Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 24 Nov 1886, p. 4

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‘VE dmfl mean ‘ ryAfm' [)Iyfixilfly muriéd; on: if n you an qmw may; to attend to that matter without any‘ hints from us. But we want you to‘ help double our circulation thh wa- Ion. We Impe you take : pride in being, one of the Barons: family, mm'i‘i that you :ejuico in the past aucce’ss of this paper and desire to aid as in ex- ,teuding its field of usefulness. And; lhen remember that We furnish the! REPURTER MM {110 Weekly (Hub fmm‘ now until the end of 1881 for 013! um:- dullnr om] seventy-five centa. Just a! little effort on the part of each sub-V SCI‘iln-l‘ will uccmnplxsh what we are aiming at. viz., to increase our cine-u- lmiwu to double its present number. And remember, too, that “"0 pay a cash commission 1' all who are willing to caM'as fur subsufi rs. Write us a postal card for special terms tq agents and canvassem. Address Our Repartor’n Note Boob'rumod Insldo Out for the Benefit of the Public. lhoop {9:- Sale- --, -_ _ W. Neilson, of Lyn, advertises tor salca number 0 'Oxford Down grade ewes which mo first awards at. the muonville fair. Woollen Mill. W Vv-Iv- w."- Gunlou'u woollen mill has turned out over 1.400 yards of cloth this sea- son. One loom has bnen found totally inadequate for the Work. West’s World's “Hinder or Family Linimmn, a sure cure fur neuralgia, can, wounds, burns, Wuunds aw! bruises. 2250. and 500. All (huggists. ‘ Preparing for Iloighing. t All our rrnrringn anpg are Jmsfly engaged getting cutters ready for the first sleighing. Quite a. number of sides are already reported. Bricks: _‘ y‘. '1 Boss an Kelly. at Kincaid’s Corner, 1 and Stephen King, at. the east end of the village, have a large quamity of superior brick ready for winter ship- ment. ” Church no-0poning- The Plum Hollow Bapfifit Church, having bovn rebuilt during the sum- mvr, will (D. V.) be rc-o )cm-d for San Vice. w) Sunday” Novcmtur the 28th Services at MSG a m. anal, 2 30 pm. Ask your frxumh to subscribe for flw Rummuu. Only $1 to January 131, 18855. FARMERSVILLE AND VIGINITY. v Personal. A. 17.1300”! and Miss Baths. Booth” of OJcssu, nvur Kingston, are visiting Junms Ross. of" this village. . 1: Charlie Judmn wan home last wc-e‘k for a pn-ce of thanksgiving unkoy. Boasonnble Advice. . ‘ On Sunday, when thv be”! are ringing, Don‘t «ml up in your bed and snooze. But an in chum-h and hour lhé singing, And “342“ mma hmveuly nbws. Ami 3mm, pwwt. lowly female creature, \V’nh sunny face and golden tress, Keep your fair eyes upmx the premium Ami never mmd your ucighbox’B dresa The Poultry Pair- inc. UUIUI’ ‘â€" Our 1mm! dealers are already mak in}; preparations tor the annual pnulu‘y fair, and farmers ure bvginnmg tn realize [hm thvy can get benet' puma and fairer dealing here than at an)‘ other point. Consequently n large number of, them are making preparai tions to bring (heir poultry here 1‘01 sale. A land- Boy Equal-03d: Iv uâ€"vvâ€"_ We sue by the Almnnw Gazette that the Rev. J. B. Robosnn, a well known Mvthodist minister, now s‘n- tinned