Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 17 Nov 1886, p. 3

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The Army In the [land- at The“ line-tee It Quebecâ€"nut are Protected by the Police and neldteu. A leet (Wednesday) night’s Quebee de» Ipeteb eeye: The Bulvntion Army. in mtleipetion of more sermon trouble. ed- jonrned their meeting tonight. It app-ere the dlecnrbenee Int night took even e more urtone turn then was reported. Aher the meeting wee over Rev Mr. Btobe celled for three than for the Meyer, which were given in e routing fashion. end the anaem- lege on leaving the hell kept up the Ihoutina. The police were all formed into line, end while they were is chi-e wanton were Attacked by the mob. who threw Itonee and other missiles. Three or (our policemen were severely injured. When the order to ebnrge wee given the erowd ratified and charged on the police, who. however. eeted bravely, the result being eeverel broken head: for the mob end two erreeta. One of the parties arrested in n ed Lelnncois, end ll is id on many willbe mode 0! him. o-nlght. ln expeeaellou of en eulempl to wreak Ihe building. the police were saved with txtre ommnuiuion and received orderp it the peace should be htokeu to use their pietole ond clubs heely., A rumor wan circulated the! a second mob Igom 8t Senveur would nulls Ihemeelvee with one already r rgeuizsd out] make It clean sweep. Iu auticipe ion or ehle 1:. i4 and than mu oevelry were held under (.tdere; bus the hath of this ie donhllul. A nqued o! thirty police ware. howovorJn close proximity. ready at a moment's call le Merl-luri- Appearance on the Eighth Buy 0! III- Alumina". A Landon cable any: 2 Alrhough the commune: of medical gentlemen whu lnvo Ohe supervision of the trial of the I clicn Malawi to (undo Bucci‘s (eat. at tasting hcvo exuminsd him regularly. and hm; unified mm more in no prawn! (huge: 0! his collapse. he fails no show the cmounl ct Ilrenglh which was displayed by Bucci an the acme period of his law. Yuslerdcy he was very gloomy. His nights are troubled by dreams. which dictum has real and pre- vent him obtaining as much repom am his hum: reqnihe. These do nol keep him nuke. liowwer. bub. on the contrary. in: lien in an alumni unbroken sleep. or rathtr uncommcnanesa, the diszurbanoan at inc drums. resulm g in a condition nearly cpproncbx‘ng delirium. He bolls that symptoms are at little account. su‘l says himncli ibcl he clwnyu manileutu them during ‘be first few day» 0! abstiucnee. A. rcacnt ha mm boeu inning eight dcya. cm] c has last six cnd c hall pounds of flit-h. The John. on a uln'o I“! Turn In. um Ion. A London oehle says: The Colonial Depurtment for some time back has given maoh attention to the uneasy feeling in South Africa. grin-Ina from‘ exiltsnt troublet between the Britieh reeidente end the nettve tribes. A deputetion at South Atrium merehmte. who recently nrrived in Engtend. were to day created ' an inter- view by Bight Lion. E. Stenhope. Coloniel Bzoretery. Alter teting their grievances. the Coloniel Store ry Informed them that the Government wee propered. when nti- 115d thet the 211119 desired Britieh protectwmto Mae Her this“, to extend the protectorete our Ztlnlend. The morehantn r xpreeeed themeelvee an entirely nth-fled wt-h thin ntetement. It in prohahl 'meWeetern Zululand will form 5 new hfio. thlt Euteru Zulul-md will ueept th ‘Bmi‘uh protoetonce. thet the Beer protectorate over the country m" be sholteued and that the eemre cont will. within e short pmm. he plum! under Brineh protection. A Provo-ed New Deal In lomh Alrlcu. Nell], l‘nppcd In - nun-II". A Dehron deapmoh pays; Elmer Hollina- boo in I dnrpcr young man of Lnrayette. 1511.. VIN umil recently "a a drummer ion wholenle moccry house in Cum-go. Ho thnw up his mimmim “ms. can use ”than! awn: notice to his employers. nd onmluu n of his manna abound m» be us About 8') 000 mm A mutant churn: lug him wnh embankment wn noon: on! led the one I“ “signed to the Punk: 3. km Annoy. h um no! 10: g baht. Bollinnbee 'u loomed n Toronto.vhuc ho vu ailing and" no name of O. E Ell-worm. Nu thenon (mm on: to Duran and ml . "up lol the lama y: no; Grommet. Bo uni s momma to E n- wonh I0 Toronto. pmpomnu to be from "In. Pnn'l Rollin-bee." n wnmm uh: pm" a nullumbec‘a wife. mum: h‘m In some lo «1. Niobium Etch-use Hotel wubonc icky. 99 ab. A's} «womanly I“ wnhom r‘elsy. .9 she um. dsmemurly m “no. Bolli'mbep. wh-Ily unnmpiehmn .ool Ibo um um: tor Daron. sad 3! 9 45 o'clock ma morning an ‘nlhd m'o v a lobby n! It" hnulv l‘qkauou n d D-Uoo- tin Jo. Ihoniou won waning {or him. 0, ruddy Ideum‘x d Inn "on: 3 photo- . Bo neatly pubmmod 00 am“. The Inid po‘ we or Motm’u'n. 1m. nu puny nhuckedcne nheruoou "canny .3 auto: 3 bone gallop inn :own nddon .y . woman. with no more olmhon on In: an when she an how. no um c'inging to n. suimsl'u 1min vnh m not nigh. Donn! pooplo no sud stopped "a. non. gill hot n:- vomsn into 5 hogan. who" .5. w rovidod '11]! 0mm no no! he... 0 1pm It» I”. vi had. an Ion. land but Omani: In 0 ”one”: Mn. and mm 1 tom m:- "I am by. mnuind (In Mo. an u would h aloyiou ha 09 “I. Q not! "go. “ARI! LBNMH F0311!!! 35L! U'Il F]. v" .. . I'vâ€" wâ€"â€"- I I“ -â€" -‘ -v *6 be fictions fun 00 «I. I “on “do. 89 gunman ”Mild, not. when no wind nusinod quiol unul no 'Imfifl 0m: Idiot. not would I I“) you» .0. on m. but. '5“. he .00. uncle whm willing 1m. ummnn. min. profit!!! u an no"! «mum Ina-organ v in jam on! u an. In" flan. Ind nu any. «mm Bilbao" mu livi night who VI“. us nun mu him-Chum 1mm. mm Inland by u m THE ”0!? 1'0“. u‘I'UALIII- 'I‘III! Bfll'l‘llll IV AI’BIFA. 