as Paris .in this county. la Philip wright-on. t with at of Henry chulay. a retired brake-an. has caused a a t sensation i; this section. Miss “his toes iahmta about "0.000 from her father. 8b: to a tty blcudo. baa laminating manners a an rlcr oducation. having beer attendant at 8:;in a Bolyoke Academy for two years. _ 19 years of ago and ‘tas been the hello in society at Pariah for two years. She came home on vacation from school six weeks ago and became out uainted with Henry Moivulay, a railroad rakenran, at ljartsh. The acquaintance ver quickl? ripened into a love mate . Tb young lady's. mother was soandalized at her daughter's intimate acquaintance with McAulay, when she considers. far beneath the young lady in social position, and for- bade McAulay to call upon or speak to her daughter. bliss Wrightson‘s brothers guarded her almost- constantly_ and refused to have Mckilay visit the family residence. Notwithstanding this the young lady had many clandmtine meetings with him and an elopemeat was arranged. b‘lie_started ostensibly alone for a prayer meeting last evening, and has not yet returned. _ltis known tint Illekulay met her and. hiring a carriagt from a farmer. drove to Mextco, where cars were taken for the west. Miss Wrighth mailed a letter at l’arish last evenin announcing her elopement. She said she could not live without McAulay. and no matter what his lot she would share it with him. llcr brothers vow they will shoot McAuhiy on sight, but have made no effort to find him or their sister. Many people at l'arish say that McAulsy has a wifc and child in Brooklyn. lie is in yours of age, far from preposscssing, and can scarccly road. Miss Wrightson will come in l session of her fortunein three years. ï¬lm had S‘JO with her when she tit-d last night. â€"-â€"â€" -â€"' vaâ€"+ 7-7 «- -«--~-â€"~â€"â€"» â€" - )ountert‘elters in the States. \ Washington despatch says: The an- nual report of tln- (.‘hief of the Secret Her- "icc Division of the Treasury was made public today. It shows that there Were 1:33 persons arrested by officers of the act'- viceduring the past fiscal year for viola- tions of laws against counterfeiting. (to. Of this number 70 were convictcd and sentenced to imprisonment. says that the counterfeiting now lieingdone is principally the work of Italians, who operate in bands in different portionsoftlie country. 'l'hucounterfeiting done during the past year amounted practically to nothing, tho only attempts in that dirccs tion being a 910 silver certificate and at $2 silver certificate, and tin-so were such poor imitations as to be practically harnihm. The report refers to the fact that all but two of the many skilled operators urrcstcd since the war for counterfeiting l'nitt-d ’ States bonds are now at liberty, and says they may he cvpoctcd to resume their ncfa. rious operations at any time. MW-Q Another Child of Barton. A Jersey City. N.J.. ilespatch says ; Fred. Riley, aged‘llj, is an iniuntc of the Home of the Sisters of the l’cacc, in which are livingr over a. hundred clnlzlrcn. Billy is a very vicious hay and the other inmates i’car him and. t‘.'~‘\:l('i him 11-: much as pos- Elblt‘. l'cstcrduy liilcy foundliltlc'l‘onlmy , Jones, fl years old. playing lll the. hitchini :tlom-. liilcy caught the little fcllow, gatzuwl l illlll with n. halnlkrrclzii'. and llll‘ll llfll'l'l Z‘l‘lllfl\’llig..f his clothing, lnilll him down on the top of l: roll but stove. .ltillt'x'Hill‘t‘CC‘ilt'4l in getting i'ln- lutndkcrclnef from his mouth and his t rice brought Sisttr l‘lvnugclmo to his RS‘xislfltlct’, but not until in: was tcr- rilily burimi and it i-» thought that his will div. lilll 3/ war: turned over to the polh c. ills father is dcnd. and hix mother, being; unable to control him. had put him in charge of the institution. _ v..â€"-â€"._.mwi . .â€" (.‘uught n “'0†in tlic Streets of (his-nun .\ ( hicngo ilcspatcli says: .\s .lnlln Stilâ€" ler, a night.watclunan,\vas returning houn- at an curly hour ycstcrday. he was incl at tlic gatc by u strangcslonkmg animal that ho drovc away. Mr. Stcllcr tlllt rid his liourc, only to hc callcd out shortiyaftrr by the crv of " Wolf 3" The animal that had mxt Mr fltcllcr at lllt‘ gain had rt'llll“lll,'ll to him doorstep. A. lively i‘llllil‘ cusln-«l llllll resulted in “'lw -r.'ptutr» In“ lllt' wolf. llc‘ WM a young, mn‘. dark grey. with shaggy hair and ,alcr‘t cars. em: in in: rutislhd with lhc lvluwl of a cow which hc linzl bitten he put lllh‘ tccth into Mr. Stiller and :lmi k bricily of that gentleman's lil'c currcut. but was finally second. The wolf was. l)(‘;.lll(l with a heavy ropc. liuthc promptly "t:‘.t‘l‘(.‘(l ft with his sharp teeth. .. 7...- . . 7 *VV‘ . A,,A. 7.- An Artistflo ‘l'laion of K‘lirist. A s! runoc mu rativc intinuluccs ‘hc public of llld natiyc land to tln- note :iluillt‘ in full form by \V'illium \\ clmnrc. Him! y. This sculptor was born at Huh-in, Mast... lll 1~l'.l. \thn he “as about Sill, hc say \. going; from “()Hlt‘ll to l'nnihridgo by tlic old stagc linc. lic nulldinlv saw ( 'urist sitting with lin- drivcr m: tlic outside: writ. llc ll‘lll‘llt‘Il out his hand and touchcd thc Saviour * Liar nll'llf. .\t tlic half-way hoin ('lirist aliglitt-d and winch-d \Vl'lll thv ri-mnu n llt'ullli'. No on. sccme :l t >lm unarc of hr: present -‘ bi't llll‘ yu‘mii urinal ll llo- vimuir ary [t'rsnnagc \mw u: Hm mini garb. mm mt: with stcady :llt'llrl i'l ninl fro. but ht.- did not M‘i'nl strani‘c to tln- drcmnr-r. " l‘or ycars," Mr. Flory says to a fiicnd. “ that appuri. tion has haunted inc. and ovcr and over again 1 have trie-(l to give form to that facc and person. which l muv us plainly in I St c you now.