Ontario Community Newspapers

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 19 Jan 1892, p. 4

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8 l v I). W. DOWNEY was: one PRICE BARGAIN one: HOUSE BROCIIVILLE. ONT. Tlllll OIIEFULLY. llEOIBE WISE“, iii Bill! To lit Fill Will l‘eu Boots and flippers. en's Berlin Felt Boots. halt-tonal and leather“! to top at leg ............ Felt (macro-c? limo and Button. Boots. from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rs rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W’o‘neu'a Leather uppers l‘roln . . . . . . . . . . omen'a Women’s Ifolt 811p . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on “16 . . . . . . . . . . .8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 We Lead in Juneau. 3 See our stock before you purchase. value for $1 Our Mini Button Boots at 936. I). W. DOWNEY FLINT'S NEW BLOCK BROCKVILLE. UR WAREHOUSE IS FULL OF SUGAR. We got in nearly a. car load before winter rates came into effect. We have a. large open shed filled with Coal Oil. We are selling as many pounds of Sugar for one dollar and Coal Oil for as few cents per gallon. We are hen: to sell Groceries and will not be undersold. We claim to do one of the larfi ,county. Please call and sec t pods before purdiasi-ng elsewhere, and we your verdict. ' JOSEPH ..... -.- M...- “Wmâ€"-m ..__ e. quantity and (luality of our Row” M IlflRJVESS :For all kinds and the best kinds of Harness, Blankets, Robes, etc, go to Acley R. Brown Repairing receives mommy .- ‘H THOMAS MllLS & CO'S For this Full is the LARGEST EVER CARRIED Jen's Fur Goats Robes. he. Ladies and ' Conta' Flue Furs a Specialty. well to an» a.-. ‘ m would most volt . smut mums: .9» 3“ I]. I‘- hehfllo. hm.--~â€"-~ -..............â€"_~_.. w - MM- . V A LU .\lll.E {Wood Lot For Sale. .8 l int-3nd moving to the North Way in a "tow Mambo, i will swl! All that u no lot the smithth (merrier and the roar hall Mnumber so in the (-igh‘h concession of , contalnln about 170 acres, at 3. reason We r0. 'l'lw m is well limb-wed and will ‘ in gutter section» If dwlrud. A ply to i (l. W. GREENE. At ens. w- ww»_~.â€"-â€"â€"â€" Karleyih,’mour ARE FRIENDS TO 1'!!! Former and Builder: .Thev ham the best Assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, ‘Varuishns, Cnlcimiues, Glass, Silver ,ware. Fishing ’I‘nckle, the, in town, and prices to suit the times. The Daisy Chums -â€"beat in the market-â€" nlways in stock dud at lowest prim Blue and ammunition of best quality. “About. ' HARLEY B1400K ATHENQ Athens prompt attention. *â€" MOTT & ROBESON The old premises proving too small for the contemplated extension of business consequent upon the partner- ship recently formed, we have opened ufull line of choice groceries in the Mulvena Block. We have the largest, finest and cheapest line of Crockery and (Haas wore in town. All our prices are marked down low where the customers like to see them. . You will consult your beetintor» cuts by inspecting our stock and get iug quotations. mom a nonnson. sq». u, loci. Farmersville Lodge. No. 177 O- U. W. Moots lat and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. in lanb'a “all. Central Block. Main an. Athens ; VIIITORB WELCOI The Little Giant Root - Cutter - HANUFACTURED AT THE Lyn Agr'l Works WILL CUT A Buahal Minute AND OUT. ONLY TEN DOLLAJIB “um-ml: comm-M G. P. MONIBH, LYN, ONT. bod- ELCHASSEL The Old Reliable rcxtcazuo non-n, marten-trunnion » afifiafiafls are. some“. . Ilsa-w. THE REPO TER ATHENS. 0815. JAN. 19, 1892. V . LOCAL SUMMARY. A“ m mm. m- flll nun! warm UP. Ive-ta a. le- w Oat Inuit «tit Mala-aim mm“... 25 lbs. sugar for .1 at Phil. Wiltse & Co.'a. Mr. Fisher. of Mb, is visiting his brother, D. Fisher. Coal Oil 18¢. per gal. at Phil. Wiltsc c! 003:. Don't forget the annual meeting of the Unicnville fair associatian tau-mor- row (Wednesday). - ‘- Miss Ida Moles. who is now re- siding at Lansdowne station, is in Athena on a visit to her many kinds. A car load of boots and shoes to arrive this week at Phil. Wiltae .t (lo. Meetings are being held evory night this week at Hard Island school house, commencing at 7 o'clock. A few overcoats still on hand, which we would like to exchange for green maple wood.