Ontario Community Newspapers

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 4 Apr 1893, p. 2

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» u”; a v ~ v ‘ r l . i .~ , ‘ '_ ‘t "4 ’i . v v- , , H ~ , ... ,. ' mdfihu " I s - L, . is“). You pay for the Incominch- uen. not ehs II“ “III. . l “I rt WIT by amino! solld nwgmtotk not. on. Letter From Florida. .- An AW m of ID m t. m In.” lath-Winn. m at Its "pawn-m the m m Bsnford. Fla. Inch 22. 1893. On the 1st of December last R. N. Empc (my brother-inlet») end my- seler Clsyton, N.Y.. end srrived nt Holland Pstent nesr Utlos) st noon and remsincds s sud s night to to see s friend of r. Empey's. Mr. R. Rowland, who es s yous v orsnge grove in Florids. horn W out we gained much information about the country that wee of interest to us. Lott on the evening trainl arrived in New York M6 in the morning and started at once to see some of the sights sud scenes of that great metro- polls, vin: Brcoklyn Bridge, Gristle Gsrden sud Wall street stock ex. change, mode is visit to Brooklyn in search of Tulmsge’s tabernacle, but being very tired we gave up the search,nnd wont to Trinity church. Brosdwny. On Sunday evening. We redefined in the oily until W ednesduy scram: waiting for another party who wss also going to Florida. Wednesday afternoon we set sail on the steamship Seminole (Clyde line). The first night was very foggy, ssw nothing worthy of note. excepting some porpoises which we saw ahead of the vessel. Thursday afternoon we had a heavy sea and had 'about msde up our minds that we would stem the - tide without gelling serial-k. but in rounding Cope Hatteras on Friday morning we had to succumb and “heave up Jonah" at the gnogwsy. Saturday we arrival at Charlmloml S, (3., the seat of the Conledsrscy,§ passing old Fort Sumpter. Found: nothing particularly lull-routing (lur i ins: our four hours stay. and left for Jacksonville, Fln., arriving at our} destination, at about 3 o'clock Sunday l nttcrnomi, having been tour «leysl sud four nights on the water making; the trip from New York to Jackson-l ville. It would have done you good i to nee us register at the hotel. We, I still retaining the rolling motion ofl the dressed. had to cling to the mun-l ler in order to write our nsmes. We took in Jacksonville, and Mondsy sfterooon left for Palalks, 75 miles, somh of Jacksonville, up the St. John River, and on our trip much enjoyed l the romantic moonlight scenery, er-‘ riving ut Polatka st 14.80 that night. After remaining a day at that place, . [left my friends snd took steamer} Fred de Barry for Sanford, nrrivingl hero at 8.30 Wednesday morning: Obtained emuloyment M the Sanford ; Variety World; and went to work that Afternoon and remained with that firm . for three months I run now workingl fortch South Florida R. 11., A. B. Allen. Muster cur builder. I find the people here to be of the first-class. bouh in business and social circles, made up from all parts of the ‘ Union, the southern people predomin~ é sting, coming chiefly from Georgie,‘ Alabama, North and South Carolina and Virginie. Plenty of coloredl people here, may of whom seem to be industrious sud mslus good citizens. A northern msn is not fsvmohly im~ pressed on his first visit to this"conn- try, so everything seems so different. In piece of mud, you have sand; inl when of com and wheat fields, you' have ornnge groves. 'l‘lie principsl industries here are gardening and| orange growing. At the time I am i now writing gardens are blooming; with the rarest flowers. which live’ out dnringlhe winter. Most of tho‘; northern hoolioul-e plants are found: here as common garden plants. 