â€" ~. v. i, n I . . e v ,z†. ,r . l we i. die Louie.“ not. i.i line-viii. for FASHIONABLE TAILORING, . ' WWW" 1!- J- XEHOE. " . WWâ€" VOL. 1X. N0. 3:. -wqum- -- _ . , V _‘ jwc , , H. j. . _. . GEO. G. HUTCHESON & CO. We are still to the fore with our Summer Bergnine. We hove fourteen (ll) white and colored Blouse end Shirt Weicte left out of our lei-go stock. Not culls, but patterns, which we have repeated, and are of our best selling lines. The reductions are as follow: :«Nice quality Waist: bOc fur 400. 76 for 60c, 95c. for 750 , 81.20 for 900., 81.50 for $1.15, 01.75 for $1.25, $1.90 for $1.40, $2.25 for 81.05, Jae. These are from the best makers, and well worth buying for future m. .0 ., i -- ' “u HEADQUARTERS FOR GINGHAMS rm to ma up SEERSUCKER 50 yard - , PRINTS from 50. yard V BEES GOODS away ï¬wn. Come in and see what we are offering. Telephone 149. 0H)- 0. HUTOHESON & 00. PARASOLS at cost. W, w V .w ï¬_-ai-‘--..____~ ~...._H._â€".._.._.7~ ,M..-" A -.‘_......»._A‘ ,...._... . 7 7. -.W....... grammar... _ Lyn Wang. BUILL STREET. . . BROCKVILLE ruuwux. summon .li .iccovouiwn. l have, ready for delivery, a $ large stock of CULTIVATURS HORSEâ€"HOES AN 1) \VINGED Slâ€"lOVEIrPLOWS ROBERT WRIGHT til CO. SHOW ROOMS AT THEIR NEW STORE IN DUNIIAM BLOCK OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE AVENUE. Grand Millinery Opening Wednesday Next, Sept. 17 AND FOLLOWING DAYS. ,Dr- Stanley 8. Cornell ,lul arnuu'r.‘ ATHENS ' menu»: mummies on Worms. a“Dace Dayezâ€"tne afternoons of Tucedayl. Th“"““"â€"“ “'“r‘m†if you want the best and cheapest outfit, got one of my improved l'lorscâ€"lloes and a Shovel-Plow, two distinct tools, on Exhibition, PARIS, LONDON and NEW YORK PATTERNS; Trim» always “only to hitch to. 1 mod lioniu-ts and Nuts; Infmite’ Trinile Huts [Hid Bonnets; Untriinnicd ., . 1“, {3 v» - ’ ‘. z J †~ ' i e i SC†them h", $12 {ht Inâ€. felt and lmur littffl, llunws. hinthi r3, ind,» Binge, l‘lll‘lilitl‘y Ornuuuntii, .lct lriuiiningu, Millincry, bur I‘i'iuiniings, Lie. J. F. Harte, M,D., C.H., l’ll \'Sl(!lAN,SUllilEUN & ACCVOUUHLR. Uriuluuto lloynl College (Queen 3 l iiiicteiiy.) Member of College of l'lilï¬ll‘lnllH-l’flil blur eons, Uni. Ultico: Mum ex... uppimlii; humble ouno Athens. 2;! .32 Dr. F. H. Koyle Diseases of tlic Hyv. Ear, Nose nod 'l‘liront. Al. llic office, of Ur. i'm'iiull. .U lluoii Mrch. llliuk K V “Alla. From 9 n. in io 1;: in. “ 4 v. in to (i in. in. 22593 M. A. Evertts, ' Allilln‘l‘idlt. i-‘iillJi'l’I‘Olt, NOTARY . l‘L’iiLIL‘. 54c. Money to ioim on may icruie. Ulilooiu l‘iirish lllock. Aiiiene. For particulars, cuts, address etc†ALSO A LARGE DISPLAY OF DIRECT IMPORTED Milliii ' (loocla, Feather Cushions 75c ouch, Feather Pillow 750, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.89 oncli‘ 3 lbs. to each Pillow, covered with Linen Tickings. 2 yd. wiilo Twillcd Flannel Sheeting, «X‘tm nice, even quality, (We p('l‘ yd. Now lot, Luilim‘ Umbrellas with supniior (‘il\i'l‘lll;_4 and pretty shades, iitut light frames, lzilcst 7i0\f.lllill's prices $1.10 nnd $1.29 each. in grout "minty. Wood, Webster, 86 Stewart | ‘ a Minimum, 5“. v I H RHMEM Hintâ€"XVI: are selling out all our Mom‘s. ,md boys; Hui“ "KARL T ' \‘lllllli ARI! .\'l‘lll‘lXL‘5 ' ‘ I - 0"†"ll‘l’i‘ll’iciz’r W" “rm 5" “‘“T‘†“WW†1658 of cost. Hunt: out of this «luluirtniviit of our lllJSllth». Wednceibe) and [burning of every ‘NI'Clt. . oney lo imin on «may tvruis. 1“. Wow». QJ). lino. it. “‘EBSWTI“ ' ii. A. :iirmuiiu'. Large display Funny Goods. Imported (lernuin Tnilor finished Mnutles, plain, Fur-triniiiicd, curl fniicy :md plnin ,3riiid~triiiinii-il from VSE so each, upwards. :vlmiiuni llilll hers-:7 weight i'lic‘tii Capos with uml without, Slf‘th‘S for eltln-i'iy lil(ii('S. ‘ll‘f'SQ Howls G. P. MCNISH 'l‘clcphonc ill. , Fraser, Reynolds 8; Fraser. AltillS'l‘Elw, SULIi‘J'l‘UllS. Eur. Oillco Uuuisiook liiovk. l'ouri. House .