The Party larmlnnl by I Wilnnn~apln Aloe Blld to be The". A Chicago dowpatoh ans: In the Anorohm um! yesterday, H L Gunner. a ointer. zoninad than no oniVed as the uymmket M 4 45 o‘clock. An Ibo corner of Desplunea and Randolph aureeto. he saw the Whpgun «owned by the rpeokera. Fnelden won opening. The wiluoaq sow Iomo one [one we wagon and ares) towards the alley. when four or the person were oonvening. Witness W59 at tho mambo! tho alley. AI Obot moment tome one oriod out “Here come: ‘he poles." Thou the mun who bod Ion me waggon and joined the ponies in the alley In. much out]. placing“ against some- thing hold in tho bond at one of uho «com. o [nu bouun to ï¬zzle.†ond mmodluely flan-ooh" the bomb was thrown. Witness was abowu the pioante of Bob-noon ond rooogniaad it on In“ of mo mun who threw the bomb. “ You any 3 man came tom the wmno: aniju‘ued Ohio group. on: you recogmza ox-y of the dotondomo besidao tho! mun ?" “ Yer. than in the msnvpomtiog at Spica." When 8pm» woo aimed om he displayed “to“ and pulp. lo oghotion. " Do you toaogniss may of tho tom-ï¬ning defendant- oompoaing on] pun of tho. group? ' " You, um moo than I» on. of the grow." The witum Qolntod on! Fioo‘nuy (Limo: nid he wwâ€" â€"---.-â€",~- H ~~~~~~~ pup-Lie ug‘ltstion. " Do you roangnize tn’y ohha tom-iniug defendants oompomng may put 0! tin! group? ' " You, tbs! mm men III on of mo grown" The ammu- pointed out Fischer. (Lima: nid be though! he a“ Bobwnb an: the wagon Oonnnl (or Ibo detondsun nhnrply arose. Inmiued minus ban was b.» 1! d In every point The Annonma. pawnulsrly Bpi. a ï¬nd l-‘mohu. apps-rad to be complouly borne down by the dummies ohunler ol Ibo ovidonor. Sand for 88 500 for hbel mad loan of and: duuahwx'a services. Mr. Aemanong and E iz. wiH joinaly am Mr. Brunmll Boom for 85,000 for assault and wrongful dork-Minn or nmprioo mam of OM ail‘l. nu! for loss of he! IQIVIOOI. Than Elam will me Dr. Smith (or 05 000 on 3 chap 0! sauna“ and cunning dmuu be“: of mind em! body. The prehminlty stop. in the unit. ha" 3" bun “Ion. III.- 'l'nlu I’OIICIIIOI at the Village. torhe end cued et by the LOH thoroughly excited negroee. They mt d et seen other in e lrightened trey. end men there wee e eimuiteneone bro-k tor the cehin. ttt which the cook hed prepered the meal. 8!“th them et the door. brandishing e ler‘e knife. A wild lightâ€"lite that 0! e mentec ngleemed tron: her cyce. The cm d penned en the knife wee flouriehed 0 or their‘ heede. ell but one. at women, who rushed lorwerd with e enrich. " My obtld ; whet beve you done With my child?" There was no enewer from the old econ. " I left it here in, her cherae.†cried the haired mother. eppeellng to the lriende, ehout her. “Where it my child? See her killed it." With ï¬endish yellt the duly ermy. tired by her eg nmnu criee. bore down upon the cook nd to eptte 0| hertrentio struggled torethe knife from her green. Evidence of the murder were ebout them. there wen blood on the floor end the tthc wee emeered with it. The livtnu child wee not here to be eeen, but in it» piece wee e portitn o! it little humen body wniah hed heen teken treat the oven. Pieces of fleeh bed been carved from it. The excitement emouu the eeerohere we, of the wildest kind. They tore everything to piecee in the cebin tn their lury. he» plain enough thet the old womenhen murdered the child there, and had cooked, bell of the body. ’Where tree the other hell? There were drops of blood IOPOrb the floor. Some one. 133‘ excited than the rest, followed the tell-tele treil. I, led to n barrel juet outside and behind the ehenty A shout informed hie oompenione that the winning portion hed been to nd. They rushed out to ï¬nd htm pulling t tram the barrel. where it hed been eeltrd down. Then there wee e general cry lorvengeeno. end the fret ziod ehoute reng through the trees. Some augmented lynching. but there wee no rote. Oohere wanted to heck her in pieces with the name knife the“ tool; the life of the little child. SH" enother cued “ Burn herl‘ and the ory was taken up and repeated until all ll] the award crown Were crying " Burn her! burn her 1" She fought like It wild brunt. She crouched. end struggled. and uwd her tseth enn hernia. But her motors wan too runny to cope wrth ecoaeeetully. on.) the wen led out to the eleughter htotrnu end ehrteking. They dragged her to a tree and bound ha r tightly to it. Then they heeped brueh around her and ï¬nd it in e deijï¬ planâ€. A circle ol tire l-urrounded her. and trom the mldet of it eho begged for mercy one moment end ehrielted her imprecetiOnu the next; and around her wood the excited negroea wetohmg the flemee ea they eourohed her flseh end eeizad upon her clothing end enveloped her in e eheet of ï¬re. It wee a mono too terrible to paint. but not one of them took their eyee from her until the fell into the eehoe a blank- ened corpse. The women wee undoubtedly insene. Lord Temglrmore bu and. hi- Dal:- broody taunt- un cal-o! 15 per cent. nduoaion. Eur- polioo. to the number 0! eighty- nu. bun beau drafted into Kill-may. 3nd 5 lmo number bus Illa been duh. into Konmuo. Everywhere in Onlow Oh. buns. pro:- pum no mo" onoonnmng. Pontoon and can no III-1y to be exceptions!†hnvy noon On July 9th In old man: mmtd John Clarke while cum his dinner in Ibo home of a reluive in rem street. Droghedb. vul- choked by n pieoo 0! men lolglcg II III mo». A: $72.13!: .‘.'r::;:.~.. Hugh Daisy. :. :5:- mn, churned with hnving murdered [m wih by kicking her to dumb n Blue! Wannewn on M-y mm. was union.“ to poplyonitndgkt 1m. A [amenable ccounonoo my re one! [tom spgddnle. than ï¬fteen mile (rm Gunny. Dr. Brodie. saw-pun" doctor. tho! his wife while “Rating from he wound drink. to winch ha bad on “Idiot-e. . Luuou, yesterday, July v -b, vhf. In a v» in no in “one". Q "rm at $0: Doloulrg w w. Lvebmr-n. Mum. Iph the" Inn nnd nmdo Int '11! d- H? .c 1.. 0m: Itch. up. wl mb In the [v I \u "woo. own-m Iy ueulm. on sin p .0. done i, Thu "It.