3 The vegctsble garden i! not made l with little effort; you must labor to v . nee. At the some time. if you has industriously, you can produce ' maths here most of the year I nd. Lend can be bought hotel most on, price, ranging froru 85 . .2300 per core. according to its‘ tivstion. Orsnge [roves very in If the owner is satisfied with, ~ country. you will hove to psy at high figure. but if he lsdimtisfiulycu my not s cheep grove Budd“ tress mhlnsdelobesrfrnitst 6 sad 7 yesrseldsndsevdllnnst lo and 11 After s‘rove begins to beer yous. it sees better every ms- and ponds nice little income. There no my tine groves here. The. , fipssrgroveoflliseres.” sets all; .4 tsbs the oldest in mu). m to .19,M0a y ’ itn M3400 per y p sud tortilla". The Isth- lRobeson has improved 0. with ssvsssI . i. 'm " . Column» m "m" “g. - «reels: uwm more; .. .. q... .. t f t In WM Blade's pines on In.- W‘ "s ‘ i llr. C. John-non ltsu Ins-ls unravel. latprovcnwm in his srssnwry this spring. lls exchange-l «no. of Ilsa small m-patm'ove lb: s larger one W:%“)'Llll u enmity“ ol‘ regal-sting .. . 3, .ol'mi per our. new meégflgozoyfkfillffigfi ' .?t?; 8 horse 9 m er outflow lxuslbcL-lt ppt 'in o . ' nod connector! wi'i thn ni'gur Inter Shqlitlz...‘£il‘:..':‘.“§§:T‘tffff v.” w w m Wbbl. ‘ butter. 860." llllilt‘l‘lllfl‘guc. (at "mum"! um. "in-11mm.” in” Now .Mr Edle : I “I Emu“ separuul milk wul ln' 'umped unto my leuglhv. a... x' will bring on "WW" '*"""- "W" "" "V "‘ "" otter to a ulow, thuiki you to} specs in your widcsws 0 paper. which ispemscd very closely by its msny friends. as". :50 a lot-film“ to per wet. “Panes lane on psy has: "J , you went. he. no low you in so ‘ O'misnd when you p» lt fur what. you get. Mucus. banana“, figs. dates, peaches, persimmon. pine spplss, fruit. all grow here. I saw I sweet or sour milk. - -_........â€".g-. .. ,- -E, DBLTA. Snosmv, Apfll 1.~The revival M... “N, services which have been in progress in the Ilethodlst church have closed. Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. Ransom, of llelsvllls, visited their relstives hm WIIIO Lil'lflll ’30! 003‘ Inst week. The Bsptifls have their church u", °' "nurwnlfl' painted nicely inside by the skilled bills“ 0! I." I“ 0°“!!- flflm work of the Connecticut srhst, l". G. II“?J“°C.-â€"; 13:20:! lvery- ' Rt, mold“. I“ '0 0 up. . . r v I :mlel Bullts is still sick with ‘VILTsEMVN' i dropsy. Dr. (lreggon has no hope for Mommy. April 3.â€"~â€"A psrty of old l his recovery. pimp; pertook of supper and sugar at: Mr. James L. Denuut spends his r. . U. Brown's on the 31st. 5 holidays licrc. er. Drummoud Purish lost it vslu- i We regret to report. the death in she cow last week. lBt. John, N. B., of Mr. Lewis S. We are sorry to hour that ML] Bush, lormi-rly of this place. Helms Willie Eur-l has to leave his studies on been a: successful a. rent for t 0 British aco tof'lll lth li‘ ' d0 ‘SMt if c on l ten . “lupus en. ntsrio in us I e assur- Miss Robvccu Rowsom is at home once companies. He was 0. son of spending her holidays. l Mr. Lewis S. Bush of this place and Visitors :-_.\lr. Rowmui, Lyn, and leaves a wife and a child to mourn his Miss E. M. Gardiner. Brockville. nt‘los«. His wife is a daughter of out Mr. E. Rowsom's. tuwnsmsn. Mr. A. Buken. The body 4 l erriVed here by train. scoompnnied by Mrs. Bush, last Tuesday night . and the funersl took place at one firing!" under the able management of; 01"ka l3“- Wadnesg‘y'-h Tharell‘ntllnz llss. yers. ,Were conveye e . cl 0 is Farmers are all busy in the ranger bush l church where Rev. W. F. Perley resent. preached the sermon. assisted by Rev. lasers. Fred Mullins and Chas. Gool- . ‘ by are able to be around ugsirf, the latter gfiGEé‘gfiyle' The My was placed m ' . on crutches. We are glad to see in our midst the ; smiling face of our old pedugogue. Mr. H. ; S. Sherman, of Athens. Miss M. Smith, of “ E. W. MIDDLMN. Ach - - . FOBFAR. Most)", April 3.