~â€"Phil. Wiltse & 00.. est grocery businesses in the Dlv'u‘enOOurt is in progress to-da Mural ' «ls-bat. taut eases mun 2 «new yflw ‘ . “v- -‘ thus-la todoall “Carl-hp sad tics in first ulna style and umwoat ‘ ' ls prices. The many friends of Mr. Robt. Young, late at the high school statl‘, will be pleased to learn that he has secured the classical and English muster-ship of Winrton high schoolâ€"â€" m excellent position in a good school. in renewing his subscription to the Reporter, D. W. Hannah, writes from the “Ofiice of City Engineer, Moscow, Idaho," and says that busi- ness is booming in that state. He is now engaged in adding 160 acres to the corporation ol a neighboring town. (A Chamber s... worth $16 will be given to the person guessing the near- est to the number of seeds 1!] a. squash now on exhibition at T store. Every purchase of one pound of T or cotlee entitles the purchaser to one guess. “T. W. Dawns, Brockville. The farmers' institute for the Brock- villc electoral district will be held at Mallorytown on Friday and Saturday next, 22 and 28. As no bills or cir- culars have reached us. we are unable to give any particulars further than I the above. A parlor social under the auspices of the W. F. M. 8., in connection with St. Paul's Presbyterian church, will be held at the. residence of Mrs. 8.1!. Williams on the evening of Tuesday, 26th inst. A musical and literary program is being prepared-â€" the music to be furnished by the popular Athens' orchestra. Refresh- ments will be served during the evening. Admission, 20 come. A rare intellectual treat is in do” for the people 0! Athens in the upper» unity to be Mad them of the Rev. E. B. Byekman, M.A., DJ). of Dominion Church, Ottawa, deliver his «hm More on " Be sure fin are right and then go ahead.” is lecture will be delivered in the Methodist. church, Athens, on Mon- day next, Jan. 25th. Doors open at 7.30. Lecture to commence at 8 p.m. ’( Miss Flora Slack of Athens and W. J. White of Caintown were united in marriage on Wednesday lost, 18th inst, at the residence of the bride‘s mother, Church at. About 70 invited guests were present. The young couple left on the evening train for a, honeymoon trip to Montreal. The bride and groom are deservch pepu- lar wherever known. and the porter wishes them long life and happiness. For sale in Athens, a desirable brick residence containing nine moms, two balls. pantry; woodhouse and sum- mer kitchen; well and cistern ; situ- ated on the corner of Church and Reid eta, convenient to the high school and Methodist and Baptist Churches; also a comfortable house on Reid st. ll payment required at time of sale. arms to suit the par» chaser. Apply to G. W. 3301‘. Owner. When Kin James the first wrote his ‘manter last to tobacco "the re a! t know sothln of the "‘an ." If he listlesth of wasting his 'na our his curious pmluction. he would have tilled hls I with it, and would have ii... 3.37:] smoke. he would than vs with regard been to admit that to vim-clam ct tobacco. it all robe-eye. The annual will bu Hi la lune ea “km 6 ill. the tin .u . ll ot‘Atbaas, eta-B! m. wave. and as. P. u ea, John Osw- law, and Wm. Karlsy, councillors. Ill forthedispatchal’ buaunsa at ll an. grad” (Manda ). and made the soul larationsot' o balors 3. Maria. Vill Clark. A b ~law to appoint certain village eflloars or 18” was intro- duced and with the blanks filled with the names of B. Lovarin, clerk, at a salary of $50; H. H. Aruold,lroaauror,at asalaryolw; C. L. Lamb and J. L. Gal her, auditors, at a aala of .3 each. The ollowing bills were res and orders drawn on the tmaaurer [or payment: I. C. Al uire, lor holde election at l’. 8. D. No. , 87; G. W. Greene, do. No 2. “I; Reporter ofllce print' matter lot elections, 314.25. aura. aims. and Karley were appointed street and side- walk committee, and J. P. Lamb and John Cawley, charity committee. The sum of 83 was placed in Richard Arnold’s hands to be expended in furnishing. ro- liel'to,Mrs. Ed. Pierce who was reported sick and destitute. On motion the coun- cil ad'ourned until Saturday. evening Jan. Khh at 8 o’clock. ODDHLLOWB’ msrmnox. Awnaamcamda Vanna-is- .aac -vwaaau5. On Wednesday evening last, the regular night of edge meeting. R. I. Stevens, D. D. G. M., attended Ath- ens lodge for the purpose of installing the brethren elect in the difl'crent ofllces {or the ensuing term. There were present several members of Delta. and Muller town lodges. and John )3. Reid. .G.M., and H. Wilkinson. P. Gnflgfirmhville, cam e «1th ' ‘y. ' armpits: lcrthiahrm: '- ' N. Gum-1L. “. v. G-HIJ. A. Bro“; . Rec. Secâ€"«G. F. Donnelley, P. 6. Per. Bec.