Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 15 Dec 1886, p. 1

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‘ BOOTS 8‘ SHOES. Ccurt House Ave.. Next Dopr to Post Office lil’l()CK-V’IIJIJE. '0‘ PUBLISHED " I'll! “DIESDA! nouns. AT THE OFFICE, VIOIIIIA "It". autumn. 51mm in «dance. 1.6!) wt mum. u not paid within 1 manna. No diwonlluuud until all «noun no paid. (3.34. a. 00min.“ an). 1s. 5. cmufxua. u. 0.. can mttorial nunms In Joe-u column. flvo cents for Hue-fur um msenmn ad three cents per mo fur each uuhwqueut Insertion. Trundcut ulvm-Liwuwuts. H cents not “no for unit mama Hun; use!) subs-“moat mwnhm. 2 cents per line. «‘untract udvefllwmeuu mama M m- ducod rams. Advu'dnemcnts 'unaccum muted ghwmwu Wane will be Inwrtm t H fur- | and charged mfurdlngly. A. A. Fisher, BARBIST an, soucrron, due. I . BROOK VI LLB. Office. over (kcnvNonh'wesiem Tele- graph Office, Main street. 33- Money to loan on teal es‘tate. BARRISTER, ET 131‘00kvi110 ()nt., Eifi'jijb V w 011:? Dr. C. M. B. CORNELL will be.at home Tuesdays, Thursdays and Samrdays, for SPECIAL CONSULTATIONS. 9 Tho Reporter 10;: room to fully oqulppm} wm: the mum style; or type and pr um ppsatlwfygfiy acuity ‘01- turning out first- \ Dru. Cornelia Cornell, I‘Anmausvunn - . - 1 MONEY TO LUAN AT THE LOWEST RATES. HOUSE PAINTER FARMERSVHJJE- THIS fine now buck hotel has been -lvuamly furnisluul lhrou-ghnut in the htest Myles. livery attestation paid to the: wants of gucsxs. (300d yards and atabl; dug. SHAVINB IN!) Hill! - DRE88IB€E§ Geo. W. GORDON, K'alsominrr. Pap" "anger and Glaztrr. ’ ONTRAC'I‘S takvu {Or inside and on!- sidc work at closest prices. Rusiâ€" dm‘lcu nvu lo Bernoy’s Livvly, Mam 5L. Furmt-rsville. ‘ AM pmpued \0 g;'\‘(' tm- most Itylish, the mo” dfimhle. and the bust lining too! or «hm m Furmonwihq. EPA ITSEI Mn "w lav-rm \‘IH- My M My“. I“ to 701'! on. HFM'SB I Fe "m In" as- B quorum-uh “I; M M310! 0' Hum uppvrs t0 ‘3‘." m. Blunt?!" mn make the mud: and gunman! boot in m Kom LEAVES the post omce, Farmornville, at £1.30 a.m., arriving in Nation'- town m hmv tr. connec! with (i. T. R. 9&- mm east and wen. Returning, leaves RhHorymwn nn arrival of train from We“, leaching Farmoranllr about 7 p. m. Uj' \VI” wail animl of “'entporl stage In: “aux-enacts. if nullified in time by mail FARMERSVILLE 8 MALLORYTOWN for panengcr a, or telegraph. anmffl made k 1p 1 Repgmu StagemLine B. J. Saunders, B. A. Sc.C. E.” TITE REIORTER ‘flfims 0! )m I to 3 p. m. FARMERS VTLLE, A, C, I D \Vxn. VVcbstcr, The Gamble House, PARLOR, "Inst run 51’s IIote'x, FA RMICRSVILIJI. grottssinuul manly. SAI'l l. "In”... PIIP’I. 003“me AS“ M'mcux. >T D S U R V E? O R. Draughlsmnu, 8a, IIAND MADE \ lilo. an. an and n ruin of hand- np 80010, and any. your {can dry., ring («landed (o plumplly. Prices m-n'. to mm the hard "mos. FRED. PIERCE” Proprietor. o ADV-8.91.13 G- Job wihx. nml‘fiu‘ Dr; Vaux, ‘. C. Judd, rum. BETHUEL Lovnum. DEAL!!! OI Women." Oflice touts ‘i’ublhher and Proprietor. ARNMT, & GR! HARM?! 'r amMn "unw- om. AINER, ()N’r, or $1.50 papers THE EAGLE ITheae machines wall be left on trial for a reasonable period, and no unle unless a fair trial proves them to the satisfactory to the Met. Read our circulars cate- Best in the World! ANTI-FRICTION HEARING, RE- QUIRING NO OIL. SOLID WHITE RUBBER ROLL- ERS, VULCANIZED T0 SHAFTB. CONSTRUCTED ENTIRELY OF MALLEABLE IRON, QALVAN- IZED IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNQR. N k‘ CONNOR’S Imrnovnn WASHER! Best Washing lacuna in (he Iarkot. fully. W. T. McCullough. TIMEIS MONEY FRED. GLOW, FARMERSVILLE, lilfllMXI {KING} In the Best Possible Manner and on Reasonable Terms. \VATGH 8: GL8 GK Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery. Sole Agent in Farmersville {or LAURENCE'S CELEBRATED SPECTACLES. II”. 050V. FARM E RSVILLE INSURANCE AND LOAN Aanucn ""cll Screened. luMllblo Blood Purina. Tank. Dimua In“ at Anson”. [Mint-um. hymn“. “Housman. Janndico. Liver (Tampmm. hmmuism. m Kldnoy Noon". uremia. inn." pecan" tn remain. RAH Rheum. I mm. and Ill Mm Linnea. Hudson. upmuon of ma Hun. Sun? Stomach to Ian Bun; Purgly \‘egog.Ho._ WATER ST., Baor‘xvupn. COAL! COAL! I V0,; 11. N0. 