â€"-â€"Our school is pros- at ,.._ *w '11me lam Inner In“. Mth Fan" and l Names appear in order of mo'rit. Mr. W. A. Auklund, of Athens. ure spend-a . ‘Sf' .1lerf'h‘ m’ New“ Wbumore' in their horidays at horns here. l I55!” 5‘93"" , , , idr. Abel Stafford has returned home 1 J“ Fom'lh'”“V‘”l3 suml'l 8"" ul‘lcr his extended trip u ) the Petawswu. . Alguirc. Laura 31‘0"". While Mr. and Mrs. Pry wcm driving 5 Sr. Thirdâ€"«John Rotten. Pvan into Newborn. fmc 4533' in“! we“. lheif , ‘r-own, Stanley Rowsom, Eva Parish, horse became frightened and throw them ' Charlie Parish out ultimo rig, by! neither was seriouslyi Jr. Tbild.«Essie Earl, Annie hm" EStucey, Annie llonen. Henry Bow- . som. ‘ Sr. Second.-â€"Allie Csiswell, Jessie , Parish, Willie Thompson. Jr. Second.-~Msry llonon, Willie lilackwood. Port II.â€"â€"Grseie Burial]. Average attendance for March, 15. Hurts BULLIS, Teacher. muses 0mm Moo! upon. The following is a report of the inumhezr of marks obtained b} the Mrs. Li. J. Johnson presented ln-r pupils oi Alguirc's Corners public husband with a fine baby boy. ‘ Et‘llnol. The marks include punctu- Mr. Rich Reed pnid us 5 flying ; nllly. home premration, conduct, and visit last week. ' proficiency. hlnx. 600. Messrs. “Walter Johnson and 13.; Sr.1V,.--A_ Adrian 570' G, Mole. Belle tire intending to raise raccoons i 520, l. E’ulluli 515. B. Howe 505), H. this summer. The coons are now on 5 King 485, G. Council 470. exhibition at ()uk Loaf r. o l iva. Council 485. A. Trickey "5 ,' ‘ 475, (l. Woof 445, A. Cardiff 896, J. ("AILTRL llrmvn 885». ll. Lawson 320. SATURDAY, April l.-â€"llir. Po-rcvl lll. Gloss.-â€"-L. Chant 555, L, {lon- All’ordhss returned from the Mariâ€"fiiell 440, 1. King 430, (l, nnell time Provinces where he has beenl370, B. Lawson 350, J. Henderson during the last five months (skinglz‘lo. orders for Fisher’s seeds. ll.â€"â€"-D. Howe 580. W. Sheffield Another wedding in this nei ubcr- 560. W. Polish 550, F. Connell 525, hood last week. Miss Ids Riel unlit. Charlton 500, S. Joynt 445, G. eldest daughter of the late Tics, Joynt 395. M. Brown 290. Richtrds, to Mr. Will Bums of Bur-l lit. II. Err-J). flheffield 53!}, R. gees. Congratulations. lChsnt 490, H. Hnyden 480. J. Rsn- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Chsnt have the ‘ kine 445. A. Joynt 860, N. Connell sympathy of every cue in their and . 240, A. MoClnren 215. bereavement. Their youngest child. sl Pt. II. .lr..-â€"«P. 0079] 4.65. L. bright ill.th fellow, about. u year and i Covey 460. a halfold, accidentally fell into s pen 3 Average attendance, at. of hot water on Wednesday. The} Tum. H. Cnswrosn, Teacher. burns Were not thought It first to he 9 3M mu, Tm dangerous, but he succumbed to hiel Ema,“ B “n ;__ ‘ " " Tl ' . Tl' lnjlll'lu! on iursdsy evening to DEAR SmflAnm' me m we“ . fnnonl is to take plsco in the Nellie» , dist church hers“ 10.30 to-morrow. “0de "m" Pmducm'ar “mull”?! those who are unfortnnste in ‘l ‘ Bose d Ell ‘ J 1‘9 MN.” m I. at," having; herds that do not give mills end Minnie Alford are home from . , . mm,“ Norma} for uni, Ens“, ha“, high up in commercial value. We ops ssn ume that some of those men will rl ' M" lbe isoetisfied with the Bsheoclt Tes- tes, 9nd will any 1 sm not in it ; but the men who produop mill! which stsnds higheetin Vslue will in well pleased with the tester. 9-. OAK LEAF. MONDAY, April 8.