A 'l'« ‘un'kmm ('J'uxxw) despair]: says: Jam“, Howard. ugml :m yt-an's, mm lulu-u frmu {ht-1n†lu‘x‘c ut midnight (m “1111st- Jay lllghl h)‘ u mnskml mul). by whom lu~ my: mu rind In short (“I-Stilluft' buluw 11w mwn tun-l human! In M IIHY'MHI lrvmlv. Hmmnl 'le m-rmh-d «m h’wdm-mlny on u \mrmnt worn nut 1»); his mother-in law, fur-4. Vim-hm; L'Inzn';;i::g him with mullrrmim‘l s mm'ningg. uml Miss Wrntzvl \3'M1'Hi15hiing hrr toilut iH‘Jll'l' hi-ah-«mm. standing in from (if “11- mirrnr. Silt' saw in the rc-iiu-tim‘. ll 111iddlr-ugml. ln-unlml man Wearing a slouch hut. Ile- hiui i-ntvrmltln- housv. making his way upmiqirs. Shh gave it little m-rmm, When thv mnnmzulo u L'l'tlsl) for her and huid n (-inth mtumtml with rhlornfnnn t'u he-r nostrils. Shoswnmu-«laway. and when slu- rm-nwréd lmlfun hourafterwards slu- “'RS horrified [0 ï¬nd that hcf beautiful hair had boon (-mppcd off'chm- tn hm‘ hum! Mi! with a. sharp “hours. She had sum-mil nu nflwr violoucv. S110 gave the uhu‘m. and fifty mun stun'tml out to svm't-h for tho- Villain. but he hml jum M! on u passing fl‘righi twin and vm'axx‘dl. Rovmltly Mini! \Venuvl was Offered 3200 for her hair hy a wvuhhy' Philmivlphin Indy, .hnt nhv rl-fnsml the A She-numhmh. twvvn 3 and 4 u“ the people living uh tho nm'thvvste-rn. w Wore armm-d by n r ing of the lmnmm, lucrmsivo «hm-kn of latinn wan prodm» tank dnwn fully fm of tho, tnwn. H mm \ï¬fty hmuwu. “:0 t {mm 3 n'dm-k mml Iurfnm‘ Innk tho 1 tornd. and the {rig than; with childn-n lf‘M‘vh 0f pIM‘m n colloctml thr‘ir mm! mmn'ml it frnm th anrfnrm soulâ€! fro dnmnuwl thv pro] 350.000 tn 9.75.000. In tho rubbing of I} nmr mllion “him portion of the mun offer Shanamhmh l’q-npio- Smurml by Hm Ilnnnos mumbling. ’01 m [on I"! A Kings: “‘N‘k NM 1‘ cr'a Milly, resurrected institution. IImhunl~-Y. \Hfu -â€"For’ go talk Mm“! thm anywhere wm ‘ " mtflml n rumm 1 .bout it Aha A [{(‘mlx‘ ,, V Della chtzol. brunettv. is thr- I count}. Ila-r pm bum†lmir “Im- 11 duun ht-r shnnhl “'hilc- In 1' mntlu-r my 1h bnnui. would Au (ll-1pm paper mill not! pa; mnl )uh butts from Calcutta Imuhctuu o! maul. pop". vim i n g men win- them-«1v on mul w churm will u \x‘ I H ll Anqlgh \‘vighlmrs ’l‘uuk llim from Jul! .uml ll-mgml “Ian. A '1} .uu'kmm. ('l'cx:t'~:) «Impam‘h mus: “Hf: and that timv‘ in; up of flu,- p llll'l‘l} bum. '1 the urthur and v In thn-n Mus) and “1' “an MM‘ ï¬rst lmw in mu lilnv m'nmltinll lu ulzuut tlll‘vv Wright on his [A mmumml Hn- | km-m whirl: hr A ‘1 wad-Swan a and!“ gnu-m ACinL-iuuati nyl: 011» d tho hunt sud Inc-“tr W“ at thou U chum“ It 0011.1qu 111 tomov 111, 1 about 111199th tho backbone and posing the spinal c The patient wuuï¬ounb ' culored u1u1 thou! 91 yams old When ï¬rst admitted to 11111 1195111111! he was sufl'criug from a terrible disease whiLh 11.11! 111011011 out over 11101 l1L11.11.11L-L'k 111111 Ina-.11 111 11101111111 of large abscvxmu. 11m L111Ll 0110 of which Wu about the middle L11 1111 back, 111111111111 «1011 awn) 11111 baLkbuuc m 11 cousidc: «111L- 1 extent. The 11001 fLULm L:L111| 1 not 111' 111 a 1':~Lcu1n bout position, 1101' L111 111s 51110.1“ 001151 quenL-v of “11- L x11L11w 1min 11110111111114 bill! 11 a. 1105111011. 11.1111 11111-1 1'11111111-119Ll tn UL- 11.11 1111‘ WhLIL- L111 111% 1:11'1251IIW1) 111- 111111 11151. 1.11L {1431/111er 111(1111111111111 L1! thsntinm 1:1 1111. 0"‘1 M) (11111 11 11.11 LL11111111:111\ 111.11111/111 from 1111- 1111111 Llen It mus LlLLiLlLLI 111111 h131u11y L:111111«'~L 1111111 1111 111 1111 Lipv‘lutinl 1m 1111 11-1111111111f':'11111110! 1111: 11.11 111111111 9001110 5111111111 1111;11:101' 111-1111. HL 11113 11.10111111'11L‘L111111L13 11111: 111111 11111 aurgmn 111111111 .111 1111 11.1â€â€œ 111111.11 1111- H11111L \ 1111 'L' quunmy L11 11111 1111» 1'-L\L',1111-L1 111111 1111.1 can't) wan ~.111111<,;L 111111 run-{1111) in 1.111111 11) ML-111sl “11111 1111 1111111 “an 1.511111; ln (111%111111111 \111 1'1'11111' 111111111 11“ 11111131 «11' 01111 {Mac 111 111- 1:11.11 1 11 \( 11‘L-11f111111 tL11111~ 1111111111. 1111‘ 5111511111 1.1111 :1 1112-101 11.1111 1111111111L'1‘11L111lexn 111. 1111' 1mm u11111 11L- 011111111 1111 that 11111111 \1'115 111 any wuy 1111'1‘111-«1, 1H"~|'1. [1111:1111111 1111- 111111111 1'111'11. :rzulnull) war. and Thor-o must be some! :lmr.“ uni A lady to h‘ mm 11‘ it rul zis wif llH'l tun uhl alt l SINKISG "I†.\ STREET re without hon Lunt' lam Sid er nmo. his III'I .\ ltl‘hlill HIS “'ll-‘I‘I, nus nucuosn 35min». Rem-wed lntorut Yu‘u know that p r L'undm'flfl' mko. ,Hllllld' In mnu- his feet for the in IH'iH’l} .l yt'lll'. .\lJ()lU tho mum- Lllnn [N ,un tn return to tholimlm. Inn-(- “1- ks In: ('uultl bear some his Ivy, and ut‘lw mum: tlmc‘lw llu» position 4m his ln‘t-asl unll -ln l1- has kppl un-r nint'u. [lo M um strung t-nwugh to Htaml with and tulu- :1 step or two. He is ,. walk tn the vml nf thv wurrl ,H: in .l . hair will: comfon. ()l' hm k l: “1 “wk and pwbubl) l. min ltr. {mum-r pmu-r, but luv HM ful mun. llu \umml lm. luau! np,l4.1uuu Huh n. slight mm 3 him little at nu 1min. -l WM on] «n! about mnor 1' ( umhlvrs four f0: tlu-r and fntlwr u ; " hm‘flfl't p mm! to h III: .Imlgn'. No l‘rnof. \V SO “UNIV hp w H Iin ll M zu'mirupliuh the hunt!- - \du-rv lhu hum: hml fur- pnm-nt rm-nvcrml {rum plum-.1 in bud on his {Lu-c. :m wmrnml to NW lugs, , mow his feet fur the arnn m uurl paralysis 4mm Mt mustn't-(l luu‘uIch-(l Ivar»; vuplih'h HIL- huztl- “'1! fl Hm \ O“ (H M! H me «It m olwrutlm. c backbone. ny. lie “us the surgeon to. A large d, mu! the ly in unlfl‘ tuning: In he knife! or Ifuhtl to Hm (Med and can't (:0 â€also: «ti (11¢ h t0 )0!†(lullflhl ‘ Mrs. W' mldh I» ginning: I c m:- M vrihlmgo. “‘h‘l M n that. If ‘II that nettle! mom Tlu ï¬ns-inn Mini-«tn at \\ Mhingtnn in “11‘ \ d S'J.