‘ivcnuv. Brockvillo (Ilium hour» 779 min. to a gun. MONEY Loan or; i-Zirii‘ 'l name. H ‘ Hm. (I. l“. Hum“. .34.. M. J. “EVNHLLPB. U. K. Flinflrtit. mill inn-5.»: 'l‘i‘iinniiiigw, ,-__..,_......._* v Mid Full (lvr-i'eonts. . e i , . . JI'ES'J HEUEIVEE~c0iiipleto new assortment. Celebrated l) .l: A. Kill *' f‘ ' ,, . fitting Corsets; every pair guzirnnteod. T919. 138. ROB’T WRIGHT & CO. .,_.._.-,._..._._ W- -7... W..4.~_._.._.. _..._.r _.._. w“mmd LEWIS & (PATTERSON Merchandise for the fall Season is commencing to pour in from every source. ‘vVe huv: {Ii-taro. extra care to have every piece ofgoods th'it we offer ll‘iC public extra good value. Few outsiders realize how much hmin effort is put foth every season to have stocks just right. Piano Tuning WILLIAM A. “WILLS is pmpnrmi in. iialu‘ - are for Piano-form Tuning and liopuiriug. l I ere may be left hi this office or COlllllllllllCfl< um uddmnwdi-ilioxoii‘i mmmm. am. is on his way to McLaughlin’s To get the latest in Hair cut and ii good clean Shave, Arm- .. MM . mm strong House. ucxt dour to Dr, J. H, (3, Todd, lRttllLlliig Room, Athens. VE’E‘ElthAlH' Hi'ltuP‘.()Np 2.3:! ‘ rune Dentist. llrauluaic of ("1111‘ " ‘l':l‘i.iilr)' Collage, l-‘onairury ll’lt'llllltfr of an; anor» inury Medical ‘imflt‘iy. licxici. I t’ij‘illlltrof Vcterinnr .‘iusociiuion of ('mv'v :' . , rerun all (“Woo donineiimiud :ini'vw ‘z, my ilicbosi system known. All cells or: , .1; intend-ail to. Chai'geniumlcrme. N Orrwic: King Emullroclzvnic opposite the Albion Hotel. J. P. Lamb, L.D.S.g DENTIST. After more lhnn ‘i‘flyoiirs c'\pcri. moonMr. bomb is prepared lo ri-mior Lhc host Mirvicoa in both nicciiiuiioul and surgical dent. lstry. Today it is Mantles :incl Mantle Cloths. We have. rcâ€" ceivcd most of our fall importation of cloths and we are now prepared to execute all orders promptly. l’romptnCSs and courtesy make friends. MISS VANCE is again in charge ofthis department and your order Will have her careful attention. Make no mistake -â€"â€"205 King Street 5 the place to bl33»'f~'i,li...‘.7 Mantles and °‘ 5' LEWIS & PATTERSON Tel. 1’. S.â€"â€"All Mantle Cloths bought from us cut and fitted The Gamble House, ATHENS. T1118 FINE NEW llltl('K llll'l‘l‘il. “All been (-logaiiily furnlelimi throughout in tlii'I latest nt lee. Every attention gin-n w the, . ta. Ll Mule 'urde Mid stables. ' "grip? “M if“ i) l'llï¬lu‘b}. Prop 1' V SOCIETIES :W †‘li'ol'mereville Lodg .. No. 177 x 0. U. W. ‘ month. in ., Athena. f: i‘ . a w. 0. '1'. U. " ' mm . of the W. UT. 0. mt‘v-fl on A “Jrl‘fhhrridny of each month in tho 1'. (IT. hall. M. :1 pm MIL-l. KLIJU'N‘ Prim. i Mine s'roNic. ucc‘y. O. 0. 0. F. Council No. no Con-«lien Order of fluids meet the 2nd and lib Mondays math in the Temple Hell Addison. : i 1 shi . A d and l‘rotectlon. I‘m I'lv‘rlmdUN D ChiefCounoillor HERBERT irirw. Reconlcr I. o' r. 0“ on Buoli. No. on. lode ndent mgr-It" meet in Bingo Hal. Glen glimimdï¬th Fride in each month. At 1 iiivv ewelcomu. N C R .J.ANDI r. J. mono . n. e. Addisoii Lodge A. 0. U. w-. NO 358 moment loll on Irimrrhliï¬mï¬ MWNE' {.3 -I0!“ l." . 161 free. «In. . "mu _ .. 1'. em . v 23:: M. WHITE 8‘ :0. Merchant Tailors. Arc bv'i Mr then m or prr‘pnrcri to turn out ï¬rst ('an gull. They are going out of "an Mmlv k tubing, "Ali, (‘npo and l-‘urmiiml wilyl dovmoiheir whole iimn and eiioniioniothe iii-tiered Worli Department, which is now nu: dPr ihe mpg-n inion of M‘ n. limtxuivmm. form~ orl) with. r. (i. F2. Aehluy, of this town. which in It eufllnivm gurmmoc of 'he quality of work we will turn out. M. \VIII'I‘E 8; CO Opposite the Mnrkei “ " BIIOCIVILL ONTARIO GREAT SALE VVlNG to the severe accident which happened to C. M. llabcock. he has decided to sell his stock of Dry ,Goods, Mantles and Millimer at wholesale oriccs fora short time and reduce stock. it is assorted in every department with the ï¬nest goods brought to the COuntry. No reserve. Bargaiu Day every Tuesday and special price: made. A M eeob It. 8' c. in. nancocn, 1311()CI{VI L14E TELEPHONE 197. ...... h , WM 70.. “no! his-Moon'mmmm“ «Smut-unmummuqmun“ Himalayan-u... I. “Madmen-onus... ,-.........