Fruxn. <w~Y Aim Itrnmm mlwr- 1‘21};th form n maul. inn-resting por- 1innnf‘ «wry lnml lu-\\‘~}‘:l]\(-l'. Um' umlmw “ill :1';\\ny% liwl in tho adver- tiumv, mlmnh‘: nf 11wllm-uu'nzlum- umszmnt-nh “Mel! “ill hum-vat tlwm :m 3 1mm \vllivl: llw} may ofu-n {min i\ lul'mnlinn Ol‘ \‘nlul‘. A \‘Ol'y sull- } umml mlu. and mm which patrorn “ill do \n H tn l'ullmv. is to dual liber- : ll,\' \"llll lhmw who mlverllso. lt in thy luljv of llu‘jl’mrnalibt to roluic l9 pnlflish the advertisements uf 111nm! \xlmv are not Mrictly reliable and lmn- nrablo in their business or p‘rnfcssiou. For our own part, we shall use cv w)- procnntion to have none but roputalvlu ï¬rms represented in our columns, and hence the reader may conï¬dentl)~ pat. ronizo our advertisers, and may rest nsanml that in doing so he will gel fluir and llUllCNl. dealing. While. as We Ivt-l‘nro romnrkcd, the newspaper man i.~ nun-ally bound to exclude unrcLia- lrlv mlvvrliscri {rum his publication, 1w think the pululic nlmultl assist tlm (nuscil-ntiMIh jmn-nuliit by montloning m‘tlnan with “hop: tlzuy deal the lam tlm llw." “wind lhl‘ll' mmunwcmonls' in 1hr will #11 TIIE ODDFRLLOWS of Farmersvil , have made arrangements to have .t e anniversary sermon preachcd‘this year, at Christ’s. church, 31 this village. Tlie.l{cv. Dyson Hague, rector of St. Paul‘s church, Brockvillc, will deliver the svrxmm. The time is fixed for llm second Sunday in May. l-‘nlln‘ pznlii-ulnrs will unu-ur in a fu- I II.III IIaIIII mars Wlll amuurm a In- 1II1I~ i><ll(‘ ’I III: Jq'l‘l-Z I. \I in “hile the RI. PORTER i~hI1I1 :Is :In RUhUHiSng IIIIIliIIm mm In MIII In) :I Irlanmx at our IIIIsines-sE IIIHIIIIII: \IlIIlI HH‘ IIIIIIII'III III' liwIl Il']\\‘!Xih‘I' IIIIIII>II IIII IIIIIIMII bllï¬illl'bh‘ 1H 11 IS (II. I' :‘HlllIl'>\'l|'I‘, ]Il'(I'L"}\'\lâ€(’. ' UI~IIII and tho ('IIIIIIII' of Leeds] On: Reparter's Not. 3:9}: Tum“! laid. Out for the Beneï¬t of the Public. ' 'i‘nI-z DEMAND for carutci-s this Spring. in l“urmorsville, is so great, that every man who can shove a. plane 01' handle a. saw is engaged as sum] as he strikes town. Mr. Wm. l'urinli in- furms us that he has ovey a dozen contracts, including the Parish block and other large buildings. ll. LUVILIIIN Wk: menu†to leurn of the nevero illnvss at Mr. Thoa. Barney. who hu lwon confined to the house for 0V“ & “ka. with acute rheumatism. ' Mn. C. A. Kismw, whose ass! - mam was no'od a short time ago, as . m-ru «l a settlement with his creditors, and has sold his stock in trade to'Mr. J. 'l'lmmpmn. NEARLY ALL the cheese factories in thisswtiuu huvevmumenccd operations. 'l'lï¬- l’lum llulluw factory wu“ making «luring the past. tWO weeks, pm], on \Vl'm l1f.’â€â€œ~1\' H11. and 11:11. mkcw. \1‘1111 11:111' 1111110111111,11111101151101181100. \1'1111>11111111.1111;1,::1i1 :11111 :11111111511111'1-1', 1.11- 1111.131â€. ~1111111'11111111 1115111112111- 5111111115 $1111111V111111113:11111 101.1119 as if a 1 1: «..11111?:1;11_ 11":1111 . ,‘Vnuldsl lmnw \111111. 