.se-uui... reeeeeeethelfl. ‘l A ~ 'eeuel t.†' venue W more W uecnvesu ‘use. "Ill" llll DINITIEIT 1-le FOUR m m1‘ Imam 0N 5U“ OI ONE DOLLAR 8 UPWABDB Oempennded every It: lentil Fulï¬l!‘ NOTES IllhlllllllTEll 'e fitted up over‘ store a hi alibi’ the eonductin of Dress end tr i 'n ell their varied branches, l heve, makeeggsh'ctiqn in announcin that l have seetuled fbe service; of Miss May empbell, late , 0f inï¬rm", to teke c , , of'the department. t iesCempbell has ad ever six ears ex- ‘ perienoe in the making to order o Ladies’ ents in several large towns in Western Estrada, and has been successful in suiting the testes of the most fastidious class of society, and from her many and excellent testimonials, we feel conï¬dent her patrons will in every respect The undersigned hevln decided to g0 Westiwlll sen tbolrlerge and com lete etoc of goodt at a bergein over the counter. This stod of , , $10,000.00“ will be’ cleared out by the tst Sept. Please do not ask to have oods charged, as we wish to get our book accounts settl as soon as sible. This will be a good opportunity for arties in nee of goods to save money by buying of us, an we ave all our new spring stock on hand. eedlouseleeftheeieteefthe en Ill he ilmehy being severed peenpslnt. Ir. I‘. Incoherdeed bully heve removed ie Uslloryiees for the sem- mer. Mr. Blencherd le to teke ehergeofthe cheese rectory et thet Iilch cows st Petteveoe'e eeetloe eels on Wedneedey leet t en unusually high ï¬gure. showing thet the people have en ebiding feith in the dsiry es e money piodueer. The gigsmnrussuqn 0-- Ilee wants‘. etteedteg Buster vceetiee et the home of Ire. Bleheed Arnold. ' .m'be berel t of e chimney in the Doweley k on Wedneedey lest crested quite ee interest for e time, but nothing serious resulted. The Stenderd eeye thet st Newborn on Wednesdry lest C. Devieon wee sentenced to 15 deye herd lebor in ' Bitten. resigned. il sweetie; ls preetleelly ended, elter one of the shortest seesoee known in yeere. Not only is the meke smell, but the quelity is poor end bee en old-auger. cl color tests HStore to rent. be satisfactorily dealt with. Miss Campbell will be . dey during business hours, when she ‘Will be pleased to see pros ctive customers, either to advise as to materia and trimming or to receive orders. in her rooms each Respectfully, " H. H. ARNOLD, Central Block. GENERAL Missourian‘ ‘the. April 4th, Itâ€. D. W. DOWNEY h†THE one PRICE BARGAIN SHOE HOUSE I BROCIiV'IIJLE. ONT. {Hill QIRFULLY, DEOIDE WISELY, lltll 00M! Tll 08 Fill Ylllll l'rlt Boole and Slippers. Ott'l Berlin Felt Boots, half-fluted und li-uthrred to top of ll. ‘moon's Felt Uongross. Lure and Button. Boots, front .. . . .. omeubFelttlllpi-crs (ruin .. .... .. omen'e Leather hiltiptil'n from .................................................... . g ................ . II": Lead in .Hooraslns. Button Boots at 98c. Bee our stock bi-forc you purchase. ()ur Ladies’ ï¬n good value for $1.115 D. W. DO\VN1GY FLINT'S BROCKVILLE. w .1 yew ei,oci< w w “we†w- Silclioc is Golden list thnt dot-s no prevent us saying thut ' 1V1!‘ i' to‘ [In l‘ - . ‘ .‘ [sardine . “’ ‘ ......‘..â€...~..... .Machme Oil Mode only by MoCOLL BROS. & (30., T()Il()N'I‘() ._ Use it once and you will use no other. detbc ï¬nest in tho market. Beware of iiiiitntdons. (.‘niiadu for engine cylinders. For Sale by S. l3()(l(l_",' evasive cite McCollZi famous Cylinder Uil is the beef’. in Ask for Lurdiue. At hens-i, ()nt. :5de wcnxs The subscriber l‘; now rvndv to nth-r ‘ Axles are nll. riff-cl fan-tailed and pothe public :i. larger stock .‘lli'i it swvdged. , greater Variety of fine (.