’Bé’ï¬rs 3‘ SHOES. town I Y“ N FARMERSVILLE 8:. MALLORVTDWN Stage Line SHAVH‘: B AND ML? - L‘ ‘ï¬SS!’ '3 â€â€˜2‘; lATEST {:39 BLE Geo. W. GORDON. PI‘I'I‘I‘S .310!!! run . Sal ('1' i/ (â€v I . hill! THIS "I M 0 N E V wanna t “ Iliwaacs 0! WM (mm 1 to 3 p. m. BARRISTER, E'] I... ] h-nokVillq- ()nl. "Court House Ave.. Next Door to Post U1 I3II()(‘I\'\ I] I In. 0mm. over (in-m .gmph (Mice, Main fll‘t Editorial nations in lm-nl rcrhne fur 11m. inst-rum: n the for each subsequent in udvrl'um-meuli. 8 runs [It-r Nun; out-h nulm-quvm .u~ line. {’umruvt mh‘m'tlwun ducmlrmw. Allyn-[mum- bf writu-n illsll‘lu'lmll‘ w . h d and charged urn:|‘7.uul pant-«vs c-H-r) 11319 Jul) WUI'R. 'l'hv Rmmï¬-r j with llu: hum! ~_L fluidly in advance. 8111mm- nnuum. 0r mm H not pcld within six months. No pnpbru discontinued um“ “I arrears am: paid. EVERY WEDNESDAY lORlllG, B. J. Saunders, B. A. Sc. 0. c‘r '1‘! I Id R EH )R'I‘ER ll '\ VI ‘I VIGNIIA "fl“. Mllllflllll. 1t A. A. Fisher, mus'nsu. SQI‘ICI'I‘OR, :1: o (7‘ K \' I 1.1112. ARMICRSV ILLI-I, \Vln. \Vc-lnstc-r SAIL l. HlIGAIODM. PROP]. \ IIAVN The Gamble House, \H \lï¬l.\5(i Mum-v In I DOMINION AND l‘l‘»()\'l}«'(‘l.\ I Bi aughlmmn, :1 .. 31h T‘) LHAN AT 'I'III 1.4 iWICS'l‘ J: \TlCS. 1H RH). I‘IHH‘I â€van-ma. AT THE OFFICE, [“4 ill f; J. C. Judd, 1Q“)! Z-LRN‘VI LL! IS PUBLISHED P13 :oa wonn. [H‘W Dr. Vaux. TERMS- \HN I'I'I"l TYLE Im'al mlumn. live cents mu anal lhruu I-vmn per ml inuvrlmu. Trunmout g pQ-l‘ lllM‘ fur ï¬rst inscr- t .nwulun. 2 cvnts pm- mum-“1:4 â€Nut-10d ul n». wIm-hm uuuuumummul wv i In ' su‘lwd U“ {or-- m Door to Post Ofï¬ce l'\V¢ 1:0th ha HII‘ ll'll LUVl UH ASHEDN Ofï¬ce hours H01“! Mu! KIZHIS II'I'M! (IN U 'v'I/ ill†I ___;TIWIE ES MUN» Y Ht lllr i M) mu m ()NT guy†TWP 5;? (3:3) ‘1. m‘ “(3532 Hm» ‘~'. ill im £13 m: \[meiLLll ; 11-1sz RARC EM. D L0AN,.'{ In the Best Possible Manner and on Reasonable Terms. W; FRED. GLOW. FRRMERSVILLE. A. JALMES, , WM. un'm; r. mr‘u. linLTHN, ; Tum] ;un m-tion for disputml account. It ‘ Justi I appeared from the evidence that tlu-t town vhf. was m rqmir a spring wuguou for wwk , R3â€, and found it )lC\3('T\‘:-i:u‘_V to pm on TI! COAL ! COAL! :55 Worth of" c-xh'us. 1):“. mhjwtm] to ' and t Epnyimr £110.40 With-H: hvm-v flu) Mm. port) {\R-xwlirt for 1vlll'. tln' tull ummmt. (3.' C‘w ‘ 5 '1’. \Vight fur l’hl'. ¢ End :1 i A. J. (‘01 7i 1‘. J“ .L (‘\r:!‘Y. . : 1"“. | . . ,, . - , . <‘rsnu thutc on :1 ml: Eur Mull‘ln 21111:; , .i.;. 1 tut (u Best Washing Machina in the Market. THE EAGLE Best in the World! -(,‘ (I N IV () IE‘S IMPROVED WASHER .\‘f\"I‘I»I~‘RI("'1‘I().\'(:EAIHNGJKE muuxu x0 UIL. \V .1). J“ u: SOLID WHITE RUBBER ROLL HIS, Vl'IA‘ASlZED TU SHAFTS. L‘HXSTRUC'I‘I‘ID EXTlltl-ZLY DI“ MAIJJCAI’JJG lliUN, QALVAN- Lil-II) [N THE BEST POSSIBLE MARKER. . / » \‘=":‘ :If I't‘ 'tl HIM)“ W â€all Screened. f‘.