“ our-«II but â€In-M "mu. own 'In no“ fled in uh amor- Ihno. Tnnoimnono acuiaugd mm 9 inn olmbsd Ibo hm ~90“ and o. guppy-“blowout. on GM M I." Wanna. There W» a nun-non wb ob quickly apt-end into a panic. A Many onmnumw otoaher plum: wn mudu. Mum flugua were topud. and waged a! um“ thus wuc Tho Honmud Pooph Own the Woman A'WCr A Suzanna-h. 0... do. toll ml: The full account of the Turn I moor) «nub» oflnir no on lotion: A low «yo no mum- of rho colored 9909!. to tho lower and at we county held 3 promo. Tho, had Qua-god nu. cook nod general uvcruor o! rho concur) deportmnur an old nuro worn“. Oreo: prophnlionl had bun mod. tor rho tntivr Iros nod rho upon no high. II mu s hungry bond that goth-rod tor dinnrr sod own-nod the autumn. II I“ round or Inn. and tho merry-mot." toll to VIII: 3 will. Hardly bod the cdrblen begun Io dio- oppur.‘whon u trongo hmh fell upon rho boruroronu swag: on hsd been uer came 5 piano at most. r or along :0 a onion-3" rutw I30 .0. 10 did u». look lrku uuyouiug he had ; ever seen come I u a tryrugyuu buturo and he showed h i nongbbgr. The other loukud at n ntteutively hr a 11».wa " [r is the ï¬nger of a child." he and. _ __ Ohud Uuukv'd d Sorvad to a l’u-n Party WHO 'l‘llllls“ 'I‘lllï¬ INDY!!! ¢ â€on 'l‘uu- I'an In I. tin"... A HOB Latest [mm I rolnnd AN INIANI “.03“... nag} LE DISH. A run 0! null: Ari-lug on oi the Pill null-Ar-eeren' Cue. A Landon cable aey~z The Evening New says the mean“ of E in Armucrong. the young girl who ï¬gured no eouepieuonely in the Pall Mall Gamte exposures, he've arranged to arms eui: let 840.000 demegee Minion Mr. Blend. the fogmer editor n! the Gasem. its publn hem and General Bowie, 1 n e Salvaflon Away. The eleim will be for Lbel on the ain‘a pecan“ and far eeuenll lug the am! i. The action lbreelened by 3 Arm ‘tronge unbruoes eix unite. Elise pr $‘Uhtfl to mu Mr. Steed for $5.000 tor libel. amault end [else immleoumem. end Mr. Tramp-up. the yroptietor, end Mr. Lem- ben. the punter of the Gazette. together for 85000!†libel. The pmenee o! the girl uneven to we Messrs. Tnompaou end Lambert rm 8? 500 tor libel end Mr. mamin bruit-g about a "new reign of law," to use the phrase made popular by the Duke's hook. Tue military demon- .m-ariuna made again†the oroftern last year, while ll put a stop upon xi :lenl bu rouse. has not been so to lowâ€! up by strict and impartial admibiuration as to secure the regular Optrotwn of authority on that inland. counqueutly the par [Abka have not been paid i-wr in a great part of Sky». and ruoenily it inn been tunnd neooalary {or the local haukera and propuetora to advances waney to carry on the p o.- touaea, in ordor in promo. yaupwm from actual ‘starvatmu, while many or the rohoolmaucurn through out tim island have not race-ind tazair unpaid for news timo aet. The impor- tauon oi the Tires troublga. in the mind of the Duke, realdrs in their representative character. as they aim ly give local expres- sion to the general iutnrhanoo of idou throughoul the Blitiah inlondo. Among Ovraaiu clutter. of the: population. tho tonne land and rights of proputy in laud-looked at from this pointâ€"are of more impartanoo than might be irforred from the direct con- fusion and troubla canned by them. and the Doha io inclined to attrihnto them loan to any suffering or distress among tho people than to the spirit of agitation on those aub- j on; ruob In wan tinmuntod originally in the [mud States and since then in Great Bl‘illln by Mr. Henry George and his tol- lower». A Pachogne (L I.) dupnoh nya : L“! night tbll vumge was invnded by I pp mi»: 0' flying bug. The inaooll unmet! ' mob number: um I" the “am in Oh. friuripul business block were compelled to olow up .n hour before an and “no. 8.) long .9 n In!» unwind in the building: 'be huge kept up : caution-l “not upon mndon sud lamp globes. The ban van «mm ID inch long and mm qusnon 0! on inch in dinmuer. qiuh and shall, huh. IT. oIdouI inhabit“! never II' sunning I e n. A Lr‘ninme (KM dupmh up: It In unodmn I. [run 0.. w... boon form“ with I‘Mpi'fl 0 81000000 to eornu_!ho Sawwr .\- 8m. Cwomuui.,lnd E. 8 Tsylor. ot X-‘ turned us on» PI 0! we nyudieno. mod n in ma “no It". mum nv uenlv ull tho um» 0! 0h. yen: 1879 to 1N83. Inolnuvo. 00.0 77.000 butch. inlaid a“. few 3.). ago, found i’uemuelvel on a steamer returning win: a thud person. whom they unsaved u soon as the main- land was reached, the reason being no! of «my patients: connection wuh the up- rising of the archers. hm charged wiï¬h- one seaming of a ship many months ago and who hm been hvmg in patient â€tony e! Tu~ 0. become no consumes would venture to arrest him. - The" “‘i“ b: . verrsble " mnmmilnnot" ' m Nu: m»: Bunch P mum-m in tho person of hit. Insoa n 1Ҡmembufu Sooproy. whose bmimn aim in Non. Elna. nf Rama narcct. Hun luminary annbluahwcno II V0!) Inuhaonoblp nu pfoflhblr. Inn. Munich 1m chm! to flu 1| A'u n-...x u ..o . but on ma: P- I h‘l mm em a (0.010! the cam “nub" d m .ud that 'lml manner. 3-“ “MI: m» mouro pom-a bot ulh- .., In" Sump: Tho Museum to on u "m the In“ pm." pm! m but um mum. mm wall» at" a. no we â€the lo ammo" to u 0 or um". ml to “cum mt MI m In than. MI" I |IIWU ~ \ch his due \ E0, awn} ll V‘um 5. Cum h-thnbio k 0r; In M= Hr. hi‘ IN“). I‘ ohuuteflnll h. rl'mm-a n‘z l’ m A: II \0m x bnhh - ‘fltIU I10,“ w MAI much- to no The "nu m n poo mm mm in would lulu IO! The Duke does not expect there» will be any aeuoue enemy! It armed reeletonoe no the mliiiery force the Liberal Govern- ment has doepatobrd to restore order. A» an illustration in regard lo the condition l0 which the iulond boa been reduced. in 'ba Duke’s opinion. by the oporulion of the Lind Leaguu. be one» ebe one at two policemen. w_ho beingidriven out! of the The'Dale eteleu uhet lhte erolter ll eble to commend eepttel enough to enehlo hill: to rebe over eznoh end eultlvete e emetl delry term The term was held by e manly now settled in Anetrelt’e end dent. wall, The girl of this family III-bed to oeho the bra: but )0)â€. Sue bed to much heme "th the Duh" directed the term .0 he ml to her, but her brother. en rnuineer from New Zaeleud. perrueded her the! the wuum