‘ltrriilgihhl thnn ' Tiregmllescmcz- steel, round edge, "ever before, an of the llmt stylus, ‘land protects "HHS of wheels. i ' Springs-"All (Yup-1t litcol. Painting¢ï¬trirtly porn loud and oil used, nnd host points that can be pUrchitsvd. Ample time given for ‘painting. All \vork finished with ,- English Varnish. Trimming donc with Leather, illioquuttc, Leather Cloth, and other urc the best A zmutcriiils All Tops mud;- in my shop, and only bout. Aiuvrii-iu riihhcr used. Bowgof $(t\.lel!l"t;'T()Wl.ll key Ash. My (.‘urriugoa hrtvo been hrforo thi- i \lblic for over thirty yours :iinl it ‘will £0 unnecessary for nu- to any anything rte to theirimei-itc, Sullivc it inouncc that. it is my ‘iitlrliofw to keep ‘them in the front milk, its they have .n in the phat, cud enjoy the good ; 'opinion of all who uniy use them. Iy Wheels ‘ Erode. Buy no other, its there is, more (inception in u wheel than in uuy ' other part of u turrriugo. l Po euro and give me r- eel! before purchasing clowhcrc. Ti-rmn ini'ilo Hui {staciory to ell. n. ‘FISHER tn mt I W.... w“. _M...___.__. we .___ . IIJRJVESS for ell kinds and the best kinds of‘ Harness, Blankets, Robes, etc, go to Aclcy R. Brown .Athen Ropniring rccciws prompt attention. S ___ mm-m_m an . . . We laugh demure we have’ secured (ï¬e e ' '. Dominion and Bell Organs Dominion and Bell Pianos Brentford Pianos cedeleohn Plano! y Orge‘ ns .. Sewing Machine AT LOWEST RAT". 'l'beolloerlofthlelhnk “pledged not to dleoloeetheteeneeotloneoleny of lte custom- If’. 1N0. PRINGLE Met. w R513??? TER. mucus, I "Business notlcce 1n locel columns 10 cents per line eech lnecrtlon. LOCAL SUMMARY. ATKINS AID NEIGHBORS!“ MULLI- TIIB 331111;! WRITTEN UP. Ive-teiee Ieen by Our Knight er the ,OIQqu-OOQI Announcements Dolled lint Down. D. dz A. Corsets at G. W. Beach's. Mr. S. Plril, Ont. Good cooking butter nt. Thompson's, 1'30. Glen Bugll cheese factory has a new 14 h. p. boiler. 8 M. fret ‘2x1 lumber Phil. \Viltsc St. ('0. it. Heuns, teal-her at New Dublin, spent Sunday in Athens. Sheldon has returned to for sale“- All goods at cost this mouthut Chins. liall, Bl'ockville.-â€"T.\V. "58le (lush paid for cow hides, calf skins and sheep polls ut Wilson & Son's. Mrs. (illl'fl, who spent the winter in Montreal, has returned home. ‘IV Two Buggies for sale. -Pbil. n iltse f,‘ o, Dells is being surveyed mapped by Walter Bentty, P. L. S. A fine stock of Gents’ Huts at Phil. “'iltso tit U0. Dr. C. M. B. Cornell, of Brockvillc, paid ii visit to (.‘harlcston Luke lust week. do and A fine displuy 0f lilnstr-r meats can he soon at tho shop of Wilson ii‘ Son Special in quality and at usual price. (‘.hinn. and fllusswurc at cost ut Phil “'iltee ii‘. (To. The News tells of a $100 lottcr, muil ti at Kirgsion, failing to get hrough thet P. O. Hinglo-foid Dress Goods ll’. 00M’..- Pliil. Willie t C0. ‘Mrs. (Rem) Lowe. of‘ Almonte, is visiting Mrs. l’. Merrick end other flitlndd ill AiliBIiS. Bargains in Boots and Shoes at Phil. \Viltsc do Co. Mr. M. A. iiiveirtts has returned to Athens mid looks as it‘ his holiday trip bud agreed with him. Balance of Wall Papers at. A. Parish ilr Son's~munt be stld. Some clidicc gilt. patterns yet to solcc-Z from. A lino of ï¬nc enveloped printed by the thousand st. 80 per package, at the Reporter oflirc. it is evident. from tho weather of the past few days that. "winter still lingers in the lap of spring." G. W. Bench is solo agent at Atil' ‘anus for Ford Iloiiillon’s Josephine Kid (liovcs. l'lvcry pair guaranteed. Try them. A joyful soundpthc i'liunor Bell- is if. not ‘2 And thou ifloicco of sugar- cured hum or bucou which you can get. ut. 