1111:1115 111111. buttered 119.1. 111" ' 1'1‘~1 ' 1111;111'11 (1111 ('1‘:1.\’:1 , 1.1181. 111111111111'1'111 111:11. 18111111'11'1111‘ that M1110†.1111 1 t (11 (115111111 2’ Approach and w. ‘-i 1111 111 11s 1-. 11 “ \Villiam. “11111 is to 1111) my 11.3111? " 111111 hour (111] \1'111'11‘: 14111111111113}; say: “ My Wife i-. 11111111111115 110115-11 10-day. . M1: 15.111: 11011125113; 11111350111 the home farm, (111 which 110 has 105111011 1111' uvm‘ 11:1'ty years, to W111. Shook has} 1M1 l FA l RM 1‘: â€SH 1.1.1'1. APRIL 20. 1887 Saturday Indrninq last took in bvor 20,000 lbs of milk. , Mussm, Gonmx 8; Sm: l‘cmeived a m-w lu‘mu{brtlu-irwuollvn millun Mon- day. 'l‘lu-yfuuml one loom mtally in~ “(minute to supply the demand last yl-ur, and have (It-cidcd to take time by tho fun-look and have cvathing in l'czulim'ss fur this scamn‘s Muiuess. Ql'l'ra A 14mm number of the bud- irs that were dvposited in the Vault (luring the winter are ' boipg removed this Week. The body 'of Mrs. Chas. G. z\1!;llil‘0, will be. taken fr‘m the van]: at 2 pm. on Saturday a (lepos; itcd in the family plot in the cemotcry.‘ (Mi FARMERSVILLE AND VIOINITY. me on mm 01 Ins 101s amw rods u-L of the North Church. He in- nd~ tn occupy this house wilt-1’1 it i: :1an 1?, mad Ln )‘u-Ii't (In? place when 1-ltn and the («111111) of In (‘11s 111-1: div. In spite of 1110 ï¬u't that -:l. 111- hr 4111' incremed 0111 rates fur “11.11: 11.1111‘ in: thv dcmnnds fur <11 :111- 111010 tnun \10 um well ac- mmudul". ‘ \Vrm I£.’.’HI‘»YY I'H‘l‘. am] but mkow. 1:11 14:13“ 1111111111111, ummlishcd slmo. :v' l'ltr ,lmlnlin Ucu us as w‘uisv" 1|(‘l Tu; REPORTER. \V ll m which he has resided .' years, to Wm. Shook Wiltso, for $5,000, and ‘21 the ï¬ne new. residence, 'sreun by A. If. \V'iltsc, nu Henry and \Yiltso streets, tivvn [wing $1.000. Mr. lot the cmnrzu-t for the l‘t'sidi'HCt and carriage u‘ (if hi.u 1013‘ a. few rods lw unn'vrsnl query l<mu~ looking: t‘or'n mow the m-\\' pre- 'ORTEB. 1paint it red, end remind the eiliuuo ~ L _.~~;-.~-_.:..~== that the annual weld; mike we: at Editur nud Proprietor. :hnnd. l‘he programme opened with It ' "'5‘ 'fliltili‘grlll ' of IhI three: in rear (If the ,Al'lllL 24) 1557 :Cltl’k (It the Court’s oilice, ulun w 3:" ud‘zlitionulaupply of “ bug IIiI I12" “3;“; III on and a roll III the sun in u an â€ID VIBIIITY. in. The Tulactitpthe comedy “ii†III etIII- can I onco the com III .I 0 23‘s]: Turned 1"“. placingu bu’t'tlc of “ blue with "yin lhe I : °£ the Public. ' middle of the principal street, indulged; in a Sioux war dance threw hi: hat ' ntlIe air, and struck several very grgtesguc attitudes: I _Al. this stage; lcurn of the «were lumpy,“ who has » llnnun fur (Ivar n \H It mHv umwl gt (P‘Wiiï¬ 'f‘lw po- l't mom»). \Vhi! II!) I“ thmn 12.. HQ Eff? Fresh and Reliable; Lima-ml Min! "‘.‘.'...‘.Li::i:‘_.'