Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 16 Jun 1886, p. 2

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A nib: in the Philadelphia New ny- Ihi Kooly. of motor than. n. In only Mo nunnon bull Ion-u In a slum. " You no." he nyvl, “ In In no. on] I In numb!" '7 “m". ’ m“ h,’ Drew the Line at Inn-b. The omen-blower in 3 London chureh neentiy fell eeieep during the eezvioe. of whieh not the eudienee noon be true mn- wiuu- by ‘nie vigorone blowing c hia own emu. Rev. Arthur Hm, the preacher. eftet Denim: it for awhile. etopped end tenet-led : " I do not object to e quiet nep on 5 hot dey. end em flsttered at being ehle to eontrihute to enyhody'a repute. But. while proud et hung ehle to (In the beloved eleep.Lwieh I to be distinctly understand thnt i drew the line at enoree. Thereiee men enocing in the doom”- tion. end he." 1» «Mixed ii eonehedy will wehen him." Thor lender wee quietly meet- Chicago Tribune. v--_-_ -_â€".â€". n‘uvwl I L‘UV'I’I Mme. PM“, who in slaying nl hot Welsh culls. will be untried to M.Nioollnl on the 10m inst. h bu now been dooidod “I“ tho olvil ceremony ahnll Ink. pm. In the mole. nnd In» the nliglonn mnnltgc shall be «loin-ted M 3 mm church clan by. __- â€"v-' wâ€" Inn...- Mlle Judie'a eompeny. heving reached Peri: from Amerioe. spiolly encermued the interviewers. Beid e reporter: " Are you eetiefled with your trip ?" And the repiy wee : “ We ere very pinned to think the! it ”over. Benel- ot gold would not induce rm to relurn_‘he_re._ Never! Never 1" M..- n,..e A- ,Vr w..- “r... â€".u sun In": (cu; her out in swan-lake ; she could npprosoh . mon from the tour, Icon over his would”, look down through his eyes Into his hots, glue her lips to his. (hut in he! bnnh. oomprou he: lip! for on instant. than and- donly pun them-bit! 1 Inns I out! wit- nuul would shut their oyu Ind yell for flagged; t_o turn Oh. hose on “um. May Anderson should learn to kiss. ny- ihe Deadwood Nugget, And his: according to Boyle. Kiu no ibut utter the doul the would luvs I royul flush on the check of the kiss". If Mlly would pay u mm more uitontion to hissing she could ouliluio on uriiolo than would «use the tooilighu to pole with envy and mute the It: go outpou- ier pound his ear on his tool cheat wish ud- mintion. .8110 is built right to has with tanning efieoi. Her lips ure_f_ull uud rod; I h ..... L1- -__._ I,L, - urn-wavy J olIoLIe When Mrs. Lsngtry visits America next autumn ehe will bring with her a new play written for her by Charles Coghlen. It ie a three-not eoeiety comedy. Mrs. Lengtry will play a part entirely different from my ehe hoe previously undertaken. being that of on ndventnreee almost wholly wicked. 0.! the merite of the ploy of eonree nothing on on yet be eeid, but the eonetrnotive skill of the author may to a certain extent be judged from the hot thet in the eouxee o! the three note “ Mre. Lnngtry will wear five megaifieent dreeeeeâ€" one plain riding. Greet. two opera oloeke end two hole.” Mr. Wilson Barrett is apparently going to rely very etrongly on his scenery for success in this country next season. . I understand that he has sent to Louisville a suggestion that he will want 40 stege bends nnd twelve calcium lights for his enge;;e~ ment in that city. It in further said that he proposes to bring ten tone of scenery and property to the United States. If the Louisville demand is a fair sample of what is to he done through the country, I hardly think managers. as a general rule, are likely to enthuse to any marked extent ‘ over-Mnjhrrett'e tour.~Dramatic Timer.‘ Johann Sirsuss, of Vienna. was recensly engaged as chief of orchestra to conduct a series of concert-s st Ba. Peiereburs. Hie conditions were 100,000 trsnca. with hotel and travelling expenses for three persons. This loss slipulniion was exacted by the grant musician on account of his inordinate session for isrok. a game which‘requires our persons to play it. Strauss is so (and of his hvorile torch that he must play is while unveiling in the cure as well as when enjoying himself in his rooms. Ping richness. Binge well and was wnh the requisite fire and cum-.Nm York World. ,flig. Perrvgini is Johnny O‘natterson. ~ Bernhardt is 13 receive for her Amer an mur $110,000. in addition to wnioh the is entitled to one-hull the receipts over 32.000 and her travelling expenses. which mll amount to 88,000. This last rum is. perhnpa. not axoenive, considering her boxer, 123 in number, oonfiaining her immense wardrobe, which she will have to transport hither and thither. She brings with her a large retinas, including nix mnida. her son. M. M. Bernhardt. her sister and her son. Sig. Paruginl. of the NRC «all Company. mikes an ideal lover in And; ima’ was now tanning at Wallaok'u Theatre. He is pncomugonly handsome, dresusa moi: dczz~ Gilbert 6: Sullivan’s Vn'ow open. is to be culled"Tho Kbodive," and in will be pro- duggd i_u New 201:8 about: November lat. ,_---. __' .......... n nu. Una-BVAHUUIO " 1‘ contract to furnish be: 3 special cclcon car. fitted with every convenience. I shall tckc this on to Mexico and California. where she will 3130 make tours. This Amcticcn tour wlll not only be her lacr. he: unwell tour, but positively her very final American larewell.” Pom bee signed a common with H. E. Abbey to open in New York November 15»: a series otopentlc concerts in costume. She will travel I: Mme. Patti-Nicolioi. Mr. Abbey any: concerning the engagement: N T‘ nnnIQ-nt fin Qn-nhul. I”... n -..--;.