Thais: luttet‘u weaved Iroui nun at In“ time were dated March. 1363. From that day till a few Weeks ago no news was heard. though there were many rumors that ho was dead. Tin-u there came a letter from him dated Decomlmr. 1685. and another. the lat- est received. (lute-d July, 1886. from Wandeâ€" lai. The last arrived three weeks 0. If“! an extraordinarily ra rid journey of our and ahali mouths. ’l‘heselettcrs were publilhod. and the AntLSlavery Socit't)‘ of London im- modiately lastitioned the British Govern- ment to send an expedition for hil relief. This was f0â€0\\1‘(i by a petition from the council of the Scottish (.lcogruphical Society asking the Government to send a paciï¬c re- liei expedition. About tliesamo time Stan- lev wrote to some frnnds in this country, ofl'ering to lead a Government expedition for the relief of limit]. Ills services were offered gratuitously. and he also said that should another leader be chosen he would give £500 to the exlwdition. The British Government considered the different I mmriuls and were forced to take action )y events at. Cairo. Unknown to them, Dr. SC‘HVL‘lllfUl‘tll. the African traveller and u. frimd of 15min, brought reat pressure to bear upon the Egyptian rovernment. 'l‘ln-y raised l'Zmin Buy to the ran of l’aclni. so that he is nov Emin Pacha, hus recognizing his position and their responsibility. They also voted £10.00 to any expedition for his relief. Their ctien altered the matter t‘mmidi“ ï¬g} ‘hc British Government had (on- su ere WWW! been recalled and was holding out gaiztet orders. This, however, is not the (act. for. on the testi- mony of English missionaries at Uganda. the letters of recall sent. via Zanzibar. to Emin, were opined by King Mwanga and destroyed. A 145160136»). nyl : The Ipsthy um} lug long ï¬muilod regurdmmm Pugh: 1: quickly 0 urging into an earnest dean to land bun help before-it in toohte. I 1878 Dr. Emiu Bey wnswm by Gen. Go on to the Equatorial l’ruviuce 0! Africa .3 Gov- ornor. When he took thu punt there was an uxnual deï¬cit n! .mmm; in 1881 he sent down £4,000 surplus mwuue. In 1833 he was in Khul‘tumn xu:\| Mfg-red t0 the authoritiei to try uml make pcucv with $ ‘ Mahdi. Thvy rrluswl his hvlp. and 1; him [0 go bark l hi~4 l‘rovilutu. develop it and protect 1H Joulivm. From that day to “xii be lu-u-r luul ucws nr orders {roux the Ex pudm (nncnmuul nur mpplius. The flat Emu-rs mu ivcd from Emu at that ThoJBritish Govwnumnt than accepted the 9134): o! mums» priwh) individuals to equip a. relief expedition with Stanley us the lender, the Egyptian grant to be given to_ Hm! cxpcditimx. ‘VliateVe‘r expedition goes should carry relief at the earliest possible moment. Already the (low rn ncnt delay. and nothing is to be done till .1 unker arrives in London. He has been in Zanzibar a. fortnight, and could have been telegraphed to. lie loaves Zanzibar today and will he here in three weeks, a. loss of live precious Weeks. Very probably this will be the Urn-don history over againw“ too hue." Emin Boy, it is mid, hml mnmnnition enough to lust him to the end of the your, prov‘ded he is not nttzuzkedr if he falls the isult will be to lmml ovvr t0 the slave dealers u. population: of six millions. l'linin Pucha having retained LL province which is nearly as large as l~lumpe intact from slavery. Both domestic slavery and slave dealing have been entirely abolished there since 1880, while the people have been taught the arts of Weaving: and cultivation, and roads have lwvn mmlo. The people themselves have most valiantly tlt‘ft'IKlOll their liberty and pror-sperit;V against outside aggression. but it may he tun lLLtt‘. Another Bxpoditiï¬i lle DIuconrwn o'n lilu illness. tlu- l'nlltl- val (‘rislsuml the Plan nl’ ('mnpulgn. A London unhlo says : .\ reporter mlh-(l on Mr. l’urm‘ll at llne l‘limtnn Square llutcl this evening. 11v prmontml his mml and was promptly admitted to Mr. l‘nrnull‘n apartments. Mr. l’nrnoll lnnka nnu-h paler and thinner (lmn nt thi- ('lul uf the lust Hos- aion. but he ii-a evidently making good pro- gress. He will that his physician belie-Veil that he will be atmngm' than for nmnfv years. Mr. Parnell uxpluinml that he had not yet gzrnntl-«l personal interviews on political subjects. us the fatigue and excite- mtmt would bv too much for him. but he was willing to make (in oxccption when in- fornmtion was sought for the American public. He will Hint his illnusn became ac‘ cute about thovmlof()(,-tnhor,but for several months prnvimialy ho haul been losing flesh, Al . ......< rag lewfli‘y n( â€w v: he was nnwillh either Jmtivc () both of whun partismm. whn l reward fnl' pnlit notorinuuly hm Thorn mu ('0qu as wcll an m th 0181’." (‘OHHHHN be ï¬nally ..I1:l('l opininn‘ of rpm ‘ enmmimfla mp will lw nuly M breathe thr- a whivh the Low tion. lvgnhrml f N W. :\ TALK \VITH PA RNIJIJ rLyon Mayfair up: it um“ .10 Hull! ‘ to m apnnml of Huh upnn an animal MI mm about mutton, nr ham diet '. mm on when broad dict ; 15 cents (M at! of duh on an anneal dial. and uh to: u pound on a potato am. Hos for ('nvrriun. Rvunrulinu tho llw-vnmpnigzn. Mr. Parnell mid. [milling tn mko mo law (mm tivo O‘Brien urJnnï¬co Johnston. whnm wvrv strong pnlitiml who hm] ru‘t-ivml. tht'ir nï¬lvos in r mliticnl avrvit‘l‘s. and who were mom's mucosa. 