-â€"H. Ii. Arnold, P. (l. Traumww. M. Stevens, P. G. Wanâ€"4km. Judson. Comâ€"~13. Tennnnt, P. G. R.S.N.G.~Jas. Rosa, P. G. L S.N.G.â€"~Chas. Wilson. R L R .S.V.G.-â€"~D. Kilborn. .S.V.G.â€"â€"â€"A. Moulton. .S.S.--â€"D. Fisher. L.S.S.â€"â€"-W. II. Moulton. I G.-A. Brown. 0. G.â€"F. Blanchard. Chop.«~i5ulu Blunchcr. The efficiency displayed by the District Deputy in the discharge of his duties was very marked and higlr ly creditable to Delta. lodge. Immediately upon the close of the installation ceremony. the members adjourned to the Armstrong House, where an excellent supper had been prepared for their refreshment, to which ample justice was done. 0n the covers being removed, A. M. Chsssclls, the newlyclected N. G.. filling the position of chairman, intro- duced a toast list which was responded to as follows : “ The Queen " was coupled with the names of A. E. Donovan and J. 3. Reid, and these gentlemen made neat speeches, brimful of loyalty and good sense. The toast of “Our Order " was re' sponded to by Messrs. Reid and Wil» lrinson, who from along experience pronounced high encomiums upon it in respect to its fraternal, beneficiary, and moral qualities. " Visiting Brethren " was responded h by James White, of Mallorytown, with a comic recitation in dialect. District Deputy, R. I. Stevens, made a pleasing acknowledgement in replying to the toast, “Our Guest,” and closed by inviting the members present to visit Delta. lodge. A. E. Donovan sud Sula. Blancher were named in connection with the toast to “ The Ladies." and the result was two capital speccheo, witch dealt torsely, clearly, at times e‘nquemly, and always respectfully, “nu their worth subject. “ T 19 Press” was renpoMml to by G. F. Dmmelley. D. Fisher respmuiell m ilmuvm. " Education," and p -)\nl I) he. I a very "happy mood, for h s u u ‘r'-1 along this line was one of the cm. he ever delivered. A visiting member proposed the toast, " Our Entertainers," and the members of the committee, Messrs. Chaualls. Ross and W. M. Stevens, made short speeches in reply. “Our Host and Hostess" was ra- aponded to by H. Johnson in a brief speech in which he made a suitable acknowledgement for the praise be- stowed upon the character o! the “Auld Lang Sync " wan than sung in time-honored style, and the broth- ren dispersed. Isobar, Jan. ll.-â€"Wllllam Plain! who has been sick since early in the (all is very little better. V It is hoped wewillaotlous our old land Inch yet awhile. Geo. Dillon, our tin! la dayaot m,haarrterucd to old andlasowbasyltth allot to its as medical health odlcers ; Al . Johnson. Munsell Brown, and Fred- erick. Boovil, members. and H. 0. Phillips. lam Inspector. . Blanking-haw for a in ‘ent of high school trustees were lied with the names of Munaell Brown and W. H. Moulton. Orders were given 0n the treasurer for the following : B. D. Judson. chairs and table for town hall. “2; A. Morris, on salary as collector, {15; Geo. Pickett. re- in on town hall, 88356! W G. rish. lumber, etc, town hall, $25.- 46; Karley It Be mour, paint and hardware, town hal , $6.70; Pierce it Hnlbroolr, repairs on town hall, $13.- 40; H. 0. Phillips, wood and repairs, flown hall, $6.85; Mrs. B. Living- Mn, support of Wm. Wiltse, 31 r reek during pleasure of council ; Jo n Jackie, for support of Charlotte Palmer, 81 per week during pleasure of council. Caretaker of townball was instruc- ted to purchasc one dozen apittoons and necessary lamps for use in court S. A. Tnpiiu was appointed a a or $22.50 in ‘ ’ of in?“ . who desanot wish to act. under of B. M for ' ' for 1892 at .40 was . H. C. Phillipalwaa ap- poiu ed caretaker o! town.th at a salary of $1.5 per annum. Council adjourned till Feb. 13, at 10 o’clock. R. E. CORNKLL, Clerk. Saturday, ruins-trons. a "car Math-hm stimulants-Iris, . Smwruxs. lam, Jon. ll, 1891 Editor Mortar : I Dun Simâ€"Through your grocer- Deity I have been lowered wtih a number 0! copies of your live paper, and. air, I an assure you that I very much appreciate your kindness "1 enabling me to read through your colmunsol Io many old lLlAHl-llL’U‘ls’.