at llnlcy‘s station. C. P. R , was preeenu-d by his parislmners with an address expnwsing thvir sense of appreciatiun of his sen- thmn. Thoy gave tangil of their sincerity in th‘ well fiHt-d purse. , E don’t meat; (’3 tell ynu to mar-1 ry for pnasibly you are. olreulfl ‘iud ; or if n<xt,you are gusto like!” tend to that matter without. “"51 It'rum us. But we want you to: double our circulation thl'l nun-i We hupe you take a pride in: L one of the Ravouwafamily, and “'nfld‘éé bust, \Vvsx's l livm- ('ulllplslint, dy‘spc‘p~ia‘ nndindizmlinn. Sugar-1 25c. AU drugmists 1mm: Navies. ‘ A number nt‘ Italian working on m0 8. & who (mum not get their Brocks‘i‘ule Inst Week condition. Some of t} condition. Some (.f them sold tlmir “"‘H'V’ ""““‘""f'" " 'â€"""'* '7 n ":0 ~ . - VW" ’ m“ ‘-‘ 9 “1”“ L“ ‘ perm“ T1" pr Noncommdcrum heudtnsmea rmot pour Minus Were Inud in their dmmn- Oust. M Nations, and made dim threats of} “Fm.” ",“smg n.“ “film“ regrment 1“ Sew BAKER: Near Addison,0fl the [61h inst. Xurk whwh .wouM come over here andi Wm. Baker. aged .27 years. clean out this county. __u_,___.‘_ “a--- A A_A-.__ __- _..â€"â€"unnnu A Powerful Iermon.’ In the Mothmhstf .- - wwv--__ “i, In the Methodist Chugch last Sun» day awning Hm Re". Geo. Rogers preached npowm-ful sermon on me anhjevt of [’mhxbition, having retir- once especially m the prmont asywm of tho qm-stinn in this county. Th.- revorond gentlvman expressed himself Mrnmzly, and cnunoiatvd sound views on the anlsjvot dealt with. The set- mon created. we have no doubt. a profound and lasting impression for H] loath flimsboy. A§rond Iowa r 7(‘01 (hu‘ Th1 mwspn’wr, and réfers to a 5n: nlmn (vile. of South EImsey:-~ nf thv must pleasant mcinl M’onl histm'y if our loxén man a 1m Wis‘ n! ”m H‘hidt‘ut't‘ “f Mr. 1 .fl :' {\Mow Ih ‘21 handsome nplmlat-‘rod and rum . . . Mr. (3110 in lh-nwr mi! week. whivh 11in rmidonco hummer. He Mum-n Dcvm’er and Pacific n hming his stay of three wwx up” mud“ or. Mr. (Nos 19 a gum many fiends in Pa- nctinn. Ihd bah h: “1:. hia‘ox‘ mfu ml! 50 firmly minds" _ “PM, \Vt'SX ~ was 3290mm. of his services amnnget gave tangible testnuuny trxty in the shape of :1 talinns Mm had beet: ' B. & W. B. R , and t4 their pay. reached amok in a dostitutw :(If them sold Nmir‘ ‘ LIV?!" Pills. cure ~i'.\, sick hmuluche r-mzucd, 30 puts, "’a rmern‘ille. ,now 3":- . r’C- P. 11, 11011915 with it sense of '03 amnngst (a testinmny '. l d from an Its-luau Education. l C. C. llm'k makes a very generous 0361' to the people of Farmersville. llie propmus “to establish a. class in ldruwing and painting. and will give linstructinns free of charge. providing lthe pupils will l'firniah u‘t'oom.fire, i llght and drawing nmtcriuls. This is fan upwrlunily Wlllcll,"\\'0 think, “pl-1 ~yuung people ulmuld not‘lct slip. They ‘ lnlxuuld nt nuce call a. meeting and or- }gunize with prdpur ollicers. a cum- ,nnuco, (’10., and make the necessary iarmnm-mcma for the acceptance (11' ‘l Mr. Slacks proposal. Tiwro is no numsslly for passing a sluuplrss night and annoying the t‘lllll'e lmnuelmld willyllmt cough, as West’s (fuugh Swnp will cure you like “18210. Thu bust known remedy fur coughs. colds, -,cun.