â€"â€"Sugnr making is all the 0 now, 1 Mr. G. I. Johnson has a quantity 3 of seed pens for sale. . Miss Lucy (iodlrin has been very: sick with the quiosy. She is under ; the doctor's care. ‘ We understand that quite a. num- ' bc-r of Scotch children are going to, make their home around here. 1 "" v"? ""1?!‘ '4'."W “Ann ISLANIQ. Sunnis“. April l.~--Mr. W. W. pen of the winter in having his hitches repsired, an yorkth of which is s credit to the em ,- . . During the pleas-at westhprl 499mg“ l” cm?!" "‘1‘ “N M which preceded the wasth change, a 2 “Wu _ “i "W “mm ll}! NM M smoke ' thsve can seen at theiy‘m' m’lk'md,l°‘,"“ ‘0 "ml" “n” b" my pm “pm”! 3 Crust that which I! C'nur's. end to lrosnthsdiflosmt meL which! , «at e wh-oh bolon to induced es to believe a... sugar. ' The new meld wooi- nm hint. W to we «(*1 m lad wily, n Robinson. of Broclnille, whet balm tel-1m m the m I... w“! friend, in ",5, which he pptromsu not] todonwly vicinity, listing reemtly returned nth- from the South where he spent the # winter with his son-in-lsw. Dr; J. L. Shibly, of Csnning. Osl. Robinson was once s former. y W in viewing s‘, W of that sentry; W'W ' rsnged lhut the patrol" can turn! 1 I wprd in time to those who my “chm, l bemchned to soy. or do. ruh thins. mg in Omani” to the wishes of In ..-..:-‘;s;. 0- .- Durlug the pest three or four months the olrcslstlon of the Reporter hss increased so much thst it was found is very Mex. long. and lshntioos test to print the aired number of copies on our Washington press. Then, too, the space on up by adverth left us only shout f the space required for local nutter. county and peers] news. ' For some time post we have been quietly rushing mtions to efl'cot a com ohsnge in the make-up sud gettin out of the pspev. and to this end. it couple of wee ago, we purchased one of the end most com- plete Wsrgddlc presses mule. nnsl My we hsvs the proud sstlsfsetiou of issuing the first number of the Reporter printed wholly in this odes on our new press. opersted by stesni. The shove cut gives a very fair representation of our new Wharfcdslo press, which weighs in the neighborhood of four tons. While this press was being set up, many of those who drfpped into the office shook their heads dubiously when told that we expected to run it with our little' Acme cbul oil engine (s correct cut of which appears beside the press), they deeming it an impossibility for so small an engine to have sutlicient motive power to run so ponderous a. machine. When all was in readiness and the belt nttncheil it was surprising to we with what case it handled the whole mess of bed, cylinder, cams and slides. In passing, we might mention that our Acme coal engine (manufactured by John Gillies &. (30., Carleton Place, Ont.) has been in constant use in this oflice for over six years and today runs us smoothly and noiselessly as the day it was started, and at ll. cost of less than fifty cents a your for repairs. From the above out those who have never seen one can form some idea of the engine and the immenm power it exerts according to its size and weight. Two men con netsin lift the whole boiler, engine and attachments, the boiler holding loss than three pails of water when running. But the great desic'crntum with the little Acme is the low cost of running. After slx yours trial we are certnln that 800. worth of fuel oil will furnish motive power sufficient to run any ordinary press for o period of nine hours. A few words to our patrous and subscribers may not be out of place just at this time. In order to make our present change we have exponde upwards Of $1,000 cash. We have done 5;!) fooling Satisfied that those who are ndebted to us, either for job work or subscription, would