's in any case. bomustvthk 00f «mm-Mu- uvnoml [undem- 1 1110 campaign hm! boon (‘OH' m fm-t that tho nhjm-t M NH ml of tho campaign prnmnt mv. nnmoly‘ chntnf obtaining abntonwnt from unyielding ‘mkt-n nwny many uf tin (or ('m‘rt‘iun. lh'uartling [ht fully m. riuht rv strong pnlitiml «wind. Hu‘ir (â€Tu-vs in ‘rvicvs. and who were uf nmdiovro ability. in Hm judgment itsolf wlmnntirm. " In any I'M-no“. “ ‘f it should mu it u \f flesh u‘ mutton. I‘M] (“fl uuthm ' Wi‘fl dwl Hm high legal Hmrih 1‘. mt Hw MN? I‘mm-I Mn iâ€˜ï¬ H. uni. “ml mflym t of combination {tc-r mm-h «gim- \mrkmon undnr mix-m hm! rant yet mun farmers." \-T LLI T. Chamberlain Autumn» Got the LII-cull United Ania. A last (Thursday) night‘s London cable â€ya : u is said thus Lord Htflington will be asked to “5qu the oflice of Prime Minister. 0n the other ud, it is re- rotted that he will be pro! to take Lord {undolph Churchill’s place as leader of the Government party in the House of Com- xuouu. Lord Huntington is at present in Rome. The St. Jumcs’ Gazelle Buys that if ï¬nancial reasonb explain Loni Randolph Churchill‘s resignation from the Cabinet there is nothing tobe said except that there is not much to be deplored. but if the Local Government Bill was the cause. then the Government has grievpnsly qrred: ‘1‘ The Echo says it believe? that Lord Run- dolph Churchill's resignaiioa‘hvas due to an essential divergence of opinion with the rest of the Cabinet. ‘ Mom to Get Lord Ewing's» the Tory mum. , The Evening New: says patriots are pained and surprised. It asks Lord Ran- dolph Churchill to juufily his course. warning him that if he does not his name will never be heard without exviting ex. asperation. II LA 1:12....IL Lu. Tl}; Ulobe says it would be difï¬cult for the warmest admirers of Lord Randolph (‘hurchill to vindicate his gteg. The Pall Mall (iuurtr declares that it will be'impossible for Lord Salisbury to govern unless Lord Hartington steps into the breach. It. says it is impossible to con- ooive of any hy thesis upon which Lord llnrtington con d defend. morally or politi- cally, a refusal to accept the post which Lord Randolph Churchill has vacated. The Queen sent liar pi‘lml: secretary 0 London today with u. message for Lord Salisbury. Thu rosignutiun of Lord Churchill was proclaimed through the streets of Dublin this morning by it bell-mun. The populace showml enthusiasm over the news. The Carlton Club (Conservative) received the inn.) "'rnt of Lord Randolph Churchill‘s resxgnution with surprise and regret. Lord Ilartington Will return to. London immediately, and until he arrives the Marquis of Salisbury will remain (llllt‘SCt'l.t. It is thought improbable that Lord llnrtington will accept RANDY’S RESIGNATION. nglmmllnn of his mmlmrt. An informal nlt‘Dtlm: nf (Elmlstmlinns was hold at the National Lilwrul ('Iul) tzi-night. 'l'lu'n- \ms much rvjnlcing over the pruspcctiw breaking up of the (‘nnsvrvan-l‘nic'miats conlitinn. and the { hope was vxprvssml that thn gradual to. nppmncltmont of the ('hurvhilH'lmmbor- lain alliance to the (‘nlmlstonimm will n-smlt. in the court of tlu‘coming seasion of l‘arlianwnt. in the otnrn of Mr. Gladstone to ofl'u‘o. ‘ , ‘ Mr. (‘hmnlwrlnin made a speech at a. pri- vatpmoothng of the Birmingham Liberal ('mmvil lMt vvvnitl '. “Ho. “34,3â€. â€AW ‘ allktatloix {mg .‘m bk F‘a‘é‘n nmry nmrmcn am. It mm mm“): chnnvod within twenty- fnur hum-s. ~‘-\lthonuh." he continued. " l haw nltru dim-rod from Lord Randolph (‘lmn‘hill l haw never failed to do jmmco to hi! gn-nt ability and quick appreciatio’n nt‘mhlic- nvntimvnt. Though reared in old} 'l‘urym“. he ‘lma rt‘pl‘ntï¬lly ripen suprior to it. and hm ‘msit‘mu in the present Gov- ermm-nt “m n guarantee to me that they Would not pursno n tractionar)’ pollrv. (‘lmrrhill's revvnt "vi-whoa (liï¬playod Lil)- omla princip‘m on the most important quoï¬timw. "is rmimmtiun ia it very signi- nmm one. It seems old Tory influence hu THE IRISH J UBILANT. 'l‘nrylsm. he nan rcpt-"truly I'll-r" ammuuu tn it. nm-l lm position in the pn‘scnt (inv- (-Tnmnxt \\:\\~ :1 mmmntco m mo that they would um pun-1w n tmminnnry poliry. (‘lmrvlnll's remm spï¬wlu-Mlisplaycd Lib- omb principles on thc most important quostimw. "is rmimmiiun i4 11 wry signi- (want one. It seems old Tory influence but gnined the upper hand. The keynote of Churchill‘s policy wan tn maintain the alli- Imcc with me l'nlonms. I thought that perhaps the Tories Inf! grown who by exmricqcc. 913.1 mm tropued to govern in - Q l A -_JA.. A» LA-.- _ (,‘hm‘t-hill‘n ‘mlu-y \ma tn maintain the alli- nnvo wnh Hm l'nimnnta. I thmmht that porhuvï¬ the Tories hnd grown who by experience. mu] wvro wroparod to owrn in nliheral spirit. H I 0y have a ndoned that intentimn'fmrd Salisbury must be pro- pared to fncv thv mnmmencm. Nomflm. “mum. in view of this startling change. I ask mvwlf who: are the Ghdstonim‘ going to do 1‘ I: moms to me “my have a gum. vmd than! A ï¬nal up nanny. We Lihvrnla up: upon ninety-n :- points thd diam upon fly one paint. Even ,n ln’nh mutton. 'hgu [rook {mo the ‘th nu: lam tum-v surprised it the number n! points whl‘roon w are “(reed than It the remuudegupon which (or the pram we mm b. comm w Mot. fly 9mm ‘llv Rn‘nhmmll sunhvflmfl l mu! his pm“ m “an «um i not pursn ~hill's recon! princin‘q‘s 0i mul meeting of (Hi M the National Lil â€1011- was much toy rectivo breaking n vo-l'ninnists coalition ‘xprvssml that the g out M the Churchill meeting of (Hmhflmimm ho National Lilwrnl Hub 0 was much rvjoicing over .1- hronking up of the nivmists conlitiml, and the was-1M that the gradual re. of the l‘hurvhilH‘lmmbor- to me (Hmlstonimm will ur. of “w coming manic“ of the mum of Mr. Gladstone “v Juv- "Boâ€"v v.