Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 20 Apr 1887, p. 1

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A. PARI OVER FORTY YERRS IN BUSINESS The Largest ill 'cooo VALUE. M wmm-u Hmruhs) CONSUI Rank Hutcheson 8!. Fisher, BA'RRISTERS, SOLICI'I'URS, CON rfl'Ahcuus, 8w” Urnckvillc. Oil'n- hvn duors Rust of (Ynurt ”mm: Avunut $50,000 to loan at 6 per cent. J. A. “I'TPIIEHWDN. ‘ A. A. PIYHH‘WL ,,- _ B. J. Saunders, B. A. 80.0. E., (HHNION 8L PROVINCIAL LAND Summon, Draughtsumn, &c., Fan'- mersville, Out. "1“ 1i M. lLl'UM latml *3) \vnnns n! Envy Year Trade Increasing. \Vnn. \V‘ HOFSE I’.\I.\"I‘Illt Ea‘lsominer. Taper m drum- In Fa r m 4‘. r a fi'eof Positive CERT H01. ‘ Post ()lhv Farmers, Attention. ARMI'ZRS WATER-TIGHT 1300ng A lamp m Lm' (I -\ RR! 5"“ (m1. 3 Farmers“ \ONTR W MY I't-pmaficm as a g cmm- gmenmy ('nu (mun! my mnuvvu m m} run-tn! ant-Minn quirmm-nh. I muku a FASHION ABLE DRESSMAKING Ft’rutcarsiunnl Gurus. ”HAW.” r Nm'r I’m. The Latest and Most Fashionable Styles LOPPY W ) NEW GROCERY The Gamble House, It if!“ awe: ME A CALL. was DELTA. ‘ vmnv gvnemiiy v.~ta1bh~hm|.nn.i l u auuro my mnuv vus‘omnrs mhlnkhms m) van-1n! ante-Minn m tho-ir future It‘- irmm-nh. I muku a spuciuhy n! NICE FITTING PANTS. Cfi- ('aro'hz'l nHv‘MmII :ivvn m mm'm'r . . . z-i ITH\~'l‘.‘~'10rI.UlUI' '21: kuu. i . .«....-n- .1 I M I JV I‘t'l‘matirm as a gnml cmtm‘ has hu‘ HI In THE l’UiLH .7" PM VQII R ['21 I‘A'I'IU ,‘lu‘:“) " fun.- new guml)‘ hm To Keep y b l‘ I‘L’o 'l‘ 4r] )u |ll lulu!" Mun Dru Vaux. )l' 5!“. :\ V I".. . mi [HUM] LRB‘VHJJ 1H I'll!“ NOTICE for M IN of Giving Customer: ‘1. Judd. FARMERM 1H,} HI“ BARNETT‘S SHOE SHOP. kviHa *‘urnwrsville. , \\'ll.'l‘:~'~ H \ i i 7N .l'l'l"! 1, IS“ (*0 et DR mMLH IHHK'KVILLF, m n! 11“: Lowml {mm 'R. Ml’l'lcm'n' u Hn gar 8c Ghzier XLN‘ "l.g {LEAD}! \Il \& Door 1;» H Diwuws 1 1031mm. 0N. IVQ \R N IC'I‘T Ma. _\‘ " 13 Cases and‘BalteS, ‘7' lllll B. l‘ 91 BROCKVILLES {10:13 Cash Price Dry Goods Hausa. ESTABLISHED IN THE INTERESTS 0F onsw'fisvsas. H i Noxv th‘ °‘ -~ PER G. '1'. H; AND: a. P.- “ 91 Cases and__Bale_s Staple and Fancy [u 9 Cases and ~Bales, 4 Cases and Bales, VOL. III. N0. 17. y'r.‘,' ('1.\//.1/1.11-1 11111111111 1111;11‘11111‘x‘ 1111‘111 1,1111%; {.11 M’ 11 [1111 111-1111111115, H 1' 1111111 111<11111111n ’11111/11111 111x ‘ 111 11111‘ [.1111‘ (7113/1 I"111“1.\. ROBERT whim- 1 1 1 1 10 Cases Go III ~«I II IIII II‘H ‘~II~ III~< MI? h‘IHH. In Int III:- \‘I N ‘I‘. ’ HH'I IIIIIT V "UNI “1”le SIIII‘ :11 II~:. ~ I :1.- RH IIII 1I~IIIIIIIII1III:IIIIIIIIHIIIIII Low Pfices for Cash Approved Credit or Hl'li SI‘1~‘.('1.\I.'I‘H~'.S: Fm: Whom. ml 0n (‘III‘ l, F. 0 “ill «I ) vm I aim lw‘hinn. H «H m Im imparted from Whun yml “ “HI“ VH1" {lurk aunt ('olui'ul Drux C(xmls, \‘ Musiius, Black Mumlins, leia L1 Linmm, 'l‘uhle Napkins :mrl llnylv)‘ wy Suns. l‘luin an} “rm-uh» Sn Hrm’s l'lnbn-HEN. lit-gutta Prim. 'iQ'HL ~A l‘umr ()uilb llltum I L1H)": l\\i< ases and Bales, mnmrismg m lli‘nu-k :md (,‘ulun-d Dru-s Iiomls (I raw), ( lh-mp Carpets from Dundvo, Pl'illt‘Wl chm l‘im‘ Print'd 5110011.“. Fin Pt'inbul (‘er1 India Linn-us, India Mtlxlins, French Casi (‘smpe Cloths, Tuilet Quilts, I’urusols. 