Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 20 Sep 1887, p. 2

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tum. IH .. of :\ .-. Hum: hm lw llw “KHuh-flfl‘ I‘m-"‘1‘.“ “'10! natisfnctnrih M ‘15in «my Martin 1000 011m p0 Mn ti' lmrbm of tin Jnhih (-xplmivb 1mm r and will carry M nix milvs. York . rrgarclmi us the l The City‘s lh-l‘c-nw More-Trnupn h SH I‘ll pun: b1 Smu- atnutly bjlily < and In wuxml Offered person A Demlsl Antoniuhen nu (‘Ullg‘l‘l'nfi nl' I'lly~i A Washiygtuu tlL-rqmtfh Ht about 40 yours of age, abort and with the appearance of watched with km-n hum-st roomful of dentists at the 1' building, as he perfurmc Operative dentistry upon a. ‘ man who lay back in tin The clinic was a practical dr, the an of implanting tt-clh. Dr. William J. Young-1'. uf and tlwopl'ruliml was tlw our mun- ucynut what was stated in the tub-gram and what. tlm woman told him. The whole puny of Murmunn, which is theJarm-st that hug arrived here in some time. left {or l'mh yesterday Mun-noun over the Eric. Many of them have friends already scltlc.‘d.therc. During the vuyugo one of the party gave birth to a boy. He wufimwdiutcly clzrisu-ncd lidwurd Wis- 001151 1: l’rcsiduxt llart,whu conducts‘this party. has brought over three others tum-1y of the munc size. During the past eighteen months he has lmptim-d 2.30 in the Mormon faith in England. hv'nvw that if 3110 m" be persuaded tu nimml A short time prm‘iuus the Mormon party, another attempt to dis but it was equally elm-gum“ says that l thv cum- lmymd what wit-gram and what. the Chaplaincy. It was then learned that tlu wunntn was: accompanied by her second husband and two stepdwghte-rs. She is a. romuly and elderly Hugh-h woman. apparently several years ounger tltut in r husband. lie cmbruocd 1 million mon faith tux-Ive years ago, and CllUCCC‘lt d in cunw-rting Mm. Blfllt‘fl ubout twu years ago. “atom is ushoomakcr and hath m-ru residents of Manchester. 0n seeing the telegram from her daughter, Mrs. Barnes said : “ l have not been kidnapped. and am goingto Stilt Luke ('ity of my own {we will. My husband nnd two dunglrtera go with me. l guess 1 am 21. 1 love my daughter with a mother's devotion, but in this 1 must be actuated not by worldly mu- tives, but u denim to save my soul. 1 love tho Mormon religion and sincerely belh “- in it. 1 would like to see my daughter. but my duty to my liuslmnd'und to my religious vowsemnpels the Very relurtutnly to de-‘ uline this invitatitn to go to l’cnnsylvnni i.“ l'nder the: exhortztlionu of Ur. Kramer. her determination forsook her, and large tears trickled down her cheeks. “ Yes," she suddenly exclninn d. “1 nm almost inclined to go to 3414- my daughter.” The husband hurriedly whispered Homething to her which at onu- restored her stoicisni and she reiterated her determi- nation to go to tSnlt Luke. Barnett appeared to be Very muvh aittui-heti to the wonnin. nnd when asked “luv he did not (‘nullng Husband and. two She is a. row: woman. apparent) Hun In 1' hushumL mou faith tux-Ive : in cunvt-rting Mrw ago. Barnes ia a: “'(Dl’LD NOT 'ight mu! n loft sfully implanted Yul ll FORT] I’YINIQ ll,\l.| FAX scltlmltherc. During the vuyugo 110 part); gave birth to a boy. llc nodiutcly clzrisu-ncd lidwurd Wis- l’rcsiduxt Hart, who conducts‘this as brought over three others tum-1y um- sizo. During the past eighteen 11¢: has billnill‘d 2.70 in ”in “IHYIHHH 'l'l'uti wn I} l'l. \N'l'l Nu TEETH. lll vhon askwl why ) tn see her duug if 3110 war gun!" to abandon the M pruvious to the. party, Dr. Ji!‘ lpt to dissuade R equally unsuuuv: u! ucueatcr. r daughter, Mrs. Barnes t buen kidnapped. sud mu :0 ('in of my own {we «luml two (lullgll‘ltl'fi L10 5 1 um 21. 1 love my rxotlwr's devotion, but in uutcd not by worldly um- 10 save my soul. “on: iun and sincerely lwliq n- u to see my daughter. but almml'uml In my religious \‘cry rt-llu-touy u; do- 1tugolul’cmmylxuult.“ .liuns of Ur. Krauncr. lu'r wok lust. and large terms -1‘ checks. “ “-14," 5110 (l, “1 mn almost inclined Un seeing the quantity 0! nu! l'ulluwil warn the cloud y the 1 I ’url's ('ur. ’ “‘0 often of a (mull) opportunity at home, 01' he can brim trriug its pr his wuulem within four with but {cu \\'<M'ilueut ‘ usurvuuts, \w I ”w International l'hy~irimu. briefly dcsvril cm : ‘I 3|” km uw- of the lost 1h that trim -th. By the be removal. '1'" H MOMMHNH. he did not Wer, he said to she wquld )rmon faith. lepurturo of itll Inclined husband to her stoicism determi- Harm's in! \ L-ry mud popuhu under « drupm‘i to man bln It‘ll (‘,o<'k’s plumes will be ‘much worn on the autumn huts. They arc dypd to match all Slnuli‘s (nfgcustuincs and are mmle up in ('l't'L‘I, smily curled bunches, “hich have u. wry military (fleet and in no way resemble Illl.‘ nmuml, w'mwful full oflhc plumes when not' stiffened by nrtiiiuiul means. The hrmstsuf birdsu which for some strange n-nson' (low not excite:- the ire of the Audubon Society as muchas the whole body oflhc bird~stiff wings and multi- tmh’nuus hows of ribbon will trim the coming season‘s headgear. ummm Hangs uruaetcudily decreasing in fauna livery one w]: -c face cuusmnd the severity of tlw htylc co 1»: the hair straight back in u loose. careless Pompudour.