»\.l Il'ugghls. Our rum, fair. 0:) Sannrdny mu (mr annual 1mm "3' rm am hé hoII ml Mu- 1min. hnoh haw signiflnd their mtmtimn c Ling present. and as we ham quite 1 mum of local huy'rs hvn whn M‘ pnnlmsinz on thoiv own account. It I lIkcl) â€ml NWT! WԠb9 0 ï¬rm {m Inc-h nu‘npetluon. TM Fav'morgul! ynnlu} {-1; 1- h" hrrome an ext-m MIL â€and for \\ 01 Ink rv- HI} hnMIm i. .. aroma: and giv olmel'vfl buildings era-fed 4‘ rmason, son etimo :1 days, and hopu tbn assist u.- in this um pro pared with snrl the size of buiMi names. elc.. as will a corrovl and illlt'l‘t Hon A. N, Iiivhurds. MI on? H. (70].. who has bum on {rig-mix in Bmch‘iï¬c. I'vft m last for British Folumhin. oured that he “ill ontm thc arena in that Province. Host Weak. Next week we IVT‘11HSQ‘ do": hr fnm' columns nf mn- ï¬rst .liscrimion m‘ Fm-mursvillo a nr fnm columns of mu ï¬rst [my r inscription 0: F1: r~nu usvillv and ‘9†LI!) tn muting llw Improwmmh m 1i “av \il’age dining tin: past mm W.- shall mm on mnwm‘ "»t 11‘] H4 1 Personal. Miss M. l N'hnol, Brno he:- sister \1 S‘Jnm'o M It thmngln In h..otlw1 Di \\'v.~t'.~ (‘mwh Synp inst: and speedih cures blonchit nn-i all lhmnt «IN-(Hus. I The now Mullimiist Church 11!. N11“ Dublin “ill llC dedicated on Thursday. the 16111 inst. Rm‘. Gen. Mt'llitchiv will 1.11'eacl1 the dmlioamry sermnn at 10.30 3.111. At. 1:! owlurk more will luv 11 dinner scwico. and .11. 2110 tliele will be 11 plullmm 11110‘1110 addmssml in :11111111l1r Hf [immimnt spualu-is AL 6 p. 111.1l1e1u will [11- an nylor .~ub- pvr, followed by 11lv('t11ra and addns es. TL:1 })!‘OC((§tlll1g‘fl will be interspormul \xith \‘N‘itl 11ml inshumomnl 11111~i1-. 'lln- public 1110 cmdi: 1lly invited. 'l‘lw 0.11 lwts m the dinnm or :A1ppcr :ue third at. 10 cents Our lsparter's Note Book Turned Inside Out for the Beneï¬t of the Public. Tulle Wonthr. The 'ermmm tur â€gistmud l†macs Imlu“ urn on Saturdn} um] E-n Hmdnv night and it, has I) .skmh :3- Itimr “21mm sinus. To: Meeting Electric Light at Ganaw The Electric light was Hu- ï¬l'sl limo in ('quunm; nesday Mommy: hut. (in mg am! steady and :m ay Hflï¬ï¬filt‘tOf‘Y. The 8., W. E 8. 8. M4 Railway- \Vt und‘ rstmul that it is [Ina intuutinn m tbepnmmtom n! vhis railwnv t. m†a meelmgol Hum- hzumg mu Mac“: or “ho aw in mn' “an (onnvot mi \sith the wan! In tlv h) 'tmnu In may be pusheg. 'fltwumpivtion {m .v i]; as. possiL-lv. “'0 :m- not at H to state what thv propositions an “F hOHl‘VO that. the :m: mm nu Nth be such as \ml s (1110‘ 11m cmh pfetion at the line Dcdication. nt Thc :unn Sr.\'-k.'humh held on du- 862 Accgptedx . Themmumnxmu - Wet-t’s (Tough Syrup, :1 (-erta'n and sde)’ cure tur ('(lUthh’, colds, and all Man! and lung eh wax-ac». FABMERSVILLE AND VIGINITY. uhd um nun-ding Minna, “ exlm «Mi 0 cnpio‘s‘ w J! to mu DP! lll‘l‘flll amm Murphy mm: 11 tm nm- tingnf the ('htm- 8‘le tl’ mm: ml (-cmre) will be lit-22nd inst. Arrangement» 11 mado w have this Inwting h'U'Uï¬â€˜Sl‘v Light at Gananoqum \\ H luplmnl 1'4 W. W. BI All 1h 8â€le Instantly ‘ “1311. Lone villa. 