ns atLord's in the sha of ' room Suites, Pa Suites, Extention Tables, Mat- tresses and Springs. The prices during t is ull season 'll be about half ‘what you Wl have been used to. -LOI\.D- 'l'llll fllllll'llllll Ill N ixt Morrison's Hotel BROtiKVlLLI 'l'ho Hatter of Brockvllla ls showing :i choice lissiii'tiiitflilz of Ccnilcmeii's l Soft and Stiff Hatsl Also ‘.i full linc of (.‘hildrcu's llillS and mp5. ()ur Straw lint l)cp;irtiucnt is worthy of your inspection. Prices ri_;lit. ~--â€"-~~â€"â€" l Big l Bankrupt Stocks til lI l Boots ct‘ Shoesl l i lo lie slaiiglitcicdul the Milli‘ lnlrlyl, occupied ii)‘ Messrs. .\l<5\\'ill 81"lllllli-i ihi' llcvcro lltilltit',l Suit‘ lo coiiiiiiciu-H stilli, ii'ppï¬ it‘! llrock'. llli‘. Saturday Morning. July 21-" la lpcopln riii'tify llllll lhc iwsl liming pi.i'cli:i.>acil :il n hit; discofiiii ihc bankrupt stock of Blowat d' John ston. iiiiiountiuf; to concluded to :uld dllllltflï¬ll Bit" l;, itli'iiil Qt ‘.illli till‘ “ml cut thi- prim-s lli two, >1» ..‘. 'jy with u rush, as Hllil'i' inn: liy September lsl. ll. W. llOWNEY, lino’. stilts, ‘Milli l "l l l l ARE Fltl ENDS t) Tll E Farmer and Builder [hop have tin‘ host Assortiucii of Hardware, Tiu'n'urq Paints, (lils, Varnishos, llalciniiiws, l1hu=s,>lilvcr- ware, Fishing Tackle, 5:12., in town, and priccii to suit. l.li?l.illif‘..'4. Thc liaisy Chorus-best in tiir: lii1\1‘l(t‘l.~' always in stock dud at iowcst pricca llilns and ammunition of best quality See them. COAL OIL Best Quality. Low Price ‘(ARJIIE K’ [$1 ,()(Jl( l l l l l Mixture znl‘ guys it will clll'ci. a cui'c l l i piirilicr, ,, l1 uli'i'ilglli l-iiildl‘i' is Howl's Hitiï¬iiluu'i- 1 1 fit-1.637190, i haveb to it li;lll'l‘.t'l‘ of, 'zh-ur out l ‘familial i l corn, ‘hogs, and love-t were rshslsd ls Brooks": imuk st a? curses d ‘L75 per ewt. Osntsgs repairing of sll blah dens in ï¬rst els- style st lowest W A. Jules’. The Misses Rhodes, of Iwcst'l Oornerssrrivcd la Athens on Thur‘, daylsstona visit to Mr. and In. W. H. Juwb. 010,000 private money to lessen reulestsic securltv. Applyto Jonii OAWLIY, opp. Reporter oflice, Athens. Rev. J. J. “union, pastor of 8'. Peel's church, left Athens last week foratwo weeks' vacation, which he will spend in the lower provinces. g m"lMori-itbiirg llcndd:-~~A story is told ofu local lawyer, who, while eon- ducting s case in the townships re- ccutly, questioned the defendant as to the number of children he had, re- ceived the answer: “Two living and one in Prescott." As the reply was accompanied by tears it is supposed the lather fully appreciated the \ln- happy fate of his child. UAiiii.~-$8(llltl.00 worth ol ciockcry, china and glassware at Bankrupt prices. | Suh- (outiiiues for a short time only. 7 -~'l'. \V. lit-unis, Tea Store and (,‘hina l served about o ‘ ['tcutiury he was pardoned, and immed- llall, Brockville, (lnt., nearly opposite the Revere house. llidczui Round 27~hlr. l‘. ll. Fergu- sun and Mr. F. Pieicc spent Sundayi wiili friends in Athens. .. . . . . Mr. 'W. lli'iiiiibi'idgn spcnt Sunday at his homo in Fiiiiikville ...... Mr. ll. S. (lilo, of Sulcm, ‘)rcgoii, nrrived lii-rc on Monday l on u visit to his parents in Kit- lcy, ...... Mis. llnrkcr, oi‘ \Vcstport, is spending lhc \vcck licrc. with he! T daughter Mrs. Simmons. . . . . . Mi‘. and l Mrs. lilllllillllltl, ol \Vc-ztpoi't, visiting hcrc with the fill‘lii"l"‘i parents Mr. and Mrs. Jami-s lauiiiuoud. This is the u‘ :isou for potato blight. :iiid pot-.ilo which hitci' the smisou dcvi-lop into potato rot. This is also the scusou lin- ilucliirinq the illrit'tlï¬'lt',ttllil vvi- give lhc constituciili-i of tlic litil‘llt‘tlliX Mixture for killing thc fungus us l'olIoWs; llissoln- ll lint, coiipi-i' sulphutc uud l lbs. lrcsh limo in l3 gals. unit-r and spiiuklc tho vines. Should tlu-y also rcipiiri' l)ttl'l{\' gii-cii ii. hulfpouud y iuldv'il. A pro llu- i‘t‘;'.li‘i.l i‘:l(ll"l'llllt:lil.‘il l":iiiii highly wunuu'iids the liiil'ilt‘;l.ll. rust, ll: iii-.ii hc ll'i-lï¬tll‘ iii il'app'iii-d t‘:;...-. or tour timcs duriug,r llic :o-usuu, 'l.“.1llili\‘llt'lll;,( curly iii July. Standard Oil Has Thom. lil'l‘l“.