'I‘IIE ITALIAN FA! [‘83 A nod"- Hod"- A meeting wu recently held in Muy Street Church. Balk-t. to bid firewall to 'the [allowing mic-tannin, who 0 toning for Iudih: Rav. B. G Shut. J. urgln.8. Punter. G T. Ru. W. Batty. R. W. Sin- clair 3nd T. MoAnlll. The " ox-mnuk " Widdou bu purohned - Bap“!!! ohupol in Bpaldbnrn mud. South Hackney. to: 93.000. and IN" repairing" and lining in up thh an organ. be but opened in nude: the title or " the Church at Martin Luther.” Miss Rainy, the sister of Principu Ruiny. bus called from Venice to Modal. and. as a depuly from the Lsdiu’ Society to: Female Ednonion in Inch: sud Africa. mu vim Cnlaum. the Nonhwou and Con- Inl Provinces and Bomb”. A! Mantra». to: tho In! limo ulna. tho Rulormnionawu mum-sans was mlehutnd lately in me parish church. The novelty. any: the local to otter. stunned. large congregation 0! in ion and a sprinkling o! gentleman. Rev. Dr. Wnlku. u-putor o! Zion Church. Mantra-l. who in confined u: had vmh asevere much 0! congestion of tho hum. has been unconscioul to: than“ few days. Yesurday be was Iomowhn heater. and the anxiety of his mony friend: w“ slightly relieved. General Booth and his personal followen have let! Chicago to: Kenna Oiiy. The corner shone of the new ‘4 bunch " to be built: in Cmeego was ‘eid on Tuesday. Much enthnainm was evinced when the aunomcemeunwae made the! one erty who had reeemly‘j “fined the tanks ha anh- scribed 87,500. ' Thu momoin 91 D3. Lind“, Aland-r. which oughu to but putianluly inure-ting and nay volume." upidly puma through Ibo pres: and will bu lowed in December. Rev. Jumea Rm: ii the bkgnphu. Rev. David Mun. has begun I uriu of lectures I! Dandae on his moon. tour In Ounudn. He says that ten times the populuion of Scotland could thrive on the plans ct nhe Bukatohawan alone; but be sdvises uh the working folk who an doing well at home to any where they m. In some portions 0! Wales Iho uni-tithe agitation has been for thn time. qeieeea by we cm: of seven! motor: at In abate- ment at 10 per cent. The Ecoleaumiul Oommiououers. the largest unknown" in Flimabue. rdma to concede the (lemma- 0! the farmers for a tednotion. The can regain o! lmmanul Church. Manual. no pruonud their putor. by Shannon. win: I um oontdning 81.000 and I ul 0! libruy laminae. The convention of the General Mission.” Commune 0! ‘he M. E. Church in the Uuned Buntee was held in New York Guy yesterday. Bishop Bowman presided. The mono edopnud was "A million {or mundane from collenuona alone." had 81,050,000 was fixed as the sum to be appropuutod for the work of the ensuing yen. “ Ion..- quu at luv. 0!. VIII..â€" uuuu Bout In tho Wonâ€"Ix-quk Window: 0pcu Oilâ€"Bu. I». ll“:- 1 no a. (Julio. Humor mm: B! Andrew’u.hu In pwpuuion “TM Catechism; of but Buoud Butormltiou." The late Dr Guuhxio mum! to any ho had known than men at nmuing mommy- Peinol Cunningham, Huh lulu And Dr. Jo n In. Cavemantim relics adorned the hill!!! Hamxlauu (Soot-laud) in which the ban“! was held on behalf (J the pre-Dnuupiion Church at Chupelton. Mr. J. B. Ddzsll soul, with outer interemna ob;eou,tho word of John Brown.“ P‘immu. The Avoudale banner which flua‘ed a Drum- oluu was she cryibiu-d. as well as the dmm. swords and other Weuyona taken in m the roynheta at that hands by Whyte, of Nana. The tullowmg extract from Sir Franeiel Do) le'e “Bewnisoeneee.” we: published.3 give!) as taste of Mr Gladstone e qunlitv at an early ntage of his career: The Eton Miaceluny went on its way in spite of Hunulern detection. in rpire also time {any thacflallum. Belwy n and other eon- tuhuzore let: Eton at mideummer. Mr. Gladstone and I remained behind us its and supporters. or, rather. it would be more him the trueh it I said that Mr. Glad. atone unyported the whole burden upon his own shoulders. I was unyunetuai and un- methodical no also were his other vaaeale. and the Mind any would have fallen to the ground but for Mr. Gladetone'enntiriog energy. pertinaeity and taet. I may an we‘l remark here that my lather-n man. as I have said eleewhere. 0! great nhuisy an well as 0! great experience 0! lifeâ€"pro dieted Mr. Gladetone't luture eminence from the tmmner in which he handled tbie nomewhat tirirgbueineee. "It is not." he remarked, " that I think his papers better than you" or Ballam'e~â€"thot to not my meaning at all; but also force 0! character he has shown in manning hie subordinate: (ineubordinatel I should rather call them) and the combination of ability and power that he has made evident convince me that such a young man cannot loll to dil- tinguiah himtell herealter." A mos: extrwrdinsry inoidom took plus ye‘terdsy during I bum! senior hold in the Ltzuelto u the qua-mine union. Wnilo the Rev. Fathufl Wilson. 0! BI. Mrry'o. yum ruding the human] harm service of rho Ramsu Catholic Oouroh. nnd jun a his lips bud given mtennu to the worth, “ And rho earth an.“ open mud mu up “no dead." 990.. she mvgbty rad drop roll of the urhqunko van hand rppromh- inn. rho house began to rock Ind "an Ibo dong captain in his ocfflu seamed i0 rupond m numre‘a shrug. u the ooflu 30ml) stayed us though in reapoaaa to It. mighty vows. The hm ct :hr surrounding an «to. (riande find out porrnyed. ' pou- lxblo. more nolomuhy. u rhough nah w“ Io Inn for me man mmmonl to com..- Charlruol New and Courier. MM: 3: uh: unabooolor (pm-in; "flec- tivdy in aha mid-n of u Munâ€"J'WMI lune! or water u mid" Ramona-aur- mgInâ€"w'l‘hn? mm: In" water." Nan u the wuor-coolu-"You no too un- gninc. my friend ; \hio mun any to con. VQIOQMDM but. u is 3 you smile to all It well." u I and finer; bud. uic.