“ “ Blue gray. known as old bluu; Gobcliu blur, a smnvwlmt deeper tint. and a. mum pinkish gray will be the fashiouablu shades in new autumn costumes. always, it is un- (ll‘l‘ntUULl, combined with whitg.1 A pretty sample of an autumn costume St'llt from I‘m-is recently was a caslnm-rc of the new pinkislrgruy shade kumt’n as I Mr “an “'0 often doubt whether mu mile head of a family ever really appreciates the Opportunity in: has for diffusing sunshine ut lmnn-. or appi'clit-mishow much of gloom he can bring into the family circle by an- ti-ring its pt‘ctJiuuls with a dark frown on his countenance. The wifu and mother is within fuur walls from inui'ninguntil night, with but few cxcrptions, and muat boar tho \s'tfli'imcnt of t'rctful children, ineflicicnt' ~survunts, \vuak nerves and many other por- ph-ptim; and she must d‘b this day after day. while the husband goes out from these putty details of home car», has the benefit of the pure, fresh air. meets with friend . inn a pleasant time. which altogether acfs as a «harm on thc physical man ; and, if ‘ ln- (int-s as he should, he will come home (:lu Mini and thereby lighten the home life fur his wife. Home men can be all smiles away from homv. but at hnmc they am as cross as boars -. and )L‘t We hear it said on cwr) ,jilit‘, “ \Vivns. nnsvt )our husbands with a smile.” closely the plates in “the fuulniou Wok l‘ul'ia‘ ('ur. ’mluluu Toby/mph. Sunny Husbands. The main Hull 00. Finding myucl! tlw other do} in \he cout- [um y at some cumming Anummin wow» and noting the alum: entire tlbIL-noe_ any thing llltt: tonrnure to um the “out.“ Ham 0! thei: moat ‘ becoming and long tl'qulllfi gown... I began to put nouns faith in the report We no on tho We not unotlwr drew rct’olutiou. l-lvu-ythinu pomtu toward a (lecltlul t‘etluctlou in the voluma of shirts: the question will Livâ€"is. almost how to ihuvith the least pouiblo lino int 0! “ ltnpnn'mucnt " “harms hitherto it in been all the other only. Worth has for sonic monthu past left very little room in the foundation ultirt for any lulnuu at tlv hack, and in the arrangement of the upwr (imp: lltti hittiplicity in and has been the promintnt l'vutuiu. A couple of brcatlthi of lined or muwly C(lgt‘d, are pleated to tho waist and ullowvd to full loosely ; or one single \iido broadih of woolen has two of its sidu-i arranged in folds, so tlmt a single lonu poim hum» behind; or again. the tunic in‘ at second rather scanty skirt lifted up in one or two plums at the sides. ~ The on ss-nmklru \\ ho pleat unil gather it large quantity of stull' about a lady’s figure are mil l'nllo\\'in;,r the boat models. and 1 must “an: the remh-r against imitating too mum) uhu'. ttul on ti 1'. l’rcss plustron y-nmde St 1‘ um! 51 Sash uh; t l‘rohibitiuniou [y ull gowns ends so: uu lxxhh tl THE LADIES’ COLUMN. IU‘L mmnisu to bu more than over 0 plain skirts, often of while. “11 blue or twilight-gray Ju-mfiy bruidul with braid volm' of the ova-dress. This is w whiu- waist‘vut. cut'ITs mnl Lula I'm-Mun . \‘nh mstnntly grow in owns have one I: lll laborutc (k dcr the basque. - Ldil)’ decreasing in fauna 3 face mm stand the severity )5 the hair straight back in > mm mick!) hm- gray ] braid which mum; in pieces for plastrml, can be applique I); These ready- m'c shown in all 3 wide bias. half- vd in combnmliun M't of tin- shined .~u wnu brunt rdruss. Cl‘hisis rout. cuflfs and ,y plaids have ich comes in in popularity; loop and two mo Mary tlu- saints HS damage went too mnbi n- r) way fiil‘flblt‘. for the 'd for mbl)’ the lib“ RI a mug with 1V5. est Weighs 1.31 pounds.’n loss of pounds in twunty days. He is mt hmrlilyumd has nnt known 1181fo slumber siul'c the nccnk lu- dm 5 <lu-p his; Numbers are \~i~'ions of the wreck. and in ima: John Stillman. who was conductor of tho fatal train at Uhatswortl). went into the mmk woighiuu I‘M pounds. 110 now Weighs 1.31 poundsny loss of fortvdhrov Ruwian sleigh in this co} and cost exclusive of dut [WHICH [It'l‘flhL “111-1 31.111111511111111) 1 11:111311111111 and “H” 1111111111 11111111 5111111111111tl11-11111-1-i15 H111 (11110151111113 'l1'1r111:11. 0'11 ”11151111111111. of 11112011111111. 01'1111‘111111-11111' the 1111-21 and 011 to 11'1111: h 1111- bull- 11111111 111111111, 11111-1 111511 111111111111111111' “11111111111101! 11111! 115111 for 11111111111111111111,’ 11u1‘poe1 11. '1110 toiluts 11f 11111111111111; 11'1re 11\trc111c1y rich and much mimirud 11nd tl1111111111111'ous naval and military uniforms 11111110 one of the most 1'111‘1'10l115 111111111111 111-1'wit1111sscd here. 