Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 1 Dec 1886, p. 1

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O H1‘AI'SR! have tho lawn-t uri- vly of Styhsh Lu"! :0 work on 'Yavmnc. m [n.de Kip “Mal flgpamng a? Any doWn. In BOOTS [a SHOES. I .\ M prepare the MIMI I boot nr r-lmu I town In lxm tons Cad Iallonhu [or pun-0:12. or telegram? let. SHAVING AND HAIR FARMERSVILLE &. MALLORYTOWN "Vin. \Vflbshn', i pn-pnrcd x i - ._ 1101131: PAINTER .& (:1m1x151L5'iVATGH Geo. W. GORDON.’ Stage Line dr‘m'u u THE? lineal Myles. warms o! guv mg MONEY BARRIS’I‘ER, ‘ET 131-o(-k\'ille ()ntq LAND S “ Diseases 0! women.” (mm 1 x03 p. m. x, Court House Ave..’Nexf"Do‘oI t Ofl'u‘c. over Great North-welder" Tele~ graph Office. Main street; 03- Mouey ‘0 Man on real chime. A. A. Fisher, , BABBISTBB, SOLICITOR, dcc. BROC KVI LLE. PA BLOB, Arnnst rnng‘s 1 Int (-1 FngMlllifiW H.|.}“.. Dr. C. M. B. CORMLLL wm no a homo Tuc‘mlnyfl, 'I‘hursduh and Sututdayr {or bl’l‘lClAL CONSULTATIONS. DIS. Cornell & Cornell, FARMEBSVILLE . . .1 Edltnrm! [mm-on mum M column. nvu com- forum lur flr-u unwrnun Ind lhruu m-uu per In. forum: ~‘ukmequnm lam-Hum. 'l'runnwnt hm en noun-mu, I» «out» gu-r l'mv for first Inser- tlun; each Nllhu‘qurll' ism-rt‘um. 2 rem: pvr Hne‘ (funlrm-x udn-nim-uwnu must-rim] «I re- duced mum. Advc-rtm-mn-uln unmet-um Med h written Infilnu-lium WI” he mncrtcd ! I! for- bad lud‘churm-d accordingly , The Rep oner juh mum In fully equipped with the luten! mu“- “I U [to um’ pic-NM. and pours-w: ewry mum) to: turn us nut um- duljobwmk- n-nrl lll' LI In" PHIV Itricny ln Mum-o. film pm Inuum. or 01.50 I! not mid «mum nu month». No paper; discontinued until all arrears are paid. A , (‘2 B, t?“ B. J. Saunders, B. A. Sc. C. IS 3' PI. IQHIID um Jam“ mum; Kalsomhur. l’aprr flungrr and luluxirr. FAR MI‘IRSVIIJE, RAVES r at ll.3t‘ ONTR.“ :l 'I‘HE H rmm'rzk HH I 3l‘{()(31{\’11 41-11:. f mrnm-m M’ I m- umwrt l0 *1 H‘Al's! mm <lr ""0.“ "II". “IIIIIVHH. ll. (‘nnxzuq NJ). 1 S. a. CORNELL. M. 11.0.“ 8AH’I. l. NUOAIMM. PIIP'I. The Gamble House, HAND MADE EVA I'M-1 l Efi’rofessionul Gurus. DOMINION A ND PROVINCI A I‘ Draughlsman, 8“" \HN‘ fine: I Eumhf “01 mm M Tm 41% NY I'LST RAT I'IS. F R If!) P-‘rr- “no, gnv h v “Aura fir. and MI: M. B. CORNELL will be at . A (‘. BARNI’J'I‘. Orphan. Um Cunt-l.- "mum ADV! 'I'IIING- unlu'vu m 1mm ('ulullll I?“ FARMERSVI I LE J. C. Judd, Dr. Vaux, JOB WORK. t-wfi mm [HER ”In.” THE OFFICE. “If“... DI-I'l'lll'lil lu'v‘p the lam! u- ! Qu- Iltm flyl- :- v! *u. .1 "0M- I’l KIN"! E I mn make "no mun! rmmt‘fl lmul H) ”Ml,- \HN ET'I‘. «pair nfr h ('nlumn. av" cc-mn - DRESSING LO V It m N. r and Pruprtcwr I" Office hours 30”?"053 U ETHICS 0n! mm m xln lit‘ in H1! ‘ml slab!- ,m M Tl M E l3 M O N EYQN rivtnr m “0." ONT ll" “(1‘ R ‘Mld p '9 .‘WILKESBABHE’ ! 1 mm: usvmu INSURANCE AND LOAN W. T. McGuiiough. iltlrll"<\‘fllllx(i' In the Best Possiblp Manner and on Reasonable Terms. LAL'REXHC'S FRED. GLOW, FARMERSVILLE. \V:1t v 13!."le Mood Puriflu. 