‘ 131;; WATER sh, Knocxvuma R VOL. II. N0. 47 H OHM “I' mm hincs WIH be left on "ml for ~01 :II M pniml, and no rule unless Ir I: II prIII'I-s them to [he snlist u-IIII} III-Iumvr. Read our circulum calc- e the Importance of a well Regulatcd Time-Piece. mic» and Yard, KI LIVER BLOOD 810m“ AND COUNTY G ORTHE MEYS AND m nt- ‘5‘â€:ng w. (HALLS.- WRINGERQ i'.\(‘l,l..‘3. I" 3127). C L 0 3“. 10m, Furlnursvi Cnul .‘ Is Ru «1!. Dian-Mic t Rheum. ‘Imdtd‘fl. .{J U i\. 1‘. Us 1‘ Hu chi the “WIN H [L IN \ uh \ The session of the Ninth Division Court was bold in the town hall lu-ru nu Flidm last. The dogket was an unusuallv hum V 0110,21:me 0<,-cupjcd the “1115 fmm 9 a. mJto 7'15 p.111. 1le Baum Jmmm Rnyunhls.,Junior County Judge, presided. The ï¬rst case trio] mm ’1‘r-I'vlcuinflu‘ Hzlmisl ('IIuN-h M'm')‘ mnrningnt mm Auu. L’mh Hm: I):- Whnm‘nxn‘s and Il \uu 151nm Iaultw'mm-ls‘ Friday evenings at 7.3â€. ‘ Church of England. I'm (' m m ll. Ih-v. H. N. .Iumw. invum hunt. sum luv vu r'_\ Mummy at 7.4m p. m.. ox. owning tlw sot-mm Sunday in Hm mumh. who“ ~1~rurvwnlllu~ [Wm M 10.31111. In. Huh (‘mn- lllllniull ufu-r mun-1mm pray-r. S-Illvim N Imnl at 23.2%! pm. Svrviru t-u-r)’ 'Hnumuuï¬ m Tm: p.111. Smusulll'ruu Smut SIHM‘I'H ELM: m I Sumlm . .l u Hu'rmll'lt'r. Pnrmormilk-t inn" 1- mm. u‘n n I. r; N'u Hull!!! 1 'llllu' I. .1! In: an puma-r nu o ling ’l‘hurw tlu- Surlh‘ huuh and um s: mm] I) I-'\\ mun: Sunday .‘~l'hzml m ': Sunduv J u!) L’Mh hm] wives fur 511 1-r Nlt'. for part )mnpboll for phï¬ Left. ‘ HI Hi (M \'(‘l‘ 1m 1H Dispute on a mo Cklltel. ‘(00 l‘ pl' l1 0 ('1) I!‘ am 1h lt-H 'ry \\'( 1}“, :‘(H'f ‘l 1.1m nu H m for JAH. JUSTI'R l 'h NINTH DIVISION COURT. Ilzï¬' lnmk. in himsm with y .4] “fore. ma st'I'yk-(m nt [mutt-um m OH 33011 DIRECTORY. H‘" hm iuu' 'l‘lmwhu mrvh. mu! ll ulmn. A lxlrgle‘ worn omnflml fur such work. part 01' account \V I y We †7STI'3 1'. J. B. PUWELL was of pvmxlinr int. bar of mu‘sm'as. :n Prosbvtoi'ian. Hm I) the hm I) Mothodist. Farmersville, Wednesday, November 17th, 1886. um nt‘. r.\ln_\- 2mm. Ju v l'rnM-rmnlpru mvning ul 2. Al aâ€. Bapti m ~‘uhlnuh 1 In u. m. un )H \"umm‘ H In.. mu! m h‘ aunt {m lll bwulsfl‘nt 1‘ .17» um. ry ulh-ruutu Suhmuh mm] m “. lluuvrsmustnr. whites in the m-l T p. m. PIHIIH‘ \(‘IIIHK‘ m 1.110.. in nu l’L-uplv's mom- th. Jum ,\'_ .luHI-s, im-umw a' 1m p. m.. «M Hm mnnth. when In. Huly (‘nnh Dum'un l‘islwr. I, tl Hm sharpcmng ubjm'lvd to : more than ~ number of as to the Judgment t. F. W. Wight 10): misc lum'vim s“ wen-mm. â€ELMON'S at" ‘ .wry ultern- , ufu 0H 1H nhlvmh unlinr. Ih "H H-mr; ltllinl u l‘k‘t ’ Cummh‘c Claw testiï¬ed to having had .L wmrunt pl; mud in bid hands for the zurgsl 0! Rich. Irnin 0n this (-hurgv. [Iv strnrlul 1m Bmvkvillo, thinking