CHARLESTON LAKE, .I. fur rycmsim _, , . . ,. . .. .y â€I... I..- I Ilh'l II Iyw clll‘ \Ulll 3“; III , Mum...“ “I :Illm- “'I'U (“va I. I' It"! rI‘nII‘ in p. r .Ima. mlnrmm‘u! km or O X" h. . , 1 * ff )\ :vamv nmwum. “I IleI- -r --â€"pI'I mi nuim 0:71qu in ml (lasso-s I)! 2†faint. 1-“ - ~~ ‘ ~ ‘ MW. .4" ‘9‘“ LILY NICHOLSON OUR NEW “DRESS GOODS 'E'lll-Z I-IXI‘IVRQIO.‘ STEAM 8'." n HIP In and prompt has no equal IHstHIH INSURANCE AND LOAN FARMERSVILLE. Cabinet-making in all its Branches. U‘NHERTAKEPS, do Brorlnillc- Loam & Savings (‘0. First 018%“?ka Dane FASHIONABLE T A I L 0 B I N G \an. \Vobstor, IIOI'SI-I PAINTER & G MINER Ka‘sominor, Paper Hanger 3: Glazier. I make a npvoinlly of making Perfect .ux‘ g Pants. .\ call solicnml. ONTRACTS takvn for inside and out ' side walk. at cinwsl pliers. Resi‘ u'om‘v new to Ball)t:)":~ Livery, Main M. Farmvrsvillv. The Gamble House, PA RMERSVI LLB . HIS ï¬ne In“ l‘vruk hotel has been Q-tognmly fur nislmd throughout m the 3a!0¢t~1)‘efl. Lv-vr} alleuliun paid to the “Mus m gm- As. Good yards and stabl- mg. Fawn. I’Imwu. Prnplietnr. B. J. Saunders. B. A. 30.0. E., ()_\1H\ll>\' S; I’HOH.\'(‘ IA! I \AND Sunnnn, Dratlr'hlnn:,m 8w. ., I‘M- mmsvilh , ()ut. noyal Insurance Company. 2w" (hmru ICu~l u! $30,001: to Inm. at 6 i. D. Judson & Son, i†'V PM“ D! wmmm Rates .l' (unwll wall be at home "luemlau ‘lhnwlay- am! Saturday, to) SI’ELIU l ()1\\LIIA "HUVS All; 1).}? ’1 LCQISTH EL JA REASONABLE ERICES. ,‘hmgos Moderate .Parlsh . -~ 31. Son. ,OIIRT J. C. Judd, Anmmm, Jam. nnncxvn.x.k, u. culmmm. MJ). 1 fl. R. (nnxuua v D13. Cornell & Cornell, ARMICHSMIJJC, (m. m. (r M. n. lll'TPHEhUN (mt, $3000} 5322:. Captain a c i‘rofrsstonnl L'artls. I) E I; '1‘ ¢\. wvfl. pay" S'H'HUI mo,mm LE II â€IS 4 PJI TTERSOJV, BROGKVILLE, FIXER/XL R. M. PERGIVAL. ul 7! mm II‘ ‘or rent Ii! lr'm u! the Lowe“ 85W: ‘umpJny. Mm nuts :11 m~tilut ll N‘HIM slheR mvmn rt er. M {HM unti "ER 1“"‘5Rob't Wright 6: Co. ; 'BROCKVILLE’S 30:29 Cash Price Dry Goods Hausa. 3 Robert Wright & Co. f'rmz/ 773%} "("279'l7w 7271-217 0};sz {/1}. imm’ Filled F/W’. ‘\n Moniraal Hausa. Farmersvina. PLYYILTSE, - Proprietor. r7,- mx‘T rm , 71.2) ini'i'lc’ rm I'nsmriz'un 0/ 0212‘ Dress Goods @cjmrz mm! 1/2 1/16 rmr end of our Ross Block Store. - u? m in all desirable volnrs; thousands of yards to choose from. CLOTH. DRESS GOODS M.- (Ennis m Bum-r Olive. M‘mth 10".. ft era in 1111 aims. A new mat-0 of Lm‘lies‘ Féne “’va German Vudonveur, Vcs‘s and Draw- Soft as Velvet. All “'ml, Extra Heavy. French Foulo Cluthleuvk mad all desirabb mam-s, for hulnr ï¬nish Suits. Wuuld be a bargain at 35 ccntn, for 250. per yard Men†in and VERY AT’I’RHVHVF, at Low I’oï¬ular Cash Prices, c', CENTS rm n1; ‘miy ram-um: NMVI mm» M nuire wit†t aluolulc nctccssin'. at 7&9. 1%. 110. 125a. per yard 7L TS for S KIN TLVGS. 'L‘L TS fur FANCY WORK at ROBERT “'RIGIIT &: CO'S .C\' n - v uuuu- Vuwuol I Ilyyr' . I BARGAINS ! at ROBERT WRIGHT & CQ'S An insnu VOL. III. N0. 38, at. ROBERT WRIGHT & CO'S MANTLE mamaâ€"x it; 350. FOR -5. 