uu bearer there She went. teevwa the Kenn ‘veoem. The oruher referred to demred to lmpruve hue eondttlon end temtly by taking It. Be wee the brother of the auto President at the lcoel Free Lend Luegde. The members of the Lend Leegue were so tnoeneed et thie erep. which they regarded [to luhely to encourage lendlordiem. thet they ordered e hoyeont end sent threat- ening letters to the matter end the Dohe'e agent. whose life for some time wee ln danger. Furthermore they displeoed ton poet’tion the President at the Lead League e brother orotter, end tneteted met the lend should be broken up into .emell end Merle-g qnete holdings egem. It 1e the oeuvretlon o! the Duke the! the local Lend Leegue wishes to prevent enythh g like proaperone levelopmont to the tonnute in Three. the nope being common with Land Leagues ln Ire-lend end 0! eimilnr organizetione throughout Scotland to attach the prtuolr-la o! leudlnrdiem. A London «No up: The ass-uh, cm 0h. «clan n Tm: in «mm-u u «an sham. Hillary pup-nun“ on bows mud: I0 reduce aha Maud to obedi- ouu. It. Inci‘avlsna. m "on" non- ou who cu dotemd u n:- hm oloouonl. chin morning “not: 0b at. a! hull u- :pnpomihlolor sh. tron II II Turn. by council :inu Imull holding: luo gun: farms. eloby dumg groan win-Moo In th‘ ulsndeu. The Duke bu wallet: a bug! water, which an“ upped In thu Time to marrow, plumply ouuuudiotiuu the “union cf Ml. MucFule-na. Tau Duh annuonzm we nun-mean lb» the prowl trouble In dun to the determinniou OI tho Indium of Time to protco; one of tho cannula. no» mly 0 owner. against boycot- u'u_u by_tho loos! Lazy! Lat-sue. A dtï¬cul: jqb in before the new Govern- u bus? was DUKE aha no Tho Boycott and Agitation the Cum of tho Yroubfo. ARGYL U8 CROFTEBB. ELIZA‘H TURN NOW. A (one! In “I‘IIfVo tuck: bud UJUIWLL'ENQO) i. ‘ “Trivium... >pnnd like Wildï¬re. u! the whulc’nle pole oaiug at n {ionic party at MvN‘w'e I hurl. epic-rule reuurt dowu one harbor. The picnic With one hemhy the Bend 0! Hupe. :- “while temperance organizmun. lend the nbwndont‘u numbered prob .bly shoot 1 200, including blunt 800 email children About» an hour eher dinner neu, women and opinion began in take blOK, Vumlelug and companionâ€; of crempe end pain. thou-b their bodlr a. Home lay down on the green. uuebie to move their limbs. and had to be carried to a neighboring cotiege. where a sort of temporary hoepitel wee improvised. toll: to the weeds when their ill- neee came on. and renamed there until the eteeme-r returned to the city in the evening. All wï¬ered terribly, some at them contin- uing ill all the etteruoon and evening, and being nueble to move; end many of them were et hut rendered nnconeoione. Owing to the eeneetiou ceneed emonget the pro niche-re by the hï¬alf. and. the nouiuciuu which followed. it is impossible to obtain a lull list of the people uï¬eeted. but it is he- "th0 the euï¬erere nnmoezen l lly iiiuy. Nu Intel remit: ere anticipate through the paleoning. It is not known went one the particular cause if the trouble. (OLLO neerthing it to (licensed meet. othere to ice- creem and ctheze to the writer. Some people who pertoolr both of the bee! end the ice-cream, however, were not at all eflecled. while in come ceeee thoee who east by them lit the some teblee were tek. n violently ill en hour leter. The cure- ordinery chair completely deetroyed the eocceee ol the ionic when it wee Only hell over, everybo y becoming greetly excited end crowning enact the nick people in elerm. Only two of the persona eflected were eblc to welt to their homes alter re~ turning to the clw. the other» being driven oflio carriegee. Mint 0: those WLO Were ill were grown up people. only three or [our of the anion children melting any com pleinte. The hulleivsd lo the pienielsexe lied been coated on Toesdey lor one next dey. but the picnic being ostponed it we: preeerved on ice until in any. A Chicago deapnioh says: A mill: wagaon wilh a oorpw in iho driver‘s pen. holding the reine. was the ahnllly uenenilon to which iho residents oi Was: Tw-lirn nreel were treated this morning. Sandal D Newloo.rondinu in No. M Ruble nrool. bod delivered milk to flu Looaawuven o‘ong Ibie siren for yeorl. Bu horn ocd oorl become hmilinr object. no in daily drove iron: door to door in in orly morning. The bone knew the mo uwellae hie meeior. Too eurpriuo. ihereiore, wn are» ilne morning when the horse would Mop in old places hm no mlflOl' would duoud iron: hlq porch. end the old borne. too. seemed surprised. for. uiier remoinlng o tow momenm our the omb without seeing hie driver, in would more 03 antic. An ofï¬cer who wu hmmn 'ilh Newton and bu on! noumd ab“ aomethiun vs: wrong Ind inventignted Bo hallnocd ‘0 Samuel wI-hom Ibo Inn gunman being mid to him. Coming Iluug-ido tho hone he stopped hm. There an 85mm“. to upnsl. law in land god looking nit-MM shad. .. Ti. .100 mu open und the he. puts. Thuullna the man was: link. an ofï¬cer shook III). sud be Ml hnolwnd nmonu bio an. 8:: “I and. hung manned I'DY quiet" while Icing on! “:0 mm In hm "nailed for you". Tho body unlud out n the mo! no. Hun duo-u in the apposed on“ 'o denh. Filly Peoples Pol-curd II I. Nov. Beau. Picnic. Ahab (Ftidm) Ligbu‘n Halifax dewpaheh yup- : 'l‘umuuauun cxummzm We.» created in Ibu_cigy thin _uveu{zau by tapunr. than. A Borne “his Mynz English and Amman: Innis" in Buizulond In" ,. xd-‘tnly due mind an 011:“ u! int-re»; in \ boy sat-J H yum, iiviaa Old-ha Alum V‘nm 5. Canton of is .y. and in bu beoumo Imhi (xx-bio to vm; mm. The boy‘s boiy 'n m M . Hr. ur-nn! im- not grown Mon bk mob. Md h In "hind ullfln oh‘noturivie- ol lunacy to team: 0! h- [\Leuhn- .‘d imbuh} to his '1“ n‘) r {b.u um «din. v) mun Io Very \0\.au bnhh- Uh um.- and loan has yuan actor-Unable! II. but in IIII and nuan- cunptorll buoy. "ml u N u Tho â€rum of m. and" III. Ohm-n n. w.- poor. nod an new. Mqaont mm o 3“) pghlly_mlogo, wm_ on, In is reprrled ihu more then one-hell it the entire populeilon have died at hunger. Thousands 0: been have eroeeed over from Pennylend. reneeeked the ehoree of Ohkeh, dug open graves and devoured ehe deed and alienated ihe living. They heve GOV..