“md “number. n be rushed his let! an .an n couple of [naval of “0:! to! 3 customer. “ to unto may [hit it. 1:.2' tannin" " How‘s :bm .° ' " Begum. I have 00 heap no much dead noel on h-nl."-.\'eu York Sun " An] mm have you a mad the Duty 1’" inqumd I nuns undid." of u tuber upcn chum be use «lung. " Nothing." vs: the “nut. " Ah. nuilymnme. X "mum," Inm- nnml tho and"... Opprownfly. .- to put“ tho ohul o! m ”in. confluent. Sumo! CH)“. 0! Chan Camp. Vs . In 3 3r) yon-old ham um in a um. M may yoon horn, n: h.- jut om . hm now .‘. 0 ”O“. ’I‘G‘IIAI". OIUBCI KIWI. Au Earthquake u u I’llfl’ll. ME. Glad-lone an anvil. router-all": In Taro-u. III-rd II "alu- - LI"... Whu‘n In a Name f “lee-emu more leer-t- out. Milken-IIWIUM.“ A lete and involuntary enhtbltor at Booth Kelltn‘ttlu it the «pond Ringo! Bureau. a portion cl hie treeettm. looted trout the palace oi landaley. hat been arranged c nineeaeeeeloee to the Oeylen (kart. roe large wall eater conuiu'oh. go“ at clothing. and the memory oi Pricee ' wheey'e ropiendent unilormr. with pearl embroidery in lieu ol ailver lace and claw ind tauele on the “learning Haitian hooie. are completely eeltpeed by a eoat into which emeralda. diamonde and other preeiou atonee are woven with beaten cold. to that the weight alone would forbid. were c, xemwial eontlderatione ol_ toper‘ etltlooe state wanting. that the glittering garment should be worn oltener than once a year. Lady Dnflerin is said to have ae~ turned it once. and with difficulty to have etoud upright in it, an her Lodgflblp [right have done (or a lew neconde in a cult of armor. Golden hate of varying ehepe. aorno like helmetr or Phrygien bannet. othere ol pagoda form. we in tint and the adjoining cores. The Kwa'a wetnte umbrella. turicd. i. iu the centre wall care. There in tall: of mounting it nlolt in the centre of the gallery. eprecd 0 en IO ehow ite jewelled magnificence. he of the State hate. covered with precious «tome. all not in elaborate devicee 0! gold. in surrounded by e tapering finial. the.beee of which in termed ct convergent diamond-I. la:ge.long. but at little velue. Alapidary or dealer in germ would diecriminate widely between the dnflerent value of the jewel: " late the property.” OI an auctioneer might lay. “ o! a monarch retired from bneioeta." Some ol the atonee are ol great nice. and others. compara- tively epeahlng. are rubbish. Palm leaf ane. carried in procession. are formed of thin gold. Bottle. cupe. vaeee. dauhe. veeeelc of all ehepea but those to which the Western world it accustomed. occupy mix oseee. They are all more or loan jewelle‘d. come at the atonee being uncut. Great ‘ etgnincance, probably of a llllgiuflh hind. eeeme to be attached to the circnmr group of nine etonee. the large" being in the centre. ‘ On the circular lid at a splendidly jewelled betel box, specially devoted to the,King'e own use. ll a remarkably coetly specimen 0! the myatic group 0! nine stones. The middle etone ie a ruby of 89} carate.'witb only one lanlt. he value consequently l6 very great. Bound it are evenly let a moonstone, a pearl. a diamond. a cat's eye. a coral. a crystal. on emerald and a ea~ pphire. All theee stones are valuable. the diamonds being of Amsterdam cutting and the first water. It to turned upeide down. alter the invariable practice of the Bur- mese jewellers. Ingenuity ol goldemith'e work ie pre‘eminently ehown in the adapte- tion of a lobster or eimilar cruntecean to the purpOee of a flegon. The labor 0! heat- ing out this form must have been enor- gpoue. King Thehaw'e horoeeipe. written on palm leaves and enveloped in eilk, heoge tnagolden network in one o! the notes. The reliquariee are acid to hold the teeth of Brahma, who meet indeed have had a miraculously line out, wondering the vast number of such when to be found in the temples of Ind-w. and all Brnhmin coun- tries.» London Daily New. 03 Wedneedny the grave closed over the remeine of a young men. a trooper in the 1 4th Hueeere, present]? etetioned at Piere- 1 bill Barracks. neer Edinburgh. who hate: had a somewhat strange though short 1 career. It seems that the deceeeed. who 1 wee very good-looking. enlieted in the ‘ regiment ebout five weeks ego as e trmper. In the men: roam. however, among hie. comrades. he bunaved in a Way superior to the average soldier. being tree wish his money. or which he seemed to have plenty. and talking end conducting himselt as be- eeme e men at edncenon and good birth. At last he intermed them that he was the son of the Earl of Devon. No one doubted his ecoonntolhxmeetl. end many were eorry lo: theyonth when he was attached with jaundice the niherdey and became an inmate of the hospital. Bil condition gradually became more serious. and he died at the beginning 0! this week. A telegnm which Wee eent so the Earl 0! Devon about the death hna brought out another title which oumvele that told by the trooper himsell. It lB fluid that. to: some time the family at the Earl of Devon hud been annoyed by communications respecting e. eivnlien who represented Limeoll as It cadet oi the house. and tint. on receipt of the meeeege, he concluded that the mnet be the mtn. end ecoordingly inlormed the police M Scotland Yerd. A detective wee dee- petoned to Pterehili, and. it ie enid. recog- nized in the done-led en individual who bed been “wented” by the police for A number 0! sure. end who had recently muried as young lady. n ward in Oheneerg. 15 years of age. The sham noblemeu'e wile. e good-looking girl, in widow‘s Weedl. was a witness ol the Magnumâ€"Gimp” Herald. A Landon despnoh «yr: The Aylmer butane-use w» contorrod in 1621, no that the “:11in rank; .mong the 0mm title- beuornn Itehnd. Tm praaem bnronet. 