'lhe supper table 1111s resplendent with an im- 11111111511 array of the L11112-1dt11111e plate. The quudrillc d’hmmeur was danced by Ilia J'Ixccllcncy and Lady (luron. Sir A. 1'. Caron and Lady Lmnsdowno. the 231113.01' and Madame (assault, Judge (‘al'mx and Mndmnu Routhicr, “on. (J. A. 1’. l’clluicr und Lady I’lorvnce St‘routfoild, Jud-,3» (,‘umudt and Mrs. Dubcl], Sir Fred Middle- mnund Madame (Jan-on, Col. Montigtmn- but und Mlle dc Saluberry. The bullrromn was dhundsmncl) ‘ decorated. and "U” ‘nutt'on' build SUUI)“H1Hit-“11min. smu slumber sim-o the accident. When wlms <lu p his; slumbers are broken by =iunH of tho wreck. and in imagination he urs thv torriblo cribs of the Wounded and mu till 1n.» wakes. more worn and restless m ln-forv. flu is now taking an unlimited vMion m the expm-so of the road. Iii-"Hunt Scene at the ('Itaulel-ul'ilvgnnt Tollutn of the IAHHON. ‘ A Quebec (lespatch says: The ViceJlogal ball at tho (Jitliklel last night was one oftho most brilliant events over soon here, its splendor being considerably added to by the presence of the English and French Admirals and officers of the five frigate: now in port. as Well us of. various butu‘riea of garrison artillery camped on thi~ Isle of Orleans. The Murchionesg wore a. tlrvss of white silk brlouademnd tulle, ornmm-nts diamonds and pearls. including: a nmgniti- cent tiara. Lady Hort-owe Streatfcild \‘-'Ol'(‘ black hwc trimmed with red bows. A nun-burg Primal-'11..- in»... nu om Methodist “in in; Forgotten Them. John \Vulton Fiéldl. u compositor living in Luwroncevillc, has at present in his poisusimi it relic that is I very venerable one, being no less than a pair of spectacles worn by John Wesley, the founder of Methodisni. They were made a present to Mr. Fields. who is quite o curiosity-seeker. by Walter M. Moorhouoe, unother corn- posito: who not them from his hither, who was a local Methodist minister in England. The spectacles came into his (Mr. M.‘s father's) possession from an old farmer, who .wnsn stunch Methodist, and whose father had handed them down to him. and Wt‘l'u scoured in the first place by John Wi-sloy. who, during one of his religious pilgriinugcs through England, had stopped at this farmer’s house over night. and in the morning heft, forgetting his spcctuchs. The glasses themselves are very peculiar looking. They arc very large-sized. and tho {mum is of iron, the glasses being set in them very much the some as it light of glass is set in a window at present, only, instead of using putty to hold them intheir' _ plum-s, bone or u. picce of horn is used. The ginss is in a. perfect state of preservation, and any one can readily srethrough thcm,young us well as old. A peculiar factin connec- tion with them is that Mr. Fields also received at the sumo time at small photo. graph, taken from». large puintingof “ John Wesley at His Mothcr's Grove." The inscription of the tombstone is so Small that it isimpossiblo torcud itwiththcnakcd eye. The writer plnccd tho nntiquutedâ€" looking spurtnclcs on and the inscription) was easily road. There is no doubt its to tho giiliiiiinontw‘s of tho l'l'llC, nnd Mr. Fields places at wry high vnluiition on them, and he would not part “iih them at any prict‘. --~1'N(.~/rury/r ('(IHIHIi'I'I'lIII (burnt. lh-Hllunt Srrne Tlu Rev. Mr. Ill-wells dividu woman imwc clawsâ€"Mien and tonal“. “ India.“ In “ya. “ mm to require no firoteotion u all. and no perfectly able to tr. a cure of them. m-lyeu, whereas females are hurl“! every day b) their brethren in police amiru pud otlwrwiuc. The {not it: that ‘to the pure all things are pure.’ even the gaze of unn- kiml." Herein lies a whole sermon, which the women of thu world will do well to ponder over. \' I C I'.'~l{ I‘ZUA L ”A LI. 1 N {31‘ EDI-1C. Dr. £1:me Batty. um by flu Fuc- bywri Church In (and. u a medial miniouuy to India. has trotted over «3.000 pullout: in thn fun. twelw moutlm. and thinks: huupiu. and :rniuinmsphool for Uludoo women would nuke thouyludu of conwrts w (‘hristimiun Ir (‘nurliug Day: llurv (‘mnc JUUN \\'ESI.E)'H .SI’L'L’I‘ACLES. lvamn'l(ic9I1HN'lt. "M! "It"?! ;\ $10.1Mmlul.l.. mmd Trivkut. who lives mpzltvh am) has just ml ' “a. II. unébk uht of Win-n building. lif‘L mp0 and linn-nmkiug, Sui]- nmkingnml fish-('Ilr‘ngo In the" l‘nlicc (‘ourt M Belfast, t. the 22ml ult.. lh-v. 'Khomns l-‘unvnon. of the Irish llp'm‘oml Church. mu committed for trial. 01mm. .1 with fnrg‘iny: two chcqucsmno on the Northern Bank. Delfafit. for £370. «ml mm on me Bell“! 13 nkinn Company for £300. lividcnccn! t dmoctive who nrrostml nccusmj in London showed thin when taken into custody he had far .u'mi’rn of siunntnrr‘s ‘1)! Lord Sniinbuhx Lnnl (‘J‘Sniblv thvrv H M “mil The «tin-y is tohl of an Irish priest that in prom-hing rmwntly on the decisions of the auh.(fmnmissionor of the Land Act.‘ho tnuk for hiq text the wards, ”And the rent is made worse." ' ' le bcmiit of closing the public houses in lrolaml on Sunday is dnmmistmtod by tho l'urlimnontnry return. Lust your there Wore i‘rw'h‘!‘ fem r urn-an on Sundays than in thv wnr pi‘twiuu! tn the passing of the The Irish Land Court has reduced the rvuts in many cases more than 50 per (:L-nt.