‘n __n._-_ Minnie Palmer has still 85,000 on cfler in the Englieh pepere tor the beat and moat novel means at ndvertiaing. A masher recently euggosied to the vivacious young eetreee thet ebe should print her advertise- ments on toothpioha. for than. he deolered, her name was Inn to he in everybody'e mouth. This excellentidea is eupposed to he the only one film meaher ever had, it, indeed. he did not borrow i-‘z. - Jefferson is one o! the wenlthiut nature in Amezies. He in not making I0 much money now I! he and to do, to: the timple rotten thnt he does not give him-ell the trouble. He only works on the stage about uixteen weeks in the year, and this eflordl him .11 that he needs tor hi4 yearly main- tentnee without at Ill impairing hie cupi- tni. Mr, Jeflanqn'e fortune in vuioneiy utigietedgt_trom§400.000 to $600,000. John O. Freund. who well-known jun:- nouat-nolor. will star this tall, unwound by 3 strong oampony. in the following "pertain: " Huguenot Captain," " Oa- Gaucho." “Buy Bins," "Joorisae oho Jug- gler,” “Grimaldl” and “Valium" Mr. Freund'a success on me Hugo since he mod: nu (Mm: at the opening 0! Mo- V’wkor’l Tnoouo In! July ha been muted. ond his ondonemem by the plea annoy-m. And lung. 15 depth: [on mum menu». God'l us ourntl mu than I. «find through suffering sudâ€"love. .. --l'.'ua Wlmlor W floor. _-, _â€" . ._- .â€"â€"--. â€"' -â€"-vn - Trimâ€"{Eon hid' boon your soul'l ulvulon. WI mun roam whu we have given 8010:. In tench the null haven. Your houtgply b9 torn gntogtuplu, _ n .. .3 Al. Â¥._ And thnimmId ii Ibme hmd'I idle plouuxo. You IhIll know Ill IhI pun i0, brim Iâ€" You IhIll fool PIIIion I Ihrfl I Ind Innuâ€" And nlnnan lanthu 1...... 4.-.“.‘A m---..-_ 1’66 iiulfifi yâ€"ofirlfiii {Bath‘s-Elba Know til the “gut-h uld (lo-pair. Egg mighty yov9._ the grid, mega", “126517.336? EhS‘Woi 3133a» : And an the Iouuu or tho pain W0 once he: omd, '0 shall “min I All}! logâ€"339w am! no, yody tun- 7 ii 56175â€"0113 17);}; Qf'ah‘r-KMW .. "5â€"; In other form: our loan. uutnrlod- To «bog-input!“ 995! plants giggledâ€" nL,n TM foe to“ mail; urn-g mm. You: begun.o In I0 mm b yu.o You only and low rot». and; You nova "mu: autumn Bu! In the calm Mildly wand. While uhlpa «nod 1 you 3nd won loan But put younow I jhlu um. woxld You In" not manta“ Jun:- or mun. layout «about. rho' O“ u m and mm" III maul n. Ila-p Ycuh hue u, . omen nun-n on. an: you- on you I0 vor nu. You ‘0 not mu you: a. with one. “At 8591!!!! new known to 1.9-. Mule-l and Dram-m: Nun. A Prophecy. A well-known gamma» About town. who in something of I "no or to Adsm’l DIG. wu lnolv Inmlod - gas: a! 7mm And Mind to any who is wu. Bo Iook It. turned It round. looted the h :0. Incl. IO. M n. M I.“ he um. “ oll, II look. like gin. but Olson'- no um mink-801m Return, Evening (Mum. " Exeneee ere useleee. eir. Apologia no in vein. 1 could never forgive e men to: kissing e girl on the toreheed when he: lipe were in eeey reeeh end entirely unengeged el_|he fime. Go. elr I" ‘ w. -â€"- Inn-v. VJ. III' I But he didn't not gone. Not badly. Merchant Traveller. All v-p-rdonlble Ell-tulle. Dt. Bond-l in a young man inh u on girl, out! an other evening. in a hit of on- Ihnllnm. ho undo I dive to he: ond Hand her on tho tor-hood. “ Who! do you mum’s“ ?” aho aid. in- diam-any; ‘ "I beg your pnrdon~l~l~" Ho holi- Mud. h in aid tbn the --Mr. George H. Calvert. fiho won-known Goethe uholu clutter. of Newport. 3.1.. lent the tollowi g. which he com; and for the oocnion. to President Olav-loud in honor at his wedding: To Grover Cleveland, President of tho United Stores: We know what in our debt to thee, Thou just. courageous. manly man: 82" high onrtlx'nrlpgn‘egc out can be. r John Bull in the morning totes soda. sud bundm And rich " at! and at! " for a nocnor. But the Ionive Cunndinn And blue-noun! Acndiuuâ€" They Me the Auction schooner. â€"The Unwed States Presidents‘ wivel now living are Mn. Polk. M Nuhvllle; Mrs. John Tyler. M Richmond; Mn. Grent‘n New Jersey Mrs. Reyes, in Fremon , and Mrs. Guneld, in Clevelend. Of these Mrs. Polk. Mrs. Tyler and Mrs. Gufield drew the Government pension: of 35,000 a year. ' i â€"Tne unique (in: edition of Bunynn's " Pilgrim’s Progxeae ” cent the British museum 8300. â€"A recent scientist declares that breed with yeast in it is a much better brain food than nnleavened breed. This proves beyond all question the wire men Mine from the yeast. “Adoring grandmotherâ€"Isn’t he a lovely child? Calm visitorâ€"Yea, he's a nieeiittle baby. Adoring grandmotherâ€"l And so intelligent! He just lies there all day and breathes and bruthc: and brenthea. -â€"“ Keroseno oil ll going up." says an ex change. Undoubtedly; so in the stove, no la the hired girl. ‘ ._ _ _ "â€"- - nu pnue ulcuinfi'flifino on‘theo “33:0; thy brkiq ' â€"-Rev. Dr. Howe. of London. has been ganged rector of St. Paul’s Church. Hulilax, _.__ -___â€".-.uu-- on“ “IV. To 0630 on win my wedding day, Invoking.’ an id 3 nut on' I joy an}! pride. MIA-dun dead... A- .1 ..... â€"â€"Pain will inquemly transfer 5 child into a groan person. â€"~Exé-raah [tom the manrimonisl mmkeo rayon : " Pulled woole are quis't." ~Contrary to expectation. President Clevelnud were white gloves at his wad. fling. ", _.._‘-. - uv-Ilwfli "M van DI How win our patriot “the” plan. Thy Iomnoao and wisdom prove. lg" of our debt we now would [my‘ U,“ ring our chunktulnoqlgnd Jon A an..- -_ A-:_ .u,- ,, Oourt. tare. The but will probably be in demand by two aorta of personaâ€"by lovers out! detou- fivaa. The former, by maul pulling 3 string. you so! the image of his land not only in his heart but in hi5 hot. ' In the front a! the but there in e Intel! eixenler opening. behind whteh the leneee no fixed. By menus at a string on the out- eidn of the but its wearer,‘ whenever he finds himselt enhying e pleuent View or ettended by an egreeehle per-on. een inetnnteneonely photognph the lendeeepe. the Indy or gentlemen nnoomeiontly within tense of his inetrument. Herr Laden. of Garmz, hu puma” n “ photographic hn." The novel haul-dross oontamuin in upper pun : Emu“ photc- gnphio Ippanml mud n numlm 0! pro- pnged plajea. Onco we had blushed and sighed end killed- Nobody cures, nobody cures; Now we go whither and when we list; Where is love gone ‘3 Frank is her smile as a smile ‘mey be; Nobud y cares. nobcdy care! ; I went on whistling the Miller of Dee. Where is love gone ‘2 -Falla presencesâ€"The Indian summer. ~Leet oorel in the newest bonnet garni- The last new thiW’hnI. uyl Oh. St. James Gazette..beau :11 that ha gone before it. and in namely likely to be equllod by anyhlng that can follow the: it. A A Novel Thing I. Head-Gear tit-(Worl- WHILE m- euuemeu who were preach! ' "d “and eddrueee were Hum. Will:- Oolliue. Jumu Pawn. J. H! . Dr. Damion. 