~ M. c.-. ..,. AN 100,000 DEACON w w ' 4 AND ciiiisms I " Em. M “We ,. w- in c w - , . lama“ W“i'l"\19'" ‘ i l , J . n, .i ' F I- .4â€! ..p .4, ll. l: STYLISH MiLLINEiiY l who curl-ll umicl llt'Hll‘l’llllg roars. liAllGAle’ in Men's and Boys: W'iiilcr ()vvrcmits and Men's Spriiigi In, W Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Tuesday, Sepmber 26,1898. iiiiuiis. EVEPY MAN ON THE TEAM HURT Brut-l Treatment Beach“ by the OO- uwn Players -- Honing] Bough- Allowod to Beat the “Visitor. â€"lbmmks Have I.- torod I Protect. Mommy Sept. 25.-â€"Tho Cepitele of (Minn, lacrosse chnmplons of the world. Think the roean of the great mstch on Seturdey lftornoon between the Cu mu. of Otters, end the Shamrocks, of out- roel, and the end of the increase eerie- for the present anon. 'l‘be Cepltnls have worked herd for the honor and they decerve their cocoon. They pleyed clan inch on Suturde , end bed the best of the playing throng - out. lo we: a greet match. An enormou- crowd was present, the estimated unend- once being over 10,000. The Shamrock teem was the some In last year: Dnggnn, cal; Murny, point ; Moore, cover point. ( 'Brieu, Dwver, Hin- ton, defence ï¬eld; Kcll , centre ; Neville, Mo‘v’ey, Tunney, home eld; O'Meurn, outâ€" side home; Tucker, innide home: D. Tune soy, captain. The Capital: team won : Crown, goal ; Patterson, point; Quinn, cover point ; De- viue, ll (.‘nrnon, Janie-i, defence ï¬eld ; Bienonotle, centre; Carlton, Canon,l.noey, Ketchum. home; Murphy. inside home; Stuart, captain. Referee, W. D. Aird; umpires, D. Shop- purd and F. Luz-mouth. The game started promptl at 8 o'clock, Kelly and lliesounctte face and Biseon~ nette passed to Carson. Rapid shying on tho l‘apilnl goal followed, but Quinn ro- pwimliy soi'od. (“ileum and Tucker did great Whl‘k. (‘npitulu rushed down irre- sistibly ninl anon-d in 3* minutes. The wound gnmo was even footer, the Capitals lowing it all their own way and Murphy nearing in l§ minutes. in the third Kilan tho Capitulu' defence wuiuontrong for the green guorneeyc' home. choml fouls took place and Him tun had to retire and Burke replaced him. (‘mwn gut. u cowardly blow on the fore- hmul, lxuttwico rnliuved brilliantly. The leli‘llrMHiS were a. tumuiu tliciueeivoe, U'Mrum lust hie lil‘llll ninl ntruck right and loft lll'llllt ruin 1y i ‘inivii relieved the goal and fnlliiig lip carried off the ï¬eld. ileviiw mmle ennui rouiurlm as he was: carrying f' in (Hill wns knocked do“ Ii ivy 1i Nl-\l-i'o‘ lawn in the eye. Nimimocke picks-ii up after tho rest Ali aid-innit wan inmln by Pxfl‘l‘y mi lin-gli Cur Ni'll, lint Hugh k'pt lilil inimlu Iiuwu rind lie-iv Wile Vl'fll‘rll‘1l, in hunting; of tin: r- film! was fearful. Jaiin ninl Putin-Nun rupwnlr-iliy when 1 their grail. After pan-i in; up ill" field la'vlly llf‘HHt‘ll i<,.’l'in:lwr, 'fiino . A. ', ini'i in I‘»:\"i‘_ 4‘32 Mini two {he inuifli game lnetv-ul three minutes, Hwy ei‘oi'liig. Each side l.ml now two gillllt‘il. i nil‘nlii Mil Q'Bricii Wulil off in the uftli gm», and Lacey {coelvml an injury in the iilul an that ciiunmi him to be carried off ii: 1 i. :pecltnted him. During 5 foul, wi 'll the referee did not notice, the (’npiinl defence refused to play and Kelly trivd to wqu through but was ninppo-il by Crown. in