tru nee-«e: , new 5 autism. 4 , neocxvuuc ~.â€".-â€".-............. .... s. a........ 7 COUNTY NEWS. meats nuns not on "ml or communists. AW st is... use ace-i». rem-u luva mm. 0! Ivory- “ won Inca up. IlsulN. Summit. June l7.--At‘tere lin. gating illneu, Mr. Patrick Murphy died It hit! home this morning with consumption. Deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. Mrs. Flemming and Mrs. Noonun’c two children are on the sick list, but are on the road to recovery. Master Johnnie Murphy, who was ill with in- flammation, is recovering. Mr." Michael Freeman cheep last Sunday night. dcutu unknown. The farmers around here have done their road labor and much credit is due. L0 them, as the roads were very bad in some plucw. Mr. Judd, ol Morton, has opened out :1 mice mine. The pzoenects are good. lost (our Cause of 44...... «.4. »~ EAb‘TON 'H l ".,3.‘.?.‘.‘:' FAQS. SATl’RDAY, June Tim-Two pic-nice lust week. Mrs. ll. Wyatt is again able to be out. ‘ Mr. O. Hawks, of Addison, is wait- log; friends here. Miss l‘earl l‘utiiniu is spending it few day.» with her sister, Mrs. J. Mc- Uufl‘ery of Athena. Mire J. Wyatt is paying friends of llroelivillo it Visit. Mr. \l'm. Mei? it, who has been at- tending the of Pharmacy in To- rmite, and ‘ recent ex- aminations witt‘flhSi‘uil}, spent u. Few days-i ut lite home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. \Vutta paid Brockvilic ti visit for u few days thin week. .‘vii‘s. Minnie 'ile'ut'ly. v. llO has been attending the Whitby lridies' College. returned here; or; ‘;‘liiit‘-.tluy lest. hit. .liilii: ‘ Mi", “in. in home ~Joni .‘ileliiii {.L‘ollege. .llonli‘ezil. Another of Mr Olll llllll :‘rslpttt-ti-d l‘tflltitultl oi" ll/(illtiril in tin: person of Mrs. lili‘Vli; n10. wife of tits} lzilc Philip ‘i‘l’iCl-Z’relli"i.‘, ‘1,iilt'lé(‘tl it) the silent hilt jority on 'i‘liursduy lust, June 15th, Mrs. Wiekwure, who was .in old pit.» ncor, lllll-i iilwuye llVl.‘Ll in thin BCl'llOll and was llt‘itl in high «storm by all her tirigbors utid friends. She leaves six children to mourn her loss. ._., . ,9... _.. .. -..- LYNDHL'NNT. Fair-Ar, Juno 3.6.?»le post Oflice and Mr. 1“. lCaiou'e tailor shop are looking very nice, owing to the new cost of paint they rec<=iVetl lent week. but if those Palllbt‘l'fl would like to are some very line, work in that line we would cull their attention to R. 'W. ("opolund’it hotel, and ulso to Mr. Maekuy‘s store. Johnny dot-s. not take It luck sent from own his old m‘nploycr. We would tallies. llob alter this, when he goes: i, or or. the water, to take a rope and tin mic tili’l around liiulmdymitl the other to the lunati- Eiousc. lie is rather Young,» in tzet ivory far from shore, and in: might necidentully go owr the Falls and then~0ln liobl the nitric would miss your smiling icon an insult. The path inuutcr hue mm. that a geodjobhaa been done in repairing the sidewalks in the mingle. A truVellsr can well: along now without being afraid he in going to have his neck brokei We understand that Mr. Joseph Witherel has severed his connection with this little town and gone to Water-town. We wish him every success. Misc Minnie ltoddick, who has been conï¬ned to the house for some days Wildfowl», we are glsd to see is able Lo be out again. ï¬n---“ . Acq-ers. _--. 1mm) ISLAXb. SATURDAY. June Vimâ€"Mr. Abnm [tobacco is at pleural at Enston's 00mm, where he will remain for s l‘cw week: to mist his son, who is mun-gar of the fsmous Fair-ï¬eld Choose fuctory. Mr. Justus Robeson recently re- turned from Wellington. Ont., where he lied been “tending s Friends’ quarter! mastic . ‘ Jun. very,of nllovytown, Rd u shunt visittorclstivnhcnos un- J. W. ï¬lebcoult. of Esstou't momma. end rclntlvcs to .. 