81: Arthur Percy F. Aylmer. in 28 yam or age. has bonus I» Donna». in Kuduro. 5nd hn lugs mm- ln mu county and in Mouth. upon which. however, mm Are u present hnvy manager. 80 murird In 1885, Ind they touomng your pungent! to m- mm. A short limo lino. Lsdy Arms: brought on to: divorce on the ground- 0! oruolt n duluty. To ruauin the Inner clone. a o and than she lived tupplly vmh Bu Anhur for some time, Ml! upon baoommg ooquninlod mm a pretty young flowers“! known by one pseudonym 0! "Booty." he nogluowd bu Vl‘e nod noolly an may to Amati» With the am. upon whom he spent Iuouuudo of pounds. Aha-lengthy ui-l. In wnizh oduuuy In proud. 3 decree m‘n‘ wu gunmen. Baotou Hanan (so young man visiting (tom the Indâ€"Wu 80-00:: people. It. Btu If. no hushed n a good an] tor hing so [Emu n Rhona. bolus d‘on‘o mind at. Wanna Young Mun («Imamâ€"No. indeed,l'omdn'l. at I van you. flu. deo. Bnnn m n very nimble prodnm. Fun". who known u anon “on. each mm." M wyhoay In southern Illinolu, nyu they un "on ham: um: corn :0 hmn hog wiub.â€"-Life. Mm Bnuon. who and" on we Final ram. . couple at mun to tho mn u! 8 .. Tum“, mu tub I palatal IOOIGQDI In! .umug. A com. dug. winch hu can . gu wound no home, cock up m qunm 09 a not. nna up": an mug-u 9mm” 1: (fl. Ibo .mnm 1.pr upon but. impunun. in teeth in but hpc. muslin; Dom oi mun con-Idonbly “ 1 mm “Vii! keep plonly or can“ in the homo.“ nu Ultimo.) m "a of bat gum-gt, to In: mum“. " "now Can!” is very fond of u. [or when he MI" no to one mm sud got. on! human on an I In.“ an on bu bunt." huh-m Blulhun. not 0! Subaru. N .. In. mount. ohm brown! sud um man can told no Balm M. V... in 186! and “In to Tune-coo. o no jun on. oovmd um his notice to living in am Bun. sud h. 51.0 loaned of O "other In Bynauoo. I "not in loot! Ouolmn I“ (n. in N mh Odom“. A numb" of Innovation at cal nin- hm Inn and. mail) II "I" Own Om. KING I‘ll-OW” JEWILIu Romantic Care" on a soldier. I’l‘flftl't" C ole. Ben- I. “out. Divorce ll Illa. Lite. A Pu ”or: “can't Not I. Be llnphcd Fall plowing. to bus tho beat tfieot, should be late and Ibo furrowileh loose. an on 630. IN” the notion of from any be my“; Fun furrows Shield the lower so: cm from. thus Impeding its beneficial openuon. ‘ Ad sin" or tull-growirg «lulu Ibould he avoided; u h lulu. they nu alwuyl mus bollawmwo Inc. 010 [that to we“ and are Mme: in flavor to me duri- growiug aorta. 'Flowou intended to: mum b‘ooming should be pomd u once. it not nluady attended to. A: n 2qu nornninml thnl a." flowered truly during the Inmmu cannon be depended upon to: wintar bloom. The beat drug for pcumy ‘ie enhalie eoid. Getepwlo! the crude“. to: any cents. pm ii In owe into a. gallon of mm: and epnnlle is with. broom an over the chicken houee end in (urnitore once a month. The" is no tum inure-U 0h“ tend. more surely to profit thin sheep on Ind sailed Iognzmg. especially when weed: or buuhca imauaro wuh auooouml cum- vnion, or on lands too rough :0 ml easily. Aher iron hen pinched the grneee they are no longer euflioleue for omle the! man; be 212;: in aged “sill no: to: com giving milk. Add enough grain and the gran will serve much ham: to meintein good condition. The beat bed to: gigs in one maniac leaves. Fine lulu: or nay kind is always pnturred by them to that which n ooarn. and the cheapest nod moal conveuien 3 leaves. Wthh requira no preparation for than purpouu. ‘ There is no better plan for freeing toome and oellue o! mildew then Io burn Inlphnr in them. The name should be efleomally closed end not opened to: one hour utter being filled wieh the sulphur lumen. 1! pumpkin are good food for cattle. the beat uma to feed them is before they are trczm and while the temperature It! not} low enough to ohm anlmilu than (ska iulo their mumwhs (my [wands at the watery atufi at a more. crop Where wire fencing is not easily obflalucd the puultry yard: may ho lencad with mm. which will In! two caucus. Lanna make a. cheap fence. bun tho wire mining u more durable. In storing potatoes the has considera- Iwu is to keep when: in perfect dulneu; the next: in than the blue should nngoo deep. not over three feet. else )r' produces wumth and emsee ehem e0 drum. It SI unlu- to hop. .9 duuoy an «id- ‘ny o! «rt-in so“: by “In Applicator: of hum and What uuppuud uunuuvivu ; uniy drainage will ammplnuh it. Thu struggle “use! nod- msy In con- uunad in mmmu Nth man or has me- oau u long .0 til. min up to indnud n (uproot. rally to: duunonon by {ho hu- tow. Tha theory um fowl! and turkey: injnn we gain by rennin: through it in not mu. while the slugs may kill ind their drop- pirgi made tomb}. by the run inonuo ‘he K‘ll your next year's weeds now. Pull. dig. mow. rake. pale and burn Ml the Weedn you can find in ufled land. mandow. p.. s are and by the roadside now, and you and have oeutmyed unwla mxluons d need need: which otherwise nan year wound have developtd “no noxnoue. labopmflmg, manure-consuming. orcpweakeumg weed», enough to make the bean melt, the back ache and the pocket empty. A good min u u hon. u u as inc 3 mun. â€"'--v 'v â€" WV' 7. -v _ ka. Tuvalu "0| mm toad to! they. Eiumeu in England lead unruly anything a u. All chicken of jet hues hreeda. the adult tome of which ere bleak, produce ohieha wnh white breasts. When they get their adult tubes the teetbua become black. Many ametenre or beginuem have been due- hpleuled when breeding black Spam-sh. black nghurue. buck Hamburge, etc , to see mm ohxcke wnh whue hreuete run~ mug around the premises, the