- _ . i-.. ._ u too to carry these important relormo on w iuh there u no difference 01 o inion be- tween us, and leave it to time an a tank discussion of the subject to say whether, when we have accomplished these reforms, we may not go a. step further in the direc- tion of the view; of those who are now un- fortunately out opponents. . (Loud cheers.) Mr. (.‘huuxberlain. writing to the leaders of the (â€x-otter party,expresses his willin - mess to take charge in Parliament of nee - iul amendments to the Crofters Act. A London cable says: The Times says there is reason to believe that the Marquis of Salisbury is ready to serve under Lord llartington, and will offer him the louder- Hhip in the House or allow him to form a strictly Libvml Unionist Government. The Standard announces that Lord Ran. dolph (,‘hurchill. in his letter of resignation to Lord Salisbury, gave as his sole res n for resigning his unwillingness to accept he naval and military estimates. “ With the exception of Lord Randolph Churchill,†says the Standard. “ the Cabinet is in hard many on the subject of the estimates. feel- ing; that While the whole Continent is trem- bling with the apprehension of war, Eng- land‘s ï¬rst duty. is to look to her defences. r .mi lhnnlnlnli (,‘vhnrchill was all for a. nun-An“. uwvna‘ v ...-_.. It is expected iliiitharlinmcnt 'Will be pmmgucd until the 3rd of February, in order t allow of who formation of a. new Minidï¬m " The i 'uu-x, referring to Mr. Chamberlain‘s speech at Birmingham yesterday, says his conciliatory temper Will be rcciprocated. and that his speech will b_ear fruit. .A j A‘.,\. “Au: wuuu .-.w urvvvu v,‘ The Times say Lord Randolph ('hurchill's resignation will do mom for economic reform in one year than his ud- _miuistmti0n would have been able to do in :1. dozen years. Lord l-lartington. accompanied Hy Right Hon. Henry ('hnplin. attended Christmas sun-ices at St. Peter‘s and Santa Maria. Muguoire Cathedrals. in Rome. Lord llartington will go to Monte Carlo on Man. “ ‘ ‘ V 1 , A ‘__VA:I u nuuu. ....... The divisions in the Cabinet that led to Lord Churchill‘s resignation embraced questions of wide interest. Lord Randolph‘s disagreement with the chief spending do- pnrtmcnts commenced with a proposal to reform the. entire Civil Service. including an invesiigation of the votes asked in the coming ï¬nancial year. Lonlllumilton and .......,, . .......... we“ , Right Hon. Mr. Smith, heads respectively of the Admiralty and War Ofï¬ces. while willing to consider a general scheme for fut u re departmental investigations. declined to (liacuss the estimates now under pre- paration. and were supported by a majority of the Cabinet. On the County Govern- ment Board Bill Lord Churchill was (lea footed by a majority of one. On the i 1193‘ tion of the withdrawal of the army lrom Eu pt he was supported by only four of his colleagues. ()n the proposed cloturo rules and coercive measures in Ireland he {nilul to carry with him one-third of the Cabinet. But rm issue of tar more import- lnm-c to him as a leader of the Tory Demo- crm'y was that of perpetunl pensions. “in position on thin. question rallied against him the entire body of rumnent heads of depart tents. supwrtmlwhy every member of the Cabinet éxaept Lord Churchill's per- sonal appointees. 1 ‘ There has been 9. Churchill faction in the (‘ahinot from the start. It in well known that Sir Suffer-d Nor-theme was shot into “themllacxauétjwlgmm andol ih‘n aimwwho _‘ -L- MM) 0.. x n «a l: wautm t: m? rufor WNW"!!! “muse of ( nmmnns. But the latter in the C nbinct anon began to pay back his )oung tormvntor . Lord I Mosloiuh u a Bourbon polititivm ].urd Randolph u n .114 and m'mmmistr “n in f nnntal palm“ gvnvrnny I n n! t'hc-m nvlvnn. "0 especially w: diminished taxation 1m l‘hr‘ mums. Timur nld Bourbon colleagues worn 30th llulls. on whom Lord (‘hnrrhill mind as 5 ml rag. Sew-ml nf t‘nom. at ï¬rst. thonght Lard Churchill would {an M loader of ‘he Home. whores. hr made a decided mark. The ï¬rst {ï¬ction in the Cabinet «a: Lord Churchill's pro. pout to Idopt Parliamentary chm».- r. ngimmr ‘ng muti- " Conwrvatilm‘. to live, must be domecm- tic." The Chronicle writci similarly, and days: “ On the question of economy bomg 'nli Med by Lord Churchill‘s col- leagues. t ey. and not he. have thrown awo. their future in politics." The Post clim the fence on the event. but. on the whole, thinks Lord Churchill took the hqurablp and patriotic course. A‘ , {u .. iolxal legislation IN “forking (-nuy-‘lftthw jrhey mined Loni Churchill with u. mtlnnoy with Mr. Chnmhorhin. who "u mother rod rs to Lord ldduleiuh. Next. Lord Ch ' believed in 5 ml. 100.1 domntlc. doctoral county government. not lnsny hhlfawoy'muuuroa b lottin tho Home Government and whot o co “tho quimrchy †sppoint some loo-l oï¬oinlu. Boon tho London city Tories were horriï¬ed to we Lord Churchill o pou their nation of the rest 0! Lou on n shilling r ton {or coal. also Lord- Iddesleig and Manners. who inted out that this tax wu as old as t a time of June: 11. _ __ L Irish coercion and protecting ndlordism. but when young Lord llauuto‘n wanted £800.000 for the navy and old Mr. Smith £500,000 for the army. and Lord Salisbury backed those, they ware the last