1% we "*- .. ,fl It nun-c Wit-unsan- tlic Athens 'l outrun e mm to as. % “Mild: ‘2 " ‘ Guillemnd Jennie W “1 W In. w. oil . is n W “I. w. Aâ€... M a i“ Ir. D. Lender in in; in Lyn. ‘ic nation “no um ‘ "fl « I nttmtlou to the , .. CHARLESTON “a g climacti- of the huch m Mothsruccsuorics bus 500‘ 1’ Motion, June 20.-â€"-A large number on . 22'. {a i l t they should. und‘ no. n oon-c- lu on the ground floor. While these at nest. hue ma 3; 0.5.; no .3 _m_;;;_-;; quencetbc flan etthnhm. us to I, nwebolngluudvtotbc house. Para hotel, ofCunudn.... %. on u house for time being it! It.“ thcebeds sud outbuildings were Some of our formers are so niggurd- CI la} in "‘10 03 but“!!! 0! lmfllâ€˜ï¬ Milne-"145d 6M! and the whole establish- 1,: u not tummy Wm enough at ......... if! g toned ochsion to l the". f 50 latent at in ï¬rst~cliisc conditio milk and cream for their necessary w “ ~ """" come‘ lowered in their Wilbur #5113 out. From in personal in- The property belonged to it": ml living in the westevn part of We who seemed unwilling to aim, uny- ngtmrzr; thi ‘ ' repairs. ATHENS. JUNE 20' 1893 Stock tool: possession he found the buildings in n dilspiduted condition and n strong feeling shroud the villuge and vicinity ugainctth been being opened as a licensed heal. In tact. so strong was the feeling runni- daily use. and when visitors call on them the have only cold wcter and calm to 0 or their eats. Henry Lewis, olden cud Donn plin were guests at Mr. J. Ft‘ister'u lust titled- . , Mice Ju in Foster will hold a pic- nic on King’s Island. All friends and '3 uoqucintnnoen are invited. THE'HREPBIérEk . A...-.-.,._,.._._ .... “-m“ "Business notices in local col nnuu 10 cents r [the etch insertion. LOCAL SUMMARY. T0231)“ tested that several petitions, luraely Susana, June l".-â€"Bev. A. A. A!!!" A“ KNOWN mom- "sued, were presentedto the license Rudley will delivur his farewell ser- “mm'mum .8315" 8133' “W180 TI“ 331311.! BITE!!! 01’. be, “and. men on Sunday the 18th in“. The family of Rev. Jae. Puller left in". M M b, a" m. o, a. last week for their new home in the ,.nu._w mama..." west. Mrs. iii. Fowler, of Kingston, is . “M 3Ҡm" visiting her many friends in my sec, fIJ’ubhc schools close on the lust day 0 one. lion at present. 0. Lillie. dentist of Nowhere, has his dental our here this week. Rev. D. Flemming, we are sorry to say. will leave for his new home st Harrowsmith. Mr. Chas. Coghlen will leave in a. few days for Marmara, where he will start a new cabinet shop. Miss Minnie Donahue and Misc gran former managements. cenversed with a gentleman who had For silk gloves, lace mitts, hosiery. and parallels, go to G. W. llcuch's. The .l. i“; W. liziy crop promotes to he unusually good this season. Mr. H. Teplin, C. 'I'., paid a visit , . . l' d. ' l t w . Ed. Moles, (I. T.. renewal old 30- l w mm s m Athens ‘8 86k . . . , . o ‘ quaintanccs in Athens on bunduy. i Ripe strawberries Were gathered at i Charleston on Saturday. Greet bargitiaie in dress goods (it Helen Robinson were the guests 02‘ G. W. {lanolinâ€"~25 pieces rill wool Miss l“. l'eniiock and Miss E. Mm. J. Church last week (“ho-“196 for 550 yard. chgett, of Elgin. upunl Sunday With A odm 'rmliu'w i (out- .» . . ('"iis' . g 0 anyf o i i' pupa ilurlcton Place business tut‘ll (illtl “U a m Athens tending the picnic to-duy in Mr. Enos Soper’s grove, Fritukrillo, l gotten up by the Fratikvillc l‘ipwnrtli Leugue and Woman's Christian Missionary society. “7 v "flâ€"‘c «Saw-v r - Acre-(Sc. Respectfully dedicuted to Mr. and Mrs. \Viii. House, Plum llollow : Love we nlwnyu one another, All must comet nie pitrt . Unfoi'gottcu all has left us 3 their employooa (enjoy it linlfltol'tlay Mina Barbara Much-an of Milton, every week. Whit... is in Athens on u visit to her Mr. A. W. Blanchard is in all. unit slam" Mm“ U‘ J' Final“ ’ v , l ' I ‘ , i ;- trvp I Zgï¬â€˜vzégénnnd “"11 gum“ “‘0 “Mmm Rev. '1‘. Moi-duck is this week ut- ' tending the sosswn of the Central When you went men's or boy‘s ‘ Canadian Ilnptist association, which suits, be euro and go to (l. W. Beach's - opened tit Kingston yesterday. before buying. ~ ~ - - .' ‘ V I 1‘ v ‘ . 