“'~' )V l ‘H Drums. â€unlullb. (Annuals I’nmln, 00h. ll ‘huloor - «Ian. 31.. In. 1"]. ‘ï¬.\\’r-‘J!‘ I\}.v r. SEE.S !A.M.CHASS \l\l\ asâ€! ~mi1h, to Mr. HOUSE & LOT or maunn be pine 3-17 HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Kinzsmn. April 9.1887. Assimw has (11% 1.11'041 in quM' of it. )1 ...'l‘ho romainsot' a man who died in the nox'ilwm part of .\li('hi;_'ml lmssml thmngh (irand Rapids the mlwr day and the physician’s m-rtilimtv attache! to the‘ «Min said that. death was caused “ mostly by old age." and that it was not contagious. Gmm.»0uts, pens and lmckwhmt are called for. Oats. 300,- , peas, 50 m .550. ; b'u kwlumt. 8.") to 400. " BI [fl-ZR is in demand. .1 ml sells from 13%. M fair to 205'. f0; prime. lions 5m- plontit‘ul at 124'. Luxr).~â€"'l‘lxerc, is (it-mmâ€! for n quan- titv m gnml 11m medmm 5m Smukml lm' 1h.\‘..~'1:mzwtrnmSI 101 “mm ~ lm h: ml “0m SUFL Wuml. 52.215 to $9. -’ .50 Uxums “mum! at 9m to the belligerent butler to the cooler, which was accordingly done. Alter ruminating a few hours on the viciss itudes ot‘ life, the prisoner concluded to surrender the keys of “the mansion," mr'the chief’s promise that he should beset free. The drug ended with a growl/Mala at the Hotel de Henrijohn, whrn the police and a large crowd of l-itiz‘ena raided the mansion, where they found the romaine of the winter’s banqueting. These consisted of brok- en glusnvure. one disabled fancy call- ing: card remrptacle, the remnants of what was once u Waterbury clock, whose tick. like that of the partici- pants in the recent jorum, was played out, a nickel-platted corkscrew, blan- kets, 01d boots, old hats and a broken store minus the lids, from which the‘ smoke was gently ascending, like zeph- yrs, to the upper story ot the now desertcdhnnnsion. In the woodshed was found a sorry bucksaw (whielnno doubt had been borrowed from some kind neighbor), three forlorn looking helm (minus roiistc-r). one string of withered dried apples, :1 few jugs and a cart load 01' ennfty, bottles. Alter talking a careful inn-ntory, :H ubuw, the H. \V. l‘. proceeded to clear the building of the crowd, and. with the assistant-(- of" Detective Smith rind Henry C. (‘obb Hawkins, sit-uroly fastened the doors and windows:I \‘i‘ln-n all tllrlh 121ml, ...'l'hu Militia Department hzh' de- cided that battalions turning out on .lnbilw- (l:t\' inn~t do so entirelv ut lllt‘il‘ gun J Sllfll'ilj has 11‘ SOC. “ RoclEy " whispered I few tulh-manic lentencu in the ear of the performer, which caused him to subtitle and givv place to others. But constable Smith arrived, and, fearing that the perfor- mer might contract“ mudlever." pro ceoded to place him behind the bars of the “pie house." At this stage the G. W. P. of the police force ap- peared on the scene, and†dvumndt-«l the keys of the liotul do Dcmijolm from the hand. hutlcr, who at once as- sumed the. defensive, and grabbing thn stuff of 0flica prowodml to "Ulll'ihll it a la Donnybmuk fair ovor the chief's head. Tho;- (ir. \V. l’., with bmnlmslii- authority, ordered Lnnky I’m-d. from illt‘ tinti to {twist him in ('nl|\'(‘_\'il'§: mm H HAY 80118 from S4 to $ anw ‘woi', $1 to $5 LOGS ah- p ] mixâ€"Th y at f! om 1 Hum. sfctch Ll m0 expo “W131n; NV , l’artivs huh-Mod In the estate 0f .1. ll. l’vu .ml, ...