~umplimx in its early stages, awl all ‘lln'unt and lung \ll~em~c". All druggmls. 250., 501: .und g! per bottle. Rotor-n Convention. Brockvilla Bu-iness Canaan mu ex- cels all others in the thoroughness of the work done. in the success 0! in graduates and in the patronage of the bus-inns rommunity. Nu examina- liuus on entering. Studcnm ruueiw nulwidual instruction. Rum-s cheaper than M any ulhe first-c111 ts cullege in (“m-Ma. It is the best. Send tor their cix'culu's. ‘ In. An Ichool. hat Road. ‘ ; We see by the Rcmrdrr that the» 'z‘mnunl meeting of the sharehoiders of ‘11”: ["m‘nwrsville Plank Road Cu. is to behold at. Pn-ockville on the 13th of next month. Would notthis be a good time for a drputmion‘ It, vuit upon 1 the sharehnhlcra and demand that the‘ road be put in propex‘ condition, and ih‘ case of the neglect or refusal of tho [company to 'put the find in passable gurdcr, to pnsent that p ition to the 1 County J udge which was pnepnred last 'ispring ? Taking; the past an a. crite- »trirm, we nmfl Imt g~.\:pm-t any rt-pnjrs lm' inmmvoméute upon the “ad 02-;- -"(~vptin«_r *nch as are, wrung from 313.0 .immpnny by the fun-Q of public ‘up'nion. Express drivers and others 1 \\ 1m are in :1 position to know gnhes- ‘ ‘it‘utiugly nfiirm that the mud lwth‘con ‘ ‘his vxllagn and Uniom‘ilh‘ is. mm] has , g be-cn for a number of yen-a the worst ‘ 5 atone road in these (fomniml. Sn h‘mg gas 1110 people uucgmphtiningly Submit ,tn wing: such a road, just so long will ‘ruin from spending ! v ‘thc din-catc_n'ut(‘r.rot if men» than a fvw dullurs a year to patch I up the» “our dough, in m-dur that the sharvhuhh'rrz may boast 1hut they are 1gmting (Vight yer Com. on their inn-st- -VI'. .0 v‘- ‘ wâ€"vvâ€"vv~ A (‘om'cmiuu 'otlhe Reformers of this Riding will be held at Brockville on Saturday, the 27th inst.,fur the purpose of so!“ Jug parlimncntry mm- didutes. The nmting will be held in Vicmrin Hall at 2 p.111. inch pnliiug sub-division, as arranged at last eluc- tiou, is emitlvd to Send nine deiegateh‘ to the convmtion. The meeting to select delegates to this (-onvontinn from Kent Ynugu and Escotu will be htll‘ in the tuwu hall on Thursday Waning, at 8 O'clock. u- ‘ , 'I)elays are dangerous. Procurc a bot- tle of West‘s Cough Syrup at once and cum that lruublesnme hackmg cough and - \ ‘ I. Dun.) nun. II'lI-u sorv throat, relieving pain and misgi‘y. It is the l_wu.~vhold remmiy for all throat and lung diseases. All dluggists. mcnt Gmm.»â€"Oat=, pms and buckwheat are called for. Oats, 300. ; peas, 50 to 55¢ ; buvluvhmt, 9.5 to 40c. FLM'ILâ€"Sznnu as last week. Cumzsmaâ€"A i‘vw wanted at, llfic. lht'r'rmz is; in demand. and sells from 18 to 200. for prime quality. , Recs are scarce and bring 18c. LARn.â€"~ There is demand for a quan- :n 550. ; buolswl FLM'ILâ€"Szmu melzsxa.-â€"A (1 Burma“ is in ( 18 to 200,. for pr Recs are so.” Lmn.