51. Ben: to announce that he is better prepared than m or to do Hence the Importance of a well Regulated Time-Piece. WORK GUARW. Office and Yard, GEN ERA L AU ENT. 76.11“, \Vini Co. 'ToroMo on AND COUNTY OF LEEDS ADVERTISER. R. w. CHALIS, JAMES, A Full Line of All Coal WRINGER. Agpn t). Farm firsvillfl sfiundaa‘séhool q 53!) p.11: Duncan fisher. rln ndent An LounA at 1 .pm .anm.. and Snuwou'a In. 3.15.11: . Sunday. June l)mth. Ind every alum. ate ubhath thereafter. ' WAsnau'mu's and Hum Isuzu) alternately Friday evenings at mo. Church of In land. Cnmn‘s Cnvacn.-â€"Rev. . N. Jones. Incum- bent. Seance over Sunday t 7.00 p. m.. ex, coming! 0 second uuda Int omonth. hen service will be held at 10. a. :11. Holy om- munlou utter momma prayer. Sunday School at 2m_p.m. figrvlco every Thursday at 7.80 Farmeuvillo Circuit. Rev. 0. memtm'. FAuunuavwa.~~8ubbath service- ln the Soul: Churrh at 10.2!) a. m. and 7 p. In. Public torn 'urlueetinu Thur-aria owning at 7.3).. In he orth Church. and Dunn People's meet. my Sagurdgx evgnfin‘g‘ at no. _‘ Sunda handou- at (Ma 30th. June IN“! “a July WK omltwd.) lit-«y; and praise meeting every Wedneodny evening at 1'. All welcome. Rev. 8. Sheldon. pastur. 7' Elliiia . and TOWBIIS' at 3.15 gundax, uno' “55¢. and wary momma 85!)ng thowfi'fldrv‘ pm. 863“ all flee. Sen Ice In the Bapusi Church every Sabbath morning at 10.2!) Aug; :39“: Rev. Dr. Jan-dine. The Liberals of the Electoral Riding of Leeds met in the town hall, Delta. on Thursday last, to select a candi~ date to represent the party in the ap- prOaching Local election. 0. D. Cowan. Esq: of Gananaque, President of the Reform Association. was in the ehair. On motion, Omer Brown, E3q., was requested to get as secretory. L TIIOROUGIILY REBREBINTATIVE TKERING FROM; ALL PABTfi OF THE RIDING. huc UVWI ‘UI‘AIJI . 6 It was finally arranged that the old organization should continue, and that a Secretary be appointed to act for the Association in the Local election. Mr. N. 11. Beecher, of Toledo, was unanimously chosen to fill the office. The list of delegates from the various municipfiliues was then called, and the representatives from Kitley were introduced to the Association by xhe President. Mr. Beecher. of Kit- ley, and Mr. Dooher. of Elmsley, made suitable remarks. The President, in Openilig the pro- ceedings, said that an the boundaries of the Riding of South Leeds did not coincide with that of Leeds for Local representation, he thought it wouid be well to reorganize the Association or else organize a. new Association for the Local Ritiing. Mr. Cowan (chairman) said they had met to-day to select their standard bearer in the coming elections. Al- though some thought the riding was irredeemably Conservative, and that with the large odds against them it would be useless to put a man in the field, he thought it would be well to nominate their strongest man and work as hard {or him as if they were sure of his election. Mr. Fredenburgh was of the opinion that they should select a candidate and run him for all he Was worth. New issues were constantly arising, “151 a large number of young men, thanks to the new Franchise Act passed by the Mowat Government, would have a vote for the first time at this election. These young men would be discourag- ed if a candidate were not selected. Mr. E. C. Sliter agreed with the last speaker, and gave some intad reasons why the meeting ehoul select a candidate and work for his election. Mr. C. E. Briuon moved that. the convention proceed to the selection of p candidate. The motion carried unapimoualy. Mr. T. K. Scovil said that they did not Want any small man as their candidate, and as Mr. Fredenburgh had made a very close run, considetmg all theoiroumstancea. at the last election, and as there was a serious split in the opposite party, he thought there was a fair prospect of electin him. He therefore moved Mr. redenburgh’s candidature. 7 ( Cheers.) _ ~ danger. The Tory party “are mixing these mics now that they found they could not get the French Cuwiu vote Minus. 