Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 9 Feb 1887, p. 1

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V}; ll 41” J. c. Judd, , ' LE3.ART€IS.TER, J‘ETC”; n will pay the above Reward an my case of Dyupepcia, Liver complain, Sick nominal", Indigestion or Continuou- m cannot euro with mam-'3 LIVER ms, whoa the Dinctionl m attictiy compliant with. 1.1th Box“, confining 00 Pills, as Cents; 5 808°- .1 90. 3914 "mm Kalsomhu-r, Pupn‘ "augu- and Glaxltr. ' 0NTR.\C'IS mkt-n fur innnle and (ml- 9.1.» work at alum»! prices. Rtffii- tlvm‘v ll!‘\‘ In Bernvy‘s Livmy, Mum £51.. Fau'nwrsville. HOUSE PAINTER "HUS? I [Must Myles. wants 0,! gm MONEX‘ $500.. 00 R EWARD i'SEASONABLE LANI‘ SURV BARRISTER, ET f ] h'ockvillc ( )Mnt.9 “ Diseases 0! «remain from 1 to 3 p. m. Dr. Vaux, C urt House Ave., Next Door to Post Office ] SI} C)CI{ \' I [41419. l. A. ll l'T(‘"FRON Imam Building Law. flowing. cupmm. ’ um, Shingles, mu Pickett, B. J. Saunders, B'. A. Sc. 0. Dre. Cornell & Cornell. PARMERIVILLE . - ~ om. )flive, two doors Ens! of Con rt House Ave Ir. M. B. CORNELL wul be at home Tuesday a, Ttfilmln ”sand \ tunluy .~ blh‘PEyClAL CONSUL’ ATIONS. ’ â€"&c., kc.-â€"-. AT VERY OLOSEST PW l Butchouon & Pinker. hrflsters, Solicitors, Convmncers, &c., BROCKVILLE FARMERSVILTE, $60,000 to Loan at 0 per rcnl. me ,, a. CORNELL. mi 1 a. Luann; L. n. 1).. can r\"\NTl':_l):_-é anntiu or! \V n1. \" obs! (-1-, The Gamble House, Anh, valuck and Tuna-lit foal! n'so a law Basswood and Elm. ' thttaaioml 01::er DONIN.ON AND “ROHNFIAI Draughhmmu, 50.. TC) LOAN AT THE LOWEST RATES. FAR EBSVILLE FRI-II). l’ll‘.R(‘] unlly fm‘ni Illl‘h‘ DEA LER VIEI'V 1 Â¥ A RN ETT. UZRHV! hm! {hm Mention (n1 \ 31rd W. G. PARISH. “RAINIER Oflice' hours All um! I A. FISH}; ("NT "=“r‘W'lKESBARRE’ W T. Mccolioug'h. Elcctm- l ’lzlte, \Vutchcs, Clocks, and JMVCIIOI') Those marhiuvs Will be left on haul for a wamnmbie period. and no nle Mule” a fair trial prnvvs llwm lu we sMinMctory m the customer. Read our circularu’cme- fully. . C()N N ()1:’S IMPROVED WASHER! Best Washing Machine in the Market. CONSTRI'C‘TED ENTIRELY 0F MA] LE A1 1.1‘ 111051, QALVAN- [ZED IN THE BEST ‘I’HSSIBLE MANNER. ANTI-FRICTION UF’ARIXG, RE- QUIRING NO OIL. = Best in the World! FRED. CLOW'S. FARMERSYILLE. THE EAGLE SOLID WHITE RUBBER ROLL ICRS, VE'E‘UANIZED T0 SllAFTS. "”1?” SerdmcduR D. Judson 85 Son, WATER .s'r., Buoc‘xvuuz. COAL! COAL! 1’1! 1‘ HI‘N'I‘F» ‘ VOL. III. N0. 7. (Mice and Yard. SEE R. W. CHALIS, Agcn’t, Farmer:=vil|e THE WRINGER. AT SI‘ITS 01.1012 ['1’ 13‘ THE lul'I'EST STYLES .JT 8'" (AR-Tr J"0TICE. .l ondnn. ‘. THE ow RELIABLE Tailoring House A. M. 0111155an FARMERSVILLE. Cabinet-making in all its Branches. UNflERTAKERS, Fashimmhle Tailoring I 'l’S'lXXIIIS, Under 'the B'Ianagemcnt of John Baillie. DESIRABLE" dodns z EARN If} K S“ L LE. Charges Moderate Infalllblo Blood Purifier. Tonic, Dlureecio Loss of Appetite. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Billlouanosu. Jaunc‘lico. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism. all Kidney Diseases. Scrotum. Diseases peculiar to Females. Salt Rheum. Ex mama and all Skin Lisoases. Headache, Palpitatiou at tho Heart. Sour Stomach and Bout. Bug“. I‘furgly \'egotublo._ GLOSEST LIVING PRICES. I‘l;\.l.N ST", [marinaswmnn w- YOK Ha ARNOLD’S, Jonx (L wire? ii- (‘n . Toma-son nut. GO TO ()F Farmersville, “Wednesday. February '9th, 1887. ‘1)1‘ TH] ‘VTRD. )R I GJNA L DOCUMENT sprung. ‘ ' The snow in heaps lies ’round each cot- lor‘s door, \Vhilu ho within makcg merry bythe (ire, Laughs at his hopeiul wcé one, on the floor, «x.