â€"- There my at from 10 lo 120. meas fte ch $5 to $6; pvlts, 50 to O( élRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS. {BRL .EDING E” ES FOR SALE. ---‘20 (‘onrd ann grade ewes, ull young ‘zmd in pond ('(mdition and will lw gold at z reasonabie pric.cs W. Nnuou, Lyn. "7 I‘l‘rh'srmt‘) If r» livers 10m fur pnymom h Mm part W01 JAS. ROSS. having lyhght out the interest of (Thai. H Iiincnfid in the brickyattl at Kim-n ,,‘g Gamers. hcgg ‘0 mmmmoe "'19.! ”I" blli‘iflf‘f‘fl M” be carrier? on u maul, in company with A. W. Kelly. "Hanna requiring brick for solid wnlla. link)»: up. wneer. in .0! chimneyn, phoaH gm m a can bo ow punks“ elsewhere. KILL? a “60, Famoa'flillc. , Farmersvilk 1H In vrrln‘ CORNER FOR EVERYBODY. )R SALE CUM! CURRENT PRICES. ldverlisingl. m in (his I (w undwr, 'u as been mt 0H. (film, (In! k lumn. ’mulhs Poul-Hy sunml and ‘0 or deo. hr furtlnr Inpply to“ ,. _ :(‘r rof1 .1111 from spending 1-“ 111111u1~1 :1 year to 1): Huh 4011;111:111 m-dur that the 111w buns! 111:1t the) are HM 8 u hm I.) yiw the pub/it. R. G. S'rvmmvx. 15th, ’80.- wr will inm-t Arl- L‘ann atflfirtsfur first inm’rrinn, mad um: I'mntt'lm. 16, [SS 34 . and buckwheat WW note for .15. , oj Yummy, in "amm- mo : SfliL‘ H.130, a! f.0\'1‘.RLV (“lump IHEOH, Be'meteryVa'ult. 1 ms vault is now wady reception of bodies dun-mg the A mod rate {ea Will be chancel able in advance. ‘ [IQ-Allbmlies excluded who he of Small Pox, Dlplnllerm or me Scarlct'FeVer. The caretaker will take ovexy precau- tion for the safe keeping of budms than may be entrusted 10 his charge. Fox further particulars iimzly to Farmersvxlie, Nov. Qlllh, 1886. wnvinpny mum Iowan! man! can of Drum, Live: Oompnint, lick 20am, Indigestion or continue-- I. cannot euro with “.1"! mm: ms, what: the Directions m strictly compliod with. tau-so new, containing 80 run, 26 Coats; 6 Ion. 01.00. m by an Drum-u. Wadi-3 Cough S) Icmudy for cnuglm. c lldenm. bmiwhilxs, w um and consumption. TO MY OLD PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY: REWARD! Finest Rooms for Business in the County. “in with far better Unr ng the pals! fm been thoroughlv nv -:IIARNE SS:- Harness made to order on the shortest mmce in Nu: has: style, and as cifoap as can be had anywhere. ‘R ock "I‘luttonn l’rices I Of all Kinds, As well as BRUSHES, CURRY COMES, WHH‘S, &c., which will be sold at MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING in connection, managed by Misses Stevens and Madden. I have now on hgnd a large and well assorxed stock of FARMERSVILLE BEG to inform you that l have openc out my hamess shop in We 0L!) Pt: 1:." (S as Low Prices, for Cash, Approved Credit or â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Farm Produce. â€"-â€"â€"â€"- We are determined not to be second in our business, but mean {0 be th first. Our gonds are the best in quality and quantity, and will be said at “UP. SPECIALTIES: Family Flnllr, Pastry Flour “Wont, Rullvd ()uls, Hmnu‘ah-tl ()utzm u (“henpvsh Srhipmiw is no praise m «11 away with any new} of our praise. mtilivm. Half a «lam-n «hm-rent ckinds‘m {inc imported from Bmmxic Gardens; Wnrr \Vlnen you want mfy and every thing in our line for a small sum of money, the 1)]:100 to get If is at. MILL~MENI ‘ graREsHERS! Save .. Money FARMERS! ‘ m mm , all and See our Splendid Display of Stylish and lmnutil'ul Millinery and Dress li‘almcs. z? SULE MA. 