Ontario Community Newspapers

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 4 Apr 1893, p. 3

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"an" ego ' ilk-6.1.5- npunn ‘ :ersaetétfi’” THEREFORTER =21;_...â€"W "“ WW A‘fltllll. APRIL t. 18”. null-m authent- Ioaal coll-II "out. per line each lnaertlol. "LOCALflgIARY. Aft". an autumn unm- ‘I'III rum! warrm in. U NTIL April 15th F0 lt CASH ONLY â€".â€"..._._. Ive-ta as Ion by Our nut um Pencilâ€"Local Announce-onto .0110! mm Down. D. A A. (lot-sew at G. W. Beach's New dross goods at Phil. \Viltsc & Co.'a. Mr. W. G. Parish Vililwl Washing- drill ? i Al‘ Wily with! om. I" l" ' i. ‘i i . o l 3:“. A. um». a. Ila-ma. o 4 _ i,“ , new. lam. ‘ w. - watt-a i-a “will!” i “3"” The Government are bound that Physics-.â€"B. Mount, 0. Howard. P» l m: Vilma?“ illflldiod Nathalie" g . ‘ :; Canada. ahall have no cholera next Joncv, 1.11;“11‘ (1mm, inn“ “rum” “a” m, ' (“mom I p ‘ ‘ , t ‘ I I I seem: il‘izfcaAnbepf-temud. The Dr Email ?ramh-.:PE. KnowAltot'é 0.1.1.... may“ 31m my lumen-i» the,l i» , ' ' A ,.... v . . i - P" 0“ 8m“ “1"!” P“erm lee er. . entrant, . amp". i‘ (en‘s. W fol the imam. 0!" " ’ ‘ " “r I «‘ to protect erery weak point. and the hell. 8. Myers. A. Poole. J. Eyre. wit: mew" hint lrillMVI to} central Block’ Athens. 3' E' utmt cautiouand care willbcobaerv- Frenchâ€"J. Eyre, C. Greufell. A. 1 mm. ii... "114.. 'whurei tr. mull lay; ~ ‘ ed to prevent infection. The meat Cnmpholl, A. Lamb, M. Mitchell. ; big my) and paddle do an, and in tlw I From. now until i take stock, April isth, I will sell Furniâ€" ture at a reduction ol from 261%? cent. to 30 per cent. This, off my usual low prices will be a great inducement to any one who may intend buy- ing. As an illustration, it would reduce my $15.00 Ash Bedroom Suite to $i2.oo, and my $35.00 Plush l’arlor Suite to $28.00, and so on. Take advantage of this sale while it lasts. -LOB.D- 'l'llll FURlllTllRE Ill Net Morrinon'a Hotel. llRiK'KVlllll'l N. B - Baby carriages from 86.00 up. .â€"...._â€" _.__.__4~ BIIOCKVI LLB Business College SHORTHIND A SPECIALTY ton, D. (3., hot week. Don't fall to see our new stock oi boots and uhoeo.â€"â€"-Phil. Wiltse & Co. Good Friday was observed as an ordinary barium day in Athena. A large stock of wall paper at Phil. Wiltae & Co.‘a. Mr. John Wright. of Merrickville, spent Easter at his home in Athena. ioney saved by gonng to Phil. Writer-silt Cole for dress goods, boots Mill Rhona. Alabastine, kaleomine, door paints, wall paper. window poles and window shades at (it. W. Beach'a. Mr. Simpson of the Brockville Business College hes a good position in the west. We will give extra value in dress goods. All the latest styles.~â€"Phil. “'iltfle it (in. A few expensive chamber sets to be i sold for $5 per setâ€"moriginal price $9. $30; and SIQâ€"mut the (‘liiim Hall, _--l3rocl(ville.