‘ ‘meernillv. tin- are here! w nnliliml to pay me same («:0 .'.‘“ (Si‘cun, Iarmcrmillo, on urv the 20111 ind. All accounts re- .g unpmd aner the ahove date will I‘I.‘ HIP "0111 inst; A†R1 -..: unpmd aner tho ahov ed m ('mm for collvotion \IJ. I-.INI):~'o “()ll pu- 1h} J. H. I'PH'JVHI. WW NH and mrhwuims am‘h HENRY ('I'VNÂ¥\'(;H \W. cunnau'?‘mimés. lu~ \v NOTICE. WM H1 Rh 555.5†1 Pork retails at mumâ€! M 1m 1.2510 tollt II IMHO 01 QIH‘ hil.‘ l‘rjm-tt-d l’vlmsxivuuia IYO "and“ 0!] Henry tnmwrlv nwnml KHHJ '\\‘ 0f ï¬lm Mivhi- rim-tz-d wumzm vREflS “('81) â€Wk to $1; for I, 8 [U 100. IH paws ssuzuco l") 'H) U auto um , THE OLD RELIABLE Tailoring House Brockville Cemetery nur PliuH, Shillil'me, C(‘Hmnulvs, Grey and g“\‘llllc (‘nLun-e, are pmmnumed by tho lpmple to lae 11w BEST V.\ LUE shown in l'ulmc Lujllv this sz rm. ()ul (:mmliun. iN-«u-h nml I Hub»! 1 Tv « . «3»- MM “inilin-n Enlc My ( UV!) '1() ;\()\II in appcmuncv‘ tor \aluu, and M M)» lin'm [More buyin'r .S‘I'I'I'S .VI.IHI.‘ I I’ 'J' 1"") l..l'l‘l.‘\’l' STYLES .I'I‘ A"! f)" T ."U’I‘ll'll. APITA L $200,000“). l‘crlmns wish- ing tn lmrrnw will tlml It to their advnutngv to tlt'nl with this (Mummy. m llwyclmrzn nu lmnvy foes. llk", outside ('Ompfllllt'ï¬qtllivl lu-lng :1 local Institution outtwq‘mmlclwc H in at grunt mvanm'v (l V STAGE LINE. 1".\ 11M lillel LLI‘] INSURANCE AND LOAN Aulzxrv. BEA VIN (luml “111.311 :1.“ iown H1 “luv u. m nlullm'ylmvu nn :m'xvnl m Irma 1mm “mat, n-m-hm: I’nrnwrsvillu nlmut 6.3“ I" m. ff}- Will wail animi hf Wmlpml stage {or passe-nunâ€, if nutiliml in lime by mall ’I' l".(".:‘!'u1>h. f Clumpnr Hum 13m ('Iwnnuhém P. 0. Box No. 192 Brockville. Ont FARME SS ETS 3-7.000 000. Rah-s as low as the lower“. l'or liberal will: mom uul prompt pa) men! 0! losses the Rmal has no equal. "Jinnanoque will build tn addition to its public sulugul. at a con ut"3,0lm. ' Wilts Potér M'cLarc-n. Perth, has [mammal St. Jauwn' churn-h in that law: with a lumdsumo pulpit. that cost ovw {5300; Nun-0n the lï¬lh insl.,|ho wife of A, 1“}. Donovan, of a son. w- Nuucvs un (-001. (70 (HR BIRTHS, MARRIAGES I. DEATHS ‘20 â€". Prepared by Isaac Robeson. Parmeflville. I'mrr pm a is to \xumhl liw mmc mn be said uf hang. ((uvvr 50 pullsmm ROBESON’S SALVE, Stock .'.ypmplete. Bauwn.---Ou the 17th inst, the wife of Lester Brown, at a son. “'0, the unulcersignctl, haw: usm! Robv- son’s Suln- tor scrntuhvs and miles, and it has gin-n us gum! smisizmhou. (Siglml.) Francis “'ihsc, Plilip P. Shu-k, S. A. 'l‘ztplin. Thns. meruum. F. Pierce, Wm. Mutt, Dclurma \Vihse, Rev. noaasou's‘ LIQUID DINTMENT. Brorkvillo Loam & Savings (‘0. R. N $01114 T011 ES, CAL KS, 50111: 511011013115, Royal Insurance Company. ,l".