8. Kennedy. Wflllm m3». 0! the “0" Reboot o! Intent: . Tor uto. end Dept. Dinar. ct the 75!: rue ten. inn. don. The lsn-uumed eutlemuu 'bud ‘eberue u! the noon whle mudcehd the ludiu from Butlutord through the Indian rm one: to Begins. and be mm the! dur- ing the eight dayl epent in thin perilou- paseuge Mu. Gowunloek uevor 319 hand that ho: constitution wu so an cabled by the ”1353108. she had under one that she weuld have succumbed b Oh. not been supported and ouoourrged by Mr. Daluuay, who reamed to pauses In unusual umcuat of nerve end aell-poueuiou. Mrs. Gowunloek’a heslth bus been more or less deliente ever since her return 3m thai Nurthwaa‘e. and no doubt in will e u long time before aha fully rcoovera.-â€"8:. Gather-v hm Journal. him mu taken noun» 3 But am the F: L mun-cu. that they Mane In his camp to: “no months, when they no: pad ’Ihrou 8h “:9 arm-no. o! n mm Imud to the mum! «mp and mtg sent home. Anna. “:9 Anniversary u the In... Olin. Oom- locu nu lla- Doh-u. “ A lug. mambo: o! the Mall o! the my a! Mr. Bonk: Johnson. c! Thu". Lincoln county. entered was run. an n In- undonoa to «um tho Inntvuuu of “u “up: 0! In. Gown- Iooh and Mrs. Delano, hon Ibo Ilium! h, 9 mania. h wguha "manhunt! “In than I whistled the song of the Mlller 0! Dee: Nobody euros. nobody carol; The jolly old tellow end I agree.- Whore is love gone ? 0n the other side of the erdon well 4 Nobody ceree, no ody eeree; She lens the trjfle they played at the bell- Where ls love gone 1’ I looked in the gate and ehe emlled to use Nobody cures, nobody cares ; I have lorgotten us well ee ehe, Where is love gone 1’ "war nus. '0 my flue writerâ€"Clerk o! Not lined I. ll. ruo'l'ou uAl’Ill U “3TH! I!“ II A I'I 0"?! VII- WWERE. IS LOVE 1103‘! '1’ Emma Ohmun SCBAI’S. â€"Boat6n Courier. the Police Davina flu in!" you. follow!“ II. dent: of OhuluD Dion-0‘ no '0. till 4 289 000 volume:- of his h were told tl Ingtnnd Mom. "h n won on to.» amount" uh II «clamp. I“ in Cm out u lot filmâ€"N Nu H‘oam m. "Buuon on to dull. my Int. Eur: body vs: Iomr." ' Info. “Hamphl 333â€";012397: no I. bud to plan. I III»: under-toad mo Attornom «lung wu the nu vortex of mm plu- Inn." En. momma-Don m! I m: so unfor- tunate; sum to no anything sou wrong. It. Becomeâ€"Wu“ flu mnmr. do»? “ I lane bun Inning um all “cancel: and _l_'n nutty dud." John Doweor. of Fort Muleod. N. W. T., ogreed for 060 to drive e number of Mounted Police deeertere to Oheteen. M. T. After getting fifteen Inllee out. however, he enooeeded bv e tune in ebendnnlng the men 1 to their oven reeonreee. They were with. out food end for two weeke enflered terrible herdehi . One wee dnelly form! to give out. on wee oeptured end token beck to ‘ Fort Meeleod. Nothing hee yet been heerd ‘ of his three eompenione. end II for eeven deye they had no food et ell end (or five deye only whet they could pick up. ‘lt‘ ls tented they (ugh-we succumbed to their herdehlpe. In on Ieoleod feeling rune. high egelnet the tee-alter who ebendoned the deeerteee. l‘lue [hue cl non-ted Police Donner- The Diet Treatment 0! Disease. Milne: Fothergill, one of the most charm- ing and sensible 0! medical teachers, writes that the advocacy of dietetioe in the treat- ment of dieeaee is the absorbing topic of the present tune. To him. indeed, it is the greet therapeutic matter of the day. and he feels in duty bound to lend it what aid he can. 0! the necessity 0'. some systema- tie teachings! dietetic: in a course of m eel educatio no one can eutzrtaiu a (in ‘)t. It is surely as desirable that a medical men he taught how to feed a patient acutely ill as how to preeerihe for him. If it he a pyrexia, it is In deeiz .tble to maintein the" ntreugth and cell as little as possible upon the bodily reserves at it ie to keep 8 turn the body temperature. To prevent exhaustion, both matters must receive attention. Every sick person is more or ieae dyspeptic. and dyelpepeia requires appropriate and suitable loo . Many dyspeptiee car: alone perform their daily toil by a watehiul attention to their food and requirements. In this eeatou or general rip-turning and house-cleaning it may not he amiee to re- member that ammonia in water cleanses glass and paint much better th n eoap does; that it sometimes coetsleea to ‘V8 a badly- eoiled room repainted. after a moderate use 0! the map and brush. than it does to have it ecruhhed and scoured. to ray noth- ing of the expenditure oi strength; that ealt and tinegar brighten hraeeee as well as any more modern and expensive notions; that a small hrs of charcoal hung in a rain-water barrel purifies it perfectly ; that plaster hunts and etatuets may be cleaned. when it is not desired to paint them, by dipping them into thick liquid starch and drying. and when the starch is brushed off the dirt in brushed 03 with it; that it is a good plan togo over the bedsteade before beginning any of the cleaning as aeley in three days when the ‘ sun has become atrong is apt '.o incream the trouble there; that it woe is ‘ee to open the campaign at the top of the house and in the unused rocme, and so give less contu- sion and prominence t) the their ; that on reaching their breeding haunts at the bot- tom oi the house, powdered hora: mixed with a little powdered sugar and scattered about in spots will prove certain death to cockroaches and to nuts, and if that is not handy. a tow drops of spirits of turpentine sprinkled here and there will be an effec- tive in the case at these nuiaancee use it is in the care oi mothe‘ .Tbe funiliee in this home on ccohln their own kitchen. it they choou. end no they all co-opernte in pnrcheeing the hence- eeping