Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 18 Aug 1886, p. 1

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BROCKVILLE ‘5 (\1 11‘ mm EUIH m; EVERY WEDNESHY HORIIM}, Qtrhfiv m \hm H not mad will: tltmmmuucd unnl Mann: 'wr lilwl Iuw NH udVQ-I’HH‘ hnn: no “no. I'm dur!“ NH RI)’ writh' bull and 1‘ \\'111. \Vch or, HOUSE HUNTER & GRAINER Kuhn-mhurr. Paper "anger and lilatin'. ON'I‘RAVTS 14km; Mr inshh}, and on! side, wmk :n rhmwt pris'cs‘ Rt'si drum (MM 10 Bumm,"s Lin-w, Mam >1. anm-mvflhu I . “I‘M M n h pt 19'41' Hun ”IS 0! km“! NW Wants 01 L H! Uulh 'l‘] 1'!) n mmm‘m Cmn‘so, shnrt, slum-p, thorough and ronsnnnhlw. b‘tudmlls 713141? hulk/(11ml ’4'):- ‘Sh'm'linn. (Irwin/INS in (10â€" maml. \Vritv 1hr (insular. ‘WILKESBARRE’ ()Hit't‘ W T. Mcflnliough. mum 3m ”TEST AND MUST FASHIONN In the Best Pdésible Humor BLE STYLES. ; and on Reasonable Terms. mmmswus‘a muomowu n "(3” Scree’uacd. i BOOTS 8; SHOES, “ ‘II ‘I, $tage Line npvl‘ than Custom Weaving. ‘nlirihvl‘ COAL! COAL! Eb Gamble house. 9N0 Examinations on Entering. 'H Brackvi‘lle, Ont. "I! H! I“ 1‘ n: n H Al‘ “I‘M u-h w h M)! Inn“ HI “It l. NUQAIOOM, "0". Anvnnrxsmo. A‘l‘ ’HII-l OFFILE .‘l.\ ICIN(£. J ~ nirville ( )ntn [UH IS vruusmzu RFD. PIERCE a new I fly fumi Ever‘.‘ m {INN AT THE .WEST RATES. MSTIN &. BRESEE. JOB W01!!!- J. C. Judd. MIS (II «I 1128313 JIIM’! Hl Y: I rd Water Street, l‘lll'EL LUYI'ZHIN I‘nNMn r um! I'm-[m ream-am yum-cum aulel 1. W)“ In: xuwrtml I u lot 'llnuly. urwu'u um ()(lxll 1‘ \y‘ )\' .1 column. Mo cents and Hum units per inurrtinn. Transient ‘r lle fur first hm-r- nnm Hun. L‘ cums pur mwls hu-crtml M W- u-Ms unmcummnncd Mllllflllli. \H'I'HH m fully ('qulmwd - uml prop-um. and hunting nut nun. U mu Prmripalm “4va h , 4 (I! M; E’TIME IS MONEY MYERS. P| '0 grid 0 r v'l" fil‘fl-t‘lzlfl- \ car around "H Hmrmlgh .un lurk" Cull "L Illo New Harness Shop. L" , A12. vrsz-t: ataxn l m‘. u this up} uld rlmoum we an: mil Jmng L haw u hu 1;- rltu'k ( \Vzlt ("It From Iir ’raeo. mow. FARMERSVILLE. Our (3011“ PH um made in our own shop by cmnpvtmlt wm‘kmm, and are Um be“ m ovu'y respect. (Mrkpf [:uuf‘lu'r has been . ,l 'IIJLIII «Mrkpl' Luau-er Imn nun £411”th wall: ”It “return; Carr, and all our worn on Wv mm mmmion to our comple‘m and atlmvlivu slm-k of Wlupvz, (;=l|’l‘)‘ Lumps, Brushes, Lap Robes, Nurse bets. Trotting A QL.:.- flu“... "Inc“ In“ cu." u ... V. V V. . _ Brushes, Lap Robes, llnrsu Nets. Trolling Horse linums, Bandages, Shin Boots, Quark-1 Bouts, 916., and respectlnllv re- quest all wlm rwluim gnmls in nur Him In mspm'l our slack bufore purchasing. The unted valsinr ()il, 8| pvr gallun. Ru. puiriom carefully anondml tn. THE OLD RELIABLE Tailoring H 0 11 S e Sl’l’l‘s‘ 01.11)!) 17" I.“ 1‘! 14.1'1‘12‘5’1‘ STi'LES o’l'l' SIIORT .V'li’l‘ll'l}. 0C \13' ropntutiov as a first-class “1- M‘nn . nnm \n WP” (is- workman iw now .30 won vs- tublislwd in this section that it is nut necessary that I should take up space in roc- ommvnding my work to ‘tl-f’c public. GUARANTEED FIRST - CLASS. "I \ll \vol'k nvny VOL. II. N0. 33 LAURIE.“ . M. CHASSELS I l .\‘.\'I ) NIAJHC u‘\11\1111’S\1LI LE. “my to Hence the Importance of a. well Regulated Time-Piece. ”wt-class stock, “’3 can give a to! harms-m for SUMO. . WIL‘ISE a» 60., Famouvule. aka this uppurmnhy of letting 0U! lid (HIMOIDM’M mu! friends know m1 dun“: business, and that We n-gn- pluck on hand 0! both wing!” m.