Ontario Community Newspapers

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 13 Jun 1893, p. 3

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R u 0.04"“.- .w ~ .anuun‘ucc-uc . . c a c' l09i11'a ‘~ 3 Ib- 0 my: . WI" by H t. m- ATHENE. JUNE 13. 18”. m aotlcc- tn tonal coin fits-ts )0! “muses-fimrtlcn. 'u‘ C. L. Lamb buys woolâ€"«cad ulv't. Mrs. B. J. Reid returned to Athens last week. Mr. H. H. Arnold made a basins-I trip to Toronto on Monday. For och, Mott a Robeson pay 400. in trade. Miss L. Blcncher, of Addison. is this week the guest of Miss Leverin. Inspector llodgson Visited Athan high school on Friday. m Illlll'l'lllll Ill Next Morrison's Hotel BltUUKV ILLE IIIDCKVILLB Business College tsunamiâ€"f BPEOIALTY Commercial Course Thorouqh ll BABO N A BL I Miss Jennie Hartwell leaves to. marrow fur the World's Fair. Amos Blanehcrd has reopened the Semi for Illustrated Catalogue be- . meat market, next door to Moore's fore deciding where you will go. ' grocery, mam St. East. TIRE B l bliss Puttnsn, oi Easton‘s Corners, is this Week in Athens on a visit to her sister, Mrs. MeCutfery. The famous Bullycanoe pic-nit: is ll. billed to take place in Lecder'e grove Nu“, on Saturday, 24th inst. Particulars . later. GAY a McCOItD, Principal-l T. HILLS left Toledo for their new home in the The family of Ill-v. Jas. Puller have I village of lil"t-‘8(‘lttt. a 0 brsmt. It is mid thth the prospects for rt large huit crop in western Ontario; , more lluVel’ utter then this year, HATS All the latest Styles and Colors. Under the llt'W timetable of the ll. & \V. the mornin tt'uin reaches Athensuhout fifteen minutes earlier 5 i l Specml value this season than “molly. l at Do you Wnlll. 20 pounds of ten? lt'so, you (no snvo just Two Dollar- & Store. Brooks i 1513 King St. I i iI{()(§ll\"VlJ 41.12 The annual hie nit: ol' the Mellie» [ . l, l . l :fis; rubbnth school is under 0011-} side-ration. The date has not yet! duy will probnbly ‘-.w the day. 'l‘ltt- A. ll. C. will lvl'nlttt-df,‘ [Ililyv the Full. niiu- of Kingston Ill. born on July fh'd, and are viuit‘nvoringl to urrnngu u mulch with (intiunntiue, to ho pluyctl hero. ' Now- 5 l .. i ll wall pay you to man t'omfi l)‘ll'l‘t’lll ol' our l'l‘.’.l‘Cl!I\ll'-,“l5t: 1‘. )t’. prices. l v (i. \V. lh'ut'ln 3i:tl‘;.'2ll‘0l Li. iill. .liztwn lit‘l' Hm; ' bus with. . , iiin-l {lg-MHZ the; lllm-oi'drr, mid that inter now prom I laws. to :;in: t<- the. public its rezuonsj {law 1'": who: had minim, it bus applil-d' l to her. l l l pi. ml â€"- “'m'm" ’ been tlcliliiti'ly lixwi. but next. Solub‘ l l l i l on} t lyml The high :~'ulmt;i underlie " honor of n halt holiday on in f the inspector :1 vim. Mi.“ Lottie Johnth ll. mrztnber of. itini nursing stutl'ol’ Kingston 12 rspitltl, i-s visiting: her parents lll’. Elbe Mills. War Declared. In the Shoe ’I‘mcle. Almtlu-r big limp in pricm M l). W. llowney‘s (Int.- Price lint'gnin Shot- llouetr. Note the following: Men‘s solid tenths-r “mum”, high I m. for ” “ “ him! home ‘ fur “ lint; lllllf Mitt-kw .il wwl for. . . . Ladies lknignlit ibiltton Vl‘.l.t:l., hum. I turmoil for .. , . . ‘31; ' . I .‘t 3:?- Lmlios llni- llongoln hulznn litmm .mr' l: “m I “W” ‘ HI t : )7 r V ‘ (jarring: :1 built to ortlvr, rcpitlk’lng3 . t I IH‘:‘- .t ‘ . . . . . , _ / (impier mmmnlm up, in”. .uui painting doiw lll hrsl. clzt~zs style fl;,.f,‘,",;..l,'ljf,.Ha“ _ ‘ m umdcmte DilCt'hdi. James. Dilation solid ll-ztlhvr bmuufor. . .H V W- - I ‘ I . ()uratnclt i-A u‘ry I‘Ulllllll‘ll‘ ii: - “no uli-pélrtâ€" l “‘1” Lil” ‘llr‘lcmim 0f hth-‘lril'or ' men! and all olh ‘r lines uh- l‘fllllt‘lV (‘lll‘ll \. , ",7 l -‘ v- . . - . 