- ruled an immense dmrlee, 0! which the inhaoiiame. abandoning the emeller eel- litmeubr. have flocked to ehe larger fluhmg pone. where they have been lollowed by hordes 0! beer» and devoured in use» numbers. The» naighihnrhnml n! H li‘fldfllfl, the centre of a eumileruhle heel-naming aruflio, hue also suffered from leak at loud end bhe foroeily of been and wolves. Within the past two months over 150 per. none have perished from cold or hunger. or by falling u. prey to the WIN! beanie. Men driven mud by hunger have tough! wuh bum over vhe “mains of their dead oom- peniOLe. the been using usually eucaeeelul eLd reevivmg a double repeal. A St Jobn’e, NM. tpeeiel teye: Berge- uaie Yer. one o! the B-vqmutenx who lancd here on the Nancy Ban-nit tron Ohnb. Lebrpdor. eeye the population (.1 wet let-lenient we: nearly 180. but yheu he lelt with hll Wife note eonl remained Euly in More! the loud move out. every drop 0! oil and bi' at on! elm wit- uIllll‘td. end at rue inteinle but I» lured. bat ï¬nally the luppllel were quite exhausted. On Jane said they had “ten nothing lo: six days. and gunned by hunger they found upon the Outphfll of woven“ oi she whiten and a low Indiana: that had been billed by tho cold. When one at their qu party dlhd the body was out upon. the entrails were taken out. and the :emuinder woe hozan up tor use. Flam thin luod tortilla dysentery let in among the ant- wvore, end on July 7“: there were but H3- teen persona Ielt alive. The bodies of our twenty-flve were eaten. The leteen euiVivore started down the onset in eledgee drawn by four dogs. the only living orentnrn lett them. The ponies had been sacriï¬ced to eppeue hut-get long before When about 24 mile: from Cape Mugtutd 3 heavy snowstorm eat in. and while the party were undenor- ing to and their wey they were hunched by White been to the number of 25 or 30. which killed all of the party but two. the enrvivote being among the number at Cope Mnglord. In. moly mm to um I. in Dan 3694 and tub In. vim- om.» curiomy union. 1: Gulf 9in pa puny Luigi to â€typhus tom. I. oaluy In um; their dead companions. Tnow who dun omuug lh. whit. um." nu curled unruly to loop :ha Esqulmwx from gcuwg them. The gun: us all din. guinea. quaâ€"u: apt-“domed ouuunu n shun “anonâ€"or bu bacon“ choked link hum; too ml to loud. A Iago “no" u: Atom "UNI. dnvou .uulu 0y uuvuu’au, bun crowd on: ham Ponn’lond. sad at dun-a in: th. oouuuy. Tnoy numb» uvu 1,000. and have Ippilnd mu Onpc “nature. Wu“ Imm- loll of Inn .30!†u! sir-I region bu bun and upon by then Voracious noun-la. To. Iadlhnl to thus III “I. A BI. John's (Ill L) despot-h an Tho Iohooau Nun Bun" hu 1:» pa! in non humus I o hm» "pout Inn m Luanda: cont. A 1|»me ho- Want thy ny- thu um... upon thus Bud-m. Bl! 8mm bu usher bun hum on: ton-lilo bun on vault-Inn. IIII'VIIIO. CORGI-thlil 5" L...‘â€.- A Nllllun-n’n Ian Hound. 'l‘lll.‘ mummy “was. the skull pr: sums up n: the bum mane him lurbue. Aun- flowered he: res-«on. and thinking but: dead mme l0 Inn with her tuber m Amen». Lana full 3 celebrated Germ» docaor elammcd Emman. sud, by crepmbins. nu and him ‘0 rueon. Bo umdahqmries about his boormhad. 3nd. dlaoovonua her losuion in Brooklyn. wrola :0 he: had learned Ihsl she was free 3nd loud but am. A Week .30 he reached Amati“, and to-dny'u wedding and: the may to: the present. Only ‘3 Year-I 0M and line mu. ’l‘ln-u Tr-ue-Il-nuc Tripe. A New York deepeloh eeye: Jeek Oce- teno. 2 year. of ege.hee jun errived in chin my on the eteemar Guy at Cheater from lrrhud. 'I'hh. «I young Mr. Uoulallo'e third veyyege Aurore the neon. Hi4 tether let: a young wile in Irelend end came to thii comm-y to mete e home for his temiiy A year ego 3 women 0 ume to Gentle Gum no told Fr. Btorden the! 00-min we» gu- ing to many mother women. The prion-e more to Irelend shoot it had Moe Ooelello’ end the hehy oeme right over to ace ebon- iI. She found the! the atory wee enunly (else. heving been ended. on! 0! win. by a tum-n Ocueeilo wouldn't merry. Tue homo. however. wee not yet mede. end the hula lamlly hed e herd tune to gel eloug Fmelly, young Jack wee eenl but u I Manage pee-anger to his grendmmher in Irelend. Letely Oouzello'e olroumennoeu huve implo'ed. end he sent for the young heir to come to America egaln. which the youth did all Mane. Be we- the pol of e“ we peeeeugere on the way over. Love" Divided In the Franco'l‘ruulun “-1- United ll Last. A New Yuk denpntah hays: Mayor Whitney. a: me ï¬lm: in Brooklyn, marrud to-dby Human Krmz and Anna Emu-n- H.101]. P.uaelau War medals decorated mu gluem'e breast. and Something uuumul no!“ thuir demeanor Hi to qua toning on lab developed a h manure story. Herman and Aunt- “Ved In F Iedcnchhtudu. on the Rhme,wd he Wis 18 years old when the Franco‘PrH eian War broke out. He lu\wlwu l ff Eu ï¬ghï¬ lur‘ the veterluud. and we eweetheart rude nix-er him in one at the mucous at the Bad Oroee Bar-pull corps. A» G evelo-te a fragment Lt shellstruea Herman. m d when the soldiers came roan-:1 alter the hntue to bury the dead he wee pun imo e ehuhow pm with twenty or thiny other bodies. G net at the news 0! his death drove Ann out other mindmud. wwderug on the bulltï¬rl 1’, aha sought the plt in whleh he had been buried and dug out hle body. Soldiers came upon her and loretbly carried her 05 to the hospital. where she was sent back to Germany. but may did not bother to winter the body «he bed reeurreeted. That night it rained heavily and Herman has revchd by it. HA WM! unwed bank to Meabut a portion of Too flew organ now baiog onusuuovd in Canterbar) Onbednl by Means". Willa" will be, when completed. in every woy wouby 0! the sand old ocinoe. of wlmh n in to form 5 mo" Import-m pm. Tbo 0mm intrnment will b. operuod by ellvomclly. lbs rnpply being dulvod hon o bonny which is hung plmd in tho old Bulging Sahcol. Same ideas! 0b. wondrou- [lcws'x'nlea o! Ibo now Instrument mu b0 unmoved (run we hol tho! lbo lemma oi lho "Mc- conducting lbo eloolrio entrails ovens. 