\l.li, .luly LII». -'l“lu urn ' . \Dr. Omar L. Kilboru, a Frankvills gs Hunts! wlll begin I curb in Smith's Islls, shbsr cu August or the M September w chances in favor of t‘ The meetings will be under the joint simple‘! of the two Presbyterian. midst and “the Ietliodhit churches, wlll be iiln ln the skating an. i i I l l boy who has been a miuiieniiry to Chins for souls years, and whose wife died thriewas married ignition May 24th,to Miss Betta Gifford, M. 1)., daughter of .A. Giï¬ord, Meaford, Out. The ceioniony was performed by Rev. O. M. Jackson, of the church mission- sry society, at the residence of Rev. Geo. l1). Hartwell, B. 1)., of the Cana- dian Methodist mission. Dr. l‘). B. Stan-haul, of Brockvillo, who, in 1875, was sentenced t0 be hanged for murder, but whose sentence was coniinutrd to imprisonment for life in the Kingston Penitentiary, died l at Brockvillc last week. After having levcn years in the Poni- iatcly returned to his home, where he has lived since. Tho doctor was a gruduate of Queen's Uollege. I fled out of lleven 3m of Oats. ~nice little confidence game was played on a farmer named Knvanzigh fioiii Miiiiolic at Bylwiird iiiurliet, Ottawa, the other morning says the Journal Mr. Kuvanagli drove into towu with :i load of oats and after standing a while on tho market st approached by a stranger who said he (the stranger) kept a store on the Flats and wuntcd oats. After some conver- sation a dickei' was made and Kevan» i ugh and thn straiigcr started for the Flats to the slit-gird store. ()ii the way down down tho stranger stoppcd the wagon at the corner ol' llukc and Lloyd streets, whom Mr. Joly kccps n slorc and sold Joly l l bugs of the outs, containing ‘.3423 bushels iit :ls cents ii l-ushcl nud got his money. Kuvnuagh was the-u told by the 8i.t'illi_‘_(t'i‘ t'i drive i on to the store with the liiiliiiicc of the l loud. \thii thu allcgcd SLOH‘ was! ri-schvd the stranger said lic haul for-1 gotloii the lrcy :iud hurricd away, lcziv- fiiig thi- lzii'mcr with tho half louilol' rs‘.- ..,. ‘U Sl-‘Uhlillili tlil t'oiiiuiuv hits iiiadi' :iuothii' l-igi l . llillll. .ill lllt‘ l'uuudinii ni-lls, iiiid liolli this 5 hm.“ hull, Toll-do, ilitld .igiiinst llu‘ iii-liliidnui l . ,iihiisiic lnuguiigc. ('oiupiiiiy nud tilt“ Erh- l"oiinl_v Natural this A’ Void (‘onipziny uri- now uuilci' the i-ouii'ol oi the gi'i'ul Pitiiiulzii'd llil (‘orporni ion. Tired, Weak. Nervous. )li-iius impure blood, uiid overwork or tooiiiiich strain on lu'niu null holly. Thu only de to i-iii'c is to ford tlii‘ iii-rvcs on purc blood. 'l‘housuuds of itlUinl tho lit-st lli'l’\‘i‘. tonic “Hunt it inns douc for olhci's ii v. ill uh‘... do liu' \ou. Hood}; (‘iii-vs llniiii's l'ii.l.s curi- (‘ililhlllmlilill restoring pl'lhii..iliic 7tt‘ll(lll of llll‘ iiic;\l:ii‘_\ t'llllitl. Called Back and Hoard From. i“|‘(~lil til. \‘(ll'igfh llhldlt lliio'nimi or ‘rm: Ql‘il.l., -~lu lhc iHE<llt‘ of thc litli duly you ltiiidly iuipiii'vd us to tho WllUl‘Hl.lKI\ll.\ of thi- scribe of \Vi-xfui'd, Slit-atowu :iiid hli-lulosh Mills. ln rcspuusc. l sny lllili iuy limc, licri-toi'iui‘ dcvotcd to llippniit liloi'iilui'c, has this suiumcr lN‘i‘ll solcly ou'upii'd iii cultivating my liming l'i-cdiug chickens, niilltliig l'UWN, Vi-i'ily, i min-um» c‘? my multiplicity of “Trks, l l l‘-ti\‘t\il4:£‘ill:f'li l-i :iss'isi :il slut-- diiiucrs ‘given by ll. Pvll'tdl, \\'_ if'ill'll\‘ ulul .b. \‘l'ulz-iini. lmt lill‘ lcll ‘on, Yciici'i'..hli‘, yi'u iiiiswii r. ,.,,~1_\,",\ spoil in .im‘. zilli-iulilig tlii‘ ii-ulli lglium‘ piriiii, llzm intllil w,“ \tlicii- null Win-i iiiiilc ii laid :unoug thi- l lions, Filmsulfl. ‘Sui c. hills. i-pisodn perpetrated hy the said llnii iii tlic days when Dun was it hid in it country school house. llowcvi-r, you should oi'cnsioiuilly hi-ur from this purl. oftlu-licuiisphcrc, and thus endeavor in i-cgiilalv not only llii'liard \‘illa, liii‘. \‘v'cxl'oid 1\V"lil\f‘, \Vliziup~ ilixnllvund rill tlic ()ill"l doodlcs that prove ol-sh'cpr-rous lo tlic rcsidcnls and gill-abs of our towns. L'li l‘. Emittis. lsv. Ir. Roi-net's Cass. Pituiiniii\i., Hut, .luly '25 The trial of ilic. ltcv. It. (‘. lloriicr on lhc charge ofi-cfiisiiig to tnltc the station unsigned in him by thc Mulliodist. Um; fcicncc and nf conducting unr- ‘lugs within the jurisdiction of other .‘uluui- . turiicd her up tci's without consulting or obtaining their iwriuission to do so, was hclil in the Methmlist church licrc to-day. The coinmittcc appoints-d to hear the cvidciicc consiptcd of the Rev. Dr ltyrkmnu, president of the Montreal (‘enforcm-e and cx-oiliciu chairman of the Trial (‘omiiiittoc ; Rev. J. Dclong, of ltcnfrcw; Rev. J. Webster, of llobden; Rev. A. B. Johnstonc, oi \Vestiiionth. Rev. W. ‘Veils, of llcachliurg, and RPV. W. J. Ellis, of l'igvuivillc. Mr. lie-‘tier is holding matings ln town st present, “,‘t did not attend thi- trial, which waif. hold With cloui'd doors. No iilfthDul-ltm would be giviin further than that as n result of the day's delilmraiiim the Committee decided to sue d Mr Homer ‘on: the Ministry the Method-t Church of Canada till the nest conference. Hr. Homer may ï¬le a notice ol sp- pinl spirit thin drciï¬ï¬l wltbh two wail, bit it in lot likol, b0 Will do 'l'iu- ‘iliiiliilo Nziturul (his &iit)t.