'Tonic. Diane-Ne bone of Arum-Jo. Indlgufion. Dynperiu. Inlthulnus, Unnndmo. Liv" (‘omri m. Mumuum. an than" hing-on. Bcrurulo. innncroculmr M remain. Hm Rheum. gum. and m 8km aunt... Noni-who. Iranian 0! mo an .30" Mount “a an Bun. tum} \‘ogwgnhlo._ COfiLi These machines wnll be lcf! on trial for a leusmuable pul‘iml, and no t-alc unless a fair trial promu- them w J»: smi~fmflor3l~ to like custuumr. Read our circulars care- ful y. ' , A. JAMES, Best Washing Eachlno in the Market (3()NN(_)II’S IMPROVED WASHER THE EAGLE ANTI-FRICTION GE.‘ QL'IIHNG NO OIL. CONSTRUCTED ENTIRELY OF MAJ LE USU“ Il-‘ON Q -â€"\LVAN IZJ‘I 1) IN THE LEM: POSSIBLE M .\.\'.\'ER. Best in the World! SOLID WHITE RUBBER ROLL HRS, V l'LL‘ASIZl-Il) TU SUA FTS. "'0” Scrémmd. B. WATER ST., BROCKHLLE Hence the Importance of a well Regulated Time-Piece. COAL! COAL! VOL. II. N0. 49. SUIC- 18 lo mmmn "6.7 C I: N GE .\' ERAL AU EXT "J'o'h'c? Wm} C I: "Toma 9,“ (”lice and Yard, b'l’l-ZUTACIJ Db" Clocks, and me'(‘*llm’v. GVJSR [~13 12C AND COUNTY OF LEEDS ADVERTISER. R. w. cmms, ll \ll vc that than C\' WRINGER. FRE 9. 6'5 0 W'. Agent, Farmersville. I'ILI'ZIH 3!‘ l0 ii i; U ijj sviH ‘ ' @112 fiepmtrr AliING, RE TTEEZD. for RATED (3110? 1111111151. Clark. Simpson and 111111111111- 511111111111 111111, 111 11111 disrumsinn. .\11'. ; 11101111111111111111111.‘11111111112thatthmeountiu 11111111: 11111 51111111111 “1111 1111111111 1mg 5111111111 11111111 1111 11111.: 111111 111 11111111- 111111, 111111111111 :11 11'1111111111110 111111 1111 10111111 1111(11111111111111111. 1111. lhuught 11 W11Il111 be 1111111 1111 to send 3111111 an 011111 11111.1 11-0111 11111111,- to place 111 11111 counties, as 111111 11111111 1.111511111511111. 1 Mr. (111111.15 11:1111 111 1t the 110111111 111112 $11 :1111 s l11111 111111111911101111n111 $111111 1A1tt"l~1~1111l.~11111 1111.1 101111111 and \11 “1...... 1 l 1 1 ‘salm'y of the po ing the vxxmnsc {counties V'cfiy 9n jamminlmmu flu ; ('nfln‘veti. 111111110 :11111 111 S \1. 1s czunml 1|“. 5 111"'K1-11111_r,11111l< 11111111111' 11111] r1131] I1,1111 p191i1i1111 \1l1i1h 51-1 1111111 111111 11111111;1I. l1~11p111~111h1511011 1111111'211-11 b1 Min-r 111 1110 “inumms Ion-r 111.412';11111~-1 that "[011 large .1111nu111 1111s 1111111i111r 11'0111 fino~ :0 1].. 1 wl111l1 01111111 [11- 111111111311 11111111115 tho; salary of 1111: 110111-1-‘111112151111111.111111; 1 1111111110 1131111131151: 111 be 11111111; by the!“ 10111111115 1'11'3' 1-11111H, 111111 1111111)) 1110 1111111111111111111111 1111- Act Would 1111 110111-1- llli Hn' 'nu‘mnml ul .UH‘ ln-odn Inevngv (‘umunsuimm‘y fur $40066, and m tlwfiwhflllu- Licyuso (lummissinmro (at 0633.0”. the pr" ram «have of IM- (‘nu‘mim in_ luv apartm- 0f the In- Un rmuming. tho rep D‘HH‘I' (‘UIIIIIHHH‘ “HI! (:I Mr. (Than-mom in the elm Ht'uzl‘ul minut "(ins ’an nu the 11th damn 1 “ply discussion vnsum tho ,‘lomaml of .tho ,I. (‘amnuisshmc rs _ fur {NH Thu sl'uwiul mmmi thvy haul sown-0d run Judge ovm' Fnlf‘ord‘s rental of $6 mommy Mr. Ilallnday gnu- tio. to amend Ivy-law his ninliun lu- s; hm! (AIM! m mt .I\Ir. .‘lcluu'u On tlu «.11).. Mr, "v Mr. 3:: ('omlnittcz. and sit :1; members question. Mr. Ilrg ment at a salary in ( lagcs. u up! l‘llilgi.