'llhompson's. e; Local fishormcu arc anxiously awaiting the opening of Charleston Luke, but. as yet. icc covers tlic izrcuter part of it. The Journal considers Prescott. to be the head, foot and centre of navi- gatiOn and wants to one an immense elcvnlor trot-toil nt that. place. WCutch onto this. We will send the Reporter to s bomt fidc new .vnh- scrihor from now until Jen. 1. 1893, for 50c. in lstflllCP- The odilor of tho l'ort Hope Times has instituted criminal proceedings against a practical joker who lis'idcd in for publication a bogus marriage notice. Don! forget that. A. James has a ï¬rst clnse horse shoer end will give you eï¬rsiclnss job lit the following prices for cash : Setting shoes, lOc ; new Ehoee, 20c. Mr. Running, of Eilisvilie, re on Monday in connection with the stertin of e broom factory if‘. Athens. e trust thet. ho found the conditions fevoreble for thc enter- prise. The mnstent drop of wetnr wears wey the herdest stone ; tho constant gnew of Towser msstineti-e the herd- eet bone; the constant wooing lover cerrii-s cfl the blushing meld; and the constant edvertiser is the one it," gets the trade. N. J, Met-shell is in town this week ceiling on old friends, properntory to teking his leeve of Unitedn to locete st Potsdam. N. Y, where he has secured e lucrative position. ‘Tie penning ltrenge thet we have not bed the pleesure of recording the errivsl einongut us of pertiee loeving eny of the etetes of the Amerioen Union to. eettle in this lend of tell chimneys end l growing industries. Possibly the tide bee not turned in our direction yet. “so lervteee. Divine service will b0 held in the churches of the perish of Lensdowno Beer es follows :- Trinit Church. W et 7.†p. m.. 000d hide, 3i Peel'l. Del‘, M w i. i i '-|v . l‘ . pi.“ r1?" ' , . ,3, ‘w,- Wï¬l| Brookvilie gsol for stealing mnekrete out of‘ John (-lrshem’e trepe. A bill to provide for the admission of women to the study end practice of the lew was carried in the ()nterio islature on Wednesdey lest by e Footy of one. And thus is bridged clest ditch that sepsretee women from the professionsl domain of men. The contract for the erection of the factory for the cerrisge com isny st. Brockville has been ewe-rd to Crsin k Mix of that town. The con- tract. price is $82,600. Work will bgin right oil‘ as the building .mesi- be reedy for occupetion by 8ept.. 8rd. Rev. H. F. Waring, pastor of the Baptist church, is preaching s series of sermons on the Bible. On Sunday _ evening his discourse consisted largely of a comparison of the relative merits of‘ the authorized version of 1611 end the revised version oi 1870. Tl .- service was very interesting and edu- native. 7‘ Rev. D. D. Munroe, of (loverncur, . .Y., formerly pastor of the Baptist. church in Athens, is here for a. brief visit with-avicw to recuperating his health. lieis looking fur from well, and evidently has need ofthe rest he is inking. We trust. that ho may tind in the ozone of the atmosphere of this locality all tliiit iii required to rc- store him to his usuiil robust physical condition. Messrs. T. Vsnarnam and W. Tuber having ‘purchased s. bankrupt stock in Carleton Place, Mr. Tuber started for flint. town on Thursday lust. to take charge of the store. Will's commer- cial ability and ufliibic disposition should ensure him success, particu- larly when he is associated Wit-ii n man of such large experience as Mr. Yuiiurnutn. A little over n year ago F, W_ Lord staked down in Brockville sud opened up a. furniture and undertaking busi- ness in tho Donaldson block. His business llllB incrcuscd to such pro- portions that he has found it necess- iiry to cngugo larger premises, and has scoured the large store buildinglntoly ‘occupicd by Mcllomild dz Dis-Curie, ;;i.