‘~' Full (‘ouipziiiv lids fitftfllllfll control oi . l i i l lw i ili 1'l‘o lhc “oi-thy L'Uldi‘.\'lltillllt‘lli. oi llu- ' lluri, sworn ‘July the dull-inlaid, Sumiicl (iodi-iicli, i uni-d foul uud nlnisivc language to inc ' l'llllt‘ “'ith'. . tlii-ir ropc. l l initi. llo did not turn up of course and now thc policc a c. looking for the ':i'.‘=‘. iiiitli. Trouble in Kitlcy. lilililllllt'll ~'|‘liis ll'iiil ‘nu July ‘ill lN‘ft)l‘t.‘ hli'ssi's.‘ :iiiil iii-cl-lii'i', J. l’., iii tliii on nu iiii'oriuzitinii lor using b I ‘t ww- "3' i id‘. . \l‘ ll'ii“il “ll'ls. llll‘ Francis - 10th ill. i lli : complainant, said ‘.-~-Uli \vlu'ii l Ill'i‘llllh'l'.‘4. was standing on my owu lll' llHkt‘tl lllP \vhci'i' his l riilll ilint l did not ltuow whcru it was. llc thru said .‘hnt l was 2i W“ ~-~~- lizir. llc said, “you ililYtl it," :Ill'l I suid that l lind iiol..~ llc thou said thul. l \vus a - â€"¢-â€"~â€"â€"- liiir and that l did liuvc il. llc. suid, "l'll int you know illltl you a llili' "- i-nuuol oil-r luv, you -â€"â€"--~ ll.ii'i'ict llui't, 1.5 yrs. old, duughtor of complainant, was itskcd if she uudcr~ . stood the unturu of .in outli. living] sum-u. shu deposed; “l was .il. the} front of the homic, my l I l mother was harm-Suing tho lioi'v-icuud l was helping Mr. llodcrich iisim-d iiiotlicr for My iuothcr said silic did not linvc it. lli- tlicii said she did‘ lisivi- it and culled licr a - â€"- and said that she was My lll'l'. lint going tn ridi- uvcr him. fniln-r Was iii-vhf.‘ at the tiiiic. Susan lliiit, qiicstiiiic-l it‘ Mr. (loll-rich sniil anything to i'cr mother hcl'oic hc iiskcil ft r the l'ililt‘, siiid "no." (‘hurli-s lirny sworn and (picstioiicd .as l/ti whcthcr he hcard any distirh fili'nl l I "ll" “I'M "5 ‘l "My “"“l-“m-b'l (tiodcrich) hi'uui- when l came ill‘. aucc on tlic lilth iii July, said that. inf ll";\l'|l .i hitol' ,i ruckcl, but. only l||‘-lf‘il (lodci'ich was lwlting his Triad in trout of his llc wcut to Mrs. llnrt’s gate and demand’ rd his rope. Mrs. llart said that she did not luivii it. Shortly afterwzirils tlic dcfcudnnl finding the rope in his own yard, shouted “l'vo got it." Thi- only thing llicnrd him say war“- “lly »- - ~~-~ l will have licr arrestml." llc diil not hi-ar (.lodcrich mill llt‘l‘ any haul nniucs; if there were any called it must have been before helicamc Hnnnicl llodcrich, defendant, sworn, “ii-l; "l dniiy using; the language sworn to by Mrs. llarl, hut. do not dcny iiWi-iiriugg about uiy rope. “'hcu l saw .\lr. Gray l was just going on . “'J' nwn promises. l thought that my town girl had hccu giving sass and l When Mrs. llart l called lici‘ it --- ------, she was swearing falsely, absolutcly falsely. My wife was standing by When tho row took pliicc'. The raekct was mused by Mrs. Hart's girls, pulling down and tramp~ ling our clean clothes ‘in the clay. When l heard the row l was working for Dr. Rccvcii. ‘I could see the clothes flying in the iiir and lhas- toned home." Asked who else was rament, he said that his wife and children were there. Examined by Magistrate Nichnll as to where the mpe was, he said he new one of the children pushing it under the line fence. Questioned idnnt swearing, he said that he did in], "By l will have my Mrs. Hut then said that I was a In, lyln‘ ----- --â€"- of s In. Oodsrlch,wife 0f tbO m- siit, sworn, sold ---"I heard my hes- hadnley ----- lell bsvs n rep er l will have about purl of it. girl iii the swrars that ‘ The grounds Tbssunouuesnisut mods last week that war had been declared between Chins sad Japan sound grove anxiety to many in this ssctiou. Among thou in whose sufet we are all interested are Rev. Dr. l and wife, Rev. Geo. E. Hartwell and wife (nee Miss lacks, of Morton), and Rev. Dr. Omar L. Kilborne and Wife, all missionaries in Com Cores is the bone of cobten- t'iou between the two nations and will probably be the chief battleground. The danger is that iii such an event the rabble will rise against the forcigir era to ‘whose presence they usually at- tribute floods, thought, wn, pestilence, or any national calamity. lii the township of Pitsburg near Kingston a pest has appeared iii the shape of an cat fly and so voracious