‘ , 000 n \mlr M the (um rmnvnt lot He purpose of suing ontmunmmfl. from I Hat aboard. ( and tho I another 1 oomph-to putting d mumwun-d, lmnlc‘d nt an m !h Hf his m-ll mm fl;|lllil n \vri 0f tlw «luluils of flu- crinu- that which Jenn manic. ’l‘lw jury rcturnwl n. W)" hut with mitigating (“irrmn 1n ('luudv'u from" M bursts; Jt-un Fullrv and his wi'l‘v “'(‘l Hummus Jhll lmrh Aml v. ind ‘V'nCt‘l'I. mm H nla run fullin Husilw. ult ï¬ssion. fuiutu it i5 “(it tl‘uu.‘ U‘ml Him! to nu-L‘ the bah â€H‘ hill and huliul them. ’1110 mum ( whim NIH (Uukul 50le for the I lIIldI'I II III llu mum c.IIIlIhuII." Jean 1:: u. term Inns lunkim, quII. but In Inblwewith fun lufmI his “Ifu whn 15 n llIiII, s.Il]m\b-lu(k-I\II1 \IuIIIIIII, with lung blank huh and glittI-IIIIg \IlIiu: tor tlI. Misdn wu u; 1', him tw tht' hill 5hr cu- m'vrlmzu'd Lptuin I‘Mtt m. but it w. My \ï¬fr um! I gnu h rump. but thi» nu]; (ll'num-(l lliH hut-MM“! his lwaul tn vim-es wife. who was prawn! him us my grmulfutlw We {ht-u took u. saw m . t www.m- I l A Paris cubic uys: Ono 0! than“ diabolical cases of murder ever tried in Europe has just been wucludul baton “W Court 0! Ania of Ania-ho. Afloadby the name 01 Jean Ensure-and hiu wile were .0- cuwd of having murdered and bound Mid boiled Jc‘uu’u brother. chad» Fauna. Joan and his wile lived in a large farmhouse with Claude, who was (30 years of ago. what. thrifty and industrious, while Jenn W“ m-kimn and extravagant. Jean had nur- ricd. against hi~ brother‘s wish". u young.I i girl named liminu l’inncher, whosu granul- {aim-,- in lam had kept an inn at Peyto- briit'. und in 1833 had been tried and guillo- txm-d fur the murdei of twentydiw trawl- lrn Mm .it different time» had shipped 8.! hi» mm but never manicured. Among tin-w tuviity-ï¬w Victinlï¬ was a certain l‘lu- J'wh'u». whose name made such an impres- MIMI: upnu Victur Hugu that hocmhodivd him in his {nnmus nun-i “ Les Mincrubh's." lhmiiw’s umndfnthm-k fawnriw nu'tilmi um in much until tlu: uuvsts wrn- sound ..~im-p and tin-n {ms thmii with r. [littilffll'ii .110 in previously prepared cuuhll‘nu (If hailing water. (whim: and MT hilshulni stand convicted hcforu the court of .h'ih-vlw uf murdu-ing and huiliughci' brothrr-iir luw uud taking [mm-smash)“ (if u hundred thanmmd frum-r, [hut thv hutm' 11ml mu't‘d frum milm hf rultli- uud the rvwnui- fur hi» nluu‘v Hf Iln- farm. Jrnn mmlc r. nmmlmn ngnn ! thi’? um 5mm Imatinu lating H Slay lu- :m Admiral 5mm- lluy hill NH†m an hoard. The W NIH ltiwr with 11m thnin l'um-rsnn. Man »_\'. It was inn-113ml t1 wrt, m] the Nova Sr'utir ROLLED IN A CAI'LDBON. bulustvl ; 11w 2. \ltm fluted bt-foruthc cuurt u! Aulmvlw ing mu! boilh'ng her brother in~ “king mssousiou q} u hunched mum ! mt the lath-r lnul buwtl of cattle nml the rvu-uuc for his :- farm. Jean mudc v. «amploto in (mun! (uusiuu :1 plutonml "v (luldl‘ctl in u fuluring Ls Ikillml m) br-‘othu (‘.huuiv «l I Nuv him rut puwm in his um uni} nuulu him I“ mu! ‘6 suspiriunk‘. l [ht-n unmslml "v; Ntrlhod it saw um! stun-(l ( .111. ur “In: “.1411" nor-ump'liw 1mm: “11811111111131 s11 mlu) .l, Inning 1,-nnnuitt121l “uh-idv nun-Hint]: 'his‘ shn-r. th‘h trips llkv 1011!. In :1 mrur-r fnnznnl u \vrillon l'UHfCBSiUIl of 1111- crime, tallying: with 1M IL, (ivqpntrh J. \Vhito, M «W York, with tml into port .Mm 11ml mmh lwuy,muttering, She hml nt tht mmm suicide 1)! \ mtv. 'l'lu‘mnu In rmv In» fmnul that :~hvlmd v unuhinn uH night )w Iho 1nd l’nttvrnml thml t tho “hovl, ukilfulh so] clear of humorous M {â€111tu making St. wna (mu! tukvn off by m 1110 ln'oczovhnngcd tn effcct am outmnmn- ulml. \ery with his ul lulmr he rain the rs mu! nought slcopin Hers Ian with n cmwh t. mud: ‘lmt, ordid with hi ‘onr never sow any ung men attentive nth-h- s:t}‘~z; Thu lo, frnm Sands with u 4 mun of port wstordux 1. “hm “an the ‘10 team] Hailed rim-v persons Matte Atkinson ‘lc-(l tn put into Sr'utin mast, tn Shnnly after was In main h illâ€"tom. utmwml ff his hum ltuhll'uu .t and mm *szmg.‘ m â€It nilt)‘ :wm: lilï¬lu‘ll M 3' do for ursmf ml :11 W‘l I’lu'llrot. u M) 1h» Lawm- fur HI‘ wrunl mu Ls.‘ mmprnmisi ml. in: should Hf hot mm 1: rt 1 lctl lmln- 1:! ,un highly imp: n}; rvly «m pr lu' fulltnflng p‘ w; sun â€mm-d * l'wlvr tho «‘irr'mnntnm‘es. I aha" be Ilwpoaul tn mnkc‘ some nrmngomont on tho «uhjwt gun n-fn-r tn. hut I t'n‘nnnt help thinking; tlvut nu tlw total mm which you mu unv tn )4!" daughter and that which I «1n mvn h\( um. is not mun than EMU“). thv 'whnlv n! it nnght tn he settlod. und no part mmhl '1' hp Imam! an income or used mhr‘rwilo than an capttgi. ammo for the par mRv n! affording an income. . “ [on I may portinently add that inchc result nnly $1.1») wuhfl out 9' the It‘- thmnc. mad ch» m and to pay me of Tm: ncxn'u DEVISMX. To this. on the My day of its receipt, HIP llukv made tho following mph“, " .\l.«-H.l. Lulml‘m Kmmmmn. May 99.1†)lmlmm-, l lmve received your letter of this mm». 1 have newt mp mod that ynu or Mr. nluml hml the Imnl ,at responsibility («mm-mm! with your dnnghter‘s en ligament In my man. but it was impoï¬giblo or me to nmmmv that engagement. hmdo on some lllrw‘ day-v acquaintance. with no tvious knmvh-(lgv vimtdvor of each other‘o unc- u-r nml :lisintian. . n “ I have thought it my duty to withhold nll approval of 'such an ongagmom. and not to rv‘cognize it until it Ihouldbo irre- \‘or'ululo. lint this determination is no. ‘1st ndol zm any nliscourtcsy toyour daugh- tvr m In ho-r puoqtu. As you now lu'r‘rm me that {you consider ihe onglgemflt. H'rmm "Mr that n ('ompahllh'ely eurw day h hymkcn of for thc- marriage, 1 nm dia- Luw-d. a!“ l have nlrmuly tnkl ('olln ‘I drank! 