01 var! 1'51 l' ROBERT WRIGHT & CO'S pun PLANNEL rynrds wi¢ (in? h [3' Hvrmh'n New Gomh. mnl nnwthat the “0M «lays are com? my "pm-in! rotvrt-nn' to pvrmnnl mlnmmem My. We ml'vr spvciul inducemenu m all classes Price 81.10 upward. IFF :11 lm "is sun urn“ ALL mm: :1 [)10.:(‘Inrh-. m Mk. 1w ï¬r "(I mm LE W138. PATTERSON; I 'Pm were compelled to improve and ' beautify our business stand, in order that it might be in keeping “nth the num- twr and ler-pnt'tahility of our patrons and Ihe requirempnts 0! (mr rapidly growing trade. The: accumpamyin'z ('ut is a. viqw at our artietiu t‘wt. Its substantial and ele- Jant nppeamm-o is but an om-nvst of the Beauty and Goudm'sq of the Magnificent Dmpiny of ("I JIILLIJ‘L‘RI' .IJ'I) DRESS- Jlo-IKIJ'l-v'. \I‘ Lavlim. with y for \nur-elvm. NEW FALL GOODS 84 and 600.--~Sne our quilts at those priL-gs, a}. ROM. \Vright & Cn's. The Store for Table Linens and Tub'e Napkina \ow amortment ROBT. WRIGHT & CO'S. An inspection of qualities and privcsmemm a purchaser. An im- meme assortment to choose from at ROBT. WRIGHT 6:. C08. A NOVELTY. --Wasï¬ing ‘Coflar Mu- tclial by the y.ard White with Fancy Culored edges; WVhite with Embroid med vdgx s In all__the Newerflghnpps owned up In Black and Full Cnlors,â€" 4 but- toned. 700.1%! (xlm es. 4 but.. for 50c. 750. Kid Gloves, 4 huh, for 500. $1 00 Kid Gloves. 1‘ - for 750. 81.25 Kij Gloves, Extra. Qual, 81. AT Rom. WRIGHT & 00‘s F l 'n 1)]: P.1R TJIL‘J'T. White Wool Blankets. Fl!†assorhzmzi 0f .mezfle {2. 91!! ma'ï¬t‘ic (9 _'/zs (‘zzf :- mr mum hum -k of rvhahla nmuln at nah! 3 you: want. Millumy In Iva ( KID GLOVES! LINEN COLLARS AT 0 ROBT. \VliIGUT 8D CO'S. a mum] um variety 0! Cult Impact them and you Will be kem to buy. ' NM am flan I In 9‘ ‘(HIMMO-re 5.1m, we! ml Dreusmnking Depart- \' one o~’ {he most popular hummus. Elegance and :m- Hm wxatchwords in Dopmlment. GREAT RUSH FOB Ed 54 M. 9-4 In directed to our Fur which is lull) flocked LADIES. f-.- 11-; h‘ M costume m lots. Farmersville, Tuesday. September 27th u: in enrncs'. a hncomva an of mania. arm" by WILTSE. mm; BARGAINS! Mo product nf their hnniliwork. If the male mnnlml'.‘ of tho vahnrn Fair hml slum-n half thv pluck of their lt'uly friviula, we would not be compelled tn “ritotlm the fair 41' 1M? man In- {print tn that of previous years. On our arrival 011‘ lbs grounds mi Worl- uml‘ny morning. we made nur way at hnon m tlnmslml in [immatlom cornm- nl‘thu‘miclnsuw;«unwound that tho collnchhn nf grain. rmu. vomnhl'oa. $11.. mus. comparatively â€winking. m'l. Tu mmnwlutotlm numiwr nml mm»: Tummy last. the nponingday. was all that could ho desired. Thnlady mnmhers of tho fairu with commenti- ahlo zeal. soon ï¬llvd tho hall with'flxr- product of their handiwork. If the MHHIIL)‘ lll‘X'q Whnt the outcome of the trial on Monday next may he the general pub. lic can only conjecture: but. it is ho'wd that tho heretofore thir’ fame if this town will not he snliicd by the ï¬xing of the crime of which they are rhnrgud upon the heads of Messrs