‘on the Lurgmi peoperty at Aughabul- louue. ‘ It is now said that Rev. Hector Hall. of (,lhtsgmv, instead of coming to Troy. N. Y., has accepted a call to the Second Presby- wriun ('hurch in Cork. Mr. John 11. Wiglmm, of Dublinm mom- bor of the Society of Friends. has declined thgfionor of knighthood. l‘olicn, who connnittcd suicide latt night by blowing his bruins out. He had been about his duties all day as usual. and had trmtcd n si-rinns case, after which he re. tnrm-d to hisquartcrs. lhiring thenbsence of his sE-rmnt he undressed himself and put cotton around the room to prevent blood from sputtering the walls. He then lay down on 'the bed, and with his toe pulled the trigger of a Snider rifle. The charge completely blow off his head from thv (-hin up. The deceased was unmistak- ably insane. He left no word or letter explaining his action. Corona-r Laurie has been scnt for, and it is not known whether an inquest will be held or not. It is pretty well underutond that no fur- thm’ construction of the Hudson Bay Rail- way will be done this fall. a Eighty immigrants arrived Lo-clny. The majority of them wvre from England and the remainder Icelanders. The following further particulars are learned of the terrible self destruction of L)": Millyr. of the Northwest Mounted n-uceuivd with the road. 'l'hey are amena- lv when they c-xcued their authority, as they have done here. Mr. Ewart will con. tinuv his urgunwnt toanormw. hotwillmtmzdingwhich some of the defend-I nuts. uptipg as Ministers of the (from), hud Aiki‘xs said : “ The Ministers are the delu- gur .5 of the Legislative Assembly, b'utthey urc mnonublq wlwn they nuthoriuc a wrong to 1w done to u subject of thu (frown. IIcru the x'mlwuy was dinctly nvgutix'ul by the (7mm: as roprosr.~ntcd by the Dominion Gov: rnment. which disallnwod the Act, hotwithsmndingwhich some of the deft-ml- Mr. J. H. mack, in a letter 0 c. 1’. R. gates. points out that they are A“ 20 per cent. higlwrflian the St. Paul «1' Manitoba. road, and 200 per cent. higher than where close competition exists. The wheat lmrficst is practically com- pleted, but considerable oats are still un- cut. The threshing yields are even more favorable than was hoped for. The price paid {or wheat runs from 570. for No. 1 hard at Winin 9;; to 450. fog No. 2 North- wostcrn at out ying_poin_ts. A young man named William McDougall, employed at. Charles Ward's hotel at Rat Portage. was shot through the right lung last night. and his recovery is doubtful. A mannumcd Duff, lately down from the Woods, has been arrested on suspicion of the crime. Robbery is supposed to have been the motive. While the Hon. Thoma.» White. Mini-tor lot the luietior. was in Bettleiord, he received nmneroul petition- md com- plaints from settlers setting forth their grievances. Uue petition set forth that the grunt-st diusutiuluction prevails in conse- quence o! the deductions made from legiti- mate claims for losses during the Riel rebellion by the commissioners oppointed‘ to imcsligate them, and that settlers w re dwiroue of having the whole quest on reopened for u. more impartial investiga- .tiou. which they believed would result in' justice being done.’ The renidenta 'of llrosnlylur scitlemcnhnenr Battleford. who have on the report of the commissioners been refused compensation for losses sus- tained, on account of alleged disloyalty, also appealed to Mr. White to haw: their cow reconsidered, and_demmid a. fair trial. l ,7._ V", r-_-~-_- ..--. vv MIU’II‘“. ”Jfl‘izrliveuuon uln'ppcd his grant natunl curiouity, a. “yo-legged call, to the Toronto lighgbiptop his} evgning. 0m; mveutmn any: rennin in which action can be taken towards unscating Mr. South, member (or Winnipeg. It is thought that tllo‘petitigl‘g'ill be dropped. 1 I) In, Dr. Kim. (,supreuu Prelu- o! the- Knights u! l’ylhiu. is expected here from Port Arthur to-morrow. He will deliver n lu'lure uud be given u rccvption by the Wiuu‘ipvg Kuightu. _ A Bank-ford special says Dr. Miller rm {and dead in his mum yesterdny with his brain: Morn out. ”0:08le Wu 5 modi- uul officer 0! theNonhwcn Mounted Potion. 'l‘lw llrowulnx Lot» Injunctionvulchh I! z: Um-lnr A 1.\\‘U*'J""‘d Cu’lalultlotl' Urlcnunru. pinned to the mermm otUm-leo in Cambridge mu fluently no!“ THE ('A EADIAN NORTH“ Elf. IAIN-st lrlsh Gunnip. mm op. no.1 in “est ( uul. “hhh i oprnmj on the llith "10 co line alinbitn'. Lnnl who will 'ork. an in 'rmu skin him: 1mm It“ RH! rd occurrvd to us‘hatthcre \wrc no Metho- dimh “'1‘. Ming n5 they wrre well and worthily filled. We never qnostimied whether the incnmbvnta were Muthodista. l-Ipiscopnlians. Catholics. l‘resbyterinns or Baptists. Soon as good Methodists are in‘domu'hd to fill good fat positions. out of danger of contamination. we will present ourselves. ~.‘IIII"N‘H 1:1't'unh’r. umnmrnm-a Mn} ("-1 whiu-hr prI-vmt nrdinnr} mi! or um! from .nglhflina In if. 'I ho hum of "W engraving are up! M all nhnrp. like the briuinnl. and 1m coin‘ is nnucr-ahrylhickor. the milling Inn on the sage long -f. and the diameter 01mm;- shorter. 