8. C. Slitor, T. K. 'il , J. C. Judd, 0. D. Conn. and . . . Beecher. Were aim nominutcd. The nominations were men decltred cloned und the candidates addressed the meeting. leech" md’he could not be a candidate. no hail not the time nor the menus to 30 int» n can mt. And llu-n he was a timing" to majority of the Norton of the riding In nftcr warn. \\ h'n-n ho 138-! [>014va W Mr. Britten said he had wowkeq lard to secure Mr. Fredeuburgh‘a election on former occasions‘md would work harder than ever at this election.‘ He hoped they would make the nomina- tion unanimous, m; it would sh‘engthen both candidates. He refined to the almost unanimous feeling in favor of Mr. Fredenburgl) at the late conven- tion, and urged him to make the third ninl. as it was generally meeessful. up. spoke of the efforts of their oppo- uem NCWYO Po ~ cry and the cry (I roles W in Mr. Fredenburgh said hmbad stated his reasons for declining the nomina- tion for the Commons. Ills private sfl‘m'rs required all his attention, and he could not consistently allow bus name to go before the convention: Mr. E. C. Sliter secbnded the mo- tion. He was in favor of makin the nomination unanimous for Mr. ted- cnburgjg. A BEFORE CONVENTION AT DELTA. ho was a "finger to II majority ohm-(tom of the riding In nftcr Mu-n hc 133-! Name hm Baptist. 7 sarytooptatl (May 30th. J “no “WEE?! 030303 313801033. Presbyterian- nothodilt. Farmersville, Wednesday, December 15th, 1886. sequsinted with his new-mule friends of South Leeds he might be induced t9 allow himself to be put in nomina- tion as n candidate. Mr. Judd seid he was 3 firm sup- rter of the Mownt Administration, use he believed it was the best Government under the sun. and could be entirely trusted with the efl'sirs of this Province. He knew, as also did Mr. Fredenburgh, who had experience in regard to the matter, that when a timber limlt'wu sold by the Mowst Government it was sold for all it was worth. While Mr. Meredith was re- udiating all connection with the No opery cry, his orgnn, the Mail, was spreading the cry all over the land. He concluded by asking the pertinent question, “ What has Dr. Preston ever done for us 9” He was a good sort of fellow, but had not got energy or in- fluence enough to do very much for the Riding. But by returning a sup- porter of the Government in the per- son of Mr. Fredenburgh, we would be certain of getting our just proportion of the gifts at the disposal of the Government. Mr. Fred'enburgh said that he had not the slightest idea that he ‘would be asked to be the candidate by the con- vention. There "were a number of good. men namdrmen who had no railroad or other nine of .a public nao ture to answering; There was a time when he aeceptedaa nomination at the hands of his friends of South Leeds cheerfullfr. But as old age and the cares of ife pressed heavily upon him he began to feel reluctance. It was a very trying thing for him to decide if he should accept a nomination or not, when pressed so hard by such a large number of old friends who had stood by him so bravely before. He hardly knew how to refuse, and it was only in the hope that he would be able to assist in sustaining the Mowat Ad- ministratiOn that he would consent. He referred to the cry that was being sounded from end to end of the Pro- vince, and he would ask his opponents whether, if the Protestants were in the same minority in the Province that the Catholics now were. they would be satisfied with or accept any- thing less than the Catholics were asking for. The Conservatives were stating that a large proportion of the ofiices in the giit of the Ontario Gav- ernment weae being filled by Roman Catholics. What are the facts ? Out of the 40 sherifi‘s there was but one Catholic, and among 53 registrars only five. In every department of the pub- lic service, so far alas he could hear, the proportion was about the same. He touched briefly on the separate school question. He showed that the Mine:- of a property, if be occupied it, or if it was rented then the tenant, had the right, whether Protestant or Catholic, to