-'l‘. W. DENNU‘I. Carriages built to order, repairing and painting done in first clans Style at moderate pt‘ich.--â€"A. James. Elisa Jennie Thompson of Lyn, is efl'ective apparatus will be employed for disinfection purpoaee, wherever im- migrants or inerchaudiae are landed, and no ate necessary to protect the health of t- a country will be neglected. The old qceatioa ofbrandiu Amer- ican chme'exported from anadiaa port: was up in the House on Monday last. Most of the lumber- repreaentâ€" ing the chief dairying diatricta gave the House the benefit of their infor- mation on the subject. It aeema that, in apite of the care that has been taken, the cheese which is cent into Canada from the States {or trans- miaaion through Montreal to England is being unit! on the English market as Canadian cheese. This not only doceives the monomer but it damage: seriously the reputation of the Cunao dian article. A Toronto editor is at the Opinion that the problems in arithmetic given I .childreu as home exercises are tool profound, and cause parents perplex- ity that should be borne by the teacher who is paid for that sort oi work and who has n blackboard for army illustration. He thinkn figuresl torture the little bruins, produce night i mares, and thus coucludea; History. Geography and kindred euhjocla, which have sin ply to be committed to M. Knonlton. HistoryfiG. Wheeler, J. Eyre, A. Lentil). S. Myers, 0. Grentrll. M.‘ Mitchell. J. Jordan. Electriety. â€"-lt. DArgavel. B. Tunnth J. Jordan, G. Howard. 3. Wheeler 10“ Ill. Arithmetic.-V. Mitchell. L. Gren' fell. 3!. J t, F. 8W. G- Hozan, J. B anebardl, L. Moles, L' Buell. A. Gila, G. Ellie, 8. Crummyi E. French. J. Percival. E. King. Al ebr:i.â€"-L. Moles. F. Slovene. A. gullitingorth, A..Soott, A. Gila. T. Beach. L. Bucll, L. Hawks, D. e anketbie, C. Yates. J. Blanchard, A. Donnelly. llietory.â€"â€"-J. (lolliiiron. S. Crummy. L. Grcnfeil. 8. Lockerbic, A. Car- micltael, E. Hickey. A. Gile, G. Shannan, M. Mackie, A. McBae. M. Scott. Enu.Grnm.~â€"A. Gile, B. Lockerbie, A. Eyre. A. Donuelly.C. Yalei. ’1‘. Beach, it}. Moles. A. Hollingsworth, A. Scott, L. Hawks, E. Hickey, J. Blanchard. Latinle Hickey, E. Halludny. A. Black, W. Ackland. E. Leehy, G. Slmmzm, E Mule”, G. Ellis. Ph yaics.-â€"-A . Donuellv, A. McRue, J. McComiah, B. Lorkerbie. l McRue, L. Austin. AL, {glowing light of 3.14 monk) lire,‘ with thin rifle ml ital-z i!“ A. minus Min. , purt'ikt' of lint humbly repair, which thvtloud Hprit had ldesautl luau ’lc. ,oblain. and enjoy what many OIIJO): Malayâ€"Q lmlipy ‘uJiii-i UM“ ~ ' Inland. i or r\.. vu I. D. Water-I, Campbelllimd, Out. : aaya that the l'clet‘bm'o .‘dcdiduc 00.. ‘ (Limited), are at liberty to use his, lnumeiu the inter-cat of all who may I he Suffering as he wax- before he used :Mombruy’A Ki-lnoy u-nl Lirer Cure. Ark J. P. liiimh. Athens, about it. tow O. M fl“uwlllt" Picture. Se nil ‘25 “Sunlight” Hun)! wrappr‘rfi tgirappera lle'll‘lhf the words Vliy , oea n \Vouian 00k (l'd Sooner : Than a .