--.irlv opposite ll. If. Smart/s hard‘ 4 wzirii store, whore on tho first of May he will open out the fini-st stock of undertaking goods and furniture to be found lit Control Uunudit. Moun- whilo. his large stock will bc sold at. greatly reiluccd prices to snvc rcuiovnl. A Miillorytowu coireupondcnf. of the Recorder F;l)'rli The funeral of‘ tho int-‘a Miss Judd look place in the ‘Methodist church on Monday after- noon lust. The BQTVZIZQS were con- ducted by tiie liev. Dr. Saunders, of llroclcville. iio took for his tcxt the \om-cixor'cn by tho deceased, Psalms tlfh'COUI'n'c was lo the livincr and was listem'd to attentively by the largo crowd gathered. His remarks were about the one departed were grnndly beautiful. Thorn were ninny fiicndc and rclstivos from a distance present. i-i-rcmony by iii-vs. Ii. A. llctts and (irenfell, Athens; Wright and Sor- vico, Mallorytown. .llr. Judd, of Judd, of Crystal City, Man, accom- puuied the remains on Saturday uftor- noon last. ‘Ono day recently with n view to lomning how tho Athens Mineral springs had passed tho winter, we wemlcd our way to that scoludcd spot. A lendcn sky, through which the nuu~ beams stoic m iitiiil intervals, end a» cold north wind made the day uny- ihing but pleasant, nor was the ap- spirution of the hcppy thought. First tho nrtcsinn spring situated on the slope leading to tho village. spring is conï¬ned and fills n tank to n height 0f about. ll ft. 6. in. shove the ground. The overflow is curried in tin the tnnk and cscnpcs at some dietunce from ilt'e spring. The noise of the suc- tiou of the wnicr into the escape pi lflllh' div water is of crystnlino purity and ihn bottom can be pleinly seen. Continuing about fifty yards further, mine to the Minerel Springs roper. The petbwwey worn by the fiat-t of pilgrims to this fountain for tho heel- sim-e been covered with e cupctkof lgrunt, but e lfttlo further on trecee of the onetime popularity of these worn planks end just the vestige of e corduroy miuk the epproech to the ï¬rst spring. In this en old wooden thick rust-colored scum. Beneath en evergreen close by lies en old tin dipper from which, in those degener- wniors. The carefull constructed waste-‘pipe hes become o ogged by the decaying processes of time. end It! e routing place in its journeyinge up and. down the eireem thet st this neuron dreinii the flat. The surplus tortuous channel to t is ediecent deep dng rlilch, the lidce of which Ire coined with e minerel deposit. The ‘.Ztird chnpicr and 4th verso. Tho very impressive and his closing words Ur. Sounders was assisted iu tho Lansing, Mich, mid Miss Maud The liner-e! Springs. pcurnncc of the spa-logs more an in- thc visitor comer. to Here tho water of the iron pipe but-k through the bottom of ii- hi-md nt quite u distance. In t e and skirting n ledge of rock, you ing ofhurnanity'e ailments hes loot! watere is eseily diecovereblo. Wenther~ pump ri-poscs, end eround it floete e nicdnys, believers drink the main lower end in utilised by e muskret so ws'w from the eprin, hes formed e second spring only e few lbet distant, lie ll'l nppearenoe e fhll eieter of the drilt (minult the pump), but tit. li-il- )Illlll OI only, te reeeh e decision, the erity is conï¬ned to e for the wstere of the tee ere eeid to he entirely dim-rent. As we stood morelislng upon the eerteln deeey of Leneilcwne, on the worlecheenmeoenqbetto the elvemleetve The old saying, “keep your own dooryeid clean," taken literally, is very good edvice for this time of oer, when the eccumuleted rubbish o the winter is likely to prove oleueivc to the sight end smell of the general public. ‘ Self-interest and public