say where the school taxes should be paid. Messrs. Cowan, Scovil and Sliter do- clined being candidates. A ballot being taken, Mr. Freden- burgh was declared the almost unani- mous choice of the convention. In a few feeling rem’arks he formall ac- cepted the nomination, and urgeg his friends in all p’grt! of the riding to go to work with a, will,as it would be im- possible for him to do more than hold a few meetings at central points. He strongly urged ,the avoidanee of all harsh and unseemly remarks about his opponents during the campaign. :A number of meetings Twiil be ad- dressed by Mr. Fredenburgh durin the contest, due notice of which w' b9 given. ‘ ‘ ' - Eventl of the Surrounding Township. mama by Our Own “drunks Com-pendants. Mr. Buy (1 Hall as putting new win down m his house~two~lig ht sash al most equal to plan glam. They look quite no b.by . Mr Dflid Form' a home Is nearing completion. When finished it will no doubt be one of the fines! residences between Farmer-Mlle and Brockvillc. To see the inside is to admire it place. When images should 4m him ofl cod stoves. and. how to take them 01". is no lougvr u mystery in those parts. Our Inca! huntvt at l'uuh Pom: i: Ote Bullisn ' Cummings look- ed very and be other night, after looking over “he voters’ list for Eliwlmthtow . You can see defeat written on moir countexmnces. Ote says the‘Manscl fievu is Very conta- uious. ' Alvin Ortrm is now the proprietor of Fred. Earl‘s spotted stallion. I tell you; take gr}: then; now! Mr. Riclmnl'Rowmme in at the toll gntc )' oml will probably say until (be oh ortho venr. when he will nettle clown to housckm-ping. ‘Mr. Forth cmuot. get 3 man to fill his place. There is gran excitement here over the election. Let the Grits howl. 'We will show them a trick this time worth remembcring, by leaving Fr‘uscr at home in his giory. When the " 01d Chief " left Glen Buell he bok Alvin's vote with him. If he had settled anywhere else Alvin might have got it. back on the 28th; but it i9 under .‘f._E.'a_wing_now. COUNTY NEWS. Glen But". very much (ii-pleased with the Re~ cordar’c re rt of his hunt in company with Lim er Jim. He says they were not within forty rods of reynard. and would have brought him down but for fear at straining his cambine. But to return to the station. as it exists now. There is one cheese fac- tory. The company am well pleased with its management, and their returns compare favorably with any similinr ones in the country. There is one commodions blacksmith shop. In“ there is a large stove, which on cold days makes itself very inviting. It is n friendl rendevousâ€"e blessing in dis- guise‘ {late the elite of the locality meet and debate. In the course of their discussions they include all the topics between the lids of the Encyclo~ pedia. Americana. Here the Scot Act is carafe” weighedjn the balance, its ‘Brockville. Farmersville and West- pert will be onowunited by steel bands â€"â€"s. union that will grow warmer and stronger as the years pass; for people st only such distances are very near neighbors. The stage, the old servant that has so long and faithfully. in cold and blinding storms, in burning heat â€"â€",l,)mught us tidingshof dearfind dis; tent friends, and news from all the world, will slowly fade from memory's page to raise the dust no more, and in its stead the roar and swish of many a train, and in the onward sweep of events, when the toilworn pioneer farâ€" mers of today lie slumbering in peace- ful, honored graves,may appear beside Ontario’s Centennial log cabin. No village has suddenly become a city without a local newspaper ; but in the meantime as we have none we will on- deavor to pull through by the aid of the best substitute, we can find the RE- pon'ran. “ This law abiding, peace loving, tem- perate. prosperous, industrious, high- toned community of farmers ale pur- suing ln undlsturbed tron uility the even tenor of their ways. he thun- der storm of dynamite has died away, and only an occasional boom reverberâ€" ates in the distance. The riven rocks give proof that it rlvals the thunder- bolt of heaven