\I.in"| to Ll.‘Vl'l.' Bria, Ltd . l3 lScutt St, 'l‘uromo, and you will m- lceire by post a pretty picture, liege from advertising, and well worth framing. This in no any nay Io ‘ decorate your homo. The soup is the lhest in the nuirltel and it will only. fireat lo poetiiguto send in lllu wrnpw {pi-rs, if you louvv the ends Olwn. ; Write your lltidl'Gs‘ (awfully. l Phup‘rixntrs wands. , The John Poole promrty. situated ; : on ()pouicon and hook lakes in South ' ,Croshy, consisting; of 1&3 lacrwi, ls‘u; 0n and after April 3th! will 0w a Can ll- aertment ot Trimmed and Uni mined [illn- cry at the More or J. II. Hchuzhlln. My good! are all new, and M the V0 late-t atyles. Hatlefuctlon guaranteed. my ' goods and prices before purchasing olaewhere. MISS C. SEXTON. will l’aper Q Wall Paper ..-..â€"â€"â€".-â€"-â€"â€"â€" Ten Rolls of Paper and Border for 500. ATHENS Gilli/Bil" Nan-4.. ‘25 lbs. light Muncovado Sugar. 41.00 . c t‘ l W k Our 25, 35, and 400. Tea bu cones in no p ace. u may every- F” Prfiflw. “c “u '0' ‘, thing required in our line and the . 31) l\ l'- 'h . volume of business we do is a. guaranzi net I pp Ls' pm “he .1 :3, too that our prices are right and uni assurance that our goods are alwaysl 1‘ fresh. Lnrt‘l, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 80 56 It is the prevailing opinion that we have the twist selected stock of Gro- Butter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eno- Eggs, per doe . . . . . . . . . t . . . a Our bargains for Cash, Produce, its equivalent nro unequalled. “7e Corn, per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quote as follows : Maple Sugar. per Hg... 6c. 0,. i Oats, per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ | You Are Invited to Call MOTT & ROBESON .,, d...â€" at. w.._â€"._.._.__.__..__.'__..._._-- -__..__... ......_-- __ 7v- A . A... Opening. ONCE A CUSTOMER -â€" ALWAYS A cusrmimm- r . They 51mm Get To 3 been sold to Mr. J, (I. J'uilvl. of Mor- lton. Several mini-5 of 1=lio~tpltztlu .havc been opened on thin- plummety‘ laud partially worimd for yours with igood reunite. lutlzgly a. stall of Allll‘l'l~ 250 I Paper for 1‘ I - - .. . '-. 'k~1 rlril --ll. \VJd ’t_w Ill '1 .hul 'oulo. “W to metro :can and (innudmu (mgiurwi luuc c in!) Willi-mm Ii Maw u um : on in In it i .i . Commercial (‘oursr Thorouah this Week visiting at her hrother’fi. Mr. memnr‘f MHl invol'v'c 11” fievt're Wait“ 3 Joseph Thompson of this place. , , , roan n. . in": .. ‘t l c - - » l0“ llie rewsotunc ultm n“ t‘ ArilliiiivtIL-.L-â€"l\l. (iI'I‘t‘I'I, M. (Ironk. A. l . .4. " , : 1 Th" it’dlt’a' Aid t“MP-“f 0" tllclpmpirm’ks in»? mum" mi mm but" hturueon. it}. Freeland. V. SteacY. iNcwtun “'Olltd endorse toe tortured. I Ty“ L Eaton B Brown S " , I ' ' . ’ I 1‘»! id' ~ " ‘ ’ - ' ' ' i one ISL Chum“ “In mm! M t’he'frnctiona ofa pdhlic school arithmetic Mon J Wrigm rrstdrucc of Mrs. Fisher, Victoria ,- ."t_ rlil‘niéi, on Welling-lay next at 33 p.322. , 'm a mg" ml“ .Algehra.» «G. Steucy. M. TERMH REASONAHLE About 800 pairs of Ladies' lndin, American, and Don Ola Kid Sand for lilustmtwl <,'.