~tl‘zfl Mr. Brgguqy funnel the. appoint- ment of. a police magistrate without salary in each nmuicipulity. A cummittcc tznlgsialing of Messrs. Mrlntyro, Summer‘s. llulherfiufl alul McCrne (\Volfln'd), was appointed, in whom the whnlv mutter m1" reform I. i The Council met at Brnckvillc last week, to winnlmp Iln: ycur‘q business. The Councillors tiled 1m uppuarance on Wednesday nftcrndon and adjourn- ed to the following «lay. , NW, ..,‘,,..,~,n'nx:nst)‘o Y's MISSION. The Council assembled at 2 30 p.m.¢ thli Wax-don llivlmrtls in the chair. A letter was roml t'rom the Ontario (lm'urmnmt respt'cting the payment of the counties' share of the cxlmns‘o of vul‘ui'uing tlu: Scott Actf The amount ttwwtllit'tln ot‘ the whole 0x- penw) was it month ()vm'duv, and would be suml it' not llllltl at unec. , A lively (“51‘leth on tlw Smut Act followed, and n motion In)” Mr. “it'll- nrtléun mm mu-riwl. unluring the Clerk tolu'opm'c 1| stutmnuit showing the rm-viph' :mul oxprn‘litnros in" connec- tiOn with the Act. Mr. lx'c-vtinr: prvsvntml :1 potitirm praying the (humm’l to requvst tlw (imw'nmvut to appoint. a Police Mug- istruto l'ur tlu: I'nitml COunlivs. our columns makes it impossible for us to report Mr. Fraser‘s address and the other excellent speeches delivorcd by the nominees of the convention. ‘ A great many of our readers win have an opportunity of hearing Mr. Fraser and his The Reform Cbnveution last Sat- urday was the largest and must. enthu- siastic meeting uf the kind ever held in Brockville. The “on. C. 1". FW was mnuinutcd for rc-elcction to the Ontario Legislature and W. U. Com- stowk. Esq.. was selected to oppose rm opportunity [h LEEDS AND GRENVILLE COUNTY CCUNCIL. WillH‘hSL‘S long,r (listznwo : umuunt was accruing I: could bl‘ applied u y of the poliu-‘mauisl lw expense In be bm ties Vol" \ small, and! inlman tlw Ad. \Vuult' . )lcluu'ru mum in M. lhis alauv lpnlngizvtl for lwimz unable to tlw (u'nnmiuoe. and movml n m-v of tho whole nmltvr to the w (‘nmm'fl'u-c. The lnolimi M «- mag n ln- s l m m REFORM CONVENTION. FRIDA‘ In Humid 11w. Ii", in ordtr ins mid that the police lmJ Imjm‘isdiotiun in Son“ [side the xowns and \‘il assmimed with another (H! II( Farmersville, Wednesday. December 131:, 1886. HUI u- ropnrt nf lhdl was tnkc-n up. wi he t'lmir. mum wm'o lust: $119110 MI" 91' “u" rum-rel. lH'kl‘d permiw‘inn SHON uring the contest purl pm; to give ('Onsulcr vl‘l' mum-mt- ‘ nt‘ (Umnty adjourned to III‘JQ “HM l upun. lltis ulauv mva m Tim \ that the Ult- the ed with ’8” mm”. \V. the ”(-1 all luu that u; «wiflin: lm thv Prime he may the \iz'“ Ill: :11! nmwuH-l by law 1111' ”111 lmlmng ()1 sclmnl cluvtlmlfi, tho. date of “10 011- 1111'111 general elections lmsbccn (-lmng‘ 831 111 Dvl'clnln'l' 2.1111, and the nomin- utiuns to the 21.4. The [{ofill‘nuern of South Lowls will me1-t in the 1mm l1:.1ll 01111011 'I‘l1111':.s1l1y ll1'1-(‘111l1e1' Oth. at l 111‘l01:k p. m. .. ful the purpose of solvcting :1 candidate to the Local 11113131111110 The riding :19 now constituted111111513111 of 1l111 townshi 111 ol‘ Kitlvy, 811mb l‘l lmsloy, l’1'11stm1l.B11rgc.-s N)‘011l1 11ml .‘1'1111'I1 (.mshy 11111! I 111111 11ml mm of Lords and 11111111601111“. 11ml ”11‘. \‘ll- ”1121*.