- huruwu,whwh Wu guarantee HAND MADE ltlil’.\ll£l.\'(fl* \\' I N nnnnnnon thm rc-purml than on Mom in Farmersvillo for nwmsih- Hm mil am! up! mpuir of hz‘mh mm. and kw}. ynur feet dry. unomlml to ‘prnmptiy. Prices to sun the hard umus. SI‘I‘TTACLI‘JS. 3 F319. (’1 0 W'- L‘S, (‘14)(‘k1‘g and J cwellel‘y. hiHLIR m m u x ETT, HF w the mnst stylish ”M the. bust 1mm; CELEBRATED I! A RN F," 'l‘, want on. mukv Hm mum-at hunt in l"nrnu'r:4~ I") II r [0 t I." T!!!) ‘ unblv "nu“ :srzrz: Farmenvllle Circuit. law. 0. llncorflprmnr. ‘ l-‘auucum'u.x.u.- Summh wrvhw in “IN luuth Church at man n. In. and 7 p. In. Public . rayonmmmm 'l‘hunulay ovonhm u! 7.31).. “In, hr North (.‘hurch. null Yumu; l'coplc'u Int-ct- lnu Sutlmluy cwnlnu u! 7.21). ‘ ; Sunday Svhunl u: 2.3) p. m hum-um Fisher. l Supm-lulendmw ; LAKE luwmuut 1.30 5m... and Hummnx'flm ' 8.15 L "1.. Sunday. June mm. and every altern- utu hublmlh llwrouflm'. ' ELHHM, 11m»... mu! 'l‘nwnms' m 3.15 1”“. Sunday, .I unrmnh. .unl owry ultrrnutv Sabbath ‘ than-“Hun ‘ wAuuuuuss‘s and Ham: lsnmhaltm-uuwly Friday en “mi.“- ul 3.30. ‘ Church of England. l‘umwr u c‘mtm‘u. um: up“, hunt. munArullwm-mum mm UN In the umnm, m mum: m. Holy ul‘tur morning pmyvr. Service I M'vumu cl! 7. Sunday fivhuul at :5 vim: mcry 'l‘hurpduy m Izmmu. Sc-rvicv in Hm Hum!“ (‘hurvh rfim'nmg m n... Juno liillu. Rev. 3:31"):WnV-diii-nduy ovoniuu at New. H. Mlumuu. palslnr. The following libel on the fair sex was handed in by a young man ofthis neignlmrlmod, who was very anxious to (we it published. He did not say what member of the hated sex had jilted him. We wil‘i give up his name m any co‘unuitteo ui‘ladios who demand it for the purpose of taking his scalp : Baptist. Sunday svrvims m 7 «Ma; mm. Junv 27th and July 2.3010111"de I'ruyvr um! [II'MM' un-umm .......w “unnumdm- mvmmm at 7. All welt-mum AM Hum, sogenmt moon. Thu! ’with such luveiyJum) Dust look upon the earth, Ado-op in night’s cmbmuu ; 'l'v'll me. in it” thy round, “as: than not 5mm some spot or Iuir Where mnrml man is from Fm”: hronms and pulling hair? Behind a cloud tho munn withdrew in Wn Mu] with Voice chvt, but sad, ruslmndu No. A «hanger driving .into Farnmrs- ville from the east, west 02' north; would he very lilwly tn think from :11» pcgu‘anoos that tho village pnscvm-d ho mannfzu-tm'ing industrizfi; but, if M" should come from the gouth, he would no mnnnfzwturing imlustribs; should 0mm from the gpnth, conclude that quite an manufacturing \‘ilhlgo was M The, tall smoko atm‘ks 'nf carding mm. Middlotbn's mill, and Saunders‘ grist. conclude that quite 1m extonmw manufacturing Village wns hpfm'o him. The tall smoke amcks ‘nf Gordon‘s carding mill. Middleton's planing mill, and Saunders’ grist. saw and shingle mill. and chooac hox manufac- ml‘y, to be seen in the distance. bear evidence that there is an extensive manufacturing husinoss carried on within our borders. Some 25 years ago Horatio Robeson erected a. stone building near the old grist mill. This wits used as n hnmm‘y for M number of years by Mr. Robeson and others. when it was converted into n shingle mill, hy Wm. J. Saunders, who in turn sold mu to T.