the play which followed Tucker put Crown's hand in Chancery and struck him twice. The referee ni-vnr no- ticed thin, and play being resumed the Capitan scored, Time i0 iuinutt-e, it wan too dark to H113 tlioguuw. Not only this, but the crowd broke into the field and the rowdy who had previously assaulted Devine run out of the enclosure and deliberately hit Murphy. Hugh Cer- ium threw hlin about ten fwt null using his «tick M c xocm‘ kept the mowdat bay. Stuart liilsllvil his men into the drcuein - mum and a general row was prevent . The whole crowd wrre- on the ï¬eld and it look time to clear tlwni 03. There WM eight minntuu to play and the Capitals bravely came out. The darkness wen too green. to play. The moon came out, but Ml lliwli in shame at the row’flyiem. A mini ulrlll‘k Stuart with hie flat and Carson “as u'nylaiil by the crowd, which rushed on the field, but all got off safely. The (‘npimia fought and bled profusely for the championuliip, but they won. it by three games to too. All the Team “on. OTTAWA, l-le t. Zoneâ€"Nearly 58,000 'ieoplb met the C. .H. trein bringingé‘ n the Cu itele yesterdny morning at 2. l. The wi vie-t enthueinem prevailed and the great ell indignntion we: cxpmwd here at the rough play showered on the Cnpitnln. Word from [wary wee receivod hm night thnt he in nomewliut hotter. George (Yer- qun bee in broken rib from aban from O'Brien, and oil the team are more or leeli hurt. ‘ A Proust. Morn-nun, Sepl. 25,â€"Tho Himmrockl have protested the match. When play (‘Pmd on account of darknch and the disorderly crowd on the ï¬eld, there wu still left 2; minim-r. of the two bonre. The teams may he ordered to play for ll} minutes or month.“ match me are to be plan-d. The dwinion rah w til the coun- cll of the league. Found Bound and Crazy. Qi'rma'. Sept. 25.-â€"-The men Fefnrd, who but been misein from 8t. Roch D- Anlneie, this last wee with a sum of 8000 end who who thought to be in Chicago, was found )eeto-rdny morning at Levin in n occluded spot gagged. with urine cud lent bound tight end in adeincnted con, ditinn. He we. brought into the bones of bio uncle. it impure tbot lut Tue-day night Feforil wu seen on board the fmy boot gningto Levin. He won in nwngon in company with mine Inlpicionl abandon end helplm. endently under the influence a! nlilm-ufnriii. annril may recover from the terrible ordeal, but will surely feel the effectuof this ndvr'nfn‘re All hlsllfc. His mental fecultiee cannot rmover inm-r Prnbnhflltlrc. Onenwu-orv, Tommi"), Sept. 25.â€"A deprmion in developing over Lake Michi- gan and in likely to cause high weet And nurihwmt winds over the lake district. Fair weutlm- and modcrete temper-em ore at meat velont from the lake: to the At antic. end cool with front. u nicht. Proboblliuee : Labs -- Untitled end ebowery with turmoil; wind from south ehiffl to north m och ml: to- t.‘ 3 Id I [III I". Gulf and Hewitt-o Preview-lie w.- tbcv and moderate whil- (oh; a. m M m. Mime-Noni“ to m I“; he weather; coll nub. cal hut. w“. â€"â€" k " " m m... ~W~mnmw “.w.m__â€"â€_.â€"- m u the Northwest it is fair:- ‘ i i. *5“ VIDMCTIVK “MK!†MKHII’VONOI-mm†Dyna-us 8n bronco, Iopt ilâ€"An upho- bn d Rum“. clock and"? com on at one o' y y morning. Two people were killed end Ill in and. The explosion took piece on the st walk in front of John Ourteln‘s non- union ullor boarding-house, end in cup- soud to have been, on exploelon of ynunito, with intent to injure non-union allots, end to have been perpetrated by union ullon. George Ho men. n stove- ilore, and "Brick" Houinnis, e non-union seller, were instantly killed. Willlun He~ Kinzle, Willlnm Green end Chen. Murphy were fatally injured. end John Curtain, it. sorlously injured. Three union Inllon wen muted on suspicion. A