that the [mu-tics who took the hides wmxld he likely to g» there to dispose of them. On going to Me- sziys tunuury he learned that two \ounn mm had been tlu-xe \mv mulv the morninw he!" hm- and “191m (-1 ul' :1 llllflllml ot skins and u hide. Hm him- \ng m-ily ivlvntilicd as l><‘1m:,;§ug m mm WW Tcmperum-c Luko. was tncd Justin-s Wight and Loverin, town hall, on Monday cVening wwlc. . The case of Jerome Wright, of‘Glon Buell. who was changed With stealing a (-nw-hidv. u calf-skin. uml u gm“.- s‘kin v’d’bo“irom Joéé‘ph" "i". "[‘(nvrissâ€™ï¬ mul' n Int 01' calf skins from Wm. J. Earl, Mihnn Mauxull and Willwrt Away, nt' mljom‘uud. Geo. W. Green for deft. .l. u. M'IAL'unLLN' O u. N. Min-alum. The defendant in this case wms up lit-fun; the 091111. on uu «ammunition Slamming, in show canine why he hwl not paiwl the :unuuiit per month order. ed. The (lt'lt. claimed that his con-I siltutimi would not allow (if his on-l . g ‘ u l gaging In hard Work. 'J he Jmlgvi remarked that he must have bun-n born l cunstitutiumil‘ly tired, aml- ordered him i to [my the amount stipulated before} thv llt'Xl; silting of the court. l : The suitors, the lvgul fraternity. aml l the public, seemed highly plouwii with ‘ the manner in which Judge Reynolds pix-aided over the court. The pm'tius named above wergcalled, and testiï¬ed to the loss of the pro- <Sllt- huh“ was also shown that the 00w 'wan old and infested with vermin, and , might haw died from natural mum‘s. Vor- dict l’ur deft. W. H. Jones for pltt'.; F. \V. Cal pru for dell. c. L. uni r. nus. smvus‘: summon. Disputed ncoount a! to goods got nftvr dofh's husband‘s death. (Jase luirt until after she was dead Bwrisn. by a peculiar mzu‘k. Mn rudy could give no description oi'tlw xrlius. ()n Lid Way me- \\'itl.0§3 vnt. to Hill lesidencv 01' Irwin mu] S1?! dun €115 J durmv lib. (ll‘tm-I wunum \V r] tor Jfl' ion nut in: Ccndem A Sszth cln‘ 'ning helium ['01. skills :IH ily iilontilie-d 4. [W a poet 1h MAG ISTRATES' COURT. mt, Hn-rc \V warrant w H) ptm'c no in our 1;: nd send for nnolhcz day ownh] \Vlh'H Job 1 that on [I Kepurhzr )onn l hw was “(H11 ml (-l'oll‘lt I: ma 1v (inning x]: “I Ith'm mrm furn “m.- CH 11in Lt H 1H HH tn UNI] thv twn 3mm Hrs-Linn. Th: 01' llnii‘it'llt I \Vrizzl h 3 mg} 5mm H. l KN Ihl bcfm (,1 in the of last )l talu and it tim LI! â€023' gru'urkvrs :md m-nnifvst pun-oral study. The si) :11 source of life and {whoa}. was under the z il‘htbs’mlmuso, 'iibi‘fliwiit’“ {he cheese gfnutory, and is talking of purchasing "-1110 house am! Iol‘ { Mr. Jos. Stuavy has ronfenl his sdmp, 3home and lot to Mr. Wm. IIiL‘kL'y, and is going to Escott. having longed his brother's shop in that place. Mr. I(Eco. Hickey takes charge of the post \lr Wesley 1‘111kuberry was mar- lif'd last erk to