Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 6 Dec 1887, p. 2

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5 - 0”“ av- --o râ€"eww the Na in the New bu s crhk in his book Mt o Wht‘ie‘lvn 1 Wu,“ “fl.” mun Ain't you sorry for him 'P "M" of m And s mole on his nose met in purple end block ' u ' “ And his eyes are so weak thot they water end Ho. 30. run. “ We must both If he dures‘to dream even he looks It 1)!) sun; So he 'ust dreams .f stars, us the doctors odvtse : h A. MW. - on..." .. _. . “caesium-run. a. Now put your tell me tliot you on w to l . y Em ," t‘ I I ‘ bllhil map 11:! our b h. m . J. u lull"- 19 wine U tlmealno o as O W “3 'l 'lojust dream .1 the Sluts in the doLlul‘b udee ? tuimru )0“ a ‘1‘“ on "u m. a. w.“ And lhc Mun in the Moon has at bed on his car. enough to b In W 0;" . OI OW wsuor 1 his entitled- to. toy-Ids bit. ,0?“ “ “11”” ruined herself sud kissed his blind eye! I know ! hut thcslllltiltifetligiiiil‘lfefiiliigdiy deura softly. li'.‘.‘1.';‘£l.‘.~FX‘lXiillifilfif.'t‘i‘.‘.:‘.filfi.:i‘t.:il l::‘:°“‘““ .. :‘bgifguhmhmgfgf;;,fi;,;‘;§:,v°g,°g: Yet ll‘ll‘l‘illglllllul;u a dimple lutllctl over, you know '. Oh. how "a" “In is ; I dean's puly to be “03 , listed and you follow me serous the world “ “y' “"““‘"““ ‘0‘ to ask me to beyour wife. Your love hu ” I r ‘ x ‘1 . . . . . v i _ . I“ “‘19” l“ “ “mm” “m” d H" w“ m“ “ conquered. lteby; from this day your wall em the Men in the Voon has 3 themes! ‘i' WU shall be mine." 0 km“ a C O ' C Q . "H"\'\z,la, a pm mu, ,, g ' Miss Csnipion had passed a long morn- And llH fltl'H lune worked round where v to new ing at the springs. wsndering shout the “W” W b" ' grounds with on American friend Crystal Hi) \\ lulu \'i l‘ lln Within ‘01:!) llHl‘lll llU gut-3 hiiulll, would have nuiahed her le‘ter ho k‘ern And come“ Mick isilli the lltrrllllb’ts crumbs all ' ‘ , "round in. lilnlllll, .lmtlord long ago, she thought, as she And he brushes them off with u Jupituufie full ; walkgd quickly lawn the hot road" and Wm“; ‘w, , - would be waiting tor luncheon. She was “with: e. unirvvlloue man i not it little surprised then when. on resch- \\'hat 8. very l‘l'lJlllIku-blt‘ Hum-unuus man 1 ing the cottage, she heard the sound of VOlCcS, and found herself confronting s --â€"-â€"-"-.“â€"-'â€""â€"" Very tall men in cleriosl dress, whose head ml. W, Riley, tll Indianapolis Journal. 0 . . ’ seemed almost to touch tho low ceiling. S while u sweet-looking woman. in u long grey cloak and Quskcrish bonnet, was standing huldingffrystul’shand. ‘ “Hush! they are going in; we must f‘lJt-er Miss-()uxnpion,“ exclaimed (Jr'ys. .eit u moment. Crystal is crying, und till, with a vivid blUsll that molded .to gut; that Lind cimturc in cmnforting her. We her new beauty, “I some lunghsh friends 0 did not iii-six to listen, Ruby; but it unnelutvcjusterrivod. .Mr. terrors and sin“ oi sole to movcnwuyfromthe trees." his sldtt'r'.” llnt Ruby s (lt‘f p voxco intel- ' {on luurd \vlnil she mid, Murgut'ct-~ i‘upted “av. _ _ . V .v . fund. liwivcn bless her sweet inno- " Crystal 13 not introducmg us properly; (1:25.: ' r}: i 1311:, niurjli u, chili] its ever. Ill) Slit: (lOt'S llul lilt‘llllOli the lamb llllll she 33 y l ' , _ ~, I . ' ‘- '-. lml. h... uny wmnun‘s nhnl now Mnr- cnuitgtl to nu, and tlmtr ysistcrishu gun i. .7. itl‘dtt):l think of tlnm: lilllft’d in conninr“ it in nccolsary fornie to explain I _’ f , y . h 1 (“l I _ - lllll l.‘ ?. AIM/I‘M HM, Hm} I n.) “4.1% ‘11).“ . " Is this (n.2, child ‘2” uslted Miss \ 1-H n- lnti. ld inl nlIlllt in ll.L lllllm, (If (lib). ' _ ‘ v ,‘ . h I '1 i i1i-ii..iiiwiilliiv niitnnln ( 1 2m. mun. tumpiun in usturtled Vulcan, nndptst ongi sh dark on it iron-t under, in the guise « Crystal‘s fuck, wow u summgut answer, 51“, Why mm" “mm” l“Mi . . . , continued urchly, “ do you mean that this And \, vi, 1/! 'ltltll) surf it; llt'l‘ lllk‘lll. Alli i is 0})L,1‘Cr).at“l A the ideal we we“, talkwg well ’ ‘. \an‘inn’s pity nunwtiuns makes about last night in "m moommm... 1‘” “‘3” “1"” ‘1" ."“V S")- M-‘W'r 11" 3m “ Uh. hush!“ returned Crystal. 11111611 " “1"” 3'0” “"5 “~ ‘3 3”” “V” WW“ mm” confusied at this. for she know by this time (fr) “‘ “1‘” “1””; A“ l “m”[ll‘tt1“‘l""‘lk"d that there had been silent auditors to that “Wk m “HOWE- girlish outburst. But Baby’s hand pressed " ton and l will go nguin to-morrow x heraqneamnmv‘ ““Jn‘mbim “"15" "‘“H I" 1”” “a “ 1 am afraid that 1 must plead guilty to tiny pnl‘iul for the night; und Margaret being t1,,,t.m,’aMissuampion. I believe, “Wmud' "\ if the truth must be told. that Crystal has “MW “Mi *" "l‘t‘l‘l’f‘ll “igl‘ti “M 51‘1" “ bccnongngcd to me from a child. I know “m” l“’“"”-‘ “MAM” "" ""“”‘~" she was (“llV’ nine years old when she Klingon-t hull already finished ‘ner brcnk "mm, me an” oft-“MM was. She informed met when he entered the long dining room, 2 me in We pwmnce of my father and mm of fin: block 'n..li: i1. humid mm to - and “NW, was she meant w belong his plmrc. Ruby Wondered that she did not to mu... join him its usuul to read his lettcrslo “0h, Mumamt‘ do ask him to be quiet,” hm" """i “‘“l‘” 1’13"" 1“”. mu” “5”; whispered Crystal; but her glowing. btwp)’ but a few minutes later she joined {are Show“! “0 displeasure. Some_ him in walking dross, an 1 out down bcsnlc thin”, like “a” glietcned in Miss hm" Cnmpion‘s shrewd eyes as she " “1”” 3"” “M‘h‘d 3““ l'rwl‘fr‘sb kissed her and shook hands with Mr. Ruby " and us he answered lll tho ellirmu- InfirrelB' 1”” "“* ""”m”““"" “I‘m “ mm 1mm.“ “ It in not often the ideal turns up at the (‘N'lli’illhnl lll her sweet \uicuf“ Miss “Uh: momflmyu shy and, bluntly: “but, 1 ‘1"L”‘1""“ 1”“ “"“g mm” m 11‘" 5:1”“1‘4’; .‘“I Hi?) \‘L‘l't'1‘lltll vou lll\\'C dome to make Cl‘)S- EM" h'r PM“ Mum" C381“! ” “lulu”; tulloulili‘keoiln-rgirls. Now. Mr.l"crrere, .ivilct‘s in the. puiior i saw her. b‘huli no “8 on“, 1m.ch mm feed on ,m.‘ I propose ""”"' “W “m” I‘V’MWF‘” . that it.» go in search of luncheon, for the Not-d alii‘ lll!\t‘ put the question. liven ,,mw1mB Wlmded long ago ,‘73 and “8 even ('lifl"l"1,l'i' hind \i'nifm‘, looked ut .‘ll‘. hula Aflnimmi that this was sensible lfi‘rri r57 lb" ‘ liu unllo .l do...” the long room “dugpy m“, 1,}.