Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 16 Mar 1887, p. 4

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“tn-lolly “I udnuoe. 1.00 per Innum. or $1.50 if not pad within Ix months. No papers “attuned until all arreuu are paid. i deport" Job mum in fully equipped ‘-".‘:. we laws! 1-1)}?! 0! type and prefixed. Ind 99mm ewry favlllty {or turuhm out first- .ALA.‘. 517m mam: Our Roponer's‘mto Book Earned Inside Out. for the Benefit of tho Public. FARMERSVILLE, MAR. 16, 1887. Uh: wreath 3mm: UBLISH [-30 um IEDIESDH IOIIIIG AT THE OFFICE. ”0".“ "II". “Illlflllll. enterminnwnt of th- Farmoi-svilh- High Srho )1 Literary Society will he hél'l in the Nonh Church on the evening‘ of Friday, Ehe 25th inst. Look out for something rich. ‘ Baum MEN'rlt).\’.-~An immense number of saw logs are being drawn 10' Snundera' mill......(‘ordwood is being drawn to the village in large qiguritities......A large number of lots are being piled with lumber, stone and other building material. Never in the history of the village. have there been such extonsi‘m prcpnrationa for building as are being made this winter. 72.. F. van -N'r.«â€".\Ir.Jolmsmi, Head Iigh Sciioc . has been6 in past wee attending 'w father. who lived '19 [of l'un‘ollfl. A re» ‘ why with Mr. John 1 .... wment wa< unanimoum-i [y ‘m . 9m claw of the Higlll Svlnm. ”mat-y untertninnwm on Fri- day aheynnmi lust, of which reference is made m our notes of that meeting. It is with pleasure that we rem-mn- ‘ ml our vault”: in It)" “'cd’s (laugh yup. You \Villiind it especially use¢ lu: at mid seamn uf the yvur to cure and drnwm,’ check ("Hills and lung and ”Jun! Unan, All Llluggists. . Pr. my. 1" num- 012'.‘ of the :tema of Wood“ tactic“ 'm Inca] col Inn. ave cents Him: {or not Imo-Hkm and t we ccml pm- Jm- hr each subwqucut hm-rtl n. Transient l'f': iemenu. fl "huts par line at first film-n ' h sutmwlunnt "vacuum. a: cum pm- mwz mlva-rtlu‘uu-uu Inserted an. to- an. .HlvvrMseuwMo unnccmn Med vluuruclionu um be inuned I l for- u‘sed uccormnuly. l . bu 2, ~ gm before the Presbytery? of is’ i." at its rz-Hslull .‘lululity.i was :. _ .5. at on {mm Furmumviile, ask-l in: t r the sernccs of the Rev. Mini I’ullar. an nrdninud ministtvr. ,to be; associated with Mr. Richards in the; astorul monight of Farnn-rsvillc,- ,annowu, Muilorytown. Lyn ant]; Fairflchl. The members of the Pres-3: bytery were gnuified at the unanimity i of the petition and mgr'eetl to its re! quest. Mr. Kt-llok ms instructed toj obtain financial nitl from the Home1 Mission Committee, which meets in‘ Toronto this month. Mr. Pnllur was? unable to gixe hiu «luv-i-ion at once.‘ but took it into ills vnnsitlemtinn, and wilhf- hisuppmvul or disapproval st . 7 4.93. I if â€"-'.\lr.Poi'for, l’rintzipalof m; f i-mi, was called away by up, Monday morning, to a”; . znwrnl of his aunt. living new ”.2; As yet no particulars have rent-had us .....)lrs. M. Morris, of Alpenu, Mich, loft for home on Monday, after spending nearly two months visiting relatives and friends in this section ...... Mrs. Milk-r, of Parr Sound. and May. Levitt. of Broc ville, who have been visiting at Mrs. Chomht rlziin's. left yostvrday for their respective haunts. Mrs. Chum berlain accompanied the party to Brwkvilha......\lis.~ Judd, of Mallory- town, hiis.Joiiueil the Bulld of Christian Workers under tho RM. Mr. Savage. and goes tn Tuleoio this we. i! to :msigt in a series of meetings ...... Miss Bertha Boyd is visiting ht-r Hi-‘lfll', at Mrs. Lov;~rin's.......