is its appetite that niost of the late eats and a great deal of the early will be destroyed if the plague continues its ravages. The fly is so small as to be hardly visible to tho naked eye, but plucel under s microscope it is seen to be armcd with a pair of “pincnrs†with which it pierces the cut. A poison contained by the nippers of the insect works its destructive course, turning the straw to a reddish color. One bite is siillicent to blast a stalk of grain. With the parent are associated several of a brood, ouch of which docs its share in the work of destruction. it lifts been ‘2.5 years since the pest has been noticed iu that locality. ‘A. He not left. The place was Smith's Falls, llit‘ time was \Vcducsduy ol last week, the act-ms worn two commercial travellers. Tin-y both wanted to got to Newboro, tlu y both hoped to sell tho sumo mun and they both wanted to gct there first. flue of them silcully packed his trunks und went out to lli-cckville to gut the ll. it: ‘W. the next day and was mightily relieved’ when ho found tho “other ti-llow" was not scheme." Meantime tho other hnd his trunks curb-d down to the ltidonu l'mllc. and was soon to go through noun» thing like ii boar dauco as lic stenuiml away that night mvvard Nuwboro. But tho race is not ithays to the swil'tcst and about ninc. o'clock tho sumo cvcir ing the [hello wv-nt to l/llt' bottom and , ho lost four trunks of valuable siiiiiplcs. , llu ucut through another boar dance l and tho “other fellow" wcut through his customer.â€"-Record. . Canada's Grout I'alr. The 'llorouto ludustrial Exhibition, which is lo bu held from the 3rd to the , lTith of September, will no doubt be thugroutost fair of the present yew)‘. uudfroiii pri'scul indications it prom- ises to cxccl all others, both in point 0t , exhibits and in :itl.i'.llilitll(‘.t‘. of visitors. hitvc been vastly llil‘ {proved siucc lust your, and already most ofthcspncc in all the buildings has been applied for. All entries close nu the llih August; A good pro gramme of spi-cinl attractions. both uovcl iuid interesting, will ho provided :is usual. ltis only a little over a mouth to the time of the fair, and our i't‘iltliii‘8 cannot choose ii. better holiday trip than this offers. This great Fair has now lit-conic one of the best and most- popular cducatioiiiil and nutcr- tninmcnt enterprises ou this continent, and attracts visitors each year not only from all ports of the Dominion, but from tho United States as well, and those who haw never been there would he surprised at its magnitude and attractiveness, hciug almost like a \Vorld's Fair, only on a smallcr scale. 40>’ ll All" lr-ZLANU. SATI'HIMY, .luly 28.4"DIOHL cl the farmers in this vicinity have liuislini.‘ their haying, bud report the crop to have been u favorably good one. Lake Eloidn iipiuiam to ‘P038835 nn usual attractions at present, judging from the crowds which resort thither. Mr. T. llcrney passed through here yesterday and succeeded in infecting the nnli- of one binder. repaired another, and purchased n quantity of hogs 1 l “on to his, l i l l l l l l l l l l i, \Vn are pleased to again see thtl smiling face of our genial. friend, Mr. . Ed. \Vight,of Ottawa, who, together with his family, are visiting the scenes of his early home at Wi ht's Coniers. Miss L. llalliday, o Addison, is spending the holidays at home. Miss Junie Robeson returned last week from visiting friends in Ht Law, rcnce (90., N. Y. Misses Scott and Unvenauqli were guests of Miss Uors “ling last week. The school yard preQnts a lonely appearance during the holidays. Some of our yoiin people arranged fora gathering t t e lake Thursday evening and a v y pleasant time is re ported. It is pleasant to row in the iwiilght, When the day with its mm are our, And listen to the church hell's voices As they we: and meant! lint and sear. “His-qwl-t-w 5, . \vsnrdan. Snuoav, Jnlv 28â€"-Mr. R. J. bender and wife leave for Pembroke. Mr. O, Shaver has purchased a bicycle. Mr. G. Leeds!- sud wife upset lui week at. Churlwton. In. Rdld J. I'looil. leuvo for 8t, Ann's this week. Vldton: lei-slu- Verdun, R m-dflenlsy' siseIi-I, ~Iw~v l l l l l ‘ilii~ li-it liilll'5f~_ . ., M's/m 'p.. ~ , ‘w. . l "51's ‘~ . . 