'F..u.°rrm:n MARINE? mid »_v u. w Rage! IIAIN STREET. I‘JJII 1\I IIISVILLE. FAMOUS “500.00 TAKE THIS IN! "at better facilities than before. 3 past few Wenks the shop has )uuhivuvmhnuled 3m} enlarged, and i nuw have the THOMPSON’S GROCERY. Geo. W. Brown- GENERAL MERCHANT, Syrup, the, huuavhnid comm sore thumb in~ whoop} rug-cough, upm- n. Alldu‘ugmsts. ' E. WILTSF who have (“I'd or malignant MCCOLL’S :: LABDXNE :: MACHINE :: 01L, SUPERIOR T0 ANY Iii ('AXADA. lbw.“ RER. , \I (‘b‘l Bron. J! (‘0 Toronto w u \\ Home!“ l' ulna-ville for me e Wimb‘l' B", pa)" '11111'1l1 Flnur, Pastry Flour, Graham Flom. (‘ racked ();1ls,‘1rm111huul 0:11:111z1l 0111' Sugzus am the mt.» A g. THE om RELIABLE Tailoring H 0 u 8 e 'huuld take up spawn in rvc- ‘ommcndmg my work to the ”; public. s‘l'ITS JIJDL‘ [’1’ 13‘ T1113 LJT JST STYLES .I‘I' My reputation as a first-class workman is now so well es- tablished in this section that it is not necessary that I Hardware Store, HF. sullsrrilmrs ' lit: than th‘)’ h ahup iu the DIAJN s12, FARM ER SV lLLE. KSTOVES “(6 ‘E MemPAmTS, OILS, V \‘R\ISHES WINDOW GLASS PUETY, &c. o'j- Enfly in the spring we shall add Can-sage Hardware, Bur hun, chi, Springs, Fifih-whccls, and in mm uh kinda. ‘af limldcrs’ and Can-ring: Haul- ,. M. GHASSEI-S :Builders’ and Shelf Hardware, 2-" And have nOW ALL WORK WARRANTED. ani Chou-n SI. Cunningham, Kfngsum, which will Le sold J‘ails. Struts, Lurks, Illngm. Sc.» "éuonr .ro T1013. :ry I...oxv tor (31' NEW BRICK BLOCK, SINGLBTUS 380$. . nmf‘ml hand aqu line OI all kmdu’of_ g , A ful! line ;but :\ filial. of our TE AS In C 0111903 We d£ fy ('um‘ seh-cl frum, includinw a mum! pure. \‘Viah to inform the pub- Iuvu gut mm theli' flew W I L L 311511. LAMB’S HORSE POWDER IT HAS provon a great bonanza tuhorae owners, from u»- greal curative pro~ penies for Coughs, Culdu and Diatempa: m horses. llulwayl cures a cough un- lues caused by Hmves. 'l hen “n relieves the heavy breathing. Try it. '25 cunts. This is the sewn {or coughs and cold. in but: 1mm and Leann. For the ' human manly Hunt’s Cough Syrup an! ‘Fptlrtd'lfé'nt'nd't‘, ml a" wlzn 1mm uwd it never take at y other. If ilHil-Vfi aH mutations at Inc linuul and brunchqu whee, unnsts rspccxuraunm. azul aqu_\'.~ “Chi like magic. Ta y 51 “mi Sun m“ ncwr usczmy ,uthcr. 25 was per bottle. G. T. FULFOBD, The. old reliable Shurt lmc and only Through Cur route to . 31().\"J‘I{EAI., BOSTON, DETROIT, Brockville. ’ Ticket agent Grand Trunk R.R.. CUlUAUU, (he.v &u. ”Through tivkuts mm to all points. at rates as low as the lam-st. EXDEANEE ZBZFi®KIER Amnican Cmoncy Silver and all kinds of un cuuom monies buuvht and in! l Alngwlusps} [3mm J Amvrimux Drafts and (‘hoqum cushcd, ”Drafts issuw‘l on New York. cur- rent for payment in all pans of the United Stacoé. on approved endorsed notes. G. '1‘. FULFORD. J‘. P. LAMB. Dmggist. Parmersvflle. Of“ A; KINCAID, Groceriesf‘fiz PrOvisi Ground Feed 1 1 m 8 Shorts. Bust Grades of Imnily F=lom from Roller Mills. Choice Flour, Sugars 8' a Specialty. A150 