Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 24 Nov 1886, p. 3

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llnm'lou III-I 0! ”to Imuuorlnl About - PIp'oitd (mp-c. A Hudson, N. Y.. def-g nah uya: Mrs. John R. Dw‘n h“ for mom time hum Inlmnghom out dluuo sud drcpdosl noublu. 03 Bands, the ml “out I" any. but :1 high! nomad .0 ho word. In the only evening. the! spnmodio notion. uh. passed into u mm which um um oho no (In ad «uh. Thu Indy vu duly 1’.“ can a immedine urn-uncut. and. [or ’Iho vnnenl. which was decided upon {or to monov. M tho uplnuon of out. oiahu or ten hours “on wu no Iemub ct numh of the body. noithu wu than any mum ct the-Inn- A 60030! «a «ma. - .9, ‘ _. L ‘0 amid no. (11:! my sum...“ u 3.7 A.-- -.:‘-..__ .A-_-._ th Reciprocity Wllh the mm" or Ivan-d- W-Ilrd In the Inland-J11": Bonn" Intel- I’tlll'ovlfl. Trade. A Pcnama denpnch says : Advices from Jamaica. any: The decay at this colony. which was once culled " the brightest jewel In the British crown," may be unshared (tom the («Moving figures. which show how sugar. the gran staple of the country. has declined In onluvmon during Oha periods named. Thu number nf saunas were : In 1832. 653; 1847 613; 1879. 216, and 1884, 189. In rclucnce to this decline lad Ibo euenl impceaeion prevdliug, Michael olomon. a mmem member of the Leglalmivc $1M] cud c lsrgo landnd ropuctor. p ape-ed the following ruc- mion : " Resolved. that the Legieletive Council of Jemeioe. eeeured thet the eontinueuou o! the houutiee given by foreign Govern. mente to producere of beet-ion auger must helore long prove ruinous to the oeue-euger leduetry of the Ween Indian end of e very lerge hum of the lnhehitente of thie ielend. thl Council truete Hie Excelleuey the Governor will. in view at the propoeed eonlerenee on the bounty queltlon. bring theee hate to the notice of flee Mejeeey'e Goverhme t. end eolieite shot I! each houn- flee no no ehortly dleeontiuued the ' be permitted to mete arrangements with the United Stetee of North Ameriee or with the eieterewlony o! Cenede. on the heir of reciprocity. in order thee our eager produete. now eo eeriouzly efl‘eeted by the bounty eyetem in the Englieh merhet. mey 0nd e tevorehle outlet neerer home." The Begietnr being sworn depoaed that when Mrs. Bebrlght wee helore him she Wee agieaced, but that she repeated the merriege declarations without any helice- tion, and also for a marriage form when Mr. Sebright took her bend. Witnes- nddcd then subsequently the lady 'hrew the marriage ring on the that. but signed the registry without hesitation or demur- rinu. Indy Scatt, Mrs. Behright’e mother. 39nd two doctors testified than the petitioner wee comrletely broken down mentally end physio-Hy utter the ceremony. and wee Ilee tremulone and crying and in con. ltent terror. At this point the bearing of the one was adjourned. During the pro.‘ eeedinge the court was crowded with people‘ helongtng to the crietocratic clue. Tho rnolmion wu urried nnsnimonfly. to! Ibo Governor remarked tbs. mere wu vary lmlo omnu of in luring say pruni- nl efleoe. ‘ This. the witness nid, she refused to do. Mr. Behright next requested witness to meet. him alone. She did so. He took her to a pleee unknown to, her. but which she learned was the Registry office. She wished to leave the room the moment she found "nere she was. Count Belhesn. a friend of Behright‘e, who was present, blocked the door and Mr. Sshright said to her thst he would shoot her if she dared to show that she wee not acting with free Will in the marriage which was about to tune place. He then forced a ring on her finger. and witness threw it off and again tried to leave the room. Mr. Sehrlght seized her y the sun and forced her hsok sud made or sign the register. Witness esid she de not hear the Registrar read the form ( f marringe nor hear him say anything. “ 1 was too upset and too dreadfully fright- ened" she declared, "to hear anything at the time." Mrs. Behright was calkd to the withere- ttand and sworn. Bhe testified that through her father she had inherited in her own name 9130000. in addition to a reverv sion 0! 8150 DUO on the death of her moxher. She had met Mr. Behright' when the wee but 15 years of age. and the acquaintance had been continuum. He proposed mar- riage to her after they had been acquainted a short time. but her mother declined to permit an engagement. Mr. Behright con- tinued his Vinita to the house. however, and was received on terms of iriendahip. Finally Mr. Behright induced witness to engage herself to him in marriage unknown tcher mother. Alter this be persuaded her from tune to tune to sign “bllfl or paper." which he supplied. Eventually witness ascertained that she had appended her name to notes and hills and made herself liable for some amounting to 816625. Write were secured upon her in actions for these amounts. She then appealed to Mr. Behright. He said the only way she could save herself from ruin fighy man-fig him3_ _ _ _ _ fiemiogly myuermua circumvunem, tun an M- oprr u um thou I.” no u acmiuu fibril ti. duch ( I ma patient Tue" were pull of dicoolonflnn on m he. had “on. flu body. 1h» ummnin um can”. "on wumu Ihsn not 00 me cum-mien o! .nmmon. Iv up to to- “, we bodily "mutant. h nornul. In "Mina um n00 bury mo body maul a” In ”min dent: bun mound. W The horn.- n to“ of u. no. lm w w- va no. II u an In hon um. u on «I: po- now, I: am I“. mud Hymn-hymn. At the hearing to-dey Mu. Beczight'e counsel edmielen the marriage. which. be end. use performed et the regletrer'e lent Jenner]. He contended. however, thct no memel reletion had ever token plcee ; tlIet the pertiee bed never lived toaethet end thee more had been no impwpriety in the tinnncml transaction which ceneed their meat: up. Mr. Sebng ht bed induced the petitioner to eceepe eertein bille. end the bed been led to believe that e marriage ceremony between her end the respondent would relieve he! of the fineneiel liIbIlIty lnouned.'1‘he judge nid he thouunn thet under these circumstances it would be impoeeible to nullify the marriage. end cnnounced thet he would hear testimony vmh a view to deeIding if there was enm- cient reoeon to grant I dIVQl'OB. JAMAII‘A MEGA“ NOT PAYING. Tho plliutifl'l trionit mat thlt the dohndnut, cow-ting ho: print. fauna. of 0200 000, mnnogtd to tnvoiglo bu into cannon-u tnnnatlonu which finally Ml upon but for uttlomant It 5 time what ihu had to about. between refusing to pay .126 oompromnu or coupe by murywa the datenQantnudeummjng bjgn toquundute. A In! (Fad-y) night'u London «bl. an: Tho Bub-mu divorce on. In brought up tor [mania-3y baring to-d-y. Th0 notion in trough! by In. Anna: Schism. who and to but but lamina. duluod void on tho grounds am “so III Induced .0 eon-om to hue the cannon, utoxmod by tau. um! tbs! tho mum-go .