safety dc- msnd thet the locel by-lsws relating to the saniter end ï¬re-protection of the village be rigidly enforced. Let ‘every assistance be given the village oiliccr in prosecuting bis work iu these .lepertmente. A person visiting Athens the other dsy. thought it strange that among the shade trees of the villiige there should be so few evergreens, end strongly advocated those trees on the score of the diversity they give the landscepe. They can be trenspleuted with advantage now. ‘Most people suppose thet the menu‘ fncture of tobacco consists merely 0f‘ inking the leaf‘ nnd pressing ii into plugs. The fact iii, however, that thi- process is a very delicate one, end the least. false step will injure the flavor. The leaf must be carefully attended to for months ufier it lcnven the plenter'ii hand. it must neither dry to quickly or too slowly. Even after 1t has reached the thlOt‘, tho utmost. deli- cacy of manipulation is required. The weather must bc carefully studied, t'or if there is too much moisture in the sir when it is pressed it will mould, and the seine will happen if too much moisture is sprinkled upon it for the pur- pose of‘ opening: the loaf. Again, if it. is ovei-dried in the ovcu it will turn crisp, and will nip the tongue in smoking. It is by careful attention to all these points the’. the “Myrtle Nuvy"liss been brought to such perfection. The ï¬rm who manu- facture it hnvo their own storehouscs in Virginia, und fioui the time the leaf leaves the hinter's hands until it is turned out o the factory, months afterwards, in plug's. it is under the cure of their skilled and trusted em- ployccs. ‘(- New fledged Doctors. The result of the examinations at uccn‘s (lulicge, Kingston, was posted on Monday lust, and is of unusual interest to our readers because several ofthc successful cuudidutcs are from ‘this vicinity. Among those inking the decree of M. i). and G. M. uro Smith's Fells; ‘I. Stevens, Athens’, 'l‘. llnrhor “.bll N . ll. Bulfc, ‘ll. l). Denuut, Delta; ll.- G. Smith, Perth; and J. S. Murphy, Ncwbot'o, won the honor prize of‘ the position of winter house surgenns at the general hospital. Six of these are graduates of Athens High School. An Apology. lu lust wet-it's lSi-illt: of Reporter, under the heading, “only $380," we published n puregmph regarding the upprsisemcnt of damages and the pity- mout of ini-iurencc on the school ‘building of S. S. No. 7. “'0 now de- clare the statements therein contained to be wholly erroneous. They were written without malice and with an entire misconception of the facts of i the case, and wc offer this apology to ‘all psi-tics aggrieved thereby. ‘The inspector representing the in- nuruncc company, end the trustees bf the school agreed upon the amount. of damage done, and the sum $385, was pi-ouipily paid. The trustees arc Well satisfied with the ewnrd. tn or Wm. Sherman. Plum Bellow. It. becomes our painful duty to, chronicle the death, oi. the ago of 7-’)! yours, of one of the oldest. and iuo~t rcspccted residents of Plum lloliow. V. W. 0. Sherman was born in Plum Hollow and has slweys resided within sight of the old homestead upon which he wsii born. Ho leaves two sisters, Mrs. (loo. K. Brannon and Mrs. Levi Derbyshirc, and six sous and three daughters who survive him. Mrs. Stephen Sheldon, another sister, died some three or four years ago. Mr. Sherman was one of nature's noble- the esteem and respect of ell who come in content with him. For many years he lies carried the meilii twice r week between thiif village end him Hollow, end no more peinstsk- ing and ohiiging man over bud the custod of Her Mejcst ‘s mail. The funere on Bundey lest rom tho family residence to tho Baptist church, of which he hsd long been nmember, wee lergely sttended. Rev. L. A. Bette conducted the funeral services, taking for his text lssieh 64: 6. 