†lie wrought his drcum at length. and it is now in liomc. and is dcscrilwd as an original and bcautiful conccptmn. 'l H. rmw .lf'lfldwh'v. ..â€"â€"â€"â€"+_W.~- Fullt'lllnu ankt‘ym The following is a dost ription of “‘4‘ way in which turkcyn nrc fattcncd in .\orfolk. which Is thc great l‘luglish county for hrctuing these birds and prcpuring tlnm for London markcls' Turkeys for Christ» nuts are shut up in a light. dry and rowiny housc in the first work in Nmrmhcr; from.le with just as much maize and pm d barlcy an thcy can out should always lw by thcm. and they hmc two good meals .1. day of mist as†much lmrlcy mtal tutu-d “llll llat milk as tin-y tun cat. thc milk to drink. Slit-rd mongol-ta. turnipswt-cds and cabbage arc inn-fill and necessary. and plcnty cf limo unnd malice-i and brick «lust should he kept in thc cornch of the limlsc it is found to 1m most important that the troughs hc wcll clcancd out mcry morning. and all Hill'] H food removed, for (N a farm Uierc are its, all) plm’. of other fowls to out up what is left by t ic turkeys. led in this way they" rupM‘ly puP‘Ni flinch. which is usually \ery white in color and line in torture. -7 . . .. H, 4. , A menu In the I nttctl Stilton M'tmtr. ‘iorizmn. («I‘l-lflt‘ and lllmunda sign-ml together. and i-corpc blow hi4 limo with .i. lingers whilc waiting thcpcn.toth. horror of Nlr~ (‘lcwlmnl Who whiqpt rcd \cln incully toliorsi‘rctn “led rovnpai ion about the matter. lily-ll. l.‘ l" n SP (‘. it]. â€"_.â€"....... \ “ritcron tl‘h «art of canary birds «ya that a raw npplc. lulnlvaco leaf and plantain almuil bc prmidcd. Aim to give one o: lhc Min-r of Home thingi- ivnrv day the 3-0.: round. ()cv'asivumliy' L'l'xc n‘ inch of broad soaked in milk. but ll('\t"t any or candy. (luct‘ a tvcck give boiled «\L'L'sn'llM‘tl ith cracker .\'cvcr hang any birds in a l raft or wind. and ncvcr act lb: of ozlt‘Qf their cages. In mouthing time one a dust ing of caycnnt| [‘0er to their egg and cracker. or brood and milk.) The report i , his turn fol“ tooth. When one does not Panama-:- hlo acaotygary. but some “I O. m bloated the lot of A. 1. \‘aa M. the W... .. at“ urc ' - lane of Norwich. Bevan years Kr. Van . Cleft was ofllclati al prodding oldor pf‘ the Wyoming dirt‘rlct. and aa pastor of the rinei church of the de- nomination at one on. Pa. Among his asset-late. in tho ministry of tho district was the lieu. William Stuntman flllah- man. wboiiin his youth had wor 'n the tin mines of Cornwall, in that countli The elder was somethin of an euthu at in mineralo y. and one ay heexhibited to his brother 0 ergynian some curious specimens of tin ore thathad been resented to him by a friend from the Bloc Hills of Dakota, and that came from‘ ‘hn undeveloped lode in that region. ltev. Mr. Stevens was struck with the apparent richness of the specimens, and impressed his views of the probable value of' the mines front which they me on Elder Van Cleft. The result wast at the elder and two friends made upa moderate purse and sent Rev. Mr. Stevens to Dakota, with instructionsï¬o buy the propertyif his judgment and ex erience approved of the venture; under t eae in structiona they lbecame the owners of aoa'enty acres of land covering the supposed valuable lodeu. lint the purchase had ex- hausted all their means. and the property has since lain idle and unproductive to the owners. Last summer, however, the at- tention of a party of English capitalists was attracted to the property, and they sent over Captain John R. Cook. a Corn- wall mining expert, to examine it with a view to its purchase. The expert’s report was favorable, and the Englishmen have now paid Rev. Mr. Van Cleft and his asso- ciates 6"250,000 for the property. n. -.--__ ._.__...___-. Gunsâ€) of a Day. A single foggy day in London costs the town something like 840,000 for extra gas. A law has beg passed in Waldeck, Ger- ; many, forbidding the granting of 3. mar- riage “("1130 to a person addicted to the diquor habit. ‘-.1ernmantfakturbolagsforsjalning s m a~ gagin †in vaedish means, in English. "l‘he Iron Manufacturing Company’s sale shop." ()ld Temple Bar was being removed on the 2Dth ult. from l"arringdon street, Lon. don. to The-holds l'ark. (.‘heshuut, where it will be erected on Sir Henry Mcux’s estate. Lord Stanley. of Preston. who is spoken of as the probable sucoessor of Lord Lans- downc us {lovcrimhilcnflrvl of (lanuda. is heir [)l‘(.SlllllI)ll\U to the eai'ldom of Derby. While at lady of Xenia. 0.. was preparing feed for her chickens rcccntlv the diamond in her engagement ling dropped into the mixture. and the less was not noticed until the feed had been eaten by the fowls. It became ncccssary to massacre ten chickens beforc the stone was found. but it was found at last. . Thomas Randall. of Buffalo, owes hislife to the. I‘Clll‘tllt.’llrlll)l0 habit of Wearing cellu. loid collars. in a quarrel 'which he had With a laborer namcd McNerney, the latter drmv u. knife and, made a hinge at Rain dall’s neck. but the collar broke the force of the blow and he cscaped with slight injuries. licv. llr. Malcolm Douglass, who was burinl ut l‘Izist \Vni'clmm, Mass†the other day. provilh d in his \\ ill that his body should ;'_r) to tho cardi in a pine box. and that nobody should run the. risk of catch- ing cold by standing barchcixdcd at his grtuc. _v wwrv ivw-.._.__ M.-.___o ’l‘ln- (“:utuilizin hurtlnvw‘l. 'l'lir.‘ l’lnc l‘ortagzc Mine. Lake of the \Voods. has bccn sold for $200,000. (hi the propcrty is n ten-stump mill. liupfcrschmidt, the alleged (Tatho‘ic priest who cloped from Dakota. to Lungs“â€" burg. N.