straw, on the back of the budget, and Lord Churchill Nsigucd. The Telegraph x-mhcr dcicnda Lord Churchill’s ptcp, my] says f‘nml‘dy that. ’ 'E‘Ixid'é'hummn am not beliezm cxtrcme The other vaernment rgan. the Stan- dard, inveigha against 0rd Churchill‘s patriotism. and devote: two distinct editor- Iala to show him up as a. Tory traitor. The Standard is the devotee of Lord Iddeslcigh. «(Mb _n_s 019 WW1 quggtion 7334,1131. Proteitlnt ï¬chool Population of “'lnnlpog ~Prlnce Albert slnyle\'alty-Mr. (‘ol- grave‘u House Burned-«Dominion and Provincial Politics. The census enumeration show» the Pro- testant school population of Winnipeg to be It is stated that Mr. O. E. Hughes, of Prince Plbext, will be appointed to the ahiiqvalty of flint district. I! , ,1414- 3.683 u.uvuu The Prdvincial Government has decided to close the Provincia! emigration oflxce for the winter months. Applicatiaï¬ 11â€"3.}; been formally ‘mnde {or a recount in the \V’innipeg mgyogalty. . ‘ The returningoï¬icer for Rockwood has made a special return of the facts of the election in the constituency without making any declaratioxyns to the member elected, leaving the choice with the Legislature. , ,,A Mr. Geo. Rainboth, D.L.S., who has just returned to Ottawa. from a. trip to the N oz'th Saskatchewan. reports quite a. boom in the gold district there. 11, surveyed a claim for Judge Ronlcnn prevxous to leaving. An Luisa. y from the lode proves that the quartz will run about 348 to a. ton. If the average is proportionate. to that of the specimen tested, J udge Roulenu would not dispose of his interest for $100,000. A sharp ï¬re. occurred at Winnipeg on Wednesday afternoon which totally destroyed the‘residence of John Cosgmve, brewer, near the Fort Osborne Bridge. A sum“ portion of the furniture only was saved. The ï¬re commenced in the vicinity of the furnace. Total loss probably 59.000 to $10,000. Insurancé. $6.000. (‘hioi‘ Justice Palmer Dot-lures Its En- forcement a. Matter of lmmlniun (‘ou- m-rn. An 'Ottawa. telegram says: Advices from Prince Edward Island Show that Chief Justice Palmer. of the Supreme Court of that Province, has rendered a decision Which, if sustained, will make the Scott Act a dead letter. The Chief Justice has ordered the discharge of a. party con- victed of violating the Scott Act. on the ground that the Stipendiary Magistrate who tried the case had no jurisdiction, as lio.wu-s appointed by the Provincial and not by the Dominion Government. This is in n .AAL Ah: .._, -..- ___,_,,, «Heat a declaration that the Scott Act, being a Dominion revenue act, must be enforced by Domiii‘iou ofï¬cers. A writ of prohibition has been served upon the Stipondinry Magistrate at Charlottetown. restraining him from hearing Scott Act cases. Chief Justice Palmer‘s (Incision goes much further than Mr. Mownt‘s statement that the Provincial Governments have nothing to do with the enforcement of the Canada. Temperance Act, and only under. take to aid in carryi 9, out the provisions as a matter of good will. ' A Chance for Married \Vomcn. In 1872 an Act was passed which greatly extended the rights of proport y of nmrried women. It placed under the control of n. Woman after marriage any real estate owu~ cd by her at the time of marriage nr acquired afterward, and made her Iable on any contract respecting real estate. It placed under a married women‘s own con- trol not merely all her personal earnings prior to marrmge. bqt “all proceeds and ____-A:-_. _.‘L.'..L 1.... ...“.-WW, i- V - proï¬ts from any trade or occupation which she curries on se stately from her hus- band. or derived Rom her literary, artistic or scientiï¬c skill." and freed her per- sonal property, even when in her husband‘s )osscssion. from liability for her husband‘s \ ebts. It authorized her to insure her own or her husband‘s life for her beneï¬t or that of her children, to become a. shareholder in any ï¬nancial com any, to deposit money in bank and with raw it hyherown cheque, and to institute either civil or criminal pro- ccodings in courts of law for the protection of her property. And. lastly, it freed her husband from all liability for debts con- tracted by his wife before marriage. as well as for debts command after marriage “ in rcspccl of any employment or business in which she is engngml on l‘cr own behalf or in respect of any of her owu contracts.†IMPORTANT SCOTT ACT DECISION. Female Hone Thief. Rosetta P110139. :1. young woman from Gainsboro‘ . ago 23300011“) pleaded guilty (loinshnro‘. ngml ‘23, recently )lemlod guilty before Judge Baxter tn the c ionic of stonl. ing in horse from David H. Sonanhmmh, ncnr Atterclifl‘o. and mm sentenced to nix montlm in the Andrew Mercer Rotor-um. tory. She claims that a man numcd Bechnn. with whom she had lived oh 0 time. had forced her to go with him at l steal the horse; that he went with her to Port Colborne. and that she drove alone from that place to Willoughby. where 0h:- Rnltl the horse to Mr. Thomas Wells (or 2:35, that 9119 mi 11431. to. tantrum and gun-o ï¬ne on 60. keeping the balance. She nova Buchnn threatened to shoot her if she dill not ggwith him to stool. "Is Llflle Jain. J,‘ "I've become quite intchmtod in that poor man." said a plxiluuthrop’c 'old lady to the aherifl'. us «he Muted to one of the prisoner . “He tolls me [would he sur- primi I knew all he went through," “ I guess you would. mum.