1 ' .‘ . llentcmbcr, llH' Libin‘i' “mum :u'n' nl!’ new drill l ,ihnh‘g' J Sill hornus Suppl) Emilia“ I (mm the host immufnviurvrs. \\':~ worry" t‘nl) ‘ ll y I“ l»? llv' (lt‘p'tfillt‘tl ill Lllllu . , . - . ‘ .. l r. . . . .- I - ,. , . , . , iiiii-rsiiihi‘uiii:ifllii‘ii"m “W” “"1 5m” "" i l\.i“'l‘== “) II‘M 1le him thrmlxx' " v-x Hill‘ (A litt‘ lillwsl, ~1lll’ll‘i1 Agt‘m fur lllllll n» it“: l’nl'rrin. "-lti ':' '. 1 rt, I :it- ~ .. .v ' Moi ortltrs p unlit) t tndul to 7.721”, hvunn up “HUMO- U. W’. HOWN’EY The One Price Bargain. Shoe Hence, Brockvmc. F3“. t I ‘ h i l A number of fishing lull‘llcfillflNt’ been urmngvd to go to (‘hutlon'lmt on ,1“lltlll)' llt‘Xl, tho opening day of the ‘71 fin' l'illt‘h' llll>5. m‘ “w .. llilxl‘t? l 1h», "elm. lilllllitft‘. wt-ll known in . limits t-mnitr, (Violin-ml the luneml sm Vlt't? ut lllt’ irl‘m'ment til" the victim'l lot the ltri‘iblv tt‘il'h" mln'tlt‘l' Flt (ll".i'~ ‘ (’llC!"'wlll, l'.Q.. an lll't‘tllllll ul‘ whiz}: , was Lgivcu Ill the Reporter last week. John J. llynn, rcprt’ssenting ll Mon- ', trmi l'n'm, any: that be renewed the ' gl'l‘t'llltrn‘l bent-tit from usii ‘- Membmy's Kidney :nnl Liver (luff.B utter using ,..m-..':il [n't=1'~.~'1ruti0its for Kidney and inn-r Trouble, conned by much Rail. mud 'l“rnvl~iling. Ask J. 1’. Lamb? Athens, about it. I ill“. ll-‘gjgit‘ llll'l .\lr. Austin of? 11.521 linnst Work in Athens on Wed-z ,m-«lny and in company with a num- iber of Athens young people were 'Vt‘ly hospitably l'llltll'illllll‘tl by Mr. ‘nnd Mrs. .luosi ph 'l‘lmmpson. Two young: llLL‘l] {tom i.nn.â€"-downe {ippt-nl‘t‘d ln lllll‘ Alluring magistrates _..n 'l‘u. ml 1y t'h'liillg l'u‘. Ill Lhu copa- ir-iiy (ll. phuntill' :tmi defendant. in 11‘ icuun ot msntilt and battery. but. at the i lost momv-lil, llm plriintifl'decidt-d that. , he did not wish to go on with the action and :\ Compromise was atl'ecled. 1 half the costs being paid by each i l . . ARE immune To run Pail)- Farmer and Builder 1 of l i , Oils, l \ °""“”" ~ One. of 0-: oldest and most re- V‘re. Fishing Tack”, M” in town. ,1; at fltlfar Yongc nod and prices to suit thetimm. The? "500' m“ ’1' “Mo.” 3’ aw“) 0‘” D . (.5 r “mm” in thknmrkmum :thnt hourne iron! which no trnvellrr‘ In” 7" “tn lull lnt low-.. »-..i'.Â¥.. W“""‘~“- “" 'EV"“"“““Y “W- M” W" “way” m I 00' .n. ‘ I.” ;Edwm~d C. Webster had been a. bl'e Guns and ammunition of best Que Aty ‘ ,img Bee them. COAL OIL They hove the best Assortmon Hardware, 'l‘il. 'm‘o, l’nints, Vorniahos, (lnlcimincs. (llnss, Silver resident of the Webster settlew linvnt near Pll'l‘ hill. in the township ‘ zof l'lscott. Born on the farm on i - which he died, his life owl associations l lucre linked with that of the neiuhâ€"v bot-hood in which he r-lways resided: Best Quality. 1‘ ARIA}; ‘r 1)]IJ()(j}I§ and the lame come-um) oi people who ‘ ‘tnrned out to pay til» not tribute Ol ATIIENfi , respect to W memory testified to the . -â€"--â€"-_-~ lenteem in which he was held. as a ret- ativo, t'rii-ntl nml neighbor. Deemed Low Price '4â€" ’ i i ‘1” was in the 60th year of his age at the l A. h L time ol his death. He was twice mar- ried. his first wife being: Min Juno Eyre, with whom he spent 10 years of wedded lite. His second wife, Mill, Susan Debbi of South Canny. to whom he was married in that. sur- vives him; slso one Ion,ayontb at 9 years. Mr. Webster‘s cur tclstlm ‘ wm Ruth 8., living acar Millet , . John. a: :medowuahm hung: , h I ~ butt, 0 r n “ _' n. ,. tunic om» end I’m. a W ” Tll! Ill "Hill! l Monday . June 1 lawns i J . -. . . . ; how: experienced this spring In their é endeavors to provide the village with ‘ limited .. i .ltt‘n, ' .fl nos" in the owning. ‘ ground. ,liflltlS in the vicinity of the Village .wvre carefully , throng, ‘ country air laden With the odor of ; new-mown buy. the perfume nt’sweet« , boys would have “scope . ing space," they break! earn the un- It A at a W pl“. ‘ awr- ’4‘- - Talk about "Inuit. i “I w “to Ga '1 in 1.3!?!) m a d as man. u 82 lll. ‘ § Itch 0! every kind. on hum of nuiuull, cured in N minutes ay Woolford's Benitary lotion. We". wad J. P. I‘mb. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ohsllic. of Winchester, wbrc guests of In. B. B. Alanirc, in company with In. O'Laughlin, at Camp Look-out. Charleston, last week. ‘ The Bellevills Intelligent- ‘, claims that titty cheese at eighty pounds each made in a factory nose that city. in ’ °‘, . one day. beats the record in Enters II thst so ‘P We congratulate Mr. Jan. Bsmcy of Lyndhurst. on his appointment to the cities of cheese inspector at Montreal. Those doing business with him will find him to be it very courteous and obliging ofieer. Ontario. Delegates representing the Central Canadian Baptist Association will open their convention in Kingston 19. The gathering will close on Thursday. June 22, with an excursion among the Thou send Islands. ’ When you find that you cannot sleep, and get up in the morning as tired as when you went to bed. he assured your Kidneys are out of order. Membmy'e Kidney and Liver (litre will remove the cause of this trouble. Try it Ask J. P. Lamb. chemist, about it. A special meeting ot Athens Odd- teliuws has been called {or this (Tues- tiny) evening to appoint representa- tives to tlu’ mutual district meeting to he held at Mcrrickville on Wednes- day evening. ‘ Rev. Mr. Burns, who is shortly' to be ordained and induetod into the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at \Vustpmt, occupied the pulpit of St. Paul's church, Athens, on Sabbath evening. rl'o merrmz (Wednesday) evening, under the meg-ices of the R. T. 0fT., i on ice-(smut: social will be held on the of Dr. Cruel! and Mr. B. Lowrin. An entertaining programme will be provided, including addresses” Iund music by the Athens quartette. Tickets, 15c; two for 250. The Buean club. The trials and vicissitudes that the “mulls and young men of Athens a decent baseball and football team "wonhl have completely discouraged : lrss enthusiastic and ambitious players. il‘or it. time they were privileged to rpmclim in the grounds of the high school, end throng-a: the space was too for effective work. it was convenient of new.le and served lsirly ‘ But the brill would occasion- nlly be sent by n. hard-hitter out of :houuds, and to seleum it involved a trospnsu on private property. This was objected to and on appeal made to the trustees. The result was a peremptory order to “keep off the The Chief is ;opposed to ball~play on the street, :and so for a few nights the Gamble llouseysrd was utilized as a play- In the meantime all the considered. and a series of attempts made to secure a place to lay out a. diamoud, but the .owners of the fields positively de~ elinml to grant them the privilege. At length they obtained 11 field bor- dering the mud to Wight’s Corners. away beyond the corporation limits. This field is well suited to the pur- pose, and there, fur from the mmld'ning