‘lrs. T. Knyle, Brock- villo, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. COI'nell......Mr. lid. Donovan is home after on extended and sticcemfgl com- mercisl trip. Agrflltblesung. West‘s Liver Pills will always be found a great blessing 10 those amicled "VI!" HVN’ t-nmplaim' dyp mpsia, indlgmlion,mnl sick hvntlnchc. hiny pm: 2251-. All chugging. REVIVAL Si:RVlcr:s.-~â€" I‘he meetings in'the Mednadist church continue with unabated intm'ext. Almut. 160 con-‘ vmts have jwnerl mm branch of the I) ~ m (".mjvh. pr have signifim ' uh - ' fining so. The nuns ~ mnk phwe on Sun- --:1 alhrom. 200 pur- Snppor. An in- ‘w: " ' '1' Un- M‘l'ViOC was 1 .. . . sewnteen converts ho ham um .m'ciu‘tl the rim in in- fancy The rormmny was pnrMfl‘fléfl Mthc ‘wv..\1r. lagers. aside! by Lm' Now. Mr. Smam, and the' scene wu my“: impressive. ‘l‘lmre 'M an immense hudwncd in the church Mon- FARMERSVILLE AND VIGINITY. dly evmingnwlwn Mr. Snmm- deliv- Ii‘td ln~ l'urv“ ell udtlrvm. fiv goes to xingnlfin. \“ln-tt' lw will hold a series of Inn-('Ylllgi‘ ulrmvly lwgnn by Mt. Nahum" le RHYlI'LN he has cun- ducted hvrv. and whirls wnro m suc- mfnlly inaugural-w! by Mr. Mahnml and the Miss-vs Shm‘y uml 17.91am. buo'beon wrj fruitlul in 40mm. npooiflly amen}; lllm ymmg men 9“ ‘ women of tlm m-ithmrlmoql. le owning meetings will .bu continued for I lime. ‘HYIv!IAL.â€"-0nr3uit~t lime town VII thrown into a nm-r of q-xcite- MOM. on Wednmdny last, by the mnouncemem that me of our mun popnhr young bacheiorn mu on “m thy “king unto himself a life put-mar. The intern-sting event In qneation wu- the munisge an the l’PSidOM'! of Mr. John Perch-a. Hume u. Brocu'ille. “M d the LYMU 0' Mr Me". :NTERTUIMEST -~'I'he first public TH E BICPOIKTIQR. ”VIITIIWG. JOB won. in”. B W rJTH l'EL' LUVENIN. Publisher und l'roprietur. Chilbluiunmul frosted tee! and hands cured with a few applications of H'uut’l World’s Wondcv or Family Linimcul. yAll drugg'Ms. Gunman-kn. o! this ion. to Milo Elam Pm’ml. Min-Vina Bib- bop, t‘oruorly of Addison. and u bfldwnlid. with Mr. FM. Britta! rrelormod the «mm of groomsnuu. The Rev. E. P. anl‘ord Almost! the marriage mmony.. he bride nu drum] in whit: wah lace trim- mingl and pear-In. and the bridemuuid in cream nun’u veiling, Ind both are said by gonuoiu u s to have looked ,t‘jul‘. losely.” Tho bridal‘ resents Were numerous, handsome an mostly, and tentified to the esteem in which the happy pail“ were held by a large «hole of I'm-ruin. Arte :- a!“ cerunwny auumpluunn rcpasl was pa'tuken of hy the my, ahvr which all repaired to thegu'l‘. R. station. to we the happy couple 011' on the wedding tour. The RErUUTER but v'oiees the pupular sentiment. whmn it. wishes them long life and prospurity. X Sum)“ I)i-:Am.--A lbw days ago, Mr. Charles Johnson. residing neur Elbe Mills, I'eeeived word of the sud- den death of his brother Marcus, at l'mutilla, Oregon. Frmn a private letter receivvd by Mr. Jnlmson, writ~ ten by a friend of the deceased. we ext act the following : “ The cmovner’s jur) decided that he came to hie death by heart dim-nu“. Judging from up- pearances he «linl without a struggle, on he WnS lying in bud us though asleep when death came." The fol- lowing extract from .3“ Orcgoq paper thrown; event : “ Last fall he [tliadeceascdl bought the Gleason ranch on loner Little Butter Creek, and being a bachelor he has been living there alone. He had a flock of sheep, but the ' have been kept camped in charge of h an McCumbur acme miles away from ihe onw ranch. Monday afternoon two of 180, Vinscm’s boys Went to Mr. Johnson’s ranch, and wvre horrified to find him lying dead in bed near the kitchen Move, where he had n-muved his bedding. Some days belore he had been complaining of a numbness of his left arm.” l ( mlng Chm-us. Reading. “ Lightning." J.