1â€â€œ " sii u carpenter. dollll' IRON Iva csnis s Methodist lies tsl bets, as be hind for from tsu to twelve yr“, provldod hollll bl! fl“, bll M- shavl and bls tobacco. It cents about flis do lsrs s your to buy tbs wardrobe of s common laborer, sud s Chissmsu will put on flesh on a dollar s month. Tbs majority of tbs rop'is of tbls t of Chins are wsll sd and well reused. They have faces, and they are, I believe, fur he plsr thsu the svs 10 borsrsln North mules. '1‘st mm sn- .Er ‘é? s i ClllNlSl BLIND BIGGAI MUSICIANS. joy tbcir lives and their families, endothey lire fur above the average of the world. in lliell' manners sud culture. 1 have mixed liidisi-iimiiiately among them sud find tnclii polite and kindly. They crowd about me wherever I izo. They ï¬nger my violin-s, and when l take s photogrs h or snip to writs a note, they almost bloc tbs sin-ct in their nnxlsty to can what the for- cigu barbarian is doing. Their curiosity, lll'“'t‘$"'l', is free from malice, and they nre um ibi- linifl) foreign devil-haters whom Inn-i with further up the river. lï¬iid much iu ihuin to admire, and l wonder i-vcry day iii tlwir Wonderful economies. l i't me iiiuiitioli s few of them. lu ilw first place lu the way of fuel. Ncui'ly all of tho tires in Nunking are made ill Hll'lHV and rw-ds. Every wliisp of dry pr. its is cut and saved. There are thou- riilllln' of people who do nothing else but imp tlli' reï¬ll which grow along the bunks of lliu Ynngim- Kinng mid bring thsn lute the i-itii-s- io sell. These reeds are as thick as iii» linen of u walking stick and srs .i'n-u iii'iwu fret long. They are cut and iinrkml along the banks and from llii\lll‘l' s'u-i-icd up sud down the river iu ilni bin will bums. .‘lncli wood as le u --i‘i is u» -l up in little bunches and iii sold l)!’ ‘oi-igi i. (‘ban-<- ‘i is sometimes found, and l' see licrr ii d iliiu'e little balls of C051 dust about i c siZH of a baseball. 'l'lie powder- e-d con] I" min-d with mud and dried in lid‘ shape. No one in (.‘liluii, however, (‘llllhl' rich nr poor, tliliiks of keeping \vnriu li\' mcuun lit furl. There m'o iii) llll‘|i.'\l.‘t‘H nor bnseburuers, and wedded ('luibiug among the pour and fur garments luv-um,’ the rivh licep out the cold. A ï¬rs 'i-t Ili‘Vt]' built by a poor man except when it H illiniillltl'ljl necessary, and the hot \i :iicr usi-d for the ten and rice iii the early llll'rllill'l is sold 1.). hot water stores. You mu wt a bucket of boiling water for one i~nib i-f a cciit, nud there is one such store iu Shuugbni' to ci'cry twi-niy families. A lulu“ amount of r.ce iii cooked st one time, .‘iil'l t'm- brmkfnsi r cc is warmed by the punt-im- of ho‘. wall-r uz' 'uot ten over it. up“ “in f cl ltvi, their are tar. shops or r.-.~i .=u-nni- nil "To. i hum, and 'you get very fuii' llli'llll't in these for small prices. Tin- cooking nv. Lu‘. air: at the entrance of no‘. . have often to ass hr cooks iii point, in to your moul. rho on i-i put int-i cups and hot water poured 1- ii. Aficr you have swallowed half iii tlu' (‘Ulllt'lllll the cup ls tiilnd with hot water, and one drawing of ten is supposed it! inst one cnstiiuer fur a iuiid. After he lance the tea grounds are gathered up and diied. They are sold later on t0 poorer res- tnurauts or to families, and nothing about the cook shop goes to Waste. Even the wn'er iii which the potatoes are boiled sad ilu- (‘flier vegetables i m-kcd iii illlVQtl and s iltl nu: ilm i'i-r-diu'; of hugs, and the bones (if Ilia Hilfitl. left‘ liwiltlld by’ tlifl makers (if l‘. \p pliukil, Mr Tgii'l'llill, the president ..f lit" Ndu'itiu: lililllq'nlif'l, told ms that in- inn. fur .. bin; llllit' tumble in getting .' un-n 'ni. to uni house with the llilll he found that butchers u: H-u it s liiilivll and sold them ‘. '. ,,,~, mu l'l',\' lewd? You we ...,.ii i‘~\ll~4 or lmiilcs lying about the . .7‘ it" \ll" for» igucrn of Nanlting. The 'ni- initi- llii‘ll'|. l'in-y sell the bottles, and l ii’ 'lli (it the cans is n-q-d by llie tili- prrt of the tin used in . the petroleum cans of .. ".lli :u. i;.-... unny, and every blt ~vi.l.ul up by the blacksinltlis nun tn cw .unl fnruuuu implements. A bu,‘- ,ntt ...' flit‘ rimurn of China aromatic .. ll burst? shoes, and these are brought I'l'l' it) ibi- ship lond from Europe, and pr“ caniid io all parts of the empire. .\lll'l' t .~ l"l'ltiit'.0~lili!s.-ili\il War they were ici u from the foe’. of the horse. killed in lntl' and were hr- ugbt hers by till! thou- sand-inf llnrrclfl. ‘l he old rloiln-s uuin of China docs n li'ig_t~i' broom-as than bin brothers of other lillllt) of the world. There are streets of lltl-llll-fltl Cltltliil'ifl in every Chinese i iii, and clnilmi are sold over and over a nan, until they get down to the beggars. It‘. inn time they are shreds of rags, but llwil' I ml is not yet. A fter the beggars iind ibvin too poor for evni illlll‘ use the nu- sold as uld rag< and artl bought by thg nuk- r-~ of shoes. The slim of the men n ltl buys of China b-ive solos iiearl an nub lllll'b, and these soles are mar s of Ill-{n “blob have been washed and dried and il-m pn-ird layer upon layer, until bl‘! i lt'lll'li the thickness requircd. The, n.