150mm‘- The con t for the fourth Demoreet model wee bod in the Methodist church on W eedey evening, end lie eniertsinrnent sfl'ordod wee one of ï¬e finest of the series. ('ifhcrc 'lllll good eudisnce, compoa principe y d ledies end young people. Just why this letter wee the eeee would he herd to eey, es the entertainment given st these contests ie well worthy the ettentlon 0f the men of the villsqe. On Wednesdey evening recitatione were given by Valentine Mitchell, Budie Grehem, George Black, J. it. Tye, Edwerd King, end Alden Block. Very pleeeie musicel eeleetione were see‘ ythe {Ugh School Glee Club, end the Iieeee end Ir. Boyce sung e trioin good style, tho soloists voice sweet eed true. It re- e short time for the merits of the reoiteticee hei “le polet- conforming: I eethe new o r. Fisher Idetbeeeeoeeeeieee‘ M tettbeeedef t'ml hunter elweye neeleel, note sounded. verygrnd, w- etlpmqlleeterBuniby stile.“ eodwelbingle the e r. ‘WW A. E. "1‘. (I. and W. Ii. Bournes, Addison; men, quiet end ineseummgsuien whose word was his bond. He ed iiod eppeerenes thet breeds suspicion. The 0 ition in the New Brune~ wick Legislsture ere prowling or the appointment of e royel comm ion to investigate e charge of , ling brought egeinsi. the Gov nineni. Nothing like keeping up our entry's reputation. With the approach of the ï¬ne weether the ‘corner loefer bobs up sen-nely' end makes himself obnoxi~ one by blocking up tlii~ nldtlwflikfl sud penning offensive remarks Whenever it suits his funny. RH. h‘. Btowell, portreit artist, now located at Phillipsville, has executed e number of ï¬ne crayon ictures for residents of Athens. Hi wet-k is of superior style and ï¬nish end his prices ere quite reasonable. We ere pleased to bc able to suite thet Mr. Sale Blsuclicr's symptoms new give reasonable hope for his ultimete recovery. ()t course, he is still n very sick man, but his general condition is much better than a week ego. Prince Michael, of the "Flying Roll," is now cooling his heels in Detroit gnol. He persuaded his fol- lowers to believe that after lic was "puriï¬ed" nothing he did would be a sin. but the authorities nrc likely to take s different view of the mutter. The Unionville fair prize lint is now being printed. Those who iii- tend securing advertising space, therein, or offering special prizes. should communicate at once with the secretary. 1n one day's canvass tho special prize committee obtained $75. "An important. feature of the bill to prevent tho sslc of watered milk, Ontario Legislature, is that it pro- vides that :i cheese mzikcr may inform a J. l’., or magistrate, and that. in case of conviction, he gctu half’ the finc. "1 Mr. Ira. Kelly has secured mi inter- est in the. Athens planing mill busi- ness conducted by W. (l. Parish. Mr. Kelly is n man of experience and good mechanical ability, mid no doubt his entering the business will give u fresh impetus to un already well-conducted industry. ' For some’ time past u miller in Kcmptville section has frequently missed provender from his mill in one or tho bug lots. In one instiuico he pursued the Suspect. uud found the missing hug, but the putty claimed ho did not tnkc it intentionally uud in fact he did not know he had it until his attention was drawn to the bug sud the bran wns git/en to the owner. Another instance the miller fOllchti thesuspect and found the bug in u. sleigh of a i'espicinble former and at onco took it. and accused tho fa-i-mci' of stealing it. he took only