“ Mid the aim-HT: “that follow is the most export pickpm-ket in the gountry."â€"â€"Th¢ .ludgr. Jnhn H. (‘mip whc no hnmo' igin Indiana. mm- Indinnupnlim in KW, foot {our and n half 3110th in height, and wriuhs NIH: pomnlq. Ho measures 0th foot hm ihL‘hP‘ â€and the hiru and eighteen "when nrmmd the ankle. No‘was horn thirty years ago. and thou woi ltd but elm-mpounds. Two years later ntookn rizo at mm M Bumum'a hhy shown muso ho weighed 206 pmmds. Appâ€- mtly he 1&3an growing ever mince. From the, oï¬cinl "pot“ jun: published (m the on“ of vaccingtinn in Landon. tpmn tint the whole expense in not “Q than ammo rye“. In 1885 the. (man attendant amused whoa "50.000. The coat a Jymph f-ctory done is over 01w: In tun. The in n and a em out tic N00. LATEST NORTH‘V’EST NE‘YS. d Yin that ‘ : 'old lady one of tho Id be sur. A meeting of college professors and others interested in the proposed College 'of Pre- ooptors for Ontario w“ held in Toronto yesterday. when, after discussion, the scheme was ‘mnmously adopted with some slight amendments. Lint-Col. Jackson has finished all the busiucss connected with the transport ser- vice afï¬ne Northwest rebellion. and made his ï¬nal report to the Minister of Militia. He left the capital yestbrday for London to resume his duties as Deputy Adjutant-Gen. era! of No. 1 military district. The Governor-General, accompanied by Lady Lausdowno and their respective suites. will make a prolOnged visit to Mon- treal during the carnival. Capt. Streatï¬eld is now in Montreal to hire a. residence for tho vioeqegal any, whose visit will last about eight wee 3. during which an ellbomte round of festivities will be held. '31»; Montreal City Paton or Railway Compau has daclned t ha gum-din. 693410! pot ant. Nation ha been received by the Dominion Government am the l-‘ishoriel Bill 0! Int tension, which wu reserved (or the unc tion of the [unpaid “marina. has 7009in Her Mtjesty‘ I auction. in reported from Neutral. mg. stock 0! ¢ dry good: ï¬rm hnving been wind at the ill-two. of . arm in Winnipeg to «tidy the debt 0! an em- ployee of the Montreayl house. ‘ The tuneral o! the lste Mr. J ustioe llam- nay will take place to-day in Mantra}. The Practice Court in Montrenl was Idjourued yesterday morning till Monda y next. out of rgspcct {or the memory of tho lateJudgc. The Ottawa Board of Trade yesterday discussed the question of discrimmatiOn in freight. fates against that city. and decided to co-opemtc with the Kingston Board of Trade in appealing to the steamship com- pmica at Liverpool for redress, the rai‘way companies in Canada having stated that through freight rates Were iixad by the steamship companies. A farmer named Tinney undertook to cross the track with a. team yeaterda. morningin the station yard M Bothwel while the westbound mixed was shunting. The train. which was backing up at the time. struck? his sleigh, knocking a boy about 10 years of age, son of James Flem- ing, shoemaker, of Bothwell. off the sleigh on the truck. the wheels of the car passing over both arms. crushing them to a jelly. No hopes are entertains of his recovery. In the trial of the cadets and ofï¬cers of the Bulgarian army for conspiracy against the regency evidence has been adduced showing that the de endunts were in com- munion with the Russian Consul. Thermml dcs Debate «renews its attack on England, which it accuses of being the only power whose conduct has aggravated the trouble which has culminated in thu‘ present crisis in Southeastern Europe, and 1 declares that she has sought to embroil Austria and Russia in the dispute. ' The Pope, in receiving Christmas con- gratuiations from the College of Cardinals. spoke. at some len 'th of the position of the Church in Italy. has protested against thp anti-clerical movement which is being ear- rictl on in the country. and said the Holy See was now dospoiled of the last remnant of its patrimony. The only liberty left to ,him was that held by the Roman pontiffs in the earliest ages. The Italian Govern- ment, he declared, assisted the laity in unduly interfering with the administration of the Church. It had expelled religious bodies and had tolerated an organized hos- .tilit‘y against the Vatican. As the head of tln- (.‘hurch. he must continue to protest against the position in which he is placed. Mr. Blaine is confined to his room at Au- gustavfle†with a severe attack of rheumatic gout. , TF1;IZGI‘.APHIO.SUMMAI%Y Mr. Bradford Dunlmm, Geupml Manager 0f the Baltimore& Ohio system, yesterday tendered his resignation to President Gar- rett, who accepted it. Cards have been issg’od announcing the marriage of Miss Mary N. Sherman. of Norwalk. Ohio, and Burchard Austin Hayes, eldest son of ox-Pi'esident Hayes. The Wedding takes place December 30th. A claim has been ï¬led with the Interior‘ Department for a strip of public land lying along thelnke front in Chicago, comprising about 90 acres. and valued at $15,000,000. The Secretary lims taken the papers, and will consider me matter, argument upon which will shortly begin. Wm. Warner. Well known in Bridgeport, has been quite intimate with Mrs. Mary Lynx-11,3. young married Woman. A few weeks ago Mrs. Lynch Went. to her mother, «no lives near Newtown. 