1 Funny Turkey Table Covers. Ivory and I Mohair Buttons for Ladies‘ Tailor Suits, : Fancy Ribbons. &c., &c. 7R (\(‘vivvd l()ll\)\\'in;_" ‘ cred Table liuize, L Towels, Mai and Skirtmgs, Liam: 'l‘( tonne Fringes, ludi. rum TAKE THIS IN"! PER GRANDi TRUNK RAILWAY. ,nd Bales, comprismg In part Lblc liuize, Linen Crumb (3101113, White f , PM) and Fancy Scotch Ulmmbrys, gs, If «m '1‘01'chon Laces, Irish Crochet "ringes, India. Muslim‘ Bhurk and Colo Snils. Cream Cuttnn Flmmciuzs. Cream (,‘mhmurcs, Flu nah (‘x‘nis'c Clutlls, &c.,u wivvd and Open tor In~p01i0n the wing; (Sum-s and lhllos H1)! in}; and S‘ununvr lh'v (ioods . A ilh “WWI/Ill! It ”3- [HIM EX TI:O‘.‘-:11>s:31 Minn Manufacture: EX 3. S. EONCORUIA. :rman Hosiery EX 8. S. ALGXDES. {‘QNXIM ‘lLr‘vt 1C :mt :my and vwrything in 'our 'v_r_ 'nml‘h I tnm, l‘ustrv Ham hrnhnm Flnur. \ rndm] "t“! Ontn, Gmnulatod Oatmeal Our N man: are the 3'0" . Self pain in no praise; but a trial ol our TEAS ms: 1! nm "and 01” um praise I_n (nfl'om we dell mm him nl‘ umnprising in part Plain and Fancy Goods, \Vhitv Lawns, Check i‘htslius, Spot lwlia Linen-1, English Crnpos. Irish 'l'alwlu m1 lioylcys, Tum-ls. Russia Crush, 1’my5‘ Jor- 'm'mh' Satin. Ludivs' Pnrasuls. Ladies and m“ Print Sllirtings. Brown llnnumlh, White I\L...l~ v..-1m...m Sunnre and Lana: Shawls, U VUVJ , down «hfl‘m-ont kmds to n 1 “Maniv ”unions; wnrrnr ll lit HIRERNIAN.‘ «ls (l raw). Consignment l l‘rintnd .lcmwttns, Fine Sm Primnul Cnlnbl‘ivs. TurM) French Cusluncrcs From-l ’urusols. Umbro as, Gu Ivory and Hum Buttons. l‘ailor Suits, Black and Colc FUR CASH <:1[111. 1111111113 1111111111 111 Shininjrs. 131mm 1.1411111 r0 Square and R111 1’11111s, Mn, Ac. NG STORM and Gloves. , oslmuv'ul' mum «44‘ it i‘: m b} ”b i G ROCERY . 1H part New Fancy Col- Vhitc Shaker Flannols, Linen nbrys, Fine Fancy Zephyr ochct lidgiugs, Fancy Cro- Culorml Ribbons, 37 Boys‘ 'Irvum All~m‘cx' thS,U.0101‘cd , t‘s’Cw tVC. pnrt Plain and Farm I INNS." "‘4' law nI' um‘ [ml/mm xxxxx Wurrnnml pure. mvut Luce ('m'tmins, iue St'ot(~31\( hmnln‘ys, Turluw lwd I‘Iints, 1‘ 10m 11 1): cars Goudh‘ as, Gun?) Necktius, mtons. et buttons. 1d Colored Plain and Farmersville, Wednesday, April 20th, 1887. ”Wig/71! « Dry Goods, t4: (‘lull'yl FHA NT. Hw "- VIIUII an u ..... £33ch epishcnts to appear at all in such a. lmlc onmlmrsh town ash this he must 1 either be drunkish 01' (ti-azshy. I prc- ( __ fur to be considered an inebriatc." ] ’ The audience roared and forgave him. 1 A Mean young Man. A young couple were servants on 110 Sullll’ farm near Strutt‘nrd. 'l‘ho‘ 'mmg woman did the young man‘s" oods [washinqmnd he was tp renumorate‘ " 2 her for her work. ‘ 0n Mummy night ihc paid 11W 82 nn'accmmt, but on Sm?- 5 May the girl \wnt out walking withi ,‘ilu‘lJ. : another young: man 50 displmsing hot zl'yn‘ 7w ; fullnw-lalmrer that. he entered her room Hmrnl, : in hot" ubsonco and took 1,301: the $2. . The girl had him arraigned before a Magnstm'tc in consequence, and he was I’c fined $15. 'J fl | g i l Celebration in Honor of a Conten- ariawuambor of the On!!- â€"â€"â€"I The members of Rising Sun Lodge, A. I“. A. M.. and all other Masons who can attepd, are requested to meet at the Lodge ‘Room, Farmeruville, at high twelve on the 27th inst., for the purpose of visiting Brother Richard l Holmes, Luke Loyada, who is believed lto be the oldest Mason in Canada, and who is 100 years old 0.) the date above mentioned. The publication of next week‘s issue will be delayed until 1 Thursday as we wish to give a Gom- pleto illustrated account of the visit to this venerable Meson. ‘ Wermiderstand that Messrs. Murray & Sun, photographers, BrOcln'ille, will send an artist to the scene of the cell-Mullen, for the purpose of securing photngruphii': views of the interesting ewut. These views: will he sold at Ireumnmhlo privvs. (‘m..m.