speed Internet access over cable. Go online and read newspapers from all over the world. Get expert advice on finances, sports and more. You can even book your winter vacation. With the easy-to-use custom browser finding what you want is a breeze. COGECO@Home. It's the winter break Sav $100 on. ,n s W « a « °" recording artists Give yourself a winter break for only $39.95* a month. everyone can use. , M A R K O W also appearing T a m a ra H U / v - v o l: Hom e (By the w ay, it's on the house.) ..../.Chartwell Church.. \228 Chartw ell, Oakville, ON M arch 4, 2000 Coftee @ 5:00 G ath erin g @ 5:30 High speed Internet access over cable A v a ila b le a t 0 RadioShack. I \ *mm 1-877-8-ATHOME w w w .co g eco .ca/h o m e *Cable modem rental $10/month credited for COGECO Cable customers. Regular price of $49.95/month for non-basic cable customers ($39.95/month and $10/month cable modem rental). Standard installation charge of $149.95 for laptop computers and non-basic cable customers. Not available in all areas. Some restrictions may apply. Additional charges will apply for non-standard installations. Asking & listening to God through music, drama & teaching from the Bible.

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