“ Of “21113110111111 11ml vab'n-n'. Mull 'l‘lIe R-fnrmers of North Rbnfrow haw l'I'lll)l||illzli(?L] Messrs. Murray nml Findlay I’m- the Pruvim'iul mid Domin- InII ngiflluturcs rcspociiwly 'J‘IH‘ Jlunitur fuh’ism that tho “on. (‘. l“ l‘I :wcrlw Iv- elm-led lIy aml-Im- min" to the l‘I'Ovimi I1 ngislaturm :IIIfiWI. J. I'. \\ and, M. 1’. In accla- mntion to the Dominion Par“: "|l)l( nt. At the Uonsmvmivc (‘mentimI III Brmekvillc ()II Saturday. Mimi. l". Wood “. l'..uIId \Ir. 1). \IuIISvll. (‘oumv 'I‘Ie:I~urcr womnominmod fm tholm- mininn :IIIII Wuvinci .Il Houses rospec tin 1v. um Iwg‘sluttu le .‘Ium'h. (,7. F Frmcrl :IUQH to, the mun. J. I“ nmtion to thu Al- tlm Um Mr. Francis Jonas asks for the suf» f‘rngos ot'flm electors of North Leeds and Grenville. on the Imlepvndcm tirkm. e taken out. . i Mr. Simpson moved the adaption ot' the clause. ’ Mr. Richardson moved in nménd- ment that the clause be Mrqu om.‘ ”c was not opposed to the Scott Act ; , but this dunmud‘ coming as it did at? f 'Iu: lugt 805910" of the Council, loukx-d ! I like fin election dodge u“) turcu XIII i onprosdon of Opiniun t'nom (hum with i Hugard to the Scutt Art. He: thought E ;it unfair to press this question at the? l gprcscnt time. I Rev. Mr. (‘hmm disclaimcd a“ idea; ;ot‘ ll):1kill:p01i1i('8lCclpllal out of any: T Icmm'lis nf' 11:0 mmubors nf 1110i ‘(Toum-il. “The bills ww-u put in at Ihuti lute sumo lwcumo the ()rdc-r-ix‘rCmm- . \\'n1.1u20‘<, M 1‘. Pu’fs up for rc- cleL-tinn in South Lunnrk. Dr. Tlmn. Chamberlain hm been so looted as the {dorm candidate in lmmlns for the Dominion eloctiuns. ”.39! L'oum-n. "1:10 mus Wm- put m at that late stage became the ()rdor-ix‘rL‘mm- (:il was only passed some um days before. He read uver the items, show- ing wlmt the money lmd been spent fnr. Mrssrs. Gilfius :md bailey 1'11- vnl‘vd the grant. as “Lin did Mr. Hrmpmn. who said the mnnvy was (In hzllfd lnpuyjum suc'h hills :18 tin-5v. Mr. Mallory was in favor of" voting Ilw numuy. Ho thnughl that it' any ut' the members WN‘C afraid that, their ex ressions un this subject would keep “1* at honw, they sllumld stay [here ()u the vote being taken the amend- ment. \\ as lmt and the item [paiscd. [The balance of this report will appear in our next 1 .H Ill Awociutiun would be willing to tnke onv-third ot the lines, as under the Dunkin AM. if the Cummil prct'mrcd. They thought, they lmd.a claim upon the money now on hand. He did not want. the moncykuntil the sums. due 11m 1 .immna (‘Qm mimz'mmmhm! . ...! mm: ‘l‘lu- Mnu'rm' H The Rev. 8. D. Chown, Presidont of the Association. V118 allowt-d to be 111111111111 support of this claim. llc rut fmrcd to the 01-11131 in Council 10 gutdi nu the disposition 01'1110 mouies paid in as fines. and asked that the Association ho mven :1 grant. 110m 1110. 1111111 now 01111111111 and likely to accrue Ilis 1'611~o11 for 11~ki11g this 111111 that to 1110 (1111118 01 the Association properly belonged the credit. for the eutbrccmcm of the Act up to the present time. He did not. wish to cast any reflections upon the Inspector; 1-111 from tho thorough 01'1gii1izminn :111 over the Counties they w-otr 111111,- to gut Infui 111 itiun which the inspectm (301111111111. N(~1"111} $1 500 111111 111011 1111110301111111110.,,111111 1~Olll(‘. 1-1 cases were now 150111111113. '01' this 1111111121 they would 011131 11511 11 51111111 portion. form-tunl 111111necessarycxponscs. The The next Claus}: wus'on the éommu-jvontl of the Surrounding Ton-hips. 