\\'.’l‘.. with a young lady of 18, be- camcpartiallyinsancaftcrthehilly returned home with licr tnotlicr, and yesterday. whilc being taken lit-fore a JllsllCC of the l)(‘a('(‘ for trial. committed suicide by cutting his jugular \'t.lll. He was in the back part of the ileigll and committed the not before the man in chargc had any suspicion of his intuition. iiir Adolphe l'aron and (loncral Middle- ton inspcctcd the infantry school barracks toilet. and lift for the East to-night. Sir A. (‘aron callul upon Archbishop 'l‘ache today. While at Victoria, Bit, the Min- later of Militia sclcctcd a site for the infantry school barracks. At the Victoria bamluct ho spokc in opposition to (‘ommer- (.‘llll l'nion. saying lll‘ belitvul it meant annotation to the l'nitcd States. .\ incl-ting of citizcns was held ycstcrday to take prcliminary ntcps towards petition- “1;: thc Dominion tiovcrnmcnt for the im‘ mcdiute improvement of the llcd llivcr, so as torcndcr navigation bctucen this city and hello \Vinnipcg practicable. (l. liushhrook. a Moose Mountain ectflcr. sci out on Novcmhcr 2'23lltl in start h of a bulidof lntlllt'.) and inis not since boon llllll‘ll from. llc is suppmcd to have misscd thc trail and pt‘l‘lh‘lled on the prairic. llc i.~. a. foam-,1 Englishman of ‘J'J. liilcllitztncc .<,:-i\wl from (‘umborland li:il‘.«"~i:llt\ Hm; inllucn/n and tucaslcs ll.‘1\l' wt‘l-u d n :{l‘cnl unimmz of sickness, and .«taruition i»- threatening, .iic residents of that Ill\ll'l' t. 'l'lic Dominion(iotcrnnicnt will lu- upplicd to for rclicl. ,_.. ._..__‘_m~..__.-_ (‘ollm tilt]; in )lottlmnt. A man wm up heforc a Montana judge for preliminary cxanunution. Several “'llllt‘S‘I'S swore that he halfbla/cd away at a man with a big rcvolvcr at clom‘ range and hilllritllllf‘llil}' extractml ‘i.'-() from his pockcl \vlulc hc was disabled. " This is l' ' lcntly it case of highway robbery." mu. illt" Jinlgc. '- and perhaps altnnpt tokill l'll l..1\c to holdthcprisoncr without bail, “ lf Your Ill .ill- me a chance to say a \xord,â€i r ' prisoner. " I think I «an mplam ..l ‘cr. I am It ll\\v’.\.'t‘f‘.“ “ \Vt-ll. do on." rcplie. lll- Jil l “ I had an account of :53†mm. .-<-t this man, “hit It had two»: placcd in my hands for mlhctinn. I wait about it; clnscly ft‘llnulllLI th. pi'uvrticc in our'l‘uvrritcry. and :10! tllc ipolzcy.†" Uh.“ r- plicd thct'onrt. “ if it wasu lcgal muttcr likc tlxat.\\hy. of coursc. I'll have to .ii~~:-liarcv-yoii.†-, . . . . .- 7.- ('m k-l-‘lghtlwg at .‘lacanmr. The spurs uwd \vcrc about thrcc inches long: and. nmdo of tho ltlfltltrfl, of razors ground down to ma saiic thinness. With such wc ipons thcre is but little cruelty in the affair. \\ c \vaitt'd to are a main fought hcforc “c loft. The king and other royal persouqucs made their beta. the combatants wcrc placed oppositr to ouc another. they" made two fcints. and in less than half a dozen =cconds the vanquished bird lay motlonll-sxon thc ground. Had he met .hi-d intc logitimntcli M the hands of the " poultcrtr lll~ dcath is'illltl not lM\(‘ been more rapidly cfft‘itcdm (5.1.. m Ific l .Mw n l o . . .. . v .- .-..........__... l \n Sham for "llll‘. ; “ï¬rllt‘l‘ tlp rural ‘cuatomori l alumnae. .-ir ' llurall untnmrr .\‘ct much. \let .l‘vo tukc mc fit .‘ 1 may be from slum-n}. but I don't take no ahmnyoo. l take the r. al thing Merv time. u _.._._‘...i.-_.-.-... _- “TM... .. lit’“.;l(lllll Wakefield. of llrantford, bl! lt‘r‘vlllt‘ll the imitation from the Quarterly Ul‘ti. ial llonrd of» \\'a-diim:ton (‘httrch to become their pastor for the ensuing year. subject tothe approval of t Statimin cm“... 0 M ’ ' ‘ Have a ‘a. a u " a .x I aticual Church in Bauff. a memorialatcno mwmamfl use. m1m‘wufm . new... awe-r. mutt died useful-3h»... all“. aotlvoï¬wu. - " u... o. e. Parker. run. was N- eonatltuonto at Me Mr. m {min y. favor of granting Home 0 . hero died on the 12th lit. at Pittmlch. Da town. He Gordon-Cum . oldest aurviviugaoa the late Sir W. ‘ Cumming. ..of Altyro and Gold - town. tad years. V In memory of the late Rev. John lurker. for half a century minister of tho Conan. as been erected. over his grave in the churchyard there. . a Mr. John Collier. llattcu of Carnouatie. died on the 18th mm. a “‘83 years. He was a well-known an highly-respected agriculturiat. and his services as a valuatcr were much sought after. Itev. Andrew " Douglas. Arbroath.t ina seiree s ch. condemned the proposalto appoint a‘dy deaconosaes as most absurd. Its authors, in his opiuion.ahovvedan extra- ordinary want of knowledge of human nature. Majordleneral A. L. Littleton-Anuesley. who will have the command of the military forces in Scotland in a short time. on the retirement of Major-General Elliot, (3.8.. is a cavalry oï¬loer, having joined the 11th Ilussars in 1854, in time to have a share in the Crimean campaign. A new underground railway is projected from Glasgow‘and suburbs. Starting from St. Enoch St mate it goes up Buchanan street. Cowelddens, Urea; Western Road, then'to llowanhill and Partick, crosses the river to (lovan. and strikes eastward to Ibrox, Kinning Park, Shields Road, West street. Bridge street. and completes the circle by again crossing, the river to St. Enoch Square. The Seaforth Highlanders. whose chief depot is at present at Edinburgh Castle. will be removed soon either to Glasgow or Dublin, and the Queen‘s Own Cameron Highlanders will take possession sbme time in March or April. The entire regiment is at present stationed at DevonpOrt. The lloyal Scots will leave Glasgow for Alder- shot. and the Scottish Rifles (Gamer-onions) go from Curragh to Cork. The following rexzént advertisement is beyond comment: “ Stonehaven Free Churchâ€"«Rev. John Robertson will (IU'. I preach on Sabbath as under: 11.250 a.m.r-‘ Children’s sermonctte, ‘ The Biggest- Rock in the World ;’ sermon, ‘(lod with His Coat 03' ;' 0 p.m.