3pm.". night, and it has born Ilcott Act Usua- -.( \Hn‘nwr siucv. f “7- C. Huymï¬ l.|)\ ('l'lll. Itirhm‘ds (-m ulsn outings 3 wrm'r th m‘ rebuilt {mung (I m :hev uunnpivtiun n» .“pt‘ul “'0 :m- not at Hhm'u round t >O('}IUBL‘ «1.. ngm. 43:13 0v vmy to visit hi ll’l‘!l\',dtr.‘xs.\ll pvphm THE REPORTER n'tv nugul «mum u on a “ï¬t In ft mr khmdfl annular ,v 30 5:0ch 1U ’21)}; the \wuk “It ‘2- m \M-tmu unday with at the n-s- 'l‘hursdaly. Mrliitchio sermnn at more will 3.30 there addressed Slu‘aIu-i's [y r'ulu'nes sore throat it and In- inn! Pllllliï¬IL i to svud r report i rénmdy tlluusliun I‘ll"! litiuu l but \vil‘ 'lll de (‘1 (H) ()l llu-m nn [.0 the-m mo. Una-ugh the (-uhnm parlor. m thank my man Very bczï¬ljful ('nun 5k tine, largo rulm whirh ml).~‘idcratinn and gmwn‘ my pnsmamm last Hutu And lvt me say furllmr, him use“?! um] valuable Hm! I um thankful. lmt prom] nu HlL’ farmers and [laultry Mun, MO“. I. ‘ ’l'lmy w u call trust poulry be and: can)», wlwu’ they will ha in u â€M to lguy the commovlltm they mail... Ulu- merchants will be prawn-cl. INK; all tlw "nest and but good» in tlw! market. tu supp y their Mann. “'0; belleVe that uur lnerclmanw’ are in 3‘ ponitlou to glw as good value for tlw money as cm bu Ulllullle" in; any town in lw country. From what we can la n tluw isuu pmspwr uf a large in: ‘ (-rcasom the Huuumy bruugbt here fur min as puultry radars are salinï¬vd that tln-_\' can «In l ‘tcr lure than at; any other poim. I'm-m are oxpvctodl m be fully as high. if nut higher, than; last year. We lmpu all our wadersl living within rwwmhh- «lislancu ol'| Farmenvillu will nuke at note of tlml «late and be sure to «route here with! their. poultry. We ask all thaw mu templutiug killing lmultry fur tlnisl market to carefully study the rules fur l (Imaging poultry l‘mnul on. hand billsi pul out by tlw. lmturs. lleuwmber' that poultry «ll‘trfls‘ml um-utxliug to in- structiovs will bring frum mm: to two routs lu-r pound murc'llmn that which ls pearly tlrt‘ibul, and s‘nwnly takuu czu'v nl'. l l'aurlmy. 2,133,223 puumla. Ann-nun! of cheese mum â€0| pnu‘nls. Nmnï¬yar of buxc's, 3,163 Anmgm of nwucy rccviv $19,09XL35. have ‘cvm'y (-(mï¬dvm tn run Um businvss the mutual bum-lit ;u all llw patron... The REPORTER from 13!, 1868. {or mm!) mm Price per punml, 9 wnis? Nut price it) putmns, { vents. ' Pounds of milk lo pm’uu! of cheese, 10. A’i'bkolution rewivingnnd udnpting the rnport, us: well as thanking: the scum-mm. auul tlu- salesman (John sw. Irons. and HH' salesman (John â€mm- I), “as (-IIIIIIIII IIII:IIIIIIIIIII~lv. As a ï¬tting SNIIU'I In the sum-(Inï¬ll qhnw- illg I‘m- tlw 5mm, wr‘ IIIIIIIII'HHIIIII that nearly every IIIIII'nII aim-3:1 the milk I-mItI'ncL fur aunt? H‘l yI-I‘II'. Mr. Jns. Knapp Ilw II(IpIIl.