Armatrnng. Hicks and Pic-rep, whose hitherto gum! roptitatinn is a protest against mu imputation that they had any ham! in m cowardly and uriminul n prmqeding. County Crown Attorney Bueil being unable to act. For this reason a fur- Hu-r adjmlrnment of a week was 2; ant- ml in order that counsel might. be oh- taiuwd for th'c prosecutiun. Th6 roll of vchncsw‘a was (-"Hv 1. Pull rnuh was lmm \l in tlm sum M ELIW m JURN'JI‘ (m on the opening of thevourt that thor‘e was no counsel for the prosecution, l Pierce, on a charge of being implicntx ' ed in the recent dynamite outrage on f the property of Richard Arnold. It' has been generally known that for1 .some t'me Detective McGowan, of, iToronto. has been quietly working up! this ease, but the arrest of these men ! caused surpriSe, nevertheless. (.‘ou- ; stables Brown and Smith msisted inf . making the arrests. ‘ J. P. Lamb, 3 ldruggist, in the midst of the ex-ite-’ Tment, expressed his opinion rather? ‘ freelv regarding the matter, and there- f upon Constable Brown undertook to: arrest him. This action further in- i censed the already angry and excited! crowd, and {or a short time the prr'is- * pects of trouble for the constahulnryl Weâ€) very ï¬ntterinz. However. Con-f stable Brown decided to defer taking: 1 action against Mr‘. Lamb, and the enn- ' stables pror-ueded to Brockville with 2 their prisoners without further trouble. ,3 - On arrival at llrockville, the prisoners ‘ were at once taken before Police Mng- '3 i<trnte Denenn, and» an adjournment of i the ewe having: been granted. they :1 gave bail to the extent of $2500 each 1 I0 gtpponr on Monday following. Ac? 1 (-ordingly, on Monday the principals 1 with ahnut twenty witnesses went to is h-or-kville for examination, hut found 4 On Wednesday morning last out down was thrown intoo. fever of ex. vitemcnt by the arrest of Messrs. A. Armstrong. Wm. Hicks, and Fred. in the old cOuntry, being a native of the Channel Islands. of the south coast of England. Mr. Bull'onl has had a local habitation and a name in this village for the past seventeen years. His coming and going has been exemplary. and his name a. guar- antee that those entrusting George with llwir orders will, after titling on llw garments turned out by him, leave the shop with a. smile. The other part of the ï¬rst flat is unoccu- pied at present, the last tenant being A. E.Wiltse, who removed a few weeks ago to his new shop and dwell ‘ lug, next to Gilroy‘s carriage shop; A cut of Mr. Wiltee'e new building; will appear next week. Tue upperl Ila: is occupied by several evident? “I run: ILOOI. {all the residents of the country round. ltlie outwnrd -â€"....._. ’He has lately put in 1 stock ofmppeuance : Our illustration this week represents i machine-made b00l8 and I“NOW. while R0045. RIDGE 'lho Pariah Blank, situated directlyiin the rear part of'tho buildinglie lishment of ‘0pp08ite the Gamble House, Muin‘scan'ies on. With the help of several During the 31 .81; ea, Farmersvillo. The buildinuslssaistanta, a large bin-megs in hand- ing has bee: lure of fame. and the part at the left 1 made work. 