~r~-First monthly sermons to young men. ‘Mako Room for Your l'ncle; ‘ 7.le p.1n.â€"Old Mission Town Hall, ‘l’nclaimed (lush of Yours.’ †A good story regarding the shortness of the straw this season Comes from Stratln more. In a small town not far from For- far two farmers met, and in the course of their remarks began to speak about the ex. ceedingly bad crops of corn. li‘irst Farmer: What like’s your crap the year. M ‘2 Second Farmer: Oh. it's naething ave; the langest o’t is just uboet that length (indicating; on his stuff about eight or mne inches). First Iv‘arnicr: In". wool, you'to nae need to complain. lf’you only saw mine ; the very crows bee in gang doon on their knees to get u puck at the. heads o‘t. Shortly before the forcuoon scrvicd began in Stockhridgc Free Church, ljdiï¬frurghmn Sunday, filth nlt.. c. young man named James lv’nirbairn came quietly in at the church door. and as soon as he had got inside he rushed with outstretched arms along the passage and up into the pulpit. Coming to the front, he cried out in aloud you-e, "l am lilijah the prophet.“ This caused much commotion among those of the congregation already assembled. Several attempts were made to removctheintruder, and at length force had to be used. It seems Fairbairn is liable to mental de- rangemcnt. Ilia family are connected with the Church. l‘ho Clydc~built steamer ()rmuz, of the Orient Line. has made the passage to Australia in 2-1 days. The (ilydc Locomotive Company haVo scoured the contract for the locomotives for the. Midland Uruguay Railway. Colonel Balfour, of Balfour, died in Edinburgh on tin 19th nlt., aged 71'» years. He was an extensive landowner in Orkney. Winan’s deer forest cxtends across Scot- land. from lleauly Firth on east to Kintail on west coast, 3-“; square miles, 221,700 acres. President Meiklcjolm. St. Andrews, has again been selected as the candidate in the Uladstonian interest for the Tradeston Division of Glasgow. The order for the closing of Dingtvall prison on March let has been received, and the. prisoners will be transferred to the prison at lnverness. , Rm. 1’. Mackercher, the deposed minister of Kilmore. preached a. valedictory sermon to his old parishionch recently in tho schoolhouse at Dunach. The Lord's Supper has been this year dispensed in two parishes, Barvas and Lochs. in the Lewis, for the first time per- haps since the Disruption. The author of a remarkable forthcoming volume against teetotalism is it. graduate of Edinburgh University, and a probationer of the Free Church of Scotland. Norman Macleod’s old church at New- mllus was the only one in that parish which had services on the Fast-day last montlmvll the other churches having ceased to observe it. Mr. Wm. Macdonald, editor of the North British .‘lgl'lt‘tffflll'lsf, died on the 19th ult.. after a short illness. at his residence in Sylvan l‘lace. He leaves a widow and low children. Rev. Dr. Alex. \l‘hyte, discounting on “ Some Autobiographin declared that of all works in this department religious autobiographies were inï¬nitely and incom- parably the best. ’ l‘rof. Mackinnon, the occupant of the liaclic chair at Edinburgh, says ï¬le name of the (,‘lydc is derived from t'.'1m,“t0 wash." so that in modern Gaelic the maple signiï¬es “ the clear or pure river." There were three appeals before the House of Lords the other day relating to the will of the late Dr. Boyd Baxter, llllYl- dee. Strange that so celebrated a lawyer could not make his own will explicit. The mihiaterial jubilee of the Rev. flora- tiul Bonar. l). D", o ‘ Edinburgh. which was to have been cc ebrated this month, has been postponed. on account of the venerable doctor's: indispoaition. till March. lass. . ltev. Herbert Bell, of John Knox Church. Aberdeen, threw himself on the 2lst tilt. in front of the afternoon clipress as it was using Kitty-hrcwater a walrut to pieces. {ecently he had been in poor health. caused by severe domestic alllictiou At a meeting of the Lord Prevoet’a Com. mittee of the Edinburgh Town Comeil. lit-Id on Nov. ‘lilrd. it was unarimouuly agreed to recommend to the Council that Dr. Chambera‘ statue be create. in thr centre of Chambers street. opposite to tho- lndustrial Museum. t Considerable excitement was mused in (Han ow Royal l-chha on the 'Mll) alt. by t e discover that 15.000 tons of pig hoe had been d at the afternoon market. in compliance with a fbrgcd order par- portlngtcho lined Jenn Watson 0: A... For Anti lot-o A he is something a piece of tion. which, its reach state. isn‘t worth much. uoriaitof vo In ch use. but the W ’ thomcrovalm‘ roceuealt is put t t becomes. A bar iron that is only andan tra I ,: worth 95 in its natural stato is worth 039 scope and t of . yhon it is mule into hereaabcea. and of . alien. Preface-t halls. s it aceathrccgh the title at processes y p bor “(lento ry m.’ . whichit tornado into it its value is alvooa new interpretatt of the Hecate 3. 