- In vain attempt to imitutcthe swim. Hé now wnh love hails his good wile“ rulurn, “ awny- ' They look like objects outlined on the sky; Their snow-clad tops with scattered .pinc Th; merry masons from the eaves have flown, The nriulc and robbing taken wing. But soon will gc‘nml naturu claim her own. Again they’ll swell. the anthem of the or I '7' look gray, Agiumstrtheir sides the driven snow piles izh. The wimlmg Fido} that bubbles ’neatll thé hill, Its mu~ic hushed, its murmurs sad and low ; ‘ And like some weary reaper, Inc. the mill ls resting from its labors, draped with snow. The village strecls are covered o‘er with snow, , The school ground hushed, the merry~ _makers Mill, The ’ciclcs from the eves now reaching low, The merry sleigh bells chime, “ ’lis win- _ tor chill.” The Charleston hills sevrfi bleak and far an, sweepmg over landscape blc: Ik and ham, : " And through each rustic bower of leafless Hem, 0M Boreas slings the bnlmv autumn air And s\ :135 the dronpimr elIII III the breeze. To my loving mother the merits of 'ilii little poem are aacrihed. I say merit! because I hope there are some contained therein. Some of your renders have censured me with plug- iarism ; while on tho other lumd, my occasional verses have been apprecia- ted by a few good friends, and kindly welcomed by yourself and able staff. to whom i feel indebted. Of the little poems I have offered you from tinn- to limo. I can say to all, no 0110; can point to their frailitius as Wt“ nsi I myself; though they, “13W: in nmnscl mo, and cost me some labor at least. i At ( Bum . [Cm-h \vnrullamU vine is sleeping ’ueath the snow. No chmms arelhere fond lovers to inspire, No S()Ull$'.:11V0 this. the sluniv woodman’s Church of England. (‘mus'r‘s (Tut'm‘n._uev. R. N. Jonm. incum- bent. Son-vicv vwrz; Sunday gt 7.00 p. "1.. ex- cuptlng the wound . unday In the month, when survive will he lu-lcl at 10.30u. m. “013' (.‘mn- mnninn aftur nmrninu; prayer. Sunday School at 2.30 p.111. Service every Thursday at 7.30 pm. Scutaullfrcc. ‘ Baptist. Sunday services at In. 30 (Jan. 23d. Feb. 20th. March 20th and April 17 omitted). Prayer and praise meeting (Wm-y Wednesday evening at 7. All welcome. Nov. 8. Sheldon: pastor. Service in the lluptlst 1‘ Evening at 7. Rev. Mr Sundar Scmml at :30 p. m. Duncan Fisher. Smmrin e‘mluntv 1mm: Lln‘AnA at L30 p.m.. and flnuums‘s at 3.15 J. 111.. Sunday. J um: 13th. and every altern- utg blnuh thereafter. ' ELM: a? I'Jfllntunrl Tnlvnms‘ at 3.15 .m. Sunday. J un‘ rum. and ovary alternate Bab uth thou-after. Farmersviliv Circuit. Rev. (3. Rogersmastnr. P‘Aliuxiisvx.n.»< Sabbath services in the South Church at [0.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Public meuruuwiiug Thunday evening at 7.8).. in hi! North t‘iuimh. and \ nung People's moot,- iug Saint-day: signing}! 7.2!). ‘ 7 ‘ WAénuunxn‘s and HARD ISLAND altomutely irlday evenings at 7.1!). (‘W '. save this, the sturdy woodman’a r bueh is hushed thé feathened CHURCH DIRECTORY. lluptlst Chiral) every Sabbath Rev. Mr Rolwrts. Pastor. ‘6 “null”. WINTER. “gown. mans: lhc nan“ at once profitable, 'healthgiifing Lyme fire, 11le exciting can' be had during the w, on thelsummer (season at' trifling cost, on this most beautifiul of inland waters. The fi<hing facilities in timer nil-beta Are unsurpassed hv any m the provmce d are perhaps alums}. equal to any .thc Mntimnt. Th'ominv“ ‘- ""09 ‘i re. 00d wilc‘ 1F'"“h"':.‘n IN VERY POOR ' CONDITION We might go on and enumerate doz ens of other buildings that are either ‘ umler way or which will be common. loud as soon as the frost is out of the l ground in the spring; but we prefer plevotiug the remainder of this article ito showing to those of our readers ‘ who have any inclination to come here to settle that few towns possess the advantages that F armersville does as a place where those seeking a good hentlhy and thriving place for a per- ’m:ment resilience can come and find a little town possessing in a marked de- gree all the essentials that go to make its inhabitants prosperous and happy. With the completion of the Broekville, Westport & tiault St. Marie Railway, we will be placed in direct commun- ication with all the great thorougf‘arm to the east, west, north and south. There are no sluggish