0n Wednesduy evening Warner called to see her, and dur- ing a quarrel Warner shot Mrs. Lynch through the heart. He then left the house. About 8 o'clock yesterday morning he re- turned to the. house and shot himself. His body was found lying across that of his victim. He left a, note in which he gave. the cause of the murder as jealousy. Filmore Jnmicson. a romincnt resident and business man of Bi geway, N.Y., was ‘mstautly killed there on Monday by a train on the New Jersey Southern Railway. While driving across the track one of his horses balked. The train stmtj his team and waggon with terriï¬c force. killing Mr. 'Jamieson and one horse and knocking the wnizgon to pieces. Mr. Jamieson's house was at the side of ti track only a few feet from the crossing. ~ * 1e locomotive cut off Mr. Jamieson’s hoe aid hurled it down the eiibankment. nearly to the feet of his wife, who was a witness of his horrible 3 death. She is insane from grief and horror. The tots! atreu 1th of the Northwest Mounted Police is now one thousand men and nine hundxed horses. The remains of the late Mr. Justice Ram- say were intic‘rred yeptqrday in Mount Rony (Yémctcry. Montréal, in the proacnce 61 a large assemblage of members of the Bench and Bar and prominent citizens. - Ilnku. thv hunk dofnultm‘ M I‘ win» mm tnmmittml {n «hyx' mm 1)} (1n- metrvul mH he hnmlml nvpr to tho mnhnritit a an the 2nd nf Jnmmry. Messrs, Bickordike and Delorme have made an nffer to the Montreal City Coun- cil to take over the cattle markets and abattoir: an a. twenty years’ louse, payinf therefor «10.000 n .V'ver.ea!ri MthQWï¬ The St. Lawrence in still rising 3t Mon~ tron], and the ( 11mm ï¬xing along the water front. 0 removing their effects from the h an to places of “few. 3 a flood seems! imminent The residence of the 1M0 Sir Pram-in llinvksmn Ht. Antninc attest. Montreal. was 50M M the Trust 6: Lash Company yesterday for 810. [1'0 The property on- kinalh coat 032.000. .. Dr. Henry Andrews. nf Brook! '11, com- mitted mimdo h; stunting himscl ycstor, day while in A ï¬t of dospnmlmwy. 'Hw I'm-ulnm ham hem mnï¬m-d to his room sinw Friday with nnnther Muck of rhoumutinm in his knee. the run]! of oVer- «Inim: lx‘fnro he at] (‘ompktdy â€1‘0“ch from his room" i on. He was better III! Ii \t. he family of Joseph Seidloto. n cut-pen. ter. 0! (‘iucmhuk consisting of human, ante 3nd 6-year-old won. «on panned ya. tgrdny by («ting cumn mu pun. Said- lote died has night. in wife and chug] any neck". . ' S'evm born of Iih‘tet who patinm the Paciï¬c £me Cnmptny‘n car on 1.. its nnri Pnri 0 mm M a suburban union in St. Loni: on Fï¬dny evening. on the "ï¬n Ifl'n‘infl at St. ‘Louin it was found lhuuwn of QM ‘? 4 0 82.000. had myutori- only m um. ten] In. Rocky 21mm rm,- Com_ Word he: been received from the Rocky Menuhin- (‘het "to cure 0! mm “min broke ewey on e the g . They nu beck three miles w :11 tremendous velocity. when they jumped the tack. And running egeinet the stumps were bedly smashed. McNelly, the express messen- ger. was killed end also a passenger whose name is not known. Twem “eager,- in one of the cars were badly a a eu up. mi!“ mtz‘h n’ man-mo. \‘rrbu vmnmcfl 1A.:wix' ; - ,. z (lupimv r. 10:3" 10mm his u c mu Lm. «1111mm dual m the home. His wife had been nubject to temporary ï¬ts of inï¬nity. um] i! is sup- poud 1h“ whilo out of h» haul lb. killed the threat children and tun out her own that with . rumor. Mark Haddix, s well-to-do farmer, living near Osborne. while intoxicated Thursday night. jumped aboard I Cincinnati. Hun- ilton & Dayton Railroad on vine which stood at the station at Dayton. 0 io. pulled the throttle open and started down the main track. A train of freight cars were coming in. and the engine collided with them. Three cars were wrecked. and the engine was derailed. Hsddix was arrested and held on a charge of grand inroeny in stealing I. locomotive valued at 98.000. . The Oregon. from Liverpool. with the weekly mails and nine cabm, three inter mediate and thirty-ï¬ve ateerage passengers, arrival at Halifax at 2 o‘clock yesterday morning. . Charles Harrison l'aa arrented in Ottawa on Saturday for passing Confederate bills. He is known to have disposed of a qnnnï¬t '. and several were found in his trunk. a in said to have been supplied by an Ameri- can dealer in these goods, who has sent quite a stock to Canada. The Swiss Bundesrath has passed a. resolutiou‘ox-deriug the frontier guards not to permit phi: oxpogmtï¬gnpf Swiss hoyseg. u A number of Buddhist priests ha’e visited General Roberts and offered their asgjstgncc in‘ _t‘_l_xo 1mciticati9nof_thecoun t_ry Serious ditferéuccs exist between the Cabinets 0! Vienna. and Berlin, ahd Herr von Tina. and Count Kalnoky will insist that the situation be cleared up. and that Prince Bismarck be asked to declare whether Germany is an ally of Russia or Austria-Ilhnguriu. .-uuâ€".. ., ‘a‘aau "truly-I The Paris I‘emma ya thé owner of a French fishing smax at St. Britoux is suing the English Government for hula)- nity for losses which he claims to lave sugared by the action of the Newfoundland people xx ho prevented him from ï¬shing 011' the north coast of that Island. Mr. Percy Sherwood, Chief of the D6- minion Police Force. has secured a couple of counterfeit 82 Dominion bills of the recent 1 issue. The wonk' is so cleverly done that it ’ is diflicult to detect the counterfeit. The , ai-gnatme of Mr. Nash, of the Finance Department, is so well executed that he says himself inould be hard to swear that g it w as not his own handwriting. About half-past 9 o’clock last evening parties in Nordheimer’s Restaurant, which is situated next door to the recently burned Nordheimer Hall. Montreal, heard a. sudden rumble. and almost before they had time to leave the dining room the «gable of Nordheimer‘s fell snmsh through the roof. carrying everything with it. The parties inside barely escaped with their lives. The damage is estimated at 85,000, on which ï¬re insurance is not a‘vailahlo.