- wuaurmd to the bo‘udmu \\ilh in» ligml erect. A gruinl-louking house‘ ‘. Englishmen. he thought, and who would The occupam’g of the piazza were sorely hm“ “I’Wm‘fli ‘1“ “ml bhml' Mammy” pllif.’.lCtltllBt evening and Miss Bollegrove could lmrdly keep up With the long etrldes WM, “ “Me “1.08% Captfin Maudsley thut brought them so quickly to the corner had been raving about the beauty of lwus”; 8“ ll“: gm“ “he Ch‘v‘d‘m mm the wonderful brunette who was sitting Emu?" . . Opposite to him sit oinncr. “ She must be .« \u- must be quicr, ltabvaerv ‘l‘m‘t" an liniiun." he said to Miss Bullugrovc, "r "h" Wm “H” 0‘” {O‘M’l‘ ['5‘ Sh" H ‘5‘" who l‘thth'zzl his confidence sovmwhut “"54 “"l‘ 1‘” hm'k ‘” “‘9’ 1mm” ‘1‘“: '1 :.ullnlv , “ one Ilith'I‘ arcs those wonderful “W 5“" l’” l’lfil"l.‘"- Trf'ml ”“ .l "‘ flew-V : t . . v illi'l that tint of lntir out of ltuly or bunk-r." And its llu'ny Iollovw .- «ft-SH» loin“- gnuppuwiuoy “h” 1,; an artist, is linlm inqdn-itl). rmtminmghu: “ 3 n.4,; About her, because he Hays he hit-4 \\llllliillll'llll}.llll‘yW'T‘V‘“it'll” -'~"'-'~‘-1A‘ " “' , - :-. fulfil: With It purer oval. lie ‘1'!“ l"’1‘~‘ll- .1 “WM” “i‘m‘l “W” l” “Vi i \v -., :s‘r’. A7; paint but for his llebcccs tit the. i“ r‘1 “Hi ‘1“ Mill" "'l”“"" '3“"-’~ “3m ‘7” 'l‘. .~l:. lLAlS ruthvr herd lines she should be lndmn nutttiiigun'l Til"l’\ill;;':‘ll“ll';l, look-.4 ; mallard to u Mind (flu-gymnn'" finighcd l H”. I'M!" “""'r “M “1”” to” “‘11 “1M nu.) Miss llcllugrow s fuir fucc wore an minus." 1”“ “ "H" "bull? h”. m” “"9" i“ i (“"1 mm“ (.xpl‘l'ssii‘ui. “ How do you know they are 'illll1;lll’llll,llillll.Slit.‘lf‘(lhl"illllillllf‘llllrl()l' (“awed 9., “w “M, nnpatimmy: “I d” “'“i “W “Y “HM (dryw'l ,. not believe they nrc. Miss li‘crrers does ‘u- lll‘l' lli'l'(‘. dour ( i'ystul. ‘ And its hm Wm“. any rpm“... (M “‘11 mm“! hwy-hm"! mm] “W M’u'gnmt 5 " Nevertln-ltss, I should not mind bctlinll Huu'l. Living fume. mnl Ruby anunlin‘g ll! “ {my “mums of :11”va that they arc.” mil" l" ll'“ 1 “'"3 ’l'“ Firm”:f1v”‘”l“""““” ri'lilicd ('Mduiu anlult-v, \vithn keen, mis< WM] H hill‘rfl'fl" “rum” “1” [Hf-“H “1w (Tlilvt‘mla gluinn that l'itlllfgl‘ diecoxmcrtcd ‘ ' ~~ 1 i > .‘in t. ' l ‘. . . “7‘1" l“\11H1:;. NANA“: “N (I [I i [j I“ ‘ (,ilnwn Mnudnl-gv. rather iiicnutiously. ’ - ~ . . . ' ' v -- u 7 . ""113 i "l 1”" m Mfi-‘J‘lr‘t‘ ' 1H" “ mm) “M Mina lh-llngruw. lie was quite nwnre that l" i‘. l" r' "2“" I” ” Mi“ ,1. “.W'l‘” "t h” h“ \uue ll‘tln‘lll'h' the poor little girl; buttlien "7 “‘ ""”1’"""““i imam“l‘l:-’.’Li}”}’“f’“' blh «linwru-il punishment for flirting with |“ "l "‘“Y ill" H “‘“h' ‘m‘lhfl‘ii' I hm“. flint nun llozlgt-rk all lust evening. .luck mrl \ztl'ilv ind-.1 l \‘ill 'u.\n_l‘ lot yell ,L'L') D‘Iwudfilpv w’w honpfith. m “VG, ,‘vhh Hm i'i'l‘: ‘ ‘ "\‘i“"'5"’r"; hwml‘l mm "my M M”: 1"” litil‘llildl'iui bouutv, but‘ ho had lilentv of L ‘ 7“" “V V” lb“1”“ll'un""i‘“rb‘lmmhrr‘ pinch and spinnhnd would not be fooled if 1" 1‘” “ """" i "m": l'“ “I “1" ‘ ‘k'hl' mud m lw rould help it. Perhaps Miss llellugrovn. I " If hi” “" ‘V "W3 "mill hm” “mm in mmmun with the rest of her sex. liked ll" 'V it lover to be it little niestcrfnl. .lt \vns f li.\l'llLR XXXY. l;i:".':v “HE. (.t‘i‘lltlll that 'vllt‘ was on her best behavior during the rest of the owning, and snubbed Mr. llogi-rs most decidedly when he invited her to take a. turn in the shruliberioe. Crystal attracted a. great deal of notice in the bonrdinghouso, but she gave no one any opportunity of addressing her. fishy (li‘fwml- “"ll‘ "WV"! “4 "l" hmr‘l ll“? was lll\\i\}"~ inside her, and she. string-d Yet. in one respect. .lll‘l .‘Ill‘ l‘t:“\\1\l,lflllllll no Wise (‘lzuiigt-Il; livivv \v-iL luxud \Ull, luiwlynu first and lust. :‘lliluiVi' 31.11 wrif»1‘«.~\‘ii',li.)w l kin-w llwv l 5..in ulttnys. V 1". li. lil'v‘ll nun}. .,.,l ..f xlm chum; (lnm‘. Uni}. mu‘v ="'~‘ «uninh'tuiv rngrossml with his attentimm. 3‘“ i "-‘ "‘4" V" ‘F ("i “lbw-“bl” l“ “'"i‘i‘i .\4 Sim. ("umpirni i)l).‘-i'l"v(t\l to Mui‘daro-t. “‘9 7’:" ‘-" “H 1”" " ll": “"“l'i'll‘i' might n5 n'i-ll loci. for unotlnr 5‘ l' ‘* “1" '3“ "-1" 1‘" ‘f‘ll'iilH‘ 5"”. lump.» 2. far nll the good (‘i‘ystul “n3 iii. 1’» il.i‘l\l\ up i « d ‘1, until. an iii-xii} (ll/It .m p, r. (“"19" l‘.‘ i?“ "‘1" i’ ""“"' ‘ll “l i l" r i“ "‘l “"l lint NIH" l'Vl ning )llll’g‘tfl‘l‘l found Uri stall l;l\ lnw n.1, ml): :1 «ll lllll witz‘mil lrl :~ll'1l.' any.“ "yum, m n “WM”. “i the may, l“ r 5““ ’1‘ “Wm”; _ l llrL'~\lllI,fvl'I.llllll. Alll‘l of llw i‘unipuiiy hinl ‘l""‘.‘ “MW . "l" I "’“”‘“" EM” ill”: winni- llill‘ the int-room. but (me or hm, ll “ "‘ " l“"" “f “‘13~"“'l“ “l d" “"1 lluiiv union; flu-m “urn linger" g in the H" "'7‘" ’1‘” - ;;.ir.lvn. llubv was tnlking mthvrenrncslly ‘ .‘\t‘ l.» - L' i, i‘fll:“.i\,llllil li‘ l lnvunllnv to qupmnvin” l " "1"" H" ' l‘i" " “.‘“” 3““ l“““ “ ".‘tlinii~.('r\sinll"Hittingdmvnl‘nuidr‘hvr fnnlfl A i. diul .! ~. |\i‘ in ln- I illll‘l‘"‘l~ \tllll .1. Rllllll _' “ lm you mum that llnby H'” ” l""‘l"“"' l“ “"5l‘fiT-“ll' “ l" hue nvtuvillv left tun." llut (‘rystnl's {into i” "-l =- ‘ ’ “" M“ i“‘“‘ “ll-‘5‘“ l {W'V‘N worn no answering smile -r shelookedulittlo ii, ,' mil uni} diva". eln- itiniitprcft dutnrlwi ‘ ‘ 1“” "‘ ' “‘7‘ ‘l‘ "‘l' “"‘H ""l.‘ ‘1“ .‘“" "l Mk. .1 him to go mullet me think it i “ l ‘ " ‘ 'l'“ “"”l'l"“f ‘l 1“” "’“rl‘ our. lminnnt muke up my mind. Mur- l' 2"“ "' V” "1"“. "' i' -\ ‘” “"“t “"l L-‘\l“i» llulxy wunls ‘iie to inurry him ut ‘lm‘k' ‘ l m l "7‘ . mwx'. min. ~ aw gm hark to England. he H" " I‘ "‘ i“ ‘l “m”: I" ‘V ‘l"’”‘ “ \uil lavun :t that it will he brillir {urine in l‘. " - -‘ ‘ “‘ “"1"” “‘r' 7' :‘l l“l. i i t“ (£:-iz'g-‘ v. M: 'vzf«~.”v ‘ l ‘ I ' "Add " “ mm““Wm-“M‘- ' \I‘. darling. l him'v llnl-y \Vlrlll‘)‘. l‘“ ‘" " l: 1 1“" “"“" ‘i'il‘f ““"'~ ” ‘1 I'm llibl. itiwl l hope you mean in) consent." "m " " “ W l" 'l“ f' r 1'" 5 "X "“H ""l "l --I do lint know what in em; --fh(' i ion :5 l" l“ ' "l "‘ 'r "V "““ h“ 3““ “""k : mu 3 m. fric‘ntmis inn. If is i\ll 3.0 pink NM, NM.» h,“ “up,me f”, “H H, .. sir-4 i-l and «v: i in: l.i‘.\t Work: “f” not pvuplu V - “M H'V" " “’ "WW" Il'wi. it Mmmzv. .