Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 15 Sep 1886, p. 4

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Central Fair. (FrankvilleJ Sapt. 80th, and Oct. lat. Lyndb'nrnt, Sept. 23rd and 24. Hamilton, Sept. 27, Oct. 13%. Kingston ( Midland), Sept. 28th to Oct. lst. Lombardy. Oct 2nd. ; Nuance, Doc. 5. and 6th. A Snocuofnl Exhibitor. Mr. J. C. Stafford. of Lyndhurst. was in town Monday. Be my! Gam- mmquo. had a gnod fair, well attended.‘ He returned with six prizes, one of‘ which was for honey. This speaks well for his farm, and his fol-min . "0 has long been aaucceuful "MM?- nr in our local faint. Chap human. The Gnnd Trunk Railway advertis- m in this Week's Huron“, n chm ten days' exam-ion, on Sept. will nnd 25th. to I’m-t Huron. “plank;I Saginaw, Cllicugc . SI. Lnuis, M‘. The! nuns Min-Used :er oxeeedingly low.f mul give ewrylmdy a chum-e to \‘lfillt mum-n friends at small oxponne.‘ ‘l'ié‘flii‘iili‘i‘ Him iii ((3 Via regular «31- 5 News Iraim an 24th and 25%|: ind. giving pm'tim purchasing exclusive! lirlu-ls tlu‘ lvcm-flt of nniuk limo, i South Grenville. Sopt.28rd, 24th and 25th. 25th. South Leeds (Delta), Sept. 21M and 22nd. ‘EREVfi-IS"BuEEens College has gained the front rank among the Col- logos of Canada. Nearly two hundred Students have been in attendance dur- ing the pant your. Tho course oll‘crcd at this college is most thorough and complete and will all‘ord young per- smm just the preparation necessary to outer upon any business calling. The rates at this school for board, books and tuition are cheaper tlmn at any other first-altos college. Write for their circulars. l'dl “in. l Unionville. Supt. 15, 16 and 17th (lannnoque, Sept. 7. 8, and 9th. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 6 to 18th.= Provincial (Guelph), Sept. 20111 to Messrs A. Parish 5; Son, having furnished the plank for a new aide- walk in front. of their premises on Main at. Hand Commission-er Nash and a gang 01' men have put. down a fine 8 foot walk, extending from Bul~ l‘ord‘a tailor shop to Barney’s shoe shop. Wm. Parish at ouua made ar- rangements to continue the walk the same width in front of his lots. These improvements are a great boon to pedeatrians, and Very much needed. ‘ m-..” * -. , Buying” ganglion. A __ _ We have been overrun with job work durin the past two weeks, haw. ing beeno ligod to work into the “Wee sma' hours," in order to get work out in time During the week no less than 9 lots of litlmgraphic posters have been sent. out, besides any quantity of small jobs.v 0m- patrons will please have as much patiunoe an [maible “until after the Unlonville fair. ._.-. , new lidawalk- With I _ of harassing the dr- solution 0 _ we be“ de- cided to par for the balance J "I" W. 4 I. Suburn'brm ‘0? only 26 «any n adv-nee. We uk all 'our render: to suit In in this endea- vor to increfie «Mr circulation. I! each of our present fireman-would remit 25 cents end or or the pa r to be sent to some friend, our oircu atioe would be increued to a good pa. in; basis. Will you assist us in tllil ‘2 We mail s few Sample ()opios thin week to members of Agricultural Societies. and beg to say that a. full re- Nof ,‘ll the directors“ meetings of the Unionville Fair will appear in these columns mil also the reports of the judges on growing crops. as Well as enlist of the j an appointed for the {all exhibition. in list of special prizes offered in competition at U niou- ville will also sppesr, and after the ex- hibition the Bprize list will be publish? ed in full. all reports of the exhibi- tions (and very probably the prize lists) of the Delta. Frankville, Lyndliurst, Lombardy, sud Elgin fairs will be published in a supplement. To those interested in agricultural matters, the above oil'er is alone worth double the price asked for the paper. Our circula- tion. is increasing as fast as we could expect. and we ask all our