‘ - A. )uké‘. lieciiutlmn the Dirnkard's Du h- wr, Miss Maggie Jnhnmn. Quartene. I ‘ 5 Misses Minnie and lora Slack. Mm Addlmn , and J. Patterson. loading. ” The Drummer." 3; Barry. Instrumental solo. W. ('hnpmnn. l elm”!!! in clmmcv-v, Mina Nellie Blanchard, :l’lunofmre (rut-f. Miss ohnson Ind Miss E Mnore. Dialogue. “The ole ln the Carpet," {Mien nollmny. 'l‘. Spence and J. Patterson. 1 l'lunoforur solo. Mrs. A. w Blunchlrd. Roe!» ‘uwyn. Miss Hill. [Worm solo. Minn L. -A dim". Handing. "Spain: d'm' Hon." J. l 1‘» urn-non. \‘nmir Chorus. Recitation. "Pass ‘ l'nalcr the Rod." Mlss l-‘lnrnSluek. Recitation. W'i‘mublc ln thv Anwn Corner." Miss Nor- ‘ Stcs'ens. Closing chm-us. Al. the co. Ellisirm of the programme 3(le (-hairnmn called upon the Rev. W. ib‘ervice‘ and Mr. B. Lovorin. who each gave brief spceches. On motion of Mr. Baum, seconded by Mr. Barry, 3 resulution ol‘ sympathy with the Prin- cipal in his bi-reaVemL-nt was unani- mously Curriwl. It was announced that the Society would probably give a grand public entertiimucnt on the Ievening of the 25111 inst. ' Mr. Jolmeon left here on Thursday last. to look after his brother'l estate. which is said to be valuable. Ilmu SCHOOL Luz-33AM SOCIETY.â€"-A 1;! e uudiem-e, composed of pupib an a good sprinkling of visitors, as- nembled in the principal'n room on Friday al‘temmm. the attrm‘tim: being the u~ual fortnightly entertainment. The programme is to be comnwndcd highly, and reflects great credit on Mr. J. Patterson, under whose din-cc ti0u it was prepued. Mr. W. Lewis, presiaed in his. characteristically huppy manner. We haw: nut space to criticize tho various numbers, some of which were oxcvllcntly rendered, am} must be content with the simple ennâ€" uucrntion of the pieces and the per- ihrmcru‘ names, as follows :â€" anetsyilla 8907133199. gre qmu 1-, , inn tlwmselvcs by shing through the iice. A fourteen-pound flkc wan ro- lcently captured, and excellent salmon mud Whitefish have 3090 been “ken. ' Ont general merchant is preparing to augment his alresidy largo “wk of merchandize by the udditiou of new :npring goods. Messrs. Fay und Chapman have purchumd a humane and cvdnr lot from 't‘hos. Dixie. and have men and mama drawing timber m the mi!ls ax this place. The timber is for railway 314nm 14.â€"â€"We are flawed to hem that our friend Mr. Du eld is recover- ing. He Was able to take a drive the other day with one of our pleasant young men, and wept us far as the great railway dump at Philli avillc. Miss Evclme Morris,“ V iarton. fnrmerly of Lansdowne Bear, in visit in her monx friends in this vicir'my. Mum: H.-â€"Miss Jennie Tweedy, who has spent the winter in Barrie, has returned here. and reports very severe wemher in the west. purposes. A puny of yuung folks left Lam» (lowne Rear for Chantry [out week, with the intemion of s ending a few days with the Pritchar a. We wish thgm u pleasant visit. If this warm Weather continues much longer. we may look for the pleasant face of our friend, the can man, with his boat. - MAIN! 14.--An 0L! resident, Mrs. ’I‘hmnpnon. has passed nay. wed 70. The funeral I‘I'Vil'e was hr“ by Rev. 1‘. Mcalnnnn. Methodist mmhtor. lltgr remains wrrp placed In the null. We no plmuod to lest-n that our on- lcrpl ising friend Mr. R. G. Murphy.th "E g dncidQ-d m remain on tho farm. in! well-l spite of all the nllurementa of South- 3 Illa Wu: am Culil‘nrnil. ‘ i “a“ The thort lee (‘lub gave a “WNW concert how on Thur-«lay niglll. 