Steamer Detained. an Your. Sept. allâ€"The stoma Auguste Victoria. of Lhe Hembu Ameri- cen line, in now detained at Sou, empton to nwnit instructions from So nâ€"Genoâ€" rel Wymon, of the Marine hoop tel service at Wuhingtou Emil Boa, agent of the Hmburg-Amoricnn line in this city, re- ceived a cubic meanings from Hemburg outing tbnt is suspected case of choir-re bod nppeered Among the firemen on the vocal. A later dupstch from Hamburg mm that the August. Victoria boil nr- rived ct Southern ton in perfect unitnry condition. The roman suspected of hav- ing cholera in Hamburg has recovered. The delpntcb Mid thnt the ship Would be bold in Southnmptnn eubject to inntruc~ tions from Dr. Wyinnri. Must Change tho (trow- WAsnilimm, l-‘u-pt. 2.1â€"4». “'"ziinn has notiï¬ed the Hamburg American .‘fi-iiinship line that they must disinfect the Augusta Victoria at Southampton. if there are my stecrnge plin'h‘ongt‘rfl on board they mnet be removed and quarantined for five . duyo. The crow lune". lm vhnngerl or sent back to Hamburg and others engaged in their places. Iv" the \‘i' l Iiiii‘v. Cmmmo, Sept, ‘2?) u-‘l‘ho final game in between lven, of the eixrnightn match, of lmnilnu, was Chicago, lll‘ll Roberta, played on Satin-2..) I maintains, the AlliFl'li'llll l. ewinner of the gain:- content flflllll lnlli'll t‘liiliiiniflfllll. Ivee begun pin)“ with the bulls “they were left Friday night but m-ored only 19, Roberts followle Willi ‘2â€. in the sixth the latter loft A Mi up llll'l lvvn riu: iii}, the imm- living lwn Sill), Roberta «l‘J. Then the Eiigliuliu‘mn impoiziinil with 78 but- tons. lit the- Mn'eiiloemh lic foflclil-d 7‘3 with a. total of 22“ in lyre 2380. “my was slow. in the bwtllilyrl'lg'lllli [we run 31 and , Roberta new.er 4‘4, ll’il‘. inc; the bull!) on the : roll for lvea The: emu: mienâ€"wives 4‘34, Ruin-rm BIN, ‘l‘lsoii lvcu [vials fill' and movie this higgmi run of the multi- euoring until he ii-m-iizviJil, the lit‘iii. provioiin run l)“llli.f 308' '3! wig-,v-reil‘imi moodsâ€"«I‘ve 8’3“. Slnliei'iii £330. thirtynueunnil it Wm: lwu lilo, Roberts .572, yet the Englishnmn play-ii great billiard» in the lnnt inning and panned iii-i own best score with Hill. This loft rim ecum- th‘M 905, rillill‘l‘ifl 5:98. with 34. The grand 0.000; Roberts, 5,1303. total ween lveu, Mysterious Double Murder. waros, Penn, Sept. 25.-â€"â€"An inoffen‘ live old couple, Samuel Riclitly, 5129(184 yearn, end his wife, two years younger, who lived on tlu-ir farm lit‘fll' this place, were foully mnrderml some time last night. The murderer ant ï¬re to the house, but it was (lli‘f‘O'i't'fV’il by thu neighbors and extinguiehod. The ohm-red remains of the aged Couple wuru fiillilii lying nu u had in Broom on the first floor, Mr. skull th line-xi frnwiured by n hatchet or are, and hire. liigiiily'n homi nmi fave wure out in saw-ml pint-M. Nothing is known no to the motor... of the murder, no the old couple “mm in indigent circum- alnncen An impth in lll‘lllxlll'1ll to day, One. Morn Dead. PERU, Ind, Sept has been milled, Ln the lint of those killed in the \Vabnnli wreck at Kingebnry. \Villio liimliinu, one of the London Orphan Boll Ringers, died yea-«play iiinriiing,nfter two dnyn of intense mam-tine, sitcom hnv~ ing melded his far-e m bully that the skin on one side drum-ml off. 'ilio body end leg: were also melded end one leg wu ica'z'lbly cgiiehv-d. Against. Mob Rule. CRATI'A‘NOOGA, Tenn, Sept. 25.«-Tbe Presbytery of Knoxnlio has adopted u re- solution condemning in the strongest terms 1 the Alarming inf-roam of mnh violence and ‘enjciniiig upon it» ministers to do what they can to nrrent thin wide a road end in crooning disregard for the luv. were ordered to road the resolutions in full to the congregations. A Plane Iriuul. " Boa-ton, Sept. 2a’i.