1 * increased to $350. blade into pcnkaifo account clot-cation. Hosea-in the locale written on 0 fly- > blades it would be worth 98.000. and into , account what he callaa thee loo-literary 9 tonic Hoary Word mince wheels for watches 9250.000. Just Tam are many auth-nho example- 01 dance. The a." mite. not or dedutto Bach». and In hid it up alowl to ti. . . think of that, boys; a piece of iron that i French 111“ 'y 01 “‘0 “N330! Mm“ {kln- periods. but for achievements. and: ,thoaoin “- 93- Sully lacing it to y who comparatively ' worthless can be developed M‘ny 8'0“ "00' 5‘“ » 0"“ ‘ PW' agreement .Wlth Hebrew parallelism. are “If. ’5- ' . . y . n . into snob valuable material! But the iron' “9" 101' “l†lenhfl- C‘mol- Romlmfl‘i broken up int two sets of three each. the "31d 1 than t not It. . be remarked. “ It ‘- hus to go tbrougba eat deal of hammer- 31ml“ ï¬ndvmflly 0‘1"," “1'9"â€! “"3" first act dealt a with untenantcd sphere. ll†Worth tny Inc ridiculousprtco." inc and beating an rolling and pounding '91,"! With 8""!03“, made 0‘“ 0‘ hum‘“ and the second with the inhabitants of ‘3 Md M .5 er a thing tntribllflll and polishing; and so. if you ‘are to become Ikm- The! “‘1 'llppfl'u b°°"v _,h‘"- those 'spherea. The whole narrativa, be '9'“! u0l were that ï¬ve canto? Elia “'v useful and educated men. you must go till-“'99. Nb“. Veil Mid breech" mi“ 0'“ says. ll a poetic description of the charm» Tillon- The ostensible purchaser was on through a long course of study and train- 0‘ “m “"5. "Id “WY "0‘ only W0†them tor. being and glory of God. , “ï¬lmâ€? Mend; , Fromm-bl}! Mrs. Tiltotl . in“. The more mm, you .pend in bud openly, but boasted of them. Tm, new e] “m c typewmer “new. “a. desired it as a jaint memento of the two re- study. the better material you will make. Tm: experiment is being made inChicago openm, 0g everydny “cop, pram,“ do“ mflklblfl Incl} Who have made such_ an The iron doesn't have to go through balfso of paving a street with steel rails 16 feet the heâ€, Thu c‘rfigge may“ automatically “Wm! commou‘m over he" .Wh“ 9â€â€â€˜3'3‘ much to be made into her-echoes, as it 10 inches in length. with ha grooved surface to ma “flung poi,“ whenever we and 01 . mienâ€?! W". ‘0 he!“ usocnled with lhll does to be converted into delicate watch- on top, so that the horses Wlll not slip on “no 1,“ been ruched. .nd .1†move. up 3‘ ' 0 he? huib‘nd ‘0 he! Ptlï¬or I Not springs ; but think how much less valuable them. The rails-will be placed afew inches one notch or “no “ the “no time. Bu. lino". but I do know that the little volume it is! which would you rather be. horIc- apart, and the space between Will be filled the mo“ important om“, bf the, “winsâ€... “ “0;†“u:- bindel‘y ibenlll covered hand- shoe or watchsprinu‘.‘ It depends on your- with a patent composition that is said to mam seem." be its use in receiving and aggzdytm. Tflmx-Tulén‘lï¬g 130th: Pg? ' selves. You can become whichever you very hard and durable. A trial lg of gummij mpg“ hm damtchem n i. 1 b r u a e ll will. This is your time of preparation for fifty toua has been made at the Bay“ iew ‘ “id M tho line,“ face a,“ the inï¬rm '1 9 M. _. I“ he‘ll" never don. I0. and he i i manhood. )Don’t think that I would have Iron Works, Mich. went “I, be med both .3 ‘ ".mmmeund {9 1}"08,"ï¬ Â£9119. W119}? 1:; “ml I mOdOlt you “We do?†*0 h‘rd “may ‘ll the “limo IN 1840 the tonnage of British shipping receiver of intelligence over a single wire, ‘éï¬mgwn I" Pm' 1 °{ ‘d the Plym°.“"‘ “'i‘hOut “my WWW“ 1°†(“‘1' N0†‘ b“ 0‘ d l l d f the rta of the no matter how reat the distance a be. “mu “99 ° eve.†“3 V° he" 3° h“ u , _ entere am e care rom po 3 m y p k h Tl it. I like to see boys have a good time. ï¬nd United Kingdm was 6,505,000 ; in 1885 it The receiving instrument does not req'uire ' “w†'3“: 3' .t’hml'l‘ 3°35 Beadâ€? :1": I 5110"“ be Very 50"? to 990 you Grow 0“ was 46,390,000. In 1840 there was 58 per the attendance of an operator, but prints °°$F“"‘°;.". m, v 9’ .“ F; l “‘“m ‘ ° bet?†your timed)“ youh‘W ‘mple OPPOl," cent. British to 42 per cent.' foreign; in the despatch automatically." The instru- _ ""00 “I’m†‘ " "r ‘0’" "m" , . “1th 10" Study Mid Pl‘y ‘00- and I do“ ‘ 18H5 the percentages were 73 and 27. The ments at both ends of the line int the ‘ Th. clown“ Uncrrmmw 0' r “w Law W511“ Y0“ *0 will?“ the kiwi“. for the “he era of free trade ha thus been ‘ one of despatch sent, and so a aafeguar against I . t h . ' d a ’ 0fth915‘ter-“P"'“I""'N ‘ h"""““" ~4"“â€"""'- phenomenal progress not only in manufac- mistakes is provided. It is claimed that Eur†arm" ht ° “9‘ ‘“ 7W": 5W turing industries but in the twin industry .fhe plecsric Zype-writer gillflfie valuable asda gogfea‘mgz. who; ‘3 tan; 5%; ‘°"“" ‘ “3 ’°“‘ "N "m" of the can 'ing trade. . oca ai to usiness an o are many a . . ' . Fifty years ago boots had the preference. . , 3 - f h .. If I vantages over the telephone. ' One advan- meh M“ ‘PP‘M' by the “nomad ""4"" i . . I‘m. authorship o t e poem , , , 0 To do h e hornet-1' in all weathers - - - t l d f 3 th s t 1* n “"5 51“ d'y 0‘ M‘)’- 1333» We 1 iboy a .0 s' l 'd)’ f 1 ' Should 1)†T°‘"‘3h“" has been “' Bub-‘3“ Age hcvmme or I m -’ “0- m. l" plaintiff, Henry Beattv, brought an action a‘fduyxï¬znwggglf) 2:81,â€? (in: lfluzmasï¬; 0‘ dlSPute 701' a 100% llmc- 1‘ W“ 30“ 311%,I§;:B?22022:l1et%2 alias“: ‘2 gang: against the defendants. the Northwest ' ' ' ' “ ' ' r b,ashas , . .‘r, . . . beets “.8 9°.‘md .by “30109.90! XJéf.‘°;‘.B~I..§‘.3“fy ‘llf.."?f§.°’n....o.d primed moon mo' medium or m op.- iagnotvzr:::;g;;£gï¬gm lama“ {3° 'lhe Whirligig of time is bringing boots into ,, . v ' .. writer and w l be there for perusal on his . ° †mp 9- the fashion again at least for wi or wear. 1 â€"' " my a 3’11“ the author-“up has been return The leg aches tinted "a in let. The will!†111'“ calm! before the Chlnct’llor and it seems to bf) in the interest Of go traced t9 mule Beue 1E. smnhi a‘ present s fer {grin and ngt an 95519“ f; The of Ontario (Boydll Who on the (“1" d.y 0‘ hi lth I d t tb s 's h d "mm m 13"" “nege' hm" 1’“ It - ' h - Pe' May. 1894, decided in favor of the plaintiff. ('9‘ ' . ,t 8m“ S areasonl I; 1 a to h first appeared in the Christian ('nion, June “‘3‘â€th “3 been “muffled the The pmimm goes up and the defendants ‘ bgiisetal llâ€eigggdyriddydgtzlidfitmiiie rcietiese 18â€â€œ 1873’ The “whorehip is vouched for dynamoï¬mph' ’ come down. ‘i ‘ ‘ H gory to kzgp thep headp cool and the feet by Prosmem Brooks’ 0f.T.