- um: bun ”unmanned. Tho plainmtf la n danghtor of Lndy Scott. of Bomhnnp- ton. and noud for bounty. sad the dohndunt in A well-known London otub MARRIED 'FOR MONEY. Stu-unto Revolution- ol m Eran-h Divoroo 0m. 8| IPB‘I’IO ANIJIA'I‘ION. A FORCED WEDDING. Thin evening a Conference Committee. ooneiuting of eevenolergymen and four lay- men. was appointed. The Committee on Raeointionu presented epian of ergoniz ttion Io: three United Presbyterian opposed to instrumintei Inn-no, The plan provides for the iormation of a permanent useooim tion. to be known so the United Presby- terian Association of Amerioe, the object being to maintain end promote purity in dnoirine and eimpiioity in worship in the United Presbyterian Church. The members of the neeoointion shell b. memtern of the United PreebyterinnOhnroh ‘in turmoil), with the orients of the ‘Qeeoeiauon, and eetinge shall be held a nunliy eta time nd place fixed by the no; 'atiou. T orrow'e session promises to tirianor 5 much more iivelydil- one-ion. A New "ark (Iommmee Appoint"! Io Arrange-u ulehrnlon In lie United III-lull. A NM Yurk despatch aaya : A meaning was held hue thus evening for the purpnu otiunugnratiug a movement to celebrato “185021: nuxivernmy of QJeen Vicibrid'a acceaamn to me bruL‘E of Gran Britun, which (comes in Jduu next. A committee was» renowned, c‘uru-iatirg of Mr. R. J. Gums. l’rerAHem of Sn. Geo:.,e'u Society ; Mr. J mu Pauou. of 8:. Andrew's Saoiety; Mr. Land. of the British Bgnwolenl H'o‘ety; Mr. R. G‘ Hullamoc, 0! the Sons of 5;. George, and Mr. Ervtua Wimaa, Preaiden! 0! tbs Onunda Club. The commutes wuiunruoud to twice the oo-operauon at Hull]!!! org-summons iv) vancmpnau of the United Safes. Ind. where none ext-1190. to request 0 a form»; No!) of mmmmeoa to lend dc- unmade New Ycrk on the woman. in order that we rueetiu may be reprasontativo in ohnrnoter. I wu 3| 0 revolved tbs. n movement would be inaugurmd toward r-reou'ug h pumtnonn rmmn-iul to Her ijaaty in the United Benton. pruwtma "no people of this oonnrry with . work of M! cqml to that nearly preheated by lv‘nmco. Luna I'noblon- In lire-In. A Paris a «hymn o! Bnmdly‘a am any: : 1 have seen “to very puuy drone. tbu watch. one being ubsll (Inn for the P. inoeln Gslitziu. A long Quin of dupery 9! Sue greep crepe d9 Chino 019: 9 he“! I, uilloune of (mould velvet. tho (ton! of dimonnny striped Nil. pin-b. with nltoruoto town of Iridescent bends Ind flu pumle drops, the pmela of oust-Id volvol. ()a the loll nido won two more ribbons ottoohed n we won: with oindmtll 1) mo. A pointed bodice of crepe do Chino. ‘mh eunuch of itideooem buds oud buooo of dork groan velvet. with no new". the ligh! opnulom being of hood hinge. From oho ouen to the left shoulder. {clan of ulveo ond moiro bowl. Another use o wo‘lwg cmnmo Worn on Wednoodoy b the pruned fizcr»: i9 Pomâ€"4 e . um 0! ma. Ferdinand 8mm mum, on Momlo (one. A «hm round am a! o deep mlor known u Dsniah rod. of mm. owned in black HIV“ opplz'queo and trellm wort boneo‘lh on exqflmoly on: ed “on Rania (2! Nut, nmouth cannon. I am riot tho: in comic: mm In“! on” “an. A “ml sub! am toilet on! on: bonnet o! DAM o'ncb, XIIMODN‘ wun thus b‘ook huh." Such: n'm’h'm‘m in on oxpoon've (mm. Called i'rr-bytnlnn- ”lacuna tlu: 0mm Que-mm II t lit-burl. A Plttaburu despatch say a. The sessions of the Nail. uhl Convention at United Presbyterian: opgoaed to instrumental made in the church today were devoted to the niacuieion ar (1 adoption of a declina- non prepared by the Committtc on Raco- lulions. The documentie a forcible one. and sets forth in detail the must formidable argummtn in opposition to the use of the organs in the church. Adiseueeian followed the reai‘ltfl of the pirer. and the reeolu tiouu ccozm saying it. It is claimed by all, however. thatthey should standby the first principles regardless of th! winth of 01 born. Gad acne. it was argued. was L rd 0! the conscience. audits dictates should be obeyed regardless of men' I com- mandments or church msi )riciee. -A not mm for don-umrtlon bu bull IY‘Iivn'ei ry o Gsfmind‘ cm. 80 min in pnwma up the bum in m r en hi: «I mo Tlmwuun tour. wall «up d ué. sud up”... ‘2. mm hammocks no u 00‘ vad “In dump lmn tho Hound. A wuvollo mu. karp< (a my intrude" wuo mg“ dwurn on L mun mv, sud the unusual Inn | n 0rd woJerlully «son-vim. A u-mu omnm “mm" I in u Pmm lw. "a III In». N am. up the mum The murderflthsn Mounted I horse und started across the fisTds towards Marine. ”with the avowed purpose 0! murdering his wife's iezher and mother. Before he could ace mplieh the deed. however, the wounded young lady had made her way to the village and notified the iohnhitcnts of what had happened and they had congre- gated (or remittance Seeing thet his plan was lruatrnaud. Purple hastened to Jet- more and surrendered himself to the authorities, when he wee placed in jnl. surreunded by s heavy guard. Lest night a mob of ,ebout 100 men want quietly to the in! and demanded the prisoner. who wee delivered with little ceremony. He was then taken back to the scene of his crime and hanged to a tree. 0-.ly one member of the lamily escaped serious injury. and that was the murderer'e little boy. who had hid under his bed when he heard his tether coming. Alienation-mm“ e: levee your race henetllel om ‘ noted Lowher tell in love th Bo- erple. e men when motion tor sobriety end maldneeeol e wee, not hp up soon- envxooe. Ageinet the wlehe o! ellwith whom the you. led, wee mutated. they