'i '1 Carriages built to order, rrpzin'mlz l gu$$lcmgzxtwc “28 $23?“ “$0 in and painting done in first clztse style I ’ y ’ ' L . . llent pro rammo of sperm will be at mod 1' e l‘l - .mv . 1.. "W g . . . o m 11 c†A Jim“ l presented, including dancing to music In in will um i wring our heart. Al shall from his life deport. iiiiiii ï¬gï¬llzghttlgï¬kllgllglï¬'z Examinations for «intranet: to the l lumlslmd b7 3' £9011 “Chestâ€- flm 32033213322113? her. high school mko ppm, on the 25m. Speeches will be delivered on non- jimz $1.0», gone, we “mi, 29;}, “1430â€, “June. political. topics by Hon. Messrs. Heaven lutsthuirllttleloved one. Antlers and Wood. and Mr. Geo. _Do you Want 20_ pounds 0? M ? Taylor, M. P. A ticket costing 50° 1' #0. 3’9“ 9"“ 53‘“ 3"†1W" “Mil†: admits to grounds and dinner. by getting it (it ’l he Tee Store, llmclis l Villc.â€"-T. \V. DENNIS. A Three bunk Ami 'l,wlll lend them neuter ï¬lm; l‘neiu ihly joy to her is given, Since tie-nth tins lost its venom sting w iiiirtli. she left on flying wing. C. V. W... Teacher. Ashen: V. Gannnoqnc. The beat baseball :neteli ever played 71-. The A. O. U. W. at Addison. mutiugers wore at 011 Sunday morning last. the annual Cedar _ Park on Saturday : Mr. “1‘5 SC‘Tlmn $03: Place hem 0" church pnrndc of Addison lodge oi lro‘lflr‘Ckv OWNâ€: MT: W580". bulimia), “it: i_',‘°,m"m§t WM b“. workman wï¬k place and was a wry Fresco“; ï¬r; Kohl, Brockmga tween the C’l‘llzelm cnib ottiunen‘oque successful cVent. Over sixty niern- - ._ r , mld me A‘ I" 0' Of Athens“ am†Mr. and Mid. J. Moulton, Dr clubs hove met before on several oceue tiers of the order were in procession, is number being present from Athens and other points. Rev. G. S. White, a memï¬zas of the order, conducted the services, and delivered an address strongly eulogictic of the Workman as :i fraternal and insurance organiza- tion. Speaking in a general way his tlelcncc of secret societies was admira- Creggan and Mr. Singleton, of Delta, were among thoso from a. distance who witnessed the ball game here on Saturday. sinus, and the Athens team went to the ï¬eld a game ahead. Both teams Were known to be in excellent form and the few in Athena wig-o take an intereet in athletic sporlelcoked for- ‘ . , fl q, word to a keen contest. The wore 0“? ml’lo 1â€â€œ “921‘ 31:?"in "nii'mi‘" not diemppointcd. From aim to :fgzoruaz; ï¬nish the pluving on both sides was bio. and while serving to clearlyiustil‘y 1M3 on me Brockvme “newâ€, sum: , “XICClerl‘fi-"nfitfol‘ 31311;)?!†logkfal M if their existence, contained a sharp to has purchased an interest in the busi- i “Leeann. lieizu won 1 ofmyl ink eï¬ull‘w buke for the'so who. through ignorance. noes, which no doubt accounts for the p Aging: m, .11 Cam) e f. 2'02}, {£43 {leek to hinder the good work bill“ is bright, and nvei appearance of thc m“., in†EULVOH liming {J 0 _ 0 .5 ' beingtlone. After the service the Gleaner, Our Kinetic-tin cocaine {fall 1 SP0“? .l‘,05‘i‘i":â€;ll‘b‘†“mm, payr? hmthrcn returned to their lodge room . do some great things. but we notice l t‘l'uï¬mn“: I? bag??? “‘5 where brief speeches were made