remaining gfmkou o! the young being blank or may no . One and pens ere sometimes sown to- gaunt. tau cnly to: food, as neither grain mu sell for other purposes unless pure. In is claimed than more teed can be grown With this minute then by sowing one or pens slone. The pans shade the gzonnd so he to check the growth of sum] weeds. while the suonger suits of ostspnrh shun shun and help lo keep the pass (mm the ground. Thu! amp was grown us some- times need to: ensllsgs and is excellcm to: then purpose. The eir permeate el eoiia uuieea filled wirh stagnant water. If there is motion in the water through the amlit is evndenoa thntrome air is prerent even‘there. Al. eons excepting pure and absorb nnd retnin lertiliemg properties trom the ntmoephere. though heevy end loemy eoile do this moat. When the country wee new it woe noticed that (ever end ngue developed from melnrie was worse on randy eons. though than were genereuy dry. end the melon. iteelt wee more I t to originnte on lbw. wet land: where: ere ie en thunder” oi de- crying vegetation. ' The Boston expuu, duo hore' M 7.85 I»! night. was two hours Into. About «an mile: out 0! Woman" the apron wnn mn- nlng through A don» around (03 when the engineer whmled down hrnhon not] stopped the Hun. Ho hnd amalhd com-thing no. nannl und unnlod m sea whnl il won. The nun man found ‘ho whole from and 0! .ho engwo npnneud wnh blood. PM. of a homo wnh n few pieces 0! human nnd .nma lay on the oownntoher. Booking dawn to: about I mile moon of «mono nnd box-nun um found «Mural nlonu the trunk. nnd many. nhom ton rod. from when n rand crowed tho lino. .ho ponto- gera lonnd a few lnp robe- nnd .ho body 0! n buggy on who I: "not. A non wnl lining henna Ihom. a had 3 win. in In- pooh”, and «no drinking out of n his bank than me wen (onud bun. He didn‘t know my fining nhont nnmuh up. who" his hon. was. or why he wno .1 flag on ‘ho around. but ho dud know tho! h V» hnving 3 good Mme, and he didn’t are who. nnyhcdy warned to nnk him chaotic-handed qau- 1 time lon- Hartford Tuna. Dldn’c Know Anything nu Happened. Inpcu-ollol Int-0'. Prom-or Bowman, BJponnrendonI o! the Dominant: Experiment-l Far ammo, um um MIDIIUDO. thc Nan won no Emma Coleman. it an. pumm behe- me mater. 00 uleoa um to! the propum hum in mono 6mm“. Work on we Cantu! Fun mu no comm-mud immuni- ugly. A not‘oupoudem wmu that In “mu bllua «man In Mo~oow the walls sud cu:- in mm c .vated «in: paper on which nun wore uemped. Among the line :0 0h. «mu: hom um um. mad I can lying on the am in II» room show an Ob. bud. cl Ihou pining um and biographud than. by mum 0! mm oonncom 'm: In “on to Ms comm. â€"ln sputum o! m noun dot-lemon u m Troy Poop on so. u pushing mar; In lo no": «to lo onion .- old bull In In unvolopo to be uni by an". Why." an! In. " non who an expat. an all than!" 3 Mon connin- money or an “owl, by an «on of small. It you mu noun to old "eunuch II In I nun Ina-II “out it um an mam pu- uml own I! n be no! ml within n Ion-3.. In In mm: to am! 0 animal Mm or I paw-ohm!!! ado-on!" huu' m In on. will .00 mm." ~' FARM AID GARDEN. min; II n "humane u Oeeef therein eteriouefloueeheepetn' who ere eon-ten y: toning the world Ihont the heetw to net I room or to eponh I heby. given title eeolem edviee: " Another restful and rally eeoncmieel thing into here I lounge in the kitchen. where you on lie down eIeily. With twenty minuteephenge of petition. I r_e- ireehing Irtiele to red. or I on . you will he tnrprieed how you out turn 0 the work Ifterwerd." It'eto he hoped the cook or the mItd-ol-Ill-worh won't tee thin. for I lounge in the kitchen would be such I hide glen for IoeelerIting the work of I house. eeide. heving conceded thIt. the next requirement mutt be I piIno. I! I women “noeeher own work" the e lie down when or where the pleuee. w ile wetting for the dinnerto nook. but the ehIneee would be the dinner would be ruined. There in no eeonomy in thql. eurely. People who «we eit up “ during busineee houre"Ire to he pitted; but don’t let them IdvoeIte “ I lounge " II I remedy. bend“ it ie I elem-y plane of furniture that would he waully in the Way of the pote Ind pone. Button" III the Buch- It Wouel’e Cure. (London' World.) The have“ homer Ire beginning Iinn. Ind ehow no eign of deereIeing in populIr fIvor. Arehdeeeon Denleon preeiued for the thirteenth time It the fIr-fImed one It Eent Brent. in which Ieeluded tillage some 9,000 people were Ieeemhled. There on the mini prone-lion before dinner of men Ind women eIrrying h e joints of meet, plum-puddinge. I lo weighing ninety-Ii: pounde,Ind I bored fide oheddIr eheeee weighing eighty pounde, heeidee IbundInee of beer Ind older ; Ind the pro- eeedinge ended. II utuIl. with I demo on the flange lIwn. The ArchdeIeon quite frightened Hon. A. EInhury-Treey. who did not know hie wae. by the vigorous onelIugbt be made on the lemon for war- ing hunk hu‘e'euun on their techie. He hId Ilweye thought thIt women eIred greatly for the greenfulneee of their IppeIrInee. hut thing wItehed them hub in London he began to doubt it, Ind he felteo etrongly Ihout their bIek hnttone thIt if he were it little younger he ehould etIrt In enni-bnt- ton eooiety. He named his nudienoe by explaining the gentlemen originally wore huttone on the but of their coats when they travelled much on hone-heel: in order to fasten up their eoet-tenle, but he did not enppoee the women of the period proposed to leeten up the tails of their shirts. Home Decor-item. Pillow-theme are out of erhion. _ Piilowe are smaller than formerly. White grenadine ourtnine, with Ginny lsoa insertion and edging. are