1 he ” a" in' the worj "plurlbm is noticubly bad. ‘ I!" is not It mmh ~ Rev. Dr. l‘otts in his remarks on College Federation the ‘other evening said that. although the Methodists of this country comprised one-third of the population, they \vere scarcely represented in Iny of the higher positions in the land. Only one Methodist judge sat upon the Bench. Justice Rose ; in tho Ottawa Ministry. not one ; in tho Ontario Ministry. not one; in the Dominion Senate. only two or tZ-ree: in the ()mario Legislature. only half a (1040‘ or so : and it the High School Boards could keep them out in tax-or of Toronto l.’ni\.'-r. sity. they would be kt pt out. We told the doctor afterwards that for one thing we felt dcvoutly thankful ~there wére no Methodsts in the Ottawa Ministry. We haven profound “sport-0 for good Methodists. and we would not like to see them in any position where tltt‘y would be in mutant danger of being morally polluted and. corrupted ; nor did we wish any of them. good‘or had. such a fate as «consignment to that statn of ohlitioni (it'mil‘t‘sl and uselessneao. the Senate. Ant ie other positions. it never occurred tons t there m-rc no Metho. dicot- tlnvn. m: as thev wrre well gorge. of half-cooked beans, which hm] smelled and ruptured the stomach. It is supposed that young mack had been too impatient to wait until his meal was thor- oughly cooked, had tilled himself with the semi-53w vegetables and then drank a quantity of water. He was sitting near a pool when his brether last saw him dive. Rennirkable Death of a Texas Sheep. Herder. ,h’zu. Antonio (IX-x.) Corr. (ilolie-Qenim-rut.,i lliuhard (lei'l'ers, a ranchnian in the imrtlnvestern part of the county, comes to town with the story of a very strange death which recently happened in his neighborhood. Joseph and lt‘reiclerich lllauck, Were two young men living near him engaged in raising wool. For some time the htt‘er had been ailing “ith a dis- case which balllui the physicians and rapidly Stlppfltl his strength. he most marked symptoms Were extremcemacia tion and a mat-Venous appetite. It was not tapmvorm, that was certain. but further than this the doctors could not no. “lie could eat,” said Mr. Curlers." a half bushel of food and still be hungry." He finally urea so weak that he did but little work, putting in the time sitting about the ranch and cooking for himself. He became a by- word for miles around, and many neigh- bors come to see the living skeleton get outside of anything within reach that 1 was edible. 0n the day of his death he Volunteered to take out a small flock of sheep and herd them until sun. down. His brother agreed, and in the morning,' Frederic left the house with some 300 sheep in charge, and swinging on Otis arm was a gallon tin bucket alled with the .ordinary Mexican frijoles, or beans. His brother visited him about noon and found him all right, sitting in thcshade watching the llock graze. Late in the evening Jacob became uneasy at lt'riedericli‘s absence and began a search for him. He found the sheep scattered by twos “and threes, and further on, lying directly in the path, was l~‘riederich’s dead body. He had evidentl ' been walking and fallen dead as he stepper . for his feet rested in the tracks they had made. His lean face was in a massef half- digested beans, partially glued together and thoroughly soaked in a torrent of blood, which had wellml from his throat. He was not cold when found. ,A jury of inquest was summoned. They rl’ndered a verdict to the effect that tl‘a man died from a “ You’re jdst- too mean for anything, Charley Bixby !"â€"~â€"1)vtroit Free Press. a “ See here. Sally. don't you economize any more. You’ll break me sure if you do. You‘ve got. $16.98 worth of things already out of that. 85, and â€"â€"'â€"-â€"” ‘ Bikby asked i‘few questions, made a rapid calculation, and said in an utterly heartless tone: Then she repaired {o Bixby‘u oflice with _the tale of her economy, and ended by say-v mg : 3" And here‘s a. law little things I thought I could afford after saving so much by goipg withupt _my hat.” Before reaching her husband’s oflice with the cheering news of her economy she had bought four yards of hoe. three of inner- tion, a podnd of candy, two 00km and a pair of cuffs, a. pair of slippers. o pans of hose. hamlkeruhiefs, three yards of lawn. a fan. a build] 01 roses, another pair of glows. and six hncu handkerchiefs and two xxeg‘lftics {or Mr. _Bi.\_by. 7 “I never would have bought. it,” she said to herself, ” but it was so cheap, and then I’d saved live‘dolgarq thifi mprningfl" 1),. 1. So she bought “a little” for 31.75. Then she got “ the greatest kind of a bar- gain ” in remnants of French gingham {or $1.50. “ Just Mm I need,” she said, “ but I've been doing without because I wanted to ccguomize; but I'm sure Charles couldn’t say anything if I bought a little when I’ve saved five whole dollars.” “ This ribbon is tedflyVét} Ellâ€"ear," she was saying to herself. “ and I need a lot of ribbon awfully. I wonder i! I could aflord it to-day. Let me see, I-,-â€"oh. of course 1 can, amu- saving $5 on thin but." And she bought tau yards 01 ‘in’bon It 2.) cents a yard. “ Ureut sale of embroidery," she read on u. flaring placard u moment later. Then she put on Sex 1m md went down town, so eluted over her “ cleu nvinu 'of five whole dollar-I " thn she intended walk- iugJiomelwith Mr. Bixby at noon sud tell- ing him all about it. “I wonder now.