\\'. Rush. who for a limo carried on an oxtyfllvonmnufac- tnrv nf butler howle Ind all kinds of ((H'V fl yvare I 31T.‘A‘. Mr. M m (‘ ll malu pmmiu 4 and lnxsims~.l‘1mn:' season ho trawlm] a 20 x 82 annex the stone building and; exchnngt d Mi 10 Tun-so power cnginv for «mo of double“: My. Un visiting thv factory a fe dun ago. wo found this vngino‘ running mmothh and it lmv mg been. built with a \ivw of mommy in the “w nf fm-l v0 “or" unrpn- ml to 8913‘ the Mean) speiml h gumrutul tu 80“) manure with but four on’imm cordwoml flicks and a bu-hol of 31m inch In the winter the exhaust mam Tell me. than scorn Haul-- 0, Tell me llnpe and Faith-- Is there no resting placv. me woman‘s worn and hate? led them nu happy spot It’hm’c mortal mun may sen Ills hmls flml n balm, Himsvlf lrm'n woman [we ? nitll, Hope and anu, lwst [mum to mam kind given, 71n’ml their bright wings mul amwcrml. \‘es. in lmuven. Tel! mu, yc winged wim was r tho p: ‘Mlctn 033301! DIRECTOBY. OUR MORNING STROLL. NO- VIII. Prosbvterian- Methodist. A PARODY. T) Ht \ 9L. N..lnn1- um mm smut“ um. Ilnlv ('w Farmersville, Wednesday. August 18th. 1886. )wle and Im hmim n Mr. I ”tn-rm: n] (‘mmuuuinu very Smuluy 30 um. Err scum all t'rvu. 11m“ "l mum; busin’e in 185‘ hands lijnl. f “whim 1 his in used to heat the hetery.’ audit in the intention to put in more piping in the second story l0 u to heat the whole building by rtea‘m. In the low- . or flat is ‘ situated the ordinary Wood turning luthes and the large circular saw need for preparing the row' mater- ial fbr the different articles turned out in the establishment. ‘ in the south end of the building is situated the machine for turning out butter bowls. it These are made from largeelm blocks. 7 2} feet long and 18 to 24 inches in { Miami-tor. ihe 0100K is Bret ‘BllWll l:through the centre and one piece is i put in a l he. It is made to revolve with grea velocity, and a chisel held l in a strong iron frame is deftly appli- ed to it by the workman. In an in- credibly short spate of time a hemis- pherical block is out from it; from this Wenother is taken, and a bowl is pro- Edueed, one half a block sometimes making three or four bowls. This branch of thehusiness has been lying dormant for same time, owing to the power not being sufficient to run the ' 1 whole of the machinery in the mill, I but now that ample power is assured, ; it will be taken up again, and as these , bowls find a ready market, there will I be a large number got out for the spring trade. There is anually turned > out by this establishment a large, I quantity of newel posts, banisters, ‘ ; cabinet turnings, whiflletrees. nook- '_\'ult'es, mallete,‘ rolling piusfiizc. As- ‘ cending to the second story, we found it shtin‘g and planing machine. and a webine of peculiar construction, in- ' exited nrd made by Mr. Middleton. for cutting the tenous for door frames. Mr. Middleton is thinking of taking in ,n partner and entering into the door, ‘i bush and blind manufacturing, extenâ€" ii‘l’t'el), \‘v'iu'n all the machinery is .placod in position, the shop will re- quire quite a few hands to attend to all the difl'eront departments, which 3 Will add very materially to the popula- ‘ ltion of the “flats." Mr. Middleton , than labored under a great dimdvuntâ€"I 5'? i