friends to assist us in making a. Big Push to in- crease our circulation and influence. On our part we promise to do all in our power to giVe our patrons alive, readable little paper. We are authorized by our Phillips‘ villg corgefipqndont‘ to , say that [he has port of whiskey being st'NJEarls', at the time of the dance and surprise party, and he finds no truth in the re- port. We cheerful] make this cor- rection in jtyztico to r. Earl, who we believe would not countenance any- thing of the kind around his premises. Rushing. " adc a full invemigatioatiam the «r Irwm Wiltse :3 putting up afino house at the west. and of Church It. A E. Donovan has his new house on Flgin Sm, well under way. The roof is now being put on Omaha. Hourly lint-had. Meésra A. E Wiltse. A. 0. Bennett, and J. H. Percival, have their houses on Henry St. well advanced toward completion. sanding. A, REID THIB GIIEFULLV. LOCAL NEWS. 1y 0 chnmé £0 Visit nnl-nt at mm" “pom-0.. lock. x gn \m regal. ar ox- night un we return trip we took the ntmmol' “Avhnbnscn.” and notwith- standing some unplmsant weather on bike Huron. we spent u very plum!!! zime. thanks to the genial and obliging C .pt. Fume. We arrived safely'in anontn after a'quit-k trip from Owen Sound. fully mnvinrod tint the SIM! must shortly flame vor’y prominently in the cnmmrrvill work . ~ Supt. 7. 1886. F. cmuprmning being supplied from the falls. As, many as 09 vessels hue been locked mnmgh in one. day. The olu’vt'rlisadvnnhlge :u the Sun“ is it: long and severe winters. 0n the return trip we took the Hound "Avhnbascu." and notwith. standing some unplmmmt Weather on bike Huron. We went n vorv alumâ€"M mrnt at" taking steps to build I Inger lock. 'l‘iv prmnt one is lighted with o'lghl vlevtric lumps and the Opening and closing 00‘ gratu- 1m! Ilnicc ways is done by cnmprmod air; the power f0! m..._...1 ._.. Cenadian side 0! the river ;t one helf ot‘ the cost tint the Michigan eide re- ”quires in consequence of the forma- tion of the banks and the etreem. With this great water war. and with the gigantic mitieral eposite ind un- limited supplies of timber in the near vicinityâ€"with the vest rairiea only A short distance west an situated on the highways of commerce both by water and by way‘of through lines of railway, which will”ahortly be in 0 n- tionâ€"with these advantagemnnd ,sr- ing in mind the disadvantages, e most skeptic mind must admit that Sault Ste. Marie will soon he the huh «it the west in milling and manufacturing. On the American: side the chief point of interest in the canal, which ‘ consist! of one look 515 feet long end ‘ no feet wide. capable ot‘nccominodnt- ‘ mg timr or five vessels at n time. The ‘ ~lnpping in late years has increased no rapidly that the United States Govem- i been formed if) Michiga'nâ€"tz) utilizgtuh; water power, and competent judges say that it ‘cun p9 deyeloped on the I‘d..- l!., The greatest resource of Sault; Ste. Marie is a water power, unrivalled on this continent. Down the St. Mary river which is here about one mile wide, comes all the waters of Lake Superior on their way to the ocean. In 500 yards this immense body of water falls 5 distance of 10 feet, giv- ing power enough to drive more machinery than can over crowd its banks. As yet this power has neveri been developed, except at the U.S.l canal, owing to the lack of transporta- tion tacilities; ‘A..company has lately L»~_ {Luv ‘ ‘ Frlce neuome Erogerty at, you are ed to explain t at a is asking city prices. At present the So'ult has no rnilwny communications, the Algoma branch of the C.P.R., which is within 85 miles of the Sault not being in ioperation; During my stay, however, ‘C.P.R. engineers were bus locating lie line from Algome mills to the Sault,with every prospect of themom- pony building the 85 miles and also putting on the necssary repairs on the‘ Algoma Mills branch next summer. 