Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, A03

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Wednesdsay February 23, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 N ew Halton officers bring different expertise to job Five new officers ju st assigned to Oakville range from a highly trained English police officer to a constable bom in Egypt. This group wa$ am ong 17 new officers welcom ed into the ranks of Halton Regional Police during Friday's swearing-in cere mony in the Regional Council chamber. Fifteen o f the new constables are new to policing w hile the rem aining tw o have previous police experience - one in w est ern Canada, the other in England. Among the O akville officers is Susan Biggs, w ho spent nine years w ith the M etropolitan Police Service in L ondon, England - four years walking a beat, five years with the British equivalent o f the TR U (Tactical and Rescue Unit) team. A Burlington resident since March 1999, Biggs was selected to sing God Save the Queen and serve on the Colour Party and Drill Team at the Ontario Police College M arch Past Ceremony. Having earned a B.Sc. (Hons) in Psychology at. the University o f Surrey, Biggs enjoys running and ice-skating and is learning the rules o f hockey and lacrosse. Mississauga's M ark A braham hails from Cairo, w here he was raised by a Coptic Egyptian fam ily, then immigrated to Canada when he was 13. Studies at the University o f T oronto and L akehead U niversity w ere rewarded with degrees in politi cal science and psychology. A braham served in the Canadian military prior to being hired by Halton Regional Police. He is also a volunteer with the M ississauga C rim e Prevention Association. R obert F elske m ajored in Sociology at the University o f W estern O ntario w ith a sec ondary concentration in C rim inology and deviance. W hile attending school he worked at a local halfway house and was part-time counselor for federal inmates on day parole. For the year prior to being hired by Halton Regional Police, Felske was a correctional and youth officer at the Elgin Middlesex Detention Centre. Niagara Falls' Paul Fretz has a background in everything from law enforcem ent, physical edu cation/sociology to healthcare and has worked with C anada Custom s and Excise as a special constable w ith H am iltonW entworth Regional Police. Jerem y Smith o f Burlington is a graduate o f H um ber C ollege's Ambulance and Emergency Care Program who served with the H alton-M ississauga Ambulance Service as a duty manager. He brings with him 12 years o f pre hospital em ergency experience. Sam antha Brown, an Oakville resident for 10 years, will be assigned to G eorgetow n. A Kinesiology graduate o f York University, she is a volunteer sis ter with the Halton Children's Aid Society. W hile attending the Ontario Police College, Brown was a m em ber o f the drill team. Chantal Verrier, born in Montreal and raised in Oakville, is fluent in both French and E nglish and has a degree in C rim inology and Political Science. She worked as a child and youth worker prior to being hired by Halton Regional Police. C lass leader o f the Halton recruits at O ntario Police College, Verrier also volunteers with Child Find Ontario. She will be assigned to Burlington. Other notable officers include Fernando Vieira, assigned to G eorgetow n, w ho speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. His m other came all the way from Portugal to witness Friday's ceremony. A nh D ieu w as b om in V ietnam and raised in India before coming to Canada in 1985 and graduated from Algonquin College's Law and Security pro gram. H e then studied Sociology and A nthropology at Carleton University. He will be assigned to Burlington. Paul Foley has been assigned to G eorgetow n w hile D avid Constantini, Paul Kapshey and C ole R epta are assigned to Milton. Thanks for the badge honey. Paul Foley plants a kiss on his fiancee Jennifer, an O P P constable as H alton Police C h ief Ean A lgar looks on. Photo by Peter C. McCusker ANNOUNCEMENT O'CONNOR MACLEOD LLP Barristers and Solicitors - and - BRIAN J. HANNA Barrister and Solicitor Are you a Boater? P h ilt h y M c N a s t y 's Will be hosting a Boat Safe course to raise funds for Camp Trillium Oakville - Saturday, February 26 8:00 -11:00 a.m. Door prize s $ 5 0 .0 0 are pleased to a n n o u n c e th a t effective M ay 29, 2 0 0 0 they will be m erg in g th eir practices at: 7 0 0 Kerr Street F o r m o re inform ation call Born Require th e Card n o w » ...n o , a fte r April 1,1983 D o n 't delay 1-(800)565-1043 and register Accredited by the Canadian coast Guard O a k v ille, O n ta r io L 6K 3W 5 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 8 0 3 0 U ntil M ay 29, 2000, Brian H an n a will continue to practice at REG ION O F HALTON PUBLIC N O TICE INTERSECTION IM PROVEM ENTS AT DUNDAS STR EET (REG IO N A L ROAD No. 5) AND BRONTE ROAD (REG IO N A L ROAD No. 25) TOW N O F O AKVILLE PR-1800 N otice is h ereb y g iven p u rsu an t to S e c tio n s 297 an d 3 0 0 o f th e M u n icip al A ct, R. S. O . 