'l‘lge upper flat of the and at the tin ’ofthe out wan built in 1886. Thelbuilding is occupied usadwelllug by with aï¬ne st lgruund flat is 'occupied by A, C.;G. A. McClury. head clerk at J. P. linery Show; ' to none in t . {Barnett u a. boot and shoe store.rLamb's drug more. One half nftho g suleswomaxi 1 er. Burnett has been a resident of'the l ground‘floor of {he largost buildin i village for a good many years, and in! shown In tho out is occupied lly 000. 3 honor lwwll and favorably known to neat-lyiBull'on-d. tailor, who learned his trademmnn in -- t, THE DYNAMITE CASE N2W5030 PAIR. PARISH BLOCK. ur (H let the was cl in a “ tirtx' d Lili‘ills,‘11n(l other farming implements! llickin-‘IOU- Rum lamb, 30h" Forth 55 imade up the show to respectable pro SONS. «10511113 Gilroy, Jfls. Cavanngh. ?portions on this part of the grounds. Ewes, John Forth & Sons. Hugh N. . As we said at the commencement. the I Mol'l'ismv. 0. P. Arnold & Co. Shear- hall was well ï¬lled, but as our guide[ ling ew'es, C. W. Dickinï¬on. Hugh N. l was not posted as to the names of the] Morrison. John Imerson. Ewe lambs. lpl‘incipal exhibitors, we are unable to ‘ John Forth 8: Sons. John Imemon. H. give the names of the fortunate prize- l N- Morrison. Social. "8 special for takers. However. we will be pleased ' best pen of sheep, C. . Dickinson. to ublish the prize list in full as Dawsonâ€"Rum, 13- J~ Booth, W. H- is asthe secretary can got it really McNinh, R. B. Webster. Shem-ling forjthe cmnpositor. The show of mm, Byron Blancher, 13- 3- BOOâ€). “form was good. and 901118 very ï¬ne “r_ H. McNiah. R&III lamb, E. J. innimala were exhibited in the ring. l 300111. Byron Blancher. 8. M. Booth. ,IIerg. again. we shall hiive to referH‘JWE-‘l. Jnï¬lmfl Gilmy. 3- M. Booth. those interested to the prize, list. The l Byron BlanChOF- Shem-ling 9W“. B. 'great attraction of the Newborn fair! Blanchel‘. E. J. Booth, 8. M. Booth. this year was the family of French E"? limbs, ITO“ Bluncher. 3' “- ‘va‘psios and their hour. The familv B00th. E» J. 1001“ Society“ SPOON consists of the father, motliorfanllgror 1'6“an ol'sheep. Byron Blunchvr. :wino four or live ragged and dirty OTHER llRElDS~-RflIn. Hnuh N. children. A covered vehiclcmmvor- anrrmm, JOIN, M- Keelâ€. W. W. 5"]- the â€mfe'l‘ll‘l P‘WP‘TS" of payday-,5 illiller. LShezirliog i-am, O. P. Arnold (iypsioa and their hour. The family consists of the. father, motlmr.'an(l :mmo four N ï¬ve ragged and dirty childrm. A covered vehicle answer ed the tln‘oc-fqld purpose of parlor. kit‘chon and «lining hall. The bear was conï¬ned in a rudely construct’ed cage. mmmtm‘l upon two wheels and 'of the exhibits would place the mana- gers of the show in 9. false position, ‘for we feel that the blame for the ' small number of entries does not rest {upon their shoulders. If the agricul- Iturists around Newboro have not en- l terprise' enough to go to the trouble of lcollecting and exhibiting