Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 24 Nov 1886, p. 1

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'2- B. J.VS'aunders, B. A. SC. 0. E" from 1 t03 p. m. \Vln. \‘rebstor, HOUSE fizXINTER. & GRAINER FARMERS-WI LLB . “18 fine new brlvk ho olegaxxliy furnished thrr lute“ flyies. livery attention wanll 01 guests. (loud yam lug. Office. over Grea graph Office, Main £94m xs ruwsano . I'll! IEDIBSDH iOllllli, AT THE OFF 1C 3. Jul“ "It". IAIIIIOVILLI. luau! in dunes. 3 ”92"“3 .23h‘2u' J; C. Judd, BARRISTER, E Lh‘ockville ()nt MONEY TC) LOAN AT THE LOW EST RAT ES. Kalsamiurm Paperâ€"llama"- and Glazier. ONTRAFTS taken fur inside and our side wwk at ('10>('-.! prives Rcsi- donvu uvxl m Barney’s Lively, Mam at” Bdlwflal nnnceo m Inca! column. Ive coma r Hue for first lulu-mun and gum cents per mm for ow-h uulmequout inwrmm. Transient. adveruuununup‘. x cents per Mac (or first Inscr- nnu; each uulm-qurnt inserlhm. 2 cum per Ilue. (.‘nulmcl mlvvrfiwuu-uu inserted at re- duced ran-u. Advvruwuwuu unaccum tuned by wrinrn iuslructinus will be inserted t I for- Md lad charged accordingly. A. A. Fisher, BARBISTER, soucu‘on, £12. ‘8 R 00 K V I L L E. 8HAV|N6 AND HAIR - DRESSING .M’ in "VWW. MW 7-- ____, , , , t! not paid umbin x muntlu. No popu- Manama“ until :11 arms" lure paid. , ,A____-- SAVES Hm p a! ”.30 a.” town In jlnm to n res: fast and w £1alloxytuwn on a leaching l'nrmwn AM prepared ‘0 giw Hm mos! fly”- the mm: durable. and me but mu Loot or nlme in Fuflm-rnvilio‘. Bum 11?. I hnve mo mum um- fly of Stylish LIL-t! Q0 «nth on. mim- Dr. C. M. B. CORNELL will be at home Tuesdays: TI‘.‘.‘.'.".‘!".““ and Saturday, m a mln‘YL‘ {or C.I. I. CORNELL. MAI) Geo. W. GORDON, forrfian-enuv or tulqrnph Dru. Cornell dz Cornell, luuncnsvuu; . . -‘ FARMERSVILLE &. MALLORYTOWN BOOTS 3s SHOESJ Idtmflal notion: in lnc Ker line for first nun-rum: no for «Am-h nulwequem Mverumzuwnls. n cums p “on; garb minim-guru! 1 ...Ilu|r.ifl‘0 I'“"'""" ' ‘ on» Job work- Staquine PA R L08. Jrénlst rong’s I [01 (-1, FHHIICRSVILLI‘I. THE THEPORTER afnll‘l‘FVl " Diseanes of women.’ m- Mane 3:) w.” A. o, B.\ nxurr'r, FARMERSV 11.13,. Dr. Vaux, m flmm Ave. , Next Door to Post Office 13110 C ICV’ I 141413 . gv'fiéi'Xii 'L‘GNSULTATIOXS. RCH‘SE l lump Hm 'Irfl“ M- E . scrum-n! nf Hu' Inn-u nlyk-n of I 00 hp‘wrfl In M‘lm‘! (rum. 1 BIH‘AI'M‘. I van muo tho 11mm! and nltpn‘efl boot in Futmon- I mru. The Gamble House, grottssiouul mats. IAI'l l. NUBAIOOM. PM". HAND MADE DOMINION AND PROVINC! A L Draughlsman, 8a, FRED. I‘ll-11M” E, wall If ('5. If n JOB WORI- Great North-western Tele- Huin sired. :0 loan on real ebtate. YSBIIA [KAI III I! M) mum I: fully equipped [as of upe and presses. tud wilily (or turning out. flut- nE'l‘H L'- BL [A )V 1mm. l‘ublishcr and Proprietor. past (\mve, P m.. nnivina I 'unnect with 4 we 13.0 (km rival 0t ,1.uu paggnnum. or ow) 8' n n. n.â€" t'ru'k hote! has boo! :hvd thrnughnut m Hm attention paid to the ChillllJu 31.0.. HAHSI ith U. T. R. ex~ stunning. Ivan-es lrnm {mm war-l, ml 7 p. m. 1' \lepmt “ago in lune by maul lfand btubl Prnprio Oflice hours 'armv‘ in M ONT House ,ll iUI’ svnllc THE EAGLE W. T. McCullough, TIME IS MONEY Best in the World! \VATG}.