need in drnwmg-looma. “OVEN!!! IN DRESSES. AND HEIDBEAR. _ I’JHZILS ahonld be of heavy material. and may be of Turoomsm, “pastry or WE“- - . c r o ,,,_ THE LADIM’ COLUMN. Limo Hints for Houukupon that -. an Como Handy. The nmullar the room. the lighter should he the furniture and the deoonlaon of the: wall. A la: a room should have heavy furniture 3mg ihe wan:- mnype dark. - Handsome lumps no need even in houses where more is gut. They are of porcelain, brass or bronze. wish funny Ihfidfifl. A bed-room should never be somber. the brighter the better. White Iorim curtains wnh antique leee border and insertion are l ted for chnmber windows. The walls should be or light lint. the pictures restful 1119 playing. Bank are greatly in favor. and are pm to numerous uses. 0mm some are more abylian than tidiea. eapeomly to: “nigh:- bnoked ohnira. Manilea are often draped with scat-ta instead of lamblequma. and bureaus. sideboard: sud tablets are covered wi_n_h long soul: with ornnmomnl endw. Then are many things more impel-tam about a home than flue furnishings. A room in winter should have .u the man posaible ; a bright fire, two or “area any ehaim. a few extra cuuhiona. and a readable book with the leaves uncut, would go Rm- toward making the phinon room cosy and comfortable. Do not hny tn ugly piece of furniture simply because it in chccp. In purchasing, commie: comfort first. then bounty. Try to combine the two in .1: you purchase. DJ nut be in hate to get everything nt once, but gruduully build up your home until it is " c thing of huuty and a jay turmr " to :1! itcinmutu. The prev-lung wood (or dining-room (manure lho coming veer will be out, the finest carved in unmque etyle end highly poll-bed. The room ehonld heve en oak meme! to cone-pond. Oak hell no!“ end carved eheiu are elllhe nae. Din- ing-room shun ue nenelly cushioned in leather. Fm. um. dumuk hu the worked mono- gnm in tho «am at we nnpkinl And “Mo olo‘hl. Dinner do»): or key ninth: ere now leehloneble when nude 0! the new Imb hnen win: colored bordeu in eo-oelled peeeanl work. A rather pretty .1le to! . Inn-old May's book II 0! blue numb. with 5 short “in trimmed with 3 finance of noble-chad thrud has ; I trimming of mm)“ Inca )- pm on in brace! on: the bodice. the up.“ bemoan being pin-ind ; the sleeve, om Very long .Ld Implo. in o-nnhv up a nu eibow and hmned with I bow or ribbon. anll trunnion, wnh she Krona donbied up no u to form alcoves. tn mud. ot a tsnoy cannon munitl called nme. in than of any wd boi a. They are trimmed vmhyoollun bni sud [range to match. had no very pretty 3nd auto! for morning waking toils“. Th. nun model is blue mud. non clog-n01, in “All. or silk rep. .ggmmod my}: guipnn hoo.__ boildron’e hilete do not ofler mnoh novelty. being elweye of the loose Amerieen style. An open veet in now he quenely ndded to the pleleed hook. A tuneful mode for n little I! from 8 to 10 yeue Md be.- me leiied at to end matron of striped bluo en leeiher brown oemol‘e heir. end the open in!» ct dork Hue eloib. on! on in :qnere iebe. end trimmed with inge buuuuu. In nut mum“ vo hue bun shown j 42km: of [truly Ilofibumds .IIIO! human. 1.; dunk “hat. of color. unvoluog cloak- of m I on nun-r, long "out: to e not or u plaid] u:- stm, sod annulus o! huh» work silk. or all up. prom!) trimmed win: when no! funny hi: go. Thaw mum» no gun. “on n m but. no. own. down Now m can. and tailing in gqum Inppeh II; from. A puny mowing autumn is of p310 hnfl annual sud bright blue mined aux-h. ch uh. under nnd upper “in: me o! the n «anal-4 he an: puma. me «mad dnpud. Tao bodice, plum Mm (which. a of “so blue nub. finished M an .op by 3 band sud noun. Md no the van by n V“. nub o! an «no annual. In 5 loan how I! who but. "the m“ a pm. or II. bodic- In unmet down. a! pm pm! mm- .11le out ll._ TI. than manna to: on! ooiflnm do" no. min “I“, to uh pm. y». Tho hair I- null psi-d up n on top of the bud. sad It" bra-Ind up Iron Ibo I.” o! nu um ; the only at... a. an In front tho but in 1 cl mm no.“ on! m forohud . u (an m: out“ at "no Ml on out: “do. bu 1h, hair i. killed up well 0! m fim‘le -. mung It. can qlm (no. In up.“ put“ «you mm with M. an. (Cousin nun W'aly Buds...) nncu- Acconpulnuu. Fanclu. Daleouve Fnhay, of Manual. puled en: yesterday. hsving in chug. two gunners who have been cook- ou me Allan "no. but bud donned therefrom sod come to the Inning“. Tho datum" fallout! than, ma found one employed on o 0.? R dinmg our and the other at Ibo dining III- tion u Field. Thin thonemd hides pucohnnd in 3:35.13 Columbiu hum! Nu: Imppod :0 Mr. J uhn Hdlum. of Toronto. The union 0! the Provincial Bibblth School Convention closed It Otondon l0- duy. The next aeuion will In held in Winnipcgh 8mm, ‘he Wichita. Ksnm. annular. will In triad n the awzan now swing in Winnipegtor bringing noien monoy into Cumin, Manlomem being a non enra- dluble offence. A Killnnoy duspunh gins We puma- Ian at the shooting of Deputy Shenfi Mullet by Dismal Alumnus lllotaon 33 BI. Jubn‘l, jun ”to" the am border. Mung. in not Iikoly 30 “cover. Tho Illumination atrium in Winnipeg for Comb" numbered 883. The tom immxgnlion for the IOIIOD into the North- mag' in estimated u ten 31300.an pouom: Forty Bung-rim minus employed in thud Medicine Hat minu went on atrike lo;uy. Mr. Geared King wu yeaurduy elected M110: 0! Oplgury.A_ Mr Charlton eddreued a pnblze meefing a! Brendon Ian evening. enacting the Dominion Government on in policy ee re- gardejhg Nonbvyeei. _ - A tumor name?! Bunion. An old uttler. liung on the plum: nu: Touohwood. hu boy; killed by a {nanny «pm. Lu! evening the Hudson’s Bay Com- pany renewed the following private do- watch _tlou_1 Banletord :_ " Butlelprc} 9n flee. Tha fire is now under control 0! mo Mounted Purina Brigade. The Tom: Bull and Agnew‘a More no destroyed, and Mc- Dunnld and Bsker‘s More: partly." No higher p_&rt_ionlars_hava been received. Homing gown- or mutual an nah. humbly nude in the “up. oz 5 polondu or udingoto. qum long, though not trun- Ihcpod. autumn; n the but. with n can Ildch In in to am tho non-ant! tulluu n the van; tud loan trouu. 