\, Apvil 18.~~~,\10ng tl line of the Burlington & ruih-oml a large number of have lost. everything by pm In one seltlcmunt fmu' lives ‘ Across the line in Nehrnslm 4.5 bottom has been on fire for t It is ost'matcd that at least lives 11. \‘e been ,lost, in that, \' Lives Lost in Prairie fires- (in MlA, April 18.w,\long thvl‘n‘anch i inc of the Burlington & Missouri "illll'OilIl a largo number of settlers have lost. everything by prairie fires. In one seltlomunt four lives were lost. Acvws the line in I‘lehi‘nslm the hmvm- bottom has been on fire for two days. It is est'matcd that at least a dozen lives 11. w been ,lost in that, vicinity. 1 Equal to the Occasion. ‘ ”A comic actor, Was much addicted to drink. He was on the road and billed to appear in a small town. When he came out on the stage he was so drunk that the audience hissed him. Steadying himself on the scenery the actor said :~â€"â€"” Ladish and shentlemens --â€")thn an artist of my ablanding consllents to appear at all in such a little one-lmrsh town ash this he must. l either be drunkish or (ti-ezshy. I pro-- for to be considered an incln'iate.“ The audience max-0d and forgave him. OF INTEREST TO PBEEMASONS. “133ml and Selected Items of Interest to our Readers. Opposition Caucus. ,0 OTTAWA, April 14th.~'1‘hc first Opposition caucus of the Session was held this fm‘unoon in the Railway Cmnmittoc roomsz. There was a very large attendance of members, and the greatest fraternity and enthusiasm was manifested. Mndulius Scrivcr. the ‘veteran member for Huntingdon, was ‘olected chairman, and Hon. Edward Blake was, of course unanimously elected leader ofthe party and accepted in a happy and patriotic speech. The A whips alerted Were Messrs. Trow and Plant for Ontarin, Fisot and Rinfret for Quebec, and Dr. Borden for the Maritime Provinces. 'l'ho Queen’s co'unty Outrage. Mr. Biirni‘s contemptible refusal to rosigiuhc aunt for ()uwen’s N.B., in ,mntwting which he was badly beaten i by votes is emphasis \d by the anion! (if his: atti‘n'noy in maxing njzniiwt. County Judge Stiminum and (Wu m-wa- ‘ , paw-rs hr cnutmnpt of court. J migu 3 'zStomiman‘s mutvmpt comi.~t< in 5-)”: wttvmptin the New?" ['UHdllOt of Jmlgv 'I‘ If tlu- procwwlings‘ political “Ninth. WM ("MINUS nm Married in Iingsto Jail- .\ \VPdtllHLK unflur pm" ~irvum- stfllH‘l‘s‘h1'("ll’l‘l'd rucvmly in this Kingw ; «mp munty gnol. A young man. un- dm‘ prnmise of marriage. m‘vslwl 1: young woman in one of the “similar- ing tounahips. He d'xl not, after a time. uhow (my inclim on to fulfil his obligation; on the comrary he made arrangements to lenve the country. The case was phoed in u laflyer'o hands. The yonhg man was arrest- “ mi a‘ capim. and lodged in jail. Thr \ n mg wmnan 31331va him m Um NOTES AND NEWS. mum (Rum . and l and .‘l gm" "irnnm ”fly in iiw Kin;r mung 1mm. Hn General hil- \Vt-"I‘i" v m I 11')’ m by UK Q flat of the dimeulty consented to the union. I \' The ocrernony was performed in the' prison With the gaoler and turnkey as l witnesses of it. I lance-sou of the Icy. Our Ottawa despntehes give the par- ticulars of a new denl in the North- west Central railway grant. It will be seen that the successors of “the boy” are to receive $150,000 and half the town sites along 4-20 miles of rail- ‘way for no public service whatever. Their work has been that of handling a large grant of public property in such a. we at to put a handsome per- centage 0 its value into their own poc‘kets., Mr. Beaty demanded $625,- 000 