were unwed. end eettled down our Merinoun Reunion ooonty. The never lived very heppily together. and orple'o vleioueneee eulmtneted Pride morning: lost in the murder 1:! port o! to totally. end hie own deeth et the hende ot no enreaed moh three don Inter. At the time the Purple totally eoneieted at «no persons. himeelt. hle wate.hlr wile’l eleter and tour little ehildren. the youngeet of which wee only three weehe old. On Friday mornirg hie wife eroee end pre- pered breehtut. She then went to ewehrn her hushond. which on enreged him on to iueite him to the heinous crime which noon followed. Re I rung ‘violenily from hie bed. end S lsing Lit revVlver ehot hie wile through the body. killing her inotently. The new- born babe wee next tired et. with the nuns Result. He ne 0 shot end killed another of the children. is eieterinvlew. Mile Inw- ber, wee then fired at. the hell penning thnugh for sum and lodging in the eluu'der. Ail this emptied the revolver. l’urll: proceeded to load his ehotgnn to mluplelu the work. A slight mietuke in this won the only thing that stopped the work of oerueae. The powder wee poured into one barrel and by error the shot into :he other. Wizh this he endeavored to blow (if the head of another child. but no there was nothing except powder in the barrel. the o‘aild'e face was only leverely burned by the ixploeion. A heavy blanket was named and wound around the “fining child, and this securely wrapped with heavy wire. in the hope that he might ee- compile!) b,’ eufioention whet he hefleiled to do by the use of the rhoimm. The Ohlld WI” recover, although leertully dle- figured about the face. Ila luau! Ilou- III Wile and Dunn! Down-laud no a “In. by III Mention. THE “151‘ 0’ WIIIGTLEO. I II“ Ql EEN'G .Il'flll‘lili. A .IU‘I‘. INGLIIA'I‘I- Con-din: Ito-hln-non lor Acquiring lumen-u- hunch. A Minneapolis deepetoh says: 00.1mm 8. Walk”, a prominent lumbermen. any: a eyndloete Lt Canadian lumbermen, with pennerein who Snore, hove otquired the title to them five hundred million feet of, pine timber in NunhWoaeorn Minneeote. and are orrongiog to gobble up the reel 0! the wt timhrr be" on the narthern slope. lam are: including about one-half of the omire Store. Be charges the! Ihe clones in the flundoy szil Bill providing for I Commission to treat wizh the Iooieoe now Lemming those lands for their removal to the Whine Earth Agency was around dlltolly in the intereui of this Oanodian syndicate. Gil. Walter do that it three Merriam ehould he mo e end confirmed |310,000,000 worth of Indiou ring will err- toinly go into the bond: cf 3 foreign Iyodi- one. end 815 000,000 worth of lumber thn Dakota and anoeoto will shortly med ml! he owned by the eome pool. A Plttahnrgh deepetoh eeye: Upon the errlval et Darcie. Pe . ol the mail trein north on the Bofielo. Rooheeter a Patte- hnrgh Beilroed yeeterdey. the oer inepeotor dueovered three dynemite bombe end oepe leezened under the sprirgt of the rear coach. The human were cerelnlly removed. and there were meny pelo feeee emang the pnmngere when they leerned the terrible fete they bed so nerrowly camped. The tram eterte from Pnnxentewney every mcrclnaieud It wee undoubtedly et thet [-leee thet the homhe were plecad under the rpringa, end it only mehee ehort Itcpe between there end Debate. It [I twenty miles lrom the piece 0! etertlng. end how is wee poeeible (or e "em to run thet die- tenee over ehcrt onrvee with thet emon t of dynemtte end eepe under the eprlnge e e mystery. Thirty-four pereone yore in theioae‘a. end‘ bed the‘emd'ent occurred ee ”flotadld the lore at tile would heve been very greet. ‘ Railway Pan-nun- lllde 9n a Car Loaded WI“! [Dy-lulu. , ’Ihc London Poor A London Mbla uyI ; Thé LTOIIQGV ernmem Bnrd bu mud. public in reply to We Moor recent! uddruaod Io irhy Ibo 8 sin! Duncan! :2 Fadcrulon. culling nmmionto the nlleged onor ominorom in the number ot the pcor In unomrloyed In Lmdon. The Bond] reply unru- thn In tho m‘omh 0! October. lfiel. the pnroantsga of pnnperaiu mm :0 ma 22 to nary 1000 of III. rpm-non. while In um um man“: I! the your": 136;. the 9.!- am. a won .200 the manual. and 5mm. mm on Iguaâ€" rr n tbs! 1! "up"! In dunicorouo L ndon. the Gavernmom rm! be qum to non-go m mum a. null. '1!" at; run to u-m . locqt “who ‘ ha I 'wor o! rolkvmg rho poor. ‘0“, buyer :0 young 95mm .9“ you duty: on Jntyhnjn'.glflf at. -L-A -rl A Montreal dispatch eaye: Dr.Dupont. u erecielist tor the diseases of women and chil iren, entered an action against Mr. A. Kettuseki of this city. to recover a cer- tain amount of fees which he alleged Were owing to him on account olnnnmher of vseitu he had made at the letter'e house for the purpose of treating hi1 sick child. The defendant had refused to pny the sum claimed on the ground that the physician had made too meoy Vieiie. a lnrge number of which had been nbrolutelv uuneceeenry. in giving his decision Mr. Justice Ouimct remedied tnnt the defendant had requested Dr. anont to treat his child, and that in e eeee like the present one the phyainien wee the eole )udge us to the number of: viaite necessary for the treatment of the patient. He could not otherwlre canscientiously fulfil hi1 mieaion. He would. therelore, condemn defendant to pay the amount claimed with full costs. you data up on I )neybqa‘ win” Ymr I panel-Yr. m ; uni Io “3h! um .ll the "Inn“ h on. world Clonal km: n. 04! In)" (ma non. imam) (the nu! “mum-mm pl- us“ n'p I'll do“ .’..'I Khan! ewo hours after the the bed been exeznguiehed the body o§.Oerrie Brunet. aged 30, an employee. wee found in the third storey o! the ieotory buried under eieern pipes end heavy eimbere. Her body and clothing were but slightly burned. and her death was in all probabiliwy caused by heavy iimbere felling upon her when the explosion occurred. Fifteen persons were more or lees seriously injured. bu: it ie thoughi that. none of the injuries will prove fetal, wnh the probable exception of Annie Woifiuer, aged 28. who received eevere burns shout the hoe and body. and also sustained injuries from flying timber. The injuries of the others were burns end bruises rualeined in jumping or falling from ehe upper eeoreye. A Que-Non Which m-y Inleleu Ilomll- Ion Demon. I'll-l I'll-e and CIICIINIIO Implode- II I 11'" Box Flue". APmledelphie deepeteh eeye: Ah ex- ploelou occurred in the high: box mean!»