Miss Anniq Tucka- be n; The tin pun bligmln tm‘ucd out and 5010111111111 1110 h: .1ppy couple. ummiu "m. 7H Schohu Goo. Hickey tuliés uï¬icc. The last of the cheese made here this year goes away this week. Price received for October and September was 1230. Events of the Surrounding Townships. Gathered by Our Own Wide-awake Correspondents. H'L L'l HI The writer lmd the plcaauro of mg, on the 31st, ult., the Sunni hm! at tho old Methodist Church whim-h. 1 \me hum'lilv rm'vh l‘lm HI 3 hupr Hnl tlu llullister has mowd into Mr 'hl COUNTY NEWS. [HM (.‘lm Mud}. .Hltlloo'ylown. L'lbc .Vlllls. W Gruubush. innmdc'l 301100! i 1V a0. Cnnlro nf vis- the Hundav :bemy and ng, which is HVUI‘ tnmn' um M ul‘al hip ‘th Hmsw'whr) m pln‘siwinn, an utllictwl wixlm was :11 Kt-ith, Iitllwr' in Eh wvrc ï¬no< plum umayswtvherflwrcm sayn‘ : --“~ The tmvn'mrs cï¬mvded with people a“ day, but. after Nixo‘clockit. had ngnin rmunml its normal condition, and the quivtude and Mule 01' drunkenness in the even- ing was in pleasing contrast, to some of the street scones which have char- acterized former fair days." The I’etcrboro’ Grand Uury, in making their prosenuflont, said :â€"--†In reference to the world!“ of the Scott Act in this Count}; we jt'el‘ th:lt_,u:0, are not justiï¬ed in («pressing “an opinion of its merits, as it has only been a short tim. in Operhlion. Wu, however, are of the upinion that it would be in {he inturSAs uf the coun- try that a prohibihn'): mcuaure ï¬lmuld replace ilon tlw Hututv hnhks. We 11-01 that? grout tW’anHJ willhmmtinm- no be found in vnihz‘uin: the prom)! 13W. fur 540 L) mitted to In selling it will M‘ u \H‘il ul' 11.21) H.“ )t (In iiq nor SU'HH‘ 1 mt. \Vt-Ck fur \iulnl -fa’i*5"f‘her;1‘fv“i‘fdiw' SM' John 01 111111, of Harrisburg, has been ï¬ngd $51), for the 1111111 1i111e,f1n 110- 11111111.; the A02†C0111plui111 is madv that 0111151 ('0 11:111111 in his case has been 111-11101] as :1 111151, 11111-1110. We understand that 1111.- ('1111111(1111111311 01 Frnntonac 1111» 11211111011 t1) locommend the :11p01111111111t 111' polit 1» munistmte to ent'oice 1111: Scott Act, which was 0111111211 by :1 huge majority of 1110 electors of that county. T11 â€porting the (.111111011 P1: ICC [111] License Inspector McDon: 111;â€0 North lmntrew, has laid 1m i11t'2ur1n1- ainh qg aimst Constable D. 1'} llig It, for 1efusi11g; to serve summons to defend- ants in b'n ott Act cases. Jolm Clz'uk, of \Im‘risi)11rg,ims been ï¬ned 3150,1111 the tliiul time, for \io- Inning the A“ Complaint is madv that may (-0 Minn in his case 11:1: DQL‘I] il‘t'lttk‘tl as {l ï¬l‘ht “iii 1H 1-. Scott Act cases wore thick in Brock- ville lust \wck. We have not re- ceived our report of the proceedings. and must defer gi\‘iug particulars until m-xt Week. John Mulligan. of I’cmlvmku, has been found guiltynf Um Second 0t.