120 to» from the eon-ole (or key- boud 9.0 lb. pneumllle leven 090nm). Ibo nlun of Oh. sound bonds. Tb. organinl wlllooou yo niud Illion in the noond nob 0 “ll Nfllh oil a. um on: "I. Ipol wbou lb. old lovmmonl wu ploycd. blu monipulollon 0! lb. My. being flubod by moons of lb. oleomolly lbronlb 'bo no feel at onblo 00 lb. notion of lb. i Illumrnl in tho trilorlom “on. Tb. mean will be blown by fbu min In Ibo old 8.: .ing salmol. The wboh d the from: employ“! in the pnouufllc bud tlnclrio action on lbs Iovonllou of loan Willie, who no alluding good ovlrlnooohbolr lntontLu conborougbly noun bid! would. w turn'o'lon II lb. «or! upon wbvob lb no now Oh'o'wd ~8h¢0flul 801m. " Whot Renate wants to the Black See for her fleets end Conetmttno Ie tor her winter Oephll. Burnout eon dot to by hold- tng Anetta in check with promises of I larger Southern boundary. oven to the lee. As to: Frenee. I think she mu ï¬ght like a. tiger at bay to reg-tn her loot paint! anyone and to entry the hence: c! democreay through the Gmtinent of Europe. The Farea Nap leon euuld hove done this, but. unfortunately to: Europe. he woe for trom thing 1. Washington. although he had Wmnmgton'e good example before him. He cured only for blame]! and bit glory. and not for the people who placed hun where he wee. It in Lord Beuabury’e Foreign B entery. end not his Irxeh Beere- nary. in the Cabtnet now forming who may have most to do in the next exx mouths.†A dulet ndnniï¬u "Liuh'lflhl mm gun" The, no, be I nu baud. MN I r lulu-mug mm in won it new“ man moon-mil It» n on.“ to) tom“. A sum of Daim- gvunhomn mapped "only autumn for "In-hum“ a I IpullwumIMmhnp. , HOW 11‘ WLULD BI DONI. " To eetinly Inly’e Vuully and keep her quiet obey WOUId give her but. Rule and «my. ln tact it would be ebe partition 0! Point! over again. The tell! of an alliance 01- Russia and Flues II nll moon- shine. There can be no reel nllinnce between mcnnrcblcnl and republican forms of government. no more [him human 3 one and 3 dog. The munnrebiod party is bound no node: from such an alli- ance. Remember France and your Uuiflkd Bruce when Louie XVl. joined them. He thereby signed his death warrant nnd‘ pre- pared the wey tor the French revolnuun. Bc~einn etnleemen are too far sighted, no: to no tble. y “ Although a» min: mu- his own. on ‘ on. 6000! um Ibo tun-puma coma bun uh- Gouuu who" nouns in in Ibo but) due? To. “note mu minis Pen-uh very much. nod than none ammo: [not tron; me Pun-um pron will you Ibo Fennel: ' on that: out oud.’ Boumuuu is playing I doap game. Ho known In can’t In. long to pour wimum war. In mu be u. qou of Fauoh Skoboltfl. usdy for anything. " Emory olwu â€you“ “no". It It! would bunk um then m“ be Inolb" holy Mummy. I: ml! a: like who Louis XVIII. wn pnl on Ibe‘ throne o! Franco Tm.- timo I don't doubt than tho Comte de Pam will be the now Lmr XVIII ‘0 govern dis- membered Fcunoe to: the nun-nee. NJ doobl Ihoy Would cm her up in slices. emu-r Pullo- ol In." to GM Dub. ‘0 Ileana loll-our. A lando- «Nun. rm: nu ma. noon 1 III (“and by I oouvuuuiou In Pun-mom arm with u apart-mod you“. man. who“ W a con-mu on In tour u: Euroruuxonuu. bu ' nun. I an pro flu bum smog. B but] : “ Homo Bat. and Pullman. vul con un rho pun-Im- uuh tor umwon and Irumoul and! an mun-r. but I. look to great ovum in Europa wordy. Inner Ind Gor- mou) are boulunwu .0 a.» how u an. “other. and I rhonld not In turpnuo 'hu when tuo 13:09! no gather“! n In: Gurmuny mu move. uulru General B mlwgor is obliged to take a but an by tun Governmun. tor M pro-our hr ll nau- niuu Gummy. I loud the «tick 1n In Sunday's Figaro, bonded “ Bmlungor. den 1 to gurrre." and unproially mu rrtu-uou lb I i: to French Mrromm and ndumiua the ruuru from as"! and Bean. WAR CLOUD. IN EUROPE. «peg-Illa. an 0r..- by Blank-lay. INFANT 'l'fl AVISLLBH. A ICIMVIQN'I‘IC STBKI'. BUBBIAN WANTS- flow a summing New-paper Elan Lind In Llovcr. A New York dupeicn eoyc : Boas Roy- mOLd. formerly a L6Wbp.p6f reporter. who hon ï¬gured frequently In police courts as a ewhdler. woe arrested yoeterdey M the Hotel 8:. George for pun-Inn worshloeu chequea. On June 24m end 25 h Roymond nod cashed by rho meueger 0! who Bclvidore Hotel two chtqnec made i0 his (Ray- mond'») alder by “ George Felrcbilc," on ehc banking ï¬rm of Spencer. Trent & 00., of Albany. Spencer, Trunk dz 00.. repndleeed both cheques. The pueouer wee remul dad until tomorrow. quond bobcat 85 yure old, end he vicllmleed peeple all over :he world. In Europe nod elle Beet India he ewludled vorious consuls ond hotel men. claiming to be um correspOdent ol the Bordon Standard. New York Time, end New York Herald. Wnnle in Calcutta.“ lived with e heootttï¬l women whom he [land for hie wlte. cod it ie cold bod o rellnne of forty-eight eervence. Once. when in Perle. Rsymond claimed to hove on important commlcelcn tram Ooiueee Gordon. 3. Invited e c .mpeny o! digolscrlee to e lovi-h benqnel n on tonal. end borrowed 500 trecce from ice proprielor. A little decanter at e Boeroo household wee letcly lele elbne for e short time while her mother went to the neiyhnor'e. During the ebeenne of the ledy e Hug wee heerd. end the little honeeheeper euewered it. to ï¬nd thet e dirty-looking treup wee Intend- ing upon the evepe. He demeuded bod or money In egrnfl voice. end put hie (oat egeinet the dour en thet it could not be closed. The child wee perplexed for e moment. end then. recovering he: tell. oes-eeelon. eeld : " If you pleeee teke your act ewey. I mllgo opetelee end eek my mother." ’lhe hvageely act. for e wonder. old ee he even deeiecd. end with e hen the coureaame III“! meld put elx tuchee o oel between he! end the unwehome vlettor. Then, eleee ehe hed tuned the key In the bug me. eho eet down end pleeidly eweited the retnen of her mom". Another Fool and Ili- ulonoy I'II'I (Io-- 'lfl’o A Boston daapmoh says : MM Stow-:6. of Catt-(ionic. Pnuou Edward hind. arrived here from New You: In mount a and went to the Ada-mu Esprut umpuuy'n oflioe and son a 'aliԠwmou he: hand menu him â€1- Gutlhtu. Hm upward to ï¬nd $700 in JIM!!! S’mï¬e‘ bill‘ In it. [uni-mud t! mun km {hand a mad viz d. hsruhuked hunk. Steward want to New York but an ugrut fur sound you! g man of um nunvn town. who had oummmloued him to get. home “green goods" from panties who adveniaad in we Csuaumn pupvrm He unind in New You! with $330 in gold at: d stdpped at the SJDQIOId Hutel. Thu-d avmuo. when he met thn man Who Wanted tu trade with him. After they lett who o‘erk told him to sum the two men who caucd. paying they ware nimrpors. but he said he was able to care for lumst It That swoon he met Philip Kreigou Ind 'I‘uom ndersou as N» 391 Eat Tenth 8 wet. when he renew: d 3700 in bills and 825th gold (or hts mauey. Then they Induced him to put hiu runway in a nun and send at to B Man by express, hr fun of losing it, whtlo they showed him the nights 0! the town.