0903101203! on: 3 lane: sud shu- ttom a! moth» mm! Fox 1mm“. a mum» at thin duoflpflon :- c! any ouh‘ muo_edgod 'in up Orion“! horde; in mud colon ; tho pluuoo ond ohm-hoot on 0! duh-Nun cannon. vnh Mu of Ozionhl whine" urou tho phonon down to the vain ; the cello: sud cum on of Orion 3| ouhmom. In otho: mode}. tha ”mum“: of slothcfiniehod flunol wuh velvet border, collar and cuffs; the 5.1156300 w A chm-front o! amped turn. or cummy 22k az:d wu-l-rtrlped yckin ; 3 mm 1:1. nan-b a. Jed at tho waist. clawing itupouhodon mayo: tho had. I“ n- mmmlun m Ipnn a! bun. on “pl 0! mum: high in the m. Loop o: "In! nun or com “than no cup-mud ud oomblncd m. duper“. o! In. or «nu; man nuns: ». coming into {union one. mo“ with tho new bonus. A WinnipL-g desputob saya : Rev. Bhutto Agnew, o! Fora Pally. has been missing for several duya. I! is beflpvegho h“ bo_e_u loan pl: .119 pluiul. _ Tue anisobn Southwestern bro: 0!: of the Canadian Pumas Ryilwsy wuo open to Dawning to day. Track laying is proceeding on obe Mui- toba and Northwertorn Road u the rate of a mine a any. Thu eneumon to Gienhoro’ in gang rapid” pu‘hqd. > Tha‘fiori of {rack-laying on film Hud- non‘a Bay Raiiwuy was commenced to day. Bails have “rived for six miles. (‘npuin Latin. of SI. Cathuinea, who Ind she count-sci (or “an construction 0! the grain: dock at E-quimall. B 0.. )8 in the any. Bergman his nmbmilliou contract in connemion with this work. Cwumbarhin has bail! fifty miles of the Vancouver Ialand R~ilway. Two his! accidents ore reported from But Purtege. Charles Swinhsuk, while out with n shooting party, wandered from his companione end was afterwards hand dead. It is supposed he died in a fit. Angus Morrinon. while getting cut railroad ties. Wes upset from his boat and drowned. Auk-r one week's hitter discussion in private sinlings. the Northwest Council came to an agreement last evening on the renisiribntion 0! seats for the territories. Auriniboia will hove 13 members. Bushm- ohewsu 4 sad Albert» 8. Assimhois held out for 17 then led to 16. than IO 13. before the dogged resistance of the Biekeceheweu and Alberta members. The Dominion Government will he petitioned immedi only to recognize the Territm-y es e’rro- vinee, end edmxt it into the Omlederstion. Cafe! Constantine bu renewed the iv- pajgtmgngpf Example: 0! Mqumedfiqgi‘aa ' Mr. Felix "hoâ€"nut. examiner or titles has been appoimad Aka-mg R‘giutmr. Genenl at Mun-om. vice MIHGI'. deoeugd The Northwest Cmucil has ndopud a resolution (of gaming penuiona to the widows and orphnna of me Prmca Amen Volunteers uh) Ion their lives during the "gelling ogmpsian The Hudson Bay road has and: connec- tion yith the Onntdian Puma near the no: truck. and II“ either run purultel with ‘hn .rosd into the oily c: m“ hunch to she nomh and. 8:0“. I Isorekeeper (tom Muqueue. pie-dad guilty to "any-fibres chug» of lottery. as tho Aaaizs Cant: now being held in gbia oily._ _ San-lo: Sahnltz bu matured § scheme (or the unlemem of nouns huda nbom lbeo-ly. II la his iuumlon to OlflIDlZ) a company With I «pin-l 0! a million dol- lan. All chm lunch us now held by ipconlators. The company will buy the lsudo. stool building 3nd sell them lo comers. nib} 3mm)". which has been ale» and warn for ma weeks. took I sudden chunga yntardsy; 3 big snow-com: In in. and Im nigm it 1mg very cold, mm high wiadl. . An 0 h" doapnznh up: Sir J ohn Liam K up. who in n patent in tho my On his 'ny home to England. If“! I flip to flu Norihwul. "pom lining boon 1 impacting Inndl dong “an lino of the O. P. R u the "prenatal" of 3 Indian 0h” intend to Me up urionn plan at Inna no amount looniona nlong “In line vish the inocmion o! mum: them brooding union- Ior OI, anon. dumb. hon". Ihflp nnd cum. nnd nlno trend" some of ihn land to n oonnin noon. n m. Innd. Tho union. in in pr. p med. nlnl or the no" pun be canououd on tho principle of» English uh... Be it "named mu. his mu Old man am (or Ibo shun porno-u m. m a. mum and mum no axe-lion. The dmrm what. m. propond to not up than Atrium; lies Dune!) Mountinw 3nd Unlgnty. A 1 hard! 1‘." Bliuaon v. The Synode of the Donna at Huron uni Tammie,- on. decided in me Onnrio Conn of Appnl yuurd-y. n l b. nova-and .- anomuvhn hmouu Id! 53m» at tho Anglia“ Church [or nmm at In Illownu-oln of I oom- ‘lnuuion hand. The On." hold. flinmng m judqmm of Oh. Chum, widen. um nu plumb! "- not alum to mm «mm. II In had on.“ to lo ohm-I any. Ins-god In unit: In. “a hd no. I NM“: mm I o! m Bishop .- by tag mom for lily. An Incline mum 0! Iain». Wyoming tummy. mu Imy-ouo alt-nu a! nod.- wupgl ditto; no 3!!” In. 10“.}. -_‘I_‘ -A “Mr. Wutfirfs: Béiifir'o'uion. Io.. lulled u.- rmm: homo lo: um duyu. sud no In. wmm “and (or Iii . BM loud Mn. “harp-hm hopo! I. m Io”.- at. Lute-718:0. the manhunt. Ilene Brunt-n; undo-a. Putin-us n I oonoon in Alba" Hill. London, Enghnd. 