- t'cncouudor the Act'. and was ï¬ned $100 and c05ts, $131.40 in all. What is being Done in Counties where the Act is in force. Guc‘ranhvd Circulation, 600. “HMO )lll mm ‘\ snhuril HM) Ill Ill VI! oxmtmm his. the HIM m’l n SCOTT ACT NOTES. Cure far Diphtheria. H) ngrognlmn gum. Inn \vlw iw' :11: H) J uhmm mt In“ made, 1 kuvs 1 or ill) Hul‘ulng“ ls Shun :Lmdu Il'lnls m FUHI'JHH I" u (1‘1 1H â€212113111!†Alphur w ()1 HM SUI 1H HI A all [N INK is lll"'ll|$ Hll ml HI MI l‘h with Pl TIM“ I) prrimvniu plum-d 3114 WI'“ kn-nv ESQ-aging the Aiténtidn'ana Saiisfyin; the Curiosity of Everybodyâ€"Neither Restrained nor Limited to a. Particular Subject. Rtlflnlllm‘ Shnrhot, La Pcflg‘m‘ “rm mow-d mlh Tim mrm ('lnn'vh at, I 311†('lmtl‘ilu The 11111-111111; house 01' John Davis. Q1110, wn-s‘ 1111~t;‘1’1.1'1~11 by {110 1111‘ the 6th inst. Mrs. D4115, 1111 0111 Indy 111' 70 years. 11111110 1111 111114111111, to save some 11t'tl1e 01111101114 01' the building. and “1% 12111114111; 111 the 111111103 111111 burned to 1101111 , .1 '1'y11i1‘11; 111011111111< n 1135' are now 111-1111' 1111111111 11111‘ot't11e (111111111011119 (xuriagc “'011116, 1 111 this 11111111101' will 1111101'tl\ 111» 1111101151111 m at 11* ht MW 15 11111. \\ 11111 is 1111141111111 111 this estab- lishment 111111 (11111111111111111 can congra- tulate itself 011 possessinn‘ such an institution. The fall fair held at. Carleton“, Place on (In: 9th inet. was a grmt success. lwiug (he umst successful fair held there for smno pears. ()n Mmulay of last week someone broke into the Salvation Army bar- rmrkq ut’ Perth and stove in the heads of the drums and tamlmurines. Smith‘s Falls. it is snirl. is to have another nmvspulwr. M be run in tho Lilmru‘l intm'csr. The paper will ho wndul-lml by Fm]. Meliim and his brother. There was a “ pumpkin pie social" at Augusta recently. It is said to have bean a brilliant success. John Stewart, of \\'llit(fl;ul;§',_gr0\\' ncarrot this season which Weighs 7 pounds and measures 18 inches in cir- cumj‘erencc. Forty thousand sheep um expected to be shipped from Brockville this season. Pmnbroko will have a musical co?» vention, cmumum-iug on November 301)). and lusung four days. Carleton Place and Dumb have been created customs ports of entry. m lore lention of What. in Kunming loud About us. UH I (In: unvt! on [In )Mm M ITEMS BLETEREST. uir of lmn NEIGHBORING NEWS. :1! film: umw‘)H,1\\':1,istn he «:Inawzmnl‘ \Vm. S-uuulcrfl, a rm dwmist :unl entomologist, H). Um. n & (‘0. have purchased the Lake churn-ml works from '«H. Thv plant will be 1‘0- D! 1‘ HM mhwrmv hr I'M January lat. 1839 m-rmmrm‘s 0v HOW“ IN vpml Hm I" ~ly3v tlw box. hlmx'vtl \M HI r\ H‘fl Kink fwr 1’10 Ill!" 1'. "I Ill I»: :1" v (H In ‘lll 0n vH I)