\ HM I'IHSYI LLB. â€Si S N0“ SHOWIN“ a. most Com pleu- Slmk (If INE‘. VH' SPRING (JIUUDS, Is a gvnuim' rpmody fur the above, if applied according lo directions. Piice $1.00 per bottle. why}! ' suIe('u-.|.'mnl ~12»! myers. (“13:1 FOR SURE (‘l’RE 0F SIR-\VIN, RINl-‘BONE & CURB, PRICE 51w. PER BOX. H. H. ARNOLD ~hm‘ m. lhi< svcti : nu? Hrm'm ry U! i IL. Up «‘3001‘ It‘mhn: m5 \‘nrk uphhlit. ll “MU u.m n Hmv 14'. (‘m em“ and m H‘MWH un an“: â€.1. WORK \\'.\1.‘ L‘ANTI'ZD SAM'L l. HUGABOOM. PRDP‘R. ’A GENUINE preparation for ‘ “ill pmw Hi)! :I--.~I Minn. Men huh- iII "Ion! vzuiI-Iy just IIHIVM UHUS RSVILLE & MALLDRYTOWN IVEAIL Ii, autumn“, \A‘l (‘nLun-e, are pr 0 lue 11w BEST V willv this se-zmrn mul IhnuUJx Tum SUN!) TU NON 9, and M M)» liw l‘:‘l :II ‘1 X}- n: ‘ IIII‘I‘ RIC(‘O.\I M EN DA'I‘I ONS ___D __ v v- w .\\'I'l IFI.‘I""I‘IH.\' HICAIHM: .\;||1:1\«;\n’ull.. CHASSELS‘ Mm» WHH'II “mm-'1“ l.‘ 840., &c., &c. -â€"â€"â€" \ UK! I R H nrivn! nt r 13 t“.- r vhii head Inserted tree m! Ilmm' 1‘an ar:i\5n«v in ml with (2. . vam'nin Cmtnnudv pmnnum' T VALUE‘ Mfll. Our xrs as to ‘Ionm .nm' IV ) ntrmifjes tu_.m1ï¬ï¬h¢ SEE out DRESS them; to .lcm'n :2! their mlnv. our Dress Ging- NH at 100 Irmv'rsv n Mull I“()l'\' KIVUR iHe Alén €15 C H. 1 NA. HA LL. Best Washing Machine in the [Met ( '0 N ï¬ghtâ€"wigs IMPROVED WASHER! T'J‘l‘l'lï¬ HiEA'I.‘ BARGAIN HOUSE Best infighwe .Worla' Ll OHIIA "All Just now we are giving Grunt BAIL GAINS in China and Printed Tm Sets. I'lmmmllod and Printed Dinner uud Breakfast Sets. and Ennmvllcd and Printed (.‘Immbor Sets. MALL‘sLNI‘JJI USED IN 'I'IH HANSEN. HILF} thankingI my patrons for past fryors, I brain asmm IhI-m Ihnlllgc rlem'. that 1 :un IIhIIIIt h-avin;r Ful'nll‘l'SVHIU i~' (‘ll1lrt‘1y untrue. I shall :IIWnys 1w (mum! at the Humble House Shzning l’arhnr. ready to. give cnIIrII-nns :IIIII skIHIIl :IIII-IIIiIIn toms II'LI'nI1s. “1m :III- Inn IIIImI-IIans IIII Inc III (‘V( II lhIIIk ut :III}IhiIIg (-1.60 but staying right here. 1:": \II ahming 0H SIIIIIlnv. ' GREATEST VARIETY l n Cfvni r111 (innadn. ~~ 0F -â€" ( 'fl 1.".1, G In/ISS, 12.1" T" E."- " 'ullll.‘ 8‘ ramvr GOOIDS W‘Vhl‘n in Blm‘kvi lbnve Iinbauf unmh. ' SEE OUR HOME-MADE DOLLARS as we have heard ï¬rst one SQ UEA L and thgn {mother pbout -: [IAR N E S S :- HE ti I ' 9 ï¬re In INI'J‘X to mod the dvmund Err (‘IH‘ \l’ H Ul\l-. S. , we have prm- nu J :1 lot 0! hu‘lnn- mmh' goods, which we “I“ scll hum $11 pct set up. CE? Their Craft is in Dangerlgj Our "choral stock consists of a full line of Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails. Screws, Locks, Hinges, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Glass, and a full line of has ï¬xtures and Cheese Factory Supplies. Prices Low. The subscribers in returning thanks for past patronage, beg to inform the public that they have made