~- (\l‘. ilwu into shape and si'e so polished lll~l'i{ ins sdgen that you would think than: mule nf different qualities of silk or ï¬ne --i~~iii, and the (fhliiimsrfs shoe if mann- 'nrtlitril ln Europe or Amado! would cost inure than the kind ws use ourselves. In of the rain boots for uiudd wr-niber an hard traveling 00l- ef l arr nftm added, and the ltlncrsiit shoo- mnin-r who sits in nearly mt block of s (‘lituese inwn llll hip-b ‘ iron shes tacks to drive into ths sol. to save weer and tear, and thcflm l“ ï¬ll". can ha" your Chimp sop menu equal to new. Ives the and mods r ah, who have thousands cf dol- hn invested ls their fiir gar- men", do ms threw than sway whsu lbs i. dmy. They, will weer n sossolsl and with his“ west till tbs ll ls a hiss! ac your ‘,1’, 1-,}. £011 4:1‘- i-\,' ii‘- 1. Mun, l l i i .' ‘Luigi - call." ,‘i "112'"! l H .it.‘ l . .. ii,;,iii , ‘l1. lit makln l l l ‘ able. “Philadelphia Times. 1 1 l a E 8 5 Egg; El U’ t‘. s-s 9- F s E may ports of ‘an srs, bowsvsr, organ be, have a trades uuiou “Wiplntotbsbuslusll ll llOIl. kg have their klup, oitlss m vldsil up lute bssts. sud waste the nun who sttslipts to lump his brother s elalin. Tbsrs ls surs to bss l'ht an he will be run into prison or out cl town. These beggars supect to t s ssr- tslu smooch-say ous teeth e a out n day-from such store keeper eii their beat sud you can sometimes pay them to kssp other beggars away. At Wu u s mission owned s home fsclug on two stasis. s had bsflsrs on both sides of him, but hs bully nrssgsd §~ 'm- t IIGGAR WITH BREWER THROUGH cums with the beggar in front to keep his rear clearwl by the payment of s small sum per month. As soon as the bargain was made the beggars at the buck of the house went sway and h» has had no trouble since tlieu. Here in Nuukiiig there is s royal guild i-f litiggltlil, established, it is said, by the Emâ€" pcl'iii‘ lluug We, who began life as s beg- gut‘, nud became one of the greatest sm- livl'lil'ï¬ China ever had. The head of this guild cflii prevent a shop or s family being n. unveil byi the beggars, and there is a si urin of buying oï¬ the assaults of bcg~ curs, which prevail throughout Chins. And wliitili exempts the man who pays from [livlr visits. As it is, every one gives to tlin lit-gain‘. Tbi- tricks and schomcs which those beg~ unis gut up lo screw money out of the peo- plu ari- legion. Thcy iiiultilstc themselves in all MLlH of wnps to excite pity. The Phineas are, however for more charitable than is generally supjdscd. They mini butter cure of their families than any i-llic!‘ iicopln of the World, tend fl min is i-‘lllllliiku'il iii ail liii-i poorcr relatives lllll 10 help lllMIl on in the World. Willi all the . beggar-i there are, l venture, fewer uncm' ploy-d people here in China to-day in pro- pntlliiii to its pOpiilat'uni than there sre iii tln- l'iiitcil Stzilcs. tliir ideas of the Chinese, crude in the ciireiue. This is ucouutry of tlic ricli as well as of tho poor, and l nee svi'ry hour the evidences of a nociel, inieli ‘ li“‘lllL\.l and industrial lifc, which are dif~ . h-i'eui. from any description» of liblns l have ever read. and which urn interesting . in the extreme. however, are 1 ' eral hours. over tbs laud, and petal. were infested with rat csuskss men who vvsrs clearing up new lend sent for Jones’ hogs. "This ‘is no romance, for! talked with Jones himself, and he told me all about it and exhibitcd his booli of engage- ments, which ulso contained s record of all the snakes slain for the past twelve months. I have every reswu to believe that he wss stating the facts, for he gave inc a warm invitation to visit his place, and promises to give an exhibi- tion that would demonstrate the skill of his snake-klllsrs."