\ min-t little Welding in ‘1“‘3 '1‘ iml'“ " ""‘l‘ 'l r~ .iz-lwlxti'w illumh seems in mi- 5v) tuuvli 7‘ ' ' ‘ “1’1‘ 1"“ """ l l1 . r, 312: lulu. Minna to drer the \vnitt l'” ‘ '1" 1‘ ‘1" ““ I" "'t l'.‘ l"'”' 1:“; so.M-ii-gsrr‘t;“a1iilhereher r-vis filled .1, ~:. v‘l no»! N \, I think la; llllt‘S not trust im- l mull rut um. ulw unum 1- ll. that in :4 nfrrllil l nmv lento him again; “"" l “‘3! l‘m' H" h I "f‘i‘l‘l "M ""‘l Ami the llil a, pawn nu." l" ""‘ il‘“ “H” I 1“” “M” "l" “ \n, 61,: flan," riturnml Murgnrthnnth- li‘l“ 1" “V‘” 1 ' '1“ ‘ . “will” "i" l 'l um ..ir:- withitllmuuhbni-u-r ’t‘. l‘. ll!) Hll~‘n«l, l'il.ll(‘ hus slHi-‘l'ml w. A. i l il.‘.nk ull lll' lTIHllll“. itinl ld.‘ l Intui lwp \,'11' .ir~.~ m 1 )l.,r,--‘,‘.g‘4 l i l' l‘ i i 1" AM “u ' l,1n~ ‘y. .2 I: .x- 7g. i.- him mum-71;. he was "i “ ' 1“ ""‘ ~ i; “‘l - - .....i ~.--;..;i.m..zr \ 1 l l "' l l " ’* ""' in." ~ ' vlzw but ll" mvnwl ihsf he (mull Hi v: ‘ ‘ “ ii. l ‘l I 9‘" l"" '1, .1". ,\;’!‘\ :ilQ’ll'l‘ll lll'\l fillllll'llhn‘: ' ‘i i ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘t p ' l l , ii. nippi'i l '1~'}‘t'.‘.\l|‘ you ltiilll. l‘.“‘.‘-ri' ‘ I ' l ' i‘lw“ ‘-"“-' ‘,l‘i\-lil, leii‘y ul lz-r \ istfull}. " l4 ,‘l "i ‘ I 'i f‘, M . I M. I 1' i.- 't i f u i Illfv' initi iiinrri“t~"""“,-y l": ‘ - ‘ V I mat if n t 1 “id. \i-u uoulilgivc \vdxin \ - y l i i' i 1 pi i .l \ l l H. .. ‘ , \, ,V v . H' w l l ‘ l (‘H “a, l, , he i up, 7; Y'flwl lll'llt’f'uflrllf‘st: “w “x t' '1 'i‘i"-'." "r “"7? " . ‘» wiis» n-ihrmiduiihswiolhnmihty.‘ 3 ~ ill: \ ‘ 2! "~v "V '~‘ ‘3“ M“ :“ f ." '1" l' - 'lv lll:\f l fill an unworthy of all mm i‘ \~ ‘~‘*‘ \ ‘ "l ‘ l ",‘y p“ "7‘ ‘V "“" J. .wppihl' ‘-. but if inn and Ruby think l t‘ l‘ i ; i ‘l'.iy‘ ' “‘ "' I" ' ‘i' 'I- l “ill ln‘ uni-lullw \nu “'Ill .“0” by l--r 1‘ i‘ " 'l Ilit‘uiv i H‘ l ‘ pm but no. l‘nri‘ lie is RICH“: 1 «Ski 1‘ ii '2' "i \ ‘u-l “'- l_l . -'il~imm\si‘.l.” i i.» ‘r .v' A i I n H" l " ‘3 i‘m; hr ll‘l her coming. Midfield out 1 i5 .inw» ( I“ lti ‘z'tlli “""'““‘7""." “it ’nifh'n :znili‘. . “““~' , ,. ' \ i <~~n I mmr lfll-‘lflkf' vnur font . lfkln; ‘ in». \ wire -r ir V}... y. HM. “.Hhfiqne h" [apt fnrhfl. mm. x ~.' Ml- 2h ~ " ‘ “Mr ~“""‘ .m' l a! -nld distinguish them in It in? on in i' Iii-"d i "'1‘ trmxul. \\'r i. ‘llfill’lflm' «siting for the l”. l l.“ "\" I? on .‘ilwrgnrr‘f l1“: word he lilJ‘“ ‘inuH ill \t' v lirilld me i ' 'znrnrw i: i .ltl“:', 1 ‘WW ~ Msrcnrot Mi- be to ing to 1116‘!“ 7 now. 3‘09 WC" “WW “‘3‘ 3'0“ 'L’Ol‘t‘l “P0” me she spyrovcn â€"»it shell be next Work f for as. Rub a the empty upon thenâ€"ail night-moths cluel- l round hon. “ Ayn you never droid of nothing." and her fstlier was English. Fergueson told me all about it-â€"â€"-he is to marry them; . for there were no ml ot on on doing; ,do you not far flat I is. 'ut cu ' “yNoJ'pg? any-worm]. celmly, “1 far l " Not my unhspp temper?" Ishe whis- pered sud be can feel the slight figure trembling es the put the question. “ No." in the some quiet tones thst ulwuys soothed llH' ogitst ion. " for I believe the evil spirit is exercised by much prsyer and fasting ; end. darling. even i! it should not be so. I should not be sfrsid. than. for! know better how to deuhwith it end you; no sngry spirit could live in my urns. end I would exorcise it thus"-â€"touchiug her lips. “ No. have fsitb in me. u Ibsve fsith in you. end ell will be well." And so he comforted her. ‘ ‘ There we: s greet sensation in the boordo inghoase st Wâ€"â€"- when news of the pprosching wedding was mode known fluptsin Msudsloy trium lied over Miss Bellsgrove. “ I told you t w Italian beauty was engaged to the blind Englishmen,” he said to her; " but after all she is onl belt on Italisn~her mother was a Flore tine, and old Dr. Egon is to give her away. There is some romantic story belonging to them. I think he has been in love with her from a child. Well, Heaven gives nuts to those who have no teeth.“ grumbled the young officer, thinking of the bridegroom‘s blindness. Crvstsl remained very quietly in the corner house during the rest of the week. Ruby arm-t tnOst of his time with her. On the eve of her wedding she wrote a little note to Fern, telling of he): intended marr‘iujge. - “I am very happy," she‘s-cote; “but there are some kinds of happiness too deep for utterance. When 1 thinkon the new lilo that awaits me to-morrow. en over-v whelming sense of nnworthincss seems to crush me to the ground; to think that ’1 shall be Ruby's wifeâ€"that I shall be per- mitted to dedicate my whole life' to his dour service. I have told you a. little about him, but you will n‘e'i/er know what he is really; [sometimes pray that my love may not be idolatry. W hen he brings me to the Grangeâ€"4h“ dear home of my childhood. you must come to me, and your mother also. Ruby cc. 5 he loves you both for your goo nose to me; he has promised that you shall be our first guests. “ Do you know our dear Margaret will not be long with us ‘2 She intends to join a. communitv in the East End of London, and to devote~ herself for the remainder of her life to the service of the poor. I could not help 1‘ ving it little when she told me this; but she only smiled and said that she was not un‘iuippy. And yet she loved Hugh Redmond. I. 'talked to Ruby afterwards, and he comforted mo fl little. He suid that though Ilugh loved her with the who!» strength of his nature, that he could never really have satisfied 1 women like Margaret “that in time she mubt hevcfound out that he was no true mate for her. ‘A women should never be superior to her husband.’ he said. ’Margsrct’s grand intellect and powers of influence would have been wasted if she had become Hugh Redmond’s wife. Oh, yes. he would have been good to her~ probably he would have worshipped her; but one side of her nature would have been c. mystery to him. You must not grieve for llf'r, my child, for she has ceust-d to grievi- for herself; the Divine Providence has withheld from her a woman‘s natural joys. of wifcliood and maternity. but a noble work is to be given to her; our Margaret, please God, will be a mother in lsrucl.’ And. indeed, I feel Ruby is right. and that Margaret is one of God’s deer stints.” It was on a. golden September day that Crystal became Ruby Forrers’ wife; the company that had grouped themselves in the long drawingroom of the boarding- house owned that they had never seen it grander bride. 'l‘lm creamy Indian silk fell in graceful folds on the tall supple iii?! 1". thehcuuliful head, with its coil; of dark gluten). hair, was bent in girlish tinzidity. Murgertt lit‘ul chisped round her white throat the [null necklace and diamond cross that hm! belonged to her mother, and whi :li she \vin: to have worn ut lur own bridal. " l sluill not need it; it is for Ruby‘s wife," she said, as (.'r_\ Hltkl protested with tears in her eyes; “ it must be your only ornament. ()h, if lliiby could only see how lovely 3m: look." llut the calm tranquil content on llll', eighties-e face silenced even this Wish. Crystal ceased to tremble when the deep vibrating voice, vowing to love and cherish her to her life‘s and, sounded in her ears: but ltahy felt the coldness of the hand lu- held. Win-n tin-y hull rear-ind the congrutuln. lions ofthcir legends, and Margaret had ten- dorly cinbruwecl linr now sister, and they were li-ft alone for :2 little. .lnby drew his young bride Closer to him. “ You are not sfmnl nougmy darling?“ " No," she answered. unsteadily ; “but it is all so like a droiim. .‘. fortnight ago only a; fortnight l was the most ilvsoluto creature in God's earth: and now " :\l d now,“ echoing; her wordw with a kiwt, “ you are my wife. All. do you r! member your childish :ipuerh it used lu rin,‘V in my curs ; ‘ 1 am going lobl‘llllt), .0 Ruby all my life long; 1 Will n‘bvcr lenvc him, never.‘ \Vell it has come true, love: you are mine now." '~ You,“ ah."- whispered, lvuning her fore. hmnl sgninnt him. “you will ll(:\t"l' be {thin in gfil rid of nm; und oh,” lit-r voici- lrvmhling~ " llH- rm". of knowingilmt it will in u r be my dutv to ll‘ll ,‘i' you." ll(‘ lmnn‘lu-«i iii their, lml mnnzi'ini: oils: cur-d in his eyes too. “ NH. my will bird; no more flights for ymiul have yin snfrly now; you are lmuml to me by this " tom-hing the little v'ih'lvl of gold upon the slender linger. “ Now. my darlingwmy wife of an hour. I want you to make me a (minute; I risk it of your love. Crystal. If in shadow ~0ven the very faintest slisdmv, rrnss your spirit; if one accusing thought N‘l'lllfi to stand lwtwrcn your soul and mine; one doubt or fear that, like the cloud no bigger than is man's lisnd. might- ri-w and spread into the blockn‘ss of li'ln'lt mil ywi (’0an Mill tell it to mu ‘* His..ll.1lw}, do not 119k me. ' hit 1 do n-dt it, lawn and l ask it ' l my turn loll clmrm-tvr of priest and husband. and n is the first n quest your husband main :1 you. ('nmn. «in not hesitate. \ mi hun- gii‘vn mo ynnrevlf nmv, with swat L'“lt('l‘tt-il\. promise» me this. that you will slmre with gnu-Merv doubt and fear that disturbs you." ” Will gnu not let me try to conquer the feeling it].an flrsf. end then mmc to You . ‘ ' '- .\n. l would not nndvrtcketherespbnsi. bility . I know youto Wt‘l' ilsrling. ('nmo. l ihnnght you promised something that sounded like mtllQhPP just now.“ '- Mi. you ere laughing at me. lint this i4 no light matter. Ruby -. it woan tint I sin to bunhen . you with all my foolish doubts end fanciu that I am novel-tn keep Hi) wrong feelings to myself." “ l'rnmmo 3" one his only tower. in s wry permissive voice. -- m. I will promioemmml her no. on hiuhoulder; "by it will be your own 0 It. by l on ‘ ‘ ~ ; i“ swag-um 1 out Ill-'0 3 4 Pure with ell ultqu . foil Withstand» sullen WWW“. And comforting on Am sir After the snow. . Jam mallow. Sir Hugh begun to Wllh tbst h. bod never gone to Egy t. or tbst he lied gene with my one u Fittelorcnccw-hc was growing wesry of his vmries and anyone- tuslity. Thein devisted “may four times from t ,e proposed route. and the consequence wu. he bod missed ell hlr letters ; end the chance of home new: In rushing him seriously uneasy. He won the only worried mun ; the rest of the port consisted of ‘gsy. young beehelors-g enough fellows ‘iu their wey, but utterly csreless. They lsunhed st Sir Hugh's snxious scruples. and secretly voted thut s married mm was rsthers bore in this kind of thing. Whit: wss the um of bothering about letters, they said. so long as the remittances came to bend solely ‘1 Sir Hugh thought of Fey‘s loving little letters lying neglected st thedilferent postal towns, and sighed; either he was not so indifferent to her as be supposed himself to be. or absence was making his heart tender ; but he had never been so full of cure and thought for his Wee Wife us he thi then. He wished he had hidden her good-bye. He remembered the lust time he had fleen her, when he had gone into his study with the telegram in his bend ; end then recalled the strange wistful look she had given him. He could not tell wiry the funcy should haunt him. but he wished so much that he had seen her again and taken a kinder lesve of her. It had not been his fault, he told himself A hundred times over ; but still one nevor knew whet might happen. He wished now that he had taken licriu his arms and had said Go bless her ; she wss such 3 child, and was leaving her for a. longtime. Sir llugh was becoming a. wiser men, and was beginning to acknowledge his faults, and. what was better still, to try and make amends for them, ' It Was too late to undo the effects of Fitzclarenoc’s reckless mode of travelling, but he would do nil he could; so in llld leisure moments, when the other men were smoking and chatting in their tent, he sat down in a. quiet corner and wrote several letters, full of descriptions of their journey, to amuse Fay in her solitude; and one Sunday, when the others had started on an expedition to see some ruin, he wrote. the explanation thutholiud wwrred so long. Hugh was an honest, well-meaning man, in spite of his moral weakness; if that letter liud only reached the young wife’s eyes it would linvehculcdhcr sore heart and kept her besidehim. ' For he told her everything : and he told it in such a. frank, manly way, that no woman could have lost confidence in him, though she read what Fay was