-~.l.-~.:oguo be- luttnu limit. must llL‘. disposed oi‘ before [st of it“ ay. fore. deciding win-r0 you will go. (hum '.\ lillo you i-rn uni than: it! :50 to 2.3 her cunt loss than rugulnr pr rm. Brown, 8‘. “due ‘ “"m GAY 3L \lit(")lli), Principals gunsu i l I the president for Friday next, 7th inst, ‘1 Big Reductions, IN l’it'im' l . 1 '. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bluulim rc-lui‘nnd tr. Mullorytown on Mon lay llllil. 31:. ll. reeumi-a charge vi the .‘lullnrylown i'livust- factory, Mr. l', .l. Finch, Bl. A., principal ol almme For the great plague of (Brilltlvi the .ltlu-n- iilgll Ht’lll'oi hue remain-d } l'llllf‘l‘ s uh‘t-h goes through the land. the appointment (If associate oxnin- implying and undermining cliarui-ter,l hair at Toronto for the midfiummcr nominations. A meeting oi the board of directors of l'uionvillc fair has been called by at 10min. sharp. important. business. it 13(‘Xpt‘t’iéxi that every director will be present. (l. W.1’.~rac'li‘e ill the place for new goods {or up: ng wants. them. the luteet and hunt. Assort- ment full up in ull guides and styles. l lt'.. u grand ntock for finding just what I you want. Few can meet and none can boot Iii" prices. “Christ 35:13 risen" formed Plenty of . lhold announcement of iii-4 viewa on i Mr. Gludstone has just. made a very i l the terrible drink questiou. i speech at Liverpool, he mid : of 3 upon our lit-arts and minds, a senat- lira-coking up the peace of families, goltontimes choosing for its vicliina, not the men or the women originally the worst. but persons of strong aue‘ iceptihility and open, in special ie- 'spects, to temptation.’ duvuennd curse, retitlemcn, lot 115' l m l-i i all ream-tuber, is a national ‘calumity rind scandal." curse, Queen's University Journal. in 3 point of literary excellence, ranks high among its contemporaries. The l biographical sketches of the allldtmts are always intvreating, particularly to i thozm described. Sometime! the boys 1 receive a tics-3 of medicine that, how- III n' “119‘ l which i I I . . i . :i ' ' w ~‘ » . .I, 'olu‘lin a wrek earlier than list your. “5 '1' U“) “h n ‘ d eply mam?“ ' This great , Molt..l. \V‘right, B. Jolimton. F. FifiliOll, ll. lirowu, F. liztlul‘. IFrounh.»-l*l. Gilioy, M. i‘mnvn, Bolton, E. A. Pierce, L. 'l'owrisa. EEIIg. Grumman-~13. Johnston, .l. Col-ey, M. ’n'own. A. Pierre, V. Stout-y, M. Green, J. Wright, l3. Brown, A. lI-igormun. History‘sâ€"ll. Brown, A, Pierce, V. Stem-y, .l. 