~hfsvv York Ad- vertlssr. ‘I'reed by n Moose. One cold January (lay Mr. Hamilton, who was in the Maine woods as s forc- inan for a lumbering compau , went out pros ctlng for s ruce. {1e pru- dently lc t his rifle st t e camp, fearing :10 might be tempted to break the gums sws. While picking his way through a flr thicket he was suddenly startled by s resounding below, and found himself close upon a bull moose. The man lost no time in dodging behind a great birch. Roi- s. moment the moose stood still, as if surprised, then vented his wrath upon apile of spruce tops and boughs that lay near, tossing them about as if they had been a stack of jackstrsws. Meanwhile Mr. Hamilton climbed lntc the birch. And there in the hitter cold he was forccd to stay for six long hours, while the moose kept watch below, quite re‘ gurdless of the cramped muscles and achln bones of his victim. At last he mover off, and the foreman ventured down. Unless the (lame Commissioners send him a bodyguard, Mr. Hamilton de- clares that hereafter he shall carry his gun into the woods.â€"â€"Youth’a Com- panlon. Neither Turtle Will (llve Up. Two months ago u crowd of coal min i0!" near Newport took two snapping turtles into a cockpit and forcing open their jaws poured some whisky down their throats. Then they were turned loose on each other, $800 being wagered on the outcome, but with the under’ 'stnndlng that no decision would be . made until one of the ansppers gave up or was killed. The turtles fought fiercely, each tearing his antagonists . head and neck with his horny beak un ‘ til one obtained s grip upon the other's . flipper. After a l)!‘le but inefl'ectual ; struggle to break his antagonists hold, - the turtle whose flipper was thus caught seized the other by the neck. Aside from a stcady “weaving†motion there was no further demonstration for scv The crowd of miners watched thcm from curly evening until . long after midnight, when the two turi . tles, each retaining his viceilike grip on Huron and “or-"inst. Let me explain the difference ln rank be tween a baron and r. lléll'Uiitd. The latter i is the lowest order of lll'TfiitlltltE'y rsuk and l ciitiilcsllle holder t'\ he itddzesned so Sir l and his spouse as Lady. 1t in lll point of . i from fashion as did the docking c bors- i es, but from a necessity on the farm. the l ranch, the cars sud the boat. The or- l l flow Dehorulng 0rlgluotetl. Delicrning cattle did not ori heats procedure i'niilt sixty ï¬ve and permits the bolder tosit i'u the House of Commons. whereas that of baron entitles the holder to the rank, title and dignity of lily Lord and s seat in the Houseef Lords. The style of address to the spouse oi the holder of the title is still .\ly Lady. 'l'lis rank of baron ls the lowest of the five ordsrauf peers and entitles the foiuily of the hold rrs to lieknowu and addressed. M Honor inz of cattle costs the stock r scr hundreds of dollars snuu lly'. l'aclilu ' for transit on cars is muc safer if an . msls are polled or buï¬alc headed and when it comes to packing cattle on lmsrd ocean cattle bests, the advantage is decidedly perceptible. Wh 9% animal with a weapon for‘??? Ii nature for protection ores sno ‘r r0 pure devilmeut, asls r neatly tba case on large cattle ranches, t is natur that the owner should interfere and remove the wespon.-â€"Orange J udd Farmer. -. ...._ ....._..s. ....._>..~ ._ -. The Quantity Required. A 001?)“ of old stagcrs in the fish line went o on n flshln aunt, and wlléh the returned, one e i em was tolling the r ex rlences. "By eorge," he said, "we saw fifty snakes. " "Come 08 i" protested tbs listener. "But l tell vou we did, and I'll swear to lt." “And I iia come off." lusts t listener. " on took along only A of liquor. and I know that it woul rc- qnlre st least. gallon to get you two up to where you could see that mm! snakes." i l‘ Chastity of Honor." Who is the original author of the brass "chastity of honor." used by herd itosebsry on s recent occulcnt Last week l mentioned that it had been used by Lord Bewccnsflcld. Acorn- speudsnt of mfus has uow found the some phrase in Burke's "French Rove lotion." Thm is nothing vsry o Ml or remarkable about the words by m- vulva, and they ml ht costly be as old u Adair-if Adam ad spoken English. ~London Truth. Delicate "sitting Instruments. Thescslss used tn the Model: Mint can show s dlï¬srsnes in the welghtofs curd after a name hes been writtsn upon it. “mi-mil i‘hing 11:8‘th iu them: n so ii "that. stamp limped £13" scsls w i urn the lads: on the s distance six t a. “stem. ll. int sssn "we'mmbbhu. any" also! new.