arrangements to have a full line of Builders and Carriage makers Hurd- warc reach us by the First Boat in the spring. Bankrupt Stocks, Spot Cash on 6 Months Credit, dun, go. All we have to say is that we Will sell Goods CHEAPER than any of these Squoalorg as we buy more goods tor 60cts than they can for 1.00, which is proof positive that-we can sell more goods for 1.00 than ‘ our neighbors who are making so much noise ‘ and advertising as so freely. Come along And s00 flu- ]n-tcm-x advertised on bill-board Outside, marked in plain ï¬gures, such as Eclectic Soap 50 a bar, 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 1.00, 20 lbs. Bright Sugar 1.00, 20 yds Good Print 1.00, 12 yds dress GOods 1.00, check Shirting 80 per yd, Good yard wide Cotton 50, good Canrbric (3c per yard, S‘c. L.» The Proof of the P'udding is in the Rating thereofum nu am. ‘7†F. W WEST EAGLE WBINGER. HE subscriber has had a numbvr of ï¬rst Muss Inc-chnnics m Wurk «luring a past few weeks, who have turnod on! huge quunhly ol' ' FIRST - CLASS Nearly 20 sets at human now on hum! {UH hue ofwhipe, lwnshcscurry(-nmlm 20 PER GENT. DISCOUNT. GBEAT- BARGAINS SM Made from the bust mutcviul an in the 1mm style. A huge stock In sulm'! [mm § :unlrlq- 1 House. There are GEE A T P'IL’A‘IMWt‘mmIg Some of our Brother Mw'vlumls that BROCKVILLE. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, DELTA, .. .. c H'l'l'. IH'I‘JHC‘R NHL].- \.\|/.HD TH h‘H.\I"l‘5. I'H'Zl)J-IX'I'ILUA' HF I} H‘HV. â€UNAN- IH “HST I'Hï¬blhlJi ULETON In call and “my are «I l7; CARSON. son UH ' FARMERSVILLE. Cabinetmaking in aIIi " Brand has. R D. Judson & Son,'l‘~m HE subscriber offers fur sale that well-known farm commonly callml the \Vcntlwrlwad farm, being west lmifof In! No. H in tho 7th con. of Reurnf Young, consisting of 100 acres, and a patt 01 Int Nu. II in lhv 73h cntn..'lyeitm 40 nr'rv-i. The two lots mljoin and :m- We†wan-rm! mu! supplied thh plenty of anI for fuel. 'I't-rms,(melllird 11mm; bulmwo- tn suit purchasers. Applt'to O (‘Il.\N(7Y IU’I.I..\.\IY. Oflicc and Yard, WATER $1., BROCKVILLE. C“ ICAGU, &C., (RIC, zf'JThrough tickets sold to all points at. rates as low as the lowest. EKCBIEIANLEE BROKER Amorfcan Curymcy Silver and all kinds of un-currcnt monies bought and sold At Clnsmt Rules. American Drafts and Cheques cashed. wï¬ï¬‚hufls issued on New York, («ur- rmt f Unite on approved endow-:1 (notes. The UN reliable Simrt line and only Through Cur route to MUN'IV‘RFZAL, BOSTON. DETROIT, eï¬ï¬‚ï¬a! Grand Trunk R.R. .PJL‘FBBD, ‘wILKEsBARRE! Tidal . iguat KITLEY MILLS Bran. and Sharla, Buds-what! Flour air, tonulantly on hand and fur sale at his milk â€our 'l‘ulmlo. We will not be Undersold. OHRUNBY BELLAMY. The subscriber has a large qnamity of I‘Qlcdn, March lilh, 1887 WEEILJL 8(leélBIENI'EIDO 3 ll-H FLOUR, and FEED, BROWN 8: CO. FARM FOR SALE. COAL! GOAL 2 W. T. McCULLOUGH 01‘ MONEY to LOAN Erackville. payment in itutcn. “Q (7;. '1‘. FULFORI). AH Coal ONT. Mt all parts of tho Hlvmlv ‘9.