-II pray-tutor, is to be mnurrutxlutwi upnu the sucms. Iul Im-minalion (I the «vusnn' ~ lIIIsiIIOSR, showinr'us It flaw that â€I“ mItrnns We umplny nu Iran-l ask all our nulm-Iilvem «getting their hieuds ou I. scribe. Anyvuu wm'in nubscaibcrs will be gin-u W. C. Huyvufwas up before P. M. Deacon lust Wax-k and ï¬ned $50.00 and casts for violation nf‘ [helmtt Act. “ Dr." Musicr was ulw fined $50.00 and camp, ‘1' :10 «lay! in jail. He off- med some chultds in puymvnt which Wcl‘e placed under cxvculinu and will he snld in a few «lay». After our furms were made up last night. We lcumcd that tlw misc against Fred Pierce, of (he (lumhlc ‘Huuse, had been (ligmbwd. N0 particulars have reached us thi< 11.111. ‘0 IMHO TYIH‘I'S\1 31' â€CC l‘otul umnum of l)‘ ' I I 1 "~ 2 u :as . l‘r twm‘u “w w ..~~! ï¬rm}... .| pun ul THRESHERS I CORNER FOR EVERYBODY. »\.\"l‘l‘ll) AEJH‘S and kind h-oHngs that hnl thew frivmh tn do m) mm-h May the Lord hinmelf’rownrc] m1 make my Juhors ‘ a blessim: '2 1nd ; (mltry l‘i'.lfl,fli0fl'.fl l. ' Lhdbluum. tum-m that, am! uh in!» w I] sell that paulry {,3 r...†I luleummod by u haw upphcanutu of West “LA. AL.“ ._.ihv L "Au: “1an,... “Jundur up “and“: I ...........u a. “'l ~\Lln S \ LP. AT “0.» ‘I 3M) \‘IEIt \Ll VH'HH‘I CORRESPONDENCE. I'H’IS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION the ( I m Hulk 33 puumk Him H Will truvL-ng agents, but Iibcm lo aésxst us by s nu! m-Ighbum 10 sub- M-m'ing us nine new giwu u copy 101' um.- , wmo rm lv gull) is- :(iwl u ltttu from In \mull “Mulnm in: for having is« ill give full pm'tu-u- able ' rtic ‘tvrlm‘c than at 'uma are expected if mu higher, than ,u all our readers mnhlv dislance of .1ku u. note of the come here with 1151; all tlmsa can LII run nu; you kindly allow Inns 01' the RE- :my friends for a ~k7n (nut and n ‘2 through their ‘rns‘il y. came into hum". fl [ I Hun MW" 0' Hm PI )Hul‘ r w o- u W. C. T. I I'I‘C H! w I. I: R d and ‘1" no you ‘2†mv tun ‘ â€4“ m “I mw SHELDON; 1,". fur the dings that In no muvh , rccech a 3 business m'mm Wo-l‘e “crb‘vslniro, I the ï¬nan- Mr. Jns. 40:; is to smut-s 95ml lmsinosn, " pntmns vml at the (erthg. 1', â€0!. for 1893 alone lolllrvsqm “mm. 0 ('nmplvlt um! wit! 9: HM Iâ€! IH'ynnhg w â€.4 M tlrmfnn "lâ€"W‘IFARMERS ! January 20.000 ubm' “fl l 8011 my own purchasing from in}! (ICU ling/ifs; low as t MILL-MEN ! The DAVIS Vertical Feed SEWING MACHINE. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING in connection, managed by Misses Stevens and Madden. Harness mad". lo urdur (m the shortest “013m: in the best siylv, am‘. as clump as can be had unywhcw. Fiuest Rooms for Business in the County. »: [IAR N E S S;- Wuunpuy “nonhuman-any an of Dyspepsia, mm Complaint, “macho, Indigestion «Co-um we «not Out. with wan": uvnn ms, ms: the Direction“ an atrial, compact! with. Largo Dom, matching .0 run, 85 Cents; 6 30808 01.90.. low by a: mu. flock 7! £0! t on) 1 ’rio HIS uul‘. is nuw ready for the mwptmu of bpdlcfl durum the wmtcr. A and ran.- fm: will be charged, pay. ubiu in :uh’unuu \H hu‘h ms t .u' Iu 'led who have din! of sluuli I'm, Diphumu on maliunuul Scarlet Penn. 11w camukel \nll {aka cvcz) precau- tion {or the sale. km- min; at lmdics than lllhl} bu t-lltruflcd to his chmut' World's Wuudvr or Family Luuuwul, tm Inn-dc cure. "hyn. 250.311.] we. All ch ugi ls. But with far better facilitici Ihzul before. umwg lwâ€"pwqmuwMew «Amp: - rims. been Ihumuuhh’nverlmuled aml ceulau'gvd, and i now have the Furmerwlllo, Nov. ‘M!h, 1885 DECORATIVE FARMERSVILLE Cemetery Vault. P“H I L. WILTSE, FAMOUS 1'0 MY OLD l’A'I‘RONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY: REWARD! Of all Kinds, s wrll as: BRUSHES ,IHIRR‘A CUMBS, WHH‘S, 540., mm: h will' be Mild at IIDl‘i'l'. I have now on hand a large anso‘. led slock of all and Son ourSplmulid Display of’Stylish and beautiful Millincry 21ml Dress Fulu'ics. To prove it BEG to inform you that l the npcnc out my hmnurss nlxup m I'm: GENERAL MERCHANT, {AIN “'7 'REET. I‘ARUEunVILLE. ‘ Don't be Deceived. Davis is Best! AN‘JB For further particular.» apply to 8500.00 ()1. I) PR II." [NBS 15435 LEJLHHHL‘I lul Ul I‘ldllalldlll :My reputation Is a first-class :yr wdlmkn cvmy [WUUMJ-i‘VUI-klnuu is now so well es- {211 “til“tg’I'l'Lâ€"‘cltx'i‘ft'fT‘W" “ma!“btifllt‘d in this section that r mnliculsu.» umJylo “I ’5 nut necessary .1111" l ‘ should take up space In roc- GGO. W Brown-.oxmucuding my work to the su h: H W pllrt' “ll using Jos. L. GALLAGkER Farmersville Sl I‘LL‘IUR TU .\.\'\‘ MCCOLLS :ZLARDINE'1MAC A. '1‘). W1 L'I‘Sli n «v1v1n1l~;I 111) um own (‘0' !-1‘1 ting; therefore by n mv it 1-mir1 1y “Iniznys thv “111‘â€in of pay I fun!“ the p1i1-cof1h1rl)A\IS is nv Irl} as â€W ()ld Sit/(1’. Ur llndult ed m whines. ' 11:1 well vs 1 .urigge Hardware. Bar Irony fin-cl. .priugx, Filth-wheels, and in laul all kimls of Bmhlcrs’ and 'Carriagc Haulâ€" wau‘c. k037- Earlv in the spring we shall add \' gswovzsg Hardware Store. .-:Buildars' and Shelf Hardware, :-- Also PAINTS: OILS, YARNISIIICS, WINDUW GLASS, l‘L'TTY, ‘tc. A. M. CHASSELS U E Nita-t :ibcrs “Mb 10 infllrm lht' pub In: Hun. l|u~\' huh- unl mm llueu' mw THE oLn RELIABLE 'I‘ailorin‘g' House ‘- lw‘tlgut Ila-y haw shop in ifâ€; SI'ITS mam: ('1’ I." T!!!) LJT'JS'I’ STYLES .I'l‘ SIIORT .“01‘1 ('L‘. \ln'y L()\v tor (Sash. 1+‘A1{~.