“ «he said. :- aheatopped before the windows 0! a glove store, “ I. wonder if I couldn’t “ford a new pair 01 these tan kid gloves with stitching on the back. 1 really need them.and l’vo sawed 85 by going without my hat, sowâ€"yea I‘ll get tlicz‘m; tliey’il cqnt only $2." Ten minutes later she Stood beiozo the ribbon coupter in a dry goods store. . ww muuh-rlvil Amrriuun silver viol- ‘n circulation in thf‘ States Ind it SI nh'kolpllmnmn ant-mp! will be mado *3 «mm of them horn. 1: id midmuly rhgcutmu from nmmnhl MINI from "in“ 'Iit'Cl'. It L ‘-:.m hump-d b‘ I In rulu? it is mum-h“! “(Met 1 n m- sIIn-r. Inning n ('Nwm. My)‘ . *â€" v - '"r'."" ‘ "Business in dun?” aha aid. “and 1 man was our mu- “ Hutupouibh. Poo; Ina-bud it quite worried over our “fun. Now. how con 1 «we .5 or .10 and show Mr. Baby thn women can be economical it neceuury ? I know." she said suddenly, in the joylul' tone of one who bus but a happy thought. “ I will do without the hat I intended getting to wear with my new gray suit. loan we“ my black im gted straw with it very Well. and l wilfiotoo. I just must learn to econo- ‘ unze.” - In Tlu-rv n lellmlist Boycott hm. ulxby Dowrmluml "in“. Ibo wan.- hold mu- w- ugm urn-uh». Mn. “Lay beesuw oonviuuul 'Ihe other duty than retrenchment wu absolutely uuucuury in 1191' 119M015! eququ‘a. u I).. ..‘_ REIBENCUHEN‘I‘ WA. NECMBY. ‘ ATE TILL HE BURST. [\nghrr (‘nnnh-rfi-M " You are n brutal man. and I wish you would fall and break your neck." _ The lmly had no sooner Imvrcd tin-so ‘worda when 0 “1mm" "part and the driver was la n from under Hm lnmhor seriously and muhly fatally injurrd. He msfiinml a frmtturr‘ of tho nhuulx‘lt-r Mado- aml row-r0 intt-l'nal ihjllll'it". ‘ 'I'hv mah'u name is lhrllinu nml lw in now being curetl' Mr M his lrmno in tho qity. ' chum not be MLw-i'tninr-d. She thrmu'm-d flw man with arrest and ended her clinging romarksavilh Ulc words : . ‘ A Kansas ('ity (310.) doapatch says About 5 o‘clock last evening a heavily-laden lumlwr \vuggon caught in a. dcrp rut about two Inilu ln-yond Main strict.“ on Indium avenue. The brutal driver ln-uan whipping up his horses. giving the nninmh a fearful heating. People in the: ucighlmrhmd con- urog‘ltml about the place and rmnonstrntfid with the driver. [10 paid no attnniou. but went on whippmghis horses. Among the specmtorsuas a _\mnm_hui}: whose» mmo When Major Phipps shall leave the prison he will go to the country and spend some time with his wife and relatives, and after a b‘rivf stay with them he will set about to Open up a new career for himself. He has no money to speak of. but he has sonn- powcrful and Woll;to-do friends. by whom he will be assisted to make a start. He can easily earn a living as n book-hinder. and it is possible that he may go into the hook-binding trade for himaclf. Some merchants who are looked upon as among the highest. in credit and honor in the city had peculiar dealings with the Ahnshouse while the Major was Super- intendent and naturally controller of that institution. Them,- 1nen,itis declared by l’hipps‘ friends. are not only to be exposed but they will be Compellcd to disgorge their ill-gotten gains. 0n Those who were Interested in the Almshouae (‘rookmlnesm When Major Ellis 1’. Phipps, of Phila- delphia almshouse fume, cgnes out of Moymnensing prison, in less than three. Weeks. he will be. according to Governor l’attison and Drs. Hunt, Morton and Andrews, in better health than when he went in. in_ June. 1883, or at any time since. He has been the most docile and industrious prisoner in the institution. has made no complaints and has borne his un- happy life with spiritand resolution. Some of the Major‘s old friends and associates are considerably exercised over current rumors that he proposed its soon as he should be released to get “ square ” with some of those who failed to come to his rescue when he needed their support. Jttt-t before the results of the ulnishouse im'c-sti- ‘ tuition were announced Selu ct (louncilmun John L. (trim took Major l'hipps into the :little ante-romn betWten the two chmnbers of Councils and advised him to make a full confession to the District Attorney, assur- ing him that he would in such an event be lightly dealt with. The Major refused in- (hgimntly ; but more than live years have elapsed since he made this declaration, and there is good authority for the statement that he feels that he has been left. in the lurch by many of those whose misdoings he had concealed all these weary months. Those who lméw what is going on in the Major‘s niiud any. that he keenly feels this neglect and failure to aid him in his efforts to get a pardon. and that there is a rod in pickle (or some people who least expect it. The police at. Mitchéllatown assert that the trouble there yesterday was due to the ’ Nationalist leaders shouting for the mob to ‘hold together. The town to-day isquict. "l'hc Nationalists are exnltant over the good fight they made yesterday. A Tip- pu, mry boy broke though a squad composed of twelve policemen and fought them sinflnflmmlcd. The police finally over- powered him. but the mob mndcorush and rewind him'froni Ilium-piers. The police paraded this morning. A majority of them wore bandages over 11w wounds they received ycstvrday. Fourteen police- nu-n who “ere injured during the rioting were carried to the hospital. All wus q 'et throughout the night at Mitchellstowr. All the persons who attended yesterday’s meeting have re- turned to their homes. Fifty-four con- stables were injured to such an extent that physicians’ services ware required. One hundred and fifty civilians were also injured. ' Mitcliellstown is now quiet. Mr. Dillon remains there but Mr. Lnbouchere has gone to Cork. The persons killed were an old man named Riordan, a resident bf the locality, and an elderly cabman from Fe!- moy. The injuries received by the police consist principally of scalp wounds and bruises. Dr. 0. Kane. Grand Master 0! the Order of Orange-men. recently wrote to Mr. Glad- stone asking him state whether in his {more roposals to Home Rule the repre- sentat 'es of Ireland. at: an integral part of the United Kingdom. would be retained in the Imperial Parliament. Mr. Gladstone has re lied that the subject of the exclusion of Iris 1 members from the Imperial Parlia- ment is not involved in the question 01 Home Rule for Ireland. Mitchellstown, where the case of the Government sgain‘st Mr. Wm. O‘Brien un- der the Crimes Act was to have been heard to-day, was crowded all day with civilians. police and soldiers. Mr. O’Brien did not appear to answer the summons. The service . of the summons was proved and the Judge granted it warrant for Mr. U’Brien's ar- res? An open air indignation meeting was sub equently held. Mr. Henry Labouchere and others made speeches denouncing the Government for their course in regard to Ireland. m! hm} «LAWN nl Hun A speciol meeting of the Irioh Privy Council was bold in the Guile to-doy. There were present the Lord Lieutenant. Lord Auhbonw. Junie Fitzgibbon nud the Earl o! Meuth. It itreported thu the Council decided to ave Mr. O’Bl'iou arrested“ he does not oppon- bolore the court at Mitchellaiown to-morrow in answer to the summons served 6 on him. also to institute uctious against t as leaders of the recentmeeting at Ennis. Menu. Labou- chere. Dillon and other members of Pur- liauwnt will proceed to Mitchell-town to~ marrow. Lusmx, Sept. ‘.l.â€"â€"â€"A meeting of the Cabinet was called suddenly to-duy for the purpose. it. is believed. of discussing the progress oi businesa in the Homo of Com- mona. MAJUH I'HII'I’S “'llJ; BQI'ISAL Mr. John O‘Connor, Natiomlm. is shout to resign his so“ in l’arb’tmem (orbmiz‘u lawns. I’ve lo- Klllul In 3 Fight mu. the Police at lltelwllulowu~Wuuut tor Wit-Mu!- Atmtwlfir. Run Writes "hm-twin. The Parnellite whips have: issucd nu ur cut wmmom for 3 full utuudnuco of man u in the common» on Mouduy. when the debuts begin. on the Government’s notion in proclaiming the Ennis and other meet- ings. The Conservative mambrrs also hum been recalled to take part in the debfitt. .. --,_... - at. P03 13MB. The Rmult of a Wish. amen 01565.37 iaigl'sn. ran-to min . vuJum r 1m A Qumran (Mu v11” n :1 U U ifi] HQ93 BAKINC PQWQER ha\n We want Fur us, (‘3st furnidwvl nu smwfnrtnry mummy Add" an (‘. S. I'MHL. My!” l'ark. V'c-nnnm. U. H ‘4”? .- 94‘9”." "rr‘T FD'FND br'éich flinch, 37 Nike 8:, 1mm Mflfi .7. "u- !" "n 'honl In .1" . .nl IL "r4 MU" IND #ll‘KS ‘n run I'm‘ IGUBE PETS! ELI NUIIIHNR. Rum/mt I'. 0.. ('nhunhia (V1,, PIL. says: "My tlmwlm-r hml (":INII‘I‘II whu-n nlu- mm "w yc-uru “M. \':-I\ lumily. 1 saw Dr Sum-’5 (‘umrrh lh-nu-dy mlvu-rtm-d, and pr(). curml a lmuh- fur hc-r. uml mun nuw tlmt it ho-Ipt-d‘ hrr; n tlurd lmmv (-u‘wtc-«l u pv-nnn- non! curv. She in mm eighteen yuan uld and sound and hmrty." , _, , v . .W “nu. SI. lands. Jim. write-u; "I was 11 mm: sulfur": fmm (-ulnrrh Iur lhrvv yt‘nrs. At timvs I can“ hardly hrvulhv. and was (-nnnfluul ' hawking and spiltinu. and fur llw lust rig t months («:11ch In»! Ian-um“ thrm: 'h tlw nnstrils. l ihuuum nnlhmu wwl-l ln- ( nm- for luv. Lurk- Hy. l wu~z u-hiw-al tn my hr. ,8.- 13's (‘ulurrh lu-nu-d). and l um now u wvll "H n. l lu-livvu It to lu- lhv unly mn- runway fur rumrrh nmv nmnufuMIn'I-d. um] um- Inm only to um- it a fair triul In PXIN'I'II'IICL' astounding rum!“ and q pol-mum nt curv." l'l'Hl. \\'. [urn in, tm- fum'vm nwsmorist. uf Illuuw. J. )2. writvs: “mum: n n yt'urs um I buffm'wl Humid nguny {rum chronic mum! mmu'rh. My family physioiun gave mo up as hwnmhlv, and said I muxt div. My case was Hm'h u but] «aw. that vw'ry day, towards sun- s--t. my \Uh'\‘ wnuhl bvmme so hoarse I could Imrvl)‘ slwnk :duwv n. whisper. In ”no morning my muuhmu :uu‘l vh-nrimz uf my thrnnt would uhnnm Hrunulw Inc. By the ust-nf l)r.SagL-.'s Fumrth lh-nn-dy. in threw months. I was a well llmn. and lh-.