0n the Americ side two railways ai‘b projected, c lled the Minneapolis road. and the Detroit and Marquette road. One of these companies is now buying their right of way thro' Michi~ gan and will clear it this winter and commence construction next nummer. ‘Sault Ste. Marie is beautifully aituat. ed on the St. Mary's river, which is the national bogndry between the United States and Canada, at this point dividing Michigan from Ontario. ‘Oc the southern bank is the American town. or rather city as the people call themsdves, with at pulation of about 3,000; opposite is t e Canadian village with a. population of 500 or 800 peo- ple. It is the county seat of the Al- goma district which is many hundred miles in extent, and boa‘sta ofa very fine court house and jail, and also the district registry ofliee, and four fine churches. From the river the land slopes back for a distance of one, and in some place two miles, affording a magnificent site for a city, which the inhabitant tells you is only a question of a few years, and when you hear the Price he holds Property at_,_you are Here we went aboard of the large passenger steamer “Alberta." com- manded by Capt. Anderson, an ex- perienced navigator of our “great un. salted seas." The cnger accomod- ation on one of the. ‘ bouts is in the vicinity of 350, although on our trip We did not reach that ti mm. For size. ‘equipment and, spce the 0.1111. steamera' are without rivals on the lakes ; they are built ot'eteel, heated {by steam, lighted by electricity and equipped with everything that can be used to advantage known to modern mechanism. The cargo consisted largely of‘railwey supplies, which were being taken to Port Arthur for use in that section. ' After leaving Owen Sound we made the trip to the Saab, a. distance of nearly 800 miles in 22 hours, which includes a delay of about 4 hours in a fog: DEAR Slip-'YOI" readers on oil acquainted, no doubt. with great Id- nntqu that the completion and operation of the nil-3y from Bmck. ville to Suit Ste. Moria prominent to the inbobituitl dboodo county. tad of Eutem Ontario. lluvmg lately token strip totho Suuit. perhaps: 1m notes from the western terminus of the road. may be of some interest to reoden of your enterprising journal. From Brookville we ionrneyed to UWen Sound by the C. P. It, and we on join with other trevellere in highly commending thet line for the magnio fioent coaches, politenoee of employees and the remerknbly good running time made on the route. Owen Sound is the entern port ol'the C. 'P. R. steamship line, which runs to Port Arthur, the western Lake Sn ierior terminus. In late years Owen ound has grown very rapidly, owing,' to in- creaeed ehi ping tr ilu ; it affords one of the beet Yiurbours n the great lakes, and in addition to this. the inhabitants have not been slow in seizing any chances to induce railways to build to their town. Editor R-wrur : A Trip to um Ito. Ink. V ('I“‘ National Rules to Roam: races. 4 ‘ IUOMS TO LE‘i'mems suitable t to enter. 9 to start. Home diatonring, for swam". at mumaha terms. the field to not only first money. M); ‘PP'Y to H. mum. Rmmg 06100. pvr cont. ofpurse must accompany . nomination. Nomimtions rmhod ; OST“O" Sunday evening. It Lake «lmtil 20th September. Norm who”? I 1'0”“ “hm,“ “"“991 0" "9”?“ records are not lower than ram first ‘ "1". “d "10 romdonro 0' (.300 Brown August or» eligible. Judém can i Farmer-nine. I ROM Put“! "'5 button, postpone races on nccmmt of ilwlemon- i withthm'umnllrolor'ed nthnesin setting. N of «author. A Fmder wall confer a favor by lmmng I... I. “1%,. up, ”WWII. it If Fishn's Carriage Worh. sum". "sari-urn “if a $2000 m. 15.00 2nd. 5.00 8rd The Directors of the South Leeds Agricultural Society have loaned the truck to the Driving Park Association ’fnr the following trials of speed z»â€" FIRST DAY. SEPT. 9]. fits! Day’s Inco- Oallod at 1 Ila-p. 9.40 (Van, Purse 070. 