and l with pride mat in tiny (neat under l a m 5‘0"" i’ m a “"5 o )0 l l l l The Morristowu Gleaner, name In. the CllSlOlllflt 1; votes of thanks passed. timing, {like running the Glfj'uwr, for 01:11): [TM] 1mm! lmmrfiimf. After adjournment the "visitors Were instance they get sic-xi; [in better it†3""»lll"" ll; “'ï¬â€˜d’l’ “"531 if“; (noted to a grand spread prepared by when assisted by n ounnuc'vt. \Ve ,lm Jilly-1c? {Au k',â€â€œ,“s,Ҥi'°‘v .m†mine heatAlex. McDongall. The din~ hope the meadow ot'tlia {livelier may " m 1" 81ml" 0 c m“ ' m a “mu†. . eniutour was phenomenally good in« I. . r r upset .2 {reel one er v n on i , mr w“ m 9'0 y .. e i U n†5" w l . doc-d, a gentleman present who had and «cured in fit-women style. . , _ ,, . .~- .- .- i . .. . 'd . ‘ '0 ream“, . On Suturc..y t. remap; while dining . ‘V'imï¬Ã©ul m3?! INS“ Flam“ 3‘“ braï¬gglfgnmgoggeo lav.“ v?" 8mm! um ! ,0 Athens from Cedar park Mr, . . 3 that his pitching was equal to that. of . 1,}, what mi 1,; have munv salnried professionals. The members are lobe congrntulnled on “Will’an 13?†l" , it I , h _ . ' im ire, ’vlr. W. Philli a cave the the perfection of their mnemonic WW“ “m†“mm m “a p 1 did (my did for the service on Stillbirth. A mu m M . The Reporter lies on it: subscription list It large number of the ï¬nest man i in the county and that in just the l same 313 an ing the ï¬nest in the ' _ . team, knocking one ol the ‘ xglev'eelgtguegmmmg ‘3; lg: down. They sprung forward and the i ‘3'“? 39'7"“- th.‘ bu or m ' kw m.y Pol. ‘ho ground and striking 8n ‘ 03": 3'5"] ï¬nd. an inning! ‘0 Uphre. properly be “i “ ’"fl “w ohm“ the harm {med themselves Following are the names nnd partitions who are mean and Mount, my!) driving a team attached to the Park l V81“! ha"- Mikkel-30W 'bus, n Indies, end 'when upproaohing st. on Elgin, n hots-i driven by brothers, of Elbe Millet, turned Main ‘ was thoroughly impartial. lion the rig by breaking the clips on of the teams, with their respective the whiflletrees. The sudden stop moronâ€"- becuuse the how that the-union“ , , « threw Mr. Armstrong over the dub. v A. Green L. T. Fluherty. maynmgel . 2.9", 0“ 5a? 1.5:» i hoard nud when uselstnnce arrived he A- Acylimd Y- ‘ w-P‘M’mï¬nm' imam“) cl aeco'adimn a an ‘ ' t '“ found ‘0 mufoiy ’ «new; it.“ Jr. J. 316C835?! 1b. [l ., R " he“... were? m» in mm u. 90'» i i. an min-m" ' W†m ‘W ‘ ° " ‘ m the wagon her. He we. at once i 300- Will“ '1‘ P- 3'0“! the u for but? at h on credii.’ lira when M Mun mount owing. cell m at M curried to the hotel and 1! medical ex.» Guy Curtis 3.93. I. Butcher quietly elect s W on the ‘ Mutton dimmed the abut no i 3- JWROI) R. F. 3. gamma beau unbroken, the h in limbo ‘. Les. White L- F. P. Manson ugiutlic wsy of 1311pr or en_ airy Consequently. when 'Mr. utilizing uttention, the Lyn hence to reform. and restrain those nbuiiesi which were said to have existed under 3 a quiet manner, he can find a genial “lb. While in the; village a tow weeks ago the writerlcording to hisdesireu. ‘. Highest price in rush will inf wool, which were, waged “gym-n] ; he understood the game well. but hei'cnce. L;. action 0! the premises, from guret to kitchen. we hsve no hesitution in uyé in that for excellent cosine. large ' rooms, cleanliness cud compares very fuvornbly wlib many in g tog: and city hoist:6d e r is op to the liquor amt! hepes for the day when entire prohibition will prevail throughout the land, but while we have liooused house. we feel in duty bouudto lve credit to a. man who with pine and enterprise will keep it But the license was house for the traveling public, where, and Ir. Stock at once set. out when the day": labor