'I‘Iu'y lulu: n-rtuinly lJL‘lHl true to ouch otln-r «luring the eight months of much triul «luring which thvy have been (-ngzigul. and it is our dutcrniiimtion to make tho host- of what cannot lflt‘ q-lmngul. aw. according to my old~fm-ih- innul ixlruu. it would be u grout scandal und lu-mu-h of honor if either wus now to draw liurlt. which indeed noithcr of them appeal“; to hat 1* tho sinullcst inclination to do. ($01“- trudu has suffered too much anxiety and Worry (luringr tho lust right niOnthH to lilzllu'll liuiusllilti for us to allow her 10 be kept ion-,zi-r tlmn is absolutely necessary in hm' prm‘vnt puuilion. She is very hruvo. hut iln-rc arc limitu to what it girl can unfvly imir, if uny one had prophcsicd to llh' n u ur uuo tlutt I should consent to our «luuglm-r making such 0. marriage as this I should hun- lnughod ut the very idea. " THE MA'ITI'IR OF MONEY. “ l NllOlllllllllVe axpcctedhcr to be received with pride and joy in any family, no mum-r whim-v it might be. ï¬lm in well horn. beautiful. of most noble character. mul (-xm-pt‘iouull‘y gifted. Her only defect is she has but the portion of a gentle- wonmu. and therefore she has' been ignored with studied discouitcay by every member of Your (:rncc‘s family. over whom your imhwnw is paramount. “ Tin-u oin- mnrrics it man who cannot with u uixpmfoo on her. This matter of‘ mom-y is my cause for writing. It is your \‘ilï¬ll to lustvc £4,000 of Gertrmlo’u mom‘y (-lllll't-ly unsettled. in order that Lord Colin may have so much command of capital†\\'lll4'll may be of great importance to him in hi,- futurc career. ‘ Till“. I‘IWPOSIT’ON FOR BETTLEMEKT. ‘ .. lint this dopendu on Your (5mm con- i-‘vnling to l-C-ttlc Lord Colin's younger son's portion us a. jointure; this. with £2,000 swim-ml to her as n mortgage on her father's proprrt}. would be a small )t‘ovislon, but it would he a certainty. If 3 our Grace re- fnsvu thin arrangement it will make no tlii‘fi-rourv M to the fact of the marriage, hut it will oblige us to settle ostrictly all of (lm'lriulc's money. leavin‘ her no power to (lcul with it exacpt by will‘. '- This nettlcmcnt will he a certain loss of inx-onu- to them. an securities which satisfy H‘llHlt-t‘fl give very small interests. But that will not be our fault, as we are willing in (lull us liberally as possible with Lord ('olin. in whom we are much uttochcd, and to whom we would wish to give every [160- ulhlc help in his career." in lllnml .uul l..ul\ Mills to “110111 Lzuh ( Hlin llllhlt u [11"12-51’ntof mum of the gmnsv and ln 1 l'1llll\ “111111.21 “ell-111101.111 artist Mm “.1» [m- s: 11t at lunch Milos‘ “11011141111 ( ullll l‘.l|l|(' “1111 “10141011140. and to “(Ill t0 ull 11m tlu pl tllflllf 14 11111111 uwpre tlmt lu-r “mu-us “as in 1(mn 011 the Sunda) in qw- «tinn. 111-. she 11ml l( m 1101‘ 11 l11"'u\1nr\ to no 1» 1]1«~(111mlitv (_':l1u1«l1, and lu-inga ('ulllnlil. runmnbcu-d this rm (Enum- slam .. in .1 Protestant. “ling to 1- min" as vm'od m 1 “mm. w l! was stated for the dotoucelhu on u ('rl'llllll day in August Lady (.‘olin Camp. ‘ lu-ll and the Duke of Marlborough were at l’urrh-ot. u cmunmnpluce barruck village on th- l.n\\'m- Thames. and that JnyUould‘u st. ward saw through :1 keyholc‘umrimlly (mmprnmlsinu secucs. That such a meet- ing: shuuld have occurred at such a place lK't‘H't n a past master of intrigue like the lluln- 1:! Marlborough and Lady (‘olin is highly imprulmhle, but the plaintiff did not wly nil prnlmbilith-u ; she produced the fulluhing positive teatimouy : Grouse sca- sun u'wm'll nu August 12th, and Ludy ('.uupl)vll “113 alleged to haw been at l’ur. :lm lluxcl on the following Smulny.August l-‘nth. .\ railway clerk audu curmun testi- th 4 1.. tln- dcliu-ry uf grouse lnlmdyCmup- lwll nu Saturday, 11th. the maid who re» u-ix. d tllv urnnsp swore that her mistress mm in an tlu- timv. and remained in town uwr Humlu). This: mm uurrulmmtml hy tlu- mnh \xho dressed the gruusso. and the m ltlHlH‘ “an. further strungthmml by Mrs. 1 .lrstmy that allvgation. which was really flu.- may wry strong circumstance against her. The medical testimony destroyed all Htlspli'lvu about the alleged niiscarriagu or llr. Bird‘s actions beyond medical necesoi. tivs. amlw’jlcttors produced betwaen Mrs. liluwl, mother of the plaintifl. and the ll|lk(' of Argyll kill the allegation that nho was anxious for her daughter‘s marriage “uh Lnl‘tl (‘olin Campbell. TllI-l It‘llILEET INCIDENT. “nu 'ruL: rwx'urr um Earwusmw. Lady (‘oliu Cqmpbell ha: ambushed such prwundurutmg uvidcuce of an alibi against the alleged meeting with the Duke of Murllgm-uugl} at I’urlleot hotel as to A hm (\Vodnusdwy) nigln’u London cable says: Now thlt ley Colin Campben'lcw. lib fur us the vvidcnce is concerned. ‘8 con- clmlml, the public are reviewing the testi- man), and the com-emu: of opinion is atrnngly in favor of the plaintifl'. I'll Interesting Com-pondonu Between Blood md Argyll. PURPLEET MYSTERY EXPLAIN ED. Favorable Evidence for Lady Campbell. THE LDDD AA'D LADY SCANDAL. kv me but nl'whtt cannot be pï¬ 'l'llll (Ulililz‘sl‘flxlflixl'l wing: corn-spun:[tum- bctwwu uul the Duku uf Argyll was put ul "willing u'lmh-rrr In ([0 wall it. .{vnu‘nt was made without our asked. but wlwnum' daughter us from. Scotland we saw quite “8016543 to tn to induce hvr mind I think \nu made qu- â€Luce \nm 31;“: mm. -rmi'i'ily been trnc‘ to each Thr- 8mm. utmwl. inuéml of overt-rm, mm the Hinhhml cap and summon mad I ‘hfljmahk‘ «mmm worn by some New York society young m 51nd orushml in thv skulls nf thv «lupus. sufurMM 1h.» lmlulmhm with ml nil. uppliod the match and 1m. (‘itimm hind thv mnrulvror and carried him of? to lynch him. l-an‘ly Tlmmlny morning the home of John Hwillinu. at Atlanta. (hm. wasémnod dnwn. Inside wrro Mr. Swilllmz. his wifo and three children. all of whom it was snpponml wan lmrm-d to llt-Mh. Frnnriu Sandor: wan arm-ml «ml cnnfmsml that he Mr. Finlay, comisol for Lord ('oliu Campbell. conteudml that the case of Lady Colin against her husband had been pul- verized by the evidence produced by him. If Lady (,‘oh‘u ware rm accessory with Lady Miles in inventing, the charges against Lord '(‘olin. ihon sht- was on blc of anything. The caso was then m journod. TIN-1'0 is no truth in the statement that. owing to the publication: of the Campbell divorce case. the Queen has forbidden the pa in m be received within the [#ccincts of \‘iudnor Castle. â€"-»l.