as s priceufor letting the lands go to the purpose for which they were granted by Parliament. The present middlemen are getting less money down, but the value of their share in the town lots will probably amount to more than the greedy Boy claimed. It is impossible to show why the Govâ€" ernment could not have handled the public property as ndvnntugeously as Mr. Clemow and his associates, thus leaving $150,000 and half the town sites to the tax payers. The system, P which allows a ring oggwculnturs toj ‘lcapture enormous sums without any 3lpuhlic service, and without any labor except the trifling one of manipula- tion, is entirely indctbnsihle. Unless they contributed to Sir John Mucdon-i uld's clectimplund the s\I(:(:c.~sors of the Boy can huvc made no outlay worth mentimiiug,r on account of their undertaking. And if they did reach the “ good thing: ” in can wineuco oi‘ generosity to the Tory (ignition fund, l.’ ! the people may propoiily he invited '1 once more to ponder Pl‘lllt'lpill Grant‘s ‘8 dictum, “ “’0, must choke bribery or i' be cllOl(0(l."‘â€"~Ulubv. mm m m‘ Received from Our Own Ocmrespomients1 During the past Week. .Hallorylown. The Brockville district meeting of the Methodist Church will be .held here on May the 17 th. 4 COUNTY NEWS-LETTERS mum hot sugar lick. the “\‘t‘nts. the; fore the “ dude: with Nu-ir host nt‘dmhrgrm. Mmiv was gun 1; ”RIM“: ““44 ing fit-natal: young Innich‘i‘m nwl UM hmm. in smgcrs onjnymi the fun. W0 wnturu ancxuvm the (minim) thin. the financial put was not a nuvcma fur tlw proprictnr. ~ \Vlh. J. Hayes, a Mmlont of Qumn'si _ Colleen. 'Kingslon, has returned hpme. : "1‘ ‘5 - ‘ - . ' applied He M lookmg well mul enjoying g1 lamnto 1 v ' ' , , ' .1 health. \Yo Wish lnm |every success. 1 000 n“ r. D. Birmiuglmm. arising ymmg lawyer. hm dvcidul tn permanently lncato in Delta. Mr Hirminghnm hm hm‘ cmwiclvml‘lv murl. muvi'n- 22‘. I 1 31in, mul m’gm]. nm‘al : 3 onjnyfl ininn th Glen Bum. dddtson .- {311.358 1:1}me have heip our of need. day last there was am- and among the fashionable fun ttorson, of Groonbush, the fiftymcro farm of 13. iotor of the REPORTER, sosscsfion at. once. Wu H: the farm and appur- 1mm. b1 who require legal advice. The Methodist Sabbath School has been reorganized. Mr. A. E. Hicock is still the superintendcn‘. I,,,A L\-,. ' L'Dll III-J u”-.. fire Before this issue reaches its ma‘dem,‘ “1'8 Miss Mary Bulger, will have become )9!" Mrs. John lymoghue, of Westport. set Ceremony in Philipsville B. C. Church. the We regret to best of the illness of We Mrs. Wiltsc in ,‘Bmckvillo (mother of eati- | Mrs. J. T. Galligher), Mrs. G. has \USMjuat. returned from Brockvillc. where 3 on l she has been attending her sister Bell, VOIâ€" . who has been very sick there for some Guaraniced Circulatiboz, 600. .1011 Mr. Unz‘itt is building a house on his: lot near Mr. Ewing's. ' A.A.. Miss Maggie Hurt, who for some time has been attending schoul in \Vcsipm-t, has retuupnd home. Miss Comit, of Perth, is visiting the Misses: Hart. A limo son of the Rev. Mr.‘\\'right has bcon‘vcry ill with congestion of the lungs. lie is recovering. We are glad to see our pnpnlar mot- ‘ ‘ ‘ ' .I 1A IA \- C street. He has Been quite sick. Mr. Thos. Foster is improving his residence on Manila. u¢ "V,A__] thlucuuy ya --..u.-_ "n ‘ D. McDonald. Esq.,ls shmgling and: otherwise repairing his rcsidancu on Drummond st. : Mr. Wm. Simmons has added a. ver- andah to the north side of his house, which improves the appeauancc of his pleasant home. Dr. Preston, M.T’.P.. and wife, are expected home from Toronto daily. The dog fiend has struck the tow n. Jas. 3011 last a. valuable coolic dog last Week from poison. I, _II 0! BXPCUhUu uuuu. u u... l. u- .