is ended and he wishes to spend the hours of rest in Boniface ready to entertain him ac. The-cut: at the head 01 this article strongly opposed the grunting of e. i is from it. koduk print and gives u very license and who freely admitted that 3 fair outside view of the Lyn House. the house was well kept, orderly, tindj ....._.........._ .mW Mrs. and Miss Addison returned from Chicago last week. Mr. Chas. Yates, of l’lrockville, was in Athens on Friday owning lust. Mr. Daniel Blanchard, ol‘ Frienl, Nth, is visiting friends in Athens to- day. The mercury registered 00 dog. in tho shudiest kind of shade at noon to- day. at the Athens wetilcn null-wins. F. Gordon. issued at The Reporter tlil: " 12L: neat little [older utiv; ' ' do Kenuey, Joues' li‘ resort. umca Miss Bathe Brown, daughter of Mr. bosom Brown. The «roman wnn armed It the residence the lde’s tether by the Rev. Win. Knox in the presence of numeronl relatives and friends. On Thursday evening the happy couple were accorded a re- ception ct the residence of the groom's' mother, Athens, where they received the congrutulutious of many friends At there nlnr weekly meeting at the Royal omplurs on Friday even- let; lust it was moved by Mr. Thou. Crawford. seconded b Mr. R. Arnold and resolved “ but we the emcers and members of Athens council No. ‘08. R. T. of T. tender our hearty thank to Dr. 8. 8. Cor- nell nod to Mr. B. ‘Loverin for the use of their lawns, and to the Athens orchestra and Hut-monies band for their excellent music, to the W. O. T. U. and to all persons. who, by their aid, helped to bring to such n auc- eeecful issue the lawn social of June QM- " acct-l. Tpere will be it strawberry social on the llWU oftlw Plum Hollow Baptist church on the evening of W edtiesdny. June 28th. Adiiiisaion. children, 15 cents ; adults. 20 cents. flow to Got a “Sunlight†Picture. l‘lcnd 25 “Sunlight†Soup wrappers (wruppore heal-int: the words “Why --~â€"~~~-- t I Does it Woman Look ilk; 300'“)? Than ii Man") to Lever lit-33., Ltd. 43 1 Scott St., Toronto, end you will re» ccivo by post a. pretty picture, free from advertising, and well Worth fruiiiiug. This is iiii easy way to decorate your home. The soup is the best. in the market and it will only cost lc. postage to nond in the whip- pers, if you louvc the ends open. Write your address curt-fully. Itiii-nnis'rtsn Count) IN .\ luv." l South Aiiierieun lilicuniutie Cure for Illliciitnutiwiti and Neurelgin rutlienlly euros in l to 3 days. its notion upon the sync-nu is Winerkiililo and mysterâ€" ious It removes at once the cause All the Cid‘uit‘slnfl common were :tiidtlmtliscitscimmediatelydisappears. engaged in advance for several days.'l‘liu ï¬rst dose greatly following the of the bass season. Mr. S. Fowler left this u. m. for the province of Quebec, to accept it posi. tion‘ on the buenioss statl‘ of a comâ€" opening puny building o. i'uilwuy up North of Ottawa. Mr. D. H. Cole, lisi'riulcr, 0i Moosomin, formerly of Nowhere, was married recently to it. twice of Mont.- (‘lovi-rnor Shitltz, of Winnipeg, and are new spending their honeymoon in Chicago. Last week while attending the in- duction common at \Voiilport. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Tiompsnn were made the guests of Hr. W. ll. Frodenburg and were treated to a trip in his ï¬ne I little steam vucht. In another column will be found the programme for the Sabbath school convention to be held at Frank. villnniid Toledo on June 2nl and 28rd. this Work should endeavor to attend. slich l'euoc Prosecutions, Infringing on the Billiltiti touce patent has proved very expensive to is number of farmers in thin section. Mr. S. Y. Bulli has the right for Yongo and llusturd, in which territory :1 number of in lringcmentn have taken place. Several who Were notiï¬ed failed to effect it settlement and their names were sent. ton hm ï¬rmiu Toro- nto, and they were forced to settle at There are quite u number who His ruling have not yet taken any steps towards Wham i was in every case superi'te'l by the mating My? hock ofrulru, and the i‘nmiliur mun- Biillie has their names and if they mile at. and collided with the 'bue ; :9? in which he turned its negotiation settle with him within the next ten homo. . m. that he had made a close study of days the, "in “we heavy costs, Athens won the mntcli by m “L o. ‘ A" mm m I... for their infringement; Mr. IQMOII. Wot. Mistress . . . . .Mu-gsret Chucels Wot. Deleistrecc. . . . . .June Berber Wer. Recs». . . ....L. B. Mott Wot. Pin. Set. .. . . . . . .Efllc Rowsom Wor. Tress. . . . . . . . ,Snruh Pierce Wor. Inner Guard . . . .Hurnh Morris Wot. Ohnpluiu . . . . . . Annie Richards Wm. Director of O. . . . .Hury lappell W01. (Sundials. . . . . . .A. M. Chassis Time of meeting, First Friday of every month at 8 p.m., st the real- dencoof Miss A. Bicburtll, oppmilo an †en's-Wt- ' Tucudny lust, nth inst... was. red in the [creme u meeting 7 . m b.“ bruiood. a lgdigg u. A. E. Carmichael C. v. “13'3" 3’9" "‘"a .M “N aâ€; oped wit u severe fright. Whitc‘iti “item-*0 0 0 9 9 ‘ ‘ 1“"; ' m mu, m‘ yo: WWW," buggy VII con-identity dsmugcd. I awhm‘lm"; 0 0 o 0 o 1 ‘_ 2‘8 socceteutbc‘ ‘V'Mflm mum-nu ' Melba t'mpliotog h justhowm 9 ï¬t. Ti" 1% u. "u 2: It ' ' , u" t. h of “,0 e Reporter's Kodak baton pine alter any the the M," “ï¬g-“u, m 3: $33.: indium. ; «mm-m- m boy- »! looted Wam- mnlnsmhï¬nimm Vii-«won. ""i' 5m 0"“ V. on. . ' I“ . ,W" m l ' abode!“ ' W“ '0 "l. . My I tewnto sllg 3.1 I. the lmtmfllvtdmin I use or MW eye st u the solemn t .M‘ was lunhuundncduluhdaiJutbc flame or iii. Presbytst us held a which of ovulation parlorde flutes. s. we“. 'I. was formally millennium «the pun-b. In a t '9 i SALES!“ WANTED. “Ehi‘il’ifiliflm .il“ ‘3! The session premises to bel 1" vuryinterostinu and all interested in! l l l beneï¬ts. 75 cents. \Vitrrnntetl by J. 1‘. Lamb. ' W001 l Wooll I want 10110 lbs. of wool (or which I will pay I tlicliiglit'sl.iirlcc in rush or ll'illll‘. l hiin it 1 lire! cluusstoek or English. Sum-h, :intl ('Jlllll tlimt twnutls lllltl tlltunols; nit-lo [ljlflllllll‘l‘ll twee-(lit. lliulllt‘lrl, and yiirn. which l will ex- change for wool. (‘. li. LAMB, Athens. (-linieclliio of Hardy (Yimmlinii Grown Experience not Hot‘tlï¬ï¬‚i‘tl'y. \\'e wuné Corker-ii and to :ill ouch we till'cr u Dvrni: situation M it good income with chain (3 '2 . Time-cumin. As we now lune ori-r 7011 vlt‘ie‘n under cultivation Wt‘ can give our mildenirn many superior advantages. We also desire it: secure A good man in your district to sell the llotury Spray ï¬lm i, for which we burn the panel'ulngeney. Tale is something new and ndlupcmsnble in the farmer or fruit grower. Send for terms and testimonial elrruliir. STONE k \‘VELLINGTUN. Num-rymen, Toronto, Ont. “incubus“met;' the. matter of (In: («talc n! Kinny Pepper, Iatr of (/06 It‘lizabetli in. f": , :lcn’r’uiwl. I’L'llBL'AN'S‘ m the itovimod Rtututm, of ()nturlo, chagrin)? iltl, nail-“u is hereby tun. lhltl Alli candidate and others lowing militias fI'rItlfllsll 1/) (if iota" it for (saint;- 0! Norm)" Pug-Uri: lute of ill'.‘ ‘ ' ' "tip of bilimlietlilown. donut-ted. who i . or ubnul, the tint tiny of Mitt-ch flirt, l ’i‘ownship of Eli/Abounde utoremiil. l to? before the let. My 01' July one to ~:.' I! to Fred L. Moore, eitncutoruf the some Tic..