{ 8; CLOCK REPAIR INCr In the Best Possible Manner and on Reasonable Terms. These machines wfll be left on ma! for a wumnuble prriud. and no sale unless a fair trial proves them to be satisfactory m the) cualumcr. Read our circulars care- quv. CfiAL! FRED. GLOW, FARMERSVILLE, ANTI-FRICTION GEARING, RE QL'IRING NO OIL. C()NNOR’S ‘0 IMPROVED WASHER! Best Washing Machine In the Market. LAURENCE'S CONSTRUCTED ENTIRELY OF MALLEABLE IRON, QALVAN- IZED IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. FA 1’. M E RSVILLE INSURANCE AND LOAN Annmcn “’POLID WHITE RUBBER ROLL- Isus, v mxmmzun TO SIIAF’I‘S. ‘W WSW E’ \Vatches, Clocks, and Jewellery. 1V0]! Scflé‘hml. A. JAMES. lithium. Mood Purifier. Tome. Dinncuo 1mg 0! Appogun, yzdigogmn. pygmy-um. inlinu- nun. Jamdiu. Lint P5eri1M. Ii‘xou mM "11.!“ Kidney hint!" Mmfubo 1‘ «MM ran-u! M M romuu‘ av. Rheum. .l “‘1'; m and n'1 sum lem. P“ It“ “va 1 of I‘m HM". Rom Ito-Inch In‘ It." Bum Y“): Mv\agnuhln._ VATER $12, BROCKVILLE. Begun ammunr‘c that he ip better pm purvd U a : ever ‘0 do VOL. II. N0. 48. COAL! COAL! Hence the Importance of a. well Regulated. Time-Piece. I: '370321: GUAEAIQ'TEED. 010 Agent in Farmersville for GENERAL AGENT. Office and Yard, SE'S CELEBRATED SPI‘IC’I‘ACLES. AND COUNTY "OF LEEDS ADVERTISER. R. W. CHALIS, Agent, Farmersville. A Full Line of AU Coal WRINGER. Fflfig. CL 0 W. 1; ESjMToMBn 0|.- lgmund floor Iain one Innom excepting a neat. little olhcc m the (Mt om-III-r TIM tans. «It (matters extend the length of the slow. Upon the right lnnd siIlv on I-ntoIing. will be found the dry goods md my article.- and at the lower owl Ilh usvim nrticlosiu ,1th grocery lino. . Coming lllp tho lol} prnntinent new building, in point of size and «wt, in the stern just rebuilt by (3. L Lamb, and whirh will be opened for business to-mOrrow by the firm of Lamb & Davison. For over fHI‘ty years the old stone store, built by Richard Giles, has occupied a. forc- most place among the hudmss cen‘ tres of Fat-mt-rsvilio. For sometime back the owner of tho buiiding had boon making preparations to rehui Id the whole structure, and early in the sum- mer the work was begun. Senn after, there was a. change it) the proprietor- ship, and Mr. Lamb became possessor of the property. On whiqh he has just oomph:th a. store which. for c’veni- once and general adaptability to the business it. is intemlud tor, has no superior in the back country. Never in the history of Farmers~ Ville have so many large, expensive and fine lanking buildings been erected, 3b during the past mason. The mo.-t ”Cthd‘ltt Pumanvil‘e Flu-nit. NW. 0.. Roaergpnstor. FAIIIRIRVILIJL» Suhlmh sun-ices m the 80ml: Church at 105M n. m. and 7 p. m. Public frag-r mummy 'l‘humluy owning at 7.11).. in he orth Church. and Ynuug People's mum, to Saturday evening at 7.30. . untidy Srlmul at 2.30 p. In. Duncan Fisher. Superintmmcm. Lung anum M Lin) yum. and Suunns'a at 3.15 p. In.. Hundny. J mm mm. and every altern- uw Sabbath thrt-ul‘tvr. :Wfiil'uiv'nx 51's and l! A no ISLASD alternntcly l'rlduy evenings at 7.30. Church of England- Cnms'r's (Flu'ncu.