- Oh but amval here that morning he found a bciok mate“ of the money he expzored. He called at mlioa hcnï¬quartera and told the above azow. anywu he had spent his last cent in getting to Bantu! and had no mama of getting (cod or lodging. am out whh um time ubleJl comm-I nub head or uncut 0! io.‘ Thu Pmidam mud In the Imomgniov, had for some moments the [Dir ï¬nale"? shone among .. mfg «a p. In.'l um: no nsMnuory "lulu vhunnr. “ On. I z 0'" nu‘mno “yum. mu 0! lb». slalom." Prmlrm Fart" . xrldmed n log'h " lm'a “I 00m 7. dy! And tlrv Inn! rd and u ’1.- n. un.-â€"B«-nm on" in Proridmu Jml. "' -,.._1__ Prof. 0.0.1., Von. who" mnnnsl on "most! angina-ting In umber!†Ibo world ovenwu on. any guzzling on: Ibo tune and on tho null o la. Dalton a Mnino union. union. unit" on whn he unuud so know. who u:- Pro-Hun of the mud. Hr. Forbes. am by Ind «coaxed hum. "I um very QM m In tn." the Professor «gig. _" I 91-h y_c_u gum holp The burn or the Calumet Mills 00. u Uzbndga was auu‘ck by “gunning, and the humor, Henry Auohony. and two ulnublo horses were lulled. Numerous other houses and burns were much in the locall- uea visited by the alarm. A' 1.» o‘o'ool lain.“ inï¬ su medium: at Dmlul Elnrdn. o! Luca. won not a .0] gm m "in“ m to: no» Inlay. ‘ - â€Minuteman-Iterat- newt-aloud. 7 A late- Iecpnteh we: there no c «are thunder eternt In tul- ccctle. yell-r- dey rectum. r rut-bud. u (out: Intro-low “Annular. cue-e rub» cued. cud unplug lrcn‘hlc bed we. toetehtly but“ by n bolt tn the nlddle ox who recru- B» body one terribly conned The been one comm-d. M leph tuclngetnlna struck the house 0! In R uby, e endow. She and her three ohlldteh ecrct’n bed. when u halt “not the bed- “0.0.! ltuteuuut to tune end route. the clot gen Ire. he mother more nor children and out. gored late the event The home wee burned. At low ï¬eld two nunc dare not on ï¬re uLd eoueumcd. A“ Ilddlchcro' two enru were burned end emu! hot-CI lulled. The tobacco throughout the Connection! volley we» occten down cud dutroycd by rcln ‘ At Tennten the lightning ttrueh thr house or George Dun. cud ripped the door end neutered the plutorlnc lo ell the upper noun. At Home c burn w» struck end not on an. The 0 "me quietly e mtmuel'ooied to u dwelling enjoining no outh buildinge were deetro,:d. The unlmhll In the bore. oonrlattng of barter nod other nettle. were killed ; the inmate» u! the house ececped. At Leouiuner the lightning dnueeo nrcuud the coucge or Olmr Putnam. emnehtug eyerythtng end â€upping hnuo rnllere nan at! Mr. Putncm rushed upblhlll to hie ohll'.l'h mum. where be h and thnt u huge utter 'ulï¬hll g ow: 300 9 undo had lulleu boude he child to ban. but tortuhetely hcd not injured“. Along the uncut: turn were torn up by the route. Hundrcde of unre- ot corn were destroyed. Detnlle ol the dnmnge wrought by this morntng'e thunder norm on coming in from nll direction In Brighton John Behnn’l eteblc w... struck and eight horses were killed. Hie tenement houee nought ï¬re from the etnble and won portly burned. In Fell River n bolt etruek n cottage and passed into 5 room where Michael Toomey and hit three children were sleeping. One side 0! the bed and the foetboard were shattered end the bed clothes were touched. but none at the occupants were hurt. Several houeee were slightly damaged, and two Indies were prtetrnted. The tempest was especially severe to Worcester county. where the wind wee almost oyolontc. Trees were torn up und twisted. bushels of green fruit shaken down. cores of corn laid low. and houses roohed frightfully. The storm was rquully severe in Oonneo- tlout. In Emt Hartford two large borne were struck and burned. with heavy lose. [u Weathermen e. wgorouu n, clone tore up lnrge trees and prostrntcd the growing orope. HOLD 0“ “GREEN 00008." A UIJSVEI! REPORTER. they flaked the lulu-Inn. The Child and the Trump. LIH.I'DING I'I'IOI I i. A How 1 .18 hulegrum guys: A lady and gentleman name over from Brooklyn on «be Baum Ferry m. 4 o'clock this morning nnd tauk lbs :10th bound alt-voted train. which M) the fury nt 415. Aail [ra- ueedod up town the lady mums unwell. At 84“: street tho gentleman with her auddenly jumgod up out! explnlned lo the pnaaengoru the some of his wife's illness. Then every mun of than: boned into the lomard car. Before than“! citation um renohtd the number of poucngeu wn incl-sued by one. 3 young Indy in nntun’o garb, and endowed with a healthy, power- ful uupmno value. To." won no physi- omn on the train. but M the 125m street station an ambulnnoo was summoned nnd mojhelf and child were tukon home. Mn. ‘ "land'- unflllg I. ll" ï¬nne- like. A Ci'oinnnl. 0.. downfall nyn: On JnIy “3-th dbl-mm" v“ horn On Mr :an Mn. Herb." Wmhr. of Now It. Ky. 10 V» nomad Frantic Clovelm Winn! nod \letterinlonnin: In. Cincinnati 0! Ibo he! Rough. on. allowing nply : The lady was Mn. Annie lennonky. of mind "to“. He! hnuhond in o Brook- lyn druggist. Bhe but] been with hat mother in than any, hm becoming nervous were bad begged to be "Ion but to hot own house. The mother had hohy no in exoellen. condition. The Peril-en Voyage to Land 0! Two (ale-cuter richer-en. A 80. Pnerre. Que" deepetch eeye : Harvey Deley end Jeremleh Smith, rec munch belonging to tho schooner Frederick Gering. 