“ : the other, were curried from the pit and ilaced in the cellar of the deserted ioui-ie. This was two months ago, and 1 since then neither of the siinpiicra has shown any symptoms of \veakcnin his hold upon the other, and the bets iavc not yct been declared off-Newcsstle (Pu) Special. A l'sruliar Friendship- "The most peculiar friendship I ever sew formed was one l_>ctweeu a hawk and arooater," said l). it. Franklin. at the tiibscn. “time day, when living on a farm in \Vestern Pciiusvlvauia, l shot and wounded a hawk. \thn l picked up the bird l found that its wings were broken, hut otherwise it was uninjured. Mv sister beg ed that the creature's life be s ared. an the rel neat was granted. Wit iiii ii. fcw days the hawk had be‘ come quite tame and would come to us for its food when we called ii. The chickens were greatly {it 'iilened at its preseiiminnd kept up couriulerable fuss. ‘. great dcaiof good. This soon Wore oil and ui a slioit iiuie i its presence was taken as a umttcr of course. The bird was tied to a stake in the back yard and the fowl! would go sew-rail times a dny to look at him. ()ne rooster, more courageous llll'l the rest, concluded to get acquainted with the cncmy. lii some way they succeeded in communicating together and establish inga bond of friendship. They ivcre constantly iotctlicr, and after the hawk'i-i \\'(illiiiir-. hn-l healed and ho was liberated tn- would spend n portion of each driy with his friend, the rooster, payiii no iiiicnt'iozi to the other chick nus. nsonie way lie must have told ilieotlicr hawks that our flock was undid-his spvcinl mire, for we were never troub ed with tlicni afterward, although before that we had lost s great many chlckeiis."~-Clncinnati En qulrsr. The “H's-plug of N Orson. fill you r-vcr ace a horse cry? Many people believe that horses do not wce , mi tiltlut‘ who have had much to 1 o with these faithful creatures know that on several occasions they will shed tears, as \vcll as cxpri-ss sorrow, lii the inost limirtbi-ciikiiu: manner. In the West. where the hardiness of the ponies (moses the riders to almost overlook the necol sit)’ of providiiu: for their needs, it ll quite common when the weather ls or tremcly cold to leave an unblnnkcted pony tied for two or three honivi when the temperature ls iisarl zero, Ind while its owner is transact rig business. in this case the suffering ls evidenced by the cries, which are almost like ache, and uniiiiiitahsble tears fresco on to the checks like iciclea When s hem isiis in the street and gets injured the chock iii-ally nnmhs his senses so much t it docs not either cry or but under some conditions an in med hone will solicit sym thy in the most dis- tinct manner. remember a favoritd horse of my own which trod on u null long enough to phi-es its foot. The poor to msouthrss and thl hobbled ii umrlyl s scintill- anything I on descritia The tom'lln’ ‘in l ‘l much ll liter than q chll of the t armoineter can be mods much larger than is now usual. and lt willnet onlybo heuisrtorosdthcrecord, thermometer / "I A Mr. J. W. Dykem 8t. George, New Brunswick. . After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition ‘Hood's bunnparliln cave Perfect Health. ‘l The following letter is from s well-known l merchant tailor of 8t. George, N. it: “C. l. llocd 8i (70., Lowell, Mass: "Geniismcn-â€"l am glad to say that Hood's Bsrlsparilla and Hood’: Pills have done mo s i lind a severe attack of ‘ the grip in the winter, and alter getting over the lever l did not seem to gather strength, and had inc ambition. Hood's Barsnparlils proved to be ‘just what l needed. The results were very lssiisfactnry. and I recommend this medicine to ‘all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other i ’ aw‘ illood s ,... ii es {emotions caused by poison and poor blood. I lslwsys keep Hood's Serrapsrills in my house and use it when I need s tonic. We also keep Hood's Pills on hand and think highly of them. ' J. W. Drussuiv, 8t. George, New Brunswick. i Hood's Pill. are purely vegetable,aud do notpursv. min or gripe. Bold by all drum v -___..___-u _>m...__._._..___.._. WE HAVE Just received a large consign ment of .. Ladies’ -:- Watches Which Will be sold at SPECIAL PRICES Gold ITillcd Warrantod for 15 years at Q11) Silver 925/1000 line at...... . Wu’? Al-l- AllERlOAN MAKE These prices are less than they cculi'lbc bought for at auction, and much better goods. The largest stock of iWrdches in Brock Villfl to make a selection. rem. 0cm Srscmm'v-tlie correct ï¬tting of Spectacles. Wm. Goats: G Son szntsiis Aim cr'ricuiis 222 King Street, Brockville BRMKVILLB Business College siioiinuiiiiT arioum Commercial Course Thorough nails antenat- Send for Illustrated Cstalogue be- fore deciding where you will go. GAY d. McCOItI), Principals W511 is... Wall Papers' We shall be pleased to have a call from intending purchas- -_.~_~_.