5.1:: it": People wen verv much pleased with ' mu; m” the uinging of Mrs. Frank prnnlds.|1em.,o Thwty “ Bolts and Tram " was mll F purchI-e a" . The liUlo il'ls Ibo sung ”Buy} ’ ‘n broom " sequin llu-nwlvla nicrly,‘ :; n u additional light on“ thc' s'ud Charlcslon. Elbe .Hflll. Eight. ‘U‘. m , l 7 . ”A3 01' 70310 LID "00!“! 00W“ 'Ptocoodn $83.00. which I. under- !mnd will I» aim: to m. 1mm ‘ Church. Weapon. ', Mr. Geruhom Wing bu secured thc ' mum orcheuemahr in the Union ! ctory, Elgin! He ha. also fomod :auothef Union by takin to himoelt's wife in the person of ham Wool. I lie in now the happiest looking III! 2 to be seen on the urge" 9! Elsi». The municipal Councilof Rear of Young and Ewan we! on the Nb iullH at- " o‘clockp ...nI all the memo has bvi Ig present. The following papers vii-re read by the Reeve and laid heiure the (‘ounciiz Petition from Wm. Foley and other ratepayers of road division \'0. )9; bill of auditors Ion-auditing the luunship and high sdmul accounts for 1886, amounting to $10. 00, also the RipoIt of Audi turn. Thd New England Ten held Ebro on Febuury Huh was a rent. Ounce-II. Prm-eeds, $100.00, to 0 applied on put-nonagu fund. Mmcd by Mr. Brown seconded by “r. Ha'luduy. That Frank Wiltse amyl Jug Bmun he allow ed to do their statue labor in road division No. 7 ; also that 8. Y. Brown be alluwed 0060 his statue labor In ma] division No. 20, and tluat the clerk nonifiy the an oral road tHclh‘t‘r'lH of same. Carried. 0n moiinn of Mr. Hallmlay the lollowiug changes in ihe appuintments of pallnunstera were nmdczulioad division No. 2), J. W. Mallory in the place of Goo. Lathum ; mad di- vision N0. 5. Owen Heifi'ren in the place of Jacob MOrris; road division No. 23, John Spence in the place of Jam. Spence. The auditors report, was formally neeived and adopted. Mr. Halluday moved, seconded by Mr. 1\Inulton."l‘hut the Reeve Clerk and Mr. Berney be 3 committee to revise by-Iaw No. 86, ” To define tlw duties of certain township ‘ofiicersf’ also to )rcpare a by-luw *‘ To commute statute ubbr within thelimita of the police Vilke of Furmersville." and to report at a meetin; to be called by the Reeve. Carried. Mr. Moulton moved, seconded by Mr. IIaHuda'y, That the account of Messrs Wilt-ac and Alguira for audit- ing. amounting to $10.00 be paid. Carried. The Council then adjourned till the 28th of Max, at 10 e clack s 11).. then to meet u Cour: of Revision, unless sooner called by the Reeve. GnAtx.â€"â€"Oats, pens and buckwheat are called for. Outs, 30c. : pens, 50 L0 550. ; buokwhvat 35 to 40¢. Cunasn.-â€"A few wanted at. 120. 1317me is in dnmnnd. and soils from 180. for fair to 20c. for prime. Bods are plentiful at 15(3. Lumâ€" There is demand for a quan- tity m from 10 m 12c. .. ‘ilibrzs fetch 84-25 to $5 ‘25; pc~ltu,50;to 80c. . HAY'sells from 88 to $0. MEALâ€"«Beef, $4 to 85 ; fresh pork in éond demand at 85.50 to so far mudium size. I’m-k retails at 8 to 10¢. Smoked ham-t Wanted at 10c. Pulrx.rm'.-Chickons are in demand at from 80 to 360. per pair; ducks, 6 to 70. per pound. ' Turkeys are want.- ed at from 8 to 10v. Arans.â€"-(.‘ooking. in demand at from 30 to 50 uts. per bushel; Eating Ap_plcs wantcdjp from _75 Lo 80 .cta.‘ li’UTkTOEH.“-TIIOSO“\bars are in do. mam] at frum 45 to 50c. Run BAGAS --«A few bugs would find quick sale at 85c. . Buns range from 81 to $1.10. Weenâ€"Dry hard wood. $8; dry soft wood. 82 to $2.25. 