\Jl‘lliS\'lLLE. P ram Chm“ n & Cuuniwrlmm K n'rsmn, which will be so 'd And have now on hunt! a full line of all kinds Of Save Money L'S ‘ namnnsvnm MACHINEJ! 01L. {Cabinet-making in all its J'ailst, Screws, Locks, Hinges. at. ‘ VANADA. ALI. WORK \VARRAX'I‘I‘ID. NEW BRICK BLOCK, 1‘! .N l N S'l‘q SINGLE'I‘UN 1’: R05". A full Aim: of BY USING pub] ic. \V I LL HI UV 01 into their new UNEQUALLED for DURABILITY, SIMPLICITY and [Range of “\V 0 Ii K 10 IN R D. Judson & Sqn, UNDERTAKERS.i The public Will ï¬nd it to'lhcir advantage to (:2 Ill and e xamine my stock before pun 15min". Price; Moderate. All kinds of'grnin and produce taken in exchange. Goods (lclivlered to all parts 01 the Village. DESIRABLE " GOODS I H. H. ABNOLD’S, Ground Foul, llrnn 8' iSlunts. Bust Grades of Family Flour from Roller Mills. ('lmicc ‘lour, Sugars 3' 'I‘vus a Specialty. Also Dealer 111 on :gppl'UVL-d endowed nous. C. A. KINCAID, Groceries & Provisions 01‘ AH, I\I\l)b‘. MONTREAL, BUS'I‘UH, DETROIT. CHICAGO. &c., &c, ff'l‘ln'uugh tivkvts Sold to all points at rates as low as the lmwst. EX’BIEIANEL LEEDKQE wm‘umhwcl lbw gb‘ -t: @1th American L‘lm'ency Silver and all kinds of un~current monies huugl.t and MM At (â€(990511 Rah-s. Axum-ital] Drafts and (‘lu-qnm cashed. wr‘lh'nfts iséuvd on Nq-w York. ('1er NHL for payment in all pans of {In l'nilwl Mates. . F LE DRESEï¬AKING The GM roliuble Short hue and only Through Cur route to The Latest and lost Fashionable Styles. Hunt‘s Cough Syrup Grand Trunk R.R. 11:35 15 the season for couwhs and colds In both I! an and beast. . For the human family 01' "'51:! Cherry 3 Tar l parercellcnvc, and all who lame um-d it new: take any mlwr. ll ullu)‘ u!‘ nuhdious ofthu lhmut um! lm'um hiul tubes, :1»:th cum 10mm)“, .md um us Rich's Inkv mugk . Tr} n uml )0!) will {rev-u lm- um ol'xu‘. "5 cunts pox bulllc. G. '1'. FULFOBD, IT HAS prawn a great bonanza to horse uwuern, from no great curative pro pellies fur (‘uugthnlrls and Digempe' in horses. I! always cures a cough un- less caused by “eaves. Then it relwvvs [he heavyl'rcalhug. Try it. :25 cents. HORSE PQC‘V' EEB WPer fwtï¬atnsfactiou Gulruute-d, m Rv uwnublc Pr we. THIN! dgrh t Reuiduuce, Main 3L. Fumnersvillu, on- A. C. Burnett’s shoe store. bushimmblv Tailoring l '1 'sjluuus, [Hider the Mnnngvmvnt of Jnhn Baillie. RS. 0. A. RECLARY ten wclquy informal the Ladia: nt Planners-o villa and vwinily. that she will be pIean to execute for any who may favor her with that: patronage, any work in the Dressmaking Lune, in LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH. \\ In H \ml \mnt um mm! (-H- I) thiwr In our abinet- making in all its} “"0 M u mm†km†«.1 mum, the BranChBS l Pk" (\ t0 (rpt it )5 at (I‘lmu‘vs \l(__ulm:rtn i J. THOMPSON’S GROCERY. Mai-n 9L; 1"urxxx4-x'sx'illo. marly Opposite Armstrong‘s Hotel, dealer in GLOSEST LIVING PRICES. . LAMB, Druggist, Parmersville. MONEY to LOAN FA ""33 RSVILIJ; l.