the products Iof their farms, gardens and dairies. ‘they must not complain if the public. ‘who go to the fair to see something to interest and amuse them. become dis. gusted and stay away in the future. The show of cattle was fair, although the quantity of grades predominated over all the other varieties. Jesse Knowlton exhibited his two-yenr-ol‘d Holstein bull. A two-year-old Ayr-J shire and a grade bull were the only animals of that class on the ground. Some very fair Ayrshire cows and heifers and a few grade Holsteins were also noticed. The Gananoque Carri- age Co. had a ï¬ne display of their carriages on the ground: A Little Maxw ill Self-binder, and a few rakes. ‘ drills, nd other farmingy imnlementsl Mr. Parle a reputation a: a builder and contractor i~I well known in the Ivillnge and surrounding countrv. ’ During the season he employs a large IIIImbeI of men. uni as he personally superintcnds all work entrusted to Ihim, it is not Rlll’pl 13mg 'hlt his con- tract»; are carried out to the satisf‘ac Etiqa of all concerned. This season’s éwitrnI-ts include the new block of IMessrs. A. Parish dz Son and resi Idonces for Mcsm. John \Viltse, Joel Punish. II wm Wiltse and Isaac Rob- Ieson. tenants. and there are still a. few rooms to be ten ted. The proprietors large work shops are situated in the roar. "n G. A. McClary, head clerk at. J. P. Lamb's drug store. One half of the ground floor of the largest building shown in the cut is occupied by Geo. Bult'ord. tailor, who learned his trade . 1887. Rinse-ll. John .lnhnsmp; glut _ Jam Forth. Frank Wilma. Jul. Vnrnpr annips--\\'him. John Forth. A. W Shepherd: yolinw, 8rd, A. W. hhnp lwrd. Sql’msh mmlnmmh. JM. “'M nor. [1.10mi A. New". Louis ng winter keeping. Wm. Neilmn, I). W Hanan. Gm. W. Mott Pmnpkinm (:m. H. Lnthnm. Jahn .‘hckay. Tho: Morrison, John, M. Kuolcr, W. W. Miller. Shenrling ram, 0. P. Arnold G; Co. Bum lamb, John lmcrson, Jas. Caunngh, John Forth «l Sons. Ewwv. Clarence Blanchard, John M. Keelorl .luhn Forth & Sons. Shenrling owes. Clarence Blanchard. Ewe lambs.Jnn. Forlh & Sons. John Imerson. Clarence Continuation of the List of Inaccu- m1 Compoï¬ton. mezzsrna Sllnwr.--Ram, C. W. Dickinson. Hugh N. Morrison. John Forth 6; Sons. Shoarling ram. Hugh N. Morrison, John Imerson. C. W. Dickinson. Rum lamb, John Forth 3; Sons. Joshua Gilroy, Jns. Cavanngh. Ewes, John Fmth 6; Sons, Hugh N. Morrison. 0. P. Arnold & Co. Shear- ling emzs, C. \V. Dickinson, Hugh N. Mm-riaon. John Imerson. Ewe lambs. John Forth 6: Sons, John Imerson. H. N. Morrison. Society‘s special for‘ best pen of sheep, C. W. Dickinson. Beagle h ............... '2 2 2 3 3 Nettletop .............. 4 4 3 4 4 Time: ‘2 40, 2.42. 244}, 2.36, 2,34. Judges: M. Patterson. Brockville, David F. Wood, Smith’s Falls, and R. B. Algnire, Farmersville. Time- kccpera: John Kelley, Almonte, and John Culbert, Brookville. Stan. .. . .......... George Haight . Billy-gmenny ...... . Young Black Hawk Bell \Vilson.......... flew Cnmor Queen S .......... .. . . Ben Rysdivk ....... . Black Dick ..... 