- whip of Elimbtitliiuwn, Addison l‘nst (.ltlleu,i.heir (:hrlntiitn mnl surnames. mldmums nnddoncri ittone. the full imi'ticulnrs of their claims. it s lenient of their accounts Mid the i untureoltlie securities (if on i hold by them and the? utter the said lot of My ism the mid executor will proceed to distribute the ASSN: of the min deceased unions»: the panic" en , titled thereto having regard only to than» ï¬ction of which he shall then have notice. Ami lhe sold executor ll not be liable lie." the mid mots or any part erect to any ner- sen or persons of whosecmtn or cl [nut notice shall not have been received ntt 0 time til such tllflrlbillmn. Dated u. Audra“ this 53th day of .{uue ism. RID L. “00! E. Patient-e: FUNERAL . DlRECl‘Olil AND III-AMER , i followed the balm of N. ll "ow "33% will thy A complete stock of m. at†c s. (kill! , Robes. c. “fidï¬ :ln duel. every nu Mantle I Q nun in county. has vault. tuner-l .“ 0y sinus-many. i . C. '. OHIWUW, M“, W. “I S E E D 8 Garden, Field and Flower ‘ in, theirfect order. ‘ chase, which will be sold at a bin-gain. _ N, " and the , ,. 'will be assisted . o! Breckville. A M s Holbmh. new of New- bnrc, luv. min in Athens tor the pest {cw dun melanin thc improtre- meme recently nude to the Gamble Rouse by converting windows into doors to afford eccen- to the ï¬ne double verunde that runs along the met side 0! the hotel. mm. The lawn party given by the ll. ’1‘. of T. on W'edticadty evening lust was in every respect a grout Buoeesa. The was just suited for the even .cslm, dry, wormâ€"end there _ . early 300pleuent. Tlienrrangd ment at the Miller, etc.. on the lawns was ext-ellent and the committee having charge of the‘illuiuinatiou did their work well. Music was furnish- ed by the Athens Quertette and the Ilnrmouicss,und very good music it was, such as to excite the admiration of all present. The Japanese fan drill was a. feature of the evening. and though, froniluck of practice. it war. not so good as when first. presentc-d. it will; watched with planned interest by the large audience. The young people enjoyed a. giant] prolin-iiade, the west end of the Doctor's luwn being reserved for the execution of tli'odeud match. The refreshments servi-d were ï¬rst-clings, and there was really nothing lacking that would add to the pleasure of the evening. For the Ladies. Min. Win. Mott has opened .i mil“. liticry purlnr iit her residence, two, doors oust of Reporter other, Mun: st. 2 l1‘CtlLlH‘Erb \Viil iil<o give humid: Millinei'y WUI’k done with and dispiittli. in tuney Work every from 2 to '1 o‘clock. to order. Prices to suit the tint-"x \Vt‘lnu: day Charleston Lake, :l‘ift'o or llllw.‘ \i'c-i! luri'ieliwil rooms .1: .ti'. \lliili‘ Nullttw (will lit: rl‘lllt‘ll My lln' \\ il. l :t' ul ‘tlli'hi ii. ('U‘IkIUK llll'li-slltl. \ioml, Lti‘ lililllflVill‘t‘llll‘lll'll‘d. Ellq‘lll't' il ll. C. l‘llll.l.ll'r~'. Athens, June l'Jlll lï¬llfl. Lost. Alum! 1‘) \ere not), twur \Ylul-l w UH": ‘V‘v 5‘ liornil lininlit‘l. Fiiitlcrwill t'otil‘ci' {l linu!‘ ll} lent lug stunt: wit it JAMEH ll. \V,\l.l\'h.ll. A! lion-3. JUIXL' 5? it, [$031. if. For Sale or to Let Al (1 liiii-;:.Liii Vliingnul' t‘li:ii‘it~'~lnii. Apply to . ALVH‘ZHHN “(Ulla-HUN. .\lllL‘nil i‘. {3. '3 iii. if. llcni-luntrir. “'iitlil 'is 1‘1“: Cottage to Rent. '3)“ mu; ill the nine! Illl‘lllrt'flqlll' q-io .iu ï¬n: t- :nnn ill‘n“. “0ch iii-w,th .ilull' 4. r-illi nottlili- u l‘.ill|litr‘. v Rt'lll \t‘l‘)’ low. A, *J to ‘A. ll. JACOB, Athens. Jul. ".liltï¬ll‘i hlny ‘.".’iiil 1893. Dressâ€"Making. (lo in All.“ A. ltlt'lllll‘lia {or ï¬rst (alum iii'enr- making :it l‘t'n‘ifllllllllfl prices hull, t'eiitru'. 