‘b°r conegei . " 2- The defendant“ 'Ppcflled ‘0 “10 Con" warm if good health is sought. Boots cove, Du. CAMERON Lacs, minister of St. Giles’. Truth†In Bllï¬lnt'sï¬- ' of Appeal of Ontario. composed of Hagarty, not onlv the feet, but the ankle and the Edinburgh before ,leï¬vmg Melbourn_°~ Men who have company must have C-Ju Burton and 051â€. Jul. and were , lower 15.: and hence iiuht ot't' rheumatism “new 0‘“ the Bilggesnon ‘3?“ SCOtSn‘g’; "1 money. y luccesï¬fm- 0 The Pl‘lmm 00m“ down Mid i y ' ' ° ' . _ Australia should assume t to responsi i ity Some 1... can . too 1 an“. some too the defendants go up. 2322192955533“; arétggggiiifv ‘gï¬mhfg‘fï¬fg of erecting a monument to John Knox in lime. H ) muc 1 3. The plaintiff then appealed to the and make the feet perspirc. ‘ With a pair St- (“leak Where the {9‘01" ‘3†5° 030“ Great men when analyzed usually prove .Sllpre'nlo‘cour‘l Of Canada. composed of of good boots, cashmere socks are better. “Wildenâ€"‘5 “0m {110 Pullm', 11,10 Sllgls’emw†to be very small men. Ritchie. (ML. 1' Dunner. Henry, Teacher-can The sole of a winter boot should be thick. ll“ {0â€}“1 mm“ mm? “if! ‘3 likely to take Men trade on borrowed reputation as “ml “Wynne. J-J-t and W“ liuccesshlL The but hein I thick it isn’t necessary that it 9‘ l’mcncul 51ml??- Mr- Mamba“ Lang» 0‘ they trade on borrowed ca ital. Plullltlff 800:5 up and the defendants come . t, . . . P should be heavy. Cork soles are excellent. glam-131W Ill-“Emma {ï¬lmelbogm‘f’ to 1:011“ (iood intentions will not help a tnau on (lord-n d f d f n I d t u and thev make a light-weighted boot. while “We ‘0 1’3“ 0 “'0’ 98â€â€œ ." vr- 693. his way if he talus the wrong road. ‘ g . ‘9 ‘ e 9“ ‘lmls 1â€â€œ y “PFCâ€. e 0‘ 10 protectihg the foot front the wet. A pair Mun. (ir.iiisio.\:rt, despite her 75 years, is The history of trade shows that failure Judl‘T‘l (4)111?“th “‘0 Pm)’ Comm“ 0‘ of fancy leather tops, say of the best 1110- one. of the most active and energetic of is the rule and winning the exception. “19 {lulled “hlntllluhl. composed of Lord roeeo. will last many years. and so, with Women. The improved condition of the Money moves the crops that muko‘the gomliï¬lsei héréfaligyshycacgw' f". RACh‘rd footing, boots eventually cest as little as .cottagers all about lluwarden attest her great met the granary of the w=rld. “833 y MIN-11' 1c ar 0116). an Were shoes. The boot. logs should iit as snueg inilueuce. In the schools she has placed Um.- man is overnice and becomes fussy ; BUUWSSWJ- 1 We ‘ldelldams 8° “P {01' 8°05 to the limbs as the size of the feet will per- teachers who instruct the children in scrv- another is careless and loses his trade. 31133118 Plï¬lfflllgcgluw? dog?“ to stay} l mit. This makes the legs f thei trousers ing. cookery, etc., and in various handi- The same great lesson of failure is Elma“ ‘5 a V109 13"" 9V" 30 0 SW ï¬t the better. Eschew giltlosbes. They crafts suited to boys ; she has also founded taught in the professions that is taught in “"1053 YO“ kl1°W~â€'“"“Wl Jl'llrnal. injure by †drawing." Lot thick soles serve an industrial school for boys at (flaphum, trade. ~ -»~- ~',4>~â€"->â€"~r~r-- ‘ their purpose. If the feet get wet put them and a home for aged and incurablcs, both One man ruins his business because he The rm‘w‘mr l“ 51‘0"“- into cold water, next dry them thoroughly. of which are model charities and under her is a sloven ; another ruinsit because he isn .ycort'espondept Blends fto London got†and then, with a change of‘ socks, they direct supervision. fop. am (,Iuwru's par icu arse a curious ass. Wm fairly lllOW With “'Mmlh'th’" Y‘â€"‘ A xrnlucn of Bradford. End, firms have Me" "either “in "0" 1090 i" “‘0 “m0 9V9r0u3‘0m‘111‘189m- H9 “3‘: “Dur' 7“.â€â€œ3- received notice from their correspondents in “'“Y-I one falls and i3 Smart; M10th Wins "‘8 the Pf‘awvcr Week' m “‘0 Prue!“ ‘Nwwm*_vflm """" Germany and other countries on the con- and ‘5 d‘m- ye‘r‘ I nomad “my "Hwy of “1.0 home" m Cute Sayings by the Little Ones. tinem that .. \volapuk n the new universal Talent and temper often go together. It the Jew quarter in Oran and in 'l‘lemeen 'romiv's izxi-iziuiixcr. m swoon... language, will be used after a certain date. is rap) to find a sharp. bright man that isa gorse ilct’lgg'ktég Ophléll‘tlht'ï¬llllilge his}; tli%;]:;é . . r‘ . ‘ ‘ cour eous man. s s ‘ . Little Tommy had spent lllsyfll'st day at 1d)" “tt‘e’ftmln Of Elm EgadfPrd “lumber Of Thc merchamgof 01d Tyre were -~ princes, impressions were in different colorsâ€"red, .h I: “\V} t d d . 1 7.» k d 1 Comment: ms een rawn to tie matter, ‘ _ _ so no . la 1 you earn as e 118 but the Chamber has not yet domrmined and her traffickers were the honorable of black, yellow or blue; and in no instance, “"3an i if - a. i to assist V in spreadin" the knowledge of the earth-n ' ‘5 “m†“5 l 8,3“ recollec‘i “’9'†they “uh†“ Did" ‘ 16â€â€œ “.“l'mmln'v ï¬md 10mm)“ .. yolnpuky “a Mudyï¬ma been make“ up, Integrity, honor and piety do not save it upon 'the sideposts of the doors or upon “"1" What did you (do ' . ' . ' . .1 . j .1 man from disaster if he fails to observe the the ‘lllltt'll‘. but always upon the walls of ..D 1 » d , h , to a certain extent, private v. an. a L ass 1‘ n 5 0 “Mt mg. A Emma“ will soon be formed in Igmdfo'rd law of success. the houses. In some cases there was one wanted t? know how to ape“ ‘ CM and I . l V, . - The law of success is as certain as the lmpl‘L'Sï¬lOH only. in Others there was a mid he†'11.