‘-len Wheeler Wilcox thus sings in her latest cfl’uuion :. I lmvo loat the road tn hummus.â€" "1w! nnv gum knmv n. prlv 2’ I w M: dwelling thoro when the mam was far. "In somehow I wandered Mr And to think that the poor deï¬' girl it only about a your married! Woe'a us. but it I n cruel world ! (ion. Butlerâ€˜ï¬ counsel denounced the. stories told by the servants regarding his client an absurd. Dr. Bird‘s counsel contended that there was but one witness to sustain the charge against his oliont. and she was the malici- ous old woman Annie Duffy. No man‘s honor could be secure. and the condition of society would be intolerable if such stories as those oi Annie Duffy were believed with- out the strongest possible kind of corrobora- til'o proof. The Duke of Mnrlbomugh‘s counsel sub- mittml that no testimony had been prmhlced establishing the slightest impropriety be‘ tween the Duke and Lady Colin. ‘ ( hie! Shaw 9 (ounsel “Riki-led to the Court to my whether his lent was not a “’ilnojflfl of truth and honor. The Judge said there was nvidonm against him. 110 Would say nothing re- gu'rding its strength. but If ($011.1!me was innocent he ought to come to court and any so. ' A London table says : in the (‘ainpbell divm‘ee ease. yesterday Dr. Bird testiï¬ed that he had 11 Int 1 acquaintance with Lady Miles and the]! (id family. He. denied m... In» «yer hxul any other relutinn's with lliudy k'Ulul ciunptiell than muse prov..- lx-twwn physieiunnnd patient. lie hud snurehed his iimtrunient ease and lnid found at letter from Lady ('olin to him. which Lord Colin's nurse. Annie Duff. had testiï¬ed was there. The letter was one written when she was 10 years of age. and wagn childish affairs Witnoé‘s produced the letter. The witness landed the cnneert at New (‘ross at which Lady (‘nlin sung. lie went as one of the ,undienee. and sat in the body of the hall. Lady (Tolin broke down while singing. Witness then took her to his house to procure for her some medic-int.- difï¬cult toohtninelsewhere. luulyColin left ï¬ve minutes afterward. lt, wan not truetlnit he (:ztl‘l‘flflml phiintiti' in the enh. When Lady Miles told witnens that Lord Colin and his nurse alleged that Lady Colin had lmd a. miscarriage. witness at once pro- nounced the statementan infamous accusa- tion in reference to the night witness remained 90 long at Lady (‘nlin's bedside. he mid he had administered npiinn to her. , and while waiting for the miteome fell asleep in ‘un mun-chair. It haul been hospital day, and he was very tired. Lard Colin invoke him. but the. suggestlmi that there was any imp'ipriety in witness’ con. duct wnn gt‘nundlcls. . 'l‘hueonnsel {or Gen. Butler. another of the (rd-respondents, mid he. would not call the General be mine. hesubmittmlmo testi- mony had been prodneed which incrimi. hated him. The Judge. said there was evidenen against him. He would say nothing re- nu“ nuuuss uuu puny Doll]! in a compro~ mising pomtion in tho dininwroom of leogun place. Chief Slmw pronounced an absolute lie. Ilc lnul newr [mind a breath of suspicion against Lady (‘olin‘s character untilu petition for Li divorce was lodgvd against Lord Colin. The case wnstln-n adjourned. Mr. Justin- Butt will sum up on Monday. A London table Hays : In the (‘ampbcll (llYnH'L‘ misc vustorduv 1):: Bird inqtiï¬ml L'lucf Shaw. another of Ithc co-rL-spond- cuts. took the stand. and testiï¬ed that ha lunl known Lady Colin's family for many years. His daughter was one of Lady (folin‘s bridcsnmids. His wife always culled upon Lord and Lady Colin (Jump- holl when they were in London. Then-sti- nmny of the nnurservunt (,'!‘l\'eill, that he saw witness and Lady Colin in a compro- mising pomtion in the diningd'oom of L‘udoguu place, Chief Shaw pronounced an , , r. VVVVV v. ..t...,,.... ....u. i .l‘he “ï¬nest-t did not know where andy (‘uiin’s room at Leigh Court was and never went to her bedroom. He never, ‘un was testiï¬ed, had been on the Puddington station platform with her, and never was with her at l’urtleet, 171m“ crunwexumimt» tiun. the Duke said the woman with whom he was at I’m-fleet was ‘1“1‘5. Perry. H. wmmm u! the town. and that they regis- tered nnd renmined at l’nrtieet as Mr. and Mrs. Terry. The witnesmlmlinml to name openly the lady seen calling upon hint at Queen Anne‘s gate, and whom the Servants had testiï¬ed they believed was the plaintiff. He, however. wrote her name on :1 bit of puper and handed it to the judge and the mmmel for huth sides. «nu-:r smw's 'I‘I‘IS'I'IMUNY. ('hief Shaw. another of the co-t'espond- cuts. took the stand. and testiï¬ed Hmt 1m Lady Colin asked thL witness not to call any more upon her, as Loud Uulin disliked to have her receive mule visitors. The wit- nous remarked that it was very absurd. and mewrmllod again at (fudogun pluvo. l‘l.†.....‘.,A V... .V vl4â€"uv‘~v u.... .J!.\c Culint‘nmpbcll.“ (.