-.â€"Thmnee Richcrdwn, of the leather firm of Richcrdeou (k Don- nie. end for your: A prominent member of the First Church on Merllmough ï¬red. Mu nothc found by the police, who want him on e werrnnt charging him with secur- in by fnlne pretencra from one firm clone ei 5,000. a The ltrnkomnn Ill-mod. lHDlARAPnIJR, 861â€. 25. wilt-ville Dun- can, brekemun nn lllf‘ lint nation of the Bi Four irnln that v M wrooknl It Ken- kn ee come dnyn ago, will arrested on e tolegnm from ulllvinle ll Knnknkee. Dun- can wee noon at the simian but refused to talk further than to my that be hot! done his duty to the letter. In" of n l‘liili‘l ('rnn-rl Him. BILVIHERE. Sept 25.-John lennson, e pl‘omitient bruins-su- mum of Weshin‘ton, N. J., committed «suicide yesterday is ebooting himself in l-hl' hull with A row » ver. One of bin chllairrn died lately, and this in Hip nod to have nneettled hie mind. lie u left a wife and one child. ï¬lmed Everyone (land-bf“ lit-uni. Cal, Supt. 25.«Cberlee Holden wee hungv :1 here on Saturday for the murder of Mn Price, the wife of a. prominent rill/vii. llnldon kin-ed the eherifl and other byetandern good-bye and died brevely. Tum-r Defence “cpl-ones, 8r. Loom, Mo, 80 t. 25,--At Cm. Cour inks rm Sunni: , John Turner, ex- chunploo Dcnll'd' 0 Auction, do!“ Cherie. qpapiiwwm, champion of N" Mud, over c three mile and til-Imus a M . “u...â€" -...._....- “‘4 .m..~m_.w -.- .... . night before 2,000‘ being declared : and the week's. bull; V in llii.‘ ‘ .lVl‘l'l then run out ' Nightly l 25. ~Aiiotlier name ‘ Futon i NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK mmm'r zvmve lN raw woncc iron iosv RIADIRI. {ace-l Imam «mu-.wa ‘ wwmyOo-pmcuuue l In. My nut “mean “on M the leader. of on rum ’1‘!!! Iron'l'um won». atrial: trotted u hell-mile in 1.03“ Tern u The Emilio: Jockey Club will give o day's ruin. October 14. pail“, knocked Huber. the Auctnllon out LeBlnneo It Hinnupo Tom Connors. the English wad-awaits out? with Straight Lewlserm l 0.13.010 and John Roberts. jun..." notched for a .500 billiard eel-lee at Chicago. The Cone Inland “blade Club elm e one of .000 for Kitchen and Corbett ï¬ght for. Royal Phelps Cemll'l yeebt Nov-hoe will all for New York in e few doyl. Ont- roll comes over on n enamel. I The yacht Valkyrie. challenger for the ! Amerch Cup, srrived in port after a voy- ' ego of 80 deys serous the Atlentic. I W. A. inhodee, the China 0 cyellet, low« , cred ell Cunndinn records in one to ï¬ve l milee, inclusive, ct the Ronda]. truck. l The Australian cricketer-I who ploy in 1 Toronto on October 14, 16 end 17, no the l finest cricket team that has ever come to | America. | Charlid’ Mitchell, the English prize-ï¬ght- ; or, has nrnvod at New York, nocomplnlod by Jack MoAullfle end Sprinter Hurry Dari-ion. Duncan C. 340'!!! and Copt. J. C. Daily. i the Irish giant, will shortly meet for the , mixed wreeiling championship of the world ' ‘ end $2,000. OVER THE BORDER. - The World's Fair will close i‘ictobor 81. l A (mun-lo did much (inninge nt Madi- - Ion. Wis. The Chicago Evening Journal we: sold . At auction for Silillooii l Montpelier, Vt, in in in few? over a do- i secretion of grave: by ntiidente of Middle bury College. The Luminin, the new Uunurdor, did not bent the clawâ€) Atlantic record. She wu ’ delayed by fog. l Populist: in KRDFM are indignant st :' thin-m nix-to oil‘icere who visited the world 'e ' fair and had A good time. Awakened by a big rovivnl, Dyeruhurg 'l‘i-nn , has begun to crusade against the civil resortn within its burden. lira. Comm-ll, of Boston, lull. threw 'rol. 6012‘.) on William l’orro‘u for attempt- : lug to kinzi her, lie will lose ‘1: eye. g Mimi Jennie hiuhl’ii disappmrenceie ex- i pluined. She mun-led a iniiliitto employed , iy her father at the Ryan Hotel, St. 2 Paul. A cable incense was received from Panama, outing that the crew and pension- - gets 0! the missing steamer Alvo were f safe. The manage in now denied, And the I lost hope is gone. i l VIOLENT DEATH!