'l‘yc, M. Sturgeon. M. Brown, J. “flight, F. Eaton, B. llyde. , Co:np0.~sition.â€"-â€" it" Illazk- burn. B. Brown, B. L. 1 i a l i Hitler, I.. i F. Eaton, l liytlu,V.Stcacy. M. Sturgeon, L. l Towriaa. it. {ii-reheat, J. Wright, B. i Yates. ‘VVriting.-â€"~G. Stacey, J. Cohey, F. Bitter. J. Duvlson, J. Wright, E. McMachen, R. Graham, G. Kerr. Latin-J. Cobey. G. Steucy, R. Grdmm. F. Eaton, F. Hitter, J. Wright, A. Hagermau. roam l. Arithmeticâ€"W. Donovan, lI. Myers Arnold. G. McCoulmy,1 , been prospecting on Um prom-rt)’ and I, ‘ their tenants 3 '0 so f:L\'(Il‘:Ii)li‘ that Mr, 3.06 Judd (unit‘lu'lr d "l‘it‘i‘ii ovals: millions 100 ‘iu it,’ and (zloaml tlio purc‘i‘wc on 8 . Friday luet. it is Sillil that run: reason (1 Wm Mr. Judd hurrying tho purchase is thin; the «angina-H luiro ill .covmmi i largo deposits of Vuluztixlo plintlplznlm " on SW Llama of tho {Jim not liuxc'olow : proupuuwii. 2U! Wi'll 1H oilu-r l ll]lll("l‘li.iii, 5\'lllcli [unlit-I” lllt‘ pit-,- i very valuable. We nutlvrstuud that Mr. i Judd has sent Bumping. of hie ‘llud and 1 IS now in cummuimutton iv"? English and American l and tin-re ia a. :itroug pi-olm! large industry being; begun : ."iiE‘, lyin that locality. We trust the you ‘1 tom may prove a lucrative one lot Mr. ' Judd. i What Women Can Do. i She can crime to u. t'o‘aitlu-riun with. ‘out the fight 3? truui-lv ol' .0254: hint: ion i‘, and no autw mun run do " at. 1 Six women can lull.- :.t once eu-l get Tulong lint-rate, u: d no tw» men (an N H t‘ It 80 5c 6‘ ‘t L". T S E E D .8 Garden, Field and lilower A full Mock just rccclvodâ€" All Fresh 8:. Reliable ~ â€"â€"~â€"â€" .\ L80 «~â€" ALINSEED MEAL A ND 'i‘nlvlt-s :iin: tilled with lAIdlt-a' Button llootn worth from l‘.ihh~. No. I formin: No. 2 fol $113; in In (-wry pair on those tables uniting {or you. nor li..r-;nlu and you I‘.III tnlw 3 ulll' i-lmlui'. for HUM. 'l‘hi 31' is it big hnrgtt I you to buy rum: I.2‘ to 3.3.00 r ir. 1. A. we in. It will pay [low you at «n our new Spring Stock? it in wonderfully chmpund complete in every ch-purtimin. minimum-,4 :i t'uil lint: or laidhez-s' and (it'llilk‘llufll‘r‘ Amurlt-nn Boole and Hire”. Aunt“ for ,Eliztltrick': l’nllcrna. I). W ‘. iDCIWNICY REGGKVILLE‘B ONE PRICE BARGAIN SHOE IOUIx ltllUCliVIL-LE , . l... _ , GREAT ,, | 20 Per Cent Discount 1 the l ever wholesome, is not inst to their for rush will lw given on ulll thrnic of tl‘mCOUFPG in all All)?!“ i liking, but the faults, follicr, and r . r .h, “I 1 .f . Ht UH?“‘l“” “ll illll‘dnl" FIO‘W" hilveivirtuea are usually so carefully rom- qur“: in!” 45“ N" “(L ‘ INN”? “9°” ""‘~3“"‘l"‘l "9 fl “"9 find 5 pounded an to be quite palatahlu. A l‘cbruury, at l beautiful 133m of the roam-renting), and V lute mm (“minim & _k,.mh or Mr. J. i in” "m. Cilm‘d'” W359 ““Omed "I'll \V. .lohna'on. of AlllI‘IIH, min student, & S Plum“ “3 “hm-‘3“- ‘f-om whirl: we make the lolluwing‘ .. I r . . i ll ‘ourdrnt ietmra he does tiotlmtrm’l“, “0" '93" Emma” W‘ml THE h'muffl‘f' .Mi‘if Wino») unyihiiig about the cures , all“ “Mm” l” W” 9"" Of ‘1’" "'"Fl Ii‘dcmhray‘n Kidney and Liver (7nre1f°"w“d: all"? “Truefi ‘i'il‘l hyefiui ' ‘» . ' ‘cnoura 0 re ron. claim onour . ‘ _ have ‘nfi‘0t?.