<-_-, The dog fiend has struck the town. l was a. (lecicled succesn, despite the In- Jas. Bell last a valuable coolie dog last l clement weather. The first port of the “700k “‘0'“ l’Oi-‘O‘L lprogrammc, that of partaking of a. John ’I‘ett has given notice to alllbountii‘ul supply of warm sugar, was having houthouses on his premises to entered upon with spirit by all present. remove the same. As the supply was unlimited, and was: John Hurt broke through the im served by willing hands, we believe whiloremoving hishont house. 110 that all were Well pleased with this reports the drink very cold. part of the progrmnme. On repairing Mr. Bilton has stopped the grading lto the auditorium of thor 9111er I, the of the railway on his premises, until proceedings opened with a neat spot-eh he is paid for the right of way, from the llev. R. N. Joncfi. Who 0c- Mi'. Wm. Yellen, and Miss Cather- 1cnpicd the chair. lie hrielly referred ine Baker, of Portland. were united : to the pbaaure it {fave him to see so r liin nmrriugo in the English chm‘ch lmnny present, in spite of tho disagree- ihere on Thursday last, 31,-, MSW-Q and nhloness of the evening, and at Once. Miss lingers-i assisting. 'l'ho audience millgd upon the orchestra, who gave ’33 small, hut wry upprm-intive. an opening selection in :1 first-class “'0 hour UH“ Allie Mf‘lllmillil l manner. vTho next number was a song leaves towu 10-11101‘1'0W llul‘ TOWHW. ‘ by Mrs. Jones, wife of the incumbent, where he goes into training. in order “31...”. this (mansion made her first .YO .lOi" “10 mounted lK-‘liOC in tho appearance before a li‘nrmersville im- l Northwest. dimwe as a vocalist. ”or selection. A loud of our young people went to “ 0h Fair Dove, Oh Fond Dow,” was Weslport to attend the Methodist 310W, sweet melody, sung with great sugar social on Wednesday fuming feeling, which the midimcc rewarded last, and rcportasWeet time. Young with an outburst of appreciative ladies from here are independent and applause. Johnnie Johnston then re can) pity their own “ scot"i--Eh. Sam? cited a well known selection froir A- - - ““1.-- 2A.. “mum... aimlmmmnrn. which Was 3 sequel to I time MHUH nth-m ‘‘‘‘‘ _ app1i(~.!"n.r%?. mm. 145 m be mantel, which will give tho city 045,- 000 revenue. ' ' ...Dnring the put three Weeks fines ‘ amounting to over 3400 have been im- poaed upon Scott Act violators in HIM ron foamy. 5 ...Thore is nndoubtod proof {113? I mac J’c u‘b oro. 1 QuomV-a I Hnthmhmd Ilnnkinfl (NH 1 visit. 10 horgisuvr MIR. 'l‘mc ‘ ‘ .SMM'I s. 15mm; licenses ln’we . "yu'. )f 1““ flowcqv'nnunt (‘nfi‘ i- . QGhMIS 2r [HON “5‘; l't't'll'll mfi n my th the priming Ball & Get Prices. E. MIDDLETOR Intyly put in a now planing. matching and moulding machine, and is turumg out some well finished work. IT 7?; mm that Dr. Errett, of Mer- rickvllle, will settle in Fannorsville. He recently gruducatod. and in a gold medalist. of Quecqjs University. Mm. Gamma UAnywzu. 1y pljc‘scnted with an mldra timonial by the members ( class at Partsmouth~.