0! Gloucester. Mes... while ï¬shing on rho Green Beck. not edrm in e dory during 3 thick log end elormy weelher. They Icy erocnd event dour hour. hoping 'o and their vuuel. h t. chendonrng Ihee hope. they decided to pull to the northwerd Ior lend. Alter four end I he]! deye. remhly rneueted. being 'hhoul load or wetcr. they eighred end not on hoerd the [reach aching schooner Elise. ecchcred on we 8.. Pierre Bent. They passed rhmy- eix houre on the echoour. end utter recupercling ohleined food Ind Iner end cool 90 ehnr cor] egeic. end eher the den reeched Lem-lane. There they were pro- uded wleh lodging by e flehermen of rho district end Branch. to SI. Pierre rodey. eelc end round. sudden Advrnl at a Young lady In mm‘u Garb In a llama“! (tar. EVERY "IAN OF THEM suntan [lulu ol the New Icrvlce Between the United Kingdom und Canada. A Montrenl deepmoh says: The poet- cflio» unthorhien Inn's to day weaned from Mr. Gnflu. Dupmy PuaomastelGeneul :0 Oman, «he [EMU of the uew parcel poet oobween Britain and Ouuudu. wmon goes Into . ffueo nu: Monday. we 2 :d o! Aunt-t. Parcels can only be Muhammad by the weekly Owndmn ntrnmhr calling at Emi- mx iu wxuter and Rumuu In in summer. Io Mm beet. Oervidblt‘d Imp sable to enab- linh a w iform raw. and Luv D 'miuiziu hm been rougb‘y amdcd Into txur sections. manning to than: di-tu' 06 from the Old Country. SLO'JUU A Includ- a N Na Soon", N. w Brunwlck. Prince Edward Inhu d and Q whee, ï¬nd the rune from there Pro- vmoes wall In 30 outta per pound, or true- Oiuu of a pound ; Irum Bianca B, mania-a- ing cf 0.4mm), mo' rme wull be 35 025ml; irum Sceaauu O. iuomdlng Mmhobu and the Northweun Terntonee. 40 can»; and "um S~ouon D. oomwsed pimply or Brn- uh Calumbm. 45 name. No parcel any he more than three pounds in weight. The panama ie. I.» be prepmd m ordiuuy stamps. Ouoal‘de every package the render mun ï¬x a form. supplied by the poezmuwer. giving descriptim. net mightmtom weigh! and value at the oonxentu,the eignmnre Ind adore-e . f render. '1‘be Information ii for the Buï¬sh Cuemme sometime. Encrnvn Iussms, W‘sms‘mox. 3h- Dmn Ins. Warts-nun than“ fur the mud w" m which an â€tannin-I'M ma In your "his girl“: mmo. by one be bio-pod through life as l hue been. but «In on do me the ("or um to on“ he! anlio. but “noes or Inn! 1’ I am nan: culed rnnlio. n I «light. the mm. m“ much. With my conmnuluionl and but wt: .- [um mot: “acutely yuan. July 23,1808 ‘ more“ eunuxn. Her Maia", Inn pro-9mm tho '1‘ ml Bytalinn cl flu Bnyul Wolnh Fan nan rub a n u.» Chm go“ from oh. hmrll bud In Windsor Gnu Pulp Tbia n!!- moul k may. pvooodoa In In much-I y unit-London Touch. ' Iujor Gononl Middleton will Via" a Ion! o! amnion the." II. in 1:." he“. The Queen hue grunted to Meier Nor- muu Guthrie Ohulmere. Cameron High lenders, her license end pelmieeion um be any uoeepl end wen Ihe inexgnin or the Order of the Ormenieh of the fourth ems. which HM Hughneee ehe Khedive-ot Egy pt, emhmizad by Hm Imperml quny the Salon. hue eonten-ed upon bun tor name and distinguished service in gin, ï¬eld in swing the me ct Major Hauler. at who Egyptian army, in domg which he was wounded. A verdict of " Not proven " in Bootlfnd has the tune pruttonlefloot no vudiot ot " Not guilty †in Euglnnd. out! in Swtlnod,too.tu that nutter; thnt In. it “berate- the acouaad. who cnnnot be put on trim! again, even though new evidence sufï¬cient to omvvct bun should attor- wuda come to light. In I grant many owes a vet-dun of " Not roven †it equiva- lent to one of " Not gm ty. but don't do it again.†Mr. Wm Gilbert Don. lady of the ï¬rm of W aJ.DJu & 00.. and at Duuiohun House on the 14 In July. in his 71" your Mr. Don had been to: uourly but a con- Inry connected WI“) the "win nude 0! Fort“. and hi: ï¬rm 1| one of Ibo Inge-I pagufaotunng ï¬rms in the North 0! Boot- 1411 It is prowl-ed to erect I memorltl In Huvoiuw to commomouto 0b. gnu service undated by me have unissu- at Abexdoeu gnu, almg with than noble I’met. Bi: A lamp-nuns animal" In: one «by to Gaming how I mulou’ muting. n which n mu unlwd Io lover 0h. mlnon' muses. when he «euwuub of km wathmen lying 01: ha zosduido “ tn'.†“ Wu» 1- this I no 1 Druak again. John. and 4‘ than bum e-unen." "JM thunk (mo), bul (bio) I» m, nun expense." 010000. Bluntordoon- van. to“ knowniu ha [luxury world In ho humor 0! “ The Barn» (Island-r." “ blu-gnphy 0! Babe: Burns." ole. Mr Gimon. wuo In I hum 1! Bsirling. named «in buuiueu to: mun) )uu I3 3 much-Lt h: qupool. Tho dun: in union“! of Ur. Jun» 3 men 1.) Lvidauu. tell flgnunu m detouoo o: heir on» sud unit ooumry'n righln aunt t )__z_u d. L .2d 0! the Isles. on the 24 h Ju y. On “to 7J1 Jul . on flu con-Ion o! the lining. of r. Henry Oullunder. of Mountain“, to Min Build. at Bunnonut «.Lo uuuulry on Ibo «nu- ol Btu-mum»: .ud Emma-Ions won unnamed Io diunu nï¬ Pulaouhlfl. "‘~. "a "wu w-uu on tho 15 l: mu. - _ ~â€"~â€" ' " """‘ '0 â€"' ouh Bantu when] nonunion .- nu mum-I madam. Tho muting. o! It. John Own. 0! 613040.. In Lndy Thom. I insomnia. roond than." 0! on. But of Emma. tad Wt won. Inn col-hula: u Balaton Chile 1.â€" .L- 1: L -'.____A Ir. Mono-Fountain! Nova. IW’DD In 16 h July “mm arty uqoppd by t!» I '.-.3L 13--...- ':L,, I ADRIFT IN A DOBY- Lute ‘couloh Jam-u. NEW PA HUI“. Post. II" Jlnjnn'n Clo-l. Amman-19a hove been given mm the Manitoba & Southwestern Ruilwsy will bl txonded 1mm Baitaevan to Dalonine this neasou, a di-amnoe of 20 miles. the work to be completed by October In. The other Souohwesrern brauon mu nl-o be amended from Holland. Su- Georgn Stephen. Mr. VanBorna Ind party lell this morning M 8 o’clock for the Poo Ila cos-n by apeoflsl vain. Mr. Egsn ooeommnied â€em and will go uh: u Donmd, it not to the Paciï¬c onâ€. Lord Durham and his brouher go to Sun Fan- olaoo. but the rest of the putty will romn via Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. A good story is told of Oeptein Footer. who but become femoue en the preferred lover of Mrs. Urewtord. of D [he notoriety. The captain in e remerhebty god-looking fellow end think very highly of hie " Incoh- ing " queluiee. While eteymg et en Englieh ooue vry house some yeere ago there were two remerkebly pretty side on e vieit end the captain ptid them sheet ettention. One evening he proposed to both of then end wee promptly remeed. Next mornio the oeptein wee lete down to hreehteet en one of the girls told of her experience with the gellent. " Why." eeid the other, " he edd .x may the eeme thing to me.