whut was piled out for him, and us two other pat-tics liclpcd him to loud he did not count. the bugs but. took what was given him. lie has entered nn notion :iguinst the miller for 81,500 for defamation of character. Burdette on Inter Igge. For ouo thing, 1 observe that “Ember cgg>,“_nr0 quitc a feature of the fostiViil. Now, when I was a. boy wciuid no such nonscnsc, says llohert J. Btirdctte in the the April Ladies‘ Home Jouriuil. We llud "nigh" always. “liliistersigs†usually pronounced in one word. We used to color them with calico; fast colors. 1A week before idiom-r somebody Would go to the sioro to buy tho culii-o \viih which to print the Mlll'ï¬." "is this fruit. colors? And tic clerk would lift his hand to heaven und swear that tho deluge couldn't. fnde one ray of ilio brightest. tint in the figure. After securing his eï¬idavit, we would tic tho "nig" up in s bit of that print and boil it. The calico would come out of tho ordeal puie, SpOllt'Sfl, whiter than snow, end ihe "tug" would be a thing of beauty in dots sud lenvemend leaves and twigs. \- I'he Oouterhtt Ieple Bum. The practice of inciting over old maplciiugnr and stirring in n little grunuleiod auger to give the product n little better color is frequently prec- ticed a little later in tho season each your by those who wish to be the first in the market with "new" maple sugsr. The lest. Legisleture penned the f'ollowmg very strict lew nu the subject: “N0. 88 of‘ the public acts of l888, epproved Nov. 2.5, 1884, is hereby amended so es to reed iis fol~ lows: Any person who shell edul- terete mepls euger. maple syrup, or bees’ honey, with cene sugar, glucose, or with eny substance whet- ever, for purposes of sale, or who knowingly sells meple sugar, maple syrup, or bees’ honey, thet line been edultersted shall be uniehcd by e fine of not. less then 0, nor more than 8200, for eseh ofl'ence; end one helf ofeuch fine, on conviction shell go to the complement." .“c.._._.... . ._ ...._.____.__._.__...._____ . SlllLllll’S . consuertioii cunt. 1“ OIIAT COUGH CUR “I WWI'IOII I l PAINTING eel-eh I which has just been pusscd in the, Possession given about ist Sept. Phil. Wilise & Go. OI. mt l 00ml Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure spproeeh of that terrible diocese Consumption. Ask yourself if‘ you sen sflord for the sake of saving 500., to run the risk and do nothing for if. We know iiom cXperieuce that Shiloh'ii Uuie will cure your cough. It never fails. Wanted. Two experienced and three apprentice Ilrle to work at DIG‘..th Mantle Masking. film}? to Miss Campbell, Ureeemnkcr, over Arnold's store. Athens. Boarders Wanted Appiv to Miss Webster, next door t) Phil. Wiltee's, Muln St., Athens. Cows for Sale NU)! "Ell of fll'Siet'Ellhfll! tulich cows and two boevt-s for siilo. Aplpiy at out-c to if FRANK HHEL N, Uuk Leaf. ."s Went-ed. PPREN'P1(‘RS to the llrossmnklng Apply to MISS EVA MICHES. oVer Kincal is tin shop, Athcmi. ll 3ft! For Sale STRONG, ABLE MARE. fli. for Munitebe --choico of it'ltlil ngt-d ti llllll 7. Also is good Uowtl years old. ll. t‘. llt'l.i-'()ltll. Athens. 8 . .‘___....._...~...... s-_ .- REMOVAL K ISS EVA lll(‘lli'3>l having left hound L the painful tank of her customers rhino- ln stnlrii, by moving her shop to tho old bl!)- cis d resident-c, Main .‘lt., Wishes to nunouncc tolicr mutiy customers that sho is novvlnu secured tho acrvlccs of ouu well skilled in thu urt of llrosstnnk in“. Thanking my mnny customers for thulr past putrmiego, and ho iing tlioy will contlnuo to itlve mo n cull. it nin 5t..ciitmiicc, one door \rcst of Mott K Robeson. License Districthrock- ville and Leeds. I)UltSl'A.