051m wanted at We to $1. Information was received in To- ronto on Sat. that Burk. Lib.. was eicclcd in Algoms by eight. majority. Went’storld's Wander 'h the marvel of healing. superior to an ulher Iiniments. “ways keep it in the house. All druggi.~ts Toledo, Marhh l5th, 1887 We will not be Undergold. DHAUNOY BELUMY. KITLEY MILLS The subscriber has .1 large quantity of Bran, and Shorts, .Buckwhmt Flour 8c, constantly on hand and for sale at his mills nenr Toledo. Pi'oxnox'lo. m Brocmlle. out }mnmmem 15m) HEIDS‘I’OIES and IOIUIEITS. HE subscriber offers for sale lhul well-hum" farm vommonly called Illa Wellllerheml farm. bein mm hallo!“ ..|I ln Ihe 7|lu-on. of our {V ung, manhunt of 1m actoo. nml a pa In! No. II in lhe 7:h com. home acrea. The two loin Il'jfll" and are well wmoml and supplied Wl'h plenu- ul Wood Our fuel. Terms, mm third vlnwu ,- balance to Mill pur‘chlx‘". Apply-m JN MARBLE UR GRANITE , d-Chenper man l..e Cheapest .co i Munufuctum and Dealer in all kinds of Brockville Cemetery FLOUR, and FEED, FARM FOR SALE. IL. EDIE (DAME. JAS. H. Bmcxnmm, Clerk. CURRENT PRIGES. (TIHNCY BFLLAMY. rok'do THE" BROCKVILLE T STORE ALI. 3pm ,, .5313"i2',' ' , Sign 01 the Big-‘eâ€"I I I-Blgg’u Ne“' block. From my long experience in the lmsiums and after closely studying the wants of the trade, I mum I have on band {grinds RB’IBOPE mad: PABMERSVILLE CARRIAGE WORKS. Establsh’d « gndruny parties who may see this ad. will not be doing justice to themselves if they do n 0 can and {E‘JUST 'WHAT IS WANTED”? INSPECT MY STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. Special attention as usual to 81109ng (St Jobbing Furmersville. March 9th, 1887. Low Prices, for Cash, Approved Credit or '-â€"â€"-â€"â€" Farm Produce. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Wt are determined not to be uccond in our business, but mean to be the first. Our goods we the best in quality and quantity, and will be sold at. OUR SPECIALTIES: Family Fluur, Pastry Flour», Graham Flour, (‘rnckell .. W'onut. Rolled Outs, Granulated Oatmeal. Our Sugars a. th- ‘ . ’Chfiapeflt. Self-praise is no praise; but a trial of our TEAS ' 4'51! do own; with _any nuod of ou_r praiue. In ()ofl'ces we defy (fum- When'fio want any and e\ e1ything in our 11$ 1 a small sum of money, the - place to get it is at DBYWGOE‘D'S "'(i'fio'éflilfsâ€"{wififié' 'E'E'Hhss, We wish to reduce our stock before spring preparatory to enlarging our promises. Look tbr Bargains. We haw: a few more pairs of those BARGAIN HIUSE -1-BUTTON IiID (‘£IQ()'\"ICS AT 55 C'I‘S Is Tm: uwwr PLACE TO BUY YOUR TEA. 4x101: WI .0011. am any with One Pound of Tm. ' I'E’Sec'nre winter good: white our stock is complete, at low prices. SINGLETQN. BROS DELTA, .-r_- “f ' HARDWARE MERCHANTS, The subscribers in returning thanks for past patronage, beg to inform the public that they have made infringements to have a full line of Builders and ('arriage makers Hard- wa'e reach us by the First Boat in the spring. Our gene I stock consists of a full line of Stoves. Iron, Steel, Nails. rews, Locks, Hinges, Paints, ('ils, Varnishes, and Glass, and a full ine of Gas fixtures and Cheese Factory Supplies. Prices Low. Grand'Trunk RR. The old ralioblo Short line out! only Through Cur route to MONTREAL, BOSTON. DETROIT. 'cmcmo'. hc.. ac. gram» tickets sold to 3“ points at rues .9 low a the lowest. Americm Cur'umcy Silver Ind Ill kinds of urn-current monies bought and sold M Clone“. RM... American Dnfla 3nd Cheques cubed. Tidal «lgcnt 'Dum imod on New York, cur- rent for payment in I" pm of the United Sum. on HAHN 8T. FAMERSWIIIBMEO J. 