invigornted by the pure scented sylvnn flom, etc., tlie_ boys may be found every owning diligent» :ly twirling, batting and chasing the pig-skin. We are pleased to know that the 2 A. B. C. have found a home, though in n‘fryeign municipality, but it is not such in home as they deserve, nor such a. home as the youths of Athens require. This village deserves and , restsivm great, credit for its excellent 3' educational institutions. . . vided every requisite for the intellec. It hes pro- tnal training of the young, and now if , the village fathers could see their way 1 clear to purchc ing a small park hr their physical evelcpmcut, when the sad breath- dying gratitude of every boy that loves field sports. Such a psrk is possesch by "’1 many villages, and while sl'Iyl proving 0 source of delight, ll ‘uently mch 9. source of avenue. 1 Alberto had in park. we believe the limpls of the village would nah ll ornamental as well cl Ml, so M it would st onc- bcmmc the Mn pointet scum oxalic! pic-nice, etc. _‘l‘bI m is modes-lien. Mm A «t 7 QM ’ ii“! I "pigs: M ‘ ‘ffiu‘ nah lac) app-as. “wan-cud b1 the lanath have known each ctbcrand the nature our acquclntancc thus hr. but this 1- a matter of the heart sad"â€" “It I conjecture rightly. Hr. Bum bond." tape-ed the young woman. “the .1 you can to be on the Nut 01ml- lngwlll cartalnly appear to numberin- warranted.” “Exactly. I van about to say. Misc Mill- aap." he rejoined, “that this is a matter of ' the heart and is not subject to the rules that govern the onllnbry connect acquaint.- Incubin. Since I lime come to know you. my life has accrued to have a wider horizon. Anibitlonl thct have long lnln dormant have spun: into activity. and every fiber of my soul has thrilled with visions of a golden future in which”-â€" "Mr. Durkenheatl. have I ever given you any reason to suppose that l"-â€"-â€" “0! a golden future in which we two shall be the central figures and all the torccs of nature that tend to makcthc earth the abode of peace and joy for mankind shall be at our commend. Hand 1 hand through the smiling, rcllcys, hnnd R) hand as we climb the "4.33:..rt': slopes gr wnmlct‘ through the leafy guru"! hearing in our breasts the key that unlocks the mystery of imp int-53"-“ "‘ lug of you, Mr. Ilnrkcnhead,not to pain me by any {umber-"w “The enchanting prospect has seemed to beckon me irresistibly on, and i can no longer withsth the forces that impel me to put my fate to the touch cnd"-~ “Once for nil. Mr. Burkenhccd.” firmly spoke the young woman, "let me any that the idea of any tu-nrcr relationship between us thiin tlmt of friendship is uttertylm- possible. You will ohliuc me by puttingim end at once to this unpleasant"â€" “That impelled me to put my fate to the touch and “in or lose it all," sold the young nnm. speaking; with increasing en« ergy and rapidity, "and this is why i have dith to lay before you the hope-1 and 8.9- pirations that l have been overbold per- haps to cherish. but the burdened heart. Miss Genevieve Millsap. must have its say. The language of love and hope cannot be Mills-d, even in tho hour when dark (lei-pair broods over the scene. until the message it has to convey has been delivered. That, I believe. is all," he added. putting on his gloves and looking about for his but. "When I begin the nvowcl of A passion like this, Mine Milimp, it is my invariable habit to campio-te it regardless of interruptions and discouragement; Having done no on this mansion." he continued, with his hand on the doorknob. "with the success that has usunlly attended me in nflslmnf this kind, it only remains for me to add that It looks like rain and to wish you it very goal cveulng."