Itoree. there to greet seeing in the moteriele need. Or they eon hoy cocked food.hot end freehly prepared for every menl. end tnhe their meele in their own dinin -roome. Or they can be served It the pub in teble. Hot end cold weter it served to every femily. even if ite menu are ot the top of the hence. no the reser- voirl ere on the roof. into which the water from orteeien welle in forced by .n eteem- engine. Bixtylnrge wrath-tube ore not in the laundry, and tho water to expelled from the clothes by centrifugal force. which doee not injure them no wringing dcee. Tanks supplied with hot and cold weter furnish hsthlng end swimming recomme- detione, and no they have movable wooden bottome they can he edjoeted to the height of edulte or children. All the bulldinge ere lighted through the night and ere patrolled by night watchmen. while o perfect fire orgenizstion is maintained among the membero. Careful provision in mode for the core of the old when they otnnot work. for the sick when they o:e unable to do their there of the emoperet- 1 lug labor and for the payment fru- medicinee, nnreee and medical attendance. Not once in tho twenty-five years hoe there been it single law suit or police one among the members of this co-operetive Ohio. This nemcietion was founded byo men of wealth. large-hearted and icrge-b nined, who planned the whole scheme, and who forniehed the capital. The participation of labor in this organization hoe been eight timee larger then that of capital. But so great have been the prcfiae of this oo-opore- tive association that the workers have come to own nearly one-third of the social capi- tal. which is $1,320,000. At no very diet-int day they mutt .own the whole. Who can estimate the happineu of this associated life, where every family enjoys complete family retiracy. and yet has a common industrial life. founded on justice, that eeeuree abundance and guards egoinet poverty 7 It began ln 1860. mm 600 pounce. and In. lcololee in the monluuoc ohccl 2.000. Not only do Obey oo-operoee lo bowie-pica. bot la the one end edueolloc o! ehlldren. Three lugs molc bonding hove been oreeled for their coccrnucdctloc. Ihlch ore ucllod wllh ooch other. cud In which wr “caller ue grow 6. For the teml y relotlon lo more carefull anorded ln this outcry home. and no llamlly ccccploc he own onlle ct o‘er!- monu. to: chich ll poyeo fixed rectal. “cording to the lceouou and number of roome occupied. The control building: enclcce lerge rot-undue end hallo. dlelluo: mince of rooms for temillr c, “bury. cchool- rooms, nurseries and other needed opul- menee. All the floors are tiled to touch: cleanlicrer. end he a preventive 0-) re. and perfect vemilmion in eeourcd lhrcugh ell. Ample crrongemente are made for fire. voter, hem. venellorlou. drclcege and eeweroge. each eyecem being perfect in itself. with in porniculur msu csslgaed to it lor only. A! proper dieuoncee. and our- roundrag the man building". are the co-uperoalve laundry and workshops. chapel and omce. Al Unexpected Plea-In loo as non thou bu Icon in l x‘otouo o 1on “Mull aromas“ m cog-nun holdup“ .03. Cl". "do. I lou- llon I: in Go . to run". about 100 who north“. 0! Punk. and um undo" cl loom hodanoiu one son shroud turn- out o! No way u: inopool this moot-ad homomhhiu one amino bomb-pin . No a? ho mull but on uhvon upon . “-OPICA’I'I VI IOUllIIIUIIO. Rouse-Ulonnln' luau. â€"-Tho Town Council 0! Edinburgh In: jun puld In upon Mu minn- Io cumin . dilnopuey'd thm “lump In I pant. mum Then in can sunk of oouolv-Ion in mun-In a girl with I anint. You nun nfldto an hot dnlrg you ”look hot mun In Ibo I»: when you M! explaining blow; n hlppena um you no Mo lnnqm . u D -Blook lac. mm m a. Ifn won noun! the than. - ‘ Then I. nothing like good “a: John. An undonnhr ha- lmlek on. m origin“ hue in unnounoicg MI tnnenlu in the follow“: term-z “ by live ml to miuu 0 when you a Do buried oom- foflubly {or $3 104. ?"-â€"From the Frank. The voloo of enrich loolhorl boo long been dcollnlng. unlll lho prloo cl rimo whit" bu look from 1:50 to £1 ‘per pound. Indeed.“ o «lo loot month M 0.” Town 1.620 pound: o! mitod [sullen only unlined o Iolol 0! £8,047. voluu hovlng lollon 15 per cent. from previous ‘ulu. This Ioriouo dopreollllon may ho ourlbuled to vulouo con-on. omen; which. roboblymlunod mortars. the dloooloa ol uhlon, gonorol dopronlon ond previously exoggormed prion ore the chief. The gold": droomo Indulge” in by the Cops lumen o dooada lines have boon rudely dispelled. ond they no now returning lo lholr om lo", wool-lormlos. which during the oolrloh on“ Ind boon oomowhn noglooted. o a short time. The verlone nnometel ee- eounte of the effects enneed by the Gatling were very much extggereted and distorted. ‘Atl Behehe whet reelly heppened wee this: The ertlllery. on e. rieing pieoe of ground, were enddenly expoeed to e tremendouely hot fire from en enemy ooneeeled in rifle pitein e oonlee below, and I had to retire them. nnd the Getling was advanced and opened fire into the oonlee. At first the rapid fire end novelty Mapped the enemy's fire. but only for e tew minntee. when it Ignin grew to hot ‘ thet the Getliog wee obliged to retire behind the ereet. with the late 0! 