ï¬wï¬ A _ W "â€â€˜I‘héâ€7)ui(y “ Terll'gmph says Gen. \Vil- loughhy, the Malngassy agent in Europe. has been instructed to stop negotiations in Paris for a loan for the Hove. Government. The German newspapers publish a list of Gremun merchants engaged in trade in Bordeaux whom the Rureille. of that city, demands shall be rigidly boycotted and driven out of France. Lord Colin Campbell’s solicitors have applied for a. new trial of his counter-suit for divorce against his wife. on tho ground that tho verdict of the jury was against the weight of the evidence. ‘ Later intelligence concerning the collision between the British ironclad Sultan and the stemncr \‘illede Victoria HllOWS that most of the crew and passengers of the latter Were drowned. It is also learned that .both vessels were at anchor at the time of the collision. The Sultan dragged her anchors and drifted against the Ville dc Victoria. When the ï¬remen had socm‘ml such con trol of the flames at the ï¬re in Livcrpml yesterday at Lewis & Coin stores and mmmgerie as to be able to conï¬ne them to the burning promises, it was noticed that the large polar bear in the inenagerie was still alive and comparatively \mhurt. although surrounded by flames. A deter» mined effort was at once made to rescue the fine brute. A pOWerful stream of water was kept in full play on the cage. and a number of daring, men made their way under the current to the cage. This they wrenclied from its fastenings, and grappl- ing it with chains and bars managed, the bear desperately flying at them all the. while, to drag the cage from the ï¬re just before the walls of the burning buildings fell-inwith a. crash. The rescue of the hear was witnessed by thousands of people and greeted with great cheering. ixv-Alderman Charles B. Waite. the New York boodlc informer. was released from the House of Detention yesterday afternoon. Augustus Johnson adude coachmmi who has a. penchant for millionaire daughters. and who was arrested some time ago for annoying the daughter of Mr. Stevens, the Hoboken millionaire. but was afterwards released, was arrested again at Ifew York {restâ€"edgy (or gaunoying ladies m the streets. nless he giQ‘ on bonds for his good be- hmior he gwill go to prison for three months. An old woman named Domn. while being taken by her friends to the Hotel Dian, Montreal. died suddenly. The convicts in the Kingston penitentiary did not enjoy poultry for their Chflflmas dinner this year. They had plum pudding Land pork and beans. t The stock in a wholesale dry goods store '11 Mnntronl was damaged be‘Ween seven and eight thomund dollnrs by he and water on Saturday morning. Yestorday morning the new Kingston Salvation Army barracks. which cost about â€.000, were penod. At all the services thermore hinge congregationa. lady named Balqooduhumwm rt of London, «‘nmmittr-d ing by hanging herself dvr mental nun-tr inn. Limo and NM: 1r. “0L an H n )vvtition tn tlw Qnu-rn. mvm making: that tlw nm-ivnt (it «101.4 at thwv plum-q b0 dvnmliuhmi. 'l‘hv poti- Hom‘rs any that. in the m'vnt of an invmunn Hum-m (-ihuh-ls wuuld fnruicll n pretext for a hnmhmwlmvm Whik‘ Hwy would be useless fnr (h‘fmu‘l‘. Although thv rmlwa) erim'iu (ir-rlmmy “as n «2mm! 51 sin-win} mm ninu. trnï¬iv in Mill w-rumcl) i-lnr-kr-xl. 1"»va ‘rsiU in (-mmw. hnn \Vnh ( l‘rluhxma .lz him-(H '9 HOWnVM' Hu- Knnwulnrm \nw n (â€â€œ1416er to tho‘ nm-mplnyrfl. as Hmnnmuh hf mfln are «~anva in rlonrmgz tho strcotn of Berlin. {at \th-h work they rcovivo 3; marks pn- day The Vlsmm mrrmpondont of the London Times my: Amatiâ€; statesmen «It-clue "a? the muntonnnoe o pom in en - pendent u n the nation of the 0%. n he Grin a, delirium trench: my » my mnmmt rune him to commit lb «.4 of folly which won‘t! prmifn'uu I m. Austria must be mdv {or such a un- m-y. Th0 PM!" idnyd fly! the uf'l our onhe Nihilists In â€comma. I“ is unspirinm of owrybodf with whom he comm in cannot. int-1nd an even bib wife and childnn. , "15m Guru Bitmap-You will re- member t Mr. Lewis. in my presence and at his 0 ea. proposed (or your own eon- venieuoe that you should be examined regard to the case now pend . You it would be unneeesea a on intended to return to Englan an appear in person at the trial. This wu so obviously desirable in the intereot of your own character that nothing further could then have been urged n it you ; and it is. therelore. with roloun amazement that I now learn you ave changed this in- tention. You must know that your lailuro to appear at the trial will indict a mons- trous injustice upon me and put me to cruel and UIWSBOJ')’ trouble in the vindi- cation of m ' character {rom the unfounded inferences rawn by my enemies and yours from the single fact 0! on having called upon me in Lord Colin s house. 