-â€"(.‘hlrn 30 Tribune. mklyn Life ._.._,_-.... .,.. Twn Mitten-cute. The following; advertisement was painted In it small western paper some n ago. The llrm in question was the out» [lubed In a Mlsnlmlp l town: ' “Messrs. Brown, eukln- & Waterbury, dealers in sewing and lmltttng machines. stem, mica. smut machines, cotton gins. pumps. chm-H». has-Ila, (our. NYC“ and all 0914:: {or life and reinsurance. “\VnnmL-A few live agents to sell pop l ulnr tumhnnd maps, for which payment w." be received In beeswu. Ins-s, old trim. mpper and d ed truit."-Yontb’s Companion. Between Two "sea. “It scans to me." said Uncle Slim 8. “(ma no he will the rules and mm“ tacked on the door of his room at the fly- prL-c howl, ":lmt theac hotel 1‘ mumntlmil x xv,- to blood pop 0. "What. is hou- r?" asked his wife. "Why. om- M t m dinner! rules can. 'Don’s blow out thns' and another says. '00: burned all nhrht will In (I co m' Now, what’s a (allow to do?" a new .0 fr.“ n Wow. mmlammtbcydcandm mc£MWb Allah: m w, r. . no Mutational-other. III! touch 'mhnubbuh: , mil-Ids)“, uh.“ ecu-m ‘ . i . I \. Aspirin Young Anti:on have have a new pasta: ln which I venture to thick 1 create a sensation in the the world. have tried to throw into then divine cactus of poetry thth the c patties of human lilo. Editor of “The Literary Vortex" ins over the pugeskâ€"H’ml A! m of stud won't go any more. Nothln In it in the first place and done todcatb. Bar ’7, but-toll you what. thought Suppose you let us print It in our many column as a burlesque on the press pastel basins-l It'll be the nerectnln'ut thing we've had in a long time. “What'll you pay?” “Three dollara.” “Cth down?" “Yet” “Gimme the money."â€"-New York Trib- nnc. "at Sputth De". Two young ladies watt examining the mlumls at the 1.00 but Sunday. “Oh. what. A beautiful spotted door!” The other woman bowed her hand and wept. "Why, what. is the matter with you new?" “You don’t know how It hurts my tool- mm to have you talk about spotted door. 1 once brul 2: spotted dour." “You had?" “Yes. My dear was a tram car conductor, and we were going to get married, but the company spotted him. ztnd my dear bad to resign his p-zwltinn, and ever since I have to cry whenever I heor anybody talking about 9 spotted deer."-’l‘it-Blts. For His Own Convenience. A l‘dy in chg‘liong engaged a Chinese cook. When the Celestial came, among; other things she asked his name. “My name," said the Cblncmcn, smiling}, "la W'nng Hung Ho.” “Oh. i can’t remember all that,” said the lady. “i will call you John." The next morning when John earn. 113 to get his orch he smiled all over, on looking lnqulrlngly at. his mistress asked: “What. is your names?" “My name In Mrs. Melville Lnngdou.” “Me no memble all that." said John. “Chlnsmun he no scve Misses Mambnl Landonâ€"at call you ommy.”â€"â€"Boctee Globe. Just the Thing. Mrs. Mun-s1 Hillâ€"Bow hideous Min Blaker looked to that. bonnet! Mrs. Manhattan Beachâ€"I thought it was very becoming. At least the trimming was very appropriate. Mn. .lumy Hillâ€"l didn’t notice the trlmmlng. Mrs. Manhattan Beachâ€"The bonnet" trimmed with ivy leaves. Ivyls voryap ropl'lltc. It only clings to old ruins.