0 men wounded (who efterwerd died). I General Sir Fred Middleton. in his ‘ report to the Minister of Militia and Dclonco. puts a. new phone upon the battle 0! Batoche. In speaking of the use of Gstling gone. he anye: " With regard to the Gatling guns, at present two of them are with the two batteriee in the Northwest. and on their return I recommended thnt they and the other two. which are in store, should be handed over to the (our schoolt of icfsntry, as I think it in becoming 3 general opinion thet meohlno gnu should he handled and mod by infantry. In the late rieing the coins! efiect of the Get- linga wne moraLnnd th_et only lglted for _ -L_AA . Wuen John Hiward. the philanthropist. was dying of is r. he said to his friend Admiral Priestman: " My mode of life has rendered it impossible that! should get rid of this lever. It I had lived as you do, eating heartily of animal food. and drinking wine, I might. perhaps. by alter- ing my diet. be able to subdue it. But how can such a man as I am lower his diet. who has been accustomed for years to live upon vegetables and water. a little bread and a little tea? I have no method of lowering n / nourishment. and therefore I must die. . is such jolly fellows as you. Prieutman. who get over these fevers.” An English magazine asks: “ What do temperance people and vegetarians think of these words," and adds that they mean " that vegetarianism and total abstinence kept‘ him too weak to resist illness." As a matter of fact this may have been so, but Howard's words prove just the contrary. They prove only that he- was governed by the radical notions of his day; believed that a fever required depletion by meagre diet and blood-letting. whereas the modern notion is just the reverse. Fever patients need highly concentrated food and stimu- lants of all kinds. Hence it is that patients accustomed to plain living and the moderate use of alcohol or to total abstinence are more susceptible than others to the eflecte oi stimulants when they are required. It is your " highlivers" and “ old seekers" that are when ill not easily rescued by stimulants. For the stimulants have lost their cfleot.â€"-Detroit Free Press. m , __-_.--.- ‘v â€". -vâ€"-Iv nu Alb-UH“- Now comes the strange coincidence. Proi. Lyon waited to perleet hie errenge- ments icr copyrighting the greet picture. end meanwhile the ne etives. securely boxed. reposed on a shelf n his derh room. The box wee perhaps e third wider then the shell on which it erreeted. For many months it rested there in pertoet seiety. Suddenly the announcement that the grend old men wee ill and dying cast e ehedow of sorrow- ell over the South. Two young college girle visited the studio, and the artist told them oi what e good may he had on hie photograph which he had just errenged to public-h. He brought out the negettves and showed them to the young ladies. end then carried them back to the dark room and pieced them on the same eheli where they had reposed so long. Returning to his work-room he began retouching some pictures. when suddenly he heard a great crash. and; rushing into the dark room. there lay the beautiful negatives smashed into a thousand pieces. ‘ Hie grief was terrible, but an additional‘ pang was added to it when. in a few minutes, came the telegram ennouncing that Bieho Pierce wee deed. The nega- tives were rokenjnet as the spirit of the grand old Christian hero took its flight. It was a etrenge coincidence, to say the least. Then I! from I. Link-Me. Then there vu ihe Ihcetl ietnre. in which: theilewil {so ”ll" til fie re cinre. are it etc In 0 Aretpteon Into loot n “to wilfu- tplrilunl hamper. All there thine one well known. but the most coneplclcne nod remarhnhlc coincidence in recud to n pic- tnnc end lie originel wee told me to-dcy. 9:01 A. '1‘. Lyon ie e well-known nrtlet. etnndlng very high in the prdueion. end known In nil the principal citiee oi the 85500. When Biehop George F. Pierce celebrated hit golden wedding Prof. Lyon went to the scene of teativltiel well equip- ‘ptd with shoe large camera nnd cure lergc pletee to phomgreph lhe remerkchle eoene. 0.] the ground: he erected t. pevilmu. floored it with a carpet covered ‘ with Mesonio embleme. end 8) he sure of correctly timing it he fleet toohepiclnre of ihe court house, lor werdcd it to Atlente. and hedn friend to develop it end tele- reph the resale. The friend did to, and seapntched him than it woe nil right. Well eaiiefled with hie nrrengemente, he had the bishop. hia wife and the "My “3‘2: deeoendente. he idee numerone tricnde. Assembled in n a up. and the photogrepher obtained three fine largo negntlvee ol the wonderinlueomhly. The work wet well done. and the nrtici rongrntnlntcd himseli on the oneness of hie venture. He brought the negativs to hie studio in Meoon. Wuen J aha rcpt-h well known. It I 3 "huh “I. tank Con-um mm m old “ “News: ” won got out Oh. now: union won wont to witch than will: museum. the nay-cozy of tho thin. “Illa. to in punt“! unpunuuon. In, won tho Jun- 0! imam India. at“: flu Inh- jou w an}. sad I knew at one widow o! a omen»... wldlu who bsliovu an un- day um ymuu at no: husband wu In on“: of 1m down: In ham. sum the tu- |w_ny hilly o! Vuginig. Middleman on the Gatling Gum. Tho upon-mica man.“ wit hoIo phal- voll known. Ian I cum n m hum (momma. In In! an old no lint-allo- (Jo-luau In fluo- A [all In Rollie". Fen-r and Drink. “’ """"" . " Sm pals on ugreul muuy alt-4. do“ "“"n “the h” BET“â€" if“. b, the ab. roa 7'Illd Mildred whlle dlaouuln . . - v 8 npluslcn of n owl. of powder walla“ .u “quills-non. "Am 7, "PH“ A'ny. pnduolng mom lhsnnalvgholndonlnllor “Thscd°esu‘l brain to "pr". iv. Blu In! some "Ila; ouch. 1'an Itch - . . him! to In“. my action lmpnnlon $293!" cyclones (n 'h. '0' of “m' n n Ibo plm. which lnl Illn- com. 08 ‘ ‘ «21.: In thn'urmlo. ll would «um nm A“ 3"“5'“! ‘3 ”“9““ "M00 0' ha- 1 no not yet lunnlod will ya mm: .1; 3mm! '33; plzt; :0: no.“ byrzuoyoni la ‘ 'u-P’ ' " , l'Pli! cm a a] , O 0" a, In! at chilled no. a l Hal Guam which hr 3;” hurled Izmwlwtmnluln, n. lndlfldull no and u in book ”HMO MM 4'0 0m- Mb. oomlonm wnn'l Inch so ld at n In “‘8‘”! 59‘ Cl v "0"“ $1.955. loofml the: ull. lot be default! Ill! 4502! -Tl|o halal-bio youo. n will lion Dy uyl tho they ad. I am elolhod no loudly limo-u- yu on maul. and». no: in pal-la Iona-u. Thundmrlml wio «shift?» boon comfonm vngn'l_ «911.9 Q4 0. MM I--'__j 4-‘,, I- oxplusicn of N on. of powder VIM! pnduolng mom thsnnalvgholndonmlor In! some "flag ouch. 1'an Itch him! to In“. my notion lmpnnlon upon Ibo mm. which bu “In com. 08 victor In the 'urmlo. [I would «um um nonhonetlnnnud will ya ”2qu mix In! at chilled nut-Pall Na'l Guam“, . upculn I Gum-m chilled Ital umol pm .5" he: ulna lnohca in Oblolnou. 