‘on‘tiuuing. the Duke sun! hcnmcr madu any appointments to meet Ludyt‘oliu. He had received from liner u low ordinary letters about books. ‘DUKE U!" MARLBOROI'UH‘S EVIDENCE. The Duke 'of Marlborough. one of the co realigudcmn‘ testiï¬ed that he never was guilty . adultery or _imp_rop_riety with Lady l'._IZH ‘ 'l‘wo gatekwbers. at. Queen Anne’s gate, where the Duke of Marlborough lives when in London, testiï¬ed that they never saw Lady Colin visit the Duke’s hou there. An architect swore he was mm 10 to see anything through the keyhole in the (lining- ruom dmr in (fudngan place. It was decided tolmve the jury visit and lusprct the keyhole and dining’rmm. The case for Lady (‘olin Campbell was then closed. ' a. Several witnesses teatifled that L343! Colin taught factory girls and engsged In mission work among the r. and that he! engagements of this kind ept her em loyod several times a week from 6 to to 0’0 co]: m the (sveuin . . ’ Lady 3150:; produced a book to show that the pluiutifl' and the Duke of Marlborough occupied rooms in omiosito cud-s _ of the house at Leigh Court and not adjouuug on witnesses for the defence had intimated ml their testimony. Lord Colin’l debts and “with D but" 801‘ van Luis casual. When the coma umdeueo hid been reed. tBit‘ Chulcelliuuï¬ell “had 3;.“ ht‘hn “W oundstiou art 0 suggest t t . in en dupe or form, coerced or pmugolgord C ' into this engagement 1’" To which Mrs. Blood romptly answered : “ Certainly not. I lpo e to him strongly n to the diwourtmy with which hll lining treuted my deugliter. I said. ‘ I! you presented your father with a butcher's (laughter he would htve welcomed her with ‘ effusion it she had plenty 01 money. and he (night. at least. to treat my daughter with courtesy. being what she ie.’ He replied. "l‘liat ' is perfectly true. and it makes my father‘s conduct only the more Lliuguetiug.’ " urnr‘ruli nvxvzxct I .‘h lH-Imtmt intrmlm‘od II' rmélutinu in (mum-ass yewtordny suthorizlng Ch. l’mi don! to appoint a mmmmu’m to take IW’IIlt‘lIr‘O in rolatmn to‘ the loan 3an injurioa infl‘ttevl on American ï¬shermen ,\ the actim o! the Dominion (IOWrIIIm‘IIt I‘nprotecu‘na the Ctnadiun Minna from \hou mud dam-«know. sud no“ â€my form the Innis (I huh!!!“ ‘ . ‘Artiï¬vinlly grownduckn are said (0 I» tho boat {nttvnml Imrl plumpest bird: in Bat-non mm M. The largo-st duck pond 1n America ta 1 $0M]: Huston. Massaclmwttn. whorv 7.000 hnw‘ been hntvht‘d thin non-mu. It is unly a few yc-nrs ninm patent incuba- hri fmmd thmr way into public notice‘ MM now they {oz-muse ham,“ a law» The (' it} (Zlork to- da} decided the nldm manh tie in \\ Md No 3 by Voting v for \[r Cullowm who replaces Mr. Miller. Tommyâ€"0h: jusE ’caum I heard ma lellin‘ Julia that you was :11 nwfulpmr CMCh.-â€"~('lrrvlumi Sun. A fnrmu near Wiuom. Min. claims to haw mined 1m bushels of corn from one in r0 of around Inst wagon. . ‘“' 0n tho My. 'l‘o n_ Hay. Mr. l-‘lntpnno. you aim muvh M p ying baseball. are you '2 Mr. I". (who in paving hiu addresses to Tommy's Amoryâ€"W011. no. Tommy. I‘m no («Bert : but why do you ask? " Wlm‘t pretty vhildron you have.“ said the new minister to the proud mnther of three little ones. †Ah. my little dear." Bflltl hn. M lu- look a girl of 5 n into lain lap, _" M‘v you thv (MM! Qf the family 1’" Winters A: Baker. of Prince Albert, have obtained n, verdict for $5,000 ugliinst the (Immdn Paciï¬c Railway for loss sustained to goods through the ï¬re at QuAppelle station. The Department of Interior have issued notices that in Duffel-in Reserve. west of Rod River. and Rat {in-r Reserve. east of Red Rivennfter the. lat day of January. 183-47. tho t’\'(‘Il-lllllnb(-roll sortimis remain» ing available shall be open for ordinary harm-stead and pre-emption entry to all applicants. whether Mennonites or other] wise, who are eligible. Until the lat of January. however, the. exclusive rights of Mennonites shall continue. and until that time all tliecvenmumbercd sections remnin- ; ing undisposed of in these reserves will be: open to homestead and pro-eruption ontryf exclnsiwly by Mennonites. The privilogcg of residing in hamlets is to continue to bel accorded‘o all Mennonites who may obtain l homestead entry in the eastern or Ratl River Reserve prior to the lat day Ofl January next. 1 "‘ No, m'n‘nm.“ roupomlcd {hurlirttlc miss‘ with Hm usual nccuracy of childhood. " m3 pn‘c alvlt-r‘u mo."-â€".S'l. Paul Ilrrulvl. A remunt will he demanded in the "innilw' warm-"Hy "ll-"*4 ‘n on helm†of Aid. Jones. A recount “'1.“ had in the alilernmnic contest in Ward _- â€â€1““ W. ‘ snlting in 0. tie between (‘ullm W‘- and Miller feignltlerlnun. The returning om-...~ will give the. casting: vote tn-mm'row. The number of emigrants who arrived in Winnipeg last year was 13,210,. Returning ul'lieer Rutherford pi'mnisos to give u deeisiun in the lioekwoml election on Saturday. A recnunt will be applied fur in St. Clements. In St. .lmnen’ l’urish. two miles from the city. this morning. a mun named John; Arnmtrung shot. himself inlull)’ in the lurid with n Hhotgnn. lie was in his own house at the time. and there were two young men in the )‘Omn mljuining.. They heard Arm- s'trnng and his wife arguing excitedly. im- mediately after which the report of u gun was heard. and they then found Mrs. .~\rm~ strong with her husband’s bleeding and lifeless head in her lap. An inquest. will be held to-morrow. us it in considered there Are sunnivious eircnnmtanoes attending the cane. » , , ~ ~- 6 a fortnight. and have failed to find any truce ofhim. Heleft his house at dusk. His daughter heard him calling for help from the woods adjoining the. house. Hhc went to the door and shouted in reply, but- cnuld not understand where he ‘ was. ‘iilthough his cries and groans were dis- tinetlyheurd. She rim to neighbor“ for help. Meanwhile darkness and it snow- storm -sct in.’ The whole district was amused next day and the woods for many miles thoroughly scoured. The general opinion is that he has been swallowed by u huge serpent and taken into the lillU‘S.