~ Kingston News. THE SALVATION Ann: 0 \ncdfiro hero on Sunday, and have 101d we“ attended meetings in the town hall. The ofiicots announce that the army. has come to stayâ€"-till Gabriel‘s trump sounds ifl’the morning. OUR nmnms will remember the tragic death of Mr. Graham, of Smiths Falls. which was caused by injuries ‘ received at the time his barn was des- ‘ troyed by a fire supposed to have been started by incendiuries who were aw tuntod by feelings of revenge on account of docoased’s efforts to enforce the Scott Act. Mrs. Graham recently received a purse of $211.50, ennui: buted by Smiths Falls and Farmersville sympathizcrs. Ax nxvmxrm sn’s 2 After you get. angry and stop your paper just. poke your finger in water, pull it. out. and look for the hole. Then you will know how sadly you are missed. A‘ man who thinks a paper cannot Slll‘~ vive Without. his support ought to go off and stay a. while. When he comes back half his friends will not know that he was gorge, and the other half will not care 9. cent, and the world at. large did‘nt li“‘]) any account of his movements. *ou will lind things: you cannot endorse in every paper. Even tllO llihle is rather plain and hits some hard licks. If you were to get, mail aml burn your bible i'ne hundreds of presses will still go on 'printing them; and when you stop your paper and call the editor names. the paper will still be published, and what is more you'll. read ivâ€"on the sly, and go half a. mile to borrow it, as We have known some of this class to do, who got. mad and stopped the REPORTER. , Tm: SUGAR Scam. last Friday eve- ning. in the. North Church, in aid of the Sunday School of Christ's Church. A; H. \ ... ‘0" lllillluxa. -..e by Mrs. JOHN-l, wife of the incumbent, who o. this oecnsion made her first appearance before a 1":n‘mersvillo my (lienve as a vocalist. ller selection. “ 0h Fair Dove, ()h Fond Dow." was a low, sWeet melody. suing Willi gram, feeling, which the audience. rewarded with an outburst of apprei-intivo mplanse. Johnnie Johnston then re- cited a well known selection from Shakespeare, which Was a sequel to a selection read by 'swlathcr immediate- ly hefore. C. C. . lack followed with la song entitled “ Your pocket. hook in your best friend," and in response to an encore. gave “ Never push a man because he's going down the hill." The orchestra was next called upon and responded ereditshly. followed by a well rendered recitation by Miss Simp- '90". Mrs. Cornell rendered in her lusnal felit-itous style the beautiful lsong ” J nanintn.“ . Mi'. W. ‘1. John- Eston, M. A., then gave a reading in ipopnlar style, after which the orches- . tm again made. iho walls re-echo with 'ituneful melody. o ‘31qu Stone yang it" SWmt Chiming Bells " in good H Voice, mu] wax followed by Miss; IlMt- riwell. who gave n plenking reeitulion ADDITIONAL LOGAL NEWS. mu] l’hu'hn to mhom‘ty kiln." Th th: mkcd t1) rmmut‘. M! mm! M \‘ Jam, ('01 h minmem I LAI‘ GE STOCK OF‘ ALL KINDS -012... BUILDING IATERIAL. ..le Mimrpf Kingston Nuts has been fined $5 for criminal libcl. Tho offence was political. ...I’lnughing was commenced M Lethbrldgo, N.W.T., on Much 16 and has procccdcdmeadily our time. ...Over 80.000 fédgo curds have been signed in the Ieflmdint Sunday schools of the Dominion time July. ....I .\. ()ufinot. MP. for {AM}, was .mlu‘ul {hula rnf tlw H mm of (,‘nm. ILI H ' Mr \I‘M'h vith an address and tos- xe members of his bible nrtsmouthvso says the my] pawl Ir. “NAM". his rfl‘um to u success ‘. sang ‘mmill QIICfil'k Mu mt HM (‘3 PM H'nlil W3 8 recon and i" 1mm " i HI (“c-mu com]! the Superigm make the on“ In" in good by \Ii~~< Urn-t 'um retitation ‘l u zinlz. (imr who nppmm l when Wright. rmpmmo ”HY I'M" M ll' n’rlns mp}

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