1033mm 100 Roxanna find union the hco of the um um! buttered with chilled uhd l‘rcm tho 100.:on gun. A thunderbolt weighing Limo" "no“: a ton was hurled upiz." the {no of the pl». by the oxpluglrn of 7} gm. of pom!» union my. mm. ml Ind of tho Tho mm victory in the long drum much bemoan the gun and the tenor slate he been "and to (no: of “not. At” push u .Gormgu opined gm! umor 10-A- .â€"- Mr. Ruefiin ie the very prrux chevalier needed for Englieh girlhwd, grizzled though his heerd mey now be. Bee he not eeld eom here. "I would mello my body e bridge r the peeeege of {girl thet ’wee pretty end good?" Hie ettitnde towerd hie young dieciplee et Whitelende myhe typified in e etory Mre.Bevern drew from her memory. “ When I wee very young." eeld In. Severn. “ I wee onoe welking through e gerden with Buelin. when I obeerved him to etoop low down end glenoe eideweye et the ehy. ,Wonderlng et thie movemmt of M- i heard him eey. '1» put your heed down here end on will see whetIeee.’ And eo.I bent own elso, end new win. he hed die. coveredâ€"the wondrone lovelineze of e eree'e bode egeinet the ehy." his thie making for eweetncee end light the: bee given Mr. Ruskin the secret of power over humen ueiore more th in any of hue eriiieel theoriesâ€"London Standard. An Arnol- Plum “0:85;; To no in Oenede, where toruedcee end even violent eterme of eny description ere pieotieelly unknown. it none appear odd that for months every year the dwe‘lere on the Western preiriee o! the United Stetee ehonld heve ro livein ea greet peril 0! their : livee end properties eel! they inhebited the barbarous wilde o! Asie. where look-onto heve to he eetehliehed to tell of the epproeeh o! merendere in order thet the field workers may flee to their welled cities. Unfortunately e well around it Western city. however strong, in no protection against the sweep of the doeth-deeling tornedo, neither in it likely ‘ thet 1 7y device will he invented to new it ‘_eettler'e house or orope. however emoeolone the general edoption of the look out end tornedo eeller might pIOV‘ Beeldee the lookout would he only edvento'geone in the eeee o! populone pleeee. far it would be out of the question for the evcrege lermer in engege is hired men to etend on e height end weteh for the epproeeh ol the levelling etorm. The preiriee ol the Weetern States. under ell the eiream- eteneee. eppeer to be e good region for Oenediene to keep ewey from. i F3! {ICE 5 I F:§!IF§ If? eeue etlen end peeeed thre e doses nelntheecureecl ll all? Another cerellel stern: wee no et Wetmere. . end Stelle. Nebreehe. end wee trseed lor shout thlr miles. Another one between 5 end 8 o'doeb in the even- cg. There wen e unilorrn progression lrom west to eat. the most eastern tornedcee ensuring tour or five hours leter then the western. The importence ol the deductions mode by the Signel Service omciels liee in the lest thet they ere inclined to build theories Iomewhet diderent from those which here generelly been accepted with regerd to tornsdces. Prof. Ferrel. the prin- elpel euthorlty on these violent outbursts .r vspcr. the etmosphere et any piece he eeve thet ssh-9': an seasons of 3mm ' host. or e greeter emouut oi equeoue . ecmes more rare then the surrounding iguel Oflice tehes objection to this theory on the ground thet it demends n more complete mixing 0! warm end cool elr then ever tehes piece in netureâ€"thet there is no such sudden uprueh cl sir due to e possible hosting 0! the sun. While the eerth's sur- tece msy become very hot. yet this intense heat never extends more then as few feet verticslly. Balloon escents demonstrete this. The sun heels e greet suriece over the eerth end it Ferrel‘s theory was cor- rect there would neturslly be cloud forms- tion end storms over a lsrge region ; whereas storms seem to develop along csrtein lines from southwest to north- anal end are not generally over my lerge region. Storms are not stetionary, but heve a. well-defined course exectly us it propelled by some force as e pert o the cones of the storm rather then by successive u settings of cquilihrium from piece to p etc. Another test is that istorms generally arise about hell-pest 8 o'clock in the elterncon. just a little sites the hottest port of the di j. and work east- ward when it becomes cao'cr. I! there was to be any uphenvsl of equilibrium owing to the sun's heat it would sgm thet it ought to take place under the sun, end not seven or eight hours alter the sun had passed. Furthermore Prflteseor Ferrel's theory requires it rsrelection of air im~ medietely in (rout of the advancing storm. while the observation of the signel~ cflloo shows that there is no such rsroi‘ec- lion, but, on the contrary. a dense pressure preceding the storm. The belief of the Signal Bervrce is that a tornado is the extreme development c! e thunder storm. accompanied by intense electrical meni- !cststions and e. eudd . s ' 3 end of wind blowing suddenly and power- It is believed that these tornadoes rte the result 0! peculiar electrzosl conditions in the upper air. The Signal Bureau hes from time to time recommended that there would be a great eeving of life it people would take reasonable precautions. A town with a lorest immediately south and west of it has pretty fair protection from destruction. All towns during the tornado season ere urged to establish a look-out at the distance of e mile to the southwest and give warning on the church bells. ortion. it extends end the surrounding ll Eeevier atmosphere blows in below to supply its pleee. while e counter current is ' prooucsd JVB- As the lower strete of etmcspher genere'ly contains eocertein untity of aqueous vspor, which is con- ' gensed otter rising to at certain height ' end forms clouds end rein. the celoric 7 given out in the condensation produces e ' still greater rerelection end doubtless ' edds very much to the disturb- 7 cues of equilibrium. end to the motive l ower of storms. The United Stetee l l l I l l l Tornado callers are a device open to 5°" everybody, and e greet mnnylives hsve been saved by them. "sauna. A GIIup-e of Ila-Mn. nu inohua in thlolnou. ”no Izod awn-t tho imcud with ohilzed on gun. A tbnndorbolt :uuar elecmoal conditions . The Signal Bataan has time recommended that ‘ a gun {wing of life it nu: com" mm ilxl - °‘ no ““1. °°°" ““58 I dutrond on: .900. km" “1 N" Yuk Ly. ANh-Imflnthm “W“- ‘I‘ h- hd mm H 3.3.03. w". county, tho boqtumcnt o! the ooadlt m u. .5. um. general than Annual. About .1; ‘ mud through . dcun ntm'u mother and 0! di; In. of 110 mu“. Another “mm, 9!!