â€"1u~\r N. N. Junos. incumâ€" bent. Stu-vim- every h'nnduy at 7.0" p. m., (-x- coplinu the second Sunday In the month. whvn net-vice will be hvld at "Hun m. lluly (‘uln- munmn after Innrning prnyur. Sunday St'hm-l at 2.30 pm. Service Hwy Thursday at 74m p.111. Beats all free. ‘ ' Run: at, 1.;mp.m.nnd Sunday. J nut-20H], umh thrrmu'h-r. ..p‘ifltu Bundn services at 7 (May 30m. June 27th and July 25! mmittod.) Pmyvr and prmsc meeting every Wednesday evening at 7. AU wrlcomv. Rev. 8. Sheldon. puslnr. BY C. C. 8. Heard ye all of the gift of France? We” Britain heeds the power; She sends a faint bu! forced applause And dreads the cumin" hour When cherished Liberty shall claim For all the suns of tallh The bruken futtvr and the chain, The bond of humble birth. Only a. small portion of the goods had hem placed in pnsition; lmt enough had been done to give an idea of the general plan of the arrange-‘ ments. A new fl'nture, of gréht con- venience, has been introduced in HM" shelvefi, whivh instead of being «livid- cd ofl‘ by heavy centre supports. are divided by m-ntly turned adjustable sumorte, s.) that. the shelving can be n-lapml tn the width of the goods.. This will allow of ewry inch of space“? bring utilizod. The whole of ll‘u‘i ground flnor is in one mom, excepting; a neat. little ollicc in the out oornurl l Two rows. ul‘ vountnrs extend" the' length of tho Moro. Upon the. right! I Presbyterian. Service in the Baptist Church every Sabbath morning at 10.30 Aug. 22'”: Rev. Dr. Jurdhw. Behold you form. with torch upheld, 0n Heldoe’s ancient isle ,' It warms the heart and dries the eye Qt those in durance vile. Long may it shine With hallowed light, Loved light of Liberty, Fond light of hope. goodwill and peace, Dear light of charity. Ah l precious gift! ’tis Libeqrt ' Makes high and low good fiiemls. . Yea, he 'who speaks and acts tor right ls serving virtue’s einls. We labored soon and labored latte To bolt the titled knave, And all the freedom that we knew Was that boyoml the grave. May all the World here lend a. hand To hm thin kindled tire; Lot freedom, brotherhood and love Be evary son mlesire; May pride and [Jump and tyranny Be cleansed in freedom’s sea, Aml equal rights proclaimed to all, By naught but right Set free. Farmersville, Nov. 18, 1886. business it. is intended tor, has uoi superior in (110 back country. On Monday morning last, as we} passed up Main st”, the large pile of lacking boxes in front oftlml’eople‘s tore, as the lmilding'is appropriatulq named, reminded us that, lmsy hands w re at. work inside. Although the.1 at re was closed to the publxc. “ml op n sesame knock of a reporter qniu gained us mlmiltnnco. The lat rroportwns of the buifding were appan-m the moment we cntcted. The building is 60 l'ert long by 27 foot wide, and has 11-foot ceilings. The large windows are of plate glass. each of the WimlUWH being of a single pane. This is the first plate glass window in Farmersville. h-ea. (‘mmml goons, (‘l(‘., wnuu 111 me nm Ll) mmor. in non! pflSh‘bOflI‘d boxes. is s'tm-cd every dcscriptinn of fant- wmr, from the missos' dznintyki:l to the man's ngan. Down the mntro of the store will he ”ranged time or fohrlong tahlm. pHel up wi.h t'loth‘ randy mgde clmhiug and fncmry c «- hns. Under the akilful mauipnh- tion of an genial pmprietorn. the who'c cpacv will hm cOcupiodJO :he ha “many. hiring regard tout. @112 flepnrier 1n OUR MORflG STROLL N00 XII. , ie km [)0 fuuml the' ‘02)“, ('r nnml goods. om, while in t} u nor. in nest paste-board boxo «1 every descruvtjnnl of. fgn OH CECE DIRECTORY. The Bartfioldi Statue. piviiiund anmss’ut 3.15 uu. 30m. and cvury ultcrnntc Sub nth Farmersville, Wednesday, Notember 24th, 1886. S extend llwfnntl (,7. E. lrilton, Esq. An mrtwr- mm the right f hinmcnt will he held in the lmcvment will be fnund ; of the Mmhollift clmrvh, on the new 'flrtit‘les. .