“ '0 Peiorbqrn g“ in cience and 3 00d one at llt‘flht’y. Eilll, 1‘1. Derbylillre. Medicuie (o. Limited, l‘cteiboro ml I a . g I _ i - ' ‘ um " ' Book-Keeping.--ll. Myers, J. Beatty, Ont. Ask J. I. Lamh, Clll‘")l8',' ' ' . - - l . . l W. Donovan, W. Frye, F. Elna, J. aim” "'- ‘ The Proudencc Journal I: reapon- l “7,1,” “m” {or a" "'l‘°"‘"8 “bk. ‘7'?» ' Writingâ€"«L. Council, J. Wiltnc. J. I‘ illustration of tlw hospitality of ;. moi- l '0" 0”. ‘1"7 “1‘3"” ‘ him” "‘0‘", " Want. R. Derbyahlre, T. O’Connm, ‘ ,1...“ mm. 11,”... A ammp mum“ at I secure encloaurc, and seeing an opcu- L. Kinda, “‘ Km“. L. Robbins, GROUND OIL CAKE I a - q _ , 9' «l0 illni. {vigxf ghqglllfu' \v' hue" 1' i She can safely stick lii'ty pins in hr)? “20,,” W“ Mu)“ ldress while he is getting; one under 9 W' Fer' ‘ ' his thumb ll‘lll Y . 'a 1 “ ' H H . a I ‘v ' I i - a llentth l . Elli , \V . l) n tau, «’4 4 ‘ SM m” tlIk “‘7 SW“ "S 1,, “4,3 Knox T (l‘C-mnmz , . ' ' ' '7 i .: ’H \:I' r-(‘.a ho is: ,4 “whinyâ€"W. Donovm, W. Kim, . “"I "hm" '” Hm “" l “ ‘ .l. ' 15mm, 2; minim quiuusum of own will - . wllllu two men would be puma:an find our wiqu nu.” r, i‘llll we Invlte enquiry. \Viltsc W. Fnc H. l’ritt-lnrd L. . . . ’ ‘ ’ ' cuchoiher’s lieu}. bi'iute llioy \i- & Robbins. . , , Euclid-«W. Donovan. u. um. F.;“’“"¥°‘“efjjff"~3- _ V * chemists and Drugglsis lust; auteur. Baucxvme For Funding purposes, at the Lowest; Market Price. 3' 0 SPRING STOCK V I Wilm- W. K1503. A. She eld, J, _ ‘ nn‘l‘lxufi'“ l A Allmi:zln 'l‘hiirrulnyI Mui'rh ‘ w. the wile IN on: iiillin, e. formerly of ; Bunny-lac. not“ lime who. u a non. i Don’t limit l" “J? and inspect. our stock of hilarkrrd low for u Speedy Suki; banpuws Correct fitting of the liyus our: Specialty. l r. o. m” Court Glen nun". No. ll‘s'l‘. 'niln undcnti ’ I " Ordertfll’oroaturu, nit-or In Vii-3.8 llnl. (ll-:n 1 utcnk-J” «Jocks, Jewelry and A Wollo Island farmer guy-<3 :ml carpetsrâ€"ullnving secured the agency for Athens I.lor om: oi the. largest mrpt‘t house}; in ill", Dominion. we are prepared to ".hmv :1 larger variety and :5; per cent cheztpzr‘ c M Stationery always than you train find in llrockvillc. in stock. ‘ nine. “r: l‘\lu.<.1=..;.=», Curran“. Nile. Beautifig l A cabrcriber at Pitcairn, N. Y.. . . .. 