“qu 113' hub. was not“ so Wumoro. 5"" ailing "f“! “"0“ 5nd mll- u-L___- .h- a“--- , '. I'll-II oun- III-01‘. III-l I’lrrte O! hundreds of druggina but hen witness m Ibo (Many o! Palnon'l vamx: .0 the moat pom)! pun remedy in the vorld for all kinds of pun. Norvilmo is oompdud of newly dlfiOOVII’Id ingredients. 3nd in equuly good for intern!“ ennui an. Patch!- 5 ton can: sun In bank, 3nd mm“ on». T. R I with. Promo... wring: " My «manners who have need Nonllino up"! bighiy of u. had I um aligned to mutate s leading place In the main botorolonn." Try Polaon'l Rom lino (cl WEI. Sold by drum-'- and ”Entry dnlus everywhen. uvw-l Abundance of Ileep ll necessary for children. Up to 4 you. 01-30 the smallest lmounl of shop should lo "vol" hours out of the twenty-four; from 4 to 7 yarn. oloven hours; Iron: 7 to 10 yam. m: 3nd a-lmll launn ; from w lo 16 you". no honn; from 15 to 20, nine houu. Men enact live on a purely vegetehle diet without injury. TO' obstein entirely from meet in for the menu of people ee great a mnetoke on it would he to abeteln alto- gether from vegetables In some forms at dleeeee abstinence from e patient“ kind 0! food. whether vegeteble or enimel. mey be naeceeery, hut in heelth end to preserve heolth. a mixed diet hut. Vegeteriene them-elven eonleu t e lelleoy at their theory by using milk. egge end butterâ€" eeeh of which teemmel food. According to recon! investignionc in Paris and London there is a close reunion- chip between diphtheria and manure heaps. Epidemics c! the disuse hnve been «5200th noted in the vicinity o! Inge stables. where manure in hope in large quentime, and the principal enfl‘eren haVe been those whose luring room: were .m- nted over the cables. Tha moat active agentin the transmis- sion 0! oonunmpiion is the mute: which is oaughed up; and one should be taken that thin in no! thrown on the ground, or on linen. where is may be dried and tuna- formed into dust. Pstienu should spit into utensils oonhining nwduu. which than“ be emptio‘d sud washed evuy duy ang theigoonunu burnod. y strangest canoe that he ever saw. Georgia’s ‘ grudi‘atherOntter was not especially enfler- ing from throat trcubie. but with trouble of the ears. although hie throat was badly inflamed with bronchial sfiection. It was for the ear ttouhle that he had visited hie son, who it a specialist in eye and ear diseases. It is presumed that when he kissed little Eiele he communicated the disease to her, and that she. in turn. com- municated it to her little brother." i Dr. 'Bartlett will communicate the full particulars of the case to the medical fraternity at large in a; future communica- tion to the regents. Dr. Bartlets cohld no: he seeing-Jitarduy. but a reportersawafibgd a ounveufiiuu mp). 242:. John 1). Prince. who said‘. ' 7.. -_ __-_â€".’- The genornl impression prevails that little Essie was impregnated with the poison through kissing her grandpnnnd rim she afterwards. evan before she hnd shown symptoms at such impregnation, bad communicated the discus to her little brother through kissing him. name two were constant pinyfellowa and were seldom on: c! eaoh'quher‘a company. T\.. n.â€"t 7 - 'wâ€"u ~â€"â€"."UOI ’Mmd and hissed her. It is not known ,-_._ .w tuomflllounhm oi the, little ou:'a . ed. to wall known in New Yer philanthro lo and hat the betterment of the eouditioo ol State rlaeu inmatea. About tin weeka at Dr. utter't mother died el diphtheria. and thortly otterward her huahand. who had been ailing with throat and ear trouble» the to poaed rtenlt ot blood-poaching. visited too. the dealer. at hie Bedlord avenue raaidenee. lor the purpoae oi ohtaie~ in; hit adviea. It. Gutter wee more dead than alive when he reaohed hie eon't home. and had to be aided upetairs. Dr. Cutter. Dr.Latham aud eevertl other epeeiallata who had been called in saw that there was no hope lor the old gentlemen. and deter- mined that he wee a victim 0! blood- wieoning. He dien shortly afterward. hen he entered the house his two little grandchildren. Eerie. rged 4 years, and Georgie, hgod 1 your end 11 month. ran to meet him. and he took the former in his whether or not he kissed Georgie. but it ll thought that ho did not. On the day (allowing Eerie was taken mth the diph- theria, and iron this time up to the pre- eent hae lingered between lilo and death. Fearlul oi reeulta thould the dieeaee be communicated to Georgia. the parents obtained the eertioee ot a trained nurse. and tent tho little one to ite mother‘e parente’ home in Fiathuah. This was on Sunday two weeks ego. The little fellow wae II lively at a orioket from that time up to Tueaday of last week. A email eore began to work its way through th ' the right tide of the neck. At ll! eoaroely visible. Lnt it grew r ‘ caused the little (allow more A ame'l plr 1ter wae placed eve I: order to prevent his eoratohing it. It finally he- oame to painful that he tore the planter away and made a alight ineieion in it with his nails. As he grew vieihly worse minute by minute Dr. Homer L. Barrett, who ions near neighbor of Mr. Prince. wee summoned and at onee dia- gooeed the ease and announoed that the little one had diphtheria ol the moat malignant term. On Wednesday the child grew steadily worse. Dr. Ingraham. a prominent epeoielist, was called in oonenl- tetion. Dr. Cutter was also summoned. and the three remained at the bedside. ol thalittle sufferer until Thuroday morning, ., when_Georgie died. The little one wee hur- iednin Greenwood on Friday. l â€"â€"._.