6 5 6-draWn Billy-gn-easy. 1 6 ‘1 1 Young Black Hawk 2 1 2 2 Chesmut Hill ...... 3 2 3 3 New Comer ......... 5 4 4â€"â€"-drawn .Time.â€"-2.4lâ€"~2 #1â€" 2.44â€"4.44. Chestnut Hill Nettletnp .......... Joe Long Bessie L........... Bifly Parker ..... T‘imo...a;4oi ~2'40. vau- wa, Montreal and other distant places, and the members of the Association have every reason to feel satisï¬ed with the degree of popularity which their track has attained ' in so short a time. The entries were full, and every event was keenly contested. Below is the record ;â€"â€" Farmersville Trotting Association was held on their ï¬ne track here, on Tuesday and Wednesday last. and was in every respect successful. The at- tendauce on the ï¬rst day was not no large as was desirable, but on the second day there was a. large number present, no that the Society will have a net proï¬t of about $60. ' Sporting men were present from Oshawa, Olm- ONE DOLLAR A YEAR the outward as well u in the inside zeppeuence is that made in the dry goods. grocery and millinery estab- lishment of M. K. Bresee & Son. 1 During the summer. the whole build- ‘ing has been thoroughly overhauled and at the time'of our visit was ï¬lled with a ï¬ne stock of goods. The mil- liuery show room is ï¬tted up second to none in the county. and if the fair suleswoman who occupied the post of honor during our visit could bein’ duoed to remain, we know that if another line of goods, that of gents' furnishings, were added, that the pro- prietors would soon have a large in- crease in the number of customers. Timéâ€"~2.46}-â€"2 Tho mfg Lanna] full meeting of the THE UNIONVILLE PAIR. FABXZRSVILLE RACES. 3-mxm'n OPEN RAVE 2.37 cuss. GREEN B H?! more. 6 5 1 6 l. Georgn V. Brawn, ; yellow. Mnngolds u Jfllln Yum-nu [9 A \V. V Myop- M. W n:- .- I’fltta whocfln Rnghsh. Civil Enginnor. rmurnml "om I'mvidoucv. R. I. last m-vk. 110 will he mnnocuwl with Hm milmtnl «MR1 ht-rm We are glad to sow hm smihng comm-mace once nmrn S. Y. Brown. Quiltâ€"~pntch-workJ. E. Johnston, Wm. Pcnnnck. L. W. Barber; pieced, Riley Mon. 1.. N. Brown, Cvrenus Stoweâ€; ï¬llk. Mrs. Frank Arnold: 0V01'110tl9d. L..N. Brown, Abel Scott. H. B. Brown. Homemade flanm-l shiut, Wm. Pen- Imck. S. Y. Brown. R. E. Fmtar. Mat-yarn. S. Y. Brown. Abel 8m". H. H. Foster : mg. Abel Svott, Wm. Pcmmck, R. E. Foster. . Douos'rxc Wonx.-â€"Stockingaâ€"â€"coto ton, Rich. Arnold, L. N. Brown, Abel IScott; woollen, S. Y. Brown, William I Pennock, Jesse Miner. Snell's-wool- len, Wm. Pennock, John Singleton. Albert Gile; cotton, L. N. Brown, Rich. Arnold, John Paltimore. Mitv tonsâ€"gents, A. W. Shepherd, Frank l Wiltso. R. E. Foxtor; lndies’, Mrs. E. ' DeWolfo, L. N. Brown, Rich. Arnold, l Corpet~-~mg, S. Y. Brown, W61. Pen- lnock, Goo. Dudley ; stair, vase Miner. S. Y. Brown, Richard Arnolrl ;.woollen or union. Wm. Pennock, Abel Scott, J. E. Johnston. Fullcd cloth, Chas. Taoknberry. Abel Scott. Wm. Pen. nook. Flannelâ€"woollen, colored and pressed, Wm. Pennock, S. Y. Brown. Abel