in energy and force. Facts follow close on the footste s of“ thought, for in a little while the row sy sleeper will be aroused from his dreams by the vanishing express as it moves to the tune of “ Roll on sweet moments end guide the traveller home." merits and defects laid bare. Ilere the actions of the Dominion Parliament for the last few years are critically ex- amined. the deeds of the Ontario Leg- islature are looked after and reviewed, and the propriety of dividing honors by returning new members and letting some of the old ones rest and restore their exhausted energies after the ap- proachin§ elections are passed. Here municipa and county officials are passed upon. Occasional representa- tives from Farmersville, Lyndlmmt and Delta drop in and take a lively hand. Nothing escapes the range of this ohservatory~engineers, railroad officials, doctors of divinity, law and medicine, all come under review. No subject is too intricate or philosophical for them to grapple with. Then they return to their homes, sit by comfort. able fires, and pass the winter eve- nings in watching their wives and daughters prepare holiday luxuries and fry doughnuts. which they: persist‘ in The railroid is steadily triumphing over the localand foreign prophets of evil. Park lots are to be laid out, churches built. public squares formed and filled with ornamental trees. high schoolseatabliahed, the place decorat- ed with a hundredsothcr like structures, and a million dollar bonus granted. The pOpulution are all those included in the limits. :The limits include half way to every othea place around in all directions. Half-way is a wonderful place the world over. and in every turn of the patb_i_n life's journey. 1 '1! testing the merits of, and cha't of what. may be in the days to come. This is part of winter life in the country. These are “ Heroes in the strife."who trul leave their “Footprints on the san‘s [or_clay_] o‘f timg." . W Superior: Station. tfiumphing prqphpts of {\Sytup contains no "plums, op minerals, and an bv glw-n u in! and mud llulmaln chihl Infmy. It is an infallible on I and whooping-mugh. A l » llwnyn he lu'pt «mwuniwm. I “I“! can '0! bonglll. POI-h. «'0 it. curly-flags». lrmm'llilix, M lllmll Ind lung truublr-g. ‘1. .l p" lm‘w. All Jungian. l pleased at such conduct. May the men receive their dues in time to en- joy a. Merry Christmas and a Happy N owYeur with the rest of the world. enough intellectual people in Addison to 31V31rcciate such a treat as they re- ceive Monday ni glit, and have always received whenever the worthy lieuten- ent of our noble Mowat has chosen to visit this village. He may rest assur ed that this little polling sub- division on the 28th day of December, will oive such a substanytial appreciation of his services, both to his constituency and to his country, as is deserving of a true patriot; and since civilized customs lorbid such big rackets at our public meetings as the luminary appears to be desirous of, we can only assure him full gratification of his desires in that direction after the votes are counted-â€" that 18 after the political oeath of poor Mansell. Hoping no one will judge our village from the thoughts of this recooious “ Rambler ” I will leave llim to the tende1 mercies of a. forgiv ing public. Mr. Editor: Please sllowlme ashort space in our valuable paper to merely make regmnee to the would-be critic- ism of the Hon. 0. F. Fraser's meeting here. which appeared in Fridav's issue of the Times, and which evidently we. written b thatmagnanimous Torylum- inary oft is place who, he asserts, was present at the meetir?. Of course it can beeasily observed rom scanning the piece that the luminary most as- suredly misses his calling when he drops the hoe to take up the pen. for verily 'tis nbt mightier than the sword when wielded by him. He probably would have done very well for a repor- ter of the dark ages, when he could have displayed his i oranee to better advantage ; but evi entlg nature has made a mistake and ban ed him down to the 19th century. May the time soon come when we will be relieved from