to have reud in the first few lines â€"â€"thst he had not married her for love. Hugh owued his unhappy passion for Margaret, and pleaded his great trouble the excuse for his restlessness. lle fled. gone away, he said, that he might fight a. bottle with himself, and return homes. better man ; it would all be different when he came back, for he meant to be a good husband to her, and. to live for her and the boy, and to make her happy, and by and by he would be happy too. And he ended his letter as he new: ended one yea, by ensuring ln-r that he was her loving husband. But, alas, when that turdy explanation reached the college at Unintree, Aunt Grist ldu. only wrung her thin white. hands and cried. for no one know what had become of Fey, and Eric was rushingubout and sending telegrams in all directions, and Fay, with the shadow always on her sweet fucc, was sitting in the orchard of the Manse. under the shade cf the mossy old apple-trees, and baby Hugh lay on her hip, gurgling to the birds and the white clouds that soiled over their howls. When Sir Hugh had written that letter, he lt‘lf. us thoughuvvry heavy weight wen off his mind, and he begun to enjoy him.» if. Not for long, ileum-yer, for pro. gently they touched Univ-u, it'nl flu-r0 he found 1 budget awaiting him. Bury one M'emtii to have written to him but Fey ; and uhen he saw flint, be begun to tear opi-u tln- lettvrs rather wildly, for he feiircd she must be ill. llut by and bylie came in her letter. 110 read L'rlr: llilnlingdon'n first an indignant lettir, evidently written under strong cxcitrmcht~“ Why had he not come home when they had sent for him ‘.‘ lie must km W lhst their search had been useless; they lnizl no news of either Fay A nuvs um. * Gain. 60' M .9 0-0 A I”! Roll- J" “,5 There is no better ventive cf nervous exhaustion then if or. unburned. mus. culsr exercise. soy- . writer in the Nine- mmh Century for liovember. If we could modems our hurry. lesson our worry sud lacrosse our open sir exercise. I lei-co pm portion of nervous dilutes would be ubolilhed. For those who cannot s sufficient holiday. the but substitute on echo-loud dpy in bed. tinny whose nerves are constsntly strsined in their daily voos~ lion hsve discovered this for themselves. A. Spsnish merehsnt in Burcclons told his medicsl men thst he always went to bed for two or three days whenever he could be spur-ed from his business. end he lsughed st t one who spent their holidays on toil-cum mountsins. One of the horde-t worked women in Buglsna, who bus for army yesrs cenductcd it large wholesale business, 'rctsins excellent nerves at on sdvsnccd age, owing, it is believed, to her habit of taking one dsy a week in bed. If we cannot avoid frequent agitation, we ought, if possible, to give the nervous system time to recover itself between the shocks. Even an hour‘s seclusion after a good lunch will deprive a hurried. snxious day of much of its injury. The nerves can often be over- come by strutsgem when they refuse to be controlled by strength of will. mum... . National Anthems. There never was s more rousing com - sition than " Lu. Muraeilloise.” “Til: sound of it." says Cerlyle. “ will make the blood tingle in men’s veins, and whole armies and user'nbluges will sing it with eyes wee ing and burning, with hearts defiant 0 death and despot." It had a great shore in the first French Evolution, for inafcw months after it was first mode known e. my one was singing it. and the words “Eb srmsl March!" \t'n'c resounding in all parts of France. At every season of disorder since its strains have excited the pussims. of the people, and if immortality can be predicted for any tune known to man this is. beyond a question. the one. And yet, as the story gees, both words and music were the pro- duction of one night. They were composed in NM bye person whom Carlyle calls “an inspired Tyrtion colonel." llonget do Lisle, who was still living when (Isrlylo‘s “ French Revolution ” was first publishcd. The scene of its birth was Strssbnrg, and not Marseilles, but it was a force of Mitr- Beillaiae which first marched to it, and hence the title. The origin of the British nations] anthem has proved a. source of uninterrupted variation for many years psqt. There is almost as much in May regarding it as there used to be u out the source of the Nile. The common account attributes it to Dr. Bull, King James L’s organist, but it has also been claimed for Henry Carey. the author of “ Sully in Our Alley.” Between these two the authorship and composition almost certainly rest, but it has been found impossible to decide Wdllllli'ly for the one or the other. The music of "God Save the Queen” is com- paratively tame and uninteresting, but it agrees well with the comparatively peace- ful, regular course of events which has marked public affairs in England for over two hundred years post. The Russian nation 1 anthem. "God Protect the Gear,” was rst performed at the Grand Theatre, Moscow, in December, 1833. Previous to this there had been no national hymn in Russia. and the Gears ususlly contented themselves with “ God Save the Kin .” 'l'ho composer was 001. M. waff. Bill in return for the composi- tion the (fixer Nicholas presented him with :1 gold snuil'box. not with diumonds. Tlm nlUSlC is distinctly national, but the words, as every one knows, are anything but the actual prayer of the Russian people: “ God Save the Czar! Mighty nutocrutl Reign for our glory.” etc. It is, properly speak- iug, (Ill official hymn. and is unknown to the \nst majority of llussiuns. 'l‘hea.\ustrinn national anthem is well known in England from its use as l\ hymn lllllv, It was composed by Haydn and per. at the birthday of the Emperor Franz ut Vienna. in 1797. The lovely air is thor- oughly German,mxd found therefore a ready or the phi“. Miss Mordw“: was very in acceptance in the hearts of the people. with worry. end her old servant was muclf flu-Vi" . mmscn l”? “’1” hm“ 0‘.”- u" tho variations in one of his quar- clsrmed about her. They lied written to “SN H --- . . him ever and over alluin, and directed their n3‘3- “W1 “hm “0 “"13 “yum 1.