\'T to nub-sections ft and G of sec- tion ll. t.ltll].l(‘l‘ lllt, it. S. 0. end uliicnd- niunts thi-rcio.l tit-ruby glvu notice tho! ll'o Iliuird of Ll(‘|‘llfll‘ Commissioners will moot 0R Monday, thi- 19th duy of April, "$92, ut tho hour of l0 o'clock n.1n., it! thi' Registry (lfllco in the Town of llroi'kvilio, for tho oonsldcruttuu of Lii'ciisos for ihi- vii-mini; your. Inhio giro timbre ihut llnvhl Edgar lill ll)- illcd fur n tzu'i-rn lii'i-mio iii tho villm of .lorton, in tln- Ititt'lmlii]! oi‘ South (‘zouhy ; that Michiu'l ltitpi- him iipplii-d for it iltlil'l liconl. in tho villiigoof liunsdowno. iii tho tovrltlhlp d L'iusdowno Front. 'l'hni 'l‘. llrown he ee- Put-Ml for n shop llircmio in the Town o! t,.oo - t’ lc. Thu! tho lntnl nnuilicr of linens“ mod during tho i:iirri~nl ‘\l‘.tl‘ “its fifty Mid the ioiul number of uppiiiulious for iii-ensue for (lii' ensuing your H I; ‘two. ‘ill portions in lcrosliud will flu-m" ‘t i-~,‘.ic notice uml bu gov“ erni- scoot-din 'l' . i’ i 1i. u. hummus. Insiwrior Eli-oi lu illonnil Inictlu, . llutcd at Common, fill‘ llh du) o.’ April. l l The farmer claims thus f lillincii' Miis. BRISTOW’S llllllincry ltoomn on Mufn Street, with! of Phil. “'iltsc's, on Thursday, 14th of April ' AND FOLLOW'XNU llAYfl. ono door Mus. Ilmn'row in in n hotter position than ovor to moi»! lfll' vvnuiiioi' the nihlh- in all tbu newest, and frciihi-ct "HUN n Millim-ry end Fancy floods, nnd would solicit n continuance of this llbcml out ronngo iiho hiui received in the past. REMOVAL W. ll. McLAUGHLIN Hevlng orcheeed the flinch, I'leturee end -wll of tho biinlneee formerly carried on y Chen. Munroe ni the Armet Home. bee removed his harbor shop to the eem c romn of thet hotel. where he will be pl to meet old end new petrom. Inln Hi. entrance next door t0 Beach's dry loodeetore, Athens. do- _..~_ ....-. A.M.CHASSELS The 01d Reliable 'l' A l L O B I N O IIOIIBE. U Wlemen who wieti te hevethelr suite etede up in QM}: m La???" at?“ E‘: 0'“..______________ rennet IJ' I'll‘ are "manner, IIIIh. reveeeete I: I. I. "Mull. iiiitiisjiiucui ' MOTT 8t ROBESON an generally conceded thet we ere doing the grocery trade of Athens. The reason for this is simply that. we buy the beat goods in the market for ceeh end sell them at. it price thet ploeeee our customers. 'I.‘ Just now we have ii. speciel line of TEA that. we invite your attention to, selling at ‘.15, 35 and 400.. per lb. Tho 250. we is extra vulue. Try it. Our stock of general groceries wee never so full and complete ssuOW. _ We can supply nil your wants in the trade.‘ grocery line and give you the very best value for your money. Cull and see our stock, learn our prices; wo shall be pleased to see you whether you buy or not. MUTT 8i ROBESON N. B.»We continue to deal in groin sud farm produce. l uiuch butter position to servo them. having] ill 0y union Alli‘; FRIEND-‘5 TU qu Farmer and Builder 'l'hcy have tho host. Assoi-tmcnt of l llurdwrirc,‘ Tinwurc, Points, Oils, l "furnislu-s, (‘uh-imiui-v. (.ilttslt, Silver- l‘ Titi‘ltii', Ac. in town, mid ‘prices to suit the timi- The lhtisy (illiHIiS-w-lï¬ï¬t In t.ii-~ inurketrw always in stock dud at lowest prices‘ (‘inns and iuuiuuuition of best quality. See t-hciu . liiAIdIulC X’ I! l .1 ()CIi A'I‘ ll 1C i\ Q mm‘, Fishing THOMAS MILLS & CO'S For this Full ls tho LARGEST IVER CARRIID Ken's I'ur Ocete Babes, to. Lsdlee sud Oente' ï¬ne Furs e Specialty. Intondln' pneumonia would do well to ex~ emlnc our stock before pttrclmlin elsewhere. No trouble to show goods st t e lint end Fur Store» ll! If.‘ It. Ireekvllle. WHITE k 00-9 BROCKVILLF KING STREET, M. Tailoring and Gents’ Furnishing l i U! “U If! O ~ "1 g q"i