†An eyeâ€"witness of reliability said that while recently coming to (Sumo he saw something whieh appeared to his an old dry lug nerossl the mad, but when he came near to it the l reptile. \x’lmsc heiid \'.'.r.; on one side of the road zunl its tuil in the “190.15 on the other side. gave two or three sweep»; with its tail and dui'ted into the form-ct. milking the brush crush. The body seemed to be the size ofn burn-l and its length from twenty- llve to thirty feet. It lnid u’ fermions- loukinghcud. The erpent has long been usourt-c of dread to the. people in tlmt locality. It in (‘lmrm-d \HIII Myallcmiug u l‘nmn I’m-mar “'lmlo. A (71mm (Nova Hmtiu) (h-Hpatch says: Hundreds 0f mun urn engaged «mu-«ï¬xing for farmer ('M'unor. who has been missing l’rnf. Ellis. 0! the School of Practical Science. Toronto. for analysis. The Pro- fessor found that the ï¬ve packages of salt ‘nnd vials of fluid contained large quantities of_ arsenic. As soon as he had secured the result of the analysis Detective M urmy prooeeded to Simcoo. and, securing a war- rnnt‘for Morrow‘s arrest. apprehended hinl yoatcnlny and lodged him in Simmvjnil. The hearing has bvvn adjourned until Fri- (hty. [1) allow 0f l’mf. Ellhi being present to testify as tn the result of thoanulysis.- St. 'I'lmmrm Tina's. lug: trout of lead on word linu- duct ocreo. In July“ I“. maul albi- cattle. mayo! than thoroughhrdl. end consequently valuable. dial in o remai- uhly inyqteriona manner. ~They would be all right the night More. next morning the‘i' would be found «loud in the pasture} tiel u. The mortality continued st inter-j vols until two or three months ago. upwordl‘ of titty head in nll lwrishinu, including calves. sheep. ï¬fteen or twenty cows. 5 9400 bull. and a more and colt. On July 23rd hunt nine head of cattle were found dead. Dr. McKay thereupon communicated with the Ontario Gowmment and Detective Murray was given charge of the one. Sus- picion pointed to it man named Robert Mor- row. who rents 0. form in the vicinity, and who was known to have repeatedly nude threats against the dootor in consequence of a dispute he littd with him lame tinie/ previously. Moi'row's dwelling was watched and the man was observed to leave the premises. at 1 inn. and proceed to Dr. McKay‘s pasture tit-ids, where he sprinkled a white. substance on the ground near the gate through which the block generally pushed. Alter Morrow depurted the watch L'UVt‘l‘utl the subutunce with u paper and re- paired to Dr. Meliuy's house, returning shortly ufter with n lump nmi two nouist- nuts. The â€powder†was itispueted niul found to ho suit. It was left when) (lepositml, and next tiny two or three more euttle «lied with all the Hyinptmnu of inning been poisoned, The suit \vus then gathered up. and, together with the fluid from the Viacom of the cattle. wns fox-wrirtlet'l to A tactical.» “maxim. Arm! 0! a I“ Who I. Chum 'flh I’OIIDIII. cum. Government Detective Murny bu mde‘ number clever "not. the evidence “lino: {he agcuugd pcrsqn being of the moat posi- \ N .\ “A‘s I'll] 7. ll RI‘JI'TI LE. "or I"! Win mam N1 ) RT] 1 \Y 1-), no “(my sac-0mm! to be 1m! its lvngth from txw 1-1. It 11ml n? ferm-i l'ho urpont has long Imminntiom A dmpntch lrnm Bum hays the Sham haw mmtvrul in amt no and am: y the mun loading?!) the Ruby miner. TE. Brimh column has been ryiMorcod. The dosing oar-thins! of tho Toronto R n-nml Hrhml .tonk Waco last night. The mum of the mnmim-rs nlm'od that N2 Mm and :47 wmlemc‘n hm! passed Hwir Immune nwcting in Dubiin on Tnésdï¬ â€˜ whether or nut he willgive bail, nndthereby cmnwl tin-authorities to try him before his ruruwnzanccs are estimated. Mr. ()‘liriun's hands were torn and his left arm 'sprmnod in the runaway accident. Mr. ()‘Drn-n saw that proï¬ting by "M press instinvta. when he saw h number of police- mom in )lnin Nothing at the Loughreu meeting. '10 made arrangements for the snfntv of tho documontn and money of the Imugiw. He intqmls tn continue the (ram. mign with cmxtinn nnd ('xrcmnspoctinn. Iowill Hpmlk at Longfornl on Sunday. and Sir 'Umnms I'I§111«»11(I¢:_\:il_lspenk M Gorey. During the progress of tho mot-ting at meuhrm yesterday-3‘“ which Messrs. Dillln. O'Brien. Burris nml Shot-11y were arrested. Mr. Sheehy received n summon.“ ton pear and show cause why ho should nut mbmunl over tn keep thou-non. he. muse n! u spec-ch hl' Inmlv rpmmly M Kyl¢eln»g. nml which it was vlm‘mml wastes]- culntvd m nmmm disordvr. 'l'hv Mummy Nun says if ht x": â€M Gov- vnmwnt “ill grunt tho art-mun mm a fair trial and lvmc tho muntrv to (1m ulo be Nu n â€S! Imdvrn 01' th- rn- nt mmmnrnt and thur immdml \ivtimn in flu: interim. Mrssrs. Dillon. O'Brien, SllDt‘liy mit'l Ilarriq lmvv decided to roqcerl against the polir-o of Lunghrm for t m romvnry of the money and documents svizetl thoro \‘cster- tiny. Messrs. Harris and Shochy'odav mot the tenants of tho (‘nppatigna tau-'8 in (Sort. (‘0!!ntyTinthty. Mr. ()‘Brion. in an interview. said the Longhrm polive only secured L'RR of th0_£l.100 of rent inoni-y ‘rré-vi‘i'b'fl liy†tho†trustees. “9 M- prmnml tln‘ opinion that tho pmsomtinn of the trustees would stimulate and lwlp tho mowmont instmd n! snpprmsin: it. lln was unrprinvd that he and his fellow. trnstms hml her-n allnwml to uivo hail. as thvy were thus mmblod to continue tho rpmpniun. Ho lookvd forward to wakon. ing Enuh‘nl’ public opinion against tho Mm. trnry arrest of members of n legislative nruanizmimi. 11111tmn1-1 to [11- 111111111 1111*.111‘1'111;,.,y Ir1'1111 mili- tury 1111111111 with 1111111111111111111 \11'. 11111111, Sex-rotary of the Irish P1111111- 111c111111-y 11111113111111.111 that 11 number of 1111111 (1111111111111 1~= 11'1111) 1111111111 for 11'1-1111111 111111111111141151-111' 1111-131111111111'11.11111111 (1101' 11'111111'11111‘1‘1111' 1igr11‘1111slV. “1111: Nationuhsts 1111- 11111011111." 