- exnc Sittings. A "envy Smoker. Wifeâ€"~My dcnr, I’ll have to doctor. I'm afraid I have the and it's often fatal. Husbandâ€"Good grnelomil smoke. ., Wifeâ€"'NO, but l live under the scum not with youâ€"New York Weekly. met us a. can hurt, You don't The Last sum-e. Judgr-Tbla dentist says you requested him to pull your tooth. and after be bad dom- no got out of the chalrnnd knocked him down. That’s Mg but I didn't “lla- qmt" him to act no it “is hurt.” sac-n blntlâ€"Jl‘mtb. men-numoc.‘ [My (onan choc starch-l would like to look at me No. 9's. New nay (an-Im- b showbk knowl -Yec’m. Heat oven cnc'lcch at No. .flvfl. J‘NII N... Wanted. A ovmnunrmmum'mn W . .. ... wxwmcrneéfi" “brim o at. "w .t fi-‘Wmmuomuf. We have Hudsdm. A flucaslcctlon of the clout sud newest psttarns. Extrs value in Spoons, Fork: and Knives. En- graved Free. STATIONERY Note r, Envelopes, Blank Books, School). ks, Sunday School Library Books. 550. Discount to olergytncn and Sunday Schools. All. nouns viiiâ€"tilts s newt Our 8 seicl .-â€"Corrcct flttin of Speckle?“ by graduate of Ophthnfi no min-asserts 'M GROCERIE m ....... the Not, fine line 0! Sugars. Spices. flavoring Ithaca, pure supply of Pickles and Canned Goods. Oranges only 250 r dos. ‘ Bananas, Pimpplcc, Prunes, Raisins, Currents. We 0 in kinds of term produce. We went a lune quantity of dried applu. ' When you go fishing or camping come to us for your supplies. Mott & Robeson. mic Schools. WM- 00"“ l‘ 3"" . When in Broekville A JEWELERS d OPllClLIS , ‘2... King Street. Brockville It will (payvyou to call “and in- spect . . LeClair’s stock of Ready-made Clothing, Gente’ Fur- Golden Crown niehings and Bats and Cape. "‘“ G. W. heal-AIR. Directly Opposite Buell Street. The Athens Grocery TEIE YOU WILL BE MONEY - AHEAD If you purchase from our in Bonanza. 00 of New and Stylish Spring & Summer Goods They are grand bargains in quality ~gmnder bargains in prices. those Tweed effects in Dress Goods ct 25c, worth 40c. Cotton: ell reduced in priceâ€"25 yds. for 81. Ginghsms, Shirtings, Cottonaden, Carpets, Lace Curtains and Oil Cloths, all st veryl lowest prices. Remember, I keep the largest sud best stock of Ready-made Clothing in Brockville, also a full line of hard and soft felt hats. I give a handsome present to any one buying $26 worth of goods at my store. “'hen in Brockville, kindly give me u cell. We will try to meet your demands. Once a customer, always a customer. W. J. Bradley â€"...-... mar Going 50 Do [5‘ WHAT? J. H. McLAUGHLIN The Grout Bargain House Athens, Ontario Special to Beekeepers. The season is at hand for your honey supplies and l have Jos' I'm, made due preparations to meet yodr demands. l have on ml“ 5‘"°"’°"”° “‘W' m “an” 3"” hand the latest styles of Honey-Extractors. You should see ' “00""33‘3 them. Also Wax-Extractors, Honey Knives, Honey Glasses, mm m Bee Smokers, T Rests, and, in fact, everything needed for the “[3531 anal of IATOHEB best apiary. A share of your patronage is solicited. 0' "W Wm l' ‘0'“ Don’t miss the placeâ€"Athens Stove Dawn-Opposite Gamble HM ofChcks.chclfl.w-. Spec; blain Street. F E A R L? i; 0 o 0 Buy It! Try n! [.031 on m the favorite blend of Machine Oil. vii: Peerless Machine fill all“ and“ WILL BE SOLD RIGB’I‘ W 5’ .3111“ 'I’h‘ 0|! “N’s continue-walnutskuan scans-um. cm the. ALL general dealers and Hardware men keep it. gum or corrode and wears better than caster oil. it, insist on having it, and when you have . afien it a tridl yen will be delighted with the wearing qualities. . The Samuel Rogers Oil For the Home um, ‘ V “we ‘I .i - I 1 J.- , . u 4; l i 3 "e Adv 2‘ Next week will explam . .f‘ A. "x.

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