“()l' (L‘ouglns. Bmpkville. I LAMB’S F0 R (i U TU . 'I‘. FULFORI). JEWISTETW. Low Prices for Cash Approved Cl edit or -â€"-â€"-â€" Farm Produce. __._,- HI 1: SN“. ( 1.. \|. MI 1‘ mm} H: u \\ v. :“It â€HUN! this Hum! Q‘hvupoui. SvH' Inn will uln awn)- whh any lumrl n‘lllium. "all. a down 1h“ line impurtcd from [mam \Vt We WM: 10 rmluvo our stock Imfnrc swing prvpurutnv'y M unlurgin‘ our promises. Look for Bargains. We haw a few mon- pairs of Hum- DRY GOODS, GBOOERIES, BOOTS 85 SHOES, Special attention paid to Horse Shoeing dz Jobbing Latest Styta Cutters and Sleighs. qumorsvma, Nov. 18% BARGAIN HOUSE FARMERSVILLE CARRIAGE WORKS. Establsh d I,“ .' ‘1. \[‘Qq‘fl 5’ h flC‘xO to A. PARISH <3: SON FOR YOUR GOODS I Sign 01 the It“: COPYING and ENLARGING CLOSE PRICES. The subscriber begs to thank his customers tbr past liberal patronage, and at the same time calls attention to his Stock of Cgoking and Heating Stoves, ï¬n wood or coal, House Furnishings, Agate Ware, Cistcrn Pumps, Sinks, . Bird Cage-s, Etc, Etc. (Finished in Oil, Crayon, or India Ink) l’ronnptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed cverv limo. A (3:111 Solicitvd. . R. H. â€GAMBLE. ‘ 'l‘] l E l3l{(ï¬)(1l’\'VJ LLE STOVES' AND TINWARE. m0 lime UNI!" {-59 IS THL‘ I’U‘HT PL \(‘1“ T0 PI’Y YUI'R TELL .1 J ICE M ‘.l.\' DOLL (Hun «uuy w ill: on: Pound 0! Tan. \H KIVIN m: Crockery, China and Glassware $01 I) V ERY‘ CUBA P. LUMBER YARD. 'c :m- clvwl'mim ï¬rst. Uur mml Lï¬'Socum winter gum]! while our stock is complete, at low prives -lll"l"l‘( )N ICII) (}I;(')\'I‘IS z\'l‘ 4'55 ( ‘II‘H MAIN ST. EPAZRMJEI.E:SVLIIL1L3E J SUCCESSOB TO A. C. McINTYRE, PHOTOGRAPHER, ‘ Call and inspect before lmyTng (-lsrth-l'v. I am lwttm' prepared than I have: but'll for any 01 un- past guns to gh c every satisfwtiuu. 1 am uuw muwfucturiug lul’ lllc\\11|h'1‘ min- a 03" Negatives on hand for the past 31 years. {*1 AV" E nl'nnlcns. and FANCY (£()(-)l)§1. will [by the Next 90 days 0th TAKE THIS IN!‘ BROCKVILLE, IONTARIO. haul! the Latest Styles and sizes. R'. H. aim 96:, Cheese Factory Supplies 21 Speciality Karley‘s Block, Farmersville. THE GREAT guwls an and Hemlock Buildimr Lumber. Luths Shinglvs. Fun-o l’ickvls. Court 30qu Mount. Oppositu tho Nov rm Ofleo. W. DENNIS. BROUK VILLE. III.) l‘UXIlI‘l ICIISVII .l . PERCIVAL, to be sot-"ml in our Ilw 1.ch in «rialit; a â€UGHINH .Q: "ROiWiNG. I" H‘l Swat Imlm'mnvuts to purchasers of I‘u-h‘y I’lnur, Graham Flour, (‘rlth M 4l Magnum). Qur Sagan- ". H ' 3!- no m-um' I b“\.‘.’. Ou~§ul HY "U? TE W. G. PARISH. BROWN 8: CO. no pm“! If puniso â€" l Big‘g“.~4 ‘NI-xv blot-l mum {rule :1 Pint Class lqt of \V D. FISHER. -:', lvm menu to be â€:0 tinumd will in: suld at T 8leme S'Cu 620., AT w ( laplma I (1's