streams or ponds in the immediate vicinity and conse uently all kinds of malarial discus s are unknown here. The proximity to Charleston Luke greatly enhances the value of a prolonged sol journ in this inland village ; for sport N. \Villimil lms nluwly unumenced getting material on the ground for a dwelling on Church street. I'lxil. Wiltso propo§os putting in a new plate glass front to his store early in the spring. Wm. Layng has got ,matorial outlnc ground for a large carriage Shop and dWclling house on {West main strmt. [coxcwnnn] In looking into the future of our town we think that everything bete- kons a prosperous era before our citi- zens. Although the building operations last season were larger than ever be fore, the outlook points to next season as likely to far surpass any previous year in the number of new buildings likely to be erected. A prominent contractor informs us that over twenty- fivencw buildings are already pro- jected for next season, and that al- ready a. large amount of material is on the ground ready for operations as soon as the weather permits. Let us glance briefly nto few already under way. A. Parish & Son'hnve a large quantity of stone, brick and sand on i the ground for their new store and Tpostofiice. This buiidiug will be 40 x 100 feet, two stories and a basement. Jas. R058 and J. P. Lamb have the plans drawn and some of the material on the ground for a large briox block, to be erected on the present site of the drug store and Thompson's gro- (-ery. There is a. possibility of D. Munsell, putting up a. block to connect Bum-11‘s store with the building to be erected by Ross and Lamb. The Great Bargain House is to be enlarged and renovated during next season. John House has cmnmenced proper- ntions for building a large brick dwel - i inp: 0n \Viltse street. D. \Viltse 1 { making yn‘epnrations for buildng on; Henry street. Mrs. Stone will pro- ! habiy «rent a house on her lot next to the i‘t‘hilicllCfl' of Rich. Arnold. Jud-. son 6.: Son propose met-ting 9. large show and work room on Victoria street. ITS PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE. FARMERSVILLE. hgalthgiidng max 3: m on UN St hunl ”and that mun} Mum-'1 and '\ w H M to.» littlv used vbook k11-mnn~thc “Haw B' m} :1“ 11mm!) ‘l‘il' a» Rideau Record: In vnfi‘ml-‘i school sections thlowhnu‘l the Provmce of Ontario where Conservatives; are in the It" the wheat were loaded in wagons placed in line on a road the line would encircle the earth at the equa- tor_tmd lap over. It; would pave a. highway for 105 miles with dollar bills. It would take seven years' wheat crops of all Canada to pay it. If used to purchase wheat at $1 ,a bushel 24,500 trains of 20 cars each would be required to haul away the whegt: county. $300 for every family. $50 for eVery man, woman and child. ( ‘ ‘ If piled up in silver 35 trains of 20 cats each would be needed to carry it away. ' ' The gross debt is $171, 000, 000. This IS over $1, 000 000 for every con- stitucncy. ‘ fl 7 fl , , ,, .1" ”n“ “on tn!- “1.: nvhono flaky-4n Ifl has increased $75 a minute under Tor)“ rule. t'w railxxav wiH gise, our population our merzcmtilc and mmmfacturing in- '(‘Yflfifu nhu‘ nnr gilluinOiovml. 33’3““. «catty arrcs Should be doubled during the next. two 01 three years. FACTS ABOUT THE PUBLIC DEBT. The future of Farniersville will, to 11 at extent, be maul-ind by its 0 izens. The natural advantagesere great, and to these have been added, by the enterprise of the residents. a system of educational institutions which should go far t wards making our town famous, and 311kb, in fact, do 'co11t1ibutc lmgely to 0m progress and advancement. Let the past and present commendable ublio spi1it and private eutcrprise OFOUI citizens he dev clopod into aggressive life and 111mm, and let no opportunity of a ld'nm to our resoulces be lost. Then, uiih the impetus which the opening of Another thing which needs