age the past year, in being’jdelayedl "v 1 through the't'nilure of the mn’traetors‘ rlito put his engine in position by the, time specified; but now that every~l thing is in readiness, we may expect [to see livelyjtimes around his estub. ‘lisllmf‘llt. ‘ , i Our morning stroll, like everything; '; else, must come. to an end, but we go 3 hack to worklfoeliug that others have I luhor as well as ourselvvs; that labor t'~ i is the lot of men; that the heart may *1» l conceive, and the head devise in vain, if the hand is not prompt to execute i the design ; that work is necessary to i preserve. the soeiul and moral well-he- : in}; of society; that idleness and sloth beget poverty and degredntion; and, lthat, by an all wine dispensation. not ionly men‘s physical nature, but his ; intellectual as wellmequire that he put u. ‘ forth daily exertion. whether it he at itlm nm‘il, the hour-h, in the lie-hi, or “‘1‘ , at the desk, it mailers little. except in Men fur us mluptahiliiy in concerned. , lint one eh-nnnt is (:Sfielillltl, and that tin, (but nmn shall H'urk. Refuse to he {guided by this principle and man 3 must heeonn- u failure ; make work the 'rule ol'hie life and in.“ ril'orts must ”‘fll’ eventuully HllUICI‘OWllL‘d {with success. in, g Bidding our readers good bye for the p, ;1wkut. we hope to he uhle in the near H} future. to give them on account of un- j other morning stroll. H I! U' 15'“ r 7 i Louclih mored, seconded by Koeler. that a special prize of $5.00 be given i for the best pnn of sheep. (1 ram and l (3 females) .in all the classes of sheep. f Carried. 3, chler moved, seconded by Lee, l that a special of $151M} be given an 9 best (‘ollvclinn ol‘honcy. To be. $7.00, 55 00, $3.00. Carried. IA 0 moved. Foeondcd by Forlh‘ s that the society oll'or a special 0! $30.. '00 on trials of speed, (stallions Farr led.) Curried. " KS‘A list of all the special prizes UNIONVILLE *ST' A list nl‘nll tho npeoial prizes! nfi‘vrod will nmwur in two waks. ’ w- llvlldwing is me list m‘judgos in ‘ the llifl‘urvm classes for this ymr. Al copy of this number of the R spon'tlml will be mailed to all the judges. whol will Home nocopt thin as a formal in- ' \‘ilulmn to act. Judges will please re~| -,.l_-.' L} Inmi . ml. um inter than Sept.‘ In, if ”my will accept or, not.' than tlw lmnrclmmy lill any \‘doaviciesf Horses-‘4 to 13. Geo. Hutton, Bruce McNiol. Rnbt. Kyla. Nurses-11 to 20. “Harmon Lunch.l John N. Joym, Geo. Let. I "ulstcillfiwfiylu‘y linsmn, Dam Nirhohl. Akx Atchvson. ‘ maulr A Baken MM. Armmmm What! Pratt. St * Kepnrtm‘ {FAIR ASSOCIATION. Leicester and Grade sheer-SJ. T. Johnston, S. Frayne, Andrew Fair- bairn. . Doivm-J seph (300k, Gen. Tucka bulky, Just} ollorlsoniu _ {Ninthâ€"R. Peer, Rich. Johnston, Rich. Hunton. jr. I‘oultn)-â€"â€"Nch~on Forrester, Chas. Loviny, Byron LovoIiu. ()rainâ€"Thns. Ay res, Thos Small. Arm Wilma. Boothâ€"Albert Abbott. John Pat- terson. Hem-y Davis. Fruit and VGRCtuthsâ€"Thnq Korr‘ (‘1 run \VrinM If m. 1):... .‘HL ,... Dairy Droductsâ€"T. \Ianamum, John Culbem A. A. Davis. Ladies' workâ€"~20 to end. Mrs. Juo. Watrous. Mrs. W. Bailey, Mrs. Thus. Mitchell. DomesticsL-l to 19, Thus. Mitchell Mrs. C. Wright. Mrs. J. l). Rgdmug‘d 5 Ladies’ milk-#1 to 10, Mrs. Dr. Wood, Mrs. Juo. Armstrong, Miss Martha Davis. Arts and manufacturesâ€"Dr. Ilor- ton, Prof. Gordon, S. ,J' Smith. 