upproolute our efforts to give them one of the best looul papers in Eastern Ontario, as well as to turn out n superior quality of job work, and would promptly settle their indebtedness as well as speak it good word for the Reporter oilieo. thereby sustaining us in cm- undemfl‘ing. Since we opened it job office and commenced the publication of the Reporter we hove met with runny cheering words of commendation as well as practical proof of appreciation: for which we are truly grateful, and in future we purpose devoting our energies to retain the good opinion of all our friends and patrons. The Reporter will. as in the past be strictly non-partisan, in every sense of the Word. We do not propose to dabble in politics and will not be drawn into n COHtrOVorsy. lroxvcr great the provocatimi. \Ve purpose treating all religious bodies alike. and will be ever ready to land it helpinp .rmd by giving each and, ovary one a. fair and lmpm-tiul assistance to promote their interests. It will mire us a couple of weeks to get everything running in proper slinpe, when we will commence n new story of thrilling interest to all lovers of choice literature, “in again thank our friends for post favor. and none“, them to speak a good word in our behalf and try to induce their friends to become patrons of, and subscribers to the Athens Reporter. ' ofl ‘ are...“ Wool w . n w 1; “"22!- w... .oiili'w” .2; Itch of every kind, on humor animals, cured in 80 minutes Jy' Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. ‘i’t’nrc-l tinted by J P. Lamb. 1 l Il’you want to purchase it piano,; organ or sewing machine, give me u call and save utcmoy. {Joule good‘ second-hand organs nerd melodoons, for sale cllctlp.~»~»â€"Jt‘te. lions, Athens. l Rnnunmxsn (loam iii .2. my._; South Anicricun Rheunmtic’Curo for.E Rheumatism and Neurnlgin radically} cum in l, to 3 days. "for. action upon the system ls remarkable and myster- ions- It removes at once the cause; and the disease immediately disappears. l The first dose greatly benefits. 75] cents. “'srrnntcd by J . P. Imnb. l A, ' ' i Rebeocs Wilkinson. of Brownsvellcy,l Ind, ssys; “I had been in a distressed : condition for three years from Nor-3 vousness. Weakness of the Stonicch,‘ Dyspepsia sud Indigestion until my:l . ' [width was “Ohm I bought one home; Haring purchased the stone building near our old promises and moved of 3mm, Amerinn Nam”, which , n'ur \voolenworking machinery into it, we will he reody to receive orders for done ma more good than any $50 , (Afrdlllq, Spinning," Weaving and Cloth-dressan about the firstoof May. worm of (Embark 1‘ mm. ("d in my Watch for our mmonncenwnt about that date in this space, 1"“ I “lid “Vi” "9'7 wenklythcMAnflltim JAS. :F'. person to use this vnlueble nnd lovely . remedy." A trial bottle will convian M you. Warmnted by J. P. Lamb. , MM.â€" ..»â€".__..- V..._ . .. ..._...~..___... OTfCEl BE SLTIIE ANI) REA!) T1118 you went a Stove. squsm or extended. for coal 0r wood, be sure and see our stock. If you want a set of scales. the old Fair-Males, wlth steel hearingsâ€"We have thorax-«sud The American colony in Hawaii arol Wtifully illustrsting the boosted; principles of freedom of speech and, the supremacy of the will of the; pie which no thmretioslly dial” Eris of the American constitution. lisvi, .b the old of“)! Ammml M ,0, no the son from ’ ° 'llllllk cans, Creamery Cans. Dairy Pails, mp5" sstsbllsh s govern r t "um °1 N Mp“ ° 1” BINKS. AND A FULL moon or TINWARE , they have nor.- srmtev! an I 3m him» silencing .mmflivw-mll he can: oil-rm w band; We makes mach-Iton won-ml “Name”. Th,“ i‘l . ting snd Egyptmghing, sud Cheese Vote. GIVO are 1. cell end get our b ‘ l prices. Msin street, opposite the Gamble House, Athens. win; spun not amino. , . W. F. E A R L . l l .