'lhese in- tereuces can be instantly dissipated by a single, straightforward and manly denial on your part. and this denial I have the right to expect from you as a friend. a gentleman and a soldier. Hoping soon to learn that you have resumed your original intention to appear in person, I remain. yours truly ." The following curt reply was receivedc “ Dun LADY CAMPBELLâ€"I beg to ac- knowledge roceipt of your letter of the 15th of November, and in reply I can only repeat that my resolution of not appearing in evidence at the forthcoming trial remains unchanged.†__ ’ Autuwmm, hiJidX W \nilh lhlum, '1 he electric in nbw‘com- bated h the Karmic“. out sad we“ ton tho United Shun via the Candi“: Pwmc. LAD! com W0! Gm tum: The conduct of Goa. Bails. in "fining to testify in tho 003le (um out. a «in u fruitful topic of convex-lotion. Gen. Butler in in Pnnoo wd his Iolioifor. Ir. George Lewis. mode ovary aflort fa induce him to return. but without IIIOOOII. Lady Caulpbell wrote to 13213 n fungus: _ Ari! _- mt. nu Inn mm .hsmiwim, hhidf than, The 919mm} “Itbllflllb 'vu- Lady Campbell made 5 strong Japeul to Lady Butlev, p'who )8 the celebnte artist, and received the following answer:_ “Dam LADY CouN CAuPnnLL,â€"â€"I beg to say I am fully aware of all the efforts you have made and have caused to be nude to induce my husband to appear and give evi- dence on oath at. our trial. Your upped to me touched me eeply. I would I could help you. but I believe the case to have passed out of our hands and to have gone before a. tribunal where human nid in im- possibleâ€"v1 remain, sincerely yours, . “Emzwsm Bvrun.†Turf. Mr. W. H. Wilson, of Abdallah Park. Cynthinna. has purchased ofwhis partner, Mr. P. S. Talbert, his half interest in the noted trotting sire, Sultan, by the Moor. dam Delmonico. paying there- for 310,000. They paid L. J. Rose, of San Gabriel, Cn)., 815,000 for Sultan last sum. mer. The horse has a. record of 2.24. Mr. Dan Swigert’a ill luqk with his stal- lions seems to have no end, First Â¥Vi_rgil died and wa followed soon after by Prince charlie. '1‘ replace them Mr. Swigert sent .to England- and bought“ Kingeruftsnd Botherhill, two horses of fame and great promise. Yesterday the steamship Lake Superior, sailed from Liverpool on Dec. 11th with a number of passengers and a valuable cargo. including twenty-two horses and twelve ponies. among them King- craft, who was somewhat amiss when shipped. died on the sixth day out and was thrown overboard. The weather from the start was very bad, with heavy seas. The price paid for Kingcraft was not made public in any of the English papers. but on this side of the Atlantic many persons Yn- tercsted thought that Mr. Swigert made a somewhat unwise purchase sfrom the stand- point of age alone, as Kingcraft would have been 19 years old had he reached Kentucky safe. nm-‘u nnw wit The stud fees for British stallions con. tiuuc enormous. First of all comes Hor- mic at. 51.250. Then come Petmrch and (ialupin at $750. Robert the Devil and St. Simun nt 8500. George Frederick. Master Kildaro. Melton. Springï¬eld, Touchet and llamas at $250; Beuuclerc and The Miser at $200. Chippenyale and Zelot at .150. and an endless number from that down. Miscellaneous. In the bicycle race in Minneapolis at the end of the forty-ï¬fth hour the score stood : Morgan. 524 miles ; Shock, 524 miles ; Arnmindo, 400 miles. ()1 the seven contestants today in the 72 hour walking match Guerrero, who was in the lead Wednesday, is quite lame. Had Ilcgclmnn is doing the great work of 010 day. Stroke! is also goingfast. The agore at 2 p. m. was: Strokel. 217 miles; Hughes, 216; Guerrero, 215; Hegelmtn. 209 miles 71am; WM, 209 miles 2 hp; Golden, 198 miles; E15011, 196 miles. Fnét» In Small Spurn. Cents are so scarce in New York that s delta; is being paid for ninety-two of AL .‘M them‘ Our country is biggon than China. We have 3.002.000 square miles, und China bu only,2.000.000 Uni-J'vavvgvvy. ()f the 537 students at the University of Berlin, Germany, 149 are American, 9. Inger number than ever before. . The Mexican army, when on a war footâ€" ing, has 160.!!63 men, divided as follows: Infantry, 131.522 ; cavalry, 25,790. 5nd artillery. 3,600. Russia‘s public debt increases shout $200,000,000 yearly, and is now something over About one-half of it in held in Germany. A change of R mills per ton a mile in the freight rates current on the Michiganï¬len- "a! means to that road a gain in ‘grou earnings of 91,000,009 a. year. Tho ()rvupullonn of Great Men. The Mam-«:1 Ayn has been inveat' tin this subject, and any: that the fat are? Demosthenes was a bitcksmith ; of Eurip- ides. a. dealer in vegetables; of Socrttcl. C mediocre sculptor; q! Epicurus, & ahep. herd; of Virgil. an innkeeper. Columbus was the son of u wool carder ;, Sbukspene, of a. butcher; Luther, of a miner; Crom- ‘WéYT. “5T3 $YiWé’i'";"Sixlu§ V.. o! I swine- hz-rd; Linnmus. of a mor country minister; Franklin. of a map Ailer; Bouuenu. of o watchnmker. and Murat. of mi innkoeper. The writer com-ludvs that the mother: of those men may have been the source from which their genius was derived. and. indeed. it in known that some of them were worn?) of more. tlm ordimtr‘y excellence. ' Uncle Jack lfrom whom nob has expec- utions) -Vorv enjoyable. Bob. Wish I didn‘t live so hr away, so that 1 could huvc t‘lw pleasure of rho vim; in to have :1 Snack with you uml Mary flener. Bni) r-QliitVnisro. 'Bnt Hum, my dear uncle, Hm lcsq frmluont your visits are flu; more “T mjny thorn. A“ bettér boy It in 0"! t)!“ 01ny ï¬ve «times of I . he. no hm n w The Fund. anmmem om" 463,000 Irma. or OI hour. . Nat Hu- lInpva-nt “'33- 0! Putting ATE SPORTING NOTES.