“ and the people whom I RSBOClutLd with, not! nearly twenty years ago, and n doubt if I was to stoop to drink t the old school house spring, I could any with the author of " Twenty Years Ago," that my face has changed. But then there is something irresist- ible in thi life that carries us all along life's stream to our different situations, and how very important it is to have a steady hand at the helm to steer clear of the numerous shoals that present themsuvcs, whether it be in Ontario or Manitoba. Well, Mr. Editor, I will now, with your permission. address a. few words togour readers that may have their th ughta turned onwards Manitoba to settle here to better their condition. I wish to say at the outset that I am not a government emi ration agent, neither am I employed y any land company to boom their lands, but am simply a private citizen of Maui- toba who firmly believes that this province is bound to take second place to none of her sister provinces of confederation ; in fact, is destined to be the banner province of the Domin. ion. I fancy I hear in. voice say, "'What do you base such abroad assertion as that upon ? " When we look at the comparative youth of this province, you might say only a decade has pissed since emlgm- tion started to some in noticeable numbers, and some four or five years since the C. P. It. was completed. givin us direct communication with the “torn provinces, and. Sir, the correct estimate of the cropof 1891 is in the neighborhood of twentytlve million bushels of wheat. to say ing of the millions of bushels of cats and barley. The whmt. that this province will have to export will re- quire a train of twenty cars every halt-hour. da and night, for a of {our moat a. stage for the province nearly 30 bushels, oats nearly 60 bushels, bar- ley 50, and grown upon land that today can be bought at from '3 to '7‘ per acre, and in close proximity to churches, schools and B. B. stations and within a short diam of the Henri: coal fields. the output at which sells at from u to .4 per too. This etl'eutually settles two important nab vls.: railway (Militias and plenty of «I at a res-arable coat. And thlshackedbyasrlch land astbesan shines ea. 0‘ coarse, I do” wish t M’qtaava.“ ' Th“ noth- . Wanted . - Tho Xmas tree entertainment is connection with the Sunday school here on Xmas 11‘ hi; was quite a suc- cou. in spite of '31:: bad condition of the roads and the unfavorable W. The audience were delighted with the Misses Richardson, from near Gau- anoque, who so kindly consented to favor us with their talent. one as In elocutioulst and the other as a singer. A pleasing feature of the event» 's entertainment was a presentation the members of her class of an dress and a beautiful plush album tn Miss C. Sliter. Mr. Count, the su- perintendent. read tho address and made the presentation in behalf of the class. Miss Bliter replied. u.--“ 0 .â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" FRAN‘KVTV .Y Jr. FRIDAY, Jan. l5.â€"-The Kitlo Agricultural Social held their an- nual meeting at drankvllle on the 14th of January. with a gwd attend- ance of members. The treasurer's report showrdu balance on hand of $112.18 (with no outstanding debts), an increase of 871.13 over last year, which seemed to please the members well. After receiving the reports of moretury and treasurer, the following oilirera were elected for lhl' present yeahâ€"President. David Down-lay; viccpresident, William Ennis; direc- tors, Robert Barlow. Vincent Judson, Wm. Lee, Samuel Hanton, Hiram Cross, A. 1!. Parker, P. Stewart. Wm. Mitchell, 0. L. Munroe. Immediately alter the meetin the now Brim-d met and appoint W. D. Livingstone secretary and Wm. Eaton, treasuser. 's were The title W's. maintain-- , lob-s .Wiu. Loved D. Malay win. all: and AFB; , with the Waco of two is were appointed to revise the ladies' department of the prir lint. it was (ii-cidcd to hold tlw v'ixhi- Milan on Wednesday and Thulsdny, 8th and 29m of September. If???” Court hint on the Hill. uxth n llrge attendance“. liev. A. A. Budlcy is desist";ng Rev. J. B. Saunders in a vial ser- vices at Brockviile this wee . LYN. Moxmv, J an. ll.