- l Vrooman, convicted of msuslnughtor. ‘ will serve four years at Kingston. l Ape-co in wrobin for the lnhumm , mun our of I Dye-Lo ii girl at Hummell- ‘ ton, Pu. ! More people am being killed and lynch. ‘ ed on the “Cherokee strip," Oklohoms. ' then in Brazil's civil war. , Murderers of the Wrntten family have ; been tracked with (logo from the scene to I the Town of Juper, Ind. ; Bent on hanging a negro, a mob and the . Ioldicry at Roanoke, Va, ole/shed. Eleven l are (lead and nineteen hurt. William M. Sullivan, white, wu stabbed I to the heart. by Edwnrd Bennett, negro, in I o Senducky, Ohio, poolroom. ’ Dr. Eugene ll. Wei-d in under arrest at [ San Francioco for the min-don: Mice Addie ‘ Gilmcur, the butchered mililner. l Dr. F0 olwng'n defense in the 111an10, Mich, w fe poieouing one is that n by“- clan recommended the use of stryoliulne. CANADIAN NOTES. The tobacco cm of ii. Welkor & Soul, i of “'al‘kerville, will for 025,000. Brnnti‘ord‘s population is 15,407, on in- creuo of 170 pomns over but your. Mr. Leurler'n uuccesnful tour in Wooten Ontario we: concluded in Owen Sound. Cape Breton lichean say dog flab ore frightening “my all other mi from their shores. » The schooner Monete foundered at. me. Her crew were rmouml by the St. John, ‘N B. schooner llovo. lne rotor O'Brien Lam com ilnined flint ‘ '500 .lemulinne ct puny-union lridge crou And violate the contract labor law every day. ‘ Sen-tor John Boyd has beeneworn in 1†Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick. i Hon. Peter Mifoliell will probeny succeed * him in the Senate. Cor-well bne now a curfew boll, which ll rum: every night at Quiclonk. after which lull children UDili'l’ fourteen yum of 3 can be enacted ‘vi' imiml in the streets. IR-ljltlffitin. I Archbiebop Felire in to clone Dr. Jeoqnee' ' privnte convent ei Muiitml. i l Ambbiehop ann was at St. Louie gath- f cring foetal for blur. Retail! of the church controvorly in that dim-nee. l Rel one war is threetcned in Kenna 3 throng rean to grunt the Americh Pro‘ Motive Aeoociotion n charter. ' mum. mind declnm the Fed- : built in u not been nbendoned. it not on y liven, but in changer in promiee. , Bishop Brannon, of Della, Tens, bee ; been made soul-tent to Bishop Power, of ' 8t. Jobn'e, Newfoundlmd, by the “prune ! pontiff. I The Pope bu elide en encycllul ‘ to the private, chewing than not to Allow ‘, the education of Bonn Cntbolle oklldm to pus out-of their Isolde. melamine-an In. Dem Wilde to. coming on: on Noven- bsr 1. Annual: Webb, 0! Dublin. II can ' to America e vieit. u .m- .., -1-....â€".â€"-._.w_.. _ m ' situation in A {fliï¬i‘i‘l M. W number of a label paper Inn which the eu- Ilall deport-neat seriou- commuted abide by be ill in the heart with o revolver. .All'AY 'ATA LIT‘II. Eleven were killed and Inony wounded imlzbuh collision at King!- bury. Indium. Jeoob Bloc-men, ebukomnn, fell between the can of n Waive-h lulu M Porn, 1nd,, end wes killed. ‘ Tchostou "dyer" on the Lelilgh and Hudson mum. to: into n fro ht treln ct Luke Grinncll, kllli F ht nduct- or Herrick. .3 mg outâ€"- ‘ EPIDE- [08. Yellow fever inane-e- ln Georgi; The eholen epidemic is Europe is not II had a last you ct thin time. Four new cues of smallpox and two deaths from the disco. were reported at New York. The death of e women st Gorton, County of [Anon-tor, England, from nus plciouc disc-u wu pronounced by the on; thoritles to be" united from Adoth eholm [ROOTING ACOXDIN’I‘O. Willinin...Meredith, of Huntsville, noel. doutnlly