1990, ch a p te r M .4 5 as a m en d ed , th at the C o u n cil fo r th e R egional M u n icip ality o f H alto n p ro p o se s at its m e etin g o n W e d n esd a y M arch 29. 2 0 0 0 at 9 :3 0 a.m . to p ass a by-law lo r the in tersectio n im p ro v em e n ts at D u n d a s S tree t an d B ronte R oad in th e fo rm o f lane e x te n sio n s for th e so u th b o u n d th ro u g h /rig h ttu m and left tu rn lanes o n B ronte R o ad ap p ro a c h in g D undas S tree t an d th e ex ten sio n o f the e x istin g s o u th b o u n d m erge lan e and taper on B ronte R o ad , s o u th o f D u n d as S tree t, T o w n o f O ak v ille. Plans sh o w in g th e p ro p o s e d w o rk m ay be in sp ec ted at the P lan n in g & P u b lic W o rk s D ep artm en t, H alto n R eg io n al C en tre. 1151 B ronte R oad, O ak v ille. O n tario . O n W ednesday. M arch 2 2 . 2 0 0 0 at 9 :3 0 a.m . in th e H alto n R o o m at th e H alton R eg io n al C en tre. 1151 B ro n te R oad. O ak v ille. O n tario . C o u n cil, th ro u g h its P la n n in g and P u b lic W o rk s C o m m itte e w ili h e a r in p erso n o r b y h is /h e r C o u n s e l, an y p erso n w ho claim s that h is/h e r lan d s w ill b e p re ju d ic ia lly a ffec ted by th e said b y -la w a n d w h o ap p lies to th e R eg io n al C le rk n o la ter than T u esd ay . M arch 8. 2 0 0 0 . to b e h ea rd . F o r f u r t h e r in f o r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n t a c t : 303 R o b ih so n Street O akville, O n ta rio L6J 1G 7 (905) 8 4 2 -1 1 4 8 Best wishes are extended to Paul J. H enderson and D aniel C . Barichello in their future endeavours. M r. J. Choi, P. Eng., Manager, Design Services Phone: (905) 825-6030, extension 7610 JOAN EA G LESH A M REG ION A L C LERK www.region.halton.on.ca '95 DODGE NEON 4 dr. Automatic! Air Conditioned! Only 88.000 K's! Black & Beautiful! Low mileage, air conditioned, automatic Neons under $7,000 are non-existent anywhere but right here! This is the one! Full price only '93 PONTIAC ASUNA 4 dr., automatic, AM/FM cass. & much more!! The "much more" is low, low one owner K's. all original bright red paint, "as new" condition, full certification & clean air passed. Quite a value eh? Full price only '89 CHEV CAVALIER 4 dr. Automatic! Only 147.000 km' s! Brand new paint! Runs Great! This beauty may not be perfect, but it's awfully close to it! How about the price? '94 JEEP RENEGADE 4X4 4.0 6 cyl., 5 spd,, air, hard top, black, beautiful, low km, perfection. Renegades are scarce and sell fast! Low miles in flawless condition, are basically non existent! This is the one! Hurry! Full price only '95 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4 V6, auto, AM/FM cass., air, cruise, tilt, pw, pdl, mag, slider & much, much more. This beauty's white outside, charcoal grey inside, the km are very low and the condition is simply n u n perfect!! u c n c u ;; The price is pretty good too!! Full price only * 6 ,9 9 9 '4 ,9 0 0 Full price only * 2 ,4 7 5 ' * 1 4 ,9 0 0 * 1 7 ,9 0 0 '98 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT Only 23,000 kms, ABS, all-power, 16" mags, 7passenger, tint, alarm. Loaded! Loaded! Loaded!! $10,000 less than new one! s3,500 down s359 + lax 48 months '98 FORD RANGER SPLASH V6 Engine!! Automatic!! Aircond! Only 30.000. one owner kms!! Black!! Beautiful!! Enough said?! Don't delay. s2,000 down s285 + tax 48 months 1997 LEXUS LX450 Fullv. fullv. fully loaded!! Only 55.000 km! Showroom fresh!! This is surely the "flagship of the Lexus fleet", and sells brand new for close to $100.000. *5,000 down s639 + tax Full price only " · | W W W 42 months Fir Firm '99 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 6 cyl., p.w., p.d.l., tilt, cruise, & much, much more! Thousands less than a new one and only 28,000 km. s5.000 down s449 + tax 60 months '99 JEEP CHEROKEE LID 4X4 Fullv loaded!! Leather int! Only 17.000 km ! Factory fresh!! Want to save some money? This one's priced around $8,000 under new retail & close to a i l l l H M a l e r cost!! Only only! *3.500 down s419 + tax 60 months * 2 2 ,8 0 0 D odge Dodge Trucks CHRYSLER * 1 6 ,9 0 0 $ 47 500 * 3 3 ,5 0 0 * 2 8 ,9 0 0 E DovalDr. B M W IF IMm Cf E M E Y S in t . H P 6 4 6 4 th L in e , S p e e r s R o a d , O a k v ille w w w .o a K v ille d o d g e .c o m *as traded. w S peeis Rd. 845-4211 & 4th Line

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