â€"-A deputation from Lyn Lodge A. O. U. W. waited on Mrs. A. W. Stewart on Saturday evening and presented her with a cheque for $2,000, amount of incur. once olicy held by her late husband, and the following letter of condolence: To Mus. Aux. W. Suwn'r. Dear Madam,--By appointment of Leeds Lodge No. 179 A.O.U.W., we beg to tender you on behalf of the members of our lodge their heartfelt sympathy in the recent sudden death of our beloved brother and your do. voted husband. We would deplore our mutual loss, in our case a worthy brother, faithful in all his duties, and as we know a husband and father who was untiriug in seeking the welfare of his loved ones. Human sympathy can do but little. but as a band of brothers whose duty it is to care for the widow and orphan, we extend our aid, first, by esenting you with the enclosed choc {or two thousand dollars, and, next, by ofler~ ing at all times to give you such asâ€" sistance and counsel as may be in our power and which you are free to com. mand. Above all, we commend you to the care of the Divine Father who has’promieed to be a husband to the widow and a stay tothe tatharleas. With warmest wishes for your fu- ture woke, we remain in the bonds of Charity, Hope and Protection. (Sgd.) Junta Comm, P. F. Crow, } Con. A. H. Hob-All. Hrs. stewart in reply u pus-hum“ abawaaanaetoax - would“ tulle fully just then, but period a: htb . The wheat willawhm ""3 "m" The Lyn lodge A.O.U.W. has since its institution paid in bauelelarlas to widows and orphans over twelve thousand dollars. To Rent. 2.5":- "cur: tun-um,“ "‘ Boarders Wanted as ahw lea-a 05.. h LO“. W m giwizw . | We ‘ a for Dominion and Dominica and Bell Organs Bell Pianos Brantford Pianos Mendelsohn Pianos Doherty Organs Standard Sewing Machine- Bccausc of my increased trade. pleases the customer. instrument sold reason to laugh. l laugh because every 1 laugh because l have J. L. GALLAGHER m ’ New Goods FALL of 1891 A large quantity here and more arriving daily. All Bought in the Very Best Markets for SPOT Never before were we serre well our customers. tention to our own business CASH. in so good a position to We give our unvividcd atâ€" and make our customers’ interests cur own. We therefore invite inspection from ’1 those who have not heretofore been vyell as from. oléi‘fgepds‘l‘wio for many years: have. given us their trade confidecc. Call in and 2001‘ [firmly/z, buy or not. H. H. A Central Block. whether you wont to RNOLD General Merchant ...._ -....:‘:‘ . ‘_.~ WE ARE IN IT. We are in the boot and shoe business. not spasmodically or intermittently, but all the time. with us; it is one of our leaders. has always been famed for the and Shoes and we are more than kcepin .1 full line of the Iia brand (all values) and have recently added a new line which I” 25 per cent. cheaper than any we have ever sold. We always carry is full ome and seemâ€"just now. keep, and our prices show that NOTICE aaaual the Bunk Ila I. D. am] wt 1: at John Perth's bout. “'1: " for “‘37.! .Q at! .m. m?" “M” ‘ «oom- ruffle. a «Imus-mu W,“ m w m _ Logs "Wanted. «gain: “1"”? h or asarths way W9 arm" I O. u I. " er I : 2 - g r. a " I - l the Ideal maria-h 59%. am Must-m . m “' CAUTION no. DI." 0' "I Myrtle Navy y Footwear is not a side-iin The Great Bargain Hons extent and variety of its Boots up that reputation. mous Amos Holden Our stock is for sale, not to we don’t want the goods. currrnsl The subscriber as usual to the that with the largest stock and best atth of Cutters ever Moved to the public, which will be ready for delivery at the first sleighlug. PIIBEI Will. IE IIIM'. All my cutters are made from tho beat selected material and finished with Ban Excuse VAINIII. Trimming and Upholsterlng had. from but Hoqsetts, Hour and WOIoth. Gus Cumnaa will lad it to their “MW lovaparehaslng shawl!“ D. FISHER 4cm ,v i. i.‘ ‘3 .., .. 1‘ _--,- . _ , A‘ 4 i to give naaeallbu laxgfi Muse we cow :2an Mt fit"- .matltftfill'l5%" .\,

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