- they of Henry H. Beeip a 00.. on Randolph street. yeetezdey etlezuoov, which blew am the rear well. badly injuring e hflher of young men. wcmen end aim. end im- penlliug the lives of over 100 more. The the wee gotten under emanl eke: heviug destroyed ulmoel the emue buildin . The livery eteblae o! J. M. Trully an A. O. Oreeewell, adjoining the rear of the cigar hcx factory. were blown down b y the tone of the explosion. In Trully'e place some‘ fifuy eieigha and unusual were attached to} Home, and 3 number of curl-gee were alas rui‘gfd in Oceanswwll'elmikling1 Luau- lee-to ed libretto. Ilse loanâ€"Um: use or Alone at n One... A Le Ore-no. Wle. doe eeye: The blind Order Le . u been new; v dam to the le- reqnulnu to he on Bondey. The «Icon- heepeu hove rot listed by dunno the otriot entoreeuent 0! el Bands on. Ieyor Powell on round” 0 pro-l elometlon ennonnelog Ihot thou love would he etelotly enloreod ecolnet every pollen or eorpontlon doing eny eort ot hulneu. end 5 large number 0! epeolnl policemen were worn in yuterdey to meet oflendou. On Botordoy the lion-get o! the tel hone afloe announoed that the telephon llnee would he oloeed trout Botnrdey midnl.,ht to South midnight. Monuer'Ohe men. of the to euro h other. reeeived or en from Soperinten ent Moulohul to do no hnei- non of any nature during the legal Bundey except reoeive and lend Government sign-lo. even the prone despotohee for morning news- pope" being out (R. The Menage: o! the Aeeoointed Preu demonded that these de- ntohee ho delivered. but Superintendent Mo :ohnel relnud. The (means of the law made their tint void on the Chronicle name. where the night force were engaged to get- ting out 3 Sunday poper. The printou- were nrreoted. and during the day a large number of ’hne driven. looorere lit the an works, street on men. eto, were ohm or tested. The onthoutiee even threetened to arrest choir uingere in the ohurohea who re- ceive pay for their einging. end the city Wee hept In nrtate of excitement all dey. fifty orreete having been mode before night. It is generally understood that the whole orn- esdo in designed to bring the Blue Lew: into disrepnte. The ones were oollrd In Court Io-dny and adj mrned. They will be bitterly contested on both rides and carried to the Supreme Court. BIG 'l‘lfllllll‘ SYNDICATE. DIBAS'I‘I‘fllJS BLOW IJI'. CALLED 1‘00 OFTEN A DANHEBIDCU RIDE. A 'UIII'AN ION-AY- II w“ given to I drug cloth .0 his pal up. ha. ha did not now who ” “nature of Joan“ " qund ll wu ulna Ia ohe had cloth. who, knowing um nae nuns o! m doctor’s bummed in Jennie. smelled I Inn-vs“! moan. 80 took it to ill. doctor. c no. 3nd continual) flu Mm nplulned bu In wu wmlng n Mun when the win. «ll-d. Ind mun hue "mu: on. word in m pruulpuon which ‘u was than. Io mm m, than some uni-nu who lnhfluptoi.~ Prbvidmu Jaunted. Que! with." no hand, In t a m field 0’ yell m ("In our Herod. Oal . "N am: am wheel 0! a banana am“ 3 upuri Inn] 3 "on. no upsrt In In to the who“. nod um. wn n Iprouhm no. at Milan 0! Inna. The Grind Jory at the AM“) Can" have recommended the establishment or a rotormatory in the Province. Averdiot of monelanghler has hoen re- named a Broaden against 3 Finland" who nabbed Ind killed 5 young mun 0.11109 0209")! Shoo! leg._ “Railing funnel bu bun hurd ten-rd- inz tho Mound Palm den-nan hem Regins. R ..v Mr. Bryck of Page. R nowin "no any mu obhined 5300 Item um .‘\ nhwufi' Gm ud L! the Puma Riva! schools. All thin will Be lb: Incl union 0! the maul Nonhwul Council, the election- (I lb. Territorial Lem-luau will Inn to an plm tom. Politics in Manitobc hcu ruched lever hon. The mm for the election have been issued. The nbminuionc talc place on December 25d and polling on December 9.11. Mr. K. N. L Mandoncld in return- ing officer tor 80ml: Winnipeg cud Mr. J, B. Moore (or Norm Winnipeg. The Mininen hue let: for their constituencies. Tue munioIp-l elemiona in this Province my} pings on‘chembar 13m. _ A Libetil Convention will be held in Bag in. on the 20:11 last. to nominno I. candid-u for the Henna of Oomunul in opgoaition to Mr. N. F. _Dnin. The snuounaement thet the Dominion and Ontario Governm’hnte bud came to an arrangement wtth reepeet to mm of mineral lende in the dteputed territory 1. received with geneul eatieleetion here. The uncerteinty hitherto exietin pro. vented the inveetment o! ‘ eon-t enhle unite]. ' Rev. Mr. Brych, Church of England minister at Dnnvegcn. is at Regina. Ho um Peace Rule: on Och. 2nd, coming via Calgary. He has samples ct Page Rwor wheat and barley. The whaal is 3 mixed uriuy. Mr. Brych speaks very highly of the Peace River country. Grain in growic on the Eniaon'c ch tum than. “5 uhowa that Manitoba No. 1 hurt] used any be introduced there to adeacge. The barley in very m and weighs 60.ba. to the bushel. A pulonl of a loan! phynimun uodvcd ham him the following prosorlption : Au lb. fludmu B V" nilrmd thp' In I' loolhlou noel carom" «w thirty-eight inches in dunner and lhru-clahlhn cl n lnon lhlok n lllo can whioh‘ wlll out 0' a but ol lrcn la a mo" tims Ann“: all want I. hm penny 3 on: to to [mum 3 Ruling. Tn calla cl I ml won on It». ad whuunullhml no to mini The Oalgnri Council has decided to pro- hlbiu the erection 0! wooden building: wiihin Ihe town limits in future. Inspector White Fraser is in from Onion Lake, where he exsmined the guns of the vmima of the massacre of Apul. 1885. He says the graves are now .11 in gocd order. neatly eodded, and the croeua pm to mark thsm {19le stgnding._ The Indian " Lone Mun." who hu jun been arrested n Edmonton, was concerned winning Ouncjahlg Impala} M Pm. Boon. who was brought from Mules And charged with embezzlement. wna to-dny sentenced to six years in the penilenfluy. The judge said he could not take notice of «he xepreueumbiou (or clemency made by the Mexican Government though the Exfomive migh‘g do 59, The Henson of navixutioh throughout the Norhhwesu has been dwaslrons