111. 11111 stupidity of the 111111011 111 1101 111111111 manor 1111111 1111:1'11111. â€ylhc might 11111'1' seized mmw 11111115111111» 11f [11111111111 11} 111111111: 110111111 only. Mr. Dillon 11119101111111111t1111111 room 1111111) from 1110 effects 111' the runmvm 110131113111. 110101111011 “oak and wenricd. 111.- wi1l attend 11 meet. in" 1111 110111 Konmaru‘ ecstatos at Killamoy 1:11 Sunday. H_c will announce at the Thl Government has ordered SOr umtinna to be tukm in serving Ir my}: camps with mmmmitiun ’l'hvi‘e is a rgmor that the mmmgmnont of l'm‘m! leuml tn-dny hurriedly moved a portion of their plant from the ofï¬ces of that paper. A mot-ting of tmm ts of (‘4)1‘k, ‘ and Limci'ivk was 11 1d tn-dnv ' ““9? . ‘tmvn. Méssrs. UT'nnnurnm‘i Flying. M’ bum 0f l’zn'liunwnt, mmlv nJIlN’HSâ€. ' A!“ Hvlmiun in favor hf the lel' 9f mmpafg‘n ’Wus adopted. . _ _ 1&1va I\muummu'Bru-nnrr1\‘e(llul)ul,>. 1j.. um‘luy. Both are much diaturbcd and hurt physimlly. In addition to the troubles which the gentlemen lmd yesterday at Imughrvu‘ they met with an accident on 111.; mml homv; the home drawing the car on \VhiPlI they were riding bolted, 5mm] both wen- thrown vinlnmly tn the ground and cunnidvmbly bruised. 'l‘lw lair/trams says: “The limit of for: beumm'o has been passed. mnl the (iovvrn- mum lmd no alternative unless it Would stultif) itself before thv world." lmuks. mul un‘vstml Mr. Dillon. It is ‘ alleged that Mr. Dillon was roughly treated j by the Inmmctor. The police pmceodod upstairs and took ï¬nsscssionof more monoy mul «lovumoms. H‘luey 'then arrested Mr. O‘Brien. and n‘ftorWnrxl Messrs. Harris and Slicelxy. The quciï¬p ghgrgor “against .3110, {0111‘ gu‘n‘tlcméihs that. they were '(zonspiring to induce the tenants not to pay their law. ful l'OlllH. Mr. Dillon struggled with Inspuétm' Davies for possession of the rent money seized by the. latter. The four gontlvmcn urn-51ml gnu) bail in $1,000 each. It is rumored that the pnliue haw been inslrlu-twl l0 lHll‘Hllt‘ u similar course in the cusw of (:llwr Nullmmli'sl rvnt cnllcctors. 'l‘lw Nutimml Lcngm lourl‘ox‘s lmw decided "1 mmtimw tlu-ir IJI'OHCE t tm‘lim. varnl 01 Mom will lczu'v Dublin to-nmrrmv {M \‘m ions purtvyuf ln-lnnd hr the purpose of receiving rents. - - Dunk-$4 soil-ml thum’ioucy. (lucumcutrx and books. and arrested Mr. Dillon. It is alleged tlmt Mr. Dillon was roughly treated by the lns'pc-ctor.‘ The police proceeded The Daily Teluyruph says that the strong. rvsnlmn notion of the Government will deserve to win the all but unanimous up lrUVlll of the country. , .‘lessrs. John Dillon. member of Harlin. cut for East Mayo; Wm. O'Brie 1, editor » I'm'lml lrc'luml : Mather Harris. lumber of Parliament for East (lulway. and David Shetllxy. member ()Lgl’urlinmont for South (lalway, were arrested to-day in the town of Loughruu. ('ouuty Unlwny. charged with conspiracy to defraud. The prisoners haw been acting an trustees in conducting the “ plan of campaign.†and have been re- ceiving from dissutisï¬orl tenants the reduced routs n-fusml 'by the landlords or lmullurds' nut-um. At tlur time of making the urrwats tlw pulicc tunk nwny from Mr. Dillon £100. which llu luul received in trust frmu tho tonnuta. The four gentlemen ‘ \u-rc 'tnkt-u lut'oro n nutgistrutv um] re- mmulul fur u wet-k. ' The Chronicle says that should such a drastic rmnedy fall, it would be reasonable for the Government to apply for fresh pmvors. and such an appeal would not be made in vam. The Morning I’uu urges the Government to follow 11 the blow at every hazard to tho neudful (-n . A last ghunduy‘) night's London cable says: '1‘ 600in '21“ “ll. commenting on the arrests 3t rel. yesterday: -‘ We regret that’ the ï¬sh Nationuhstl meditate o 1 deflonoe o! the law. We ’omphaticaly state that English Liberal- cun have nothing whatever to do with out- rage. dishonesty or resistance to the low. The Government will be driven from one arbitrary act to another. Further arrests may heexpected. Lord Hurtiugton gave the Miniature the one at tho Unionist con- ference, and they luve taken it. There can be only one end to such a policy, but much trouble will precede it." ' Tho Government and Imam-u Open Wan-fare. BITI‘EB STRUGGLE 100m G AHEAD. Pour Irish London Arrested and Their Funds Seized. frf“ P??? w'l‘ht- mnnumont to John B. (Mum: in ,ant- (‘mm-tr-ry. Warrant". Mut. h" bwn plan-ll in position on thr- hmil)’ lot. a It mufloin hm tmm-fnl and subsumlhl Mrmphnmus; nf'urnnitrx It in Ahout I ï¬t! in Dwight. on n Mum about 1‘»! by 3gb». and surmnnnlul M a rap show! 5! y .9. feet, ()n the mqun of thc from of CM bum- in the name “ 6mm}: " in large In“. a I An Injunction has hum gun an - in the Cunud Ind White (5to at: Comic: from refuting to In: I. ‘ oflomd. The Amoflcun comp-n: Indu- P not to carry only condum' Mun. Mr. Edwin Doorman. of Findley/'0 L'olm. N. Y. hm; a photogrnph of him mother. himswil. his «laughter. herdnughtor And her baby. ' Tho picture rmrc-aonts ï¬ve genera- tions. all in gum? hoalt .. YIN! TRRNYROF€'H NEW 900'. O, harny lnrk. that warhlust high lbOVO thy am: y nvnt' 0, lmmk that hnwleu moniiy hy the MM! um nnco mm- Meat? b. hr" rptrmg to tha any! 0. nun in 6mm l (-M ‘ - o. to o Mad 1m. how many cm I and how! Inn. Iliknjniuh! of old. upon one knee hn sunk. Hm hum) youm on. mm «mm hum. And thirntily. liku mm nuchnmod. drank 'l‘hu rich mm of Mr soul-«nurturing 'raco. Slw mum! nm. hm pound with from ml zest Thn \vnnlu which nu hur ardont low. (Inflow; Thvn. M ho swan" 10 clump her to his brunt. flu hu-th h-ll duwn md hit him nu tho nma. And, so he tun-nod cud unkind from ha VII‘W, Ml hum) Ihnt wuuond WM not teeth. In Inns" mnma'u MANY A (mmr. ETC. Thvy stand apart. acrommd by a bank of flow'ra l-‘rum unzv of mot-curious pmnermhy. And nha was ylyi u: all her woudruun lmw'rn 0! hair. am hr w. and Mr, and chook. 