those who know it all and yet are sadly in the dark. But this poor, dc- luded creature gives himself away bed- ‘ly when he expresses his idea of what a successful meeting should be. He says he expected to hear the “ biggest racket" he had heard for a long time when Mr. Fraser 5 eke, and that the meeting was a fizz e because the im-r mense crowd was orderly and genteel, thereby showing their respect to the ladies present. Therefore we must conclude that these days of civilization and advancement are not as congenial to him as the old days of the Beverley riots, ” big rackets" etc., when they used to cry, “Down wid ye rebels; Ye’re agin the Government!" I would have paid no heed to the piece of trash in the Timns, and would probably not have noticed it. if my attention had not been directed thereto by a prominent Conservative, who laughingiy referred to statements in it which we all knew to be utterly false. And having a natural respect for my native village I take this method of preventing the idea going abroad that there were not Editor Rr'porter: The Rev. Mr. Barnett, of” Harlem, for the past month has had the assistance of the Misses Mason, Birdsell and Holman in a series of revival meetings. The re- sults have been very satisfactory. Some 40 or 50 persons have bowed'at the altar as pemtents, and man more have been all benefited .byt a ser- vicos. haubbath evening a. col~ lootion was taken: up for these young ladies, when over $27 was put upon the plstos, a sum which was promptly raised to an even 830. This speaks eloquently of the esteem in which these evxm lists are held by the peo- ple of Hur em. ' At Newboro and Elgiu, where they labored during the summer, much good waa accomplished and numbers were added to the Methodist Church. Why not have them come to Farmemvillc? We need a revival here to allay the bitter feelings which have arisen over the Scott Act prosecutions, and which may arise during the election contest. The inctenxing demand for West’s Cough Sfrup is evulenco of its (real vir- tue m nl ”non! and lung diseases. Thtee sizes. Alhdruggisls. Guaranteed Circzdatima, 600. Weu’s ‘ ugh Syrup, 3 cennin and spevdy cu for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung diseases. West's Livm‘Pitls. the standard remedy for liver-cnmplaint, dynwpsua, indignation and quk headache. Tlnrty nugat-coutcd pills, $250. All drugginu. West‘s Cough Syrup instantly relieves and speedily cums bronchilis, gm: throat ml all throat diseases. Try it and be nonvinccd. Alldrumzlsu. ' Addison, Dec. 13th. 1y hose mun. sCungh Syrup, the mom relnablu lo: all throat mnl lung climaxes. ly keepit always in the house. GORBEBPONDENOB. anuwu. Su ascmnn. J usnox. i :\ “(grind thought. liIDWLPVUI‘, COln’iDCCd him that hi- hm] sol-l uumm'liinculato- Iv in than wvtifin of the village. "0 tlivn-fnre mnclmlwl £031ch a further {inspection and discovered that an in- lament. mullzqzm'tiun was in pro en ’al the dwelling of (Jrafton. the 00d l Sam A'. Hastily donning his unman- tinnn lea he rushed in tliu mono to flnd' thM u quantity ont ashes lcfl in .1 barrel near the side of the lumen haul named: fire. A I'm» mile offlntu: subdued the finmca, 3' lab hm} com- menced lu rap upllw side of the build. ing. Ila than niull rqturned to his much to fluid: is timbers, “d in the morning found that tho-re m n ? font.wondurmcnt’ at (Imflon's M m l mw so la: n a lire could hue lmm started an put out without the Inn". loam or the ihmflflmfl rm. Mm; l Our ioportor’u in. Foot find mu. Out for tho Benefit of the Public. filmy Mo . F. Clow, watchmuker Ind Jeweller, has just Opened out a complete stock of cod» in his line, suitabla to: 'ans an New Your gim. To: lam!