'THCMPSON’S GROCERY . . T. FULFORD. TAKE THIS IN! will for: thingxt 90_d_11_y:o§g[_g[egt_ludq_ce_ln£n_t§ l_0 pu_rcha.nicl:34 of rout! ' «adorned not" MONEY to LOAN Brockvillo. pifitIâ€"¢;I1._fialfrh dozim dim-rent kiillda lo filed frbm, inclhiimg line imported from Betanic Gardlws ; warranted pure. JIJBERS, and FANCY’ (iOODS. THE GREAT . WHDENNIS. B'ROCKVILLE. G. T. FUIJ’ORI). wquy, China and Glassware SOLD VERY CH BAP. ARCF‘. FARM to rent. ‘2; miles we” of Funmmvnllo. in a good condition Ind well watered. Slam home, driva- honse, buns. uhedn, suble- Ind outbuiId~ my all in I good sum of re If. , ’ cm W.“ um. 84-“ Fumes-nine. FARMERSVILLF. . INSURANCE AND LOAN Acumen ’ SHIFTS 3‘17.M,m. Rates In low as the lowest. For libonl settlement and prompt payment of locates the Royal {has no equal. API‘I'AI. swam-no. Persons with- in; m bomm will I‘m-I it to their udnnufl to deal with this Company. an "my chugo no he." fan. like outside. compnnmund hing I Iot'll institution ‘oormpondonco is in I- gm: ‘I'ncuuro 'u-oidod. For [mum pmiculnn n to loam and “autumn, app} to \.J.\.\IES. Inclwme 1.0-- i In"... Co. Royal Inc-n-ce (to-puny. BROWN 8: CO. FARM TO LET. D. FISHER. i‘nrmonvmo ;â€"-: Electra?" Ligl‘? :4; PHOTOGRAPIUC GALLERY, Photographs taken by Daylight or Electric Light. Bromidcs a Specialty. Psi-ties wanting phntogrnphs mlargrd should send them direct to the gully”, as all kinds of work in guaranteed first-class. at )oweu ‘Pnicu. Kong by. fiut- clues materiel used: and fiat-class unfit. omplo39d in cool: depart ment Those venting photos. or enlargements should ml) and inspcct our work :- w Advertise Nothing but what we Can do. R. H. (iAnMBLE, -‘- - Photographer. SUCCESSOR TO A. C. McINTYRE. 3-29 .Ihv‘mga few S'I‘O'\'Efl on hand which we are anxious to cloacout we will continue the offer made by Mr. Percival and give :1‘ Prize ora Donn extra um Knives 0‘ Park» to each Customer Wm puuvlmses a move at regular pnices for cash. The subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of Fumersxillo ind surrounding country that he has purchased the stock and business of J. 11. Pack 31, and wiil carry on the business of "STOVE DEPOT." Tinsmiihing in all its Eranohas AT (Pill? 01 J) S'I‘JXNI). Karley’s Block, Main Street Opposite G‘amble House NO OLD, OUT-OF-DATE BANK RUPT STOCKS. NEW . SPRING . Goons. @PEIPLE’S STORE; PH I L. WILT‘éail, GENERAL MERCHANT CROWDED WITH PEOPLE! BARGAINS 1'0 SURPRISE THE PUBLIC, ' :3- TEAS AM) (onus A SPECIAITY. a nighm prim Paid for Farm Pmddctn. .. MILL-MEN! 3) ' THRESHERESI Save Money FARMERS "r ' m we ”‘12 .IRL‘ ROI/3’0 TO SELL 2011’}!!! (.‘IJJ‘T. PHILIPS]! THJJ‘ OUR «"121 “HBORS, ' tar some HAN rl-‘AC'rvmzns. McCM' 8m. & co. Tommo LARMNE' Soldd y H. W. Bench. Farmenvilh N WE ARE OFFERING. Regardless of Price, Cost or Sacrifice! BROCKVILLE, â€" ONTARIO. . M :COLL'S‘ FAMOUS :: LABDINE :: MACHINE :: 01L, And furthermore we are in a p mition to do 30.3.1 you will be convinced by calling at our 3101-0. where we an .hmwing out Cheap Cash Store. LAMB 83 DAVIS! )N. -:BARGAINS:- CASH ! CASH 1 CASH! To-day than have ever been offered in Farmersvillo before. and our store has been EE EEEEEEE EEEE OPPOSITE NEW POST OFFICE. FARMERSVILLE From morning until night securing ‘he Bl'Pzaiuon To 45'" IN CANADA 1"x&I{MI‘3R.S\' l I 411173. And convince them that. we are tlm WE ARE â€"â€"-â€"~â€" ‘V. I“. I“ 'a P‘ CEMENT-S! WILL

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