“(lsSlOO of the prom-ntatinn of the quilt. vmrarticlcsin i The proceelh of the whule flll'dl!‘ will ng [up the lvlt : be applied tommls liquidating a dc-bt the tone. (-nh upon the parsmmgo, whit-h lms bcen while in the {furnished with first-flan furniture Lezboard boxon. lately. The credit of the whole ltmpl of fowl- I :- lwmeia due to Rev. Mn. Sanderson. dumty Ina .10: w on pflnm should be rccogm’zed in m tlge ‘remre l a audible form. Our teacher has a. new bicycle“ and is practising. Rather late in the, sm- son, we woulel think; but, not being versed in such things. We do not know. R. Booth. of this place, got. seven deer while away hunting. Our new blacksmith is at. work. Wu are lmprnving~tlmt is, our villngeis growing. Mr. Weekes is buildinga store and dwelling, “hirh will wld greatly to the appearance of Main st. Your Mallorytnwn correcpmdcnt 1311]... has because some of tho. lmys hme are practiiing in the “ manly mt. " of salt defence. It. would be well if some of the young men of that place would take lessons m the same art, and then it would not cost them so much fur teeth. Miss Suloma \Vhaley has arrived home frmn TorOuto, and is well pleas- ed with her visit. ist. was “doing" our back country lately. Our cheese factory closed the last. of October. Mr. Thomas Davidson is recovering from injuries received while working around a. threshing maéhiuc. Business is cloééd up at the brick- }‘ard for the season. ' Mr. Edward Huywnod has just com- pleted a large “ cattle ranch." Events of the Surrounding Townships, Gathered by Our Own Wide-awake Correspondents. Our school closed on the 1611f inst" to remam closed until after the winter holidays. _ . A-.. ‘ artistic display of the goods. The firm have put in an entirely new stock, which they propose selling at greatly reduced prices for cash or its equiVulcnt in produce. They are pushmg. energétio men, of large ex- pericm-e in their line. and have a good reputation as reliable. square dealers. We know that they will be pleased to see all their old customers, and no doubt they will be able, by the bar- gains they are pfipared to ofi'cr; to induce a host of new customers to patronize their store/ Mr: Geo. Rapplq, of Dakota. for- mm-ly of {his place, is visiting friends here. W e had almost tornutten to sav th It the upper flat. of the Peoples Stone has been filled up especially for the Uddfcllnwa. They lune just orduol the cmpcting. and expt ct to have Hui: rooms ready for occupation in a few weekd. “a sh: :11 have 111016 to say on this subject in a future issue. Reformat-s hold a meeting in the Cainmwn schoal house on Thursday evening, to appoint. delegatcslto attend the Convention. The contest on the autograph quilt, which lasted about three weeks. is now at an «ml. and the sum of $200 will he realized by the efforts of the young ladies who were tho contvstants. Miss‘ Lillie M. Connolly ‘is the winner 61 the quilt, having ol‘ntninctl a. majority of 90 votoe, the amount raised by her being: 813 90. Among tho many con- tributors to the enterprise I found the unmet of the llnromm. Hon. C l“. railfi. the 'pr'esencn of engineers balmy looming the line from horeJo "rock- viue. md the m gubern- with ‘the Mr. W'm. Jctf, a noted English tour . was “ doing" our back country The arrival of ISO! \V mm, the ammmt mi 13 90. Among thn s to the enterprise I of the Harman. 