- cure has been permanent." “(‘unmmuly Hawking nml Spitting.” ’l‘mmnsd. mw‘nmn. Ext... 21‘1“.) Pine Strut. I ‘ ......‘A , . .. k'l . :.. _ .. “I _ SYMPTOMS 0F CATARRII.-Dull lwuvy hcmhwlm, obstrm-(mn of tht: mm; pussugm, discharges fnllim; from thr- hl-nd Into tho throat, Sumotlmos pmfmv, \mtcry, and m‘ridwut, others, thick, tmmclmm, mucous. purulent. bloody and putrj‘d; the «you um weak. watery, and lnllnm'wl; thorv is ringing in the ours. dvnfx-oss. banking or Coughing to clear the thnmt oxpwturutlnn of nth-naive Inmtor. tngmht-r‘wiih 50:1le from ulcers; the \nicv is (-hnnm-tl and has a nasal twang; the irn-ath la oil'umfivu: smell and tustn nrc im- puin-d; there is a ecnsutinn n'l‘ dizmmsn. with nwutul dI-prcssion. u. hawking 0mm}: and yen- vml drhilily. Only a few (1‘ tho abnvr-mmwd symptoms are likely to ho prvm-nt in nny one (1130. 'llmnsuntla nf (-113.54 mmmllly. without mnnlfvsting hull” of tln- "have symptoms. re- mit in (-«msumptinn. and end ln the grave. Nu «llmlm is so counmnn. mm-e dom‘ptivc and (lama-mum. or lvsx nmh-nfloml by physicians. lly its mild. Sumlflnz. and healing“ prom-nice, hr. 5.1mm l‘uturrh lh-mc-«l ' mun-v4 the worst PHM'HUI Catnrrh “col: in ”no head,” Cor-yum, mu! (‘m’arrhnl Headache. Sold thy drugglsts evcrwvln'rc; 50 cents. “l"nmld Agony from tumult.” [mm W. HAI'SNITR. tho fumnm mosmorist. of lem. A. l’.. writes: “Sumo h n yg-um [um I meg’rml_un_tul«lnnuony‘frnm (‘hrnmc nmml “"»\- 4.855;» m Merbhan ts Butchers, Blllous Headache, Dlzzlucsn, (toll-llpa. "on, ludivulon. IllllounAlme mamlnll dcrunucmonm at the atom- uch and howvlfl. are prompt- ly rolimw-d and permanent 1y cured by the use or Dr. l’leree n Pleasant Pur nuve Pellets. ln explunut ion of the rt-nwd u] pnwer of them- l’leH «m-r (~10 urmt a variety of (nausea. ii may truthfully ‘i-u- said that their notiun upon the systmn is unit-rm]. net 3 ghmd or tissue escaping: their Humilvu intiue we. Huh] by druugisls. :35 vents :1 Vin). Mnnu noturod at the (fhungu'ulLuhnrntnl‘y1W‘VUHLD'S DISPENSARY DIEDM'AL As~z<;<‘1,\'r1n.\'. Buffalo, N. Y. I)?!“ mull-cl vegetable, may op- orm- \\ it mm, distur nun-u tn the s ‘stem. duct, or occupation. Put. up in Fluss via a. hermeti- vnlly F! 111ml. f‘nhvuys {rt-m um] rvlinhlm A! a laxative uflttlrnllve, or purgauvo tlu'su Hrle ,l’ulcta give the most. perfect satisfuct 011. 816K HEAMBHE. fi_ Dr. J. G. Gatling, of Hartford, Conn. in "mm of medium heighth. far advanced in cars. His famous gun has not made his ortuno. His daughter is the wife of the Rev. Hugh 0. Pentecost. one 01 Henry George's moat earnest supporters. BEWARE up nun-1133's. ALWAYS ASK FOR 1m. mum-1m FELLEZ'J. on 14171.5 SUGAR-00.1 'i‘L’D PILLS. life" 0: ’gu Dame-Jtht do you think ? I lave I girl who gets up in the morning without being called. Chorus of Voicesâ€"impossible. ‘ Dameâ€"But it is true ; she‘s in love with the milkman. ' ' Remarkable ; leacimme of surge ‘ wonderful progrpes in the must intricate and are now uudertskru am ecu-Jul in e. There are n] roll Suthemicllcd much of whn known M pueumotony. that in to my. the removul of diseased portions 0! llw lung. in «In olcouuuun )tluu. \V'hichnom-VerJhwdelicslo operntiou nu mum-llama been successfully performed. the riulm unending it are so grew. and the chum-ca of recovery to I blight. that it is seldom ‘reborled to. Tho - lufcat plan in vunaumlniu- (1131‘s is to ule ‘llr. l’iorw‘s (EUlkiVll Mulicul lliscmery. This will alwaw cure the disease in in: earlier stages. tlmrouglnly arresting the ravages of the turnblo malady, by rL-moviug its cuuw and luuling the luugn. Wl’es; I shall break the engugement." 8110 said‘ folding her arms and looking defiant ; “ it is rally my much trouble to converse with him ; he’s an den! n n pout. and talks like he had a. mouthtul of mush. Besides the way he hawks .nd Ipitl is disgusting.” " Don’t break the engsgement for that; tell him to take Dr. Stge’l Cuturrh Remedy. It. will cure him com. pletely." “ Well; I’ll tell him. I do lute to break it off. for in all other respects he'l quite too charming.” Of course it cured his catarrh. ' Fond motherâ€"“ I tell you my do but I'lulalin has such control over her (so in I. that, lorinsuuoa. when ot the that" I 0 can we:- with one eye turned towud flu stage. w Me with the other 0110 um“. ot the gentleman sitting beside her."_-â€"-IM- doruubcheu. VP "0| Vu.‘ Three Bottles (‘nrc (Yawn-ll. A N 1') TH.\ DEBS 0 ENE HA LLY, CALFSKINS nu 5"" Original m SLITTLE 9v”) LIVER s Pl L L 8 . I) (7 RI L. 38 B7. 1) mx in your load“, tn pick up 3% GLW‘W is nlrnrod by tho mnnufuvtur- t-l‘suf Dr. suge’u (‘amrrh lloulcd ', fur u (use of (‘hrunic fusul Futamh which they eummt cure. Ir 0 Mn»... 51'0" l" A Bonanza. I" "I”l l ‘ mug "In! I .- ,1 mm in m - " known hm ‘ ‘0 In) Mk}; uh. I "III I?! 1.6 "7.0-1! 1 {I m!

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