'AN WTERES‘NN“ LETTER niczuiogl from the Scott Act Assncin-l authored by Our Own Vida-awake? WONT" ""15“" 1‘ Linn, waking for the sum 01' $:5|5.68,f Corrupondontl. l --- 1: In l :1»A.w.' _'..- = 1." '13-.-.--'1‘ mug! u. amount \let :y u. s t ”Mm .p/atu . \I ciution in assisting to enforce the Scott '35? .mm. little on boos. if I can i slum-tor and tho Cumisw'umorn. The. clause was finally adopted, (Ming (0 H The triplvt Iu‘ l‘c'h‘llth‘. )Ul‘ ling. UH" ml” Mu” row w! tun-II ‘1 1‘1 uh’Sn' John whnnqw visits Tu- .. “'9 conhnr in the nfiinion of lo ‘nlcl. Nu doubt Mr. Hunting hat right. The pnlilivnl rvlnlimn: mg hem-om the Tanu.‘h1ilnnd 'rimo Mmiwior emiilv tln- num- Io such an inivrviow in «mic-r that my kvop his paper m mmr-r! with ELECTION NOTES. I9 any Mm‘vr'v , m Hu 3;: m an indqwmh-nt nom- mlun .-l.lr«'rffsrr. {the Tun p: rt 1h the ”1 1.113111 -0nfid.ntml into" 1!\‘Minl1(‘¢‘ with "u the "I ‘NilL'ln 7*.“â€" ”(2rd” dw-‘s:u’v~thflt Mr. unzlging a'irrc'm‘ of 11w luv :1 riflnt to b.- (-lnwt- In whom w visits T4» Marin the nfiinion 01' In doubt Mr. Hunting The pnlim-nl ydnlions Snmv of t‘ plnm- wnuld l “wand 5 't'HH‘ ko- LN! yum he Tornn 0f Hm dc'ntht .‘lu'hignn lur lmru (m M'H " 'h I‘ll] HHI m m :aN-nuu \l. l’.. by neclu- {guns He has run our fut. mam ofl'lhc u Pal'limhan l truck nltugethor. - - r (‘onwntinn m | Mr. Dn‘id Stmvart, known in hunt,- . Mrfl. l“.\\'oml ; ing circles hPre as thé ohl Chief. lm- :flllsvll. (A‘numy i muvml In Dublin, where he will open Mod for tlwllo- {um a meat market for all kinds of Houses rospec- agmnv. ' " There is talk ot'n pop corn suvinl at Ming the day zour CUlOH‘d fl'lt'ntli. works f- om Tuesday. the holding of! whore all Iho nvighhors will not he in- late of thv 011- l vitml, ne thut is the onlcr of the day Amhbst is!“ Tho I “'1'” mulvr (Him r. Mm. Jan. Hm .\' ('I‘ Mu H‘N :1 days ,show- spent (‘5' fil- (I Mr. flu hrtl. 0’ ”In Rich-ml lln Mr. quc‘s (luv “'04. The choose are gone from our fac- tnry. 'l‘ he h mks wills mm lye math- um. when M: . Gilmy’ s patrons will am the nooulf‘nl, and probably he WI” gn'o ynu a full detail of the business llmm this sensual. Snmv ol' thv young lmlios .of‘ this nlnm- “'Hlllll be vm‘v clad if Mr. Gull-«w A man at, Paul‘s szu'in with a liltle «luih- n nioo white um; vnumz (rows. . \ man at PI‘IIII 5 Point swupcd a big slum III wiIlI a liltle hay 1mm! on it for IlInitI- II lliC‘l‘ IIlIito mmc in fII:,I! {“0 1m) ImIngI I-owa .nIOIo Immn Nuth- .IIIIl IIIIiIv an amount 0! Immov. I tell you it takes Abner to trim the buys up to a Dc: Ik 11 ul several cn H'vntud 3111100: (Hating: lmhu lmt two wars a mu u'l clizmm Nnvmmm Sonâ€"«The trustees haw (-nghgmi Miss Beatiy for the third year tntcm'h nur pu'Mc sclmol. She is bringing tho. St'hOUl alum: nicely. and qui'e n numhi-r nf her pupils are pre- paring for the entrance examiim- tum. We wish him sum-034 in this venture which is swim-thing nimiy thought would how-r tukv plan-v. Mr. J. Hall, om‘qlurm doctor, has 11 ul several culls lately which he has- trvntwi succossl'uliy. Hi- has bevn .‘Iu Ill! NH!