“: maisde letters to our}; possible place he could not 0“ brill; til-k?” from “9“! l9 “‘0 l‘mnov ‘T-if“ have winced. lfhc had any affection for ln- plnycd the hit tllf‘f‘f‘ times over very his wife and (:liilil,uii(l cared to know whnt 5"lt'llll'l§' l” “W l7r‘3i‘l'h’u 0‘ hi5 "ic‘f‘llmk’ lind become of them. he had better leave bL'Ylel-‘L ' l"it/.rlurcuco and the other fellows and The Danish nuilmml unthun is not return 21f 0mm,“ and no on. unlike the“ llnlc llritnnniu.“ It was com- llugh dropped l‘hc lonelimhe mm pm. [maul by a (ioriimu I‘mmcd“ Iltll‘llllflllll, m the lips \. llll apprehension“and turned about the SN“ 1770- '1 he " 510ml“) Mill“ in thootiiurs. ner's Hymn," though it can hardly becsllcd 'l‘lwy~ “'v‘rt‘ from Miss )[ordnunt‘ and a nutimml anthem, is a. favorite .all'.s“‘ltl| Mrs llyron, and lillcrton. and the lawyer, the uomloliors of Venue. who smelt fro but flu-y only reiterated the some thing. quent-ly. Ii at all efforts had been in min. and that "' they could hear nothng (if either Ll‘u’ll llt'ilnimul or the boy ; and then they urged During all their wanderings, wherever him to come home ut once. Lastly, they stOpped the Aztecs cultivated the directed by Mrs. lleron, as though by sin csrth and lived upon what nature. gave afterthought. was the hirer li‘uy had left them. Surrounded by enemies in the him upon the study table ; but, in reality, midst of u lake where them ‘werc but few it hurt been forwarded before the all-rm had fish. necessity and industry compelled them lwt'nuiW-n, fur the soul'wua still Unbroken. to form flouting gardens on the humor of M s. “whim-ml lmrningfmm llmnwskmqn: tlin waters. ’l'lmy wow 102N119? ill" 1:0”!!! lllltl Sir Hugh had started for l'lL’thl. llml of :muwtiv plum-s intertwined I\\‘lll’l twigs Inliih'ltil‘ II. and it had only Illlsl. i. .4: and ln’nnulm nnlll tiny i...-...: i .i {Jun pn iml win-n fln- dislrm‘ful nurse nmdi- lmr tiim sum ‘ll‘lllly strum: ‘0 ""l'l’m't ‘ ("ml appearance nt the Hall and told her elm-V, they drmv from the lmllnm of the lake, and Win-n Hugh read that pom lifllu letter. 11.15 mi it they sowed llnir imrdml mmzc and first feeling was intense angerâ€"«all his: Rod. chilfl- TM" “0“”“34 “MAP” WP") “hm” mond blood was at foyer best. She lma fl. foot Mime the. water and of mucus sinned beyond all mercy; she had compro forms, the most t-t’fi-I-livr‘ bring long and mised his mime nndhis reputation, sud he narrow, culled rinlrta. or ribbons. with would "(‘VQ'I’ forgive her. He had confided his honor to s child, and. slmh lplnyod with it and cast it snide; she hit dared to lesvc him and her home. and with ’a child. ton, and to bring the voice of al'll'lllfll’lbflllt themk ,chc 3&0in lemmn‘l, Ill-l v-‘Ifc wandering like, a. no. illmml :it tin-world's Hurry! “in feeliin wu-r inlnlvrablo'. He must get lmck l!) l‘;l.i;l:\li.l( ln- must find her and limit it up, or iii-n life pmild be worth nothing in him. .-\h. if was well fnr l’uy that who was enfrlv mum. in the old Manse, for. if he laud found her “'lllll‘ this mood was on him his mun-r would hove killed her. a-.. ___.. Floating Gardens of the A zit-rs. the ornamental to the useful. and flit-go small gardens. multiplying, were covered with flowers and aromatic herbs, which Were used in the worship of their gods or sent to di-mrnte the pclnizoc‘thc limpet-or. Wlfil :\ picture Hf dvlighllful iiniepvnd- (-l‘lv r- .' . 'l‘lw peaceful Indian ('mtlvl mwhm‘ his fltnvi-rv home \vlnre ln' \viilcl. ilaztt lwyom] sm'isli‘ros or political burdens. and .from‘ prying neighbors and poll-parrot gin-sips ho could upiiully puddle away ! In llll‘ftf‘fl'l‘lll'f‘, retreats th spendihrdft could f lu-ln his ( redimre. the bank (lf'fflllllef' hide from the \\ hen hi4 p union had ('OOlPd it little. ho minlons of the lsw.--â€"muina. 0 went to Fitzclnronco. Ind told him ‘ A‘~~â€"~~.â€"~-â€"-â€"--~~- . )‘n humble l'lmrlty. rsth’? abruptly that he must return home at o e- medal” of the ntinptt impe'rlnnco . Aunt Mimrviit lofnsliinmtblc niecel#llo recalled him. . 'M ('x wet in do nvtliim: in the directt-m ilitn-l'r'nw thalth he looked \‘erj,’ if charlitv this wi‘tdr, ('lorn? strange. but something in his man- an... C9,." ‘hrlgffllyl-vnh yrs. Minty. ner foruhmlt‘ ell questioning. We in... .ingappimntng my co ume for the hotn afterwvile he won 1n his le ‘0 chnritybiill. “' l , . ‘ .‘v‘flt‘ 1' ' hurl ind. ..... Ti r.‘ is rm old proverb, often lightly ~y~Evm “shay, ls, slutty: whistling "3 quot*.sml yet full of] wise 0nd solemn w M lobe an o lit-ltd it in put as well to he p tlir preserved mnmnm thp aha . moon mz. "_I.'lmnnlu‘ pruprw'. him diam-5." ,, Poor. emu-t finch. travel inn night and. _ n"... m n... things whirl strikes the ivy. sud ("lrsibg the turdv railways end it minors, we.- sorm to test the truth of the sum . g ' fi , H- but more Her-slim. «if m '“‘““‘P'°‘°" " “8"” hug-m minim-on. . . , " ' ' “ é . formed for the first time at tho celebiutiim I their nslurul taste for flowers. they added 4 ' rum-v painful. Tilf‘mllfi” of lwr l.|lll"H' 24s ofJ . 5 may» ‘msn who flvtvlman :‘i‘reu'l‘s't from illicit. gum s all itth hark it ‘n in , onuiv- Mal cute i on ' m humminht Mum of strut .5 a W M". ' it‘ll...» 4W, ‘ v a _ I ‘ lithium-rd. ,. l...- W A. “meymm 13’ i3? V v f ' .. " t . . W. Customer in mfleusnmd'hlm. than mmmsloyotm fol-them”. ' pm, WM 1 Ml M N“ 7 Welterâ€"Yen‘uh. =3: mic-oh: . when the I Infill“ ‘ ‘glf‘mrfiAud they‘dm'tlookveryutee. ‘33“ 301) all“ fish you cook 081%- ‘San Francisco 0 m. ‘ ‘ j wear!" out emu. ‘ Pol-lullqu Six th street m in mums little incident can; but. A little crippled be 3’10)”er old, a in? 83:13 nits in: on s on: u e’ “u wanna, two other mood urchins. . -y m‘t‘lllvghlslt's 8.2;“):th wink him i" sold 5 "occur. 'nau unions. .' “He’s paralyze?! end our“ wslk [stop end we're helping him hem." they Answered. . .. , 111st of running on the little fellow whom late (cu-tag; ond‘loon «sight mum!) t cm. on m: eor en r .. “ I got a nickel for bflekifiiiy fpher’s slices this we his end wss going to buy sonic candy, t yo! con hove it. and here‘s some ginger-snaps,” end the little“ Good Samaritan” wu sround the corner Ind out of hearing, with teen in his eyes. before the cripple could thsnk hintsâ€"Omaha Herald. ‘ ' , scrrsn urns wineries. Lady (recently moved into the neighbor. Wuhanâ€"Don do ' is slld} bet I), .l . Nln’ smell. 