1m week to out 12,000 pogpm. Julia Lavy. the comma. will Ihoflly begin a ton: of the world. The Amerionn Open Oomrlny mm this union with over 800 poop e. ’ B‘sny Sullivan. magma Imh firqodim. will vim Ammo. proteaionufly nm In- son. Attempt“ Item-d Through the Butte had the Hen-It. A young man. uho new“ nenr Little Current. Ont., come three weeks line. out registerod lettere nddteteed to n morehnnt of Toronto. in which he ttnted he hnd anetotcd $150. When the letteu noehetl the merohnnt they eontntned hinnh that. o! noteptper and pieoee of no old hon- paper, but no money. The manhunt re- ported the matter to the Pout-omen lupu- tor. Mr.8weetnnm vietted Little Carnot on Wednondey tatt end tnttttnted on inquiry. It won discovered thnt the young mnn hnd prepared two nets of letten ; thnt in one he placed the hlnnh notepnpet' nnd pteeee of newspaper nllnded tn. And thnt in tho other he hed eneloted 0150 in the pmeneo of two teepeetnnle men,who. nt hie uqnut. “commuted him to tho t-oflee to wit- neet the posting 0! the Iette On renehiu the poet-office he mailed end testetered the dummy lemn ; nnd. 01 octane. kept in hit pocket tho-e whxoh eonteinod tho money. An eflort had nine huh mode to indioete that the enveIOpe of the letttn hnd been tampered with. The young mm on being ohuged with his attempt to out summon on the ‘pont-ofioe admitted hie guilt, had made t. humble npology totho Puntmotater. Ric nfinneei: :nninhnhk, as there was an obvious intention to dehnud. Dr. A. G. Garnet denies Ohm hil liner, Mme. Garner. has become insane. Ha I. I we report )3 a malicious non. The! 5 has been in but is steadily Improving. an more II! no rewou to suppose on» hot voioo traineefl afieugd in snyyqy. statement. Eu: 0! gyequobren. Mr. thou Barrett in aid to owe much of his eiocutimuy excellence to me canton of he wits who was formerly Mm (Jul-nuns Heath. render to Queen Vmofis. find tn excellent sums). she had achieved tuna long haloger he: hugoand. An nwtnlquvrelhas broken out 1n the Butm Ideal Opera Company bean-o Manager Foster has been trying to boom Muma'elie stlsuohe. .ha new oontnlto. M the expense of Miss Eunuuaton, the old oontrnko. The (Monte pordiale botwoon the two bl! been interrupted no Inch I ud exaam aha! M‘mn‘elle Launch: will not puts aha cold balms to Miss Huntington at shghoyl labiaâ€"Chicago New. M Gounod's kindneaa of hunt is pro. verbial.‘ Not long cinoa. during his noon. any in Normnndy. I lime (“and on a summer‘s night incited the composer to make him 5 km. M. Gounod net to work uud made . monster. Midnight nw ihe flunk oompleiod. Join an the now day wn owe‘ ing in. tho maestro took up his pen. and u a finishing touch, insaribod on Ibo (ace of iha any n bunt sons“. Rumor dol- onbea is us one o! the (non exquisite guns tbs: be bus on: written. Bobby wn evidemly vary much pat- plexad " I want to at you. an. Feuberly." he nnully “id during I lull ln lbs: canvanuflon. “them you: home um) lo!“ “1 lane no honu and lot. Bobby." replied Fastball]. I hills Imam]. “I acidrpherm some Inna IgO_.”_ _ “ Bold 'am," rep-uni Bobby. " Than pl mun hue mud. n mianh. I hard him any you thank ‘ug up." “ I‘m sure." nid Mu. Podwnllodor, “ 1 don't see how it could mukc tronblu in the homes 0! me [sad it women Ihonld vogq." “ Dan's y‘ou think. my dour." nphed Mr. P. " ihn Ibo men would unto the“ who: vol! I: they mum} than: lo 7" “ M“. mam 7 Indoadmir. I don‘t. I'd lit: to see you mumps to nuke In: 7000 a I didn'l Inna Io. I'd drive you out o! the house vim u broom."-0hiaago New. " Wu» was in mm an aid to you when you came in f" 'hlbpflod young Bobby to England]. on of “(gun-u. '7763751'11‘” mush". «A :10th to no mo ; thg! ya 9“. Boggy," ‘ " I'm glld o! n." ma Bobby. 3nd Q look at genuine mm cum our Ni 1.00; " ‘onuu nu ma thin morning mu III. hoped you wouldn‘t come." ‘6 bun each on inch Eng-mu! In Ip-wb Ouamuua y turn tho but. Comma-mo Iutpnlo '0. “‘09“ ‘I Toronto palm oirolu you. a» when It banana Iowa 1th Inspector BO'DOI! on. of the shin. one!" on flu tom. I“ boon ~uduoed to the not 0! Junior Sunni. Bio oil-nu canal-M of king hind, win on mm. In an pm». mm o! u Noon “In closing Im- on 83M- Mg». Board on but“. Boy-cu in m roo- ad Id smug. gin-II in Iron of null. A Lowiuon. It. min In. find to In window Mo hm! Onp tbsp“ III. I lull a lindund dohonoly ban on an auto. V‘Iuns bud .‘m on Man. Imowl womb! "sup n downward and he a whlrhd infill. 0! Oh. window i300 not.“ on. than. Liboully nationd m ml cpsnowo 01 0|. "up. at tho [um man my. am they no In good only. a no. mm. A â€" v Us; flood Bio bu bun gloom In”! of Cm: flown. Nu Yon. Ell um, ll 06 D Where It: Trouble Would 00-. ll. Without and: dash in]: that; Within. b. ca dumb cm: can; And up throng the 1m- mono. lion :0th 0 bar. punt. “ Mon .11 whom I have. Mu tuner. And help mo be I " .11. an. Thou mined up not! on funny. bho Mud an cumin; had. Did we ouch on w. from mu]. Home htnlot ma Apt“ «3 Or we brum of the voogn bloc-om Tho an“. at tho no! 50"“! r " Tho bunutnl tron " mo whimud. “ Whore mo ottolu and to “as; they no and o! me cold. Inm- want: on. be] than to now tu tho aging. And m'b owns um I love to at Lord, tine mom “an: in u; The den Imlo v10 on. Ila-Jam - Down dcop 1n the noun Any." Ah! earth msybo chm um: mound“ And haun- uny I). out I with em. Bu‘wutu of u (mun mil-nu. A a crouod by the baby'l rim; Ana Hp: um were dumb I m sonar lu jubiluut Lop. may Illa : For when sun: 1. map in winter, In the bears out» Lord 'm 09mm. ”Inlet"! and Dru-uh: Hotel. It In a. bun '10 mnlogoo not: ' ' Wfio'liioihiaiu an no. wound ; I! you . cum She won't mm. And then Lb. rant 1‘ ha mum: “to". Oz nary cm 71 amp-mm whack run T361)“ FAILED. WEI?! YOU All RIB TO PLAY bhé’a 'pm “and. too. if the dune. Plenum Ior rancher". A chv’o Punt. mbcn poini in the be“ :10le Ill-pond 0!.

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