â€: “’20,? C?tt°n“°°td. "files I,†.1 me law of the. tides. All must obey these laws ! y us live; and. further. in others, they on.†t‘ll\lll.ll\' outed-s To. 33:33:: “itippsizfgiï¬gn ?;:t;;ll;:(;iléwti?:£ if they would mowâ€. gem 1M3,ch gouwmbudm mutton“ of a ». , H .V v 4 ~ '. .‘ .’\ ,. ‘»,I l " 'J tiii.“l‘i.$hf.fl%llm“with?f‘iâ€1l2“.‘iiefiél “*8 “sweetened 80““ “We and which pofbi‘l‘flfliï¬it““id. if:nLidiifis‘fiii.‘i..§ “iii filed»? lichliiemeaiid‘éé‘ $5213.32;- ' i l l u ‘l ' . | ‘ A I . v a - . . . .90 .10 no to lieu-)0." who: dico†’5 spurts form {‘3 If u"er “Eco-“a Pressure to the value of the diamond. 1 saw a man making an impreaswn With a l I . 'i y ' when a win is punctured. It is said to he l- d - n . ‘ _ .. X,†my 80,, n d l .0“ ‘y r trashing 8M huntch no in .._â€"â€"â€"- -. brush and on niary re paint. line cus " - ' . w e ‘c‘ 3 e t ' . - . . . tom doesmot a ) )ear to be known amon ' “And Will grandpa go to heaven. too? ’ the habit of cumin, ,- 1 - . - “"""0" 8“|’*"""â€â€"" ‘ _ ll _ 8 ' â€" 55â€â€œ eta w‘t‘h “hmhm ' the 1' u 'llBl) Jews for after man 1 c "I hope so. my boy.†ierce the veins when the. . ' . “ \ou can tell a Mormon house by the . .‘ l5 ' ' . ' y " ' v ’ ' 3 “8 thirst" It 1 mries l have met w th none who has ever “ “1611 I don’t want to go to heaven. ’ P mm of honor with mam to j“ .1 number of doors,†I heard some one say as 1 ’ . .. ,. d I “Why not ?" asked the astonished aggmce when their'thimt is muffle: ,2 we approached Salt Lake City, writes a Rearg at“ outï¬gwigrï¬fpgigigh “#3; mother. . b j- . anea )ohs I'I‘UNHH’ correspondent. Sure ‘7. ' . that the next comer may not 0 ( map I. I _ “mt ceremony wnmh W“ performed on †13808050 grandpa Will say. When he pointed 'rnough . There they were, two doors side “ . ht f th fl. 1 z f u l H i . 9903 “5 003's there. "' WhOWl _WlleW! ’ , , f - dl . , d by side. even in the smallest houses. Some- .10 mg? 0 ,0 ‘3‘ ° ‘6 3r“ l e. f9!" \VhCW' hat's illl lllC‘lO boys (10111" up A '0“ “L†o plnc nee as is now prepare tunes there “'ch two wooduhpds or two ' and "lay “0t the br‘nCh Ilka hemâ€. H h i" Germany’and is beconnng polmlar for wells‘ and we saw one house that had “gum bed symbolic“ 0f the bmmh 0f ' use in baths. A half pound or a pound of ‘ 7 ‘. lwsaop a... I Lost: l:l<2\fltl.\'lf~'h, th ‘ wde i allowed ,6 dissohe in hike» begun with a single room, and been length- ~ W A 1‘ . L W t a - encd out room by room and door by door. Amgjmm Conn" 'me Chap "Pm." “hâ€. “nod “mac†“Mm water for " few lm'lmes‘ when the That patriarch must needs look about him 1.. I - d“ t - ' th f lloetor .801 says “1801' things than one but], is read)“. The pnpcmles “Emma . sharply on the resurrection mom, or he u gatgf'rtt’flx (. be. a tentioxii t3 0 apt would expect front a tl-irec-ycar-old.I ‘ act upon the skin as a tome and antiseptic. Wm (“:0rlook mum poor wit.“ ï¬nd have hm. htit. tiaraf ms een al stgm yh ecrgaae V , “When will baby talk?†he suit to lie and the baths um lu'cacribéd for rheumatic . . ‘ .' V , ' “ t c yte o cotton in tie ‘out ern tates, mother the other day. complaints: gout. certain skin diseases. and ‘ Slecpul‘ii “"035; (in fitting-"fl 1h: MU" and that this decrease has gone on in the " “ When she gets her teeth,“ said his forvinvigorating the system generally. 'l‘he [l‘onsl'f‘mf‘ {Hinge ‘3 ‘m ‘9 re 11?"? face of ayearly increase of acreage. It is mother. towder is also usedforfumi ationa in chest “0’? l “‘ mm “"f‘ u.“ m women o m stated that the event 0 ‘icld or acre is l g - their traves until their husbands please to - g 'l p “ All her teeth 1'†affections. etc.. or, as an antiseptic, a littlg can “hem ' If the no '8 lord pleases m be thirty-one [Itillnttlis less than 1: pa: bflvt: " All." may be placed on a hot shovel and carric . ' h ’ . . years ago. ' ' is ecrease amoun s o a on ~ . A - ~~ « v i r. , the grave side of his ,- - i - - " “ell. I don t believe it. said the about the room. 3" “MW†0 5°95 t 1-) per cent., while the decline in price has ' ' - .. ' a case and weeks the new name he re. ., ' little follow after reflection. Grand- Tm. chum“ of me no thus. set down . cgived in ‘h lendowmem home at the time been 2i per cent. .l'he cotton crop of 18w father has on] one tooth and he talks you . . amounted to 7,000,000 bales. which were to dth b y I ' 8‘" (if l‘fvef’lhl'ooo lmen Ll) dw dqznlimfny‘ 0’ his man gc' WhU'h h“ "over 28%;" grown on 10 134 000 acres. The estimated . ‘ "9' ‘3 ° 05° W ‘0 “m 0"“ l e 0“" crossed his lips. She. answers wit t e . f ' ' i - - r ‘Wrâ€"‘w ' . ~ ~ ‘ . . I . crop or the present year is 0,300,000 “M†pom“ Th“ they “mg†the “89 Off ' WM!" Eglefï¬â€˜lï¬â€ namewhtch she received at the same time hues. "1d me “a “PWUIOOO “mg. Th“ H ' ' ' - l k able i0 9“ arms om! . our 0 e “d "5"" 0"†°f memo“ Pow†me‘m‘ decline of late years in the yield of cotton Lyciy tune you borrow )0u tel“ 0 WC inhabitants of a country. More old men of domestic t 1mm. nmong me ignorant . ’ . . ‘ . M your self'mu‘m’e' . are found in elevated situatfons than in Mormons is due thryeat frequently Fesorted ‘3 “1990884,â€; be due ":1 I"; “shark‘s: Every time the mercury drops the pm-e "new andlplï¬nm The {lumber of ink“... to by tha head of the flame. an“ he Wm, gagging? fgtslyyeg:s up; cgaogpagd (30M “093 'kywud' . - "in" 0‘ 1‘ Clly 0" county “femwui every not raise his wife on the resurrection morn which» has become ‘u’ mnke“ble com: “of? “me you ml.“ over Classic mum: thirty years' The pmporhon between the †“"1053â€. "C" etc' modit and artificial fertilizers have not I )‘011 P y {M hyP‘mnle- deaths of women and those of men is 100 ..