improve- ment is the state of our sidewalks. Those we have, with the exception of a few pieces put down.by private en- terprise, are m adilapidated condition. while some streets which are lined with residences on both sides, are al- most entirely without walks of any kind. This winter there are whole streets which have not yet seen a snow shovel. and it is no infrequent sight to see ladies wading ankle deep; in slush. Anthwe' know of severnll large property holders on the principal streets, in front of whose premises the snow is allowed to remain from the first full until the sun melts it of! in the spring. What the town needs is a strictly enforced snow hy-law. We have pointed out Fermersville‘s ad- vantages which would atti-ect‘strangers to it as a. place of residence; and if improvements are effected 0n the lines suggested by us, the repellent disad- Vantuges will have been removed. hook and ladder company in a state of efficiency would be smal‘, and would be more than met by the consequent decrease in insurance rules. The anfiual interest, is 821 a minute. Guaranteed Circulation, 600. £00,000 for the avjmge Ontario THE ROSS BIBLE. The Globe 'exl VOiCOfl. and th several chorm sustained tlm alike to Prof. sts under his} Miss Soper, as Queen Est}: Very natural and unaffected 1 itutiou of the character. Her 1fuseinatingly sweet and pure, an rendering of the several solos all ito the part won the admiration of a who were present. Mrs. H. E. Eyre did exceedingly well in the cnaracter of Kermit, which called for the dis? play of considerable histrionic ability, to which she proved mrself’ equal. Mrs. l)enm1t,as illuz'rl 0. Manor, and Miss J. E. Denant, as Pulp/late”, acâ€" quitted themselves well. Unfortunately, the latter caught a severe cold, and, being unable to sing, her part was When by a substitute the. second night. The Qm'rn's .‘lftmulmm, Miss E. Barlow and Miss S. Dennnt, and the young; ladies who waited upon errrh (Miss Toda. Denout and Miss M. Barlow) de- serve favorable mentiou. The. ’ing found a representative in Mr. W. W. Foster, Smiths Falls. who did fairly well. Mr. E. Tunny. of Woodstock. gave a. good representation of the character of Human, looking'and aetâ€" iug the part in a manner worthy of praise. Mr. R. M. Percival, as Mor- decai, “ kept up his own end " remark- ably well, and it can be truly said that, appearing as he did with the two semi-professionals last mentioned, ho sufi‘ered nothing by the comparison. His acting was especially commend- able. The support given by the mi- nor chamrters was ovocllent. The chorus was (:nlprnnCd of: neurlr sixty King. . . . Human. Harb< Scribe.. Hera/cl. Zereah.. King‘s Pages Ze’rcsh's G M I'ds Queen's I ’ages Jim-(land ............. Mr. R. M. Percival mum; L'stlu'r........ ..Miss Addie Sopcr Mm"! qf Ilmzur..Mrs. W. H. Dcnaut, ' Prop/“fuss... .......... Miss I. E. 1) High I’)[¢st ......... Mr. 12] 1M' I )..,.....’.. lu.....l«...:- Queen's Attendanta Last Thursday and W evenings the commodious town at Delta was filled by intelligent audiences. as- sembled to hear the charming dm- matic omtorio of Esther, resented by Delta amateurs, under t 9 direction of Professor 0. M. Lewis. Following is the casts of characters: ' Carreyed." " Canroyed that we put. it Out." “ Moved, seconded and carried that. we Dom want no Homemade Scrip- tex's in this country, and resolved that. we will Have the Bib-J, the 11010 Bi- bel and nothink but )6 Hole Bibiel. .fll Goods Bought an (‘hcap m Possible, for (um, and will be" sold at prices to mm“ the “ma. We turn It out And plkt in the other one.’ A. PARISH 85 SON. " NOWHERE CHEAPER.” Establishe' An lxcollont Performthco by Delta! Amateurs- Dmmoons. Gnocsn'ms. BOOTS AND SHOES, onocxzny, BUILDING HARDWARE, Mn, &c., kc. OBA’I‘ORIO OP ESTHER. c mannorin which 1.113 as were taken up anu )uuhout was creditable ( Masté JE“‘B. 11 .‘u

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