3 destgns :im. {Exil'nul’tlhlai‘y diurn- lencloning a dollar in :I unbleiipiion , l a 1mm“, 5 “mph. “9â€" wrek, "go “I.” 1 ing large enough In permit the lamb A. Sh” mam. l llall'lril a linen ilusll'l‘ and A pair of“ "T l'a” "a" i’ui'mvn Infirge cpuugh [Or 9 ‘ A Pumoll§rzi£2mlnnsdtth crch tnonlh. at i ' ‘ ' '83...” fined Wm, hole“. Tm, "amp I hun to pace in. glee hunwh over for . ... . s toraniyt‘te'a 3...;jfipgxmflx. (a n. I _ VLrWdrc. asked for a (nu. some moments to active thought and ,._ 1‘ mum“ u, H. g l ‘1 R“ k R ,u then exclaimed :«My good lamb. , . m Twagmumwml . i rears. uaom .- mmmn m , I ? i . “m 1 . ' . g lbrin lrom out north about 90 lo 6 , pr” come 0mm")! » A] d w W . ’1 llfim’“ " a. ’0'“ ‘3'" Tm *9 For 01.19 Bap l P a . 1 fl Illl‘Pll the lamh, because, retui ned'. a. .m.mnmn“o- .1 I“ 3"“ v A Man "by" mm... 3 my?! “1.1. Apply to lot choice dmry row: and a few well “,8 “m”. 1 mm m mm“ mu. A“! n. n I”, ” alum...“ ltlk‘lighl!ilh?;gélll.Hirinl'uti- .mmmsEH :A fun 3;.“ lbw" b'm". “my "xl’m' ‘0 '““"l‘1)ouarc. youaro but a paltry hime “Md 18km; M it is “lied, i' a; ‘ __._._ “www.mmu..- y ,lr’r" 2"A‘l'?l" rammffl‘l'mm “'9 ‘53“: but once anm-xol in me you lmcume a 2‘ “mm, nemed' PM, of the locality , Farm to Rent“ ; ti«av n pr! 31' rill. o I 1'1). told “it'li ‘art of a great and noble woil‘. limit "our. of Admm‘ 'rosflaflding a. The my“, a, Miriam farm, atlunlmi non-l Repairing in all branches Oi ,annmmce in no time w we I I8 ot; hank you. rip' ed the lamh, withl n be ("4' MM fl‘mriahin 1M m-Hgnflmnnne “4.1".” mm... mm or. I , ’ f p" d _ ‘I Will he offered for rule 1 m; i . . 1' 1- - l i u “100‘ 3 "“m r 0 L ‘ K At one. l’msslon given March tut. .wpty ; the truth: Cantu y an prompt- . . ‘ I I cu I.) LOHCGH mg m nnrt i a 1° 1 dairy lunar, ms the result of the , to one F. auteur-4. Athena. ” , l h a “I. New, :,. ’ l" ; quaint mum!" mt um w°lf’ I 1""; l patient toil of the early pioneers, who 9 “MM HBflP:J_”‘JL,--_ -,-,*_..-_:.. ; Y ( (- "M “v " W» 091'" severu o nw “5le no i . , , ~ _ . g - . . .m do a of ore with laden cannon . W “when “"n'wl f'm" ""39 i” "‘m' 'and in “aim MP'liiW “Mir all.‘ i hah‘minghhut lellnoti ' I ' . VF . I and if it is all the some to you l think me um“ memoigr :23!“ u command "I my guaranteed as. '_ All goods; represented. ' 1 renewal, nya :-~â€"“‘lome of my Maude ; send me the "llrri-lu'i'le Timon." but _ fi 1 mil rem-tin an I am." We have iota oi ' t’ iin my estimation the Reporter is for better paper. The Mona m. nought our present homoa in almost unbroken tor-nit. A fee of i there ancient veterans still swv'vc lo l'l ' cider. m R DARLING. ammon- M I t w I name wlmou mYWAm.“ . l & v Dr... Goodgiwâ€"Sm: '(Nl'l’ililt' “m Huang“) "m Heading matter here, take three ipaprrs, but the iii-porter is always Farmer and Bulldar ; u... gm one I want to see. It al- *07 have the be“ Amrlnwn 0f Most sec-ma like having a talk with an = ardwaro, Tinwure, Paintl. 