1 “00.0. vaut, Hun COUNTY NE Fran I of range. Spring Valley. Elbe Jlllls. Bun". V. ’[l' o several t‘m'lomh of of engineers busy Taylnr. All 1‘ 31.1 II“ Carmen Place hasi little speck of humnmty which at. the age oftwn months weighs only 231133. Iler height. is 13 inches, and she sports a font rm inch and quarter long. During one of the recent storms the wiml blow the electric Iight Wirv at Cm-Ipton Place against the u-lvgruph wire, and the ('urrent, destroyed the instruments in the Perth, Smith’s Falls. Franktown and Almonte offices. J. A. McGuire. of Shawvulle. was boasting rcccnuy of the Imoum. of money he had in his pocket-hook. He went to bed with the vent containinu the vakm-honk at tho head of his bed. Next morninz he found he had hem robbed of 3500. There is.nu clue to the guilty pmty. Mr. Cumming is pushing the work of placing the engine in his. mill, as fast as the weather will allow. (‘n anti Jonto is supe rintendingr the job. \V hmi finishl-nl \Ir Cummiii" will have one of the finest mills in Eistern Unlmio. addition of bonus tax to his other claims, are facts which remind us that the B. & \V. R. R. is bring built. Jus. Finlay. of Tweed, broke a. log at Merrickwlle iast week. He was engaged in overseeing the building of the railway bridge there. Last wool: {ithard Coneti, oi' Kemp tvillv, died fiom the effects of a la1gedose of acrmitv, which he took in mistake for mpdicine. The membms of the Arnprior \Ic- cimnics’ Institute have o1gm1ized a muck paili uncut. Mr. Burriss has fitted uphis “001181) mill to run by steam, and is runniug full time. The Salvation army is fairly suc- cosxful at Ranfrew. Gananoque is agitating for incorpor anon as a town. F. McPherson, B. A. late of Pres- cott, has bun enguged as modern language master at the Perth Collegi- ate Institute. While men sloop, I'nspoctorv Philips seems to be making it lively for the violators nf the Scott Act. But it is strange that so manyfines are for the first ofl'unce. The peop l0 of this county have said by tlleir pvotes that they wish to stop the sale of intoxic- auts, and it is not justice to strain a. point to let the guilty ones down easy. A series of “Gospel Temp‘eram-e meetmgq are to be held in Perth dur- ing: the winter. Last wool: Kemptvillv, di :1 large dose of in mistake for Jolni) Nextrm, of Alexandria Bay. 18 almost a ccntenmuim. He is a little over 99 years of age. Our 60 momhérs have joined the Methodist Church, Renf‘rew. as the result of a recent revival. Edward Ktrr, and his bCIOVed life partner, of South Crosby. cclvhr'ncd chuir silver wedding the other day. The Smith’s Fall's annual tun-key fair Imu been appointed for Fridfiy and Saturday, Duvemhgr 10th and llth. The Ontario Gazrtte contains a pro- clammion removing from office M. P. ROblin, registrar of“ Iunnox and Atl' dingtnn. Mr. Roblin Was appointed in 1858. Bulloch &. Co. are running theirlast factory full time on orders. The foundry of the Lyn Agricul- tural works is running on job work and on castings for next spriug’s Stork. Miss C. Wilson has been appointed head teacher of the public school in this place. John F. Yates, the genial landlord of {he Lyi‘i House. seems to be doing a rushing business. The knowledge of human nature gained during his teaching career stands him in gwd stead now. _ Everyone seems contented and hap- py here, excepting a young man who