11“ lg] g, DUI. Bhuumrv l, 'V "I- D'Uilu)’ m lemems~ Walter McDoug Jas. ’ritchanmd Wm. Davis. Carriages and leather ~â€" Wm. Layng, Sol. Mnnhnrd, Wm. Symoy. A_ The final revision of the votersf’iist under the Dominion Franchise Actfor the municipality of Bear Yongo and Escott, wok hlnce in the Town 11311 here, on Friday hat. J. B. Saunders was appellant on behalf of the Re. formers, and David Bows, of Gamm- oquo. appellant for the Conservatives. The [ta-formers were represented by II. M. Brown as solicitor, and the Conservatives by free. Taylor, M P. The court did not open until nearly 5 pm, and was coutinued without in. Lei-mission until all the cases were dis- fiosed of. The following charges were 1made : USU “'81'9: {USO manez-muom. l1 c'hangceMD ("onuoll ; Florence -mistukm for a lad)", put on Mackio, should boJasu; John )u‘rss‘. changed from owners , Coxsnnvmvm added to the list 1-- Thos. Din-ling, Jas. Johnston, Kon- ‘Aeth Addison and Jaw. Barkley. Rmommns ad4le414~John Churchill, Jas. Lightlmll, Thos Connors. Jam. “4'. 3101110134. B. J. 81111114191311. (3. 51011911, John June, Howard Kelsey, Henry Le“ 19 (741113an mv ES stun 141 OR: â€"-T Alche- son, R. H. Gamble, T110118. Webster, A. W. Bannister, \Vm. Bolton. Wil- lard Weeks, Ed. W1130n, Rich. Bolton, Whldis Stewart. Arch.‘ Johnston, G. ‘W. Bristnw. \Vm Hewitt. jr.. W. Fi114ll),F. 111114lly,'l‘l1o<4.“41141911141011 : {11011111111449 shuck OWNâ€"I) 81mm Arzn I’a1isln‘311d,ll.'pl‘u 1111,11. 111111- ‘hnim Jae. Denney. leng II11g11b00111 The {01101111141 corrections in the list 141919 also 11141419: wRobt. B. Cornell, 14141411441411 1‘11(04111(ll; 1“1clo1(11(ch1nlv§. tu‘rss, changed from owners- to ten- nnts; Chas. Hull and Herbert Hull, changed to Lzmsdovmc rear; Wm. Findlpy, chungnd to lmnsdowne roar. A number of appeals from both R:- rommnsnnd Coxsnavmvna to put on wcm abandoned. The decisions; of the Revising nmcer, Judge McDonald, gave universal satisfaction to all con- corned. Farmersvme High School Examinations From the (wow it will he men than a large proportion of thaw whn wroto for the recent examinatiom hnn- 1mm "plucked.“ Both the examiners and Scholars were nearly unnninmua in their condomnntinn of tho charm-earn of name of the papers: Ryan the (m1..- censured very strongly (hr manner in which the culmination vapors wrre profiared. To tho unmet-mum! can- didates we can only my. “Try again. better luck next time." ' In Another column «Wears the ad- nf‘ the Rrockvillo Bmmess ('nllvqn. We are informed that nearly tfm hundred ntndonts have been in m- wmlnnm during :he won your, mun, .q‘whnm r-nmo hug dinlam‘om. Burh n m-IIFFC‘ nu 1M; milvgo ofl‘ma i.- jun Hm mm; nw-It'ul for may 3mm: man We no hundred vvn-hm‘o ul‘ Wham n (a-III‘M‘ um Hung me 01' Woman «2! nr Rnnmn “2hr. («ppm to on”, .71)- lminbss M to (arnthoirnwn living Write for their PITCNIM‘. ”acid“. 