“ evident, chagrin and the lms‘tlur's dis- gmt u: not 139ng ublu to run up a ”nod pm in” in“. A' mm in tho “ “H ~m:‘\ honrn" they reached the tlnrcntul domicile aWuy down towards “no ris- ing sun firmly, tweaking. no don‘t In make sure that the old folks “one safv on the road lwt‘uru tlwv ventuxod on another excutsion of the kind. .‘lr. Wm. Rn! this hfher :1! “Hr farm. N A oouplo"nf boardlcss ynutha from avillzfgc not mam; milled from 11mm drove inh; Delta, 0m,- vw-uing last week under the imprcs>inu that the “oldiblkq” 01' a curtain f'nmily wwr L. DcCarlp, nf Brockrillc, roconUy (-rer-twl u very fine monument for M. R. Bates, the cowl of which 111!er have been nearly $600. This is the third monunwnt Ihut has been plaud in our grave/aid (his sons-OI. )V NOVEMBER 29.â€"-â€"A few of our fur- mox‘s were ploughing kn: Week. The young mm of his vicinity are talking of building a new toboggnu slide Tim C IH' Will. I V)’ mm 1mm mule 01' less for flu \(ars \\ilh the vow best re lle has run our fut m: m ofl the COUNTY NEWS. n‘mlin‘n [1 ans: r. UN (ilrn But". Mr. I. H. 1d of llnspln the first ul v is .Ivnlvd in mm mH )rlab'ly, and hm Mu! summmm “DVD“!!! the «a 1.2 Indies .of' mi: glad if Mr. GIh-ny mg as choosoma ’.u‘ i tic the hns‘tltrlh dis Lblc to run up a NOW! in the “ wet .- v 's uivv an m "y Batman! 015, l'rnm I by a 11-1an nl' Warn-n 1v! 0le of mv pngm muted 6c Bailwms the "(ups to ()vlnbél‘ H9 101' rem ts Demul ffll‘ fill-I I once saw an npinry of 35 Colonios Willlcl‘t‘tl in a small cvllul‘ undoi- tho kin-hon. The hoes tllll not rust on thu floor of the collar, hut wore suspwmlod to the sloopen umlor tlu! floor nhuw. The Wood for the stove was: sometimes mrolt‘ssly thrown on tho floor. mul them was thi- ("'Onlllluul trump of halt u dozen big boy: with hiugt-r boon. You may judge of the Cfit‘ct. whm tin lightost flmtstvp would didunh and .iur that tremhling tloor. If ever bees Wt‘t'c‘ or couhl he annoyed by such causns, this was a fair case. At-oOrtlo in}: to theory, tho boos would eat so "Mon and m much that they Would die of «limrrheu hotoru the wintrr would he over. But on the (-omrary. in this case they Wintmwl ro-murkunly yell and swurnwul early and often. So much for perfect quiet. UNIPURM t-mtrsnncnn. Him-o rope itodly assisted in putting me hull" of all npiury in n t‘Oll‘II‘, and preparing the otherhalt' for upon air Winn-rim: in a tempt-ruture that often full to ten dean-(N or more below zero. thllmyvd by suvhlun changes to sun- ‘hinu an-I enthpurutiio him. The I'm-«.- mil-l b'nckon .tho snow with their 1 and bodius for rods around. t‘mm tan to twenty time!- durlnq tho wumr. shining with man“ ; the air was very «lamp and musty ; a third ut' the but- tnm was covcrcrl with a dirty pnnl 0t thul watt-r. I w-ntnrot! to say that if the hops survived thvir cpnditinn would he wonse than death. At the sale 01‘ the bees in the hpring I was ealted in to examine them. ttml In my surprisu l'numt thorp in a pt-rtectly he‘lthy mn- ditton~thO comb-z all fight and sup»- rior to same uf the apiwrius in thut region which h-ud been wintcrt-d in th: must sciontifiu rvpositnries. There had hem no ditficuhv or [ms in wintering hues in that collar for acvcftil years So much tor drv air. ,. _qu , 11] . “W, . . F1111), [111-111 .1111 211111.11 pr1nc1p1s.