Dealer in The public will find it to tlu Ir advalpnl. we to call and. (*xmnino my stock before puwlmsiny. l‘ricos Moderate. All kinds of grain and producc‘ taken in exchange. Goods (luliverml to all parts of the Village. LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH Ol‘ ll‘fld Cherry 8 Tar DESIRABLE GOODS Y Main 8L, Farnwrsville, »h( opposmo M‘m.»rt1'n'lg‘.4 Hob cloak-1‘ in B, D. Judson & Son F'ashionable Tailoring L‘xceflcnt't‘, In! a! wr lake 1* y ullu 0115 “I Inc lluuut an “:5 |wctumlmxh my . Tl} Al “I'd Sun ,ulwz'. 25 with UNDERTAKEBSQ Inder the Management of GLOSESJ’ LIVING PRICES. ('Imrgos Mndvrmp, MONEY to LOAN FARMERSVILLE OF .- LL KINDS FARMERSVILLE. f1’,".l“A.IIlS, John Baillie. ..._-. you --~â€" Coughs. GO TO ABNOLD’S. 510115 n‘lv (‘35 1 l SUCCESSOR TO A. C. McINTYRE. PHOT‘QAGRAPKEB, COPYING : A_ Call Solicited. inornptly The subscriber bogs to thank his customers for past liberai patronage, and at tho samo time (-uHs atu-ntion to his Stock of Cooking and Heating Stoves, for Wood or coal, House Furnishings, Agate Wow, (fistvm Pumps, Sinks, Bird Cagvs, Etc, E‘C. ,. ) Go to A. PARISH c3: SON «FOR YOUR GOODS. CLOSE PRICE-S. Pine and Ilcmhwk Buihiing Immbvr. Flooring, baths, Shmglcs, 1:0!)(‘0 l’icluts, 03° Negatives on hand fur the past 31 years. Latest Style Cutters and Special attentien paid to Horse Shoeing é’z Jobbing Turmcrsvillc, Nu . 18 BARGNN HWSE NW 600%, GRfiEERiES, BOOTS 80 SHOES, “’0 Wish ‘0 rtidnvl: premiles. Look for L1 BI’J'I.",I,‘ON KID ‘GZUTJVESJ wanna fie} nms Vertical Feed SEWING MACHINE. I suII my IIIIII gIIIIIIsr; I III» ”II ()“n IIIIII I ting; thorofnro by pnrrhnsingr Irom mI3I it I- -IIIIrI-II IIIIIi: III u ”w III- I I- why of my “inn hm luqfflfl 'l IIIvrI'bI IIII: pI-III- III ”II I) \\ I8 is nmriI as low In" IIH‘. 0M I'WI . (Ir IIIIIII -III'I- II In IIIIinvs. I? Don’t be Deceive‘d. Davis 15 Best! Nowhere Cheapefl nscoamva “70 P. K 21.25;; 233 Call and imam-1 bLL'Oro buy?! I have been for any of the HIJQZIN ST AIM} Secure yqur winter goods whi] our No; In all the lultosl‘ fiiyluu BROCKVILLE, ON TARIO. FARMERSVILLE .‘u “REAGE WORKS um DOW manufactuxin It! .7131 312 {{S, and .13.! will for me next 90 day: 0le Cheese Factory Supplies 3 Speciality. YING and ENE-ARE (Finishvd in Oil, (fl'myun,0r India Ink) Karley’s Block, Farmersville. I) DH) \‘1: attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed every time Cmrt THE GREAT Wurk dune promptly; at Rvnannabh- Rates. Emse Avenue. Opposite tbs Nev Pm Oflco. . PERCIVAL, 1‘“ XX 1}. )1 1‘: 'l { S" 11:11}: svc ln-lurl . GAMBLE, Jos. L. GALLAGHER. Farmersvi c.1- stock bxfure Spring hrmins. We have: a for the wimu- trail} a' Fi g clwwh rc. past years to n Iu'luwmults to purchasers of . Gr. PARISH. . H. GAMBLE. 1H" BROWN 8: CO. l mu Lot'er Izron:xr:,;.x u give. every SiliiSftUUOD. preparatnry to enlarging 6n: few more pairs 01' those and sizes. w an 1% compie D. FESHER. !! (\(WYT‘ f (i()(_)l)S. éj‘c. prewar»! tl‘an Sleighs. t C1115 at lowest pricol (71311311031163: : "\V 0BR INEQUELLED for DL‘RABle. SIIPLICH1 lot of e) O)

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