___.__.__....â€"â€"â€" “ etyl'mm introduced to a wmciem “- s .li‘ver." “me 3°“,mllh ‘ report" “‘0 54°55 to 108. The probable duration, of female Wm... m. Mod.†(urn Mon... hm)" to "cm “no for “w '0" ‘ wx}!v"e‘;;f‘;_‘::d;n:l;oy?:&l †d t n of it ‘ou lives is 00 years, butfaftor tlhat pï¬riodghe M0“ men like mode“ girls but. Mod. pe I _ . . " ‘ c '0 in l C -' calculation is more avorabetot emt an g - Mormon. “up, w The modest ,"““‘â€",“;‘. "“w‘w" lose the fruit of the action. to men 9'? ‘5 ‘ . ' ' . Sash-n It) 4"! heel" Wilf'ox- ' a . - . . - . . v ' I! won t let you hold her hand when - - , .di‘i’ï¬."“:’.i§“-§’.:‘3.5l“£all“ blockade 1m anybody to m we. ..::.:::::::'.l“:.'.° 13v“? “316 .03 m 1"" m eel on being introduced by Louis Joclmm. of . aoulcd when there‘s nobody lookipe. and um it shun not be discovered. thc‘sidgwalkvdu lindaiimevrzofnelidd fishe‘k unwell?†"e" Snrbmww' Germ‘ny‘ l 3â€â€œ 3°“ how he" h‘mls' I hno known It is an acknowlet tied fact that one ' l-' very time vou calls. man a liaf'lhe will Tim†blrick is "xdié’y mining all“: m"; l'o‘u‘gll‘dlic'km‘" woulds‘l'wem ylogr mud†pretty woman never cos any beautv in ‘ ~ __.‘ , 0 ï¬ne ygroun r argi accouaaato an ten or y, no into your eyes am oevery- u T: I, would no behumm‘ï¬nu'm fl . 0 3,3,0“ you down n it he h" “3 “y 1° about flnel ground clay, and adding? 5 per cent. thing that was agreeable in the most ahame- :2: d‘i‘d. l-‘very limo you talk about your own or i I n “9' Fan,“ minute i“ '3"??? Wm} 19" mm“? hem"; “he†moplï¬ â€˜ {""f‘l'f: So mach a man will do where nothing is . ‘ . “ .i . . , also ntlon o o r cent. a an ate 0 the no a one wit, I you ey‘ u a a __ . £39,333 Lemma 3°" hone" m“ 3°“ iron. to which ï¬ne‘ii‘on ore is addedpnntil it ' mil: off and talk primly about the weather. 2330:: 33:11:33 0‘:;d':%:Â¥h2: m 4W-.. shown a consistency of 38 degrees Bettina. I don't think those girls would make good u I we“ . mm x would never “at w Nearly a Checkmate. It to then formed in a press, dried. dipped wives. At. all events they don‘t make good an"), . Home, (or I know she would u . “my °n - member“ in“ nu: :. “if†°"‘.°'2t.".“1.::.‘.:. . remuner-a.â€Â°::.;2‘?::.2.r:.:.n°“ med-ml em.» won it my onh' be a cross dander. He had 3°" 0 'm P " ° "°" "‘ ° :0 3‘ " ' ' reached maturity. t ard y payl to been plgying one†u we erupt-com. m “'le braced to baked in op oven for forty- 'lhey lay aside the beat to finish up wit ,3 pmâ€, for no ",0" n “me. ‘ alate hour. and after he got outaid ho Git-3M hour! in “pilde @3800 and but when they get to what. they ve la No womm whom." “gmâ€. ma mum stood on the sidewalk meditating. A police. twenty‘four hon“ m I reducma flame. slide they moo full of chem" M the? flat...“ in...“ upon keep...“ ... mm... man, unperceived. made his . men, The German Government testing lobora- can’t enjoy anymore. Of course there are mm mm. H it re n "he d x u u tor for balding material: has reported other boys who eat all the good ones um. Am." .m do... much whaée uothin i. o o. sal...rul . 1t )7 r Y ‘ , , n , mat-o," ma the .bgengmjn ed mm a favorably on this brick. ! But it seem: to To all‘rulos 7:53:03? medal. - if mutual re nitions had not occurred it Tm: advertisement of a tvineinl ondon. , anyway. In em m lacom I ~ ‘ p ‘ . might have $5.. the policeman’. England, that he i. Plagued toll)". in. ' kind. The only rule of life experience ‘l'wo. Hm- country tumtttn. “4-â€: mmom Mthe rm of 49- apiece. or three brinnsmlsnever *0 lose «chancr'vrhm tips. Waldo. of Bostonv-‘l hay-c a letter I'm-round of the rental. ago, 10., j. om "can for directing “u... when we can get it. > from your linclc James. hem-lope. who Small atria-Why did that licem tion to the striking titles of some sermons ' -- "f" h ‘ wants it! to Imndthe minim" Ml MI "m ' touch his hat to you. nunty ~.‘ Iavd tion printed to the British capital in the seven. may years it_ was when t Mt. Penelope. dubiouvlydn "W"? any, .. not one as well as nurse fâ€"Imiivlnn Pniwh. «south and eighteenth centuries: llmwoï¬litolhï¬mal ï¬elwhyï¬'kffggl" .hW'hi’IV'l‘é w'm"“:' “, V a â€" -~-â€"â€"b~w-- Comfort for Chickens of Grace." “’1' o 4 w uown p 'a c a . | m Hm. - «v ’ a“, om “my. pmumrhw gmm“ a, mva Low... .. The Church oflloe one day audlwaa talkm stifling? “hymnsâ€. l presume they are My Mrs. fliarlo‘tto [corrupt Windham. 80' Chapel Smï¬amg' gingham; gt Ignttmg’otlcv‘a'tmlvmva‘mt u . w H... m . _. . folk County. ll the lac three montlfs of or he eras t o It team .3 .“ - ' - ~ ‘ ‘ ' mm . ‘ h r lath year. greed and quiltedaqatlt MA Poetic; Cardangn’gh " N l Nerve". “Vaï¬pwlblg‘: "guy... , u rmmmfl. Tammyi‘,m u. . whiehcontaitia he]! pieces. ltlll did Iplrltaal Lto a Sea “my.†{‘90 “‘0 '1'". Ta“ mama". ,' . iece ofworkmane . and m a. the ilsz wtth Devotion. "I? l' lamb , h! N m“. I, . “we a" I†*‘i .v i u H)". age is may achieveqmt. «orchids and " hem I acre My, MU, . “.millflv ;,, I p p ‘5. u. pun-1. -‘ y, Weecanbeat 7Hn.lpnelaanofl O calth fall AW. mmwfll “a , .“i. , Norfolk gm. ha ' bot-tile mum. It thI" tlawt’ Matt aay ht M.“ m wcgfun'.“ a . . ‘. Ihlpof Chariot . and he. muddle, that at trim-rat. cad they m not new. . j†‘I p i g. up set-tollcaaotymslaca. , , Nah y. - 4 ‘W PM“. ,, , . I ~ ‘ i V. v, I . J ‘i ’ “ n f j i ‘ pl; . I ‘ . ‘u. i. ,‘ ‘4‘ a i ‘h t Y " ‘ q, t r . f, ' , I , v u -I i p, -v t g I l I . . .k p I u , . . , 1 ‘ ‘ d t 4 .. a l .‘ . i z ' i ' . ' ‘ I . t» I ' I" . h ., t y. l I ~ l i . v. .‘ v ‘ u ' i, “i V \ .. ; ' ' . l b .‘ l .itwi . ". l '.‘01â€â€˜ l r hf‘g-irl .ï¬â€˜il" . ‘t . i l _‘ u t. i b ' ' "‘ I \rhv It A“, ‘3’ u ». n3