thia year. owjzz-g to the lowneaa of the water. The funerals! the lace Bishop McLean took [lace at Prince Albert to-day, end was largely “tended. In accords! cc thh instructions from the department as OLtIWB, the remains were uccothpaniéd to their last resting place by an escort o! Mounted Police. The Canadian Paeiilc has demanded oi the Michigan Central on several occasions that rates via Montreal to Boston and New England 130' to he equalind with these via the New ork Central and Boston a Albany. which, of course. has bee 'relueed. as the Michigan Central could har ly 30rd oo discriminate against or rather pgt the Canadian Pacific on an equality with its natural connection. the Boston at Albany. The Canadian Pacific is ripe for a rupture. and what with its Woodstock and Detroit branch. aid its contracts with the Balti- more it Ohio and the Wabash. it looks ae it It would econ be in a position to sadly demoralina Chicago tram). There is also an added whisper that when it builds to Niagara Falls it will find at Bufialo a natural and ready ally in the Lebrgh Valley road. which. it true. would give it a line through to New York outside 0! the pcolp, and unless one or both of the roads were i brought in those aaecciatinne week! find i combination impossible. With the interest on its bonde guaranteed .by the Canadian Gmernment. and in a position to haul freight at cost. in following out its favorite theory that its present mission is to demon- strate its capacity to secure business, the Canadian Paoifia in becoming a dangerous menace to American linee. The Rpformen vull bring on! a undi- dne In opposition to MLN. F. Davin. of Begin. The general expectaticn is that the Icon! clean: my will take place the first or second week in December. B. Tine Jennie. 01.". Big. Shun And trply uhrntllly )l‘. Pacino has.“ n aaaarlad. aonaludad luau can not: with the Wuhaah and Banknote & 0 in which alva n running righta tram Dalton to Onlouao. II 1'- olauned that this 1- non all. For two yaan on. Canadian Pacific had ougiueera in tho flald marking out a hna from Woodnoeh «i Nlagara Falls. and it in poaiuvely nalad ha! Ihle cxtanalon is to he built a! cum. or that work will he hagan upon u early in lha spring. Up lo the pteaaul the Michigan annual and Canadaan Puma have exchanged busi- ueas an 88. Thomas. but the new arrange- ment. oven“ the Woodsloch and Niagara; Falla branch in not‘bum. will wait to dil- uolvs that oonneodon. Tho 0mm Tiom ooyo : Tho plono out! whom» o! “no Gonodlon Poona. 'lnoh o! o prooool oluo loom to ho rooohlu om oll duooliono on Anooloon ooll ond thing to: Lmuloon buolnooo. oonIribnlo olononl to Ibo pool olluolloo um lo oi loooo o ptolllo louoo ol oomnono om! opooololloo. Tho lolool lo tho! in tho noon lutnu tho Oonodlon lino lo to bocomo on oollvo oompomor loo oontnl tunic and trunk lino poooongor ond lrolghl mm. Ao noted oomo wooko ogo. lho Oonodlon Pooiflo to building o no! lino or exaonolon of Ibo Orodlo Volley mod from Woodolook to Doltoil. who" oporoliono woolwud will :Ldl}:r_lho prosom. But the Gonodioufl Inching AMI Chime lush-m ‘flmuh tho Wabash. NIAGARA FALLS AND [HIGH VALLEY. CANADIAN PACIFIC hue-I Iran the Noni-went. A New none-I Jun-In. La! Pena. River, who n ma obhined t gum c! ~»‘ .':thwen Guvunment in Omiiouing. he laid the page ensured him. Ettfif the dinner of the Knights of the Round Table wee over. he would be called in and exhibited by one who hed brought him there. who was Seneeehel o! the Ceetle end the King's ioeter brother. He wee taken in, end then. in the moat humorous style. he recounted the marvellous etoriee which each Knight et the tehle nerreted end the deeds of velor which he hed per- formed Finally, the Yankee becomes one of the Knights. and in clothed in armor end sent to destroy e eutle end hill en care which guerde it end to set at liberty some way heeulilul princeeree. The description of how it men of the present time would ieel in e ruin of armor wee One of the more humoroue' ihioge in Mr Olemenu' piper. One portion of it wee ee follows: " We beve been so made thet there comes it time when we wont eeretch. end the more we wen» to ecreteh the more we would give 810 000 it we could soretoh. end it thet depriveiion are on there oomee e time when we woul give e million. Firetl wented to eereteh my heed, then my erme. the: my legs.” etc. He went on to describe how he hed perepired imide the ermor. end how on eeeending the mountein he ircee etifl inaide o! it. end wee anelly in e frceen etete rubbed on the horee by the enimel peeeins under it tree. end. the ermor hreehing. he wee lihereted. He then concluded thet lneteed c! eeehirg fur- ther for the teetle end the one-eyed gient. he would no heat end lie ehont it. end thet thie enoeeeded very well end he eeme to be recognized ee e prim: werrior emong the Kuighte of I!" Biund Teble. Finelly he returne to the country end node thet the hnighte hed turned themeelvee into e etoeh boerd. end eeete et the Round Teble ere worth $30,000 epieee. ~Nawu from the Sondan bu inn «are. 0! Inc. but as new lnrn Hm 03mm pngunin muobirg on Tel». Tho unlu- dnoo bnwun Dixon and “:0 people of OM. donmly llu In the but In” we no much. Inn on Turn]. The sun! tutu “noon the 18 ,h u“. A Manual deurntch Icy: : Mr. J. H. Pmmmcr, Ascmcm Gsnenl Mcncgcr of thc Mcrchcnlc' Bcnk of One-dc, bu no“. fled thc directors of his inunflm so mun. is he 3» cccepmd the pnniMou of Auburn Gcncrcl Mcncqc'cl me Bank of Commerce 1 In Toronco. when he commcucad his bank- in cum. Bic dcpcnurc from hclc :- gnuly‘ manned by cll with whom to ccmc in contact. either in connccflon with flu hat or princely. - â€"~" ll photoanpby lid mum to mu on. file In: hla pmmn “In." ny- n photognphu. '- am an would noon grow Inpc-pulu." 'Ihanydoar «I. well. Inn has pl! an" In Wyoming Omuy. New York. mu yum. The cultinuon of mum In Koni. E ‘IIQ'Jd. bu been not. or Iona nucuulul. In! the "oven Inn 'mflmd imm-nnly Iron nan dun-mun Min-«m Kenn- nppmol to M. o! til we cannot In magma. ti. on In. mu..