'usinou Collage. TEE FRANCHISE ACT. John and Jams zal Julin Guaranteed Circulation, 500. Grain in Russia is rotting in the fields owing to prolonged rainy wea- the". Edited by tho Scissors and Paste The London Times consume the Belfast Omn much for their refusal to submit to the authorities. Six barns and their comentl wore destmyod by lightning, during Frlday night. in Jefferson (30., N, Y. a pieée of 'mw p'ntntchw 1L TU-IIHWCS the ink crush and causes a. smoothzflow of ink. A. recently published list of wedding presents i_u a _rural paper] mung. tr‘From fathev and mother 6f the bride, one Jersey calf; from bride to groom, hair wrea th made {rum hair of her en- tire family, and also six fine shirts‘; from Brother Elias, one book of" poems, one dream book. one ‘l'nlitc Letter-Writer,’ and n. dog; from Aum [Km-rim, six hens and a master. also one jar of tomato ontsup; from Cousin Say-ah, one ppem made up by herself an" the bride and groom, fifteen verses in all. A young widow whose husband had' been dead a. month, and whom she had 1 always supposqd to be free from small 1 “003‘ mm ,m’orllnnling~ his elmhca tho other day. She found a largo plug"of tobacco .in out pocket. “0, George 1 Ge She exclaimed de- npniringly, “you and I will never meet in the good world I" In Knotlwr pocket ol'chaqmc garment. she found h lil'u'l insurance “policy for $5,000, 0! which she lmd lu-foro known nothing, and she hnrst forth oxultzmtly :~«“(l, yes wehillg! we will! llcnvm will furl give him his one little fault l The final, total abstinence plmlgc nfl'crol for signature in Ontario was ‘ismod in 1530, in I’rinoc Edward i lounly, by Frmn-ix Davis, {who rc- H-cntly (“Ml at l'xln'idgo.“ The 25 iporsons who signed it were publicly Eilnnmmcodly tln‘ minihtor (it) the: oil‘- louit. At Summersido, RE. 1.. a young man, who was the worse for liquor, was annoying a young: woman who was taking: part in a Salvation Army servicm As he refmed t0 desist a tall, powerful woman, alsn n mmnlmfint‘ the Army, threw hbr. loft ln'md round his neck, and with her right fist imatghim until the policeman took him away. amid cheers of the people. Thu great dry devk on Vnn00nvor Island is now nearing camplctiOn. An idea of the magnitude of the work mav be “Maillot“! from the fact that a idea of the magnitude (it the wmk mav be obtained from the ”(act that II pmson standing on the hottnm of the duck is 75 {mt below high“ water Inmk. Tlu- ColmIM however, says that, the «look is too short tn‘acoom- mndute the chm-4 of ships which Sir Juhn inIiIIIzItoul it “as the intention of the Imporml Governnwnt to subsidizd fin the trade of the Uncut lmniued an hour. ~~Ifrrnrdrr§ ' Various portions nt‘ tho Province lowly in the spring \wro Visited by a {man selling small p. : pm-kagvs, tlio cuntonts m' “\zich .9 warmmml tn ‘dostmy potato hugs. The pm-kngu lvnst ‘25 outta. and was n'prusontt-d to fcmitain enough pmuler to kill all the flmgzs that could timl {noting ml n‘u [rm new of pntntm‘k. l‘nrvlmsnrs worn :zulviyml not. tn opt-n the pnvkugcdw. iron» the time t'nr using, in the preparâ€" wHicm would Inu- its stmngtli. .‘lnmo nninl-vr nt' pi-rsom bought. the until the policeman toox mm away, mnid cheers of the people l Brown, who mailed the notices to thui Voters :1 )poalud against, was so ill as Th“ WNW dry “Oi‘k (m VMM‘WOTHO preclude the poesihility of his at- Islnml is now nearing COlllplOilOn. An 1 tending court, but Mr. Brown. the idea 0f ““3 magnitude 0" the WOW barrister, prosctited an affidavit from may 1’0 “l‘mlllt‘d t‘rmn ”"3 fillet ”'“l ll Mr. limwn‘ testifying that the notic~ Pl‘i’soll Standing 0" ll”! lltlti’nl“ Of the (is \vorp Intopeylv "inlll‘d. blr. 