8-10.00 to Isl. 20.00 2nd. 10.00 8rd. (i ran an", I'm'u Ill. . $8.00 to lat, 5.00 to 2nd. 3.00 to Bgd.‘ SECOND DAY. SEPT. 22. ' locond Dny’l than u 10 Ilarp. I." Clam. I'm-so ”00. $00.00 lat. 25.00 2110. 15.00 mil $10 in all: To the winners in a. game of base- ball, to be played on the first day of the' Exhibition between the Lyudhurst and Harlem teams. By Forest d: Wood. Smith's Falls, one . steel plough, value $14. For the best herd of Shorthorn cat- tle, consisting of one bull one year old or upwards, one cow giv- ing milk, one 3-year-old heifer giving milk, one 2~year-old heifer, one yearling heifer and one calf of 1886. 1 By William Richardson, Seeley‘s Bay, , $5 00. : For best pen of Leicester sheep, consisting of one ram,- two ewes, two ewe lambs and one ram lamb of 1886. By Preston Hill, Delta, 810: For trial of speed between 2.1mm.-1 old colts in harness, not less than four to compete. Best two in three. $5.00. 8.00, 2.00. By Dr. Sinclair, Delta. $5: For best pair Roadsters in harness. $8.00, 2.00. - By R. H. Preston, M.D., M.PP., New- boro’, $10: For the best collection of Ladies’ Work, 85. For single Horse in harness ishow- ing greatest speed. Distance at discretion of Judges. 35. By. W. H. Deneut, Delta, $5 : For best two bushels Fall Wheat. $1.50. 1.00. For best two bushels Spring Wheat. 01.50, 1.00. By Jss. Cumming, Lyn, $6 2 Best two bushels Fyb Wheat grown in 1880. 83.00, 2.00, 1.00. By A. E. Hicock. Delta, cultivator end , hiller combined. value 89. ‘ For best collection Fanning Imple. ments. , By George Taylor, M. P., (lananoque. J 05.00. I For best collection of Grain. ' By Z. L. Chamberlain, Delta. one ‘ combination chair, value $5: I For best collection of Paintings. J. A. Russ“, Anon. Euro". . Sec.. Delta. President. ‘â€" V: y .- nanâ€"I? ! F . FV‘W‘?’ l‘rééififiélm. DELTA FAIR, oarrnmnn 21 I. 22, 1886. 3y Wm; q J. A_._ Bell, Delta. $5 each. AT FBANKVILLB. The prize list has been thoroughly revised, and prizes placed as high as thgfinances will allow. A large list of special prizes have been secured, and every effort will be made to sus- tain the good reputation of the So- ciety. ‘ S. 8. Din“, YD. Doismv. SPECIAL PRIZES Kitley Agricultural Séciety. Annual Fall Exhibition on Thursday, a Friday. Sept. 30 at Oct. 1, BIRTH8, MIRRIAGES & DEATHS. ‘ 44444 BIRTH MCLAUG HLINâ€" On Tuesday 14th inst" the wife of J. H. McLaughlin of a daughter. Dun 813,â€"â€"I contradict the state- ment in the Rupon'mn about the dome at our house. It was a ourpriue party of respectable young people who want- ed no whi'skey, nor there was none in the house, so the question where the whiskey was got is easily answered. If a better explanation is needed I will willingly give it. ‘3' Our Mend- vlll gnu": oblige b on. Illulu'uullu mum. item. for nu- wlu'mu. Thou. Southworth. of the Rum-d", guve nu a all on Tuesday morning. Sal: Blancher "turned this wool: from 3 visit to Rochester. N. Y. On the return trip he “took in" the To- ronto exhibition. > W o are piemd iu notice the I ins con tennnce of our old Mend vey C. wn. who ve no u coll Tues- day morning. r. Brown loll-Bun- don about two weeks ago {or this place. but owing to s serious accident that occurred to him on the C. P. 3., he did not touch here until Suturdoy evening. Editor Rtportcr: 3‘11”}de R t E Millie I. mt?- smm under tun-a ma Inserted m. m Mrs. S. David-on tad Mina LLolh Hallway are viyitiug . at Malachi: Halluduy’u. Phillipsville. Special Notice. Sec. . Frarikvi'l'le TO BE COMPETE!) FOB A'l' P1380!“ cum. Oontrudtcflon. LIST OF Yours. £40., Nstou EARL. ‘ftinitl'rblw. I D. Dowsmv. President. We Will Make any Roof Pin and Wm" Pt”! at Ruhr-o. cn‘. DVANTAGES: I. ll is absolutely ' fire prool. ‘2. It is absolutely water proof. 3. It in a prewrvntive of wood or metals. 4. It costs Ion than ordinnr' pnim. 5 "contains no oil or acid. 6. t is an ornament to any buildmg. 7. lt'will stop :my ordinary ,l’OOf from leaking. 8. ll wal' not wash off or alnin water. 9. II will wilhumnd hot and cold weather, and vml last longer Ill-n any other palm. Fire &‘Water Proof BOO FING PA INT. The Model School Term will commence on the second Tavsday in September. Students can obtain board. in the village at rensonflble rat”. Books cnn also be ob- tained in the village. For mother intorm- ation address the Secretary 0! the Joint Board 0‘ Trustee» ISAAC C. ALGUIRE. TEACHING STAFF: T M. Porter,l C, Head Master; Minus 6. Stafford, 2 B, First Assistant ,- Muss K. Kincaid, ‘2 A, Second Assistant._ TRSTEES: H. Arnold, T. G. Stevens, and Samuel Body. Dlé‘anMEN‘l' Is in the banding formerly occupied b the High School. This department ,a orde ample lacilities td those who may wmh to qualify themselve‘e'fer emnnce into the High School. ’/ ”The whole mime of instruction is thor‘o ough and pra'ctical. The building is large and commodiuns. beautifully lm-ated, and in its external and. internal arrangements is in every way calculated to promote the health and progress of the student. An excellent Library and a Laboratory have been secured. Those wishing to prepare especially for teaching will find excellent facilities in this school. It is highly de- sirable that students should commence at the boginning ol the term and continue until the close:.'At" the recent examina- tions this school $115}th 2. matriculants in arts, 5 second clln'sAan'd 9 third class. THE PUBLIC AND MODEL SCHOOL E. T. TENNANT. Pmpr'ptor for Co. Leeds, Famonville. 7:_Tuition .'. Free. :- Classes will be formed in the following OOUI’IGB’ . Fxns'r Cuss Gammon-n, SECOND Cums CERTIFICATE, Tuuw Cues CERTIFICATE. Matnouhfion m Tm: Ame, LAW m Mzmcmn. School opens for thd winner term on the 7th of January, for the opnng term on the Tuesday afler Easter. and for the: full term on the last Monday in August. M aster A. E. MORROW Firm Chas Honor:- In “Classics and _Sc!_nolar.~hip,Toromo Uni- fiversixy. Clauiqal Mane}; Aux. WHERRY, l C, English and Math- omafica! Master. ' . ' WEI: JOHNSTON, 'M. A. and l A, Head FARMERSVILLE . County High School. Arza Parish, E: L, Chunmn; Isaac C. Al uira. Secretagf; Jame» B Saunders, ames Rom. emge P. Wight, Ind Dnnéun Fisher. EING shout to remove from Farm- ersvillel ,all parties having ac- counts s'vith me must Call and Settle. If' hot settled by tlie 20th will be placed in Court. 8' Entries must be made 'before 12 o'clock‘on the first day of the exhi- bition. th' my lists and particulars 89116 to the Sgéletary. J. C. 81min; 5. E. Jonxmx, Sworn; Dunâ€"At 10 a. m. Judges will proceed to othe e mination of grain. vegetables. dairy p ucts. mu- uhctures and .ladies’ work. At 1 p.111. horses in sections 1. 2, 8 4‘5. 6 and 15 will be shown in sucdession. At 2.80. trial of speed {of liberal prizes, for horses which 'never trotted better than 2-20. ' MINER FOR EVERYBODY. The Director- luve mpleted every emngemeut {or e Iuooeul'ul exhibi- tion. including the lengthening of the truck end the building 0! e splendid hell. costing $800. ' ' ruoé‘iennn. Flu-r Dunâ€"Judges called at l p.m.. when horses 6:! leetiohe 7, 8. 9, 10, ll. 12. 18 and 14. Also cattle. sheep and poultry‘will be shown. At 2.80 the trials of speed will take lace for liber- al prizes. to be compete for by horses which never started for a prize. "I "III!!!" "LL EXHIBIT!“ TH URSDA 1"- ¢ FR IDA r, mu . m a. 1.. Terms 8: Vacations: 890.. Lyunmurrst. '1‘]! r: ACM E NOTICE TO PAY ITI’. W. S. YATES Farmernvillc. J. E. Jommm, President. A. I. COOK. Cabinet-making in all its Branches. UNDERTAKERS R D. Judson & Son, Chairgos Moderate Fa S] l. 10 p ab 10 T nil 0 l. in 1 1â€"5 DESIRABLE GOODS I . from Roller Millé. Choice Flour, Sugars & :I‘eas a Specialty. Also Dealer in lUMBElI, SHINBLEB AND UT". The public will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. Prices Moderate. All kinds ofgrain and produce taken in exchange. Goods delivered to all parts of the Village. Under the Management of Ground Feed Bran & Shorts Best Grades of Fa_mily Flour Groceries & Provisions 01" ALL KINDS. C. A. KINCAID, For 'further iul'ormmion and tickets wrileto or call on (u. T. FULl-ORD, Pas- aenget Agem, Brockville. Pullmanr car mcmnmodiiiotiwwxdiy be secured at usual rakes. BEAR IN MIND That the Grand Trunk in tha.,Short Line, and the only Through Car route to Toron- to, Port Huron, Chicago. Q0. By taking it pnsoen era nave several hours’ mné each way, an avoid the numerous and vex:- tioos changes of cars of other routes. Tickets good on all regular express trains on Sepg. 24th and Will, and return up to Oct. 5lh.. Parties demmua of seeing "l6 west or visiting western {riemlaahnuld tnke ndvanlago of lhese low rates, and Port Huron and return ....... Detroit “ . . . . . . S inaw , “ ....... B: Clly “ ....... Grand Rapid! “ . . . . . .. Pincinnuu “ . ...... Milwaukee “ . . . . . .. Chicago , “ ...... . St. Louis “ ....... IN ITS ANNUAL POPULAR "10 DAYS’ " EXCURSIOI, SEPTEMBER 24 & 25. GRAND TRUNK R. B. [The great demand tor these preparations is convincing proof that they are standard medicines and always give the best of satisfaction. Read a few of the testimonials l have published in pamphlet form, and'see what they have ,~ done. a My‘ stock of Drugs, Medicines, Pai s, Oils, etc., is always com lete, and I respectfully solicit a call. 3.1’. W. Datum. Pamenvtllo. Don’t Stay at Home MENT. LAMB'B HORSE POWDER. Ind HUNT’S COUGH SYRUP 0F WILD CHERRY AND TAR. LAMB‘B LUBRICATING LINI- 3 HOUSEHOLD 3 Mann 3%.. Farmersville, nearly opposite Armstrong‘s Hotel, dealer in 0l08E8T UVINB PRICES. FARMERSVILLE. I 'I’ST‘\ 1 RS. When you can travel It the low rates 0me ed by the FABMERSVI LLB H. ARNOLD’S, NECEBSITIES : John Baillie. GO TO FOR A'l' . $8 00 I so." ‘ my own goods” (19 my own collecting; themfire By purchasing from me it untimly obviates the‘twcesaity of pay- ing two mafia.” Thereby the price ofthc DAVIS is nearly as ow as the OM Sty/Ir, or underfoed machines. mommy mm DECOR”!!! wO‘nH-w The DAVIS Vertical Feed SEWINGMACHINE To be found in the back country. Come an trouble to show goods. ' IBRQWN & (DD. 12425213: REMEMBER ! THE 'GBEAT DEMAND FOR OUR GOODS THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE To prove it see. beforv purchasing. CLOSE PRICES. Pine apd Henxlock Building Lumbci'. Flooring, Latins, Shingles, Fence l’ickets. LUMBER YARD. Go t9 A. PARISH a: SON FOR YOUR GOODS. The subscriber begs to thank his customers for past liberal pat nage, and at the same time calls attention to his Stock of gooking and Heating Stoves, for wood or coal, House Furnishings, Agate Ware, Cistern Pumps, Sinks,‘ Bird Cages, Etc., Etc. STOVES & “WARE. IPHQTPGRAPHS. (Finished in Oil, Crayon, or India Ink) â€" Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed every time. E” Cheese Factory Supplies 3 Speciality. a5 EAVE TB (JUGHING & ROOFING 8110038803 1‘0 A. C. McINTYRE, PHOTOGRAP'm can. In» Anne. Opposite the Now rm one. Donit be Deceived. Dafia is Best! We have been obliged to Raiae our Goods 107;” cent, whieh will be taken off the momenta customer sic/)3 insadc the dour. GUI-Negatives on hand for the past 31 years. Call Solicited. FARMERSVILLE CARRIAGE WORKS This Space ‘Vill be Filled by the Advertisement of (If? Work done promptly, at Reasonable Rates. BROCKVILLE,‘ ONTARiO In all 010 Iutteut Etylvn and Karley’s Block, Farmersville BOOTS AND SHOES FISHER Jon. 1.. dAiLAGHEB. Farmer-"i115- ' Owing to the Large Sales, and LEXII I‘I IC'I'IS‘] IA] 413 We have the LARGEST and me‘BEsi‘ SELECTED Stock at . GAMBLE, . G. PARISH. . H. GAMBLE. and see us. No ‘t 6.31 é‘c‘; AT FARMERSVILLE. \VOBK UIEQUBLLRD fur MRABILITY. SIIPLICIT! and Inn If wilt-l C lnpboa rd 3,

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