killed himself with a shot gun. Luccmc Savage, of Port Perry, wu Ic- eldentclly shot by n companion. By the discharge of I on supposed lobe em ty, Hervey Wileon ouug, ndtugglat at hipahcwnnn, Ind, we. killed. Jamel Grendfleld of Toronto, drew his. gun out of a boot by the muzzle. The hammer caught, our! the gun exploded, blowing his brain: out. DESTROIINO Immune. Fine ct Glencoe, Ont... caused much dour use. At Lead; Eng, the £40,000 town hell wss burned. Charred bodies are being found All over the Oklnhomn prnirie. A Theatre was burned et Conton, Ill. Four people perished. The James Johnson uwiuill st Amery, Win, wu destroyed by fire. Lou, $80. 000. CRIME RECORD. Willlnm Smith in: stabbed st Dundee. He may die. A scheme to burn stores for the lunar nice line just been unearthed. Several stem heve been operated in. Officers at linncock, Mich, are at m on the train robbery. No money has been re» covered. Ten nmeted men were released. Jules H. Bnrwell, vice-president, trees nrcr and general manager of the Meet, Buâ€" ford & Burwell Carriage Compnny. of St. Paul, Minn, is ob. with printing $50,000 of 0 {undo of the . .mâ€" nNANOI Arm “ADI. New York bank: on new rearing m circnlction. Glasgow granules on choked up with American grain. Bradstreet! reports 47 business failures in (.‘uiadn the past week, ngeiuet 30 lent week end 27 in the corresponding week one your ago. It was Announced in the British house of commons that the government had not do. aided whether the mile of value of the rupee would be permanently fixed st one chilling end four pence. Tl!!! LA "01% \k’OBLD. Striking miners nt Hedneeford, Stnflordv shire, are riotous. The military bu been called out. The Minem’ federation of England has linked the Coal Mine llwners‘ ASSUClBthD to meet delegates from the fmlention, with a view to making arrangement. for the re- sumption of work. An international mrrecpondenco and in- foruintiou bureau llM been eetnbliuhed at . Zurich, Swilzarlend‘, by the Motel-Work ere' Congreae. held there recently. Motel Workers all over may obtain etetieticq of. the state of their trade. ' A ME“ [CA N POLIwa. Tsriff bearings by the way} and means committee have ended and a bill will be fumed at once. Congress mny consider the enhject of I cable to Howell. A bill bu been intro duccd authorizing it. The federal election: repeal bill we. re- ported to the house and placed upon the calendar cfter a lively struggle. . Committees of both house- my report a: bill unending the stringency of the not making coin cartooning an oilcuso. The committee on territories of the ’nited Flutes bowie of ropreeentntivee lino deold to report a bill for the sdmiaeion of Utah “,1 state. 3101' AND WAS. Civil war on a largo scale has broken out in LA Pluto. Antiflermniiriotl on being put down ct Prague, Mattie. Admiral Hello hoe cent on ultimatum to Rio Joneiro demending its surrender. ll loolu like A race war :lnwn much, There in fighting between negroee nnd whiten in three autos. There in no improvement in the political rgentlnc. Revolutioniste en- doctroying nilwnye revent govern- monitrocpc from me the disturbed diatricte. Brnzll'l rebels bombarded Sentos, but were beaten 00 by government forces. It in thought that Rio Jmeiro will be com- llod to surrender to the revolutionary t under Adminl Mellon. DEATH IN “ANY Polls. Pei-user Webb, Sealey's Boy, we killed by ii threshing machine. Sis niom were drowned humanita- y the onan of e I in squell. Port of the M of the Dolcooth mine in Cor-well, £113., fell in yum-v, «numb in. N mlnere. Two men were killed by the hunting of e m pipe on U. Si (-1. loam, non Annepolle, lld. Oil). and Volatile. two noun yubb, collided in Chicago HIYbOII; the Ollie tank. but her crew «in seved. "