“ There will'he a ten meeting at the Lake Loyadn school house on Pridey evening. the 17th. for which a good programme is repnrcd. The proceeds will be donate to the Mines Birdsell and Mason. To night (Wednesday) is the nomin- ation of omen at. the Odd Fellows Lodge. and a full atto'ndanco o! the members is requested. The Lodge has decided not to have its usual an- nual concert. on New Year’s Night. tinder Cool. The Ahuonte Times (Tory) says that tilezfllail'a Scott Acworrespondent paid a flying visit to Almonte on Ffiday of last week, but that it could not learn of his gepting aqything stronger than 3â€"“ c501 reééptién." Preabytorin Church, Last Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Roberts. of Montreal, conducted the Presbyterian service. He is a power- ful and eloquent preacher. The ser- vice next Sunday will be in the even- ing, at 7 ‘clock, when Mr. Roberts will preach. He will also hold services in the Baptist Church awry evening dur- ing the rest of tlus week, at 7 o'clock. Inter-immuta- The youg people‘ of Delta, assisted by “ Santa Claus." will have a plane- ant. gathering in the town hall on Chrislnnes eve. Home and foreign talentlies been secured to assist in rendering a choice programme of read- ings, recitations, songs, speeches. etc. A large number of presents will be distributed to old and young. and it. is whispered tliataome “ very appropri- ate " gifts are being prepared for dis- tribution. Saturday morning last opened bright and fair, in fact it was decndodly warm, as the snow melted and lay in pools in every cavit . At an early hour every conceivu lo kind of vehicle was to be seen coming into town, each load. ed with fowl. At 10 a. m. the street from opposite the Great Bargain Home to the Gamble House was an perfect jam of vehicles. at times rendering it impos- sible for teams to pass through. Much disappointment was manifested by the poultry miners at the low prices oflered. The buyers account for this by saying that owing,r to the warm weather in the eastern markets the “ Bottom had feel out " of the market. Another reason, and we think the principal one. was that the quantity of fowl raigog this Chilblaim, frosted feet, and all flut- bites, cured by a flaw applwafions of Wat’s World’s Wonder or Family Lmimeut. the magic cure. Try it. 250. and 50c. All druggists. A literary entertainment to lnblude plays, tableaux, churades, readings. songs, and etc., will be held at, New- bom, on New Year‘s night, in. qonuect- ion with the publisv school. for coughs, colds, orofip, whooping-cough, asthma and consumption. A') druggisls. Our Poultry Pair: Christmas will soon be here, and al- ready the people are beginning to make preparatxons to celebrate tho auspicious qygnt in} fitting manner. There will be a. Christmas tree en~ terta’inmont, in connootxon witfi ”film English Church, in the Farmersvillo town hall, on theevebiug of Thursday. the 231d inst. The promised particulars of the Methodist Sunday School entertain» moot have not reached us. World-mum us mu reputation 6! We ‘ . {laugh Syrupktpe huly magvellqusre gly season wars largely in excess of fol-mu years, and the buyers were afraid with the present outlook, to purchase all that offered. In fact several of the bu ers who were advertised to be hero di not (fut in an a. pearanoe. it being reporte that they ad gotthe amount required at other places. Between 1:; and 20 tons of poultry, principaly tur~ keys, were dinbosed of here, and fully a ton and a hall was taken away by parties who refhsed to sell at the vriccs offered. The average price paitl‘ Was about 7 cents. Our stores and grocer. ios did a large business, mu] a large amount of money must have been 1011 in the village. ”but a Gannon-non; One evening last. week as our local sewing machine agent Was soundly slee iing, dreaming no doubt of the smi ing conntenances of those whom he had made happy during the day by toilin r them of the superior merits of the “ Iigh-arm Davis," his better half aroused hin from his siwnbezs to stir up the fire in thu hail stove. Hap. pening to look out of the window. he saw 9. bright. light shining frum u dwelling down on Reed street. "in thoughts wandered back to the num- ber of mics he hm] made of the“ High- arm," and 150 at. first thought tint it. must be some late purchaser who. chm-mm! wit‘lhc working qnuiities of the machine, was sitting up all night putting in ruiihgu. frills and furbclow3. mqufi 6:013:34}.

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