- hncause ha ; mam-nun l vnsn he no hueinessi . It is hh business to! s: aloe for the‘other fol-i t M o '9 ii. Khalil his "smudge; his than, sud lot hood “Complete Man _ sun now 1'0 ATT IN IT." III“... A...“ 's-ns. -L n 1 ‘ Hg. ‘ .v, Illth .tbsellthenmcstmodsvnts"pvim usll' heprepsredtopsythe highest nukes prise ht wool inceshor Syn” EASTER "M Dress Gnods Sale O’Do 131106 B started on Saturday. 18th, the greatest ress Goods gale that has ever been held in Brockville, and Saturday's business makes us certain that it is a success. PRICES TELL AND JUST THINK OF THESE 2t in. Costume Tweeds st 9 e. 43 in. Estsmsne Semen in B sch, Nsvys, stns snd Browns, etc. $56.. worth 390. 42 in. Colored Henriette: nt 19 and 22c. 42 in. Funny qupnrd Suitings, worth 500., only 38c. yd., etc... etc" etc. Littlest” These are only a few prices, to show you that we mean business; but whatever style of dress you want you will find it just as cheap. Come soon and at first choice in the other depts. Everything will be found; Aâ€"r. Value and prices always the lowest for first-class goods. Among the special lines are , ladies Block (Put Dye) Cotton Hose, 10°, 15 and 250. Ladies Ribbed Undervests Inc... 2 for 25c, up. Specie! lino heavy Cotttmnde. 16c. Tnblc Linen from l7e. u . Men's Grey \Vorhing Shirts, 50': ; Nsvy Flannel do., 750. Our space here won't permit our giving you as many prices so we would like. We call this The People's Store and we endeavor to make the name a suitable one ; and you will findi’: to your advantage to do your buying here, as we carry a complete stock in every department and always mark our goods at sellingâ€"moot keeping ~~priccs. Don’t fail to give us a call when you are in town and we will make it to your interest to buy from us. .1 line a padlock ofgcnulne “LIN :71 O’Donahoe Brae “The People’s Store.” Telephone lOQ. BRQCKVILLE, ONT. câ€"n.» . ...,<.._...‘.._.. >sv. GRAND CENTRAL AZAAR. Office-rife z‘lze Central [Vote]. :Litlh’lBlNlNG The Bradford Warehouse, Crystal Hall and the Fair. Comprising all the advantages of The Grange Systc to the Farmers' interest. or Great Reduction Sale. The goods must be sold. The Dry floods must go i The Fnir goods must gel Thousands of Remnants culled from every dcpsrtment at hdlf'pflvc. Five Thousand Msnufsctursrz’ Samples to he almost given sway. The Crockery must go! 8ALE BEGINS ‘ Saturday, April the lst, 1893 Full linunsnd every srticle required for hossehold use st Gsuvsv, Rsnuosc Pistons, distancing competition. Lsmps. Tinwsm. Groceries Crockery. 8th- tionery, Glassware, Dry Goods, Earthenware, School flecks, A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: Sap Buckets moments“.....................$9.75per loo Sp cndid Japan '1 es. equal to any 50c. . . . . . . .for 35¢ a pound TwocapitalBrooms..........................forascents FactoryCotton,good........................4}cperyard TapestryCarpet..... . . . . . . ..:5cents Stair Carpet.......... . . . . . . . . . . . ..8cents FancolorPrints................ .....5ccnts ArtMuslinn......... .. SailorH . . . . . .....15 cents School .........to per centless than made prices MuscovsdsSagan....................22 undsfor$t.oo Full InuinCsnned Goods ..l5 percent on cr regularpricee Diamond Tea Sets. 100 pieces. sllfirste..........for $6.30 Closesssesscs....o..~....f0€$..5° o » Eng-slur Setgwonhhqoo .. ...for$5. I O " 'scecsssssssso.sseeocs'scsseeseooouooofmm 35C assesses...-one-nossesoJSQn sssoe-s uses-l. I....F.OICDOO on...» snnelsn Inns 1

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