35L. A t lICl‘lfl. New Paint Shop ! The undersigned linvlm' lease" N. U. ‘b'liliitlil‘d' ’ l7773ni. V ‘ 11.0 {Int over lmm'y ramble. lam put in u stool. ni’ ll'wl‘t‘litarl paints suni \i'.rlil'il"“. iv. new 2 prupztl‘l'tl Io lltl :ill Linda tii’ cni‘riiutvr iminiingl on short im'lt'o and why rtyiuilti‘ihit' Urn m, .\ cpcrinliy ll‘illJlt‘.(ll-1‘0"lilll'lllnï¬ vat“. ‘t worn (wirrniizr‘i iinl etilH'M. llnvin- ‘ i i I llllll.‘ PX’N‘l intim: tinder HUN!“ 0 llm il‘ st l‘h’ill'lill? “l,"(‘llUn. hl‘ lw-H ittiiillilmu iliizi he taut“ turn i iiiiro willrl‘Mltlon to those fe‘ tiring iilii. Witt“. incli‘Ol'lllll'fl. "ill? lid. BRO'W'N. Linens, .tho mt. i592 _ _ .... -M-...._4_.__.e. ,...._~_.~- _ . PresSes for Sale. I ~ - luring replaced our Washington press With a steam power cylinder we offer the 'Wuelilngtmi for Gilli! at n " great l‘t‘lll’lCldOt: for cash. The press Will print is double Royal sheet and is distributor and patent mnimuii‘inni roller iii lirHt-Clllï¬ï¬‚ oomlition and mould i go with tho press. ‘Wc misc lmvv for sale it smell. two roller cell-inking t r , . ,- ~ ', ‘ mot-power press. 5 by 8 inelies-L incide' Arply to ' RRVHRTER (lumen, Abbi-us, ' 'land hndcuchal “Almost as palatable†milk . ~ . ‘. ",1 P ' a. Slumping, «'lollt'l Opposite Imvr. : liiitl (“il""iltil r A .tbcwmuotnsmprodm tho it. Wiles ; . Heme-mite ï¬le ,_ . tnbutcd tree a! memoirs: mills-decent". One. "If .fsn bore the [lotus of u " .yocug Indy and the other side formed the pa ‘ for each ouy um»- J'erlt; both sides properly wuvod W with. tenclly to lower the “mm, The Methodist Sabbath school lo- 050 at Charleston on Saturday t wasacucoecclul uflhlr. Oomttmnblo rigs were provided for conveying the ‘ children to the lake, which included. the line bsnd wagon brought he†by.('“ the Gaunuoque baseball team. Eco ft'eshnients were served in the bout- til‘ul grove lying between Beth: Perk and Iliin rook. and the day was spent very pleasantly, boating, bathing. etc. Net is single misth occurred to mat the plcneure o! the day. With the third part of "Omcgn," the work of the French “rename: Flummurion, which up in The Cmmopolitun for July, the reader is able to grasp something of the great purpose of the author. “Omega†is illi'fliarf‘d by those who but!» read the icntire work to be one of the most re- Vll'l irkiiblo writings of the century. While pretending to be u novel, it in in work having a decpr philosophical purpose, as is more fully developed in lhilt-r clitipters. It. is something that ‘. no fuirly intelligent person can afford not to read and is surely destined to : become a classic. l l NUMEISWEEI HOME! CLEAN AS A uncut. mom AS A PIN. nus is THE Sim teen HOUSEWltlBE m. if got/me JIIMMIW/n every ohm. limo/rt ~ Mic/m), ‘ Laundry and-‘10m‘8fldd [ear in: wesumo illVEW nit. newts. nouns no: ANDEtEAN, swat AS WE. ROSE. l i l t rt ni‘W litlnnnncl izinip in the ‘ ,Redam’s Microbe Killer Cures ull Lung Troubles. :Rudum’s Microbe Killer (force Diphtheria and Croun. ! l‘feedem's Microbe Killer 1 v . Guei'iintced for llyspcpcin. l iRadam’s Microbe Killer l I Is a Perfect Blood I'Iiritlor. l l l , Radam’s Microbe Killer i line no equal as u Tonic. l l Radam’s Microbe Killer -‘ Is the Lndim' lteet Medicine. I Radam's Microbe Killer i | .,.__ Radam’s Microbe Killer nest quinine for use in Favors. Absolutely Cum Rheumatism. 3 Radam’e Microbe Killer l mu be on Ideal Cholcru Remedy. .For Sale by All Ropltililo Chemists ~_- A twoâ€"cylinder, Prices. 31.00 and 3.00, according to slzno jun. THY IT AND lll‘: (:OM'INCID. -â€"- 5.1. P. LAMB. CHEMIST AGENT FOR ATHENS. ONT. Wâ€"a... â€". Salt: intuition of Pure Nor- Hypohosphitaofï¬me urge eisbccunse ltln .’buuliebestmuls are It cum ’