Scott; woollen, not pressed, W. Pennock, Abel Scott, S. Y. Brown; kcrsey wow-n, Wm. Pennock. (error i in jndges' report on 2nd), 8. Y. Brown; cotton and wool, James Moore. Cyre- lnns Stowell. Abel Scott. Knitting ‘vnrn, R. E. Fo~ter, S. Y. Brown, A. . She herd Blankets-«woollen, not milled, Vm. Pennock. Bobt. Barlow, Mrs. E. DeWolfc; rotton and wool, Wm. Pennock, A. W. Shephg-rd. W. H. Oshorno. Horse blanket, George Dudley, Robt. Barlow, R. E. Footer. Union coverlpt, Mrs. E. Dell'otfe, G. Dudley, Goo. I". Purvio. Homemade sliuwl, L. N. Brown, Wm. Hillis. (l. H. Latham. (‘oiinterpam-«qnilmd. Wm. Pennock. John Singleton, .legno Miner: knitted. Abel Scott. (error in juqlgvs' roporton 2nd). John Patlimore; knotted, John Singlotou. Abel Scott, ‘ Dun Pnonucn.-â€"Butterâ€"-ï¬rkin, II. B. Brown, A. Good ; crock. II. B. Brown. W. Miner, John Forth; roll, 11. B. Brown, Wm. Hillrs. Selah Hawks. Factory cheeso. (judges’ re- port. for ï¬rst unintelligible), A. W’. Shepherd, Geo. Dudley. Honeyâ€"in int, John Kendrick, F. L. Moore, 0. Moore; in comb, John Kendrick, F. L. Moore. Manon Kendrick. Bread, Wm. Patterson. D. McLean. ï¬iohard. Arnold. Maple mgnr, Wm. Pegbock, John Pattimore, \V. W. Miller. M J syrup, W. H. Osborne, A. W. 91 ’- herd, John Puttjmore. Vinegar. J uIm Mockay, \V. Miller, John Singleton. Hard soa . «Mn Singlewm B. E- Foster, Jo m Rappell, soft SOup, Wm. Pennock, R. M' Brown. John A. Rap- pcl}. Society's special for honey. John Kendrick, Morton Kendrick. F. L. Moore. ,l Fawnâ€"Apglosâ€"cooking. A. W. sshepherd. W. . Cornell. Jna. Dickey; keeping, A. W. Shepherd, Ju. Dickey, Geo. I’. Mott; table, A. W. Shepherd, Jam-Dickey. Wm. D. Cornell, graft ed, A. W. Shepherd. Wm. 1). Cornell, Jus. Dicke . Gramsâ€"blue. A. W. Ladd, J. . Hortoo. Wm. Neil-on; white, A. W. Shepherd, J. W. Horton, Wm. Neilson. Water melons, Wm. Neilson. Jun. Miller. B. W. Littlejolml. Musk melons. Jul. Miller. Wm. Neil- son. .1. W. Horton. Assortment of fruit, A. W. Shepherd. Cloned fruit. \Vm. Hillls, A. W. Shephe' . John A. Ruppell. Canned vegetah .s,Willia.ln Hillis, A. W. Shepherd, Mrs. E. De- Wolfe. Pickles (variety), A. W. Shepherd, Mm. E. DeWolfe, William Hillis. Discretionary.-â€"Vngotahle marrow, Geo. P. Mott. Catsnp, John A.- l Rnppell. w qunmmmaâ€"Blood beets. James: Wax-M, John Forth, John Pattimoro. Cabbagemwhite. John Oxby, A. W. Shepherd. Jag. Warner-ï¬red. Jamoo Warner, A. W. Shepherd. Cauli- flowers, Jae. Warner. OniOusâ€"whito, A. W. Shepherd, Jan. Warner. Wm. Neilwn; red, R. Barlow, B. Chant, A. W. Sheph’erd; yellow, (error in judges’ report. for ï¬rst), Robt. Chant, R. Barlow. Parsnips, Robert Chant, l Jan, Warner, John ï¬nppdl. Celery, Wm. Neilson, A. W. Shepherd, James Warner, Carrots, John Forth, Levi Church, R. Barlow. Tomatoes. A. W. Shepherd, Jae. Warner, L. N. Brown. Citrons, S. Y. Brown, Jas. Warner, Wm. Hillis. Vegetables, (ggentcst variety), Wm. Neilson. Kerr. Smart'a special for couectibn ot’iroots, John Forth. Building " Lumber. . PARISH. r-nr