complains film it is very dry and dull. Lynn is now free from the curse of the bar-room. no liquor being sold here, it; is believed, own by puldlers. They do well 'to keep away, because the prohibition sentiment. is too strong here to let them esmpe if caught. partner, 01 50mm Crosby, cclvhr'ncc Ilu-ir silver wedding the other day. The Smith’s Fall's annual tn’rkoy fair had been appointed for Friuifiy am Saturday, December 10th and llth. The Scott Act has already begun its work of “ min,‘ 'one place of business having bye“ closed up by it. , w. .I. “nous, 0! north mummy, had a narrow escape lust wevk, while Mtg-Ming a lmrso-poWCr atlac led lo a threshing machine. ()nc 0H. 9 horses gut its tail c-nnglpt in the 'mnchinm'y. While Mr. Woods was emloavming to make ma'tm's right, the animal kicked him on the chest and one of his hands, causing plinl'ul bruises. Ho il re- covaring slowly. . Ex-Pr‘sid'cnt Atfhur die York on Sun: 19th. . \Vc (‘HIP'M‘ [:0 !" “9‘37 ‘9 ' Rncomly Hm residence of Chatte- Desmhrim, at Iromides, wan destroy- udby fire with all in contents. A child fouruon’ momhsou m burn“ on death. ‘ More Mention of What is Happonlng Round About us. W NEIGHBORING NEWS. Woods. of Nmih Elam "”31 k‘c'mdfinaile {mm a fiahinq rod, the zylo ”"9 hfm‘“, I phonn. mc. Th‘c audionoe was not so 8° " "°"a}»pre«~intivo as _it m‘ght have been, partly no anum bothe the avenge audience onjny‘ u propondémnco of vocal music rather than the rover». :and partly homusc of‘thé mldunn and lawn. but 1 reserve which scum-timvsaffijc’n Md- !‘N "8 "Viienco unnecountaldy. We “Rwslikv ‘l ut New 5' for one ‘ to ml.- n mv An Indestructible 00m:- A few weeks ago the workmen en- gaged in grading the B. and \V. R. R. came across an old burying ground on the furm of'J,Gibsou. On enquiry it Was found to he the family cemetery ot' the Slack family, who formerly owned the thrill. ”Philip and Crawford Slack made arrangements to have the bodies removed, and on exhutning the remains came across one cofiiu which was nearly as sound as when buried between 80 and 90 years ago. This 00“."? was made of red cedar, and en- closwd the remains of Joseph Slack, the first of the name who settled in this section. All the other coffins, some. of which had not been in the ground more than 25 Or 80 years, had entirely disuppvared, 1v.;1\‘in__: nothing lvmthe homes to mark the spot. AH J. Gulluglxur, Fm-mersville. has the agency for the celebrated organs mun- ul‘uctured by Dohvrty of Clinton, Out The instruments nunuthetum-d hy this firm are beautiful in design and fine in finish, and the euges are construct- ed 01' the best cabinet Woods. They are (specially noted for the fine qual- ity and tone of their nods, which produce sweet and beautiful sounds as l’ur as pouihle removed from the asthmati “ul squeak which is commonlv associated with the reed organ. The Dollorty organs mntniu all the mndern improwments known to makers of them instruments, as well as some peculiar features which especially com- mend them to the music loving pub- “P. A player on the Doherty parlor organ cam produce effects which an» vommrmly thought to be possible on the pipe organ only. At this season of the year it Is very frr sal'c 'keeping during the winter. The fees authorized to be charged by the cnremker are Very rca‘onable, and every precaution witl be taken to in- sure that the bodies placvd in