‘ 11.11 1h 11. thv 01111111104 1111411111111 11112 1111011'111g. wh: 1 h when - 11111) 111111 snnmuhmt pa 11111013101111 may b11111 much 80111119: be so rhurmml with 131. «my 1111‘; 9111 si “(111013 or pu- “M1111.“ 1:)1100 em to ":5“... quiet ; 311i.111111111111te111por;;1t11re 41h, 1111‘111cr11bode just the right «1111. What whirl}! ' (livcrucnt 1111111111115, what hut cmnro ; [The balm,“ n! m". m 111111113. 11111] what 11111101511111 conccrn-l will uppcur In noxtmwk‘s ingv these poi11ts.To illushatc : z - " mu' Al“. I The daughter (11' .101 I once saw 1e11 colonies shut up in 51121211 “d” 1 ' Sy1a1-u~1 an 011.1 mld cellar. The 1V1H~z 1101-115 vann- mine 11111111 shining with 11101111] , the 1111 WA 9 \‘1111' 1 ma‘flm's 011mm] less tll Ten thousand curious bee-keopers {‘0' :1 quarter of n ct-ntury have Vainly sought I'm a “This way only ulmlt than winter bees." There arc'certuifl vonditimm or ('nmiugoncirS-â€"in the bum. in tho ntmmplwrv. in ghe myth. in the surroumlinw~that our}: imli- vidun] {mini-31m must k‘nrn Fur hitmell'. ”0 should observv all ,ddnils. romnm- her t'lmn carefully and draw his own cnnclmimw. Beginner, do ymx ask “Imtvrwill mukn you an eminent :mvl successful hmukvcpcr ? In my answer I should condmsc all the formulas, rules and instrm-tions into on» wordâ€"â€" attention. If ymx m-ro to ask me te.: times what else is roquin-d rm pm'fev m... I should bu Cumpelled to answer every limo. “ Aiteu’nun." Trm‘, tlwro :m- Ln m~ml principkm. including, the fij’lowing. whivh when .mdm‘stond nmv be at much Service: 110! 1101 and other literature. issued by its pub- lisher», have long given tone to and uronfly aided the dmwlnpment of bee culture in the I'uiu-d Stiltfli and Cam- udu. C‘mudiun bee-kvopx-rs haw- also :1 gum] paper of their own in tlw l'umu/iun 1hr Journal, published ul lit-emf). Ont. Guaranteed Circulurion, 600. 'm‘ Mm" 66176 ”.1605 them "who ‘h‘mr: bucn fnvored with an) of these :s I will my something: about HILEVC'E, OR PERFECT QYTIET “'HI "WINTERXNG DE ES AHCULTURE. R PM“! A.\' AU- MATTkLflS. iél‘: Edward Chpp. of Be'levéllo. mean: If rimml 3':ng )3" k My (Or the pxm u s) (,F haying- cohntrrf'eét money. He wn=tnken ton mm. M a bowl by wmv sharper“, th ,f‘mnllv imhnunI him tv) lvuv $1,0h0 for $90 of his mum-y. The (-ufim'mfeu thoncywus plm VI in II .Ia'vlu-l. av- thc cpnfi-lenco Minudllvmod him to do. and sent v express to Cape Vincom.‘ [Immu- ml fuxthv Satchel It Clpfi Vina-D! last wnbfl and Is he could not be Hm» “tied himself. the clerk In NH- osprm nflioe mM he «maid give ha tho mu-hvl it'hqcoum Ioll’ whit in mm. mm were. and 0pm it know hm. This the man did 1an was nmpriwd when his eyu met a f"! oldmum. papers 911.! I In.“ of lab: "at. maul Jun". hima “AH A mmmpaper id to be "who! i't London Ilmz “ill be (Iwne'! and mm emircly by wmmm. 1': Wow. 1‘ ~1mrcevq prmfm Mow. c nnpoait‘) s st-l‘c‘nfyp m, and mum Ih‘s "dewls" are to h- w» mm or g‘rls. The deaf} or Art‘uv 3113 m min Mr. Hayna th u 'nnTy “Vim: M-Prmi mm :mul Mvsszm. Holulin uml‘ W mule.- the The daughter ol'Jeff. Davis 11an .1 sleigh ride i u Syrm-nae the mixer «lay. Twenty-nine i[Minn] Sta-ms past;- masters earned less than $1 each last. ve Ir. [Lu-w» Inhvrnnw; \vhv nut lwes 5’ [1 this (wont Ill“ qnvs‘iam nf winter dict won‘t} dinnpmr. ht. I vnuture M Na!