â€"AA__ In. on. I nmuhblo 6L3."5r'sâ€"n'3t;;; Culver. who appen- to bun bun tho prinuy. though. 0; com-go. innocent. «use A. LL- IXAAI, l‘ho douh 0! mm Goon“ cum. tho Intro” child ol Dz. ootgo 3. 0mm. u! Ballad “can on To 10: mm. Brooklyn. at tho road-no o manna- tothorJhJohn D. Pzinoo. in Flame“. Imagination. Ion tho Now Yon World. to much opooulmon on the put 0! union! ph “door, And tho no! om. o! :1th nine doom ho tho than. 0! modlool debgtu for yoazato coma. The any a ozmpiomt ad Iuddonnou ot gloom In I . l .- nenlth lllm- by n M.” The Toni-OI] DIA'I'. u: g u... you: of use the urn-Hen mid to twelve hours on.) u- ; from 4 to 7 yous, n 7 ‘3 10 you". In wt! w to 16 yous, ten honn; hours. 1 I SUN [AK annuals -- -..-..- -- I "In. wmh 00 (nun. ‘ scram!!!” Ryan mun gyrflgdu‘mt; a I m a. g. “3.5!?“ FREE I'll-Ila. I [cunt Hrs , {IVA I V‘l'ltfl’ln nmnwpc. It"; l'r'n (at. I!" . t ~ I nun/)1»: y 11- Humv-vmnagwiu rs 1v. ‘ 112”” . r-‘I THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 7”--." _..-.v-.-uw '5 out! I'll!“ mm of Dorian and lower Oenlnl America in the tree killal (mainpnlo). Thlo limo ‘ln life as n climber upon the Omaha 0! lugs forest trees. and owing to m monol- lonely rapid growth, noon ranch" tho lower bunches. It then begin to throw out many shoots. which onlwine them-elven nll around the trunk nnd branch". nnd nlno norm londrilo. which, u soon so they touch the ground. take root. In a low you" lhia gigantic pnnsilo will oomplouly onvolop the trunk o! the in. which has uphold it. and kill". The whole of the inner and tree will then to. nwny, Inning the hollow moi-polo clouding nlono 5nd flourishing. This " "on killer " [I 5 New Too mu known towns; memento -Dr. Bno'n on: Hong Kong Id'iEQliâ€"lhte thn almost entirely destroyed Akin. hp the curly:put of Mn. The fire bum two days. and over 3,000 homes were named. The loan il not shied. " The that thing we do, let'e hill eff the lewyeu." Thin in tether e blood-thirsty proposition, which we modify by offering to euro this worthy clue: of people. Most of them suffer (in (ammon with neerly all others :of eedentery hebite), from the in‘ jurione efi'eote of dyspepsia, indigeetion. piles. foes of eppetife. end eilmente eeneed by eoonetipeted hebit of the body. Dr. Pieroe’e " Pie-sent Pargative Pellets ” eredioete all these dieordere in promptly removing the «use thereof, end induce a nre degree bf comfort end health. There in on: public gun for every 300 people in Japan. ' -â€" â€" vu-uuuu Iuwzu] for this terrible discuss it taken in time. All aarolulona diuuenâ€"oonaumpfion is n notomloua affection of the lungsâ€"om ho cured by it. In aflcotn in diunu ot the throat and lungs no mm Ion shun min- onlous. All druggilu have it. for Consumption. the stones! cum of the age. thu destroyer of thousands or our brighten and but,“ oonqueud._ I”; no longer incurable. Dr. Paeroa'a “ Gfidou Median] Diecovuy ” is a certain remedy fn- n... “nun- z: ..... ,..,. . n. One of the log”! 96:59)» of the Inh- n. A, h-_."u I “Did'yonrhihorlny down his m. 01 ‘ m- field 7" “ No." “ Loss 3 brother ihcrc ?” II N0.” " But you ion 3 relation of some sort 2' ' " Notâ€"not Oh“ I know of.” “ Then it must be than bloody leaned which overcome you. poor child." “ Nâ€"no, air. 1 come in here on the money which dud gnvc me to buy main-m without!“ bu joct struck um um the whole Union Army onn't stop him from givin' me a icwinl whelin' when I git home. I reckon that taller over then on n “rancher u meâ€"utu and git: through; bringing up hil rcurvcc i" Why “0 WC... Among the crowd pruenh he the peno remie beetle 0! Gem-burg the other oval . lug wee 3 boy shout 15 yeeee o! ege. He hed been seeing eround him to: ebone aheen minueee when he begun to weep. The teen wee noticed. end dineely e gentle- men eeid: “Ah! poor led! Thie peintlug revivea some episode 0! grie! in hie life. My boy. why do you weep 1‘" “Oeâ€"-oaâ€"eense.eirl" was the brolnu reply us his team tell teeter. “ Does :he tighl o! Obie heme move in.“ 0" you???" , -7 ~__ _.â€" u on |Ilul UKUVI to tho Episcopal tutor, n Cold 8 ring Hotbox. Thou tho an.E. Fol-om m: undo tho two young hun- nun. Tho 03d toll lined and bland thou). Tho pony drown book to tho humble Unduhfll home When young Mn. Undorhul'l youngur Imu- rend tun no“ in which sh. bnda unuounood he: manage Ihn hinted on the wot. So did young Mn. Undorhill'a oltoninhod mother. The reoonouinuon Ir I not taken place you. bus tho young oomle uud gontipl are hoppy. It!- not o oooohnon thto tlno. hot o ‘o dttvot. Ell out it W Undo:- . Bu toil yoon old. ho gong. ttzoo vorieo tho monotony on ohy dim. oluno at too “do. Tho My 13 tho oooo loltu 01m luau. Bho to 7 ood hot mothot to tho ow at o mime oioo. with ohouto on rm ovouno. Tho oooo o! tho romance lo Oyster Bay, TA 1 . u d the: 5; )3 tot] down thozo hovo rot hod tnoh o tm ‘o to: gouty tinoo tho Run mudon. Tho oooplo not In Willinm'o otogo. Thou thoy tow otoh othoz in tho Epiooopol Ohnuh, who" hio non! horltono twolud the volumo of tho I ond undo tho hoort- union o! tho villogo hallo: flhroto. A'wr thot thoy hold try-ts on whoro ood owry- who". The gouipo to! od. mu looon'u motho: not“! in hflootnl iguonnoo. U: Wodnoodoy Undorhtu took hto pmnto for o drive. 0:: tho ontohizto o! Oyotor Boy they picked up M_iu Manon. All (on: drovo on ok- L‘sâ€"“w I". ItAOI DIIVII‘I IOIAIOI ’ryen I" Saving the lawyers. mled htbit of the body. D; Plenum Purgative Palms” ll than disorders in. prqmpfly h. n-"-- AL----‘ A, awn to and lengthy Adver- . Btgo'l Oatnrh Remldy. Victory II LI". New" pan". wmu no ad Akin. Japan, In The tire burned tor ' k W M 0560;- u' :1 ram' ' 0 O .011“, In ,tho cu: 31:. In 7 .ll bu ImiIUo tin. with u Tho an. o! the T. ' ‘. j ‘1 - that A fire

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