the vault will not be molested. We have made a personal inspection of the vault, and find thatthe committee have doneevery- thing pbssible to renderit as secure as a massive door, made of boiler plate and fastmied with two pnnderouslovks, can make it. We are satisfied that nothing short of a dynamite cartridge can shake the fastening? of the door, and as the walls are of stone two feet in thickness, we see no reason to ap- px-ohond a possibility of bodies beipg taken surrvgw‘ftiously from a. building put up in so strong and substantial a manner. ‘ The " Doharty ”Prgan- tMemuins were Collected add remov- ed to the village cemetery. Do not neglect a Cold or cough, as It frequently results in consmnptiun. Yum wnll find a never-failing remedy in West’s CoughSyrup. All dluggisls. The Cemetery Vault- By reference to our advertis‘ng col umns it will he scch that. the new vault in the Methodist Cemetery is; now ready for the reception of bodies. the num‘wrs \\ ore The ovcrturc Was 1 ing. but Wfla never number, which .w been better random l‘carsal. The giee were well rendered been better I tarsal. '1‘ were well n " taking ’ 1 dent-e 0t tic kuz m chum by the dm Nothm Imuutit'ully and fenlingly rendered. The violinsnlo by F. H. Fulfurd was given with marked abiliw. and was oncorcd. He is a. violinist of great merit. We have not ppace to particu~ larize the several instrumental and \‘ncal duets, trios, quarivttos tnd q'uintettea, some of which were very finvlv executed. F. H. Fulford |m:lutit"u‘.l) and 1" The \iolin 8010 by I giwn “ith marked W'C‘i‘l (‘9€‘\'( to no a warmly np E fighthund: 0! nnrl oinhty t! rec im- migrr ms arriml in \\ .n'm‘pa; Int mnnth. The Iut a} mm iqmtion int ) the Nonh- We» dnr mg m a union in «ti mated I! top thhucmd ~ Guarahtecd Cirmclatlon, 600. xrngmmme. mule {rum (N1 l7. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. uy to kc 5y rlzpfinlh 'nll Antics 0f E.‘ lmnflnl numbers u im. ' 01 thn hicvhmt A. Rom: Is an :m 'Hl Wu" 3 “(4.1 is solo mmxbcr“C V and {colingly Leah) by F. H. F! h marked ability. it. vas a. “He nevertheivss were the mv-trument l'(')\ ( Hg ml year it is very “file 0‘ “1-9-13" fur sudn'cn colds kcmuuic. disappr I credit ’ comma}! M mlpliihct 901% ed 911- w hidl w as an with a diameter 0:432 imhes. Arrangements have been comnletei for the estnblishmont in the .NJI‘th- West of n training fimn for hays nnl ghls from the lmmos uf Dr. 111m ml ) in England and Eastern Cm‘rh. T11.) Jan-m will be situated at Ilimln, w'wra 0. block of abou‘ 5. 000.1ch km been secured. A coirosponvlcnt of the Pcmhm‘n Observer says: “ A man». whose name I have not learnod, waq torn tn {xii-cm by wolws Imt Saturday whi!e drawing fur the shanties nf" Messrs. Pavlov at Pmtoe, hack of ”In l’e UHV‘XWJ river.“ Mr. R. C. PercivuLHf We Princa of Wales Foundry, Pembrpko, has pro. svntod the Methodist congregation at. Mattawa, North Bxy, Inks Tmllvm, Nipissinz‘ Nosimnsing. Thmnclit'h. Smrgoow Falls, Szuibury tend Chag‘e m. with stm'es I'nr their churches. The Rannmzn {rpm now until January 15!. 