†Hur "HM .11! Tran Guaraultul to (.‘m Satisfaction, and (an In rt- ‘flvrnrd {r not ("out al‘lcr h mt. Sign 01 T. W. DENNIS The Brockville Tea Store, 3 Rho Big ; Bigg s New Blmk, Main st. 13““‘JUSI' WHAT IS WANTED/:3 M'COLL‘S :: wzmrm :: MECHZ"; é'lb' monommunc GKLLLRY NE\VER GOODS, CASH, SPOT CASH, ' Photograplw taken by Daylight 01' Electric Litrht. Bromidcs a Specialty. Parï¬ s wanting photographs enlarged should send them direct to the gollery, as all 'indsof work is guaranteed ï¬rst-clam. at lowest Prime. None hut Host-class man-rial used, and film-class artist. employed in each depart- ment. Those wanting photos. or enlargements should call and inspect our work. as we Advertise Nothing but what we Can do. Having a few ST()V’ES on hand which we are anxious to clear out we will continue the offer made by Mr. Percival and give :1 Prize of a Dozen aim: and Knives 8 l'orkq to each Customer Who puachases a stove at regular prices for cash. , 4'6 ‘ “’o F. I: ARIJ. ’87.--: SPRING CAMPAIGN. â€"â€"-‘-â€"â€"- Bargains ï¬â€˜m The subscriber wishes to inform the citizens; of Fumcrsxille and surrounding country that he has purchased the stud; and business of J. 11. Po uh 0.1, and \\il‘l caxr) on the business of @PEDPLE’S STORE; "(DAMP Buy until you lam-r Insprrlrd mu‘ Slack and Prices. (â€mm Shown u'ilh l'luwurr. LAMB 8; DAVISON. l'uitl Tinsmithing in all its Branches Wu haw [just I'N‘vivvd 0111' spring stm'k dirvot from the Best Mzmuï¬u'tnrem and Wholosnln Mnrkvtx of ‘ Canada. {K}: We bought for II. II. (II-4131] $11174. any pnrm And therefore have seom'wl Hm Host Discount and Bottom Prices which goes to show that we can and will we our customers BROCKVILLE, - ONTARIO. Karley’s Block, Main Street Opposite Gamble Hou'so Farmcrsvillc Stove Dcpat. Hum: \! A N! I’ And ï¬n‘thnrmnro, we are bound to :40]! 20 PER CENT. CHEAPER than may 0L1) BAN/CR UI’T STUCK or SHELF- IVORN 00005 can be sold. TEAS AND (,‘(H’I’EJCS A SPECIALTY. «1- . "wmnï¬rw.wr~3 ' râ€"‘t-Oru. - .. . » *3, l .. "A. ng’iqk. Ma: mt" .rm-‘u... a lungt‘lullvlru in Hm Iâ€: ‘n w: LINN-1dâ€; f â€I" ll l'h'. I’Mwu [Ind ' W1 '1 nul' 1 u lilh‘ :---: Electric THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. ll'lll A'I‘ 'l‘lI'lC (“)111) STE/XXI). \VI‘OI} H" . IH uh-r Oil. Jim) m BETTER VALUE, OPPOSITE NEW POST OFFICE. 0 you want :1 Chest of tea I If so it will pay you to get it at Tm: 'I‘ea Store, Brockvillc: I)0 you want 5 Poï¬nds a 11' so it will pay you to gut it Store, Brockvillc. 1‘ 0 ynn want :1 Pound of so it. will pay you to get'it Store, Hrmrkvillc. \l‘Il 3141;, - -, l’hutug‘l'nphox' SUCCESSHH TO A. C. McINTYliE. 8-29 rmim't I‘HXIIDIEIIS\' I 141413 . the, Peoyle! IN tn“ I‘n LOWE R PR [(‘IC S. n Pound of Tea? 1! \Vl 5 Potnds of†Tea U and (‘ RFVI‘FRP BAR GAINS Iinr tn ll! 01V 3-... SI Highest Prices at 'I‘m: '1‘ch Tm; 'l‘cu t 0H. 0'1]er RI‘Y