- Null. ”3. Continuing. the manuscript stated that every one eeemed to notice the narrator wi¢h great interest, while none pald the eliguacet attention to his conductor. The street; ill-rough which they paeeed were muddy and ill-kept.hrge roctsd eontentedly about and dogs were numerous. Finally a blaze 0! music announced the approach of a gay eaValeaie o! knights in armor. and thie we followed by an a:cent into a castle. With the asylum lieu etiil uppermost the narrator asked an inmate it he belonged to the aaylum. or if he was there only as a visitor. "And he said," oinrinued the narrator. “'Marry, marry.’ and I eaid. 'That'll do, I gueee you're an inmate. One gorgeously attired youth 0 man to me and raid. '1 am a page.’ 'O'o.ga along.’ eaid I; 'you ain't hie enough for a para- graph.’ (Laughton) Finally he mentioned in a casual way that he was born in the beginning of 513. Said I : “ Won't you eay it again and say it elow? What did you say 7‘ “518 ' Said I: ' You don‘t look it.' And said I: ' Are you in your right mind ?' ' Yee,‘ end he. ' And are all then people in their right minds 7’ ‘ Yer,‘ said he, and said I. ' Where am I 7‘ and aaid he, - You are in King Arthur'a Court." and said I. ‘ What year is it now?‘ and eaid he. ‘ 526, ; the 13th of June.‘ and said I, 'I rhalli neVer no my friends any more, for they 1 won‘t be born for more than n thousand yeare.‘ and I seemed to believe the boy, although my reaaon didn't.” Deeenhng a woman encountered on the way. the narmtive eaid: “Around her head wan a WIDADh Lt red poplin. out ae regards the not :2 her clothingâ€"well. therewae not enough at it to tell! about. (Great laughter) She walked along by the circus men and did not pay the slight- eet attention to him -did not even'eerm to see him ; but when her eye tell on me ehe eeemed to he turned into an.ime&e of stone. and there the atom! gazing with a sort of etnpefled attention till we turned a earner and were loet to View. That she ehould be startled at me instead cf the other men was too many for me. That she should new to consider me a epeetaele, totally overlooking he: own merits in that respect. I thought onrioua." (Laughter ) on, “ ' whn are you giving me I an along back to your circua or I 11 report you,’ bl" hc went back: piece and than he cum filling a! me and I saw he mun! busincu. and when ho arrived when I was I vs: up in the "co.” (Oren laughur.) Mr. Ozo- mcnc continued nhc tending. which dorcrihed how an arrangement wu mldc by which the Yankee vm induced to acâ€" compsny the Knight, believing him first to be tram some circus and later on nu escaped juuatio “ ‘ I In: In Amuioun.’ We". he did not hokil. ' Iwu born in Sanford. In the Sale of Connecticut. 1 km a Yankee ct the Yankees. My “the: Wu! 3 blueknmith. my uncle was a bone under sad I was bolh.’ This Ynnkoo wu struck in In. hand one day, and when he nuke be In sming node: an out "no." The nut-won goe- ou to say ohm then In a mun olnd in nnoionl ulnar from hand In (ooh. 'nnd um shin nppnntion said to him, " Wlll youjfist ?' “ laaid.'_' In: nan-jive goal , Known-n- then want on to soy. und- ing how tho tit-I ohopior 0! hi- (outcom- Inu book. “In in upiorina Warwick (Juno m Englnnd be me! n stranger who Iniounod him sunny. They become very good triuda and one (hy the slung" uid. " You know about the Immunisation at 30qu ; do you know abom we trnnapoai- ”on of opoono and boiiu 7' Mt. Clemens had no! heard at it. Ind subsequently this strange: (out him A mnnnuotipt. Beginning the tending o! the suppoud mannuonpu. the leoturu rend : “ India And gunman: This tugnmt which by your mutiny I In to and hue io-niam u a naryâ€"a mm it you plan-â€" whioh I began in unit. Ion. tin. no cud which in no. dubbed ; no In“ I propou iodo undo: m oirouunuuou in lo "Id tho tint ohupurjunu iii: 3nd than in brief synopaia or outline toil tho m0 of in in bulk. do u uh. dying oiwboy sdvind hil spirituul M17180! to do. ' jun In" out "it douilo sud huva in Ibo bonom lacu.’ It would ha impouiblc to Mi much or the ”cry in lo Ihofl I limo M In have and I ‘ wi_l|_ begin in Jul! u it in wmun.” on “ The Wu Expuhnou o! I Continuum Yum M King Arthur's Cum." It. Oumonu wu heliVId with much upplnuu and n on. announced an pupou or his lulu" 0: all It follows : M an regain mu 0! Oh. mum Sonia Inomnuon on ovunor’l lulu . N. Y . on Thundny Man. He. 85mm! L. Clem-u (lurk Trumuulueunod any on “ Tho Wu Experience. a! n Oonnnlinm A Yahoo's Linn-N u cu Conn III. tutu. u.l T'AIN'I Nl' LIOTUIB. III-k (Jill-lo. “ From the time torwnrd Ohexley’e edi- torial ennbion wee full of thorns. but tum ot till otter he bed leveled hie oonneotion th the Week thet he wee once more hr: ught lane to hoe with the rejected eon. net. He ecoidentefly picked up I then recent copy of the ‘ Methodist Meganine,‘ published in Toronto. Whet wee his ear- prise to and on one of its page- the tdentien eonnet. with the heme 'Goldwin Smith eppended to it.” " It hoppencd in this way : Goldwin drapped into the cditcnnl sanctum, no won his wont in the “lemma. 3nd in the course of conversation rcmnrhcd : ' 0. by Ihc wny. I friend of mine his written 3 little con- net, which I have promised to submit for your approval ’ -nnd so using he, with on nlmoct moidenly blush, drew lrom his pocket a slip of paper and bonded it over to the editor. Charley noticed thc blush. but inspecting nothing. took the clip and slowly rand over the sonnet. to which won cppended the pseudonym ' Ostholtcus.’ After a moment‘s consideration be bonded it back across the tnble. with the remark : ' I can't accept that. The words nrc grom- mntically pm together, and they soon well enough. but they ore utterly without point. find they are not poctry.’ Goldwin. with n decidedly crectinllcn our. received buck the paper. ploced it in his pocket. and soon olter took hll leave. " " Morin. I wish. you would hoop um." sold Brown. trying to who. " Your touguo Is li'u Tonnyuon’l Brook. 11 noon on to! our." " 80mph ' " “swam! Mn. 3. .. indig- nnnily. " I cuppa-avminh thu' n a job." " Well, I mun” at 5 Inn of 5 pg. ” Toduy (11th of Nonmhet) in nu unal- vernry o! the battle of Ours-let's form. In which Gononl Wilkinnon. 