0W"! '9 mm”, “WSM'TM‘” i" 00'“ l toll of lite Home “I'll-rifles which It.” IiWJtIg the oxammation ol Chas. Sirip- ‘ “um 0'“, ho" M 0‘ um um", i than for the killing of John Fntelmmomi ,I "iufiom which “my endured “ "my . n w” {Md n “r ‘0 ho” Ii Wash! with the mi lit] lorOst trunks ' I‘ ' " 'nIIion before olice _ . Oila. old friend. at Bmhvllle on Friday I, from early more til creunde, Whrn 3t : m as thee necessary to athor- their 0'! , . . . _ 1 MW.-~..“;‘€a;r: ll“"£..ӣll'§i wmm- rr A ~. . . .. .. - - ~ '“m' m' n ‘ i "' ' i, ‘ ' - ‘ nhoolin o indium I 1'. Ip- . [ma [e a In 3 a a c we: ‘ . and prices to suit the times. The! The rme'hmmm‘ mun by a“ man ansd Mnaml minimum-1m l .0. mg night, mil the mother... Dmfismaklnfi ( Dlia! Chums-«heat in the market.-~ ‘(mmw Fundy m "‘0 high “no”! ' committed aa accessories. Owinl totho t “MW their little on” close, wound :“ ' tfmz'M‘tli‘A a 312% I re ore“ “05$! of l ..I .‘l V H 3 *‘rints from 6c. ‘ i...- rut “:20. A splendid lot of Sutincs in lutth titL5i5iiS :u. unearned” aim Inst. between Calutown 1 WM. BOAT E3 l . and Athena. alumna PM? nil‘rcr watch with 1 1mm: i mean hair,“ link chain In! key unwind. Millzab l - A , . ‘ an minim Minn to the Renal; 22° Kn'g StreL“ BlockVIHL :emtoJO 0. (LE. "r'lum Hollow.” t! .a . I.‘ ' “ -_ . --,.. . A. Ready-mad. 010th! f'ThCSC goods are net what they are all 1.19. O'llricn's make. are reliable «an 3 represented to he. Look at those figures :- s-Mcn's all wool 'l'weed Suit-i, $4, worth $6: Boys' do. $3.70. worth $5.50. Sue our Men's Pants at $1.15. our Spring Overcoats are worthy of your attention. W- v- e M? .l 4,0.-. rd °“ . Hinll on 3am ay err-hing war one ol M “I h. ‘ a W" slwaya in strict: dud at lowest price,- , about time «you now an I can. . “w I "km" “mafia,” “ ‘ . mun" “mum I I . ‘ Guns and Ammunition o AWN“ h". G'" been who" 'u 0.. on.” H “M “a “£00 era“ Mil lhml their lair: mhw m, ,varicd and excellent and in every notpuhliah any at thoeviileaee'takelyt “u” 6. i so ".____-,_, W- , W--. . . a -A I C O A. L O I L """°”‘"‘"°"" T"°""“°"°' " """"“"" °' W” “.131 “will ......""' mi "hle'éiiii ravinemwouiilf PAINTING . r .h Lo 1" e “daughter at the char 101' songs dimmer».th 17th inn. Imme'xru my I i ( I a w ‘ Murmu- " "C to. “am, ted the l in their arm; Ave-OI, troll. aim m l 0 $3 2:; A was” m 3 .1 V, KARIAE'Y I!L()C r a ‘ 0M e a ' prre olocItion am err gee», " . V tlraaot'liaa [nth-II. “mm M 0 styles wand Wicndid vultx'. Lnll and main: your soft-c, .. can namhtahbly an art-int. and hat ; when“ now . , "pro-rotation ohm- human em chops duh. I ‘ . by We Holmium and her rel- mil an as to boil the audience bound. Hire Ma 1. If Mina Into girl when “to w 'I‘ in to sauna” the“ tummy ‘ fl“. Prwmmo m pm.“ 'mbu‘w' "ha".mw or judo nth-hate antler firm 0 amputated. “"3" t One moment would be ronreleed with ; Ml “ “Nil” 0' ll" "it'- I‘ laws”. '0'” h. M. ‘2’:- Amurior Oh fitmfiallg‘m: a Hgtfl. win-“lo llll\'(.‘. :m immi-mo stuck all this at! ri's «x. of «no W" m we ' I i u I, i mlWM each m

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