5 L . u " fl 5 I ‘ \‘ui,’ lm‘lnvtfl‘yn tow, “up: in". u I’tlll eyea o null-i. mu... p.- ue sum-t as lumm 4'. “V " . ”|'lll‘) ill‘zu lllk a?) he luvub‘nu capo-def. . ' wit your (uni. his “t d ail". M \t'hnn wur imlthn int-L's ut‘o gt v,~~ Will his kiwi-Mo 2' Yes. if it i the one kind it will sunim ell the inev toble wuetmi sml chums of life. But. it is every women's desire and duty to retain. u long Is she cm, the nto troctlons thet made her ( banning and lw loved in 'outh. 80 our one keep im- yonthful 1) com or equiible temper if Weighed down sud suffering from fi-mnlo weal-mess and disorders. Dr. rum .i Fevorltc 'l'rc-sc‘ription is s remedy for llltln troubles. Sold by druggists. D M-M llrown to the Rescue. “life «My, dour. I don't know who. L uni gain: to do ; the company is only lull servn.’ :.: d the refreshments are yfliig t n:. llubby ~Well. if lli‘owne is hero, We ill") hood)«â€"1 am very anxious 15 rent a pew in' perfectly safe. \\'ifoâ€"~ But I don‘t Mo ln..v the church, Deacon Jones. .‘n’ ' Clllldfl. i' is going to remedy the diflicnlu. are urge enoughtouttend. AT». -nt.min(l~ ’ 'ubby«\\'hy, get him to read that thuth deacon (who is also a landlord) ,â€"-I am new i v-l his on Wi’fohiing l\lun," and you will .. .v sorry. madame. but we don’t take children. the guests disappear like smokr. â€"th0 York Sun. . ‘ '~ ~ o Cans}: or rm: qurrsu‘xox. , â€"â€"It inflid that If. Rider llagusrd com. in- In New Jersey there had been omc ill- Plum" Wilding.“ a“‘l“Cl ‘0 " Sh ‘-" A8 5 0 ness in s fsmily. and an inquisit' neigh- 'Olfllly “ll'l'llllflea “16 0“ “all M “W ‘ ‘ ‘i bor naked little Jolinn . the youngest son 9‘ m“ for?!” "m‘l'l. 1‘ WI“*1 “311‘”! told” “1 of the family. who he been sick. and he ’mll’mmble- 1"“ Ilu‘lllli‘r‘l’s ll‘fli‘nu") i-i “mwemd ; to Oh. “'8 my brother' “ups eqqu to nin-ost any it til. If-eould (fouln. an'w .. WI,“ “ cm the matter with him 9" less revive “ She" with It few cbtiniCsls. “ Nufl'in’, only he was just sick." “ I -â€"l"rincipn.l Drown,of Aberdocnds within know ; but what oiled him ?” " Oh, I two years of the .igu of our century. Yet dunno.” “ What did he have ?” “ He he is still so vigorous, in body as in run l. had the doctor.“~v Troy Timex. ‘ that on A recent Sunday, whrn assisting; . W Mr. _\Vells, of Ifnlloksliiclds. at the u in» “us” WOOLLENS' munlon, he was able to llf'llVL'l' three poo. r .‘ ful discourses. He also llYl‘ih'lltii on Situr V Enthuslastlc Testimony to Tho-Ir Merits. day evening the l‘TtPal'llOU' Etl'lllonv Sincerely do I llfllu) that [hit pimping“ te Mafia-unreal ‘\â€"n:w-o-~-\_ have on Irish section at the (liturgy' exhi- v 7 bition will be curried out, says t editor of London Truth. What the Irish \ oollens went most-4n fact, the only thing the wentâ€"43 advertisement. If the Englis m lowu middle classwthe people who have ‘ ’ his elder brother’s knickerbookers in suc- cession until nothing remains but the but- “mg tons and bracesâ€"lkiiew the indestmctible _ pm. ' quality of the Blarney tweeds and friezes. ‘ ~ there would be such a run on Blarney its , ‘ i Would double the population of the place in fortnight. l'nfortinmtely,tlioBlarney pcopf; , .. . don'tadvertiscinthcwa thutman 'h‘n llBll “0 ymfr‘olld‘ll" “"‘V"f'l‘ ““"'5"”'“'“"“i in" ' f y . 3 g Jess and llltlt‘rd‘rllnllih' liiL-(‘Y‘lllllf‘ both :n v - manufacturers do. The. Irish mnnufuc- mus. um, ,,,,.,,m“y:’mpprmpfl' ,, mp1,.) ‘- turers deal only “with the trade," and fullm'ss()i'blutiljng aflul‘Ce‘lleL”(v}‘f!l"'p - | they takenostepsto bring the excellence myfipgggflgnggggddofrfiggngx {3n 1w;- ntv gs!- , . ' . . ,, ‘ . , . at :13 ' L: A Of the" “M93 home ‘50 marlndlvmu‘l- mouth irregulur appetite. dizziness fir-«dict: They do notseem to have realizéd the im- headaches. blurred eyesight. “naming specks" mcncc opening which the parcel post has hem” “*0 0 '08: "WWII! Proetrutlon 0r cuv . made for them. The excellence of their “*m“‘{h‘fif£‘°;2l;§§;,23§,"$53.4? OI goods is only known in this country to hiring. trunpidlit mine '0 and flu-r0. mm “more and huberdashem. wC buy the his}, feet. drowsiness after meals. wakefulness. m: . .. - disturbed nnd unrcfrcshin elm; , c an .. ‘, goods Without knowing them to be Irish, mde’cmmbm “puns, of an, d. “not figvlhf‘ wonder why they wear so well. but don‘t in}; calamity? know what to ask for. the next time we f '11! UN"? fl". 0" any Considerable mmle order a suit. Iliuveâ€"nol. indeed. in my "r l 05" 5"""l""’“"' 3m“ “m “fled” ”" v‘ V_ , _ int most enmnmn of Amer‘mn "lit'M-‘liv- actual possession, but Within reach and minus by. mp5,... 0,. 1‘0",“ 1:5,...“ "gun-1:4 vi easily accessible, if wanted for exhibition or with In'siniwnl. 0r Incineration. Tim him . other honest )nr oses-n s ecimen ""“ll‘”? “"l )0“? ‘li-“N'w” bus Immune. 1H ( l I p p of grvutcr‘lho number and diversity of 5513' Irish woollen manufacture which wuswoven toms. No mm W m,“ "m... K Mg ..,.,,,.,, ., at the Marquis of Wuterford's mills, liil. Dr. Plerec’s Golden Medical DIM'(D‘~(‘X"‘ mucthomiie. some time prior to the n“)'l“fit‘1lli_‘lln; it; if Iiltkiin m-‘mrfdizyg In In .. .,. ., Mn ' . '. . . ' , in. u u. on «mule ongmo tme. f'w: P )uu: 1M l. in \‘tl'llbli you! it was Uln- pin-ml,cnmplimlinns multiply and (,‘nnsunw . L:- ionod into It garment (the nature mg- nnnmnwLungsfltln lii;wq.~;.,n,1[¢n,~g 1),, ., in m: not) in winch, for n. CODBHlm‘Illlc "it"“gW‘H-‘Jh hl‘tllitip’llllivw‘. or otbvrr )â€" .. -- - ,‘ y. | mu m NR m-v qm o m H- fault In my: 5,, .. burgh]l took. I true.i a modest, but wry m. ,un,‘.‘,n‘,um a hm, ‘Nnnmm'm' . . Sens! e pride. It lien, some yours ago, Dr, "‘0rc09. flunk,“ memo“ “I” i passed mm the. hands of a. humble. (but rover? acts powerfully upon the Li‘. .4. ', a c h. ' . ~ q through that Vl‘o‘ul 'ltlflltlw'llll‘lr1H,: m! ,,‘ mo t_ r spectab .) fritnd, whose nundey mum‘s“ “WM 56”” m u“ lummmym? m“ I V best it still conllnmsto be. I 500 It 0011- pnrnii-s. from \\'ll.ll('\'l’l‘ (11.2m- nrzsnrz'. :' l stuntly. and. although I should in: isxngginu .wtudlly (“133.3 2.. .. a .. .i,.