0! .ha United Sums "my. with 17,000 men from Saolon‘a Harbor. “locked o tom 0! Banal: undo: tho comm-La of Colonel Momma. no“ Prescott. The U. 6. (won won detailed vmh oonoidonblo lou'ond runner! 00 St. Regis. «tom the tint. whonoe lo the month of Fobmory following they renamed to Union. (nun om. Tho bmlo ol Chlppowo wu tough. on lln 5th or July tollowlng. tad Lnndy'l Lu. on tho Shh. A lomslo Jun uncouth: ago was MIMI by : «:qu Mu : 1.3' How old .20 you. Imam: f" '" Tum, ynn." uh. npmd. ~‘" Tou'n win you tom no In! count. ton am no." - .. oll..l‘m among of Ibo kind of women who all a... "cry cup mm sud “other not; mount." " Bar'ono day duriu'g'n hint interview mane relniona between them were “ruined btyoindiropuir. A num girl In Newul desired to unit mm In: bow. sad .0 Iba m. a 8 you old baby in m out in I park. The mother um Moog and no! the child in, 3nd noon the girl returned the Mmply "Ml : " A m an oh‘o-omrmod m0 nod no of! out on m M. In no «u probauy gen :0 but by “mild" Can I go to $30 is" '0‘th 7" -Dlm m Pf"! “ You will prohahiy roxflomher that when Geldwin Smith muted the Week about three years ago, he imported an editor from the Merit-hue Provinces, in the per- son 0! Charley Roberta. the poet. Well. for e little whtle etler Roberte' arrival Galdwin thought he had found a literary nugget. and lost no opportunity of trumpet- ing him to the skies. After 5 while, how- ever. he begun to find out that Charley wnn't diepoeed to he I were cipher. end to receive all me opinions on though they were the utterencee o! 5 Dolphin oracle. Once or twice Charley even went no for on to challenge some of hie ephorieme. end this in the vrosence of third pertlee. Accord. icgly Geldwin‘e edmiretion of the young men began to_ coo! very pereep‘ibly. ‘- 1).; you went to beer an ewtully good story about one of your pertiouler {rieuds 7" queried Ferguson.“ he lasted into tbu reporcera' tonm at the Toronto New cflioaumrday. “ It‘s as true be holy writ," ho oomiuued, without waiting for 3 reply. ” and the heelthin'g about it is that not more than about four persons in the world hwa ever heard it up to the present moment. A London cable eaya: The hearing in the Sebligb. dwoace case wae resumed on Saturday. Several witneeeea testified to Mrs. Behright’e worried and excitable cou- ditiou during the pernod immediately lol- lowing her marriage. Concerning the allegation made on the petitioner‘a uehal! that one of the means by which Behright forced her to marry was a threat that It ehe refused he would declare that during that recret engagement he had obtained the surrender of her virtue, the Judge said that no evidence had been adduced to euetain the charge. Mra. Behright'a coun- eel thereupon withdrew the allegation. which Mrs. Bebright declared war “ a base lie." Lady Scott. mother of Mrs. Sebright. testified that when she heard 0! the alleged threat by the reepondent againtt her daughter's character she had the.petitiuner examined by a physician. who found that the (acts refuted auy' poeeible claim that Sebright might make against the lady’s honor. The case has been adjourned until Tuesday. Queer [level-ll..- «I all. Rennrkubh 'l‘rhl. e leoee or denser point; e that in out ovar the lelt eye; end e terrible null wound. evidently inflicted with e hntehet. Ol there. Pro! eor Meepero remerke in hit report thet “ e-tben first attack upon the jut, tell-tanned. where- upon hie enemies preeipiteted tbemteltee upon him. end deepetched him where he hey." He nleo observer thet “ the Eugtierm mutt hove been victorioue in the can at which took pleoe over the body of their chld. nince they eueeeeded in rescuing it end bearing ltcfi the field." The bottle. we mey “some, took place eomewhere in Lower Enpt; but the King'e corpee. neetily embalmcd the dey utter the betule. wee conveyed to Thebee. end there received the ritee ct tepulture. The hoe of the mummy weere en expreeeion ol intenee agony. The teeturee are contorted. the mouth is drewn into n circle, the tongue projects. end is bitten partly through by the teeth. As it wee in death, to it it now ; end the embalmere. when they prep-red it. made no (flort to reatore the etiflened leeturee to a lean puinlul expreeeion. or to relenec the bitten tongue trim the grip of the teeth-Amelia B.Ediearda in Hurper‘a. - w"- â€"-' 'wu-u hum, hay tho Inhcn In. oi the mummy cl Kins ohcncnn ‘l'c- on, on tho 9.]: a Inn Juno. .0 tho Donut Know. A: wc hon coon. lohoncnu. Ihc Thchcn huo o! Ihclcgonduy nmnnoc contain-d in ”n In sum: Papyrm. pluod him-cl! cc tho hand at tho notion-l thing caninu tho Hyhm tynnny. nod begun Ith lunch: was: of Indoponducc whlch coded Iomc gonoulionulupu in tho soul toot cod u- poluion cl tho touign unndou. Tu] chc olhu dcy wc how not choc tho pa ulu Indu- tcll on tho field 0! home. bio, howom. in "Mon. from tho condition at tho mummy. which has no lcsc thou (on: wound. on tho hood cud loco, I. 0.. c wido guh down the Mt ohcch, which lcid iu‘ open and oiovc the jaw; c circnln hole in tho nah} complc. probably from The Icon Pauly Told by It. Accused Intan- ol a. lunch- Inn-I. A now Hall! in bun out upon on. of tho chum"! man at not!!! Egypmn LI-L-__ Lâ€" .L- .__s___x_ ‘ one at I‘cl‘fllllflll'l Lune Gloria. HIS I! RIGHT DI V0308 CAI... The fill"! at ( try-In”- Farm. 'l‘hr 'nIIvo Nine .0“. A lune-o can". aunt. RIO wn lion-Ila. noun In I m. / a A London onblo y: : Wnrd. the Book!