3nd oyo To him him as )tiVo in her mesh of chmns. This gold 100 ml huy-thiu MuMoon-mmmn ph'V ~ Whou- untried non] Know no “mm-n nhrmu‘ Hut paid but human honugn day h ' dny. And lw had, yielding, nought t tn mm xwm-t H To My his hum 1nd fortune u her feet. The French Goverhmcnt costs the tux payers 890.000 every hour. “No. Iiobb a" laughed Fontlnorly. " I never hme hm that pleasure." “ Well. you will." went on Bobby. “ He told ma that he lent you 35 last night snd he expected to whistle for it."â€"-Ncw York Sun. ‘ “ \Ir. Featherly‘, ’ said Bobby. i oring his mother‘ a signal to keel ) still. id you ever hear pa. whisfle ‘2" Passenger Agent of the Boston &' Lowell road. has been offered and has accepted the position of General I‘auengor Agent of the Eric Railroad, in the place of John N. Abboti. risi nod to accept the commis- sionership 0 the Southwmtom Passenger Association. Mr. Tuttie is spoken of as a railroad man of “rt-at ability. Late Railway News. 0. ll. Cummings, of Chicago. has been elected President of thc Lake Eric «1' \Vestc-rn road. It is stated that the assessments (m the stock yielded over summo, which will diet'lmrge the floating debt and paw,- tlw way for the receiver's exit. ' me mm and 75le ; more ‘- $151517)“ of honors ‘ counts for very little. for while regiments engaged in recent wars in which battles were frequent and fatal have only one “ lumor" for the entire war. those which ware out in more remote military operations have “ honors“ for every battle they took part in. The “ linking" of High- luml roginmntu lms nuuloit impossible now to estimate their lmnm‘n accurately ; but in 1880 before the linking took place, they stand thus : ~12ml. ll honors ‘; 7lst. l7 ; 72ml. 1 ; 73rd. 3 ;7-lth. 13 ;751l|._-l ; 78th. 6 ; Hrul. ‘u nu l .. 72nd. ‘1 ; 73111.3 79th. 13 ; â€ISM 'J ' . To’mlalu. mama?" ' mumblin- .mmm aunt-II- nut-hr. «WJS. the 79d and 7‘. WWW“. as; 3d. 21101.2(] and 75th; lm-ro “number" of L†. A little girl not 6 years of age not lost yesterday on Wabashavenuo. She strayed too far from her mother in (the crowd. When she found that she was being help- lessly swept along'bywthu but-1y throng of pedestrians, she did not become frightened or lose her childish self-possession. Boldly walking right u to the ï¬rst policeman she saw, she thus m amused him : “ You must be some of our folks. You dress just like pupa. I've. lost my mnmmn, and I wish ynn would plensv take me home." She ultimately reached home. It a pears that her father is u _poliumnun. um? when she saw an nflicer «h‘chsml us she had neon him. she thought, as she afterward explained, I‘ I, , , , A I I ‘ ‘ - . ,. “he must be some kind of an uncle Chicago Juurl‘ml. General Booth told a New York reporter: In Canada my reception was equal to that of the Prince of Wales when he was there. Everybody tux-nod out to meet me; it was on ovation {min the time Icroascd the line. 1 was much moved. of course, and wish to return my heartfelt- thnnkn to the Can.- dinns. l have unï¬t-ed that the \fomen here. can’t sing as well, or don‘t, rather. as the English women. It twkcs the English women to sing. ' ()nr songs? Uh, we take any tune amLumlm “sacred. I remember mu 0 a captain naked me if he could use the tune “Champagne (‘lmrliuf' I drew {he line at that, because champagne Buggt‘sed drunkenness und Charlie was too familiar. Some time nfterwnrds I was carried away by u song. and naked what tune it was. It was “ (,‘hnmpngno Charlie." I never object no“ to unf‘hlno. so the words are all right. It is stated (lmt Lucius A Washington doapotch lays : Mr. Nicol , ‘ngsmill. of Toronto. is here with bin w re. His min-ion to Wuhington Ind bil frequent visits here ere in connection with the claim of the heirs of Jnmu Crooln. commonly known as the Lord Nelson claim. The ï¬rm of Kingsmill. Cattmsch '62 i Bymous re resent the heirs of James Crooks. Tie claim has been before Con- greed for ï¬fty years. and has been tbrou b all the vicissitudes that attend motters of: private nature. It lmu been both lavornbly and unfavorably reported many times. It! present status is favorable to its considera- tion at the present session, and the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs, to whom the claim was referred. are about to re )0“ it to the House. The heirs of William (Brooks. a. brother of James, have also been joined in the claim and will come in for their proportion of the money should (longres' pass the Bill during the present session. toniuo l’llgu o! ofloh Coo-oh. You!†ll Daron." . A Daron uh ooyo : 'l‘hoo. Grooro. o otouomuon. yoou oi ogo. com to Doiroii tron Lon on. Out. With bio I“. ond {our childron tour montho o routed nonoro oi 663 Eat W bri otroot. o no zoning olont oomiorto y enough until ouo took ofo. whoa tho mother died in childbirth. ‘ho (othor thou begon to ohow oi o o! montol woohnooo. ond neighbors too ohorgo of the inlomo. For ooverol doyo put. the mighhoro did not notice my man of life ohout tho ploco. ond youterdoy morning some of thom poid a visit to the house. They found ofloiro in o do loroblo condition. 1119 {our childron hod n stricken down with ooorlot favor. one. a. girl of 8 years. woo dud. tho oldooi boy was on the verge of deoth. Ind tho other two were low with the diooooo. Tho father was lying on the bed with his oiok children. The Poor Ccrnmiooion woo I. once notiï¬ed. and steps were token to rcliuvo tho sufferers. The eldoot boy’l recovery is considered hopeleoo. r 30!! “ Snnu- Kind ut’uu l'm'lv." General Booth on Canada. The Lord Nelson Chin. 92ml 11.; .Iï¬rd 5 Auu‘cuz. ‘ “'hlatlv. Tuttlo. General his {Immune )9