-... ll - z. ,_ ten children. and expect each boy to wear 3 nting if I were to clascrihc it as still smart, ":11"- "Hif‘mlm" Murrl'm-y nrmuis. vlww- . ~ yet, so for as i can observe. there are no fi,,“,‘,',‘,‘,‘,ll.“,‘;§lifl' 223,233,},9? Elm.- dlm. 1' . holes in it. Now, liilmbethmnee, though (lint-Milt” Ift‘lfl.lllf'ikfinl‘lfllliLilly: Liabillli; ' it .1005 1 u’ngs pretty dcuntlyq Cm.“ hold a bum llw-h '1an sli'wiznlh. ll! Ixi‘ll'lll‘l.,. ii h; » candle "Blarney in the mutter of friwes "1: \V‘ml‘d'lt'” ""‘m‘l‘w """5 ""“" ‘ ‘ ' r- .‘ .l, ,- (w L lu’ily in ("m-in; I‘.~,4-r Hug _\[1;,. J, r. , and twctsds. \V Hy... then, don’t the Blarney Furor, “mug, A“... M”; kind“ 1,, _‘_ 1 people \vitkcupto u knowlwlgo of their own it {livi'rr‘w Column leisliu; l S" :., exnvllcnce, and post an announcement ~â€" '2. -«g ' J .~ ~' '-. .' .‘ ‘ . 'c, 5"?“ ': "noygum tlnimhwiih priusnnd Fli:‘(.llll(llfi, (lll’Cft , ‘3, ggLL fiflutadmu’ to the Bl‘lllrs‘ll honu-hoidvr . t. -y n: n n «m l ‘ - “flap-.-” “4.... . .--....~â€".â€" ~ u Zulu. Mill rz‘hv =:;.‘.. , ,... l'.‘i'- >1 lnvonllminul’the19th (‘eulin-v. 4 3‘ l-w'Jult Skin. in Hunt. 91; d ' - - ‘ - " ‘ l'." ‘- r-l blood are " :~ vm, u‘. ‘ i Hui. purifying. and um. lllli,’ . v.â€" r (lr' Lll Uniting l'lm‘h . ;..’= hm: ,- "Jw It'lrit‘m'c. l‘» i 1min ' ~ v if M L d"\‘ in Hiring ,. ~ . . .ir....«..':.m!.Anni-rig. 'I‘lA ti ligiuphs Link spud lllfé. lightning, If H” r: 5”” WA . N Hwy J z; Icusml, . Tin-n tln- U'lt‘PllO'l‘ (mun-u tuoxm-l it ; And, in put on tho finish, tln- lust. but no: the ' , . . lmisf, ' H I “‘1’. H, ' ' ' ‘ "' ""‘ it u... nunw-i iiitlwl‘uruit‘ivi- n-uui. ,',.. ‘ ‘- 13“ but not the least is Dr. l’ivrci-‘e Pleasant l’urgative l"“"‘t- 10011180 It 113-, i V q, p , 1 liew-s human suffering, mills 'n the hill“ g,-_'.MHZ"'ld.‘,ۤlfifi “g§';'.(",§'. .' . , , hum-u. gainful Hid enables the relic .vll- n ‘l Lul' min. i.. -_~.:.'1’.. ., x. NH v'..'ln '.i‘ 1 him“. l.--.il'!i s.- 'l'l.o Hi llllil<'r.ll =l..i 11‘"! wt, :lw si-uing llillt'l'ill" ".ll‘N' rilnni ,u lw ugh! and In. din, llwnwu lighn-vl l:,\' Lift-l and h: and by zen-um. And lninht l'li‘t'll‘lt'lfy'h my, :Zdli' .‘fii't‘lfiil: in .‘ie‘. m’ in; 'm l.l'lllf',’l'll, ruql \n. .. -. ., v i ‘ Li ,‘ ~ Andi; 'I- "..'-'.- .llir "'FOTTHE 31.0313 '53 TE 3:. L... . ' -- w. m. ,r - .1‘,t,. .,| sufferer to eiuny ah the blensingc it. luxuries of the. age we live in. ..._,_.- coxsmrrt'rmzc, A'WYAV‘ York corrtspondcnt claims to “'l‘l‘“ l“ “frg‘mli‘ “"l3lt'.!.llfiv!e. m." -' i - A » '1-’- ' " " “2 '- i w y .1 ::~ ' hnve investigated and ascertained that flll ,,,,.,,,l;l:,.,.p,..l,,l~",?, ft,” ., ‘ “,7 l, . ‘, ,,., this talk about fashionuble glrh working vol-nu pom-r mor this i- :i i" I 31” it" I "a n. gymnusnv fcncnig. hurting and milidi ‘ hrs? '-77:'lllllf."ll2i‘l n» w. iv.«.i2.‘.â€":n:.w ' .. . ' ~ 1' .- t . v , v. . k . 6 long “'25le is pure nonsense. She, says. :.'.-’,l‘,,.',‘,;' "h" 'l' ‘ 3’, 'd“ 'f, l_.',',',',”’ ,‘l‘, ’3‘”); 1-“ ‘ tliul thorn st'c'nnt forty women learning to nlmniuiwl that bind: in: in» r. urn-inn ft fence in the city. and most of then} are l “mm”? mm“. {rum ite'wnnvh-rnu ..~i- ~ . . . . ! nnntiun (I tonic or sir. noun-nine. l'llll'ltllilt' . L b v n 1 I t ' I 3', ‘3 ‘8‘: Wall?! .u‘e lfluraf’e' “om”? a nr Llnml-ch-nnsuiu. ltmi-lnhnnc. iii-(hind. Furl ‘ L 0 ‘0“ m ‘- “r “'5 r m“ “5 ‘0 homo: nutritive pmprrtir-s. is unequaled. not uni' there is absolutely none of it done. M u rI-mmlv :1 r t'nrmmpiion. but for a! ' . #4...." Chronic: Dic.ums : : - “" """th n :n e E3? is mostdiatrcssiniz. lofoniyio‘m. pernnn i llllicft-I'l if h:- huvv any pride. but to those For Wml; Lin-ice. Spitting of “loud. Hunt- « \vilh “hum he «mum; in contact. If is. n ’3‘?“ “1 “II-I'd. flu-mu. Mum l'nnn-rh. llr-m- , I «ll-liriitn lnnllor tn ppmik of. but i‘ his (imp; "N'm'n‘ I" “i buy“ . in” hmmm pnl‘lHl not mill‘ Irinnils hilt low-rs. llid pug-.1 m- ffl'nyfuullr‘ n: 349,1)", .,,- 5.x “null-f. breath and cutsrrh are inseparable. ‘llr. “[354”,- Sunc‘s ('Marrh lb mle runs the Worst ‘ ‘ fr 5"".‘1 ""‘ ""“i‘ l" ' i i" "" "" “L mu“. . - . rook 0n‘,ltll\tlll.lvln-ll. .\ inns, cases as thousands mu testify. . - World's Dispensary. Medial Initiation. A Nevin-I in "or Moe \ ‘ ‘ vs . ‘ The Mount Forest li’vprnruhm'i'c said in 3 "-h. S. in recent iviua-z Miss Bertie l)onmlly, ' II 0 N I.. to in. [him his 3 ‘ . this town, who recently returned from liowmsnvilli; where the has held it position as tvlr'gmph operator for 'Iewrsl months. has undergone s ninth in (-xpv-rivnm‘: Sh.- lmdbeentroubled to who time. with s him-fume. “hivh kept gmlually unllltig; ,cldcst daughter of the C. D 'l “’"M 0' When! my .-.w- l in My "1" .. .. - . u "up sum not um. and (um l u:- flu-m y. , .n v. I own so 4 run than ner w:- mun w . , H H"! H‘~V or Al. ' 1N“ ‘if'KN‘H ‘n l 'wlonu u... I warn! m "(M0, “curtain-vow»: Mme-o.- . i . u u in no nu.an nrtww vo‘Ol'nImh' 4 ~--. illumelAI. "mm It"! s Fm Lion of nm â€" '11-. . a". In run win-1 [Humve- It (M:- v n we hr s tn“ Minn w: u u hwr. 31 um swim 'FF’OWDER m cnfiv'e. pavements " "A 'fT," ‘éj‘v could not lw uc. cnnti-l for until it fv-iv dun ago. when it net-rile cumi- through the if iii If the lum joint. flow the l:"(_'f"(‘ came in be m hvr lv-g in a mystery to herself and pale“ .- a , A «o I . I. “on!!! do ma I'm. , fir-one - Blunclte. I think I will mitrfitd. , “e. lllnncho-~-Yel. Owl-go. and does your he!" lmnt rcslnmsivtly to some car‘s ‘P " Well. It». not essetw. but fret! utmost support myself. end 'I think It’s I Patty rnesn girl that won‘t help or little bit. ’ -’~.\ lumen of mm yea-r6 mark it! tltesdsys of time Alfred. m just,exptrrdln Eflfllrdl The lbnd was louse-fully the. Church to the (’rnvh, and reverts new to flu! Clmwltl of Lnul nth ,~ , A «~ "Mrs. l'sttlnului my: . “r”. ' v I 1 “Nuts n. r In If it .. : r f If” rm» new Remain?” bl. "(av ’ a~ o 'JMlgfilfbr‘vnlafl‘ulflflg. . on an. but..vnnii~tcnt. “1' Cl! ‘ m. «fun "Vp'w‘. m? 'I i! , 9‘1"?“ M9163. h; . . w “3 l y . . C V V ‘b ’ p ‘ ' 'fl i. i. 'I 4, l . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ '

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