- In. who wn nod Im Tuscany for skin; 3 '- oh in Tabla-r Square. vn nmugbn up .0 Buy 81mm Palm on» no! final ton ohtllingl. bin Mono. being doom“! manlyn"ob1fllounq the palm In tho \nommn of that duty." The Growl-b no llnoh cuocungrd thin. The, on. rlcd um: pain! on Tun in up". at I" the polio. in Land I. n In only In uhmmgu nm on I demonnn Ion which co» .m 01",”:me sad the on shop.» n one wny or number. n In») mounting: of pooud'. They “noun-o than bamboo of momma. obur policy at unnu- to tho Inn-mu “rough in: an. new. , md 00 hop up A. than thou. "gm, chain will mum- on mg to! no pool «I Hum Rev. Lsnnox William, non of the Binhop of Qacboo. Ind cunt. of SI. Mumuw’l. Quebec. bu hue/g ndunood .0 “I. Old" 03 mg prithch. REV. Wm. B. Blnekutook. of Toronto. who hos been ill of typhoid (our. in now con- nloaoont. Bo II mnoh Improved. though It'l_l_l to: £10m circus. vah Blufl Circuit. in Munch: Maho- dint Oonfemnoa. became «I! “awning thin your. 3nd instant! of dimlninhlng In: con- mbnuonl hu Manned 120 per cent. on he: previous giving: to tho mil-loan, nun. Rev. Wm. H. fluid. Charmin at “I. Woodnook Dinrm. patterned the ocu- mony o! lnying tho corner non- of the new “2"“113031'91' 99190.35“): Ran. Noun. Banter sud Cronin]. rvuogouats. bun pvohhud two “had. in Munichâ€"Funk" had lnltnd-on which they intend to on” D an. laminar houu. A! Oh. pmont Mm. thoy In 00-6!"an anon-limo union in Oohourg. tho unint- Ihy nudonu coming within oh- nngo 0! than work. The new Preabyteriuu Church :1 Til-on- bnrg in to be openod on December 61h. ~ A new” 02 000 0mm in to be opened in the Mmhodm Church. London South, on Sun- dly 'evon‘mg. Bav. R B. Cook. | Inponnnmtod mini-- to: o! the ngtn Muhodm Oontonnu. who did rem“, M bin bow. in 80-50"!- ville Circuit. in hit 75") “Jean his ministry in 1849 in III. .3. Church In Osman. At the muting of Oh. Plfll Pushy”?! on Wodnudu. In Brunlford, o unnuimono cull to tho Ru. Gouuu Munro. of Embm, to tho LII-know Platinum: Church. wu rnd sad the music“; notion on» In tho mutter. tion. odvmd that o gunbont lytog in the harbor be sent to druw u cordon ground the inland. drive I" the notivu into tho interior. 3nd than exterminoto them. The gonboat force anilnblo tor this purpou was sixty men. The island happen to be forty milesloog Ind ten milan wide. A mountu'n range shout 4.000 foot high run- through it. and it Ina u fighting (0:69 0! nt lent 1 000 men. It the tixty Austral-m had tried to for tho proposed cordon tray would probsb y hove nude 3 bod men 0 I. Newepaper editors :- wall 33 ante-man sometimes mute curious blunders on nooounu of Iheir limhed nequuinnnoe with out-of-the-wny pm: of the world. A while ago ocma Euglinhmon won kill-d in one of the New Hebrides Iolnndl. An Anne Inlisn new-paper, in 3 punt o! iqdigns- A}-.. _jA__,.I eflvot that’ioma o! the nutivtl hon-i103; through their left hundl to fire IROII through them. I tribe in Control New Gaines which is adorned wish tails. Some of the unive- ot tho soothe-at cont on willing to swear by all their gods tho! they have seen men from the interior of who" anatomy toil: no a natural and highly ornnmontsl tu- ture. The uilon think they ought to know. Jack Tu has “no oironlutad that other irfioruting yarn from New Quinn to the The imaginative element is largely de- veloped in most outages, and they are olwaye happy to entertain their white visitors with wonderful etorier, name 0! wh‘ h are alterward repeated in eivdiaed Ian e an solemn (note. There are many sailors who Believe to this gay that there is Pacific islanders plucc tbcuacndc'oficcâ€"o; m the crutches or trees. 3nd in the moon 9! grown uncy utrthcbc become in ddcd in the wood, like the horsoahoowwrhvioh bu long been on exhibition in a Nassau "root window. One or the funnieet stories thet ever gained wide eirenletton wee thet Ibout the hone-eetmg Ireee of the Lonieiede ntohipelego. The story run that during the night the hrmehee of these tree: bent to the ground, end the! the leaves. like then of the fly-eetehina plente, cloned nhontallbite of bone or flesh that they happened to touch. Before morning ell traces of the bones end meet entirely die- eppenred, the trees heving completely assimilated them. The natives worshipped them he deities. 8nd placed ofleringl of bones end flesh near them to nppane their nppetitea. This story was donhtleu de- rived [rem ‘the {not thnt many 92 the Beoideo the trovelloro who wilfully or ignorontly diotort locto thoro ore not o low who could journey oround tho world with- out being ohl to tell much worth hooriu‘ of their trove o. A while ogo o non who but trovellod o good deol in the Wootorn Pooiflo woo oohod to deoeriho the Solomon ‘ Ielonde. All he could ooy woo thot tho woter there woo very hluo. thot tho hing woo excellent. ocd thot he oow mony vol iitao tor villo residences. It woo looruo lhot ho hod long been o reel eototo ogeut in Melbourne. Mr. Romiliy ooyo thot o low yooro ogo o troveiler who woo oddreooing on oudienoo in Enolond which included mony oeiontiflu men oolomnly neared them thot tho notivoo of New Britoin mended hrohon logo by in- coming o piece of tortoioo oholl into tho hono. The oholl woo nootiy fitted into I groove thot woo out in the bone. ond tho ends of the broken hone wore in thlo mou- nor kept together. Bio heorere never thought of questioning hie veracity when he surprised them further by oooertimhot the EOIODOO of dentistry woo for odvonued in New Britoin. He eoid the notiveo modo bountiful teeth 9! mother of pearl. which they ottoched to the jaw by fine threodo o! einnet. Loter visitors to New Britoin hove toiled to find ony evidence of these oocom- plighmento, mvght Be seen projogbing Etcâ€"13,073]: Wuan Qonohed or pulled may Inddonly draw themselvu in will: tom. lo .- nonly or'guipg to djeuppuur," .. â€"'"' (hub-noun“. many you! 00°. loll at u wonderful plum be load on than. ‘ an:- ol an [dad in lb. Em mm. H. «in he loond aha not. oovoud with «mulluugu uowln. up like you. treat. Wnon In mod lo all llmn up In In Imam-bod loflnd .0 "any flunk 69" IQ lb. ground had "an Ink out olughl ublau he held on bud. In Ila. ouuuo 0! “mo Mt. “win oumlnod mo woudulnl produci- ol ulna which Otpl. Luau." bud dluovutd. u. found am the wppoud plml ma not belong to flu unabl- kingdom. but 1m: 3 special 0! ll" wimsll known .- zoophml or Illpinl. " Al low wnlu." no wrolo. " hundudl ol' the! loopy!“ mvuhh L- n--â€" , o loo-loo Tu: "u :m.. .,. a... W" Tuvouuo hvojoul may mono loloo about now oouInoo tho: hovo “mod. A scoot non, Iondoxlul um hon boon upon by «Hon ood mam who on oflon too isnonno to an tho mm oboot who. any no out: it Ihoy on room tho unpu- u‘ou to toll o good no" u tho oxponoo 0! Manny. Bozo to o nothing inonnooot tho mfluouooo that y ooou in tho oooounoo givou by on noun. ond on luglhgol'll man at tho nomo thing. ITOIII. I... IL'AHI.‘ LAN-Io To-D-v'n Chunk Nolan. The Land.) noel-lion.

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