'l‘aylnrl ‘h‘l‘k l“ 7'5 ““4“ below high “M” our M.P.. {wk list-option tn the atlida- "‘“l'k‘ Th“ C“l“”l“t‘ I‘OWL‘W“ says-i \‘it; and wnntml to ~crosncxumino Mi. that, the ”00k is "‘0 "mm m ““0““ lBrOWn. This l.'ttll;9tl the Court. tn go module the ohms ut' ships which Sirim the had of .‘lr. liruwn, nml them Jnhn intinmtml it Wag the intention of Mr. 'l‘arlor 814““an ,0, break tho the Imperial Governnwnt to sulmidizu (‘Vitk‘fltrtl “f Lint-sick mmifi'l‘hc attempt. for the trade of the Oxicnt. = only gave Mr. 91133.1(". his labor for his After a somewhat chequered cm‘ovr 1 pairs, Mr. llmwix «till survives and the Great Eastern seems at last to horas tn‘ be able to pay .our Ottawa. have n thir chance of a'flg'roon and use; i representative fur the hmmr,‘ ot' this fnl olcl ngo. IIcr (it-bu? at .ivorpool ljmhcinl visit when the proper timu ax a limiting temple of nnmsemmit. hnq l mmos. proved so successful that, hilt‘ is to bc- " come a poripntctic variety show under OUR CEMETERY. the wgis of Captain William Holland, ‘ . "M" who will take the nautical drama nn- l 3”“ ”WW" 5 ,, M. ,g ow- dot his fatherly protection. and after Dam Sm,â€"â€"-Thcre iis one thing for steering his ship to vintory on tho which the citizmm of Farmcruville and liritish coasts. will finally takchortn its vicinity are to he noted, the the Colonies. where she will serve to worse than disgraceful ( l was oing remindthc Greater [Britain of their to Say heathgninh) neglect 0% the “-386 experiences at South“ licnsing- vonwtory. whbm lie the remains of ton. those whom they loved in life. and in . - I 0.! I 0 'AJ , I A good pun-“Apex uu blue Fully 1,500 people assembled~ nti the C.P.R., whart‘luat night. to wooiw the oxcursnn from Ogdonahurg and Prescott. It was nearly nine o’clock when the Rothesay reached hcro, haw-3 ing on board about 400 excursiunixu. The party was aocompnnied hy the Prescott. (Mdf‘gllnws' hand, which played a couple of pii‘cm in from of the ~vaero II-uusv. The party rc- mnincd .11 hour. ~â€"Rmrrdrr.' ll‘Q" ll! twice. The the Cmmm this (“€wa dawn lml’or. The nomad rm hour an mmcu.‘ Win (ram. , ITEMS OF INTEREST. Assault on a .agistrflo.‘ )“W‘H fits! .mlt. :nnk plum u! In-ial onw. Mum: Mm :, “hm he “‘3! knnc 1-4 1' fl “‘Hl‘li hilt! Neén Sp . mu tommittrd about half ‘hmumls n' ”L" railwav Aug. ll.~«' who Wm In ntm‘k. I'nn‘hnst‘rs wm-q » opt-n the pm-kugoflw. fur using. m Hm propur luw its strougth. A M‘ lwl'erfl houuht UH n: Wmmwg was Minn“ tank Nam ‘uliCC 3'32“ :0 twin: trv U||-“I A m-kngo ntvd 10 all the “II nil Events of tpo “muting kinship» Oathoud by Our M Wily-awake Oars-03min". ~ L' .. Hm Mr Richardson, of Lyn. pm {:(hod lure last Sabbath ahemuon. I I..- .- The most of Our {hrmcts Mm a binder to out their grain and are making short work of harvest. ‘ ' Messrs Cromwelldz Bunsluilhuvu pun-chasm an improved “Cl'mu” Number and commenced worc last week. . Work On the railroad has been sus- pended in this vicinity, through diffi- why in securing tho right of way A tine lot of grading 11113900“ done an lots Mcnrnmey & Smith are dniug ooil husiuusa in roof painting. They mm been doing quite a good mule in Brnckville, and every one semun well pleased