“ tint Hm (-nlnnim “"45le we, sent into [Ms snmnulunt pnl: Ir p1 :uiéflc \vH' be so v-hm mm! with lIm dc! ghts of that [)uco aw to newr return to vhc Former «bode. ’ IIYDERNATIHS. 9‘ ler0 are lemme} gmzmmcn Wilma obv-rvatinns and vxgv-rimo us haw Ml them to cmclnde that hues might. nvvn'nnlly he iwtuvefl t.) hurl) 'rna‘e. as 111': um. um! some ot‘wr irus'cts do. in we Calls. where they roveive it {um 11w >.V"t""\ hy nhsm-ptinu. asthv mouth ii undovrlnpnd at llzis‘ poriud. Thu pullc-I-lhc-n-y gentlemen would m sko the wmnlcr-loviug Wurld helivvc Ill-t tlwy knnw mnre about the damestic economy Hf a bee commmflty than the lmosdo meee'ves. It is much like the twmldle on a hundred "filler H 0 nos: it wont s‘nn‘i the test nf‘ :m- :eivis am] cwnrnm s-ngo. Nut ‘0 11009 NH. lnm'lk hwy ~01'sAsm'l can, fit“ Infi'JHYiI-S dnwn m be trample! ”pm ['5' the {cm (W mnih'. I32: WI...“ “13.3.32 “X” mu have "dig-hi Wei; II «III h “I a! on III] 8-4 hr MM mido hnIodIoI 0‘ Wm“. “I"; vivoh through 08min. hr.“ hmlahml wolves and ha !y in night. Md It. him In “in!“ up" or Ian. Tho colony vinIm-II onuida met IIIIII Ions in the Iium. and "main pure and vigoroua. Thus ll abundance III‘ logic in support of thin. A uni- form Iempvramre at In much the sumo Ion bus as I Ibncy it would on a man wit hamtenduw to make ahou~o plant. at him. and IochIoIpIaIIII IlIa 'shl)" -l:s 0! active IIIII quiIII- so well. on IIccOIIIII of Ihu deli. “they of omgou in IlIc syI-Iem. Thu survival of the IitIIst III Well ‘llIIstI'IIIII-Il in open air “ll"llill'j. I l II'II'I- lung mhnmmd I :0 Math (If ‘Ihis Ihcan, III-t II. '0I [HE‘IIIIIIIIIL‘IIIIU' 'IIS II'IIIIIIIIIII. “ M'hy not, 2’" pIIiIIIIIHy ,IIsIeII Iho cIIiIor oI' IhI III-.I'IItIrmI Bane“: it (3‘ fits moon time II 2 IIIIIIIII tI lll‘o‘Pll'e [on 0010mm III :“I :IiI‘ winIcIiIIg .IIII 100 cIIlIIIIIIs I'III' ITIo ‘CI‘HIII‘OI‘ bee-hull 0. An l w- m I «J‘I' ‘hI'IIkeopI-I' Iu IiIII p “VIII III II IIIII IiIrhI III III III: IiIo IIqu. S) mth I'm uIIiI'IIIIII thnIIcrquI'v. ' Jl S? m I rum Kmp I-l‘ mm. And what. is that. 1’ Duo, dovnut :IIIIhmity in the ”plan III synod dis- I‘UVCI'I'Il IIIIII. hem ought IIIIt III have fIIIiIIn,fIIiII:1c--O!FI ditt(1fl‘[()ffi)\\’0‘“ homincul m pIIHI-II, whiI-h lIyIIII Im- enough IIIIIIL‘ I'm IlIu OrIIiImI-v miwl Io II-_v:IIIl tlIc‘m hS IIIIII. He and hm muâ€" m« rIIIII-I disciples huliuve lIuc-brcul or when to [)0 the pI'iIIIuI-y mum: of IIIIII‘III'hmI. WhIt :I grave blunder II;I~ Ul'e math) in furnishiug so UIIpIUIh’ II supply III [IIIJcII in the same flJ‘IVI'r II'IIh IlIc hIInvy, Ihue tl‘lniltil‘g the boo In its (III II dC‘HIlCIi‘Hl! I'I Il'cII minnlIII \IiIh hon I i~ LIk- n inlo he lulmr. Nor} III IhI- sLIIInaI-h III the MIIII ' imo IIheIo It. is administvrcd [II the infant hoe; until they are strong I‘llflllgh to 1mm stronger dirt. Tue I‘IIIIIIg 1mm III the :Izv of IhI‘I-e or IIIIII‘ «luv: mm: [was In» It} Int-3:11.: III Ihiv. Mu“- [The balance or our porroapnndcm'l letter and M HM" me um-' ‘25“ to‘tzv W. S. H Ili llu 1.: in Wis Maui 4 rcvcive it mm I nil frost- ‘Hu' “HO-l . vim-em.1ha 1 Nu. All L'Gll

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