1558, far only une d-n'inr. The largest engine yet built in Can. 313 will lmw the Kings'ou LooomOLivs Wvu‘ki in a. few days fur the Qm-bec & St. John Railway. It m-iuln 105,030 pounds and has right. driving wheeli with a diameter of 52 inches. DULD, DAD nuwnm Iii-“l AWAY IDQDLE. (Moun- (Wham Newbom' 1w] nether [luau finalized cal-onion uni lhO 84’0th h . This “mail us I smooch“ mpllslwd burglary. which too plwe on Tlnmdn. night. last. It L. S. Lewia', who Tops a. general Itwro and the post ulllco. With some strong inhtrumcnt the front door was forced open. The burglars turned their Mtenliuu loathe safe only. and did not apparently want sunning else. A hole was drillwl in front. of tho lock, some cxplasivu was inserted, and the door lrlnwu upon. The min “'33 badly wrecked. 'l'lxo burglars covered over the safe with pineal of flunuol to llctldl'll the sound. Mr. Lewis and Emily live upstairs inmm. iliritely over the store, but they he'wl nothing of the explosion. l: is “fill! that. parties m‘lluru's hotel, across thu strvei, heard a. liaise during the night which must.havu been causal by the Operations of tho burglars. Sornn $2.00 of government money. and gald watches, rings. 9:0,, amounting m n Considerable Vuluo, t'nrmml the bony. The burglars got ‘nll' aal‘cly, but Will probably be idvntifieal, as they inf: n pair 01' mils and n cli'scl. 'l‘nren mwmgm-s were in the Village the my! before, and they can I); ulcntilinri. Constables are nnw on the Watch for them. The deicriptimi of the suspvct. ed pun-tins has lwun sent all ()vor tho mnntry‘ but up to ”in Lima of going t) press un \x‘r-rd of thozr czip'ni‘n has Reached us. Engaging the Attenuisn and Studying the Curiosity of Everybodyâ€"Neither Restrained nor Limited. to a. ' Particular Subject. A man namnd McAulay kicked his father t6 death in a drunken q-urrJ last weak in Toronto. Prevarication in all lti winding; and 3111 twistings was appxrcnt at tlu Scott Act trials here last week, am! the fact was cm‘ltinnally mala elm- Lhat. the enfmcrm‘ut of the Act h“ no sympathy fr 1m Titll61308~+tllat 90 (mt of 100 WLll sill) with tho li‘unr interest ml ’akc nlvmnxo of amt..- dodge they can think Hf t) ahlell llm guiltyâ€"Uxbridgn Journal. What is being Done in Counties when the Act is in I‘orco. A most imprmsim scone at thé cm- \ention at UM Knights of Imhorre- Gently held at Ricnmnni, \a wml when Mr Powderlv «1m 22]., r thn insmll- «ti on of ofiicom, misml hi; right hand to heaven, the n- at «in: m; sh at his ro- quvst. and all repeated after him I solemn Vow not to use any alchollo (Links dur mg thvir term of office. \H cnlekvnsinu druggi- I: wishing U mxppn: theirc- "simmer! wuh we bmt. keep Wm Cough Syrup and recommend it. [or xt m u 4: ant m Mu. , 1i .1in in all parts of the Prévinca com'igtiuust'ur vinlatiom oFt‘uo Act. are living rccunievl. and daily vote~ hunting Tory politicians nilogo that. the nifiviale ut the (frovm'nmunb am doing nothing towards the cntbrcc~ mom. of the law. . An attempt was mmle last Week 'to burn the. lesidcnce of J um s W: mum, the I‘m 1y uppnimm! p v‘ ice mm: same for South lImon. who has hai to fins several for \inlptionq ux' tho Act. Bamng satwuted with coal oil was laid at the 0nd of the buiHinz an! fired. The flames were with difficulty: extinguished. pnr'ovl teaiof film 3‘] (Front dnf the me of Won‘t (hu‘h Symp 1m war aching a hum. Oomph 1: show am: touts"! AWVVSJBJ'. of IN! m :ruti'm {If ITEMS OF INTEREST. SCOTT ADT NOTES. he [70pm .irtv (right I only nb‘n ‘ past fiv in I‘aric : (‘IVPT ”10 Who’d 17th and 18m hat they expe- ms known for WM of vessel. Nk-td an] Sev- H: \vuhing I! ”he hunt. keep tccummend il.

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