†Juet then the eeptein entered the room end there wee en eodihle tittel. He eeked the m- eon {tom e Mend. who remerled, eutly: “ Look here. old men. the next time you try to mesh two girls in one evening teke one they ere not pertieoler ohume."-Ln- don flour. Hon. T1103. White was at Fort Qu’Appollo sud Indian Head tu-duy, .ud will recurn to Winnipeg tomorrow pursuing. D D. Arkeu will probnbly bu ï¬ho tamper- Imus cundndate for the Loon Home In Now} anipeg. ~. A dairy usa'ooinion bu been formed in Mnbitoba, with Mr. Wugnar. MP)" u Prerideno. Tue tape†In' tho Montreal Gaum “I“ hog cholera has uppeared in lbw Vicinity in wnbouo tonndnnion. "A! home." uid Mr. Powduly. "my Icorevuy In" the lotion a ï¬ll. as received. dnwl I blue ponoil noun Oh. man and] rend jun um. Bun but. I luv- Io wade through than: myaolt. I! l ghoud rgtd nil the ounununioniom uni mo Aonuferenoe of leading provincial Con- Hervey ï¬ve». members of the Logtslnnre sad when, was bald here on Tuenaay night 00 dI-oum orgmleon and ether mutate. The “nomlckmem is “id to haw. bun nude '11.“ -he pruvwoial cont.†wifl who place in N nvemner. Dan on: M‘oAnhnr, hm kn, I!“ pvobsbly content Winnipeg fur the Ouumuna as on Independent. _ . n -- A. P. Mnodonhld, a Well-known nilwny oounruonm, m m the any for the purpose of ubobiuing iuv'onumion regurdina the route 0! tbs pr. p‘med raiiwny from Winnipeg to we Pace Buyer, in which be in interest at! I would cunt my hyn longthonod to I hundred boon nob. Since Oh. lube! nonhu- o! Ohil nu begun I In" too-ind not less shnn 5,000 lam" from all tom 0! p-oplc. â€ï¬‚ing me win. to do- I ‘hav. 3 pa]. In home. devotod exclusively to “on. which no muhd ' .dvioe.‘ They would nuke I pilo. if the “mm won I.“ out flu. shun Iwo ynrdl high. It I Ind and on the was oontlined in one-00ml o! “no lot a I would have can not to Oh. when tiny or In: ad on; baton 0M0. 2‘th come from Him Antoni-In. Both!- Ma, nptnon and in mm at can". ad the vmmy of their sdvin in hwfldorbg lndud."-â€"Philadr.lphia Preu. Sir George Slephen end ercy left to: Bomeevein terminus. on the .P. B nonm- weezeru ex'enuion. last high. end returned iu-dey Ind went as in u Ho'flend. the ï¬ermmue of the Manitobe extension. Both lines will be amended ï¬fteen milel this year.- Mr John new". I wall-tam Guelph I'mLkupu. and 9! drop" on In“, "suing a. no no mm 9! M4. 1-." HThu IQHIQI it." ronpbly "plied 0|. Now-d «puma. " ohn mango II OI. mowing Rub" thin no my Immu- an" I Muohm‘ n I d h‘rm- “Hilly... to u mink-Hm. my». Roma. The Arab tron: Beaded la prised more highly nun my other breed of boner. The ordinary saddle hone In: u: only center, and be is surc2oc:cd. has lazy to a. striking degree. The tourist bu tonne the lush freely to make my klnd at speed cancer: “1* rude station which merk the course of Ohgmrough bridle pump-Turf. Field and Fa . "Mu: nid O Phllulolphio Inland " hm you mound 001ml- In“. M the oouhmmfl' "No. I've never sun but bl. Ibo Ion. notion of him but I um 3 ml hi! on m- hon no». not! Goqnh’ I h.“ In mum, you hdow " , L. ~15. Ni uh I “0| woo can a pool II up... It!!! end the principel teed ol the hone in herley. exempllor two monthe Iloh ynar, when the duly nun", .J hero-paneled oi mature properliee. Ootelde at the gates of Tchenn ie the race-coerce. the longer circuit of which in ehouu hve mllet. Only one meeting it held eeoh twelve- month, end II in at the beginning of the > Pare-hm New You. the o clung ol epring. Arohieue, Torcomenv. en e oroee between the Ooeeeck end Torcomen compete. end the chief tone it ï¬ve circuite. or shoot twenty-one milee. Mr. Schierhrehd tow the dietenoc Inn in 27 minntee 47 eeeonde. Ellhel the time tehen wee not correct. or the winner wee e wonderfully good horse. The pureee were of gold end eilver coins, tied up in little bsge. which were pitched to the sueoeeelol j ‘eheye. who nought them in their mrhene No entrenee tee in oberged to the roost. end no hettin eyetem is curixd out. About two-hondre thousand pereone cheered the oontcelente, the wells of the city being done with people. The outer well: overlook the course. and lrom them the epectetor gete e greed view of the house. The Bheh witncseee the open from o pevillon. he do elno hie “linen and membcre of the dzï¬erent legeiione. The joeheye ere muinly boys. but sometimes e heevy weight} luil_grown_men. not: no. pilot. the water oouaemplnu I rud. ho gradu- ally reducer. tors period of thirty dun, rho toad nud water ulawsuoo ot the ham. und than inuru it to printiou. Gnu do“ not grow up {lag upumv 0! Taken: A llnl ler on the (roach-uh (rout. _ _-~'_ -vâ€"vv-' â€"I- v 4! bk '0»), all- uur In on“. In New You III at tho one. a! it. ï¬r]. Field and Farm. who» no pl Us am luloul m iuomn jouruulun. Tho Pugh at ruluy n In different from the Paul. atom-non 3nd Imoginflon. II In this! Inhunl row. wd wane-0 einllufloa. I‘m rough mi poth- up.“ aunt-Inh- Jy Io nu to I at . non-program" pooplo. The Budd). in In con-n! nu. ml Ina bun bones are the Aruba. and Mm than: some Ibo Tumomuu. 80m. o! the mm: “min to gun nu. and no and by the null 10: dupluy. Tho noun. Tntcumnn in a flu! and nudy bom. sup-bl. at now. hon 100 to 150 mile. without ml. 80 ll adu- Golld to get slang with verylmlo van. and to nub-in on bum ol highly conun- zrued food. the two prwcipd ingrodlouu at which are anal sud burl.) I)“. Who: “I!“ IN I“ lull-Oa- or For}, It." Ion-um. It. We“ von Semiï¬nal. when 2:0le pnakmg Mun twin Pout. won: out tau-hid by the nnbjeou 0! IN lbw, h of“ quanta uh! Uumd 9m“. ud uuo Ll- Cum-1n Boner a " inn-her.†Luau F tom the Northwest. My. Powdcrly’l Tnnblel. PICIION .OIIII.