with the work. We have been shown a niece of llm mpe that was used in the anging of Lnuis Riel. It seems, from its appear anco to have been equal to the cmcr- bb‘lkll ‘. ' D I I l Hnyxng is over m tlus section, with the exception of Thomas Robinson's. The crop is good. Full wheat is an exâ€" tra. crop. Georgo Tncknbcrry is the first to thrash; we have not heard how it. yielded. \n - - . .. A .1 - 13......1. Your rcgu‘lur correspondent of Del- ta almost casts :\ slur on our “local physicians" in speaking of Mr.’;’l‘op- ping's cancer. The writer of these lines carries a.- slight mark " upon his! face by the removal ni‘a cancer by mm of these s-nne “local physicians." At the court of revision, on Frid’ny, the Judge allowed the name of Mr. W. Smith to be snhsmuled for that of Mr. L). Dunhnm. the appellant. now dronascd. His: Honor vxplained that this 01190 difl'crml frnm the Brmzkvillo. ‘innsmnch am the original appellant. Mr. ‘hunlmm was duly l unlined to not in ‘thnt capacity, and that, therefore, in i the “inmmst of justice" he would per- {mh tho sulwtit‘nt‘on. Tho conserva- tlivos were succvssl'ul in getting ono new mum on {he lisfiwith none struck 011', while the rel‘ormcrs had fum'tvcn ‘now numos put upon the list and thfr liven names dmpped ofl’. Mr. Omar W. H. Dunhnt, sr halo. lm! E Hunt ‘ “vanish"! nglo 0M lurown sh Ntmnuvr ‘ in; ”IN momur) more v HMS 5:0 JII'. I'DNM' .' Dam Sm,â€"--Thore {is one thing for which the citizmni of Farmcraville and its \vii'itiity are to he noted, the worse than disgraceful ( I was going to any heathcnish‘) ncglcct 07‘ the vomotory. whom lip the remains of those whom they Inved in life. and in death mourned with longing sighs and tears. \Vero it poasiblo, I think tha «10ml would almost. rise from their gravo. and with skeleton hands try to upmot the thisilvfl and clear the rvfusie which hides tlwir last restin places from tho chewing rays of« ny and the eyes ot‘forgetfnl friomia and re- latiwa. Ottt‘ noun-try iii the one great. oyvmro. mu] a hint nn nnr otherwise vhnrming villngm mid hmvit. can his thus lv'ft is more than I can conceive. chm rmtim: down! graves caving: «hmmuu: vumgr. m: thus Mt is mono than Foncm rmting down in? ! thinks and Woe new prop mm ting it pointed to .111ch to flu: nmnny firms Manon. Farmvux il'w, Aug. 13th “'1' “‘0 MIN“ 13' in MTG?“ Willi ”VI new! m‘ the «rm-r. but think his eon sure l! docidpdly ton mild. TL:- nt-ur .--,f‘ om- perm-wry should PM!” fl'Nthh "-f dunno 9“ {ha (hook of «or: cut.) enl «limmn Karon" COUNT-X NEW rythin ”I“ it Ell"! Mll‘ Grecnbush. ks and wveds everywhere!!! m tumbling Mmutin every lvcrc-pitmle : brush and over- ngglmg bushes um] trees, in whim: calculutod to give a tlu- idou that we have mm. m: vm'o fiw, and that Hm 1(‘ uur dmr mum is Worth no m 0r “Kimble” "0W lnng is a: to In“? (‘nn nothing In! ”Ewe UM entrain «m our r015“- In the name of common if fur nothing